Special Interest

GENERAL SOUND DISCUSSION => GENERAL SOUND DISCUSSION => Topic started by: accidental on August 02, 2016, 06:52:23 PM

Title: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: accidental on August 02, 2016, 06:52:23 PM
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 03:59:36 AM
Usually listen with speakers rather than headphones anyway. I keep the volume down to a respectable level. I don't want to be the cunt that bothers other people with unwanted noise. It's bad enough there are fuckwits who insist on foisting their appalling taste in music on everyone else in earshot, whether it's neighbours turning up their miserable doof or brainless kids on public transport turning up their miserable - I don't know what you call it now, hip-hop? R&B? Urban? That kind of shite, anyway.

What I listen to is personal, so there's no need to share it with anyone, least of all the people I have to live next to. So far I haven't had any complaints but that doesn't mean neighbours don't hear anything or aren't annoyed by it. I really should inquire, out of politeness.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: a_2_g_2 on August 03, 2016, 06:31:19 AM
Live far away from other people
problem solved.

But seriously, I have some QSC speakers that I like to play really loud music from occasionally, nobody really cares unless its really late at night.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: tiny_tove on August 03, 2016, 10:48:50 AM
I live in a small condominium. The only person I could annoy lives in the upper floor, but is never there.
Said this I don't listen at top volume due to tinnitus, so I am noticeable only when you pass next to my door.
My listening times are usually between 6 pm and 8 pm, then I start watching movies.

I use headphones only for recording.

Different systems in the house.
- Main stereo system with cd, tapedeck, vinyil, subwoofer.
- Recording station with its own amps.
- bedroom system (tape, cd, files)
plus a small system connected with my laptop.

I am surrounded.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Ashmonger on August 03, 2016, 12:53:11 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 03:59:36 AMWhat I listen to is personal, so there's no need to share it with anyone, least of all the people I have to live next to. So far I haven't had any complaints but that doesn't mean neighbours don't hear anything or aren't annoyed by it. I really should inquire, out of politeness.
I don't know whether that's a good idea, you risk making people pay attention to it and becoming annoyed afterwards.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: acsenger on August 03, 2016, 01:36:45 PM
I moved to a new apartment recently and the walls are thinner than what I had been used to, so I was worried at the beginning that I might annoy the neighbours. However, so far there have been no complaints. I listen to music at what I consider reasonable volume (and always on speakers) and I wouldn't listen at louder volumes even if I had no neighbours because I prefer the current volume (which is lucky cause otherwise I'd surely be disturbing the neighbours and damaging my hearing).

I actually haven't met my neighbours yet, so maybe when I do, they'll ask what the hell those sounds are that they must inevitably hear when they pass by my entrance door. However, if it disturbed them, I imagine they'd be knocking on my door.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 03, 2016, 04:21:04 PM
I think a certain amount of noise is standard for apartment living, music or otherwise? I guess it depends on the neighborhood, your neighbors and how strictly the landlord enforces noise complaints. When I was in college I lived in a decent apartment building with pretty thick walls so I was able to blast music of all types, at all hours. I think eventually new tenants moved in in a nearby apartment and they liked that less so I started getting a lot of noise complaints rapidly. Especially once I started drunkenly recording horrible mic feedback sessions at 2am.

Currently I live in a different building and I only have neighbors below me who have never said anything, although I'm generally a bit more reasonable with volume and hours. I find that it is very hard to judge what they might be able to hear from my apartment at what hours. I have two 4'6" Technics speakers for my primary system so they can be very very loud but they're not overly bass heavy so I guess it helps? Also, my neighbors are Turkish immigrants so I don't know if they're afraid to approach/report me if I am too loud but then I hear their kids screaming till 2am sometimes so I guess it all evens out...

I have found that generally listening to music at lower volumes than I did 5 years ago has actually helped me to hear it better, and as a result I don't need to blast stuff to get my full enjoyment out of it.

Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 04:45:54 PM
Quote from: Ashmonger on August 03, 2016, 12:53:11 PMI don't know whether that's a good idea, you risk making people pay attention to it and becoming annoyed afterwards.

Not a bad point but I still feel I should at least make an effort. Because -

Quote from: accidental on August 03, 2016, 07:47:13 AM...the problem is many will not tell you it's annoying them even though it might be to some extent.

- which is very true. The only neighbours I'm concerned about at this stage are the ones who have a little child. The fuckhead who keeps standing outside his front door hawking up phlegm audibly enough to make me want to record him every time he does it and give him a cdr of his own disgusting noise, I couldn't give a fuck about. But I don't want to fuck over a young family.

I know what it's like to live next door to selfish cunts who just play their stupid music loud even though I've asked politely more than once to please turn it down. In fact, it was that factor that made me move to the place I live in now, which is for the most part nice and quiet. I have no intention of joining such ranks. I might be a misanthrope but I'm not a cunt.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: aububs on August 03, 2016, 10:24:44 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 04:45:54 PMI might be a misanthrope but I'm not a cunt.

words to live by.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: tiny_tove on August 03, 2016, 10:41:55 PM
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Zodiac on August 04, 2016, 05:06:07 PM
Quote from: a_2_g_2 on August 03, 2016, 06:31:19 AM
Live far away from other people
problem solved.

Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 05, 2016, 12:33:05 AM
I've thought about this myself too actually....I live in a small one bedroom apartment that I've had for six years with the same neighbors and I have insomnia and typically work 50-60+ hour weeks so when I get home it's usually pretty late, and then I'm up all night. My building is from the 60's or 70's and has pretty thick walls, I have pretty small/shitty speakers and I don't ever listen to music TOO loud but sometimes I wonder why no one has knocked on my door or complained when I'm somewhat loudly playing SPK at 3am on a Tuesday night, especially because I at times smoke a LOT of weed with no windows open or anything and no one ever says anything, as I'm told by my peers I'm not the most approachable person due to my appearance maybe they figure I'd just tell them to fuck off (which I wouldn't, anyone who is mature enough to knock on my door and ask me like an adult to turn my fucking racket down to my face instead of calling the cops instantly has my respect and cooperation)....especially because I live across the hall from a Pentecostal Church pastor and below me is a diagnosed schizophrenic who is extremely reclusive (no idea about the people above me and no one is next door to me as I live on the corner and right next to the elevator shaft) but both neighbors are actually very friendly to me, despite in the not so distant past having undoubtedly heard me lose my temper several times, various sexual noises, the racket of my insane ex-girlfriend etc. I've told the husband several times if anything is ever too loud or anything (smoke) is too bothersome just to knock on my door and let me know ANY time. He always tells me it hasn't been a problem yet. I literally don't want to move largely because of this situation that I actually really appreciate.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: holy ghost on August 05, 2016, 12:33:48 AM
I'm in a semi detached. My one neighbor is into "electro-industrial" although I'm not really sure what that actually means - I asked if it was like witch house but I don't think that was the case..... anyway, he swears he's never heard any music coming from my place although I've been known to sit and drink beers and crank tunes all night.

My other neighbor has these kids that sit outside and smoke weed all the time with these douche losers and I have overheard them complaining about weird shit coming from my window as my living room is very close to their back porch. Not even about the noise, more about the content. Not concerned at all too be honest, if their mom said she was bothered I'd take it very seriously as she's a great neighbor but quite frankly I don't give a shit about her kids.....
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: cantle on August 05, 2016, 10:36:18 PM
I'm lucky even though I live in a terracre it is old and has very thick walls.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 11, 2016, 10:38:39 PM
The key apparently is to find an old building as they typically have thick walls and be up front and/or polite with your neighbors. Like accidental mentioned, it never hurts to just walk out into your hall or if you know your neighbors even, turn up your music and then go see how far it travels. Or just listen on high quality head phones and shut the world out. I'm an asshole, but at least I'm a courteous and somewhat polite asshole.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Human Larvae on August 11, 2016, 11:08:57 PM
I luckily have never had any complaints from neighbours, no matter how long or loud I play noise or record. That being said, I do kinda watch that it doesn't get toooo loud. But I can blast noise in the middle of the night and nobody ever rang or called the police. Walls are thin mind you
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Ernpe on August 12, 2016, 10:48:14 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 03:59:36 AM
Usually listen with speakers rather than headphones anyway. I keep the volume down to a respectable level. I don't want to be the cunt that bothers other people with unwanted noise. It's bad enough there are fuckwits who insist on foisting their appalling taste in music on everyone else in earshot, whether it's neighbours turning up their miserable doof or brainless kids on public transport turning up their miserable - I don't know what you call it now, hip-hop? R&B? Urban? That kind of shite, anyway.

I like sound of speakers more, the room sound instead of something being thrown straight into my ears. Yet I don't need to hear everything extra loud. I live on loud street and believe that during daytime and summertime, a window kept open gives more noise to my neighbours than noise I listen to. At least I myself have often close windows while listening music due unwanted street sounds, eh. Evening time, I tend to listen music that works well even on low level or use headphones - hardly ever feel like buzzing Incapacitants 11 pm though.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 12, 2016, 06:01:46 PM
speakers rule over headphones.
speakers  send to the whole room/body/locality.
I love it when my sofa vibrates with sound.
yes I am the cunt next door. likely some of my neighbours don't like, but equally as adults, don't tell me, so fuck them.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Zeno Marx on August 12, 2016, 08:13:42 PM
I've never cared for headphone listening.  I'll do it, but it is a last resort or for a special need.  I'd rather drop the volume than sport a pair of cans.  Surveying the situation, asking neighbors or whonot when they're home, etc has always served me well.  Communication and courtesy...basic tools.  They work.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Bleak Existence on August 13, 2016, 02:16:41 AM
used to live in a house so it was alway at full volume my ex jcm 900 and my crate kx 160 whatever it was for making music or noise then moved there come the problem i was not adapted at those condition so i keep doing the same shit with my synth amp when i was doing noise or when i was listening to music result police came couple of time verbal fight and near physical with the other who lived in the same 4 apt block 2 different people moved because of me who lived over me so then i sold my big amp i use now medium speaker when i make or listen to noise and i try to not put the volume loud at my new place but there will alway be someone who piss you off or you piss them off because of noise i know what i talk about apt live is total shit only way to live is in a house in the fucking country period
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: burdizzo on August 13, 2016, 12:58:59 PM
Well, that's what I do. Thank God!
Mind you, the missus isn't too partial to the old p.e., but that's another story!
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Fluid Fetish on August 14, 2016, 12:36:38 AM
Quote from: Bleak Existence on August 13, 2016, 02:16:41 AM
used to live in a house so it was alway at full volume my ex jcm 900 and my crate kx 160 whatever it was for making music or noise then moved there come the problem i was not adapted at those condition so i keep doing the same shit with my synth amp when i was doing noise or when i was listening to music result police came couple of time verbal fight and near physical with the other who lived in the same 4 apt block 2 different people moved because of me who lived over me so then i sold my big amp i use now medium speaker when i make or listen to noise and i try to not put the volume loud at my new place but there will alway be someone who piss you off or you piss them off because of noise i know what i talk about apt live is total shit only way to live is in a house in the fucking country period

Where do you live? I'm asking because I can't believe a landlord would let a tenant stay who caused OTHER tenants to leave with their noise. Usually the offender gets evicted....having said that, if I was your neighbor, I'd probably knock on your door to see if I could come listen to you record haha..

Where I live currently, if you get 3 'disturbing the peace' tickets, the city can actually seize your property (if you're a homeowner) and will evict you, if you're a renter you will be evicted. If you have even one fucking eviction on your record, NO ONE will rent to you or will allow to you sign a lease for the most part (rare exceptions of course) meaning if you ever want to rent an apartment or anything else for that matter ever again, you are fucked.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Bleak Existence on August 16, 2016, 05:24:46 PM
i now live in trois-rivieres,qc canada i move in another apt sooner or later same city i think...
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: Marko-V on August 17, 2016, 08:54:18 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 04:45:54 PM
I might be a misanthrope but I'm not a cunt.
That would make a great t-shirt slogan.
Title: Re: Listening to noise through speakers at home
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 06:56:53 PM
Quote from: Marko-V on August 17, 2016, 08:54:18 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on August 03, 2016, 04:45:54 PM
I might be a misanthrope but I'm not a cunt.
That would make a great t-shirt slogan.
print it up then.
as said before, I am that count.
abuse your neighbours, come to an arrangement with your neighbours,  but don't kow tow to them.