Special Interest

GENERAL SOUND DISCUSSION => GENERAL SOUND DISCUSSION => Topic started by: SNR on June 14, 2013, 01:11:05 AM

Title: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SNR on June 14, 2013, 01:11:05 AM
Sorry, to start this topic, just curious! Have you ever been beaten up because of your noise / P.E. project? Today, I got... In a  nearly park, in the capital city, Budapest.. guys known that I am making Halalnihil (hungarian P.E. / noise project with extremely intense lyrics) , and start to hunt me, than took my phone, money, and beaten up my head really hard... even if I was in a hardly defense mood.. just curious, if any P.E./ Noise artist ever got similar accident in the past? [sorry for the mediocre english, or the wrong topic..]
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on June 14, 2013, 03:01:44 AM
Not for PE, but through my obnoxious atonal punk/psych band I've been in a physical fight with an audience member who didn't like us mid-set which erupted into a near-riot with most of the people present launching in (great fun) and had many incoherent stand-offs with angry venue owners and PA guys (not great fun).

Smell & Quim, noise/PE, well the trouble we've made in live performances over the years has been an intrinsic part of the show I think, it becomes part of the art. The aggression and confrontation to be honest has usually come from S&Q, not from audiences.

SNR, sounds like these Budapest thugs are just assholes looking for any excuse for an easy 'fight' where it's several onto one and sorry to hear that. Write an album about them!
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 14, 2013, 03:32:56 AM
Quote from: SNR on June 14, 2013, 01:11:05 AMbeaten up my head really hard

That sounds serious. Hope your injuries heal in time. Regardless of their intentions, they're just gutless thugs. I fucking hate dogs like that. Sorry to read you've had such troubles and I hope you're able to get past it soon.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SNR on June 14, 2013, 07:35:10 AM
Thanks, my right arm is also a little bit useless now... but my physical pain is not that much thing, I am fucking angry because of the phone, and the money, what was been collected to an upcoming release... but now, need to buy new phone, instead of making physical stuff. Fuck this. I will make even more filthy shit in the future, because of this, and my small tolerance to people like those cocksuckers had goes away now.

Ah, just  the reason because those cunts beaten up me.. it was beacuse of this release: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=2768.0 (there is a picture in the bottom of my edition)
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: tiny_tove on June 14, 2013, 08:03:33 AM
Things were frisky in the 90's in Italy. I had gig cancelled, people shoutimg and throwing stuff, been hassled, confronted, stalked on line and attacked but until now never got beaten ! But i may be less lucky next time since i am getting old and nerdy.

Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 14, 2013, 09:29:18 AM
Quote from: SNR on June 14, 2013, 07:35:10 AMit was beacuse of this release: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=2768.0 (there is a picture in the bottom of my edition)

Really?! That's pretty remarkable. I remember reading that announcement and thinking it was quite a funny title.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: acsenger on June 14, 2013, 09:55:41 AM
It's shocking that people would actually harm someone for their music/lyrics, however extreme they may be. SNR, do you know the people who did this? Or do you have a rough idea?
Ez hol történt Pesten amúgy? Gázos környéken?
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 14, 2013, 10:13:53 AM
Quote from: SNR on June 14, 2013, 01:11:05 AM
guys known that I am making Halalnihil (hungarian P.E. / noise project with extremely intense lyrics) , and start to hunt me, than took my phone, money, and beaten up my head really hard...

Are you sured that your music was reason? Did they tell you about that?
I think that interaction between artist versus audience isn't anything strange...Every artist should feel responsability for his music (art etc.), not only for exciting, good vibrations, but those negative too... especially when he uses controversary icons, topics and so on...
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 14, 2013, 10:26:36 AM
I think it's good that people are responsible for the work. Not that I expect artists to be beaten up, but I think it would be foolish to hide under "freedom of speech" or "artistic freedom" if material one produces is bound to create reactions in people who come across such material. Many of the modern world simply operate online and expect that offenses stay there, outside the "real world". Of course witch-hunt of artists would be stupid, but I think good reminder that sometimes provocations may have consequence.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SNR on June 14, 2013, 10:57:35 AM
This was not a gig/audience like stuff, I only saw them once, and talk some about my music, because I've never got problem because of that, so I was like 'why not?' or hide anything - both web, or in the "real world".

I think they more looked after it, I mean, my lyrics and stuff, and the rest is now history. I just heard that one of them shouted to me 'That 'Megbaszni Minden Rákos Embert A Földön' crap shit, yeaaaa???' than beated me down, and they started to kick the shit out of me... It's easy to beat up somebody when it's a three-against-one thing, and attack you in the back! Maybe extreme sound/lyrics, but, I mean, come on.. the picture in the booklet is photoshopped, not a real child BBC bukkake picture.. I could insert a similar real one, but not want to mess with laws - period... but yeah, even a 'fake' picture like this can give aggression, to some people. Even If they do similar stuff, just it's more acceptable regionally, or by their friends.. and about the title: why not imagine/write about something like that? No limits for me.

So, go on, the violence is no problem.. my problem is, that these are the most hypocritical idiots. Beat up somebody because of an intense lyrics/picture, then go home, and beat their girlfriend, mother, do drugs, then go to burglary, stole stuff, rape children... be honest, I don't care about their own misery, or deeds, just don't get so angry, because they are not better, than me.
In fact, worst, because at least I still proudly say the thing 'that's my work!'

My problem was their method, and the loss of the items. So, I accept their reaction to not like my stuff, but please, let be a one-against-one sober daytime fight, not that sly scumness.

acsenger: A Bikás-dombnál, a budai részen. Közepesen gázos, de általában nem szokott gond lenni..
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 14, 2013, 11:13:44 AM
Quote from: SNR on June 14, 2013, 10:57:35 AM
So, go on, the violence is no problem.. my problem is, that these are to most hypocritical idiots. Beat up somebody because of an intense lyrics/picture, then go home, and beat their girlfriend, mother, do drugs, then go to burglary, stole stuff, rape children... be honest,
In fact, worst, because at least I still proudly say the thing 'that's my work!'

Would  you like to change their hypocrisy? Do you care about their beaten mothers, girlfriends etc? You say about their hypocrisy, and what about yours? What do you do after finished controversary music? Is your everyday life the same as your music, lyrics? I don't know your music (lyrics) but I consider that your art is against something ... And my question is: what is this "something" in your private life? How important is this "something" in your ordinary life?
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SNR on June 14, 2013, 11:47:40 AM
Quote from: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 14, 2013, 11:13:44 AM
Quote from: SNR on June 14, 2013, 10:57:35 AM
So, go on, the violence is no problem.. my problem is, that these are to most hypocritical idiots. Beat up somebody because of an intense lyrics/picture, then go home, and beat their girlfriend, mother, do drugs, then go to burglary, stole stuff, rape children... be honest,
In fact, worst, because at least I still proudly say the thing 'that's my work!'

Would  you like to change their hypocrisy? Do you care about their beaten mothers, girlfriends etc? You say about their hypocrisy, and what about yours? What do you do after finished controversary music? Is your everyday life the same as your music, lyrics? I don't know your music (lyrics) but I consider that your art is against something ... And my question is: what is this "something" in your private life? How important is this "something" in your ordinary life?

I don't care about them, it's not my business, just saying their things... I am not hypocritical, because I shows my good things, and bad things too. It's various, music making/writing lyrics is really my main thing about freetime.. maybe watch videos/movies (rare) or drink something, but only after the writing/recording - I am always sober when I record/write stuff. If my everyday life was the same as my lyrics, in think I was in a jail for a lifetime, so, it's not that possible. It's on many levels... I think there are some, what I don't even know. The lyrics have a simple concept: no limits about situations with gender, race, age, sexuality, etc:... though some of them are out-of-topic, and they are about me, most of my lyrics are about these 'limitless' things. Don't want to talk that much about this, because it's long, and could go further than this topic, but also a thing that I am pretty enjoying to write fucked up things like these, because I could barely seen any similar ones, in my country/language. This place is boring about music like that. So, it's also have some space-filler purpose, to create the most intense electronic sound, and lyrical content, regionally (Hungary). This project is very important, and I think I will do it till death, maybe. Not much thing I've got beside that.. well, in a nutshell, that's all maybe.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 14, 2013, 11:49:44 AM
Fuckwits don't need a reason to be fuckwits, and I think that's your real problem mate. You just encountered fuckwits. Probably best not to try and work out their reasoning, it makes no difference to your head, arm and stolen goods. Not trying to be glib, just trying to help.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: tiny_tove on June 14, 2013, 12:07:54 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 14, 2013, 10:26:36 AM
I think it's good that people are responsible for the work. Not that I expect artists to be beaten up, but I think it would be foolish to hide under "freedom of speech" or "artistic freedom" if material one produces is bound to create reactions in people who come across such material. Many of the modern world simply operate online and expect that offenses stay there, outside the "real world". Of course witch-hunt of artists would be stupid, but I think good reminder that sometimes provocations may have consequence.

totally agree.
if you want to say/show something that is controversial (even if it does not represent your thought) you cannot expect people to always like it.
there are many people that fill their lives by hunting things they don't like or they are against, and their hysteria is NEVER gona help them to read between lines.
This happens in the outside world, but more often in the "underground" that is most of the time an extremised caricature of what happens outside the getto.

Never complain, no regrets, just learn to either explain yourself properly, run or fight back in full-force making sure the don't come back (or they madly fall in in love with you and would pay for more).
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: ironfistofthesun on June 14, 2013, 12:39:45 PM
If your going to release a album about raping people who have cancer, and include artwork of ill children and wanking cocks and expect normal folk to "get it" your insane!!!
You cant hide behind the "transgressive art" shield, that wont protect you against a gang of family men/football thugs who stumble across your work!! You would get the same treatment in the uk too, maybe worse!!
The real problem is you couldn't do nothing to defend yourself against them,and just gave all your contents of your pockets??. You alas are going to have to own your feelings!

..one good thing you got a little closer to your subject matter, the whole thing  must of made you feel like a frightened ill child!
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: tiny_tove on June 14, 2013, 01:12:33 PM
ps: anyway I am sorry what happened to you.
I remember something similar happened to the challenge of honour guy in leipzig. not to mention the MASSIVE attack the guys of camerata mediolanense in bern, theygot all their stuff trashed and they won the trial against these antifas... Although I am not for involving pigs and lawyers in these matters for once I have been very happy that justice made it and I hope these cunts pay every penny (being Swiss they won't have problems on that).
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Levas on June 14, 2013, 01:17:52 PM
Noise must be pretty popular in hungary
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 14, 2013, 01:30:24 PM
The worst thugs usually try to justify themselves. There's always an excuse.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SNR on June 14, 2013, 02:01:26 PM
... It was not the first, nor the second reason to write here this stuff, because I wanted to make myself a 'poor innocent victim' or some shit like that, but more because, to know other similar cases of things like what happened with me, by other artists. Just to make my point about that part of the discussion.. Anyway, thanks to everybody for the sympathy about the accident.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Cementimental on June 14, 2013, 03:52:08 PM
Some years back, during my set in a pub where regulars as well as (hardly any) gig-goers were in attendance, an old lady took her shoe off and (lightly) hit me with it yelling "stop it! stop it!" :D
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: andy vomit on June 14, 2013, 04:12:19 PM
sucks, man.  hope you're ok. 

i never got beaten up, but i played with a noisecore band for one show many many years ago..  there was a public skatepark in our town, and we noticed there was power hooked up outside, so we went there, set up and played a guerrilla set to an extremely annoyed group of skateboarders.  we started fucking with them and getting confrontational (no violence, not even the intent of violence, we were just being annoying 18 year old kids) ... eventually one of 'em took a huge fucking rock and threw it at my van, shattering the windshield..  they all took off, we hopped in my van and drove around town for an hour looking to beat the fuck out of these kids, but we never found them..  i guess i can't say i didn't deserve it, we were being assholes...  doesn't mean i wasn't bullshit about it though.

someone actually called the cops (not us), and we'd gotten the whole thing on video, so we showed it to them..  they looked at me, laughed, and said "jesus, you're lucky you didn't get your fucking ass kicked.  that was pretty shitty of you guys, i don't blame them."
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SiClark on June 14, 2013, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: Cementimental on June 14, 2013, 03:52:08 PM
an old lady took her shoe off and (lightly) hit me with it yelling "stop it! stop it!" :D
That image has brightened my day, thank you.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on June 14, 2013, 05:48:20 PM
Quote from: Si Clark on June 14, 2013, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: Cementimental on June 14, 2013, 03:52:08 PM
an old lady took her shoe off and (lightly) hit me with it yelling "stop it! stop it!" :D
That image has brightened my day, thank you.

I was there. She wasn't actually that old. Mid 30's maybe but very drunk and determined to stop the music. She protested loudly from the start and no one listened. She pleaded with the bar staff and was ignored. She pulled the lead to one of the PA stacks and someone reconnected it. She eventually went up to Tim and whacked him over the nead with her shoe. He looked quie shocked while the rest of the place fell on the floor laughing hysterically. A bit like the scene from Life of Brian when Pilate offers to "weleese wodgah". It's in my top 20 of funniest things I've seen.

Otherwise there's no violent reaction to such things here in the UK. Not anymore. People don't give a shit. If they should disapprove enough they'll just moan about it on the internet. That's what this once great conquering nation who ruled half the world has been reduced to. There's a great photo of Grey Wolves playing to an empty room bar one old guy in a typical working mans club function room sometime in the 90's. When they were finished he came up to them and asked for drugs.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Goat93 on June 14, 2013, 07:00:04 PM
There were several things on all Concerts, where different Opinions trash each other. Mostly here with RAC V. Punk or Metal or Foreigners vs. Germans. Its easy to put it inot a Musical Contex, since Concerts and Huntings after Concerts were used several Times. So, no big Surprises.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SiClark on June 14, 2013, 07:23:44 PM
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on June 14, 2013, 05:48:20 PM
She wasn't actually that old. Mid 30's maybe but very drunk and determined to stop the music.
I was imagining a short old woman with curly grey hair and a walking stick...
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Cementimental on June 14, 2013, 07:34:23 PM
Yeah, she wasn't all that old I suppose. :) Funny show, also Sam got naked during his set and the bouncer threatened to take him outside and beat him up if he didn't get dressed again. :)
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Duncan on June 14, 2013, 07:42:26 PM
The most I got was a jostling - few kicks and shoves - for playing with Cementimental once.  Maybe Tim is the epicenter of all mild noise violence in the UK?
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: jangbi08 on June 15, 2013, 07:15:04 AM

They're a duo named Astronoise and have been operating since the 90's.

This was one of their recent gigs in Korea. (Sete Star Sept played this night)

Choi was breaking some of the venues property as a performance and he got to the point of

bashing his junk metal to the amp. The owner of the venue got mad at him and started beating him up. (around 13min)

Funny thing is that the other guy didn't even know the beating was happening because of all the noise they were making
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Dr Alex on June 15, 2013, 01:17:49 PM
I never had similar problem but owners of one venue in Belgrade banned my future show because of violence on the stage and pile of broken glasses.

Once, one guy wanted to stab me in the park in Belgrade because of Mayhem shirt. I was young and scarred. :)
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: jesusfaggotchrist on June 15, 2013, 11:31:40 PM
must've loved Varg.

anywho, I've gotten death threats for participating in things like Artists Against Misandry.

a couple of wannabe thugs in the SOSF clique wanted to give me a beatdown because I was socially akward around a girl in their clique. I made a dirty joke and she took it the wrong way. cowards all of them. oh and they also didn't like me because I dug black metal. which is funny because that's all they listen to now. it used to be "oh only goth faggots listen to black metal". maybe they should take that up with Caller Of The Storms and see what happens. dumb straight-edge jocks.

Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Bleak Existence on June 16, 2013, 06:39:01 AM
next thing that can happen is that you catch cancer and  be raped by them
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: simulacrum on June 16, 2013, 10:03:56 PM
Imagine the irony if this dude ever gets cancer.

I'm amusing myself with the thought of him starting a crowd-sourcing (a la Kickstarter) to help him pay bills- "Hello, I'm so-and-so of the PE project, Halalnihil, who has released albums such as Fuck Every Person On Earth Who Has Cancer. I was recently diagnosed with leukemia and, unfortunately, I do not have insurance and Halalnihil cannot keep releasing albums if all of my money is going to medical bills. So, to offset the cost of my treatments, I will be releasing a Kickstarter-exclusive Halalnihil album called, 'Help Every Person On Earth Who Has Cancer.'"
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: evil_scientist on June 17, 2013, 09:33:12 AM
Quote from: simulacrum on June 16, 2013, 10:03:56 PM
Imagine the irony if this dude ever gets cancer.

I'm amusing myself with the thought of him starting a crowd-sourcing (a la Kickstarter) to help him pay bills- "Hello, I'm so-and-so of the PE project, Halalnihil, who has released albums such as Fuck Every Person On Earth Who Has Cancer. I was recently diagnosed with leukemia and, unfortunately, I do not have insurance and Halalnihil cannot keep releasing albums if all of my money is going to medical bills. So, to offset the cost of my treatments, I will be releasing a Kickstarter-exclusive Halalnihil album called, 'Help Every Person On Earth Who Has Cancer.'"

It's like Anal Cunt's coma song.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: SNR on June 17, 2013, 02:42:08 PM
Everybody can get cancer... that's the irony/point of the whole release.. and some "twist" about the concent.
I just don't understand people why get upset by a title like that, especially in a forum like this... in this case, you could easily notice to more well-known, and recognized P.E. artists similar things, like "imagine the irony if this dudes ever gets raped by niggers" or "imagine the irony of this dudes ever gets beaten up by people who have children" ... I am sorry, but making points like this is sooooo useless, and extremely childish... but I am don't really want to write here more thing, I just tell my story, and that's all.
But hell, I am waiting for another punishment by some people, because of that material, what have the equal "fun" level, what the M.M.R.E.A.F. have.. even if this material is more obscure: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=3188.0
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 17, 2013, 04:12:54 PM
Quote from: SNR on June 17, 2013, 02:42:08 PM
Everybody can get cancer... that's the irony/point of the whole release.. and some "twist" about the concent.
I just don't understand people why get upset by a title like that, especially in a forum like this... in this case, you could easily notice to more well-known, and recognized P.E. artists similar things, like "imagine the irony if this dudes ever gets raped by niggers" or "imagine the irony of this dudes ever gets beaten up by people who have children" ... I am sorry, but making points like this is sooooo useless, and extremely childish... but I am don't really want to write here more thing, I just tell my story, and that's all.
But hell, I am waiting for another punishment by some people, because of that material, what have the equal "fun" level, what the M.M.R.E.A.F. have.. even if this material is more obscure: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=3188.0

Don't worry.... this is normal here and there. There wouldn't be problem if your name was ... nevermind... let say more well known than yours :)
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Dr Alex on June 17, 2013, 04:24:00 PM
Quote from: SNR on June 17, 2013, 02:42:08 PMeven if this material is more obscure: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=3188.0

I'm really glad that they beat your ass because of this releases!
Hate people, not animals!

Also, all this is poor way to advertises your project.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 17, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
Quote from: Dr Alex on June 17, 2013, 04:24:00 PM
Quote from: SNR on June 17, 2013, 02:42:08 PMeven if this material is more obscure: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=3188.0

I'm really glad that they beat your ass because of this releases!
Hate people, not animals!

Also, all this is poor way to advertises your project.

Come on, what do you have problem with this title? Do you want to be moral in case of art? Do you want to set up bounderies in art or music? If so, tell me, what should be taboo or not?  I have already known - this is hate to animals... what more?
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Dr Alex on June 17, 2013, 05:02:14 PM
Quote from: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 17, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
Quote from: Dr Alex on June 17, 2013, 04:24:00 PM
Quote from: SNR on June 17, 2013, 02:42:08 PMeven if this material is more obscure: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=3188.0

I'm really glad that they beat your ass because of this releases!
Hate people, not animals!

Also, all this is poor way to advertises your project.

Come on, what do you have problem with this title? Do you want to be moral in case of art? Do you want to set up bounderies in art or music? If so, tell me, what should be taboo or not?  I have already known - this is hate to animals... what more?

I speak with Halalnihil guy about it and he told me that he want just to shock and disturb people. This is not glam metal or shock rock to point someone's attention because of it.
It's stupid to attack weak. Everybody can beat or kill dog/cat. Be strong and attack police or skinheads. No point!
Taboo is nothing today! Maybe someone needs to rape and beat own mother and make a photos for artwork. That should be taboo!
Unordinary violence things in a life is taboo, not just on titles/covers.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on June 17, 2013, 05:13:20 PM
Quote from: Dr Alex on June 17, 2013, 05:02:14 PM
I speak with Halalnihil guy about it and he told me that he want just to shock and disturb people.

If he did it only to shock people, I don't have questions.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: simulacrum on June 18, 2013, 12:55:12 AM
Quote from: SNR on June 17, 2013, 02:42:08 PM
Everybody can get cancer... that's the irony/point of the whole release.. and some "twist" about the concent.
I just don't understand people why get upset by a title like that, especially in a forum like this... in this case, you could easily notice to more well-known, and recognized P.E. artists similar things, like "imagine the irony if this dudes ever gets raped by niggers" or "imagine the irony of this dudes ever gets beaten up by people who have children" ... I am sorry, but making points like this is sooooo useless, and extremely childish... but I am don't really want to write here more thing, I just tell my story, and that's all.
But hell, I am waiting for another punishment by some people, because of that material, what have the equal "fun" level, what the M.M.R.E.A.F. have.. even if this material is more obscure: http://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=3188.0

You can definitely keep typing paragraphs of defense, but my post was just a detached perspective- I have no emotional investment in anything you're doing. I'm neither shocked nor bothered, I couldn't give a shit either way. I wasn't saying that you should be more sensible because I listen to artists whose only intent is to shock. I am just saying it would be funny for someone to title a release like you did and then get cancer. I'm not saying you deserve it, guy. I'm just saying anyone would find it ironic.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 18, 2013, 02:53:27 AM
Quote from: Dr Alex on June 17, 2013, 04:24:00 PMHate people, not animals!

Fuck animals. Dogs and cats especially. If I was world Pharaoh, I'd have domestic and feral dogs and cats banned from life. Stupid, worthless, parasitical creatures. Dogs just bark and shit and pant and get preened and pampered like the pathetic little dolls they are, and cats are just pretentious, supercilious little murder machines anyway, ask any bird. They may have served humanity some purpose when we all lived in caves or shacks, now I think the Asians have the right idea, kill and eat them. Definitely rip their wombs out, de-sex them, cook and eat them, experiment on them to find a cure for cancer - whatever use we can get out of them, get it, otherwise just destroy the stupid bloody things!
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Bleak Existence on June 18, 2013, 03:41:10 AM
you are a very sick man
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Zeno Marx on June 18, 2013, 05:34:03 AM
Quote from: Bleak Existence on June 18, 2013, 03:41:10 AM
you are a very sick man
or a very sad and/or ignorant man.  forget the emotional and cognitive therapeutic potential they bring to the table, but historically, and pragmatically, they've been invaluable tools to the evolution of man as a species.  and they continue to serve a substantial role in most cultures, both in the home and in the field.  I'm looking forward to the diatribe against the wheel.  It should be a honey.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: acsenger on June 18, 2013, 06:54:20 AM
Andrew McIntosh's comments about dogs and cats are so over the top that I think it's hard to see them as anything other than irony in response to this thread.

Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: simulacrum on June 18, 2013, 08:15:14 AM
I've just begun work on my new PE album called Fuck Every Single House Pet Ever.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: l.b. on June 18, 2013, 08:26:10 AM
Quote from: Peterson on June 18, 2013, 06:40:30 AM
The stupid cries for attention of maladjusted antisocial morons.

to be fair this kinda describes everything on this forum/noise in general
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Levas on June 18, 2013, 09:14:06 AM
yeah, like your first post on the forum, trying to be a smartass. Congratulations you've become one of us
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: Jaakko V. on June 18, 2013, 09:18:10 AM
Quote from: l.b. on June 18, 2013, 08:26:10 AM
Quote from: Peterson on June 18, 2013, 06:40:30 AM
The stupid cries for attention of maladjusted antisocial morons.

to be fair this kinda describes everything on this forum/noise in general

Well in reality there are pages after pages after pages of good, well argumented discussion about music and art that has zero posturing, tough guy mannerisms or crying of any kind going on. You can see it yourself if you look. But of course most people just remember for example the "This week in PC faggotry" -thread. And regarding "noise in general" - well - I guess that has already been debated.
Title: Re: Beaten up, because of your project?
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 18, 2013, 10:07:44 AM
Lets do pets discussion in "culture" if such discussion is worth having ;)
Back to noise..