Special Interest

ANNOUNCEMENTS : new releases : live gigs : classifieds => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: dfylr on June 09, 2011, 12:17:46 AM

Title: DEFILER V.III - Re-stocks - Distro list UPDATED.
Post by: dfylr on June 09, 2011, 12:17:46 AM
Those of you interested in purchasing copies of V.III,I have sent the last remaining copies off to the following distros yesterday morning and should be available within the next couple weeks or so.

Malignant Records - (U.S) - http://www.malignantrecords.com/

Autumn Winds Productions - (U.S) - http://autumnwindproductions.bigcartel.com/

Overseas orders can be sent to :

- Fall of Nature Records - (AUS) - http://fallofnature.bigcartel.com/
( limited copies IN STOCK )

- Devotional Hymns Records - (The Netherlands) - http://www.devotionalhymns.com/
(limited copies IN STOCK )

Sound samples available at : http://soundcloud.com/defiler-3

*Unfortunatly I no longer have any available copies left for trade and I doubt the album will be re-released at a later date.