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GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => Topic started by: online prowler on May 02, 2013, 01:55:23 PM

Title: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on May 02, 2013, 01:55:23 PM
Thread for radicalisation in all its forms and shapes seen in society. In harsh times the political and spiritual move to the outer limits of the scale. I hope this thread and the posts to come will shed a light on the actors in the field, strategies, ideologies and what you see fit.

http://Islam.net/ (http://Islam.net/) This fundametal islam organization - Islam Net led by Fahad Quershi - just got banned form the university in Oslo/Norway due to unwanted attitudes and activity. Not stated, though probably feared from the universities board was that islam Net would use the university as a place to recruit people to radicalism. More here: http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/ostlandssendingen/1.11009219 (http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/distrikt/ostlandssendingen/1.11009219)

The other spectrum:

Norwegian islam critic site edited by Hans Rustad.
http://www.document.no/ (http://www.document.no/)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Levas on May 02, 2013, 02:20:34 PM
Gender loops project. the project was done in kindergardens (at least what I know about things here, in Lithuania) without knowledge of the children parents. The follow up of this failed project was continued under the different name in the same conditions.

http://www.genderloops.eu/ (http://www.genderloops.eu/)

http://www.turtlebayandbeyond.org/2012/homosexuality/nordic-countries-defund-gender-ideology/ (http://www.turtlebayandbeyond.org/2012/homosexuality/nordic-countries-defund-gender-ideology/)

Two books in Danish

Rikke becoming Rasmus
http://miliki.dk/fileadmin/ligestilling/PDF/boernehaver/Rikke_web.pdf (http://miliki.dk/fileadmin/ligestilling/PDF/boernehaver/Rikke_web.pdf)

Frederik becoming Frida
http://miliki.dk/fileadmin/ligestilling/PDF/boernehaver/Frederik_web.pdf (http://miliki.dk/fileadmin/ligestilling/PDF/boernehaver/Frederik_web.pdf)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 02, 2013, 02:21:08 PM
QuoteVerily the age of political reason

has long bygone . . .

Do teach us madness . . .

Very nice.
Title: machete
Post by: online prowler on May 23, 2013, 02:49:19 AM
UK slaying/terror attack

Man, probalby killer talks to passerby w camera after slaying British solider in the street. Moments later he and his accomplice is shot an wounded by the police. This could easily go in the radicalization thread as well.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldaol0Aob_4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldaol0Aob_4)


Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 23, 2013, 06:46:13 PM
I moved the message above as it had nothing to do with "political correctness"...

Unrelated to case above, but related perhaps to radicalization in society... News of Stockholm at the moment? heh... Not sure how much it touches usual Stockholm living guy, but seeing headlines like "Stockholm against Cops", it was quite amusing.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: kettu on May 23, 2013, 07:29:59 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 23, 2013, 06:46:13 PM
I moved the message above as it had nothing to do with "political correctness"...

News of Stockholm at the moment? heh...

Only guy arrested at the moment is a finnish guy haha.
My homeland pride spiked a good 10% at least. I hope he had a knife with him to really make the stereotype into reality.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: post-morten on May 24, 2013, 01:32:16 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 23, 2013, 06:46:13 PM
Unrelated to case above, but related perhaps to radicalization in society... News of Stockholm at the moment? heh... Not sure how much it touches usual Stockholm living guy, but seeing headlines like "Stockholm against Cops", it was quite amusing.

Well, the riots have mainly happened in the segregated "ghettos" in the very farthest outskirts of Stockholm, inhabitated mainly by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. But it's slowly creeping closer to the city. Last night there were a lot of tension in the suburb of Hagsätra, which is close to where I live (and even closer for Tommy C...) so at least I could hear the sirens of the cop cars.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2013, 01:48:32 AM
I remember when I was in Paris France, I asked about ghetto areas of the city thinking it'd be the inner city like in the US but was told the 'ghetto'  were the outskirts  of the city (& they fight monkeys! I don't remember who 'they' are who fought monkeys...). Oddly enough, I don't remember anyone who fit the French stereotype while I was there other than the non-French people who my guide seem to get into arguments with everywhere we went!

"In the troubled neighborhoods, allegations are said to be flying around about police brutality, racism and harassment. Sweden is once again facing a debate over whether immigrants and their families — once welcomed with open arms — are being marginalized, and whether multiculturalism is working.

Immigration is a controversial issue in Scandinavia these days: Resentment over asylum seekers, competition for jobs, and Islamist militancy have helped fuel a surge in support for anti-immigration parties in the region. These include the far-right Sweden Democrats, now running third in opinion polls."

What is a far-right Democrat?
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 24, 2013, 08:05:46 AM
Sweden Democrats is the name of party. Very popular, but appears to be kind of shut out of normal politics? Perhaps not in same way as Golden Dawn in Greece, though?

"Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives". If citizen happen to question what exactly it is that makes one swedish or qualify as citizen, I guess most rate those people to far right...?
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: ironfistofthesun on May 24, 2013, 01:08:10 PM
Re/ the events in London...
I can only speak for myself, but i see this as a "game changer" in the UK. The EDL got something like 20,000 facebook likes within a few hours.
A division of a already fucked situation just got 100 times worse.

I have no intellectual insight  to offer on the matter. All i know I'm worried raising my child in Birmingham, already this year we had a foiled beheading plot 1 mile from my house, also foiled bomb gang 2 miles from me..

At this point i cant see a way out of this.

Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 24, 2013, 01:30:55 PM
Maybe it's because there is a high ex forces presence in my profession but based on reactions from colleagues yesterday this one struck a chord more than anything I've seen or heard of previously.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on May 24, 2013, 05:25:37 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 24, 2013, 01:28:04 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on May 22, 2013, 11:04:21 PM
As terrorists go, these guys chose a much more appropriate target than the Boston bombers.

25 year old lad, unarmed and minding his own business to or from work. Are you absolutely sure about that?

Ruthless, horrific and effective in hitting the news for an appropriate target, with a minimum of collateral casualties. Funeral for a squaddie killed in Afghanistan near me yesterday had a police cordon. They may not have got the numbers of Breivik or the unrepeatable drama of 9/11 but this was terrorism at its most effective.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: ARKHE on May 24, 2013, 06:00:09 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 24, 2013, 08:05:46 AM
Sweden Democrats is the name of party. Very popular, but appears to be kind of shut out of normal politics? Perhaps not in same way as Golden Dawn in Greece, though?

"Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives". If citizen happen to question what exactly it is that makes one swedish or qualify as citizen, I guess most rate those people to far right...?

Right wing populists, like all other around Europe (all problems in society can be fixed by choking the inflow of immigrants) - though probably less extreme than most European parties; especially Golden Dawn and similar, they're outright fascists, right? I think they want to be called "social conservatives" or sth similar, but in the end they're just riding the wave of poor economy/general distrust for ordinary politics - and few of the mainstream politicians wants to get their hands dirty by collaborating with them. They are pro-Israel (anti-Islam), as opposed to the more antisemite movements in Eastern Europe. Guess their most important political issue is in determining exactly who is an "eligible citizen". Ex-skinheads in suits, most of them appear (as with so many other politicians) supremely unqualified for their jobs.
And just like the London murder turn people to EDL, SD and their ilk are the only ones winning from the riots & turmoil in the suburbs (if not in Stockholm, then in Malmö last year, or Gothenburg or whatever).
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2013, 09:09:31 PM
Are immigrants just allowed into Europe/UK with no background checks or applying for citizenship? Can an American or Canadian move over easily or do you have to be from somewhere awful?

When the Occupy idiots started, they had a list of demands including all debt stricken, free college, free money if you unemployed, free healthcare, & open borders- anyone from anywhere, no questions asked. That would create 'hundreds of millions' of jobs.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on May 25, 2013, 12:12:11 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on May 24, 2013, 09:09:31 PM
Are immigrants just allowed into Europe/UK with no background checks or applying for citizenship? Can an American or Canadian move over easily or do you have to be from somewhere awful?

It's pretty difficult for anyone to immigrate into the EU unless you have some kind of family connection already here, whether you're North American or from elsewhere. We do get people coming on student visas and disappearing into casual work.

Travel within the EU is very easy and there's a whole other can of worms of cultural differences regarding those from poorer (usually Eastern European) nations working in the wealthier countries.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: acsenger on May 25, 2013, 03:49:27 AM
There might also be a lot of illegal immigrants in (Western) Europe. I guess many from North Africa still go by boat to France, Italy, Spain etc.? Someone will correct me if that's no longer the case.

QuoteThey are pro-Israel (anti-Islam), as opposed to the more antisemite movements in Eastern Europe.

In Hungary, as elsewhere, the far right is getting  stronger. The strongest party has been in the parliament as an opposition party for some years now. They're a populist, antisemitic and anti-gypsy (gypsies present one of the biggest social problems in the country) party. They always deny these qualities but it doesn't change the facts. Some time ago one of their prominent members discovered his grandparents were Jewish and as a result he was ousted from the party (of course, the party denied this was the reason). If someone on the far right in the country were pro-Israel, I think they'd get lynched...
There are other elements on the far right which are downright catastrophic (they want to pretty much close Hungary's relations to Western Europe; some want to introduce an old, non-Latin form of alphabet which no one can read; many believe Hungarians were the first people on Earth, their language the first language, etc.). Their popularity is slowly rising because they address a lot of issues that mainstream parties don't address in a way that seems genuine to the people, or they simply turn a blind eye. The worsening life quality and economic situation is another factor.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 25, 2013, 10:18:14 AM
Quote from: kettu on May 23, 2013, 07:29:59 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 23, 2013, 06:46:13 PM
I moved the message above as it had nothing to do with "political correctness"...

News of Stockholm at the moment? heh...

Only guy arrested at the moment is a finnish guy haha.
My homeland pride spiked a good 10% at least. I hope he had a knife with him to really make the stereotype into reality.

Well, situation is that he's 18 year old, born in Finland, but apparently not lived here. African father and Finnish mother, born in Finland, but life in Sweden,...  It makes one ask how to define nationality unless for something more concrete than location where you happened to exit the womb? You know, if mother would have been in china at moment of birth, would anyone ever claim this guy is "Chinese"? Maybe he'd have official paper to prove it, but it wouldn't change a thing.

So half african, half finn, swedish talking guy living in sweden - that sounds like contemporary Swede to me ;)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: kettu on May 25, 2013, 04:16:07 PM
Thats too bad, doesnt sound very finnish at all. I had hopes of a middle aged guy getting involved.
But the finnish press grabs anything, good or bad and makes a big deal out of it if it has any connection to finland.
Maybe in all small counries this happens but here its especially a big thing. Whatever celebritys great great grandfather was part finn and youll be reading about it etc.


Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: ARKHE on May 25, 2013, 06:12:31 PM
Supposedly there was a bunch of skinheads forming a vigilant crew to "secure" the Stockholm suburbs last night. The cops seemed to let them have some fun for a while, beat up some kids, before they were driven away. Meanwhile the unrest is spreading to smaller cities like Örebro and Linköping (bored kids & thugs see their opportunity to cause some havoc on their neighborhoods). When they're not burning cars, they settle for schools and kindergartens. White, middle-class leftwing academics apologizing without any consideration of individual responsibility, while the opposite side just can't seem to figure out why one group can be disgruntled with their situation when they themselves have an OK life. In between you find immigrants re-living the war chaos (on a smaller stage of course, no US drone attacks coming down yet) they fled from, whom nobody really cares about.

QuoteSo half african, half finn, swedish talking guy living in sweden - that sounds like contemporary Swede to me ;)

yes the Finnish occupational forces have nestled far into the Swedish blood strains... our once proud race is forever doomed
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 25, 2013, 07:42:09 PM
I'm trying to watch a video about the Swedish riots entitled "They don't want to integrate" (damn thing keeps freezing up). They're  receiving Government benefits* & housing, right? Does not wanting to integrate mean they're not learning to speak or read in the language of the country they have relocated to?  Always seemed to be the first thing one would do before moving to another country...

*The video answered that question: Yes! They do receive all sorts of wonderful benefits.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 26, 2013, 09:53:05 AM
Not everybody move due specially wanting to, but due necessity. It might not be much of their interest to integrate to culture where they ended up more or less due just wanting get away from war or other potentially lethal situation. And which contains plenty of elements giving impression that integration can't happen or should not happen. And which they also might feel compromises their own identity.

Friend told case in library, where Russian guy was walking and bounced lightly to black guy while passing by. Black guy said in fluent finnish "go back to russia!" (translation doesn't do much justice for used slur). That's integration, hah! Afro-finn hating Russians... for what? ;)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: ARKHE on May 26, 2013, 02:23:41 PM
Rumour has it that the newspapers are paying kids to torch cars, so they can get good headlines. I really hope that is true. 7.000 sek, approx. 700 euro, supposedly. Think that's about a month's welfare for these neighborhoods.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 26, 2013, 05:40:47 PM
This was also in Finnish media. I guess it can be kind of misunderstanding. That what they pay for is to get good photos etc. But why you'd wait with your camera someone to torch the place, when you or your friend does it and you take good pics and take the cash?

Anyways, I've concluded many times that now with many of these situations happening and the climate we have in many european countries, it's in moment of still pretty much functioning and even flourishing society. If things are like this, when vast amounts of people are doing better than ever in history of mankind, lets see what situation is when some true crisis hits in...

Finland is decreasing huge amounts of police personnel and stations as well as army bases. I believe Sweden hardly has army to speak of. This case ARKHE mentioned, of  vigilante crews formed to protect neighborhoods... news reports mentioned of immigrants being shocked by army of up to couple hundred white thugs running towards them, with mere 6 cops between - certainly unable to stabilize situation. Then one can wait what exactly happens when the vigilante crowd gets big enough, and state doesn't even have power to control or prevent it.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: ARKHE on May 29, 2013, 06:00:30 PM
Read a short notice about Finnish journalists receiving death threats from what I suppose are Fennomaniac nationalists for their support of the status of Swedish in your country. Is this an ongoing debate over the sea?

(Put this in this thread as it relates to growing nationalism turning more violent, + increasing threats against journalists both online and in the flesh)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 29, 2013, 07:50:25 PM
Hah... quite curious that such thing makes into papers in Sweden.. or anywhere. Some journalist gets e-mail where someone says her family should be killed. She gets good laugh about it, when tells husband, he's not so happy about it. Goes to papers most likely due recent media attention of similar cases.

Internet gave possibility for everybody to do anything with little (if any) effort. This means that most useless mindfart may be voiced, yet should it be considered real genuine death threat or something else - who knows.
There has been ongoing debate about all sorts of journalists and scientist receiving threats and shitmail - especially if they deal with topics as multicultural and immigration. While one could have sympathy for university scientist who just does his job and starts to receive unwanted hatemail... at the same time when there are articles about it where scientist showed his recent "hatemail" which was links to Pekka Siitoin youtube clips, I was like "AAARRRGHHH!!!"  That is THIS the level of threats, and what are these crybabies doing on pages of newspapers?!  And the other cases where it really is not about objective scientist, but person very vocal and very provocative against other groups of people with other politics. And then goes cry on papers when she gets what was expected for such provocations... 

But about status of Swedish language, I think quite many oppose the fact that every citizen has mandatory swedish language in school from 7th grade onwards. Simply due fact that it's not optional. There has been attempts to offer possibility to choose other 3rd language (besides Finnish & English), for example Russian. That is much much more useful language for entire eastern part of Finland who have little if any connect to Swedish culture of west coast of Finland... But no. It would be against the law. I studied 6 years of swedish, and kind of regret that was stubbornly against it. Think how many good swedish sleaze magazines I have I could understand properly!
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: tiny_tove on June 18, 2013, 11:50:48 AM
I am impressed

Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: tisbor on June 18, 2013, 12:58:04 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 18, 2013, 11:50:48 AM
I am impressed


I'm sure this will become a fad in protesting methods!
Also, add some black plastic bags and you get a large-scale Vomir style protest.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: tiny_tove on June 18, 2013, 01:07:36 PM
we should suggest him!!!
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Bob on June 18, 2013, 02:20:24 PM
"They don't want to integrate"

Means that they already have there own culture which makes the indigenus swedish one to them quite simply absurd. But statistically the nordic countries like Norway, Sweden etc they are in decline there populations are not growing there are more deaths than births in a year for these people so basicaly they are disapearing. Unlike the imigrant populations who will not decline but grow rapidly.

According to European Union statistics, an estimated 574,000 Muslims lived in Sweden in 2012, making up 6.05 percent of the population, compared to 1998, when there were 284,000 Muslims, or 3.21 percent of the total population.

The EU currently estimates that at current rates of growth, the Muslim population will reach 40 percent of the total population in Sweden by 2030.

They need to grow some balls and govern themselves and understand that it is there teritory and that they are the law !

Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: burdizzo on June 18, 2013, 03:42:33 PM
This is happening in every European country - certainly weatern European ones. It amazes me that 'society' doesn't seem to care that much. I suppose, the values of modern liberal capitalism dictate that anything that makes money is ok, and more people (consumers) equals more 'growth'. Doesn't matter where the extra people come from. It's a bit like growing a tree in a flower-pot, if you ask me - eventually it becomes unsustainable.
The other problem is, that now countries are basically unable to make their own laws due to the influence of the EU, and the EU champions the liberal capitalist model above all. I could never understand either, why countries would be so keen to give up their independence to be subsumed into the EU, but again, I suppose, it all comes down to money...
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 18, 2013, 08:42:03 PM
Which is bound to fall. Did I say it already, but think of how much radicalization there is now, so what happens when there are REAL crisis?  I mean, even in Finland pretty much every media and state level politicians are worried of radicalization and hatred among population - and now, despite sort of crisis, we live in most wealthy era ever existed. It shows that money isn't all there is to it.
Lets see when real crisis hits in. Shortage of basic supplies, social disorder involving most of all "the others". It might become unbearable situation for current system.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: burdizzo on June 18, 2013, 10:27:32 PM
I don't know what it's like in Finland, if there the nationalist parties there are strong, or if there is trouble in immigrant areas. However, such things have, as you know, already occured in France, London, etc., and the 'system' seems to have coped with it after little bit of fuss. Things are more or less back to the way they were, at least as far as I can tell. Mind you, I live in neither place, so it's hard to tell!
I'm a little pessimistic. I don't see the EU-influenced 'system' falling that easily. When will there be a shortage of basic supplies in Europe? Hasn't there always been a certain amount of radicalisation in society, and is it more now than ever? I mean, here in Ireland, there have always been trouble between Catholic and Protestant identity, often much worse than now. It still persists - and will erupt again, no doubt - but nevertheless, the 'system' has survived regardless.
Perhaps the politicians and media exaggerate the threat to the status quo, just to reinforce it?
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 19, 2013, 10:33:14 AM
I think it is not merely question connected to immigration. In Finland we do not have problem really. We only have groups who have caution that we do not want problem of even that level.

Some things are simply unbearable. Like over harvesting the food supplies. Like demolition of social welfare (health care, pension system, etc) you paid for etc.  Some occasional flaming suburbs is hardly such problem what state couldn't cope, but as said, the real crisis. Lack of resources, lack of food supply, lack of any sort of future material needs of life, etc.  Lets think of small town where no job, no hospital, no police, no firebrigade, suddenly is revealed that all your savings for pension ain't worth shit. All local business is in hands of multinational corporations, who swindled the last cents of profits abroad with clever "tax planning". Near by mining company polluted your local river and lake, etc.   The radical youth of suburbs is ready to burn couple cars because it's fun. But they still are able to maintain their lives via social welfare & criminal activity.
The upstanding guy who lost everything he build, except the shotgun and ammunition - may be much more crucial factor in REAL radicalization.

In real radicalization, the key word is the middleclass.  There will be always tumult among working class and extremist circles. Including the areas that everybody considers to be such areas. Even for petty reasons. What I mean, is radicalization in moment when middle class family men see that all we can do, is to take baseball bats, shotguns and seek for target of punishment. For this to happen, I believe, one only needs some of basics of life removed where basics of survival sparks into life. And it also could demand few charismatic agitators with well grounded opinions.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: burdizzo on June 19, 2013, 11:18:26 AM
Yes, you are right, most revolutions are driven by the middle classes. If they see they have nothing left to lose, then... BOOM! Like Greece? Well, the system survives there, too. Here, in Ireland, we also had the 'bail-out' and 'austerity', and a lot of people did lose their pensions, hospitals are closing, towns are losing police stations etc. Yet people here do not protest about it as in Greece, and they seem to swallow it more easily. I don't know the reason, but it seems we are more easy to keep in line. Sure, there have been protests, but nothing violent. Give us a something about the 'national question' (Northern Ireland), and then we'll riot, but otherwise, forget it!
Perhaps the thing is that there is no widespread scarcity of food - isn't that the spark that often starts revolutions, too? We have plenty of food in Europe, and I don't see that changing. I suppose if there were serious environmental factors food prices could go up, and so food could become too expensive for some, but the EU already has the Common Agricultural Policy, which is essentially a 'cheap food' policy, and that guards against food prices going so high. Perhaps that's why we have the CAP, after all - to stymie revolt against the European 'project'!
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: tiny_tove on June 20, 2013, 10:00:31 AM
I know this is now a news thread, but I think this is a classic example of radicalisation in society...

Men built X-ray gun to shoot Israel opponents – FBI http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/20/x-ray-gun-israel-fbi

twisted plot... a pro-israeli madman that asks for funds to KKK, who then snitches on him... absolutely brilliant stuff
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on August 28, 2013, 02:06:09 AM
Norwegians fighting in Syria.


http://www.newsinenglish.no/2012/10/22/concerns-rise-over-norwegians-fighting-in-syria/ (http://www.newsinenglish.no/2012/10/22/concerns-rise-over-norwegians-fighting-in-syria/)

To keep it radical here is a article in a right wing blog on the theme.

http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.no/2012/10/bringing-fjords-to-aleppo.html (http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.no/2012/10/bringing-fjords-to-aleppo.html)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on September 24, 2013, 08:52:11 PM
https://soundcloud.com/hsm-press-office/nipeni-silaha-yangu - tribute to the hostage-takers in the Kenyan mall just published via the HSM_PR twitter feed - quite pleasant chanting really, the Swahili makes for a gentler experience on the ears than Arabic nasheeds.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on September 25, 2013, 12:54:34 AM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on September 24, 2013, 08:52:11 PM
https://soundcloud.com/hsm-press-office/nipeni-silaha-yangu - tribute to the hostage-takers in the Kenyan mall just published via the HSM_PR twitter feed - quite pleasant chanting really, the Swahili makes for a gentler experience on the ears than Arabic nasheeds.

This one was golden with a big G. Thanx! Apparently the Kenyan government have taken control over the situation and resolved it now according to BBC radio.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on October 19, 2013, 08:41:01 AM

INSPIRE - Al-Qaida/A militant muslim online magazine w intent to radicalize individuals.

http://jihadology.net/category/inspire-magazine/ (http://jihadology.net/category/inspire-magazine/)

Inspire # 1:
http://azelin.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/inspire-magazine-issue-11.pdf (http://azelin.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/inspire-magazine-issue-11.pdf)

Norweigian Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow wanted globally for his presumed involvement in the Nairobi mall atack.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24569512 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24569512)

http://seattletimes.com/html/nationworld/2022070305_apxkenyamall.html (http://seattletimes.com/html/nationworld/2022070305_apxkenyamall.html)
Title: golden dawn
Post by: Ashley Choke on November 03, 2013, 06:25:09 AM

About fucking time...
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 03, 2013, 09:45:20 AM
Moved link here as it had nothing to do with "PC", but perhaps everything to do with radicalization of society?
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Ashley Choke on November 03, 2013, 02:23:53 PM
Sure, makes sense. I posted in "PC Faggotry" thread since I was thinking it could be rare occasion where extreme leftist are actually taking a "proper" stand and targeting the actual enemy. Who knows, might as well just be the Turkish mafia or something :)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 03, 2013, 04:55:18 PM
Well, that hardly is "PC" by any standard. Simply violent political struggle. I recall reading that there has been police near by GD headquarters in other days, but not this. Certainly it can make conspiracy theorists wonder the governments involvement. Certainly they have done things to get GD away from politics.

It's hard to say whether "leftists" are taking proper stand if they attack (still slightly) fringe movement rather than focusing on the forces who actually are in control.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2013, 10:22:08 PM
Is the Golden Dawn a proper political party (members actually run for office) or more of an 'organization'?

My local party actually ran that same article in today's paper. I guess they needed something to fill up space.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 04, 2013, 07:47:11 AM
Golden Dawn was for long small organization. In few years they suddenly grew to become... is it now 3rd biggest party in parliament?

Leadership of party is currently arrested under charges of forming criminal organization.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on November 04, 2013, 10:48:53 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 04, 2013, 07:47:11 AM
Golden Dawn was for long small organization. In few years they suddenly grew to become... is it now 3rd biggest party in parliament?

Leadership of party is currently arrested under charges of forming criminal organization.

This was a bit time ago. I think also Greece is passing a law soon which bans right wing political activity. At least it have been discussed off late. What result this will bring is unclear, but probably it will force RW underground w a likely more militant outcome. Still waiting for the political violence from the '70s. I think it is just a matter of time. 
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Levas on November 04, 2013, 10:55:44 PM
Jim Goad not that much about this case, but about extremes all in all

http://takimag.com/article/getting_a_grip_on_extremism_and_massaging_it_to_completion_jim_goad (http://takimag.com/article/getting_a_grip_on_extremism_and_massaging_it_to_completion_jim_goad)
Title: Re: golden dawn
Post by: Eloy on November 07, 2013, 03:56:50 PM
Quote from: KHH on November 03, 2013, 06:25:09 AM

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRsJuRshmKw
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Levas on November 08, 2013, 02:40:54 AM
Correct your video link. it says video removed
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on November 08, 2013, 11:41:58 AM
Quote from: Levas on November 08, 2013, 02:40:54 AMCorrect your video link. it says video removed
I was able to watch it yesterday. HERE'S (http://youtu.be/zFTrYkBuqYA) same video. I'm sure you can also watch it from Best Gore in case this one gets deleted/banned as well.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: RG on November 19, 2013, 06:06:26 AM
Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but whatever...

Have any of you been following the ongoing saga of Craig Cobb and his attempt to take over the small town of Leith, North Dakota and establish an all-white enclave? I've lived in ND my whole life and Leith is about 80 miles away from where I live. It's quite the story around here, and things are progressively getting worse and worse for Mr. Cobb and his plans. Just last week he was on some TV show on the east coast where he had agreed to a DNA test and it was revealed that he might be 14% Sub-Saharan African. Funny. Now, just this past weekend, he decided to "patrol" the town with another neo-nazi guy while brandishing big guns. Big mistake, as they were arrested and remain in custody: http://bismarcktribune.com/news/state-and-regional/cobb-remains-in-jail-on-no-bond/article_e914cdae-5078-11e3-8e08-0019bb2963f4.html

So, out of curiosity I decided to poke around places like Stormfront and other WP/WN places to see how those people were reacting. Seems like it's causing quite a bit of infighting. Some people support Cobb and what he's trying to do, others seem disgusted and embarrassed by him. Quite a few people even go so far as to say that he's a government plant, an agent provocateur so-to-speak, put in place to discredit any kind of white nationalist movement. So now we're veering into conspiracy theory. Oh and of course the jew-media is just twisting the story against Cobb, hah.

So ya, here in little ND this is a big story. This getting coverage anywhere else?
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on November 19, 2013, 03:33:59 PM
First heard of Craig Cobb last week with that great TV clip where Trisha Goddard tries to high-five him after his DNA results are revealed - all over British media, most entertaining. Doesn't look like this presumably fairly conservative ND community have exactly welcomed his lunatic plans for lebensraum. 
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 19, 2013, 11:37:38 PM

How hard can it be to take over Leith? I saw something a month or more back, maybe on MSNBC, about Cobb buying up property. Or looking to. I don't see what the big deal is. Can't be too many non-whites there  & they could have 'taken over' without making much of  a fuss.

14% ain't nothing. The other 88% is ALL WHITE and that's the part that COUNTS.

Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: burdizzo on November 20, 2013, 12:56:32 AM
Ha ha! Good one!
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Ashmonger on November 20, 2013, 10:32:04 AM
14% is very close to 12.5%, which is what you get when one of your great-grandparents was black. Then it seems most likely the 1.5% difference is what actually is the statistical noise.
However, it seems weird that he wouldn't know that one of his great-grandparents is black. I mean, I don't know too much about my great-grandparents either, but if one his grandparents would be black, that's something you still can clearly note, except if they died early. And his parents never told him that one of his great-grandparents was black when he was developping his white supremacist ideology?
Not saying it's all impossible, it's just weird. Another possibility is ofcourse he had two black great-great-grandparents. Both would have added each about 6.25% genes, so together 12.5%. That seems more probable to me about him not knowing he has black people in his family tree.
Anyway, just some thoughts about the genetic test...
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 20, 2013, 08:11:19 PM

If Cobb watched or read National Geographic then he would have known he had a bit of black in him.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on November 21, 2013, 01:32:31 AM

Political violence / terrorism?

While motif for Paris shootings remains dim one can ponder on a new dawn in political violence and terrorism. Apparently the individual had a prior conviction in relation to a left-wing weapon heist gone wrong in the '90s.

More in BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25027595 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25027595)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: totalblack on November 21, 2013, 04:33:20 PM
Quote from: online prowler on November 21, 2013, 01:32:31 AM

Political violence / terrorism?

While motif for Paris shootings remains dim one can ponder on a new dawn in political violence and terrorism. Apparently the individual had a prior conviction in relation to a left-wing weapon heist gone wrong in the '90s.

More in BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25027595 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25027595)

Is the newspaper that he attacked "Libération" a politically oriented news publication or just a general news publication? Same question with the BFMTV. Seems like pretty poor targets, as mentioned in the linked video and article he was perhaps trying to commit suicide with these actions, considering he seemed to have tried to OD on pills after the third attack.

edit: there was a newer version of the story posted which says that he left letters saying the media was a part of a fascist plot, also leaving a letter with plans for his burial, so I think suicide was a safe bet as an end goal of this escapade.

Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 02, 2013, 09:33:42 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 04, 2013, 01:48:18 PM
I will be interested to see what their reaction to these recent murders will be. Could be the beginning of the end or might give them strength and support to grow even stronger.

Recent news - depending where you read them - indicates support is stronger than ever.

Earlier this year support rally got 30000-50000 people on streets. Despite media predicted rally being flop, and some foreign media fabricated news of "only 1000 people in rally", one can look the video footage. It is very hard these days for regular media to try to give false news without being caught for it, because global communication and video material is easier to distribute than ever.

Recent support rallies against criminal charges of party got also five figure numbers in streets.

Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on December 03, 2013, 01:39:21 AM
Quote from: totalblack on November 21, 2013, 04:33:20 PM
Quote from: online prowler on November 21, 2013, 01:32:31 AM

Political violence / terrorism?

While motif for Paris shootings remains dim one can ponder on a new dawn in political violence and terrorism. Apparently the individual had a prior conviction in relation to a left-wing weapon heist gone wrong in the '90s.

More in BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25027595 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25027595)

Is the newspaper that he attacked "Libération" a politically oriented news publication or just a general news publication? Same question with the BFMTV. Seems like pretty poor targets, as mentioned in the linked video and article he was perhaps trying to commit suicide with these actions, considering he seemed to have tried to OD on pills after the third attack.

edit: there was a newer version of the story posted which says that he left letters saying the media was a part of a fascist plot, also leaving a letter with plans for his burial, so I think suicide was a safe bet as an end goal of this escapade.


Historically the Libération was a Marxist paper - or so I guess since the philosopher Sarte is one of the founders. He was a at least an out spoken marxist. Had to dig a little further search on the web re info on the newspaper. Seems like the paper have changed views to social democratic. Re BFM TV, I don't know. Never watched the channel and don't know anything about it. My searches didn't come up w anything conclusive on that. Maybe some of the French people here can comment? What makes it a bit confusing to me as an outsider is the shooters background - a previously anarchist. Though mostly a-political, one should think that the sympathies lies w the left. Maybe it as a random act, I am not sure, but I think it have a flare of discontent towards the now liberal and left institutions and political parties. A lot of people feel have let them down. I am only speculating here, not much one can do beside that. Will trawl the web for more info.

On another note. Anybody have verified / trustworthy news of the detention centres / internment camps Greece started to plan in 2012?

A friend sent me this link. http://act.watchdog.net/petitions/3322?share_ref=2K2mlEEZNdg (http://act.watchdog.net/petitions/3322?share_ref=2K2mlEEZNdg) Seems pretty over stated I think, but who knows? Is the current political climate in Europe this crazy? I can understand the sentiments re over-migration, ecn crisis, etc, but looking up transgenders, gays, etc is way off for me. Found this from last year, BBC, so reliable source: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/mar/29/greece-detention-centres-migrants (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/mar/29/greece-detention-centres-migrants) - though nothing consistent and reliable after that I can trust. Seems to have been a riot in one of the camps though: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23653493 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23653493)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on May 11, 2014, 02:42:26 AM

The leader of Boko Haram sect, Imam Abubakar Shekau, released a video May 5th in which he claimed responsibility for abducting the Nigerian school girls, and said he will soak all Nigerian soil with Christian blood, and Muslims opposing them, whom he described as infidels.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrfWS_vL0D4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrfWS_vL0D4)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: online prowler on August 17, 2014, 01:54:41 PM
Documentary concerning topic.

Pierre Rehov – Suicide Killers (2006).


http://worldscinema.org/2014/08/pierre-rehov-suicide-killers-2006/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CinemaOfTheWorld+%28Cinema+of+the+World%29 (http://worldscinema.org/2014/08/pierre-rehov-suicide-killers-2006/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CinemaOfTheWorld+%28Cinema+of+the+World%29)
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Theodosius on September 16, 2014, 10:20:48 AM
Really interesting matter. I'm reading a lot about Islam and their crimes. Asap i'll see this documentary
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 08, 2015, 10:33:25 AM
Kill for animals.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4En39iyK4DA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4En39iyK4DA)

From his Wikipedia page -
QuoteDeep down, I truly hope that oppression, torture and murder return to each uncaring human tenfold! I hope that fathers accidentally shoot their sons on hunting excursions, while carnivores suffer heart attacks that kill them slowly. Every women ensconced in fur should endure a rape so vicious that it scars them forever. While every man entrenched in fur should suffer an anal raping so horrific that they become disembowelled. Every rodeo cowboy and matador should be gored to death, while circus abusers are trampled by elephants and mauled by tigers. And, lastly, may irony shine its esoteric head in the form of animal researchers catching debilitating diseases and painfully withering away because research dollars that could have been used to treat them was wasted on the barbaric, unscientific practice of vivisection.
Title: Re: Radicalisation in society
Post by: TS on April 08, 2015, 12:22:17 PM
hah,radical! If he was starved enough though, I bet he'd eat a chicken before another person.