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GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => Topic started by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 13, 2009, 09:55:35 PM

Title: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 13, 2009, 09:55:35 PM
Lets modify the name of topic a bit, since many posts are also dealing with not really pornographic, but just matters related to sexuality of some sort..

All my time on noisefanatics.com power electronics moderator, there was about 800 posts and close to 50000 views in similar topic in little more than 2 years, being EASILY the most popular topic.

Art of pornography
vintage pornography
modern day pornography
gutter level filth
zero artistic level junk
pornography that connects with experimental music

Books, mags, videos, loops, advice, experience,..
drawings, paintings, photography,.....
.....whatever that is subject of interest.


And now when it seems like thread has taken new directions too, news/articles and other topic related to sexuality.

NO links to illegal content.
NO repeated photographic posting of XXX content. This is discussion forum, not photo forum. Sometimes, if necessary, accompanied art may be included. Links to sites without pop-up/virus/spyware hazards + non-pay sites is fine, when you add comments.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 14, 2009, 10:26:23 AM
This is re-post from other forum, but maybe people missed it. Or not. Who knows.
I know some swedish of the forum had opportunity to score massive load of super-8 loops. Anything checked out yet? Any double copies to get rid of?
Any missing covers? I think I have handful of Lasse Braun covers without loops. If you got loops without covers, maybe we get some kind of deal..

Due circumstances that I had to transfer one 8mm film to DVD, when I happened to have all equipment ready, decided to watch some old filth loops. Started with

THE AUCTION, House of Milan 1981, 55meter loop
Due age, film stock already starting to corrupt into red tones, but it would bring just extra vintage wibes. This presents the early 80's HOM atmosphere. No more so violent or dark as their early materials. No home intruders torturing & raping, but more of damsel in distress genre bondage. Still healty 70's looks, girls struggling in ropes, leather cuffs, one full clad in PVC outfit. Normal livingroom setting, ball gags, lots of close-ups of facial expressions and girls wriggling on floor in various angles.

STEEL AND LEATHER, House of Milan 1982, 55 meter loop
Better condition film, and very similar to stuff above. Tied, gagged, chained. Wriggling on living room floor. Very much traditional american vintage bondage style. One can only admire the expressive faces and the style of how girls wriggle in the ropes. It is not violent or brutal, but this is about as close as you can get into stylish bondage atmosphere in moving image.

THE PROSTITUTE AND THE SADIST, Sadio Film 1975, 60 meter loop
Sadio film is the more brutal line of Exim Trading. I think nothing can be found from web about it, but as far as I know, Sadio mags, books, etc all was related to Blue Movies shop in Copenhagen, notorious source of all extremist pornography of the time. Some Sadio books like Lolita Skolen and Lolita Slavinder can be still bought from the shop if one happens to have tourist visit in Copenhagen.
Anyways, this Danish s/m film has much more darker approach that those HOM inc loops. Story is about gentleman picking up street prostitute with giving her nice amount of cash. Just to lead her into underground s/m dungeon, chain her up to concrete wall, steal back the money and laugh about it. Heavy whipping, pussy torture with chain, whip handle penetration, burning girl with cigar stub. Everything is fake, though. You can't see any marks on her skin, but the action looks very intense. Guy whips her like there's no tomorrow. And being grainy & blurry film loop, it all just intensifies. Very nice stuff. I don't know has these Sadio loops ever been published on vhs or dvd? At least I have never seen one. I think, should be. Or perhaps not. There is something so good about original film, compared to dvd copy.

That said, had to dig up:
ALWAYS PREPARED !, Teenage Sex/Color Climax 1978, 60 meters
Any devotees of vintage porn will know what I'm talking about, when I mention name TINY TOVE.
Tove Jensen was born in Sweden in April 1958.
Not much is known about Tove because her career in the adult industry - whilst fruitful - was short.
What is known is that Tove got into the adult business soon after turning 18 years old. With the loss of her father at an early age, her mother became her inspiration (although that might be putting it somewhat too strongly!).
Already a porn actress, Tove's mother persuaded her to try the industry out for herself and it is a recorded fact that they once appeared together. Where and when this was is for you to work out.
After a few short years in the industry, Tove suddenly quit when realising that this was not going to be a "lifelong career".
Quitting Denmark (where most of the shoots were made), her friends took her to sea, at her request, and she has never been seen in the adult industry since. She also vowed to pursue her privacy which continues to be respected to this day.
The film shoots were laid down on Super 8mm film but have miraculously survived the test of time. Not everything that Tove made is available but a large majority was preserved by the legendary Danish studio, Color Climax.
Incidentally, despite some claims to the otherwise, only Color Climax have the recognised right to license Tove's photosets and film shoots.
Although Tove quit the adult industry, we should be grateful that much of what she made is available to this day!

Got couple of the original loops of her stuff. Site above says this film would be from 1980, but having the original loop box in my hand, it says (c) 1978. Her actual age and date of filming, I would suppose, remains pretty much a myth. She can be 20 when she made this, or maybe not. Whatever the case, there is always something nice about girl scouts in the uniforms, sucking big cocks, ready to fuck, without removing all the clothing. Great picture quality, great cutting/editing/camera work. If you check out the tiny sample pictures given in site above, they are all from this loop. Where are the icons of modern times xxx? Nowhere. All the fuck toys nobody gives a fuck. But some of these girls who are now grannies, are still hunted and worshipped around the world. Remember when Taschen did that hardcover collectors edition photobook of Venessa Del Rio? Pretty retarded 500$ price tag, but I'm sure it's sold out by now. If they'd get lisences to Tiny Tove pics and film scans, I'm sure this would be even more wanted. Porn guys don't seem to understand value of material they sit on.
Those who want dvd's, quite recently Erpe Trading aquired all dvd lisences of old CCC videos. Now dvd's of this stuff available with ease. Including the beastility flix.


BIG JOHN, expo film no 60. Color Climax 1975
As name says, this is some of the legendary junk from mr. John Holmes. I never really cared to collect any Holmes work on VHS, but nowadays I guess I have c. 80 film loops of his. This is really not different in any way. The icon of american xxx, with half erect donkey cock, doing all what has to be done. In the end surprisingly tightly framed close-up of into-the-mouth ejaculation with girl playing with extensive loogie on her lips.

WILD L0LITA, Beauty Film No. 1422, 197?
Girls look like they'd be something between 18-20. Youthful, but not really more than usual. White t-shirts, piggy tails on the blonde one, brutally aged hair-do on the brunette. These wild cases start to "bottle rotation" game for undressing and sooner than you expect, they are fucking. BJ's, fucking, 3-some action, with brunette taking it up the ass. She seems to be the wilder one, feasting with the cum that shot in guys own belly with such a enthusiasm that it ain't directors "go for it!" what made her do it. Decent film.

HAND FUCKERS, Expo Film no 128, Color Climax 1982
2 girls arrive to Copenhagen central trainstation. That place looks the same still today. They try to read the map in wind just in same location I was just couple months ago, when trying to figure out my way to old XXX shops buy these damned loops!
Moustache man enters and takes them to hotel. They zoom into hotel signs in a way that it must have been paid promotions! One female goes to shower, other uncap the booze bottle. Few sips later they are fucking and the brunette joins in after she comes back. It doesn't take long until blonde is wrist deep in brunettes tight cunt. Guy remotely interested to lick little bit of clit and you get glimpse of his soft penis. Girls continue and eventually guy is prepared to shoot load over blonde face while she is fisting. But what the fuck? Films ends. You just see CCC credits. Moneyshot is documented in front cover in vivid colors, but film itself lacks it. I'm protesting for sake of some standards in pornography. It was ok film, nevertheless.

CAPTIVE!, House of Milan inc, 1980
Yesterday watched those couple loops that came 1-2 years later. I'm very happy to report that this is even better. We're talking about the dark nature of old US bondage classics. Camoflage army clothed guy with black commando mask, sleeves rolled up so you see the muscular hairy arms and crude hands, what make sure this female in anonymous shitty warehouse setting gets what she deserves. Guy is determined and trained with doing exactly what he needs to. He is cold and emotionless guy, who doesn't seem to even have hard on, nor do any sexual things. He just ties her up, hangs her from roof, tortures nipples with clips, whips, slaps, cropes a bit. I really rally admire the way, that these old HOM Inc materials manage to capture such a spirit without ANY real "normal" sexual stuff. Whole clip, never female removes the panties. They do tie ropes in a way that they bury deep into cunt-crack, but no prenetration, no oral or other sex. Angles, lightning, settings, image quality. All just fucking brilliant. Those who don't care to spend time on hunting loops, check out either Gold Medal companys old Bondage Classics VHS compilations or Alpha Blue Archives loop collections. You will find plenty of HOM stuff there.
And to ask some questions what has bugged me for about 15 years: anyone ever seen GOOD H.O.M. inc magazine? Especially in 80's and 90's they farted out about zillion of glossy bondage photo magazines, but they all suck ass. It's like some 2nd rate vivid video / american porn stars in shitty poses. No intruders, rapists, sadists, crude settings.. no good rope bondage, no good cuffs/shakels whatever. Just plain shit what they remember always to call "love bondage" or whatever.

JOSEFINE MUTZENBACHER - verbotene Leidenschaft, starlight film 150m, 1977
This is actually just.. is it one out of five?? Or one out of six? Nevertheless, part #4 of the longer film originally created by German Herzog company I believe? They were responsible for some extremely high production value full feature films. Include Catharine the Great 1-2 and these Josefine films, which I think exists at least 4??
Anyways, I remember when I was little boy, perhaps at age of 13 or something, and happened to see the full length VHS of this film. That, and the trailer of Catherine the great was something that possessed me for decades. I remember in 2005 or so, being in London SOHO, in one small porn shop who tried to scam me on selling supposedly old Color Climax loops on dvd which I wanted. It turned out this dvd was blank. Next day I return and challenge owner for rip off. He comes up with BS explanations, doesn't want to give money back, but what do you know, in shelves I see bootleg DVDR copies of 4 Josefina films. I grab them, and am happy with the deal after all. One of them didn't work. Well, anyways, it was great trip back to memory lane to the movie I remembered from the past. Later on I purchased the official german dvd re-issues of many Herzog films, and can say it is most recommended for those who want to see well done feature films with hardcore XXX scenes. Anyways, this loop, being impartial and imperfect copy (few minutes missing from beginning) is still good thing to watch.
Those who know nothing about this case, maybe need to update their history lessons in erotica.
Book should be available in most of languages, including Finnish. You can get the old cheap paperback from seedy 2nd hand bookshops with luck.

Quote:On 27 November 1990 The Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany) made what is now known as "The Mutzenbacher Decision". The Court prefaced their verdict by referring to two other seminal freedom of expression cases from previous German Case Law, the Mephisto Decision and the Anachronistischer Decision. The court ruled that under the German Grundgesetz (constitution) chapter about Kunstfreiheit (Freedom of art) the novel Josephine Mutzenbacher was both pornography and art, and that the former is not necessary and sufficient to deny the latter. In plain English, even though the contents of Josephine Mutzenbacher are pornographic, they are still considered art and in the process of "indexing" the book, the aspect of freedom of art has to be considered. The court's ruling forced the BPjM to temporarily remove the Rowohlt edition of Josephine Mutzenbacher from its "list of youth-endangering media". This edition was added to the list again in 1992 in a new decision of the BPjM which considered the aspect of freedom of art, but deemed the aspect of protecting children to be more important. Later editions of the book by other publishers were not added to the list.

In film version, Josefina is quoted to be 17 (although acress looks much older, born in 1953, so you can do the math). Original book scrip, she is hardly that. Plot synopsis from wikipedia:
Quote:The plot device employed in Josephine Mutzenbacher is that of first-person narrative, structured in the format of a memoir. The story is told from the point of view of an accomplished aging 50-year-old Viennese courtesan who is looking back upon the sexual escapades she enjoyed during her unbridled youth in Vienna. Contrary to the what the title indicates, the entirety of the book takes place when Josephine is between the ages of 5–12 years old, before she actually becomes a licensed prostitute in the brothels of Vienna. The book begins when she is five years old and ends when she is twelve years old and about to enter professional service in a brothel.

Although the book makes use of many "euphemisms" for human anatomy and sexual behavior that seem quaint today, its content is entirely pornographic and unmistakably deviant in nature. The actual progression of events amounts to little more than a graphic, unapologetic description of the reckless sexuality exhibited by the heroine, all before reaching her 13th year. The style bears more than a passing resemblance to the Marquis de Sade's The 120 Days of Sodom in its unabashed "laundry list" cataloging of all manner of taboo sexual antics from incest, rape and homosexuality to child prostitution, group sex and fellatio.

So if you feel like you should catch up something about classic literature, be sure this is one on the list. I remember reading it pretty young on my teenage years, and back then, didn't think there was anything shocking about it.

Anyways, back to loops:

THE KIDNAPPERS, candy's climax no. 15, 1972
Man and woman kidnap teenager from the street, enageg into pretty consensual 3-some. Girl escapes from window before the couple climaxes. They laught about it, nothing more. It is very nice standard copenhagen sex loop. It has the 70's sleaze wibe, the sinful themes of forced sex, rape, age differences, etc etc. But in end, it's like amusing breeze of european sexual revolution, nothing hard, nothing illegal. Same company produced decent like of other loops including Play with the dog, Spanking For Three, Lucky Dog, The Rubberboy, Hot Studio, and more.. Got most of these 15 titles they advertize in catalogue that comes with loop. In the box there are full color catalogue of BIZARRE (one of the countless series on same name). Including films Spanking Ritual, Sadismus, Flagellantismus, Bizarre, Pincushion, Rubber and Urine Sadism, The cat of nine tails. 7 loops... anyone seen any? Preview pictures looks great. I have vague recollection of having one or two but will have to go through the collection...

At that point, had to stop and go fuck in real life. Perhaps more films tomorrow.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Tommy Carlsson on December 14, 2009, 10:54:38 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 14, 2009, 10:26:23 AMI know some swedish of the forum had opportunity to score massive load of super-8 loops. Anything checked out yet? Any double copies to get rid of?
Any missing covers? I think I have handful of Lasse Braun covers without loops. If you got loops without covers, maybe we get some kind of deal..

Yes, that would be me. I bought around 60 loops, most of them by Lasse Braun. Unfortunately, only two of them had covers. I haven't been able to check anything out yet as I don't have a projector. There might be double copies, some of them are only labeled with Lasse's catalogue number and nothing more, so I can't be certain of exactly what titles I have.

You can expect a list with more information as soon as I have access to a projector, and am able to sort everything out.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Strömkarlen on December 14, 2009, 10:58:48 AM
If you swing by GBG this Christmas bring the films and we can arrange a toolbox night. Either at my office or at Utmarken (I'm sure the boys want to be a part of it.) I have all the projectors you need and more...

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 14, 2009, 12:11:27 PM
As someone who has little interest in porn but does indeed enjoy reading the gruesome tales of human suffering, how about a list featuring pornstars who met premature ends? With as much details as possible of course. There must be hundreds if not thousands of them.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 14, 2009, 06:12:13 PM
I think there was one pretty amusing case, where girl that had done scenes with Max HC, and what I recall, didn't like what she experienced and filed even lawsuit. Material is withdrawn from market. Anyways, not long after she ends up blowing her brains out with shotgun.
Max is such a classy guy, that years later for European edition of one of the HARDER THAN HARDCORE dvd's, he puts the uncut scene with song "shotgun suicide" as soundtrack. Got that dvd somewhere.

I don't know if the actress is dead yet or not, but the one girl who happened to catch HIV from filmshoot, and she was desperate, obviously, being basically sentenced to death. Guys at JM Productions are good-doers enough to hire her for American Bukkake #1, to get dozens and dozens of loads all over her face & mouth. They justified it that girl needed money, and there was no danger since there was no physical contact. Just loogies of jizz splattering over her pretty infected face. Probably have VHS copy of AB#1 somewhere. Not very good scene, but pretty unique when you know some backgrounds.

TheGreatExxxtrasy: have you read book TALES FROM THE TIMESQUARE ? Feral House re-printed it with additional +100 pages. Thats book to read. I need to get myself the updated version.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: ImpulsyStetoskopu on December 14, 2009, 06:15:46 PM
I would like to recommend something from Poland from these days. This is my friend's project SUKA OFF. He explores performance art, body art, video art, photo art. He started in second half 1990s. He is one of the most controversial artist in Poland. In last months he collaborates with one of the best Polish noise / power electronics project VILGOĆ. I hope you like it. I am curious your reflections.

First one:

"POSESSION" www.insideflesh.com password: possession (type it! No copy or paste and next click on cross)

"HIDDENROOM" www.insideflesh.com password: hiddenroom

"WHITEFLESH" www.insideflesh.com password: whiteflesh


"CARNALFLUIDITY" www.insideflesh.com passowrd: carnalfluidity

Something yet: http://www.vimeo.com/2936215

And his the latest in this year performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwmRW9e5EbE
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Max on December 15, 2009, 04:57:33 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on December 14, 2009, 12:11:27 PM
As someone who has little interest in porn but does indeed enjoy reading the gruesome tales of human suffering, how about a list featuring pornstars who met premature ends? With as much details as possible of course. There must be hundreds if not thousands of them.

it's going on non-stop. this happened a few days ago... some gay porn starlet chocked on a bag of weed, trying to hide it from the cops. there's a video of the incident under "update #1". doesn't look like fun there.

http://www.gaypornblog.com/archives/2009/12/gay_porn_star_dustin_michaels_chokes_to_death_in_police_custody.html#more (http://www.gaypornblog.com/archives/2009/12/gay_porn_star_dustin_michaels_chokes_to_death_in_police_custody.html#more)

and yeah, i only read this blog because of... ahem... ummm... sociological observation!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 17, 2009, 09:53:11 PM
Gossip, celebrities, pretty ok xxx action, low amateur quality. I guess worth of couple of minutes of ones life:



Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 06:07:16 PM

first ever feminist porno art dvd compilation. Ehm.. DVD release date january.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Strömkarlen on December 18, 2009, 06:18:01 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 06:07:16 PM

first ever feminist porno art dvd compilation. Ehm.. DVD release date january.

Supported by the Swedish Film Institute. Even had a spell at the cinemas in Sweden... did I bother to go? Not may people did and neither did I.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 06:31:41 PM
Quote from: ImpulsyStetoskopu on December 14, 2009, 06:15:46 PM
I would like to recommend something from Poland from these days. This is my friend's project SUKA OFF. He explores performance art, body art, video art, photo art. He started in second half 1990s. He is one of the most controversial artist in Poland. In last months he collaborates with one of the best Polish noise / power electronics project VILGOĆ. I hope you like it. I am curious your reflections.

Thanks for the links! POSSESSION was easily the best one here. Whiteflesh I found annoying.  I'm kind of very bored with techno/urban/modern fetish/club electro dance/marilyn manson/monster male sex-grotesque/ etc. wibes. And it was all that. Possession was more just stylish. I think the fast editing with blurred/film decay simulations/etc. are the kind of modern cliche after all the Seven / Ring etc type of popular movies, but it is still fine. Girl is nice. At her best in Possession.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 06:50:59 PM
Quote from: Strömkarlen on December 18, 2009, 06:18:01 PM
Supported by the Swedish Film Institute. Even had a spell at the cinemas in Sweden... did I bother to go? Not may people did and neither did I.

haha! Well, I was just reading about it in Finnish free newspaper VOIMA! (power!). Pinko city hippie save the world conspiracy newspaper. Obviously they were very happy about finally pornography being removed from stigmas. Redifined from "jerk off material of men", into "depictions of lust" or "depictions of nude people", without exploitation, without male pigs having their ways. As if it wouldn't have been done. As if there wasn't feminists in porn since... I don't know, 70's? As if porn videos would be about perfect models with mainstream beauty ideals.
I just think, that when you remove all the things like:
-state funded concept art shot on cellphones
-lesbians having fun with their arts school friends
-mainstream media attention & nice status as some kind of "pioneer"
would they be doing this?
And how they would view about 1000000000000000000000000 videos made by hetero couples around the world all the time, uploaded on www, available free of charge online for millions of viewers. Or the german old couples assfucking dressed in raincoats in their bedroom. Ugly, nasty, hardly no money involved. VHS in some shelves waiting customer who likes the kind of thing as opposed to mainstream beauty queens. It isn't cool. It isn't worth of writing about in these modern radical newspapers. Nobody cares, but they guy with cock at his hand.
I reather be that guy.
I remember when book of one famous "slave" was published. She had website, she was public figure in the finnish BDSM scene. Her book was such a egotrip, from supposed lousy life of giving asshole to strangers in first date, to find her lovely master who took control of her. She wrote how the shows she and her elegant and sophisticated friends did and everybody loved them. And few lines later she would be writing extremely hostile text about all the uncool old men in womens nightdresses. Who should be away from "their scene". The disgusting fuckers.
And then you wonder, why people hate: lesbians, feminists.. well, women in general.
That's why.
You can't live without them, of course. But when woman artists has "something to say", I find myself often thinking "oh shit, this IS going to be hard.."
That's also reason why I intend to buy the DVD when I have the chance. It is sometimes nice to torture yourself if it proves a point.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: kettu on December 18, 2009, 07:10:06 PM
I was intending on going to kino engel to see it in a long coat and maybe rub one out. but I didnt , there were financial issues to consider but the biggest thing was that lesbians suck. they are not intrested in me and im not intrested in them.

but it would have been nice to see cellphone shot things on the silverscreen instead of the computer screen which is usually the place for that type of material.

I cant remember if anybody mentioned in the maniacs pornothread about amateur dvds. theres dogging and of course older stuff on vhs but ive not seen or heard of any series consentrating in new amateurs, selfshooters etc.so I have no problems nerding around to find tasty stuff. an internet phenominon that greatly suits my tastes and financial situation hahah

theres so much variety in them, from brutal throatfucking that makes you wonder that these people are really in a relationship because it lookes like abuse to akward teens(8teen+ of course...) having romantic fucks in the bushes.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Strömkarlen on December 18, 2009, 07:36:45 PM
Well I rather take lesbians than the "transsexual" Esther the guy on the left... This picture is actually flattering. He did one of the cell-phone films.


I just can't be bother translating what the Swedish Film Institute wrote when they gave them money but for you Swedes and Finns (that read Swedish) here you go.

"Dirty Diaries" (experiment, vuxen)
Regi och manus: Mia Engberg, m fl
Producent: Göran Olsson, Mia Engberg, Story AB
Stödbelopp: 150 000 kronor
Filmkonsulent Andra Lasmanis

En samling erotiska kortfilmer gjorda av kvinnor med en mobiltelefon-kamera. Projektet syftar till att omdefiniera porren och göra den queer, feministisk och nyskapande. Regissörerna är kända och okända och har gjort filmerna med bara två gemensamma regler: Ingen får komma till skada under inspelningen och alla medverkande är över 18 år.

And Mikko you will most certanily love the film. 150 000 kronor is roughly 15 000 EURO.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 08:40:55 PM
This was all translated & explained in the paper.

In previous issue of this same newspaper I mentioned, was article about Finnish female artist who did installation with images she found online from easy and assumedly legal sources. No hardcore stuff, but stuff she considered to be sexualization of children and wrong. Showing how society has become accepting towards things like this. Which it hasn't. And therefore, on opening night, one of the guests called police and her piece of art never made it to please the actual artlovers. She got recently sentence for distributing kiddy porn. Some professionals said that like cup/vase can't be removed from its current artform back to simply clay, also those images part of social commentary&art can't return back to their original raw form. And she should not be sentenced based on what pictures were, but looked at what they have become. I strongly dislike this particular professor and his academic queer studies, but I like that idea. I have few ideas for "performance art" what can be done on streets. With baseball bat and installing it temporarily to/through living canvas.

Anyways, seriously, while pretty much nobody saw the images, so it's hard to really credibly tell what they were and what they were not, but I could assume new and old nudist images, printed out art of world wide famous photographers etc.  Here in Finland, even Sally Mann exhibition resulted 9 crime reports to police. I find it quite brutal, that high profile art museum displayed worldwide celebrated high-art what is priced about 20000$ per original, and 9 people get the idea that this must be criminal activity and files report to police...   I guess that's the call for above mentioned performance art to happen.

I should probably mention this is "recommended artbooks" topic, since it ain't porn, basically just opposite. But now on-topic: I just managed to score copy of PAKKALA: "Kuvia Lasten Maailmasta" ("photos of world of children") from 1931. Finnish publisher Gummerus. Found it by accident in antique book store here in Lahti.
Text starts: "adult, who stops for a while for childrens beach, to admire wild competition of the little ones, full of lively and beautiful pictures, feels some kind of sorrow in mind, despite bright voices of children ring in his ears with cute happiness.  Feels like in front of our eys would be piece of forgotten paradice, where one has once lived, but what he can never get back anymore. Being kicked out from paradice didn't happen just once. It's story is eternal. Every human can withness it in their lives. Abandoning the paradice and touch on fruit of tree of knowledge happens so slowly, during the years, during turbulent years of youth, during mystical years, that one doesn't notice it until compared his life as adult to life of children. Memories and emotions creep to your consciousness, so blurred and fragile, so strange and alien, that one has to stop think, are these really memories, or maybe recollections of lost times of happines, or something heard or read , what imagination has transformed and tricks you to think it was you.  Feels like in this childrens beach, at one view you can withness core of everything what is unique for world of children and what separates it from us. Air feels vibrating of joy and happiness of living. Air, water, sun and warm sand joins into joy of children, absorbing their cute naked bodies. Over everything floats the spirit of sweet ignorance and innosence."
And so on. But if you would simply cut out the art photos presented here, and paste it in wall of museum together with model images of adult women, you'd be probably experiencing the very same treatment as woman artist mentioned above. To explain, it is really nearly 80 years old book of artistic study, I guess would be just too hard to understand for perverse minds of today. And perhaps not even being lesbian feminist can save you from the sentence.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 08:42:06 PM
Above translation, was by myself. Book is of course in Finnish language. Translation, very bad. Doesn't capture the literature value of actual piece. Sorry about it, hah..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 12:45:25 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 18, 2009, 06:50:59 PM
And then you wonder, why people hate: lesbians, feminists.. well, women in general.
That's why.

Not me. I'd much rather be in the company of women in general than men. What I hate are people who make a big, political deal out of everything. "Feminist Porn" is just another label for smut you can't wank off to but wants to still be regarded as smut anyway. There should be a topic on what's wrong with "feminism" but that's outside the scope of this whole board.

About the art thing - here in Australia there was a big kerfuffle about a famous art photographer, Bill Henson, who had an exhibition which included an image or two of naked teenage girls (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Henson#Controversies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Henson#Controversies)). The shit-storm that came out of that reached all the way to the prime minister who complained about it being exploitative.

There was also the case of Donald Friend, a renowned Australian painter, who lived in Bali for a while and used to shag young boys; he wrote about it in his diaries (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Friend#Diaries (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Friend#Diaries)). A documentary of his life has come out, mentioning it (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/artworks/stories/2008/2432641.htm (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/artworks/stories/2008/2432641.htm)). All Friend's artist mates came out to defend him.

The whole distinction between "art" and smut is an interesting one to me. Not the way I would see it, but how it's defined in society. It's hilarious to me how "art" is so vigorously defended by respectable, university educated, middle-class wankers who look down on common clods like me having an occasional wank to some pictures of good looking women. The class snobbery there is just blatant.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 19, 2009, 10:49:41 AM
I have a skepticism for feminist "smut". Everything I see, is like most of political art. That political values override the original concept. In some art, it may work, but I find pornography as methods of egalitarian politics, to be tainted affair.
Where traditionally a lot of sex was dirty. Exciting. Unusual. Perverse. Part of the thrill was simply the forbidden nature of it. Exceptionality and dysfunctionality. When big part of it became like desperate attempt to please larger crowds with political statements, it felt ruined. I'm talking about porn movies transferred from lust to sex-education with disclaimers and condoms. I'm talking about BDSM magazines turned from fantasies of domination and submission into furry cuffs and love-bondage. Fetish turning from obscure art and perverted obsessions into bling bligh fashion design and disco nights.
Feminist porn doesn't seem like it would be some sort of alternative, but it seems like logical continuum of where things have went for years. Is it... "smut"? I can't give judgement yet, as I have yet to see whole thing. But just like all those Annie Sprinkle, mrs. Harlot etc... their work goes in nature of feminist performance art. It has left realm of "pornography" long ago. It is about making statement, and making art. I have hard time believing that what female want, is this. It seems like feminist plot to manipulate clueless girls. While society is installing certain genre roles, the feminist abuse the situation with thowing crappy shit labeled that this would be the stuff women want. While, I would assume, typical women would probably prefer typical porn movie over the showcase of confused wrecks, gender benders, attention hungry performance artists etc. trying to give some political guidelines and morals, while viewer just wants to rub her clit and cum.

But of course, something not being excactly porn doesn't remove it's potential to being used as one. I used to have the idea to start magazine or publishing company called ART AS PORN / PORN AS ART. Logo would be nice to make very stylish AAP/PAA.  But I guess it is reduced to be just "IOPS journal", although lure of great new name & concept is always there.

I think hating women, and liking to be in their company are two different things. We are civilized anyways? Not like barbaric need to strangulate every person you see. Maybe. I get along very well with middle aged women. I guess that's my speciality. I don't know about teenagers. Modern teenager and urban city girl, outside being object, seems like ruined. Another topic what the newspaper was dealing with was SG girls. I mean come on! "This is the new phase of pornography, created, spreaded by women on their own term and free will". What is the porn about fashion victims & walking cliche's flashing their tits? Some years ago with Nihilist Commando I wrote the song "Suicidal Girls - Homicidal lust". That's the honest emotion I have for that subject matter. Of course I do have SG book and magazine in my collection. Just to prove the point :D
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 11:59:52 AM
Suicide girls - biker chicks with pigtails. Trendy fuckwits not only believe their own hype but generate it. Another pack of pigs pushing their snouts into the trough. What shits me about them and their ilk is that they've bent over and taken it up their pierced, tattooed arses, all the while telling themselves they're "free". Pseudo-individualist, hip capitalist conformists who honestly think they're different.

I think there's a somewhat nostalgic value to when we discover pornography and the sheer thrilling delight of the "naughtiness" of it all, to the over-saturation of today. A lot of the bullshit, commercial x-rated smut that cums out of the American corporate cock is such seamy, tasteless overdose. Hours and hours of bullshit anal gaping, triple insertion, bukkake tsunamis (without the style and grace of the original Japanese concept); I can't argue with those who dig this shit but to me, there's not style, taste, class or thrill. But my tastes are very simple and refined and undemanding: still trying to capture the trill of a hint of cleavage or cunt underneath everyday but seductive clothing. I'd rather impose my own fantasies upon an image than have it shoved at me.

As for me, I much prefer women to men. For the most part I suppose I'm the complete opposite to what you're saying: I hate men but don't mind being in their company. All sorts of good, personal, complicated reasons which I hope to spew forward one day in Noise. My feelings to humanity are the same as the next average, garden variety misanthrope but I tend to dislike the male of the species rather than the female.

Hatred is a noble thing: anyone without hate is without blood. As long as we remain "civilised".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 19, 2009, 12:14:17 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 11:59:52 AM
I'd rather impose my own fantasies upon an image than have it shoved at me.  

Hatred is a noble thing: anyone without hate is without blood. As long as we remain "civilised".

I like both those statements.

I do disagree with the rather women than men statement though. As my contempt for parts of humanity remains relatively high I'm naturally more wary of women than men. As amazing as women can be and for all the great things they sometimes do for us they are also capable of horribly evil shit alien to most men. That's based on my experience anyway.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 12:20:42 PM
It's all experiential. The worst misogynists are the ones who pretend not to be. "No, I'm not trying to pick you up, I really like you and I just want to get to know you as a person 'cause you're really interesting".

The divide between the genders is amazingly high among even the most right-on people I know. When I go to parties I can't help but notice that the men and women like to congregate in their own little circles. Both bore me to tears. Thank fuck for pornography!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 19, 2009, 12:26:33 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 12:20:42 PM
Thank fuck for pornography!

Asks no questions, doesn't care what you look like or your social status and won't try and change you. I'll go along with that.

My woman mentioned that the men who've treated her the worst have often been those who refer to themselves as feminists. Hardly news to many here probably and it didn't exactly come as a great surprise to me. Interesting none the less.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 12:33:19 PM
Quote from: TheGreatEcstasy on December 19, 2009, 12:26:33 PMMy woman mentioned that the men who've treated her the worst have often been those who refer to themselves as feminists.

Mate, the chicks love it!!

One of the reasons Andrea Dworkin ended up the way she did was because of her anarchist husband. By beating the crap out of her all the time.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 20, 2009, 12:57:35 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 12:33:19 PM
One of the reasons Andrea Dworkin ended up the way she did was because of her anarchist husband. By beating the crap out of her all the time.

He obviously didn't beat her enough.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 20, 2009, 02:42:40 AM
Oh, I'm a fan. She knew how to hate: nothing bloodless about our Andrea. Her writing, to me, is like a lot of hardcore political extremist writing, only in her case with more of an annoying academic facade. That was her drawback, to me; she was no Valerie Solanas. But there's a lot of good, personal, emotional grit in her writing and she does, I think, point to a few basic home truths about gender warfare. Her big mistake as far as porn was concerned was of course her complete inability to understand that women can be stupid; they where always victims, never instigators or, heaven forfend, idiots just allowing themselves to be used for a few bucks. I should get around to reading her "Right Wing Women", should be interesting to see how she intellectually wiggles around that concept.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 20, 2009, 03:11:04 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 20, 2009, 02:42:40 AM
Her big mistake as far as porn was concerned was of course her complete inability to understand that women can be stupid; they where always victims, never instigators or, heaven forfend, idiots just allowing themselves to be used for a few bucks.

Or the fact that men who are turned on by the sexual domination of women aren't necessarily violent prone monsters out to destroy all womenkind.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 20, 2009, 04:21:20 AM
Exactly. Her context was completely out because of her political dogmatism.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2009, 03:13:33 PM
I think it would be nice to make some sort of study, why there is such a big number of films and videos of men dominating women, but magazines tend to be other way round. So much of dominatrix theme magazine, male slaves, men humiliated, men in female clothes humiliated...

There are lots of old books about all subject matter, but I think perhaps still submissive men are more popular?

Comic books in other hand tend to be mostly men dominating women.

Most of music tends to be men dominating women. I know there is some noise dedicated to submission on female force, but that is utmost minority.

I would like that there would be photo/story magazines of anonymous masked men dominating fragile female victims, but such thing doesn't seem to exists. No matter how much you look for, visit specialist bookstores, there are almost any kinds of magazines available, but not those. You need to grab some good s/m comics to get new product with such themes.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2009, 09:18:32 PM
Quite often I criticize the lame quality of American Bukkake, and lack of ideas, shitty filming, shitty "acting" (how difficult it is to shoot to target and not spill your cum just on the floor next to girl?), but lets say this time, despite the same crappiness, they got some ideas here:


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 21, 2009, 12:30:26 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2009, 03:13:33 PM
I think it would be nice to make some sort of study, why there is such a big number of films and videos of men dominating women, but magazines tend to be other way round. So much of dominatrix theme magazine, male slaves, men humiliated, men in female clothes humiliated...

Friend of mine was a professional dominatrix for a few years. We both had a good talk about how it is that there's all these blokes in "high powered", professional jobs who spend their working day telling others what to do and enjoying it, then getting their jollies at night being tied up, beaten up and having needles shoved into their dicks. I think there are a lot of submissive men around who get off being dominated and abused by women.

It's something I dig from a voyeuristic point of view. I would not want to be tied up and beaten up myself, but I do quite enjoy watching men being tied up and beaten up by women. Personally I'd prefer to do the dominating myself if I was taking part, but I really enjoy seeing and hearing men being dominated and humiliated. The dialogue between the dom and sub is something I'm very interested in.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 25, 2009, 09:06:49 PM
Got the TASCHEN book of PRIVATE. 1000 pages in small pages, in full color. 5 books in slipcase. Pretty neat item of their early stages. As good christmas present, I went through whole thing during one blowjob. There are some very good stuff, some that you can browse through with faster pace. But overall, for price what it is, absolutely essential.

They say some previously unseen images are present, but not sure what. I thought that perhaps reason for such a small page size would be that these MIGHT be scan of the magazines rather than scans of the original negatives/slides or whatever? Reducing pages size such a significantly might allow even scans of magazines look very bright and sharp, without halftone patterns of such. I see couple images with crappy jpeg packaging waste, but that's like 2 pages out of 1000.

I wonder if ever TASCHEN would have possibilities to go after RODOX / COLOR CLIMAX? I think legal issues might be brutal. Reading old interview with Rodox representative who was defending them against kp accusations said that after 1980 they made the new policy of not allowing any kids in their product that all models need to have valid ID showing they are 16 or over. Well, as we know, these days "16 or over" isn't that good policy for company who doesn't want their distributors to be behind bars. Leaving all the infamous golden years teenage material away from Rodox would be such a imperfect document, but who would dare? Perhaps company with clever lawyers from countries where baggage of prooving something is on accusations, not on defender.

I do wonder, how many companies shift their stocks and "activities" into glorious Denmark? Already old news from last year, but I guess law just took it's place beginning of 2009?

Netherlands Outlaws Bestiality, Animal Porn
  After two years of debate and fierce opposition from the porn industry the Netherlands has outlawed bestiality and bestiality pornography. Offenders risk being jailed for six months. Previously the law only covered cases where animals suffered.

"The Netherlands has been a magnet for perversities - and we want to stop that," said MP Harm Evert Waalkens who proposed the law. Animal pornography is explicitly forbidden in 80 countries.


So, if that's not cover worthy picture, I don't know what is ! haha!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 05, 2010, 06:37:54 PM
don't know exactly what it is, but games in flat, and suddenly turn to amateur facials. I appreciated.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Nil By Mouth on January 29, 2010, 04:27:56 PM
Maybe is off topic, but crying japan girls are in some ways considered pornographic

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 31, 2010, 07:55:35 PM
Was doing some "research" for future release, and going through of dvd "pregnant dog fucker". Says in cover "brutal barking dog sex" and "7 months pregnant and still fucking DOGS!!"... well, there aren't much barking, and I have my doubts about the 7 months, but this is sleaze. Starts with rare appearance of cat, licking some sort of milk or whatever from her labia, says in cover its her own breast milk actually. Big white dog enters and pregnant woman with TATTOOED company logo of who put this dvd out in her chest. Not as elegant as playboy bunny. She's doing all that female usually do with big dogs, while cat casually just spend his (?) time in room, walking aroind and cleaning up himself. It's pretty funny. It's decent dvd in its genre. Something actually happens, and it's not all about chasing dogs in room. Female look decent, as decent as pregnant milf type housewives do. And she clearly is expert on this field.
One can appreciate decently done dvd on this field, which is traditionally filled with material you can't even bother to watch with fast forward function at maximum.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: cafedepresso on February 01, 2010, 12:48:53 AM
National Audiovisual Archive will have a serie of movies and lectures called 'sexuality on screen' starting this month in Helsinki => http://www.kava.fi/esitykset/kevat-2010/seksuaalisuus-valkokankaalla.
Some movies may have swedish subtitles.

Tarja Höykinpuro: VALKOKANKAAN S/M

and from the movies these ones sound interesting:

Barbet Schroeder: MAÎTRESSE (about French s/m scene starring Gérard Depardieu :) with real s/m people doing sessions, 1976)
Osamu Tezuka: CLEOPATRA, QUEEN OF SEX (erotic anime, 1970)
Knud Leif Thomsen: GIFT (Danish porn, 1966)
Annelise Meineche: UTAN EN TRÅD (Danish porn, 1968)
Alain Robbe-Grillet: Successive Slidings of Pleasure ("...contains plenty of surreal moments and lots of sleaze.The movie itself is truly unique and bizarre,so fans of unusual European art-house exploitation won't be disappointed. IMDB", France, 1973)
Tatsumi Kumashiro: STREET OF JOY (sex industry of 1950s Tokyo, 1974)
John Sayles: LIANNA (lesbian love, USA 1982)
Beni Montresor: The Golden Mass (dreamlike and erotic picture, "the wife has an incestuous union while her husband and their daughter look on, and then the wife and another woman do some extraordinary things with and to the husband, Allmovie", France 1975)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: andy vomit on February 03, 2010, 04:05:57 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 20, 2009, 02:42:40 AM
Oh, I'm a fan. She knew how to hate: nothing bloodless about our Andrea. Her writing, to me, is like a lot of hardcore political extremist writing, only in her case with more of an annoying academic facade. That was her drawback, to me; she was no Valerie Solanas. But there's a lot of good, personal, emotional grit in her writing and she does, I think, point to a few basic home truths about gender warfare. Her big mistake as far as porn was concerned was of course her complete inability to understand that women can be stupid; they where always victims, never instigators or, heaven forfend, idiots just allowing themselves to be used for a few bucks. I should get around to reading her "Right Wing Women", should be interesting to see how she intellectually wiggles around that concept.

i wrote a rather lengthy essay on pornography and the first amendment, and as a result, i read a lot of andrea dworkin's work.  i don't remember many details of what i read, but the one thing i do remember is this: according to dworkin (which is, of course, the "correct" opinion), ALL PORNOGRAPHY IS RAPE.  all the men in porn films are rapists and should be charged/treated as such.  because the woman is the "object" in porno films, she's automatically the victim.  and to make matters worse, she didn't limit this opinion to porn, but heterosexual sex in general.  so says wikipedia: 

"In 1987 Dworkin published Intercourse, in which she extended her analysis from pornography to sexual intercourse itself, and argued that the sort of sexual subordination depicted in pornography was central to men's and women's experiences of heterosexual intercourse in a male supremacist society. In the book, she argues that all heterosexual sex in our patriarchal society is coercive and degrading to women, and sexual penetration may by its very nature doom women to inferiority and submission, and "may be immune to reform.""

while i don't agree with anything she's ever said, i have to admit that it takes some serious fucking balls to make a statement like that. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 03, 2010, 09:13:36 AM
balls? Nutjobs tell many things, and to reason abnormal & delusional theories doesn't necessary require balls, but just being... well nutcase.
I think I may have told elsewhere about radio interview with Finnish lesbian sex healtcare project, where they were guiding couples for better sex. The route they had chosen was the anti-heterosexual pussy eating lesbian ideology. While several couples came at first, after they'd been throughly blamed and directed with shame & guilt of cock domination, instead of success, they had to simply close the project since little by little, nobody came. Everybody dropped off the course. Couples that wanted to fuck and have fun, were being bombarded with guilt ridden lesbian propaganda that prevented all that.
Interview was funny as fuck, since the organisation still couldn't really admit, that something was wrong with them and their own ideas.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: alpharmania on February 04, 2010, 11:33:20 PM
Recently I watched a mainstream movie from Finland called Rööperi (recommended btw). There one of the characters runs a pornoshop with lots of magazines and (I think) 8mm films. Sweden and Denmark was very liberal on this matter but how was it in Finland in "golden years" of scandinavian pornography?
I have vague memories of seeing some pornographic comedy I think called Pi... Pi... Pilleri (?) and lovestory Sensuela, otherwise I haven't seen much smut / sleaze from Finland. Was it because of laws or have I simply not looked close enough?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 05, 2010, 01:13:50 PM
In Finland at that time, until very late of 90's it was basically illegal to sell HC pornography. It happened since the end of 60's of course, even having specialized sex shop. But once in a while, police would raid them, confisgate stuff etc.
There are some of very known characters in Helsinki sex shop scene who have been around since 70's. Always hustling and smuggling, cheating and ripping off with scams. I guess same as everywhere in times when it was more of grey area business.
Porno films of erotic movies was very very marginal, and still is. Nothing to be compared to Denmark or Sweden.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Strömkarlen on February 05, 2010, 01:30:40 PM
That would explain the weird Finnish porn/record shop that was (maybe still is) situated in the middle of Stockholm. All signs and prices in Finnish. I guess they where catering to Finnish tourist and the large Finnish population of Stockholm.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 05, 2010, 01:39:35 PM
back in the day, everything came from stockholm. Every guy who ran a shop, went there to get stuff to smuggle into finland. I was told the name of the old couple who ran big store and wholesale business there. Still perhaps 5 years ago, some shop owner visited them and they had regular blockhouse attic from floor to ceiling stashed with vintage mags for dirt cheap prices. I think guy was already 80 years old and sold his actual store away.

It wasn't until VHS came in the game, that you didn't need more than "master" and then dublicate copies. And when finland joined EU and no customs between Finland and Holland anymore. Everybody could easily contact the biggest wholesalers in the business all around europe and import everything by yourself.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 10, 2010, 03:28:38 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007 Update by Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons

At a Glance: In the past Hentai games have often catered to casual rape enthusiasts. These are perfectly normal folks like you, me and your next door neighbor who only leaves his apartment to buy canned meat and plastic tarps. I like to think of this audience as the "beer and pretzel" rape gamer. They're interested in a fun "pick up and play" rape game and they don't want to get bogged down in details. Then there are the rape grognards who want a rape simulator to be as realistic as possible. They want it to include accidental pregnancies, crying, abortion, threat of murder, fuel mixture, full elevator control, and pre-rape start-up checks. RapeLay is the grognard's rape simulator. It is the Falcon 4.0 of rape.

Language: Japanese and some horrible fan-made English translation.

Sexual Content: The original game includes a pixilated mosaic, but the fan-made English translation includes various uncensored textures. That includes my personal favorites; the bloody penis and vagina.

Ahhhh yesteryear!
When I fire up a modern game on a modern console or PC I am often struck with nostalgia. I recall the joys I once experienced, hunched over my Atari 2600, entranced by the vaguely human shapes moving around the screen and throwing dots at each other. I can't help but look at the roaring demonoids and wailing 5.1 surround drop ships and bounding Pinatas and marvel at how far videogames have come, but there is the nagging suspicion that those simpler games and simpler times were in most ways better. Eating prostitutes with a crowbar in Vice City is great fun, to be sure, but does it still have that same innocent wonder to it as chowing down on power pellets and blue ghosts?

In the immortal words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "So, too, go the rape games". Custer's Revenge was a joy to play, just you and the Indian squaw tied to a pole with her angry red blocks for nipples. Your proud white man's erection thrust towards her as you avoided the many perils of the Wild West, come to sting your penis. The joy of raping that Indian woman tied to the pole was simple and pure.

RapeLay is in every way a wonder of technology. It is the Gears of War to Custer's Combat, the Madden 2007 to its FOOTBALL, the Oblivion to its Venture. It is a soulless, high-resolution rendering of rape. With nearly photo-realistic giant bedrooms and crying children that can get pregnant if you ejaculate inside of them. I never had to decide whether or not I was going to make that Indian tied to the pole get an abortion. There was no meter that would gauge her sexual pleasure. She stood there up against the pole and accepted things.

It was a simpler time. A better time.

Praise the Lord!
RapeLay is a rape simulator. There is a thin wisp of a plot that was less than clear because of the poor translation. The fan-made translation is not so much a translation as it is a mockup of what a translation might look like. It works fine for the menus, but the game's dialogue and narration make very little sense and the text is often replaced with squiggly lines or empty boxes.

As near as I could discern, you play an evil rapist with a penis the size of a baseball bat who methodically rapes his way through a family of three women. You start with the mother, Yuuko Kiryuu, whose name is apparently the one thing I always have the pieces to spell when I play Scrabble.

You begin by stalking Yuuko in a subway station as she waits for the train. There isn't really a whole lot to do in these parts (they are repeated with her two daughters), but you can "pray" and god will answer your rape prayers by summoning a gust of wind that blows up her skirt. You can spin the camera around and do that as much as you want, but at some point you're going to have to board the subway train and begin the molesting.

On board the subway you have to methodically molest Yuuko by rubbing various parts of her body and pulling up the front and back of her skirt. The game utilizes the now-classic disembodied hand that you can use to squeeze her but, her breasts, or drop down the front of her panties. Yuuko fights with you, making the skirt lifting portion a bit tedious, but it will all be over in a couple of minutes. Once you have successfully rubbed the key parts of her body and elevated her arousal meter (and painted her thighs with the ubiquitous girl juice) the train arrives in the station.

That's her
A short series of static screens tells the story of how you stalk her, but most of the text was so poorly translated that the best I can gather is that the rapist made Yuuko's cell phone vibrate and then handcuffs appeared in her chest. After the static screens you enter a full-fledged rape sequence in the park. It's very scenic. Yuuko cries and screams as you would expect and you can force her into a variety of positions. Once you're done, you take photographs of her naked and covered in ghost jizz, which allows you access to her two daughters, Aoi and Manaka.

Aoi Kiryuu, whose name is pronounced exactly like the sound a fire engine's siren makes, is the elder daughter and a sporty schoolgirl. You pray for upskirt and molest her on the subway just like mom, but this time you rape her in a grungy bathroom. She and her younger sister are both virgins, which means the first time you rape them there will be a crimson surprise all over you and them. A delightful touch.

Finally, there is wee Manaka Kiryuu. She looks about ten and you get to rape her in her gigantic bed while teddy bears look on. This was certainly the most disconcerting of the rapes in the game. Not only does she look like a child, not only does her room looks like a child's room, but Manaka visibly cries. If you zoom in on her face you can see tears welling and vibrating in her gigantic eye sockets.

Beds in Japan are pretty big.
Once you have raped all three women you enter the freeform phase of the game where you "rape train" the three ladies. You do this by selecting a setting and a woman you wish to rape. You can rape them in the bathroom, the kid's bedroom, the park, a hotel room with a bed large enough for Paul Bunyan, in an alley or even on the subway train. At this point you have a much wider variety of positions and you must complete certain unwritten challenges to unlock subservience in the women. It's sort of like Tony Hawk, only instead of a 720 kickflip off a statue, you have to make Aoi swallow semen three times or make Yuuko spread her ass cheeks.

An interesting wildcard - and by interesting I mean "horrid" - is that every time you ejaculate inside one of the girls there is a chance she will become pregnant. If she does become pregnant you're supposed to force her to get an abortion, otherwise she gets more and more visibly pregnant each time you have sex. If you allow the child to be born then the woman will throw you in front of a train! Take that pro-life movement!

Another one of the fun features in RapeLay is that you can really let your creative run wild and invite three of your best creepy friends to assist you in you rape. No, I'm not talking Internet multiplayer, it's more of a rape hot seat where three other dudes crowd around your victim and you create some weird geometric rape-prism. Like the cover of that Pink Floyd album, only with rapes.

There are only two endings to the game. The "thrown in front of the train" ending and the "Aoi stabs you" ending. Other than that it's rape forever for the three unlucky ladies, demonstrating once again that the only way the cycle of rape can end is if rapists are murdered.

We're forming the power symbol!
Defining Moment: I wish I could say that the first instance of bloody cock or the rape that takes place on top of the child's enormous bed were the defining moments of the game. That would have been enough - more than enough - but, these are both things I have seen in Hentai games before. Pregnancy and abortion are new twists on this filthy genre, and they were disturbing, but they still don't quite win out. No, the winner on this one are the tears that glisten and move in the little girl's eyes. That sort of attention to detail wins this game a huge pile of disturbing points.

Difficulty: There are many lessons to be learned from RapeLay, about not wearing a skirt on a train in Japan or the need to equip your daughters with suicide pills, but the lesson foremost in this game is that rape is easy. You can wantonly grope women on a train without consequence and repeatedly rape their entire families without much fear. The only thing you can't do is not force them to get an abortion, because that's a sin in the eye's of god and leads to murder. He is the same god that answers the prayers of rapists standing on subway platforms.

Final Thoughts: RapeLay comes to us from Illusionsoft, which also makes the best Hentai games. I know, I know, oxymoron, but Sexy Beach 2 and 3 are actually kind of fun and innocent enough despite all of the hardcore sex. The fact that they also make one of the most disturbing and unpleasant Hentai games shouldn't really come as a surprise to me, but it does come as a disappointment. On the other hand, I would love to be a fly on the wall in Jack Thompson's office when someone anonymously mails him a copy of RapeLay. I have a feeling after about ten minutes he would either be having a coronary or he'd be masturbating furiously. Nah, he'd be doing both. And choking himself with his belt.
Graphics:    - 1
Gameplay:    - 5
Story:    - 10
Sexual Deviance:    - 10
Fun:    - 7
Overall:    - 33

Each category in the rating system is based out of a possible -10 score (-10 being the worst). The overall score is based out of a possible -50 score (-50 being the worst)."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 12, 2010, 07:37:51 AM
http://underprivilegedjournalism.wordpress.com/2008/02/20/the-whitest-kids-darkest-sides/ (http://underprivilegedjournalism.wordpress.com/2008/02/20/the-whitest-kids-darkest-sides/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 12, 2010, 10:44:22 AM

Nyotaimori: 'Eating sushi off a naked woman is like eating in a mortuary'

'Nyotaimori' is the Japanese tradition of eating sushi off a perfectly still, naked woman's body. Just the sort of thing to enrage a diehard feminist

          o Julie Bindel
          o The Guardian, Friday 12 February 2010
          o Article history


As I booked a ticket for the most expensive meal I have ever eaten, it did ­occur to me that I don't like sushi. But this was not the only problem for someone who has been a lifelong ­feminist campaigner against the sexual exploitation of women: I was about to eat raw fish off a naked woman's body.

I first noticed the publicity for a monthly series of British "nyotaimori" evenings last summer. Nyotaimori, or body sushi, is Japanese, and it isn't normally on offer in London. But periodically temporary operations do pop up in cities around the world, each time sparking newspaper headlines. The word nyotaimori is usually translated as "female body presentation", but a friend who has studied Japanese tells me it means something more like "piling something on top". Which sounds significantly less appetising.

"Flash Sushi will offer a limited number of places to this unique ­experience," the advance publicity for these new British evenings said. "Places are extremely limited and demand is high. Guests will ONLY be informed of the location of the next Flash Sushi dinner once they have paid for their sitting in full."

What did the organisers expect to happen? Hordes of hungry sushi devotees turning up at the venue ­begging for a pair of chopsticks? No, they ­simply wanted to avoid the kind of scenes witnessed in Seattle in 2003 when a group of angry feminists waved placards and shouted as diners made their way in for a nyotaimori dinner.

Anyway, on Wednesday, this angry feminist arrived at the London address she had been sent after shelling out £250. I had to walk through a hippy cafe serving bean stew and carrot salad, and then finally – after going up and down a filthy fire escape and getting lost in a dark corridor smelling of cats – I pushed open a door and found myself in a dark room festooned with purple velvet and filled mostly with men in their 20s sipping champagne.

I was greeted by a Japanese woman in traditional dress and, down a steep set of stairs, caught a glimpse of the dining room. It was 7.05pm, dinner was due to begin in 25 minutes, but the naked women were already in situ, laid out as if in a morgue, ­awaiting a postmortem.

I stood out a little amid the assembled diners. There were two other women, but they were hanging on to the arms of their partners and were dressed to the nines. Soon, however, I was chatting to Ben, a money ­broker, recently divorced and in his 50s. He was at my table with two young ­bankers and their partners. The other table was all male, and, like everyone on my table, all white.

As we sat down, I realised the claims that "demand is high" for such dinners are rubbish: the trestle tables were easily long enough for 24, but there were only 12 diners. In fact, nyotaimori may take place in Japan, but it is stigmatised there and usually only found in seedy sex clubs. But wherever and whenever it is launched overseas, it is marketed as a form of Japanese food culture, and this was, ostensibly, what the meal on Wednesday night was about.

Our human plate was olive skinned, with (as far as I could gather) no body hair and naked except for a few strategically placed banana leaves and rose petals. Her eyes were shut. If it was not for the fact you could see her breathing – and the odd flutter of her eyelid – she could indeed have been a body in a ­mortuary. There was nothing remotely erotic about the sight.

The first course arrived, plus more champagne and sake. Soon the men were getting sloshed. I started to worry about their chopstick use, so much so that I ­offered to serve the salmon sashimi to the banker sitting furthest away from the plate. Loud guffaws from the other table, followed by clapping, came in response to one of the men dropping his piece of sushi on the woman's groin area.

Ben spent most of the evening ­telling me how nyotaimori is not ­demeaning to the women. "So long as they get paid," he argued, it is no different from being an artist's model. "In fact, it is art," he said, warming to his theme.

Our human platter did not look warm. I was dressed for the freezing cold weather outside and was slightly chilly. She had goose bumps, and it was not yet 8pm. The dinner was due to finish at 10.30pm. If it was torture for me being here, what was it like for the plate?

"What I like about her," said Ben, ­indicating our plate – who, playing dead a mere two feet from our mouths, could obviously hear every word we said – "is that ­occasionally she has a very slight smile on her face." I could only imagine that she was fantasising about sticking chopsticks in the eyes of each and every one of us.

At one point I moved my notebook and accidentally knocked the plate's ­fingers. She remained impassive. Andy, one of the bankers, told me a story he had heard the day before about ­nyotaimori. "Some geezer told me you can cop a feel of the birds, you know, slide your hand under the leaves when you are getting the food. So I called the organisers and asked if that goes on, and she tells me, 'No way. It is art.' So I knew it was OK to bring the missus."

Eventually, a break was announced in order for the "models", as our host referred to the human plates, to "stretch their legs". We were led upstairs. I asked how much the plates are paid. "I don't know," said the host. "We hire them through an agency." Do they have any special training? One often reads about how the plates involved in body sushi are "trained" to lie still for hours. "No, but we don't take women with large breasts as the food would slide off."

Were these events usually men-only? "Yes, but when there are ladies present it civilises the men." What ­happens when they are not being ­civilised? "Oh, nothing much, just boys' stuff."

Ben told the host how much he was enjoying himself. "And the presence of these ladies has totally legitimised it – I no longer feel like a dirty old man."

One of the men from the adjoining table approached Ben and the ­bankers. "Can we swap tables with you? Your model is gorgeous." But there was no need. As we were led back downstairs I saw that the plates had swapped already. Our new one had a ­tattoo on her upper arm facing me and her feet were bigger than the previous one's. Her eyes were closed and she too looked dead except for the breathing. I wondered what would happen if she got a terrible itch. More food ­arrived, this time hot, and the banker, in his haste, dropped a piece of hot cod on one thigh. "I wonder if, when she gets home, her husband says, 'Christ, woman, you stink of fish!'" said Ben.

I asked the women at my table what they thought of the evening. "Great," they chorused. "The food is lovely, the candles are beautiful and I love the atmosphere," said one. But what about the human plates? "I'd forgotten about them," she said, unconvincingly.

Not for the first time that evening, I wished I was outside in the freezing cold, shouting and waving a placard.

Names have been changed.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 13, 2010, 02:10:01 AM
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/02/obscene-us-manga-collector-jailed-6-months/ (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/02/obscene-us-manga-collector-jailed-6-months/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 13, 2010, 07:15:29 PM
Recent statement from one major finnish child protection organisation was that they'd urge the ban of images children with very little clothes on appearing online. Which, first of all, is absurd idea but also impossible to do. Secondly, they urged parents to stop posting pictures of their children online into photo competitions and other public places, where they "may go to wrong hands for wrong purposes".

I mean, it sure is pointless to discuss here about it, among perhaps somehow sensible nutcases, but it seems like the worst predator minds and fearmongers are among the childcare organizations. It makes one very dubious about their state of mind AND about reasioning of their statements. It is pretty alarming, when it is the highest profile well educated personnel of state funded organizations and not some imbred religious loonies behind it.

And to mention that this shouldn't be even said in case of pornography topic, since it wasn't about pornography. The fear is simply the child, which is not fully clothed and hidden from views of people, and appear in real life in safe enviroment. It would be nice to see the study where things took the wrong turn. There is one very close conducted by people of pornoakatemia some years ago. Pretty good article written in book they put out.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 17, 2010, 07:43:07 PM
Not usually so much fan of machines fucking, but this was pretty intense.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 18, 2010, 04:43:24 AM
http://supervert.com/perversity_think_tank/ (http://supervert.com/perversity_think_tank/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 18, 2010, 07:43:44 AM
Things can get pretty stupid down here -

http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/02/18/naked-aboriginal-kids-on-postcards-the-line-between-art-and-exploitation/ (http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/02/18/naked-aboriginal-kids-on-postcards-the-line-between-art-and-exploitation/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 18, 2010, 09:37:42 AM
This is quite known in Italy - http://www.sergiomessina.com/realcore/index.php
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 18, 2010, 12:47:53 PM
QuoteSoftcore is fully simulated sex; in Hardcore porno, actors perform sex for a photoshoot or a movie, using all the props of movie productions: lights, backdrops, make up, editing, special effects, etc.

Well, that's a change of definition. I had always thought "softcore" was just posing, and "hardcore" was the sex act, either real or simulated. I've gotten old.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 18, 2010, 05:24:03 PM
I think, at least over here, softcore was the simulated/cropped thing. Photo/video not showing intercourse is soft core. Photo/video showing clearly all the sexual organs in full force, that's hc.   I have had displeasure of seeing few minutes of softcore garbage recently from TV pay channels. I mean... if you're not showing the good old in/out, then what's the point on watching people rub their bodies against eachother? IF they would be as part of REAL movie, it makes sense, but doing material that is all dull & routine copulations as normal hc is, but not even showing it properly, everything seems like utmost waste of time.

Some time ago, I was watching this roughie about rape driven bikers. It was roughie allright, but I was disturbed that sex was softcore? You watch the 3rd rate biker movie where the niche is obviously the sexual brutality, but then it is left into stages of ... hmm foreplay? It was one film in part of "Brutal Underground" 4xDVD box set.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: kettu on February 18, 2010, 07:20:07 PM
there was a "porno" channel at the house where I used to live. the movies were 80s early90s regular pornos with the fucking cut out. making a softcore film seems like a retarted idea but cutting up regular ones seems economic if somebody wants to see hair swinging and posing.

those of you pervs who are into regularladies, here you go


these have become a regular in my pornodiet. maybe not the really horrid ones but bigguns, milfs, gilfs and what have you.

im hitting myself still because I missed an opportunity to buy some ladies homemade pictures. I was at the supermarket minding my business at the counter, stuffing things in to my bag and an older lady lady(38-43?) with the biggest titties ive ever seen in real life comes up to the counter asking for her developed pictures back. she turnes to me and says its just some old homemade pornos. she gave me look see, and indeed there was some nastiness going on. but I didnt pursue the matter further at that time. youve got to be allert at all times or cool stuff will pass you by!

on the topic on reallife as pornography: I did catch a young lady fellating a guy in the car as I was delivering the papers. but my eyesight is so poor that i  didnt get to see too much. I guess I should think about getting new glasses at some point. if only for things like this.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 18, 2010, 08:47:51 PM
damn. You should have asked some private photos. Real actual photograph, it has certain charm that none of the online jpeg's on amateur couple have. It's the same with something such as brutal s/m. Infact, maybe I just mention this, since topic reminded. Earlier today someone asked reference for some good rough s/m online. I don't know really. I hardly follow what sites are up, who is doing what etc. It is just very small interest to watch XXX photos or videos online. Anyways, the Japanese folks have decided to do something about it, and clever guys at Sanwa Mook publishing went to do c. 100 pages book ULTRA HARDCORE SITE VISUAL & MOVIE COLLECTION. It has few japanese marks and says "DELUXE". Well, I don't know about delexu, since the quality is about as rough as the online jpeg's can look on professionally printed full color pages, but still, when you take BRUTAL MASTER, XTREME PAIN, TORTURE GALAXY and STACY'S DUNGEON, and collect the best sets of piecing, burning, whipping, nailing, caning, hc bondage, liquid inserted inside flesh with syringe,... well, pretty much anything that does the maximum punishment on female slaves, on PAPER, it works. It works damn well. Too bad images have to have the mosaic blur, but level of material is harsh enough as it is. CDrom that comes with the book, is pretty useless. Quicktime computer files on several folders. Small crappy image, of course decent action.. but well, it is pretty much like looking a website.
Sanwa Mook has done several of other similar sets: book and CDrom, but of various themes. If there just would be market in west to collect ROUGH s/m... or well, lets say ANY good porn on magazine/book format, it would be nice.
You go to porn shops of today, and the magazine shelves look saddening. Not to mention the even more popular "mens magazines". On art book world, you can publish something what is vintage chic, but something currently relevant or supposedly lowbrow element... there is utmost void.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 18, 2010, 11:44:59 PM
Quote from: niko penttinen on February 18, 2010, 07:20:07 PM
on the topic on reallife as pornography: I did catch a young lady fellating a guy in the car as I was delivering the papers. but my eyesight is so poor that i  didnt get to see too much. I guess I should think about getting new glasses at some point. if only for things like this.

One Saturday morning in Melbourne I was on the tram going to the Vic. Markets. The city is always packed, the tram was full and I was standing up near a window looking out. At a tram stop there was a woman fellating a man. In front of everyone. Right next to everyone waiting for the tram. The woman had bent over, she wasn't even kneeling, she was bending over as if attending to a kid in a pram or something, and the man was casually drinking from cup of some 7-11 sludge and looking around as if he wasn't being sucked. Everyone was staring and they didn't care. What struck me was how joyless, passionless and useless the whole exercise was. Either it was some kind of public "performance art" bullshit or they where just a couple of bogan scum white trash with no brains.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: kettu on February 19, 2010, 12:32:34 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on February 18, 2010, 11:44:59 PM

packed, the tram was full . woman fellating a man. In front of everyone. Right next to everyone  she was bending over as if attending to a kid in a pram or something, and the man was casually drinking from cup of  being sucked. Everyone was staring and they didn't care.how joyless, passionless and useless the whole exercise was.

heh, thats awesome. but maybe they were just thinking about the feelings of those around them. if there was heavy breathing and shouts of "fuck me,mate youre an ace sucker" then the others would be jealous and someone would call the cops. this way they got to do their thing and others got to watch and frown(while playing pocketsnooker)

I completelly get why someone would ignore the wonderful world of amateurwww in favour of reels,mags and dvds but there is such a wealth of good quality pictures out there- quality meaning the pictures are large and done with taste. but holding pictures in your hand is pretty hot. im currently in the process of getting a few pictures of finnish punks in 3vs1 action with the female making stool during coitus. ive not even seen them yet but Ive been told its fairly graphic

I cant remember if im repeating myself but it warms my heart to see a large number of young ladies getting into anal. if sticking a wad of pens in your rectum, emailing the evidence  to your boyfriend who later puts the pics  online doesnt spell love I dont know what does.

its almost a bummer that most of these pictures will never be appreciated the way they should be because they only exist in cyberspace.

edit: nice, I managed to find the one I mentioned + a few for the road. no popups etc

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 20, 2010, 12:34:37 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/world/child-porn-row-exposes-mangas-dark-side-20100219-olwo.html (http://www.theage.com.au/world/child-porn-row-exposes-mangas-dark-side-20100219-olwo.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 20, 2010, 02:11:27 AM
Apparently there is such a thing as "neuroecomonics" now.

http://blogs.theage.com.au/lifestyle/fearclothing/2010/02/19/mappingthemal.html (http://blogs.theage.com.au/lifestyle/fearclothing/2010/02/19/mappingthemal.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Nigredo on February 20, 2010, 10:58:47 AM

A 31-year-old former neighbor was arraigned this morning on charges that he raped and killed Lindsay Anne Graygo in her apartment in February.
Derrick Oliver was charged with open murder, first-degree criminal sexual conduct and larceny in the death of the 29-year-old native of Erie, Penn.
Police said Saturday that Oliver was arrested the night before after his DNA matched evidence at the scene of Graygo's apartment.
Oliver is being held without bond at the Washtenaw County
Jail and has a preliminary hearing July 2.
Graygo's body was discovered Feb. 19 after a concerned co-worker called police to say she had not arrived at work that day.
An autopsy showed she had been beaten, strangled and likely sexually assaulted.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Desperate on February 24, 2010, 04:33:34 AM
Anyone familiar with the old German Viola company? I'm not for sure if they produced xxx material in general, or if they were dedicated to anything "gummi" or rubber related. I've seen some of the early-mid 80s rubber videos, and a few are excellent. Does anyone know of anything similar? The Atom-Age stuff is great as well.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 24, 2010, 10:23:30 AM
Viola, yes, I got videos and magazines. Viola was perhaps best in their Rubbed product. GUMMIKLINIK 1-3 - I think these films have utmost classic status in Finland. Some sort of definition what "german sex" is about, haha..  One can say that most people involved in noise (from 90's) should know Gummiklinik.

Viola is pretty old company. I think their oldest rubber mag I have is from 1979. And they probably existed before?  I recall more nicer fetish oriented mag MARQUIS, offered re-issues of Gummiklinik klassics

• Viola "Rubber new edition" (set № 41)
• Viola "Rubber Classic Bizarre" (set № 41) SCREEN
• Viola "Gummi Klinik Frau Dr. Monteil №1" (set № 36,96) SCR
• Viola "Gummi Klinik Frau Dr. Monteil №2" (set № 51) SCREEN
• Viola "Gummi Klinik Frau Dr. Monteil №3" (set № 51,00) SCR
• Viola "№ 18 Spezialklinik: FrauDrKukumber1" (set № 71) SCR
• Viola "№ 20 Spezialklinik: FrauDrKukumber2" (set № 73) SCR
• Viola "№ 22 Spezialklinik: FrauDrKukumber3" (set № 75) S S
• Viola "№ 24 Spezialklinik: FrauDrKukumber4" (set № 78) S S
• Viola "№ 25 Spezialklinik: FrauDrKukumber5" (set № 161) S S S
• Viola "Gum Woman" (set № 02) SCREEN
• Viola "Gummi Sklaven" (set № 122)
• Viola "Rubber Line" (set № 156) SCREEN SCREEN
• Viola "Gummi Disziplin" (set № 117) SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN
• Viola "Bizarre № 03 - Dirty Women" (set№ 122) SCREEN
• Viola "Bizarre № 06 - Rubber Dreames" (set№ 124) SCR
• Viola "Bizarre № 07 - Die Gummimeiers" (set№ 104) S S S SCR
• Viola "Bizarre № 08 - Gummi in der Ehe" (set № 60) SCREEN
• Viola "Bizarre № 09 - Weekend Bizarre" (set № 82) SCREEN
• Viola "Bizarre № 19 - Auch in Gummi" (set № 157) SCREEN
• Viola "Bizarre № 25 - Gummibaby" (set № 63)
• Viola "Bizarre № 27 - Clinicum perversicum" (set № 57)
• Viola "Bizarre № 29 - Frau Dr. Bizarr" (set № 156) SCR SCREEN
• Viola "Bizarre № 33 - Bizarre Movies" (set № 122) SCREEN


and so on...  Viola Bizarre series was pretty easily available almost everywhere here, but no more. When you compared Viola vs. Atomage, it's just that english ladies & gentlemen tend to be on very safe side of posing in triple layers of rubber and mudsplattered in their mac's, while germans are also in full rubber & diving goggles, but engaged in full on anal sex and golden showers. It's easy to say which is more kind of "taschen worthy" to look back as neat sexual obscurity, and what is just plain obscene.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 24, 2010, 10:42:33 AM
Here's some info on sex in the US capitol. A few years dated, but take it from me, still very relevant if you live in or around the area.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: MR STAB on February 24, 2010, 12:17:49 PM
The gummiklinik films for me are sheer german class!!When i first saw them in the eighties it looked totally alien all that rubber and fun with catherers and nice rubber tubing!!!!!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Desperate on February 27, 2010, 10:03:47 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on February 24, 2010, 10:23:30 AM

When you compared Viola vs. Atomage, it's just that english ladies & gentlemen tend to be on very safe side of posing in triple layers of rubber and mudsplattered in their mac's, while germans are also in full rubber & diving goggles, but engaged in full on anal sex and golden showers. It's easy to say which is more kind of "taschen worthy" to look back as neat sexual obscurity, and what is just plain obscene.

I didn't mean to compare them, because they each have their merits, and you're right. The Viola material was certainly helped out by the inclusion of hardcore sex and filth play. I think my favorite video is maybe "Rubber Dreams," whichever one had the guy (decked out in rubber) jogging at the beginning. What I enjoy about the Atom-Age stuff is that it appeared to be your average, woman-next-door (milf or 50 year old wife) posing head to toe in rubber and smiling while doing it. I think I crave that style of rubber play over the high-glossed crap that most bigger studios put out. The only true amateur rubber fetish out there seems to be through things like YouTube or other areas where average people/couples can upload their home videos.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 28, 2010, 11:15:03 AM
Even later UK magazines like Shiny / Dressing For Pleasure / etc. underlined their policy of no models. It would be strictly enthusiasts and some even predominantly reader letters/reader photos. I do admire something such as old Secret and <<O>> and MArquis / Heavy Rubber, but even if I have pretty complete collection of Skin Two until about #25 perhaps, it was just getting into such a boring partylife report and photography of fashionable clubbers... which was pretty much opposite of what I'd be interested.
While the Skin Two / Bizarre (the uk magazine of all funny odd things) / etc. are related to pretty happy party atmosphere and people looking cool, these older things seem to be more connected to obsessive personal things. Bikers, nature hikers, etc. I find it amusing that there were those reports, like utmost anti-nudism camps. People going outdoors in triple layered rubber, masks, tubes, diving gear.. crawling in mud and talking about sensations it caused. Just utmost unnatural & anti-nudist. Restrictions, unnatural breathing control, suffocation of the strict material etc.
Stories and photosets taken from meeting, which isn't urban dark room or club with massive PA blasting dance music, but older gentlemen and their ladies dressed up in hardcore rubber to drink tea in the garden.

For americans, USA ebay adult section (credit card verification needed!) would be just simples and most easiest way to collect these things. It's annoying that you can't use paypal so transferring money to US for quick needs of auctions isn't easy and many don't accept orders outside US anyways. But there are sellers who sell tons of old rubber fetish magazines for pretty decent prices. From same seller you can purchase original 60's House Of Milan b/w photo prints, what look just rough enough to frame and put on your walls. You can buy original Irwin Klaw bondage booklets for like 10$ or less. Probably one in a while the original Bizarre (USA 50s) mag issues too. Don't personally need them since there is that complete Bizarre book set done well enough. I just wonder if UK or German ebay have such sections? I have never found them from their complex navigation system.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 04, 2010, 05:14:19 AM
http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html (http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 14, 2010, 10:53:03 PM
constipation fetish:

Plugged Up: Meet The Man With A Constipation Fetish

[Plugged Up: Meet The Man With A Constipation Fetish] Tom is a 30-something married man; well-spoken, articulate, and easygoing. He also gets off on constipated women.

I first heard from Tom after I initiated a conversation about constipation. He soon emailed, declaring, "There's nothing sexier than a woman who can't poop." While most of our significant others might beg to differ, Tom seemed pretty sincere — and, since Google wasn't really turning up much on the subject, I wanted to know more. So I spoke directly on the phone with Tom, who cheerfully agreed to an interview (and who was not, thankfully, a heavy breather). With what follows here, may we all gain a better understanding of the enigma that is the human condition.

Jessica: So this the kind of fetish in which you can actually, like, engage? How does this work?

Tom: Laxative commercials on t.v. can be kind of sexy, if they feature an attractive woman. I've got a collection of laxative commercials that I've taped over the years. There was one from Ex-Lax some years back where you see a very pretty woman sitting in a train station; you don't think it's a laxative commercial because it's a very romantic setting and the narrator is talking about her life — and then says "And one more thing, she's constipated." And she pulls down her hat over her face and...

Jessica: And that pushes you over the edge.

Tom: I guess it's because [constipation] is a private, intimate part of life and so it appeals to a kind of voyeur aspect. To hear a woman talking about something that private is sort of sexy for that reason.

Jessica: So is this about the constipation, or are you turned on by the feminine-privacy factor? Like, would you be turned on by a woman discussing bacterial vaginosis?

Tom: No, it actually has to be something butt-related. Women talking about peeing or menstrual stuff doesn't do it. Constipation, diarrhea, farting — those are good things. They're less ladylike than peeing. In my experience, women are more apt to casually talk about peeing but she will only talk about pooping when you get to know her. So that makes it more private and intimate.

Jessica: Poop is a little more special, definitely. And when you're aroused by a constipated woman, do you want to have anal sex with her?

Tom: No, I don't like anal sex. I like doggy-style sex, I like to see and caress a woman's rear end. But I don't participate in anal sex, I don't...that doesn't turn me on.

Jessica: Do you get off on the idea of having that constipation cured, as in when a woman finally does move her bowels?

Tom: Yeah. And I'm not just into [solely] constipation. If I was on a date with a woman and we were driving and she was like, "Oh my God, I really have to poop, pull over right away" — that would be a kind of turn on.

Jessica: So it's not limited to constipation, but rather is about having to go to the bathroom in general. I guess this is some type of coprophelia; do you actually have any other proclivities towards the fecal stuff? Is that involved when you're having sex?

Tom: No, no. I wouldn't want to actually touch fecal matter or even really see a woman defecating. I mean, seeing a woman on a toilet is good, but I don't want to see fecal matter being involved in the sex itself. I find that gross. It's more just talking about it [that turns me on]. There was an ad for Metamucil a few years back where there was a school teacher was talking about how she was constipated, but how she didn't want to tell the principal she was constipated because she was embarrassed about, but then she didn't want to take a laxative because then she'd be teaching a class and all of the sudden she's have to go, and she'd be like praying for recess... Just hearing her talk about that was a turn-on. There didn't have to be any nudity or any actual representation of fecal matter.

Jessica: When did you first realize this was something you were really into?

Tom: I was in college when I first realized it. One time I was at the grocery store and I was in line behind a woman who I thought was cute. She was buying a box of Ex-Lax and a big head of lettuce and I thought, "Wow, this girl is constipated." And I found myself getting aroused thinking about that.

Jessica: Have you ever met or found anyone who kind of shares this interest with you? I Googled the hell out of "constipation fetish" and there's not a lot out there...

Tom: It's a pretty unique fetish. There's more general stuff about coprophilia and there's a site called Girls Gone Gross, but that's more about farting and stuff. There's not much specifically on constipation.

Jessica: And that Girls Gone Gross stuff is not what really what you're into, because that actually involves seeing the bodily fluids et cetera?

Tom: Yeah, I don't like the real gross-out stuff. The ideal woman would be a little bit demure and didn't want to talk about this because she thought it was unladylike or something. But you know she's so constipated that she just has to talk about it. It shouldn't be a woman who's being gross about it and talking about it constantly.

Jessica: What about enemas?

Tom: Yeah, that can be sexy. There are intimate tapes out there where you can see women receiving enemas, but it's better [for me] if she's talking about being constipated first, and then she takes the enema. [I don't care] so much seeing the insertion of the enema. I kind of like the story. It's not so much seeing what's going on, but hearing about her problem and then watching her efforts to attain relief.

Jessica: Your proclivities – just with women? Do you consider yourself completely straight, or does any poo do it for you?

Tom: No, it has to be women. I can see how people might look at this and see a sublimation of homosexuality – 'He's really into the butt' — but seeing a guy... I've been in men's rooms and there were guys taking a dump and it didn't do anything for me. It has to be a woman, kind of a feminine woman who's kind of maybe a little be embarrassed about it. The more feminine she is, the better it is.

Jessica: And how was toilet training for you?

Tom: I don't know, I think it was normal. I know that would be a classic, sort of Freudian thing — that I'm trapped in the anal stages. But I don't know that anything went wrong in my toilet training.

Jessica: What about your digestive system? Any problems?

Tom: My digestive system is fine, I don't suffer from constipation. I think my digestive system is in pretty good working order.

Jessica: Does your wife know about all this?

Tom: Yeah, she knows about it.

Jessica: And is she cool with it?

Tom: Yeah, she's okay with it. She's not, you know, crazy about it — she has asked me to keep it to myself in terms of talking about it a lot. But she talks about bowel-related stuff a lot. And I just quietly enjoy it. Being married to her makes it...I mean, when I was first dating her, hearing about this kind of stuff was really kind of sexy. But now being married to her, sharing a bathroom, and seeing her everyday makes it less sexy. I can see my wife take a dump anytime.

Jessica: Well, yeah, I guess it's the thrill of the poopy chase...

Tom: I am like a man, in terms of the eternal quest for novelty.

This interview has been condensed and edited.

Earlier: I'm Constipated, Therefore I Am: An Introduction
"There Is Nothing Sexier Than A Woman Who Can't Poop
The Reader's Treasury of Constipation Cures
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: alpharmania on March 15, 2010, 12:33:11 AM
here is a story I read years ago that later appeared in the first and only issue of swedish magazine BULT...

Barebacking in the USA

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 15, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
I am searching for English infos regarding Sacha Baricevic, a Slovenian transexual doctor who apperantly got eaten by his dogs after years of sex with them.

this is a French article but I cna't understand much

Le fait divers qui embarrasse le gouvernement slovène


C'est un fait divers hors norme, où l'horrible le dispute au grotesque. Et c'est devenu un scandale embarrassant pour le gouvernement slovène de centre gauche du premier ministre Borut Pahor, au pouvoir depuis 2008.

Le 2 février, le docteur Sacha Baricevic, médecin de la bonne société de Ljubljana et propriétaire d'une clinique huppée de la ville, a été découvert agonisant à son domicile, le corps affreusement déchiqueté par ses trois chiens bullmastiffs. M. Pahor a exprimé publiquement ses condoléances à la famille, ainsi que plusieurs ministres.
Retrouvez l'intégralité du Monde en HTML
Abonnez-vous au Monde.fr : 6€ par mois + 30 jours offerts
Sur le même sujet

Les autorités vétérinaires ont fait piquer les animaux, qui s'étaient déjà distingués par leur agressivité et avaient grièvement blessé, en 2006, un passant dans la rue. A trois reprises au moins, les services compétents avaient demandé à ce qu'ils soient supprimés, mais le docteur Baricevic a pu faire jouer ses relations pour récupérer ses chiens, après une phase de "rééducation" dans un institut spécialisé.

Or les bullmastiffs, une race souvent employée, en Grande-Bretagne, pour seconder les gardes-chasses sur les grands domaines terriens, sont, malgré leur impressionnante mâchoire, réputés moins dangereux que des chiens de combat tels que les pitbulls.

Le comportement anormal d'Atossa, Atlas et Joy s'expliquerait toutefois par des circonstances très particulières : des sources policières ont révélé que le médecin, à l'arrivée des secours, était entièrement nu, un godemiché attaché autour du corps.

Un examen des trois chiens a confirmé que ceux-ci ont été soumis, sans doute pendant des années, à des sévices sexuels de la part de leur maître, sur qui ils ont fini par se venger.

Des experts ont émis l'hypothèse que Sacha Baricevic, un transsexuel opéré, aurait adopté des pratiques déviantes à la suite d'un traitement hormonal destiné à accentuer sa virilité.


L'opposition de droite n'a pas tardé à s'emparer de cette affaire scabreuse. Sous la pression des médias, rapporte le quotidien viennois Die Presse, l'incinération des cadavres a été retardée, et la justice enquête pour savoir si le médecin n'invitait pas des amis haut placés à assister, en voyeurs, à ses séances de dressage canin.

Début mars, trois forces d'opposition – le parti démocratique SDS, le parti populaire SLS et le parti nationaliste SNS – ont déposé au Parlement une motion de défiance contre la ministre de l'intérieur, Katarina Kresal, qu'ils accusent d'essayer d'influencer l'enquête policière sur la mort de Sacha Baricevic.

L'avocat de ce dernier, Miro Senica, qui était semble-t-il intervenu pour empêcher l'application de la consigne des services vétérinaires, se trouve être aussi le compagnon de Mme Kresal, une très photogénique juriste.

Pour l'ancien premier ministre chrétien-démocrate Janez Jansa, chef du SDS, ce scandale est un symptôme de la "décadence" des mœurs de la classe politique, et de l'état déplorable de la gauche slovène.

Afin d'entretenir la flamme de l'indignation populaire, on fait même brûler des bougies dans la rue à Ljubljana, à la mémoire de Joy, Atlas et Atossa.

Peut-être cette variation inédite sur une inusable trame - sexe, mensonges et pouvoir -, inspirera-t-elle le plus célèbre des intellectuels slovènes, le philosophe des médias Slavoj Zizek ?
Joëlle Stolz
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on March 15, 2010, 06:24:18 PM
QuoteI am searching for English infos regarding Sacha Baricevic, a Slovenian transexual doctor who apperantly got eaten by his dogs after years of sex with them.

i'm obviously interested in this too !
french article doesn't seem too deep .
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 16, 2010, 02:28:31 AM
I second that. Anything in English would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on March 17, 2010, 12:09:13 AM
Interesting story about parents in the UK how took "hush" money from their child's teacher/molester.


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 17, 2010, 12:39:21 AM
Money talks, shit walks.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Voûte on March 17, 2010, 02:50:26 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 15, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
I am searching for English infos regarding Sacha Baricevic, a Slovenian transexual doctor who apperantly got eaten by his dogs after years of sex with them.

this is a French article but I cna't understand much

Le fait divers qui embarrasse le gouvernement slovène


C'est un fait divers hors norme, où l'horrible le dispute au grotesque. Et c'est devenu un scandale embarrassant pour le gouvernement slovène de centre gauche du premier ministre Borut Pahor, au pouvoir depuis 2008.

Le 2 février, le docteur Sacha Baricevic, médecin de la bonne société de Ljubljana et propriétaire d'une clinique huppée de la ville, a été découvert agonisant à son domicile, le corps affreusement déchiqueté par ses trois chiens bullmastiffs. M. Pahor a exprimé publiquement ses condoléances à la famille, ainsi que plusieurs ministres.
Retrouvez l'intégralité du Monde en HTML
Abonnez-vous au Monde.fr : 6€ par mois + 30 jours offerts
Sur le même sujet

Les autorités vétérinaires ont fait piquer les animaux, qui s'étaient déjà distingués par leur agressivité et avaient grièvement blessé, en 2006, un passant dans la rue. A trois reprises au moins, les services compétents avaient demandé à ce qu'ils soient supprimés, mais le docteur Baricevic a pu faire jouer ses relations pour récupérer ses chiens, après une phase de "rééducation" dans un institut spécialisé.

Or les bullmastiffs, une race souvent employée, en Grande-Bretagne, pour seconder les gardes-chasses sur les grands domaines terriens, sont, malgré leur impressionnante mâchoire, réputés moins dangereux que des chiens de combat tels que les pitbulls.

Le comportement anormal d'Atossa, Atlas et Joy s'expliquerait toutefois par des circonstances très particulières : des sources policières ont révélé que le médecin, à l'arrivée des secours, était entièrement nu, un godemiché attaché autour du corps.

Un examen des trois chiens a confirmé que ceux-ci ont été soumis, sans doute pendant des années, à des sévices sexuels de la part de leur maître, sur qui ils ont fini par se venger.

Des experts ont émis l'hypothèse que Sacha Baricevic, un transsexuel opéré, aurait adopté des pratiques déviantes à la suite d'un traitement hormonal destiné à accentuer sa virilité.


L'opposition de droite n'a pas tardé à s'emparer de cette affaire scabreuse. Sous la pression des médias, rapporte le quotidien viennois Die Presse, l'incinération des cadavres a été retardée, et la justice enquête pour savoir si le médecin n'invitait pas des amis haut placés à assister, en voyeurs, à ses séances de dressage canin.

Début mars, trois forces d'opposition – le parti démocratique SDS, le parti populaire SLS et le parti nationaliste SNS – ont déposé au Parlement une motion de défiance contre la ministre de l'intérieur, Katarina Kresal, qu'ils accusent d'essayer d'influencer l'enquête policière sur la mort de Sacha Baricevic.

L'avocat de ce dernier, Miro Senica, qui était semble-t-il intervenu pour empêcher l'application de la consigne des services vétérinaires, se trouve être aussi le compagnon de Mme Kresal, une très photogénique juriste.

Pour l'ancien premier ministre chrétien-démocrate Janez Jansa, chef du SDS, ce scandale est un symptôme de la "décadence" des mœurs de la classe politique, et de l'état déplorable de la gauche slovène.

Afin d'entretenir la flamme de l'indignation populaire, on fait même brûler des bougies dans la rue à Ljubljana, à la mémoire de Joy, Atlas et Atossa.

Peut-être cette variation inédite sur une inusable trame - sexe, mensonges et pouvoir -, inspirera-t-elle le plus célèbre des intellectuels slovènes, le philosophe des médias Slavoj Zizek ?
Joëlle Stolz

French is my native language. The article doesn't say much about the doctor itself but more about the dogs, their behaviors and the political crisis that happen after the case. Some investigations were done to know if politicians were acting as "voyeurs" during those funky dogs training séances.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 28, 2010, 05:10:34 AM
http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/commerce/100323/gay-porn-prague (http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/commerce/100323/gay-porn-prague)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 28, 2010, 10:58:51 PM
On the subject check the documentaries Bodies without soul and Mandragora.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 29, 2010, 12:25:31 AM

Winter 09 Issue – Out on Dec. 24th 09

"Erotica" – Armin Linke

Nobuyoshi Araki meets Kohei Yoshiyuki

"Black Acrylic Boner" – Federico Pepe

"Luna Parking" – Giovanna Silva & Luca Celada

"Nike Brass" – Giuseppe Signorin & Cosimo Alemà

"Talking Business" – Chase Lisbon

"Buiobimba" – Gianluigi Ricuperati

"It's Always Hot In Florida" – Ale Zuek Simonetti

"Afternoons" – A. Raceviciute, R. M. Romagna & V. Suma

"Titine and Pappa-Boys" – Giancarlo Fusco & Luca Gabino

"Buildungsroman for (non) Perversion" – Carlo Antonelli

"Jap Sabbath" – Rikki Kasso

Art & Girls:

Kathy Garcia / Jacopo Miliani
Christian Frosi & Diego Perrone / Marco Bruzzone
Lorenzo Petrantoni / PJ / Gilda Scaglioni
Sebastiano Pavia / Scott Klinger / Fabio Paleari




Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: RyanWreck on March 29, 2010, 02:00:36 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on February 10, 2010, 03:28:38 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007 Update by Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons

I just had a chance to play this and didn't think it was that "bad", as far as deviance is concurred. The idea was fairly out there and I am sure it looked good on paper but the gameplay is horrible.

If anyone wants to play it you can get the ripped version here:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: RyanWreck on March 29, 2010, 02:23:45 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on February 18, 2010, 08:47:51 PM
damn. You should have asked some private photos. Real actual photograph, it has certain charm that none of the online jpeg's on amateur couple have.

I fully agree. I have a set of Polaroids someone sent me, pretty tame but they just feel far better than looking at online pictures of through air brushed, glossy magazines. It seems the best way to go about this, maybe I should say the easiest way, in this day in age, is to find people on Craigslist who are offering photos and tell them you're interested and would like real photos in the mail instead of e-mail. I know it has worked for quite a few people.

Quote100 pages book ULTRA HARDCORE SITE VISUAL & MOVIE COLLECTION. It has few japanese marks and says "DELUXE". Well, I don't know about delexu, since the quality is about as rough as the online jpeg's can look on professionally printed full color pages, but still, when you take BRUTAL MASTER, XTREME PAIN, TORTURE GALAXY and STACY'S DUNGEON, and collect the best sets of piecing, burning, whipping, nailing, caning, hc bondage, liquid inserted inside flesh with syringe,... well, pretty much anything that does the maximum punishment on female slaves, on PAPER, it works. It works damn well.

Is "Ultra Hardcore Site Visual & Movie Collection" the name of the book? I can't seem to find anything about it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 30, 2010, 03:43:48 PM
http://www.paraben.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=510 (http://www.paraben.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=510)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 30, 2010, 08:49:47 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on March 29, 2010, 02:23:45 AM
Quote100 pages book ULTRA HARDCORE SITE VISUAL & MOVIE COLLECTION. It has few japanese marks and says "DELUXE". Well, I don't know about delexu, since the quality is about as rough as the online jpeg's can look on professionally printed full color pages, but still, when you take BRUTAL MASTER, XTREME PAIN, TORTURE GALAXY and STACY'S DUNGEON, and collect the best sets of piecing, burning, whipping, nailing, caning, hc bondage, liquid inserted inside flesh with syringe,... well, pretty much anything that does the maximum punishment on female slaves, on PAPER, it works. It works damn well.

Is "Ultra Hardcore Site Visual & Movie Collection" the name of the book? I can't seem to find anything about it.

Hard to say is it real name or just description.
that's the publisher. They have these dvd+100 pages book type package coming all the time of most possible genres. Some people despise them, due magazines are more like the still images of the dvd, with not total commitment to make exeptional artistic porn magazine, but just this consumer product for the masses of masturbators. While myself, I don't see much of problem in that, hah!
You can go to their history section to see listings of old items. I don't have time to search for link if samples of this product is found, but they have a big variety of anything. From the Genki-Genki insanities to street pissing, bondage, teenagers, s/m, lactation, amateurs, whatever...
I'm pretty sure as a western guy, you can't order directly, and there probably isn't many companies in west who sell them.

I guess few selected titles (like Genki stuff) could be found from Timeless in france. They are also source for more artistically exceptional nearly "vintage" publications. Like Too Negative or such. Which could be essential browsing for anyone into world of grotesque.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 10, 2010, 10:47:44 PM

Not very good video. Hardly takes advantage of having such a small female, without obvious dwarf qualities. Fast forward to c. 40 mins and you'll see the brutal amazon plump and tiny midget.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on April 12, 2010, 10:41:37 AM
midget rules. next step of evolution. I am getting a couple of videos of transexual dwarves.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on April 12, 2010, 03:16:47 PM
QuoteI am getting a couple of videos of transexual dwarves.

how cute
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 12, 2010, 05:15:55 PM
I think nowadays you aren't really surpriced by anything what is done in world of porn. But in other hand, it seems as if its not worth to do in economical sense. What company would bother to do something so strange, it will be simply ripped off for world wide free circulation since everybody wants to see it.
I mean, in old days, when you published magazine of transexual horse lovers, I'm sure publiser was sure he's the only one in market and guarantees decent sales. No matter how shitty it actually was. Same could be said about something such as Choc company Scat-Dwarves magazine. Back in 80's or 90's, you wouldn't necessary expect to see many mags of dwarves in scat play. The one you had to buy. Now, who bothers to do one anymore. It would be just scanned for free jpegs on all thousands of funny lolz pic sites?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Strömkarlen on April 15, 2010, 11:05:40 AM
Porn for the blind anybody? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/7581230/Pornographic-magazine-for-the-blind-launched.html
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 15, 2010, 08:22:31 PM
For those hentai pirates, watch you back...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 16, 2010, 07:58:34 PM

Short piece about Genki.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 17, 2010, 02:20:16 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on April 15, 2010, 08:22:31 PM
For those hentai pirates, watch you back...

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 17, 2010, 05:49:24 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/world/police-close-down-bestiality-farm-20100417-skza.html (http://www.theage.com.au/world/police-close-down-bestiality-farm-20100417-skza.html)

How do you fuck mice?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 18, 2010, 04:28:35 AM
I assume they're rectally inserted?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on April 18, 2010, 08:37:37 AM
Anything I have seen, pornography wise, involving mice has always been either (a) inserted into the anus as Concrete already pointed out, or (b) "crushed". I've never seen mice used for anything else but some people can get pretty fucked up ideas so you never know.

Damn, it seems that if you're into beastie stuff you should move to Washington. The last 3 large Bestiality cases in America all originated there.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 18, 2010, 09:38:12 AM
haven't seen, but been told about hamsters being fucked. They are like one time use, wrapped together with duct tape, but they're still like some disposable pocket vagina. You use it for masturbation and throw away.
Seen few films with chicken being fucked.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 18, 2010, 08:00:23 PM
Is this the next GRUNT backing video:

"hamsters being fucked. They are like one time use, wrapped together with duct tape, but they're still like some disposable pocket vagina"?!?

You made that up, right? No way is there some idiot actually doing that somewhere! I know. Someone is doing that and something else even more stupid..

I watched 20/20 the other night about yet anothe rlittle girl being snatched & killed; the killer had KP on his computer. The file was labelled "TODDLER INSERTION"! Right on the desktop too. Who's going to be the first to use that for a title?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 18, 2010, 08:23:22 PM
the hamster thing, well, one guy some years ago said he saw it. And it doesn't surprice me. In the days when they make crush videos were rabbits are duct taped on floor to be trampled with high heels, I'm sure there is market for nihilistic animal death fuck.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on April 18, 2010, 09:08:35 PM
I saw this a little while ago and remembered that tiny also gets a kick from white trash just like myself so here you go:   http://www.youporn.com/watch/425047/my-18-year-old-neighbor-sucks-my-cock-in-my-truck/?from=categ

my least favourite bestiality scene was a huge pig slipping it to some fellow. it was NASTY.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on April 19, 2010, 04:01:48 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 18, 2010, 08:00:23 PM

I watched 20/20 the other night about yet anothe rlittle girl being snatched & killed; the killer had KP on his computer. The file was labelled "TODDLER INSERTION"! Right on the desktop too. Who's going to be the first to use that for a title?

I've been on a few FTP's where there are directories named "Illegal", and then sub-directories like "Retard Incest" etc. So fucking dumb. It isn't that hard to get access to this shit and you're just admitting your guilt to anyone who gets a password. It's like that killer who was sending notes on floppy discs to the police, like they couldn't see where the information was typed and uploaded from (his was from a Library in some small town), which they can and did.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 19, 2010, 11:06:53 AM
or perhaps a test to check out which IP number are clicking their ways in there?

Back in the day of e-groups of onelist or whatever was before it became yahoo.groups, you could imagine ANY name or number combination, give it a test and suddenly you would find a group dedicated for the topic.  just the main url + any obscenity you could think of and try all variations of it. And you could find countless groups of basically any perversion. Just log in, and files section was full of pretty raw content and as soon as group was deleted, 3 new ones popped up.. just adding like "2" after original name of group. I guess it was about 10 years ago, those days are indeed long gone.
Now, if you'd see one, if it has any leaning towards anything considered illegal somewhere, I'd consider it guaranteed that it's merely sting operation on process. Or work of clumpsy retards. Which is by end result, almost the same thing.

As I mentioned in past in Troniks, I may as well remind here (even if it should be clear in opening message). Don't offer links to anywhere illegal on public or PM's on this forum. Don't make impression of being "involved" in any illegal activities of any type. I have no time to get involved in solve anyones problems or answering questions of authorities about anyone due reports givien by members of watchdog society.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on April 19, 2010, 12:22:54 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on April 19, 2010, 11:06:53 AM
or perhaps a test to check out which IP number are clicking their ways in there?

Back in the day of e-groups of onelist or whatever was before it became yahoo.groups, you could imagine ANY name or number combination, give it a test and suddenly you would find a group dedicated for the topic.  just the main url + any obscenity you could think of and try all variations of it. And you could find countless groups of basically any perversion. Just log in, and files section was full of pretty raw content and as soon as group was deleted, 3 new ones popped up.. just adding like "2" after original name of group. I guess it was about 10 years ago, those days are indeed long gone.
Now, if you'd see one, if it has any leaning towards anything considered illegal somewhere, I'd consider it guaranteed that it's merely sting operation on process. Or work of clumpsy retards. Which is by end result, almost the same thing.

As I mentioned in past in Troniks, I may as well remind here (even if it should be clear in opening message). Don't offer links to anywhere illegal on public or PM's on this forum. Don't make impression of being "involved" in any illegal activities of any type. I have no time to get involved in solve anyones problems or answering questions of authorities about anyone due reports givien by members of watchdog society.

Yes, I should have started with the fact that these directories when actually searched turned up nothing illegal, just tags that would make it seem as such. And as well all know the porn trade is such a gray market especially in Western countries. You could be found in possession of completely legal porn, softcore shit even, but they can slap a "possession of obscene materials" charge and have you waist deep in fines and possible jail time. The internet, while opening up new doors for perverts, is probably the dumbest place for a pervert to do any business.

I do remember e-groups, usually in the alt.binaries.NAME_OF_GROUP category. They still exist, just not how they once were. Although, there is new user group hosts popping up again, namely Newzbin which has been the spotlight of legal affairs for awhile. IRC, when dug into and with the right connections, has a deep underground scene. It always has and Feds are very aware of it and have been there since the dawn of mankind.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: moozz on April 19, 2010, 04:42:10 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on April 19, 2010, 04:01:48 AM
I've been on a few FTP's where there are directories named "Illegal", and then sub-directories like "Retard Incest" etc. So fucking dumb. It isn't that hard to get access to this shit and you're just admitting your guilt to anyone who gets a password. It's like that killer who was sending notes on floppy discs to the police, like they couldn't see where the information was typed and uploaded from (his was from a Library in some small town), which they can and did.

That was probably BTK. I remember reading that he actually checked first with a cop(!) that a floppy cannot be traced and then sent the police one.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 19, 2010, 06:02:48 PM
Indeed he did.
He did most of his killing in my hometown of Wichita, KS.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Niko on April 21, 2010, 02:18:30 AM

Rough child prostitutes.

Edit: Maybe this should have been in the documentaries thread, but too late now.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 22, 2010, 05:00:09 PM
I don't remember exactly when the hair-cum thing started as intentional fetish thing. It's still rare, but therefore: good.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 23, 2010, 05:57:29 AM
another in that vein

shit cracks me up
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 23, 2010, 08:16:33 AM
I have that dvd. It's very good.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 23, 2010, 10:27:10 AM
I assume it's all pixelated? I hate that even when you're paying for shit in Japan and sometimes a lot of money you still get the pixelated version. When I lived there it was hard to tell by the box/mag cover and back.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 23, 2010, 11:20:55 AM
Well, any legal production has pixels. So regardless of cover, if it's made commercially available in Japan, then its pixelated.
There are some shops who sell uncencored import videos, but really lame US oriental series with exaggerated prices..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on April 24, 2010, 02:33:59 AM
Japan has lots of videos with cum on hair , as the japanese like to cover everything with jizz , but this has somehow a different feeling to it . might be the toilet or the girl carefully moving her head according to the cumshots , i don't know .
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on April 24, 2010, 05:05:15 AM
I don't know either but I do know it is hilarious. The guy at 8 minutes has such a tiny weiner. Bukakke is only "good" (I am actually not a huge fan) when the woman appears to be completely abused, degraded and spent. 

I remember about 5 years ago, maybe more, there was some Bukkake competition going on in the states and people could sign up and go. All they did was test you for diseases and you were set free. There is a video somewhere which I would be dying to see. If anyone knows what video I am talking about please point me in the direction, something like "most bukkake's/facials within an hour", and it is a fuck load of cum way over 100 people, these fuckers soaked her. It just implies humiliation no matter how bad she wanted to be there.

Here is a nice one for Gokkun fans: cum beer bong!

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: yog on April 24, 2010, 04:46:47 PM
You guys should check out this JAV The Human Condom 人間のコンドーム (DMC-17). Rubber fetish and bukkake/gokkun fans take note.
DVD cover here: http://banpro.in.coocan.jp/mc/milky-garally/pake/f/dmc17f.jpg

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on April 24, 2010, 09:15:40 PM
yeah that human condom movie is fun !
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on April 27, 2010, 05:20:53 PM
I seem to be stuck in this particular genre but these are too funny and or depressing not to post here:
http://www.youporn.com/watch/431155/scottish-eroticaglasgo-w-style/?from=country_hybrid  worth watching to see that end expression on the ladies face.

http://www.youporn.com/watch/431063/jessiikahjay-y-x/?from=country_hybrid  chav pompino

do you  usually order directly from the producer and is there a good place to find weirder 2hand stuff. Id like to cover several bases  easily instead of surfing around aimlesly.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on April 28, 2010, 07:35:01 AM
Obviously it depends on where you live. For the "weirder 2nd hand stuff" I usually have frequented smaller local owned porn shops that "buy used" videos and magazines. I live near the Mexican boarder too and they have a few shops, one which I go to once a year that is kind of obscured behind a strip club and pharmacy, that contain some perverse gems. I found a nice little bundle of "Amputee Times" there from the 70's which is great stuff and a magazine that just has pictures of drunk girls with bruises. There used to also be trade lists that would float around between trusted individuals. I am sure there still is but this isn't the safest or easiest way to do business especially if the other individuals on that list are trading illegal material and get in trouble with the list in their possession and then you can get charged with "Conspiracy To Commit A Crime" even if you never once had anything illegal pass through your hands. It is kind of like the "Reco act" in which single gang members can be charged with crimes that their fellow gang members had committed even if they weren't there when it took place or even knew about it.

I've never ordered from a producer so I wouldn't know how that works but if someone has that would be great to hear about. I know there are producers in South America (Brazil, I hear, is a good place to look) and Eastern Europe who can be commissioned to make you videos for a fair price. Someone from a forum like ebaumsworld did so with the producer of "2-girls-1-cup" to make a even meatier scat video featuring something like 15 girls.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on April 29, 2010, 12:29:36 AM
QuoteSomeone from a forum like ebaumsworld did so with the producer of "2-girls-1-cup" to make a even meatier scat video featuring something like 15 girls.

gustoso !
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 04, 2010, 08:18:06 AM
I think I checked out that 2-girls-1-cup some years ago, because everybody was referring to it. Now when I try to remember, I think it had absolutely nothing special? Did it?
I mean, of course, I've seen, owned and still own possibly 3 digit number of original scat publications (loop, mag, vhs, dvd) so I may be jaded. I think the most perverse scat I've seen, is the Kinky Thai stuff, which involves sharp and well shot close-up's of dog shitting straight into mouth of female. And 2 females in video share the dogshit, vomit and all the rest. I have hard time remembering do I actually have this anymore and if I do, where it could be.
But European producers like Manni Monto Prod are pretty much specialized in excrements and have thousands of releases. Same with Brazilian MFX. I do prefer something such as Subway / Kitkat club, since the scat action is usually combined to something. It isn't just lazy mess making, but rather girls with shit on their faces being ass fucked in some retarded nearly surreal scene.

I think the time of comissions is little bit over. In old days when there was less possibilities to find material, you would simply contact someone. Especially those with more obscure/artistic visions. Either for private use or he would make material and also publish it commerically. I remember series of Dutch hardcore s/m vhs, where fans would make equipment and send it to producer to use. Wanting to have slave with metal torture mask covering her head. Old school bondage artists a'la Willie, Klaw, Stanton etc always did material based on requests. Many of the Splosh! style mess makers or rubber fetishists got private material made by those small companies. Very specific budding & cakes thrown on clothes of female what will turn them on unlike some other budding, heh..

Nowadays, you whatever fetish you might have, you just type search and find it online. Already done, already available. You think of maybe I need book about female noses opened with hooks and cummed inside or such. And in old days you could say the local porn shop would tell you there's nothing they can offer. Now, well, there is a book about it already on commercial market and plenty of videos available just about everywhere, although pretty much japanese product.

I visited some days ago big 4-5 floor fetish porn store in Tokyo. Each floor was specialized in specific very narrow genre. Top floor was just sport fetish. Swimming, running, wrestling, dancing, gymnastics of all kinds, tennis, you name it, they got it.  Floor below was all about superheroes. Women fucking dressed as superheroes. And thing went on like that.  You could just imagine from top of your head some special type of DVD, what you may want to see (a'la girls dressed as superheroes crushing pastry and fucking rubberballs) and they'd have it already made and available for pretty heavy 60 euro pricetag. As a real DVD, not dvdr. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on May 04, 2010, 05:55:55 PM
yes of course 2girls1cup clip was impressive only for people who had no idea..it was actually from MFX if i remember well ?

Kinky Thai is (was?) obviously the best , just plain mean and exploitative . I recently found an old "Christmas Special" with retarded christmas midi music , girl with santa claus hat and plenty of human shit , dog shit & vomit . Reminded me of The Gerogerigegege .

Stuff being easily available with a click sounds good to me , but i'm a lazy man .
Japan doesn't count , they've always been very specific with their production ..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on May 05, 2010, 11:45:36 AM
Hell yes, Kinky Thai. "A Nose Full of Dog-shit" and "Rainy Dog Day" are both brilliantly done. It is believable, pure raunch and you can tell that the girls obviously do not like what they are doing at all, humiliation.

And yes, 2 girls 1 cup is boring and hyped by people who have never seen anything like this before. It is fairly routine by scat standards. It is from an MFX video, I've seen it before in a video, I believe it may have been "Scat Swapping School" but I am not 100% sure.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 11, 2010, 02:46:45 PM
Rape have never been so kinky:


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Pharmakon on May 11, 2010, 07:08:28 PM
Has anyone here ever watched "sex:the annabel chong story"?

It's basically this girl annabel chong's friend documenting her after she made a porno where she had sex with 251 men in ten hours.

She went into it with the attitude of "I'm a Harvard college student, I'm doing this as an anthropology study", but it is very clear that she is actually fucking stupid, has no idea what she's talking about, and got in way over her head. Throughout the film, you basically watch her fall apart and see her Psyche ripped to shreds. It gets more intense later in the film when you find out that she was gang raped when she was younger (she doesn't seem to think this influenced her "choice" to fuck 251 men in half a day, she is really delusional) and she tells her parents about her porno "career". You also see her meet her successor, a younger, prettier girl who attempts to beat her record, and does. Overall, it's a completely pathetic and depressing, but interesting watch. I wouldn't buy it, but if you have Netflix, definitely give it a watch.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: chibitachop on May 11, 2010, 07:21:09 PM
re: Annabel Chong story - its probably been almost a decade since I saw that when it came out but I remember the most confusing part being that all/most of the 251 dudes finger her before they actually put their penis' inside and thats what causes her vagina to start bleeding part way through and then the solution they reach is having guys trim their nails before fingering her. you'd think at a sex marathon where fingering had caused vaginal bleeding they'd just say "uhh, guys - lets cut to the chase and skip the fingering, we're trying to set a record here."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on May 11, 2010, 07:52:41 PM
it came on tv here some years ago. it wasnt a very happy document , the black chick seemed much more glamorous but im sure shes a trainwreck too.

I listened to this a few days ago http://audiobookcorner.blogspot.com/2008/11/chuck-palahniuk-snuff.html and it has a few anecdotes concerning it.  its a book of fiction but somehow I feel some of the "facts" stated might actually be true but not the plot obviously. like guys only being given a short amount of time to perform in record gangbangs in order to keep the show on the road.

not my favourite thing but theres so much to choose from that ive seen plenty of real good ones.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 11, 2010, 08:48:24 PM
good thing about this annabel record is that she actually was fucked by all those men. And when her cunt was too hurt, they just switched to anal penetration.
All the records that has been done after that, has been scams. Like 5 guys at the same time, 1 minute turns. So one guy barely fucks, and 4 guys just get lazy handjobs, little sucking and that's all. And it isn't even 100 sets of 5 guys, but much much less. Was it more like 100 guys who each visited the girl 5 times. So with luck, got to hold their penis inside her for 60 seconds.
After 3rd world record of gangbang, some magazine did actually real count down. Counting how long each girl was physically fucked. How many men actually was present to do that. And Annabel was clear winner, while the rest of girls were just part of the scam who didn't like what they do, nor actually let anyone do much. Like the 2nd time. No anal. No facials. No fingers. Everybody with rubber. No groping. You could merely stand next to hear with rubber on, and that would be "participation on gang bang". Bullshit.

I do think I might still have the original VHS of the 1st gangbang world record. Not that it's something I'd even want to watch. It's merely curiosity from certain era & publicity stunts of semi-mainstream porn industry. I recall it was the swedish release on Max's.

If someone wants to view the real deal serious gang bang stuff, I'd say videos like Betty Extreme on GGG/666. It's something else. Forget about the TV document friendly adult entertainment. Forget the Japanese lazy bukkake vids. Forget lame cold silicone injected models earning reputation for their next strip tour. Replace with testosterone injected high voltage throatfucking, ass wrecking, cumgargling, pissdrinking, anonymous big cocks, and exxxtremely enthusiastic looking mad-girl in action. Needless to say: recommended.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 11, 2010, 08:52:29 PM
And quick cheap $$$ related thing: if someone is in need of GGG/666 dvd's, a lot of them for sale 15€ each from me. Don't have exact titles written down, but can check out good title to be included. New unplayed dvd's from my shop.

I recall perhaps 10 years ago when found the first one and label was just starting. Got probably 100 of those during the years, before giving up when content was so similar. No point getting more. But if you have none, I'd say it is mandatory to have at least couple. Simply belongs to cultural knowledge and bookshelve essentials.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Pharmakon on May 12, 2010, 04:12:45 AM
Holy shit, Betty Extreme. Yes!


unrelated - anyone have a good source or know of some titles for crucifixion porn? I am NOT looking for some sterile S&M with all the fancy props and costumes, I'm looking more for some really raw footage or pictures. Something more like this: http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/128/l_260e6af60fec4dcfb0e41bb061f60bd0.jpg (http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/128/l_260e6af60fec4dcfb0e41bb061f60bd0.jpg). I know about that nature crucifixion site, too, where they're all tied up outdoors, but I'm looking for something a little cruder.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 12, 2010, 06:52:01 PM
you should have not edited away to original message.
Such descriptions are the good morning coffee reading when opening the board.

I bought some harakiri themed dvd from Japan. Haven't watched it yet. Of course fake. But according to cover, comes with fuck scene with the intestines bursting out of her wound. Should be good, if not quality or action-wise, at least on some sort of artistic level.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on May 12, 2010, 09:54:53 PM
"comes with fuck scene with the intestines bursting out of her wound. "

That sounds better than the films Merzbow was involved in.

I have a b&w image I cut out of an artbook a long time ago of a young boy who was crucified for some petty crime..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 16, 2010, 07:01:44 AM
Truth, justice and the American way.
http://secret-identity.net/ (http://secret-identity.net/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on May 24, 2010, 06:46:42 AM
Just finished A Commodity Called Sex and I just couldn't get into it all that much. There were a few good pieces such as "Missing Schoolgirl" and "Sexual Reality" (I am going off of names given by Natural Basis of Order on their old website, I'm not making these names up), both of which were solid, and posed good questions and I did like the interview with the CP procurer, whether it is believable or not, and the Guides to Abuse were O.K., a bit dry if you were to read one after the other, like I did, though. At times it just felt like they were trying too hard to be rough and "transgressive" and at other times it felt like they weren't trying at all and it read just like a boring newspaper article. It was hard to believe that each piece was written by a separate anonymous author, it feels more like 3 authors wrote it and maybe a guest writer popped in. The syntax, grammar, wording and vernacular were too much like one another. Would I suggest buying it? If it is at a reasonable price, yes, it makes for a good quick read. If you are expecting Sotos than this isn't for you. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 07, 2010, 03:18:33 PM
I am not sure I have already posted this: http://www.sergiomessina.com/realcore/

I am going to see this next Firday, I have been told it is supposed to be verry good, nothing extreme, but quite entertaining.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 10, 2010, 02:29:02 PM
 Slashing the Borg: Resistance is Fertile
Mark Dery

    Cyborg writing is about...seizing the tools that mark the world that marked [one] as other. The tools are often stories, retold stories, versions that reverse and displace the hierarchical dualisms of naturalized identities.
    --- Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto"

In Science Friction, mechanical reproduction is strictly X- rated.
The Toronto-based queer 'zine is devoted to campy, techno-porn burlesques of Star Trek: The Next Generation's "Borg" episodes. (For non-Trekkers, the Borg are the implacable man-machines who periodically imperil Truth, Justice, and the United Federation of Planets on ST:TNG.) The 'zine features panting tales of RoboCopulation, pornographic "Sonnets from the Borgugese," and "heart-stoppingly explicit illustrations," spiral-bound and sealed in a "plastic splash guard cover" for your one-handed reading convenience.

Science Friction, whose battle cry is "If Paramount can't give us that queer episode, just make it so!," is a textbook example of textual poaching---a sort of guerrilla semiotics in which consumers-turned-producers perversely rework popular fictions. Henry Jenkins III, a professor of literature, and Constance Penley, a feminist film theorist, have documented a form of textual poaching known as "slash"---erotica written by female fans of the original Star Trek TV series and published in underground fanzines. Typically, it is about Captain Kirk and the Vulcan science officer Mister Spock and is thus dubbed "K/S" for short, yielding the term "slash."

Spun from the perceived homoerotic subtext in Star Trek narratives, slash tales are often animated by feminist impulses. In "Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching" (Close Encounters: Film, Feminism, and Science Fiction, 1991), Jenkins points out that although science fiction is arguably "by, for, and about men of action," Star Trek

    seems to hold out a suggestion of nontraditional feminine pleasures, of greater and more active involvement for women within the adventure of professional space travel, while finally reneging on those promises...fan writers characterize themselves as 'repairing the damage' caused by the program's inconsistent and often demeaning treatment of its female characters.
    In "Brownian Motion: Women, Tactics, and Technology"

(Technoculture, 1991), Penley theorizes that "slashers" (their preferred term)---the majority of whom are heterosexual women working in the "pink-collar, 'subprofessional,' or high-tech service industry sectors"---embroider gay themes because "writing a story about two men avoids the built-in inequality of the romance formula, in which dominance and submission are invariably the respective roles of male and female."

Since slash is at its heart a utopian vision of male-female interaction cloaked in the tropes of mainstream SF, it presumes a 23rd century man who is neither Schwarzeneggerian "hard guy" nor Alan Alda-esque "sensitive man," but the best of both. Further, writes Penley, "Slash does not stop with retooling the male psyche; it goes after the body as well." A subgenre has sprung up around the sexual heat that overcomes Mr. Spock and all Vulcan males every seven years, the pon faar; in Fever, an underground "'zine" given over to pon faar porn, slashers play nimbly on the obvious parallels to menstruation, even to the extent of depicting Spock as suffering from the male equivalent of PMS. Another, more marginal subgenre revolves around Kirk and Spock's attempts to have a child. In one story, Dr. McCoy genetically engineers a fertilized Kirk/Spock ovum which is brought to term in an artificial womb designed by Scotty, the starship's Chief Engineer.
Slashers' feminist attempts to "rewrite" the male body as well as the male psyche through the vehicle of homoerotic SF fantasies is underscored by "a very real appreciation," Penley writes, "of gay men in their efforts to redefine masculinity, and...feelings of solidarity with them insofar as gay men too inhabit bodies that are still a legal, moral, and religious battleground." Gay bodies, like those of female slashers, intersect with technology in cyberculture, a point made dramatically (and comically) clear in gay Trekkers' own attempts to rewrite gender norms by slashing the Borg. (The term "slash" seems to have come unstuck from the strictly literal usage; it is increasingly applied to TV-inspired homoerotica, whether Kirk/Spock or not.)
On Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Borg function as a "hive mind," or collective entity, their nervous systems linked via the meta-nervous system of their monolithic, cube-shaped ship. They are sealed in sculpted black body armor, their bleached flesh penetrated by fetishistic high-tech prostheses, with "extensive infiltration of microcircuit fibers into [their] surrounding tissue," according to The Enterprise's Dr. Crusher. Their shibboleth, intoned in an electronically-filtered, Darth Vader-ish monotone, is "Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated"---an ominous pronouncement borne out in the immensely popular two-part episode "The Best of Both Worlds," in which the Borg cut a swath through the cosmos, obliterating everything in their path. Abducting Captain Picard, they transform him into Locutus of Borg, a bionic interface between the conqueror cyborgs and the soon-to- be-assimilated humans---a metalmorphosis described in the TV novelization Star Trek/Deep Space Nine #1: Emissary (1993):

    One of Picard's arms had been extended with an intricate mechanical prosthesis, his eyes augmented with a sensor-scope protruding from one temple; his pale face was utterly, frighteningly blank...Sisko got a fleeting mental image of mindless hive insects excreting skeins of metal, wrapping Picard in a cocoon of machinery.

Like the original series, ST:TNG is built on an unshakable bedrock of liberal humanism. The Borg, mindless cogs in a totalitarian civilization whose monomaniacal goal is the extinction of all free thought, provide a cartoon antithesis to the series' endlessly reiterated thesis that humanist values (read: the American way) are destined to triumph over the enemies of democracy and free enterprise. The crypto-fascist Borg are not just inhuman, they're un-American.

And, horror of horrors, they're queer! At least, that is, in the alternate universe of Science Friction, which highlights the gay subtext of the Borg episodes. Once "outed," the Borg appear to be so obviously and so variously wired into gay myth and metaphor that it seems almost unthinkable that the connections could have gone unnoticed.

Like sailors, bikers, cops, and other stereotypical characters in homoerotic fantasy, the Borg are an all-male society living in close quarters. They are in constant physical communion with one another, literally bonded by electronic interconnection--- "borgasm," to use the co-editor Glenn Mielke's elbow-in-the-ribs coinage. "Wait a minute," says Geordi, in Mielke's "Beamed on Borg" (Science Friction No. 2), "you mean to say that the Borg are in constant sexual link?" "Yes," replies Hugh, "we are with each other always." The reader half expects him to break into Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself": "I sing the body electric/ The bodies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them." Anonymous and continuous, the exchange of fluid data among the Borg conjures the fleeting, faceless sex, in bars, bathrooms, and public parks, of the gay sexual demimonde in the '70s and early '80s. The Borg's cadaverous pallor evokes urban nightcrawlers---sybarites who come out only after dark, like the androgynous vampires in Anne Rice's best-selling homoerotic novels.

Although none of the Borg slash I've encountered employs overtly Nazi imagery, there is nonetheless an implicit tension in the genre. The man-machines evoke RoboCop as drawn by Tom of Finland, the gay cartoonist whose obsessive, fetishized renderings of highway patrolmen, sailors, and other macho men servicing each other have earned him a devoted following. With their metallic, monotonal delivery, stolid expressions, and penchant for skin-tight black outfits, the Borg call to mind the Nazi cheesecake theme that is Tom of Finland's guilty pleasure, lovingly embellished in some of his more outre illustrations.

In this context, the sign of the Borg points simultaneously in opposite directions. On one hand, the Borg remind us of the sublimated homosexuality that troubled the Nazi cult of the warrior male, with its problematic emphasis on male bonding---a necessary evil in the formation of a cohesive killing machine, but inescapably haunted by the specter of a more than platonic bond between brother warriors. On the other hand, they recall the curious appropriation of Nazi iconography by the gay pornographic imagination, which Susan Sontag attributes in "Fascinating Fascism" to the "natural link" between sadomasochism and fascism, both forms of "sexual theater" in which the master-slave relationship is aestheticized (A Susan Sontag Reader, 1983).

In a delicious irony, Borg slashers reprogram the technophallic killing machine for the very "softness" it abhors. In "Locutus" by Gigi the Galaxy Girl (Nancy Johnston, Science Friction No. 1), a Borg's hardware has been reconfigured so that he may boldly go where no man-machine has gone before:

    Instead of puckered flesh, his Borg anus had been enhanced and altered to receive. He had the perfect access conduit.

The Borg also suggest a mechano-erotic take on the gay "clone" of the '70s, the mustachioed, short-cropped fixture of San Francisco's Castro district, instantly recognizable in Levi's and leather, flaunting his gym-toned muscles. Dank, dark, and hazy with mist, the tangled catwalks of the Borg ship cross the gay bathhouse with the S&M pleasure dungeon. The results are a natural habitat for man-machines in form-fitting black armor that resembles the accouterments of the bondage fetishist, their flesh punctured by cables in a semiotic echo of the pierced ears and nipples popularized by gay culture.

The Borg make perfect mascots for a strain of gay eros that appropriates the imagery of the machine age. In The Culture of Desire: Paradox and Perversity in Gay Lives Today (1993), Frank Browning mentions a sex club called "Big Ironworx." This and other gay "invitation" clubs of the early '90s, he reports, took place in "open rooms in the warehouses of depleted industrial zones, where in the small hours of the morning, young men lined up with their buddies to probe, caress, and gnaw at one another's flesh in dimly lit tangles of animal abandon." Browning goes on to argue, following Georges Bataille, that sex can never be truly safe in the most profound sense because it is, "for most of us, our primary, residual, atavistic connection to the realm of animal existence."
But if the animal is shorthand for that which is "inhuman" in every human, then one might just as easily argue that anonymous sex, conducted assembly-line style in abandoned industrial sites, unleashes the machine within. In Randy Shilts's And the Band Played On (1987), a stunned young man observes, of bathhouse orgiasts, "Their bodies were tools through which they could experience physical sensation." Thus, in ravenous sex, when the intellect is utterly mastered by the cravings of the flesh, the person in question has in some very real sense been mechanized. Sontag refers in her essay on "The Pornographic Imagination" (A Susan Sontag Reader) to the Marquis de Sade's vision "of the body as a machine and of the orgy as an inventory of the hopefully infinite possibilities of several machines in collaboration with each other."
From such a perspective, the subsumption of individual organisms into the Borg collective looks less like an Orwellian nightmare and more like a paradise of desire. It calls to mind the literary critic Leo Bersani's vision of a dizzy free fall into utter abandon, following the dissolution of conventional definitions of masculinity. Browning paraphrases Bersani:

    The organization of male desire...around the power to dominate and penetrate covers up the existence of a counterdesire within men, 'the perhaps equally strong appeal of powerlessness...the loss of control'...Homosexual desire..acknowledges the will to shatter the authority and integrity of the male self.

The Borg ship becomes a place where slashers "invent a theater of transgressive desire and enter into the symbolically exploded self," to borrow Browning's eloquent characterization of S&M. In "Locutus," Johnston reimagines the abduction and Borging of Captain Picard as a coming-out story. In Part 2 of the original episode, the scene in which mechanized surgical instruments descend on a prone Picard in the Borg ship is strongly suggestive of a repressed sexual experience, in much the same way that Whitley Strieber-esque accounts of alien abduction are sometimes interpreted as nightmares about incest. Moreover, the conclusion of the two-part episode ends on a disquieting note: As an eerie melody spirals over a dark drone, Picard gazes into the star-flecked infinity of space, ostensibly lost in the traumatic memory of being Borged. Johnston turns this moment into a feverish flashback to a gay S&M experience:

    As his eyes adjusted to his surroundings on the Borg ship, Picard thought at first he had materialized inside a medieval dungeon. He stood restrained by metal clamps in an alcove...He gasped involuntarily as the Borg began tracing a line from throat to chest. The open palm of the mesh hand coming to rest over his heart. He felt his body shudder in response. His nipples became erect.

In Johnston's story, Picard manages to escape in the process of being Borged, an operation involving the implantation of computer chips in his brain and the connection of "feeder tubes and computer access conduits" to his body. Hiding from his captors, he witnesses two Borg abandoning themselves to the pleasures of the cyber-flesh:

    The humming in [Picard's] mind was intensifying. Thousands of male voices whispering, encouraging. The second Borg dropped his gloved hand from his partner's neck and touched the panels of plexisteel which concealed his own groin. Instead of deathly pale flesh, the panel revealed a second prosthesis. The Borg penis was sheathed in a synthetic shaft. At the tip, glints of liquid shone against the black latex. Picard watched breathlessly as the synthetic organ began to spiral out of its containment. It was not of human dimensions.

Overcome by desire, Picard masturbates as he watches, his mind a hornet's nest of worrying urges: "The voices were becoming clearer now. He could not purge his brain of their insistence. 'Incorporate. Assimilate. Resistance is Futile.'" Finally, the stiff, starched Captain gives himself over to desires long denied and now threatening to break down the closet door: "Picard stepped from his hiding place...Resistance was futile. He raised his hand and touched the throat of the Borg. 'I am Locutus.'"
In this and other Science Friction stories, the Borg admonition, "You will be assimilated" (the magazine's motto), is transformed into a playful yet empowering slogan. More promise than threat, the phrase augurs an alternate universe whose only law is the Vulcan maxim that many Trekkers see as the Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's most valuable contribution to the show's mythology: "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination"---a saying that reverberates with innuendo, in this libertine cosmos. Slashed, the Borg become the "army of lovers" envisioned by Plato in his Symposium---a durable image that has served, at one time or another, as the gay community's image of itself. With its steamy, claustrophobic passageways (tunnels of love?), the Borg ship is a spacebound pleasure dome that conjures up the gay poet John Giorno's musings about "great, anonymous sex" with strangers in a subway bathroom:

    The great thing about anonymous sex is you don't bring your private life or your personal world. No politics or inhibiting concepts, no closed rules or fixed responses (You Got to Burn to Shine, 1994).

Looking back on "the golden age of promiscuity," before the long, dark night of AIDS, Giorno reflects, "I thought of us as the combat troops of love, liberating the world." Pieces of that dream glint, here and there, in Science Friction's Borg porn, where the totalitarian cyborgs that menace mainstream humanism and the misogynistic Terminators reviled by academic feminism are reread and rewritten as the liberatory Borg, a Queer Nation in space, hurtling unstoppably toward "sector zero-zero-one": Earth. Resistance will be futile, of course.

Byline: Mark Dery (markdery@well.com) is a cultural critic. He edited the essay collection, Flame Wars: The Discourse of Cyberculture (Duke Press). His study of fringe computer culture, Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century, will be published by Grove Press in March, 1996.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 15, 2010, 01:46:16 PM
Mom teaches daughter (7) to pole dance

the little girl look so fucking dim to me.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on June 15, 2010, 08:58:49 PM
botox at 15 story is not so bad either
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 16, 2010, 08:18:08 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 15, 2010, 01:46:16 PM
the little girl look so fucking dim to me.

Hardly surprising with a mother like that. The article says she's fucking fifty.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 16, 2010, 10:15:41 AM
I think interesting part would be more about how exactly these articles get started. I do recall document about one scandalous american TV talk show. Don't remember name now, but I'm sure all know it. Always filled with white trash and problematic fat negroes. And in the document it followed the case of one family who had some pretty explicit problems, and they decided to contact this TV show.

I'm not really surprised that little girls want to be like their mothers. Or little girls want to be just like all the female in the music videos and popular culture. It seems very common, and very normal like kids faking to smoke cigars (I mean just some roll of paper) to play/act like older. But that mother most likely actively seeks journalist to make story of that, and to pose for them in photographes in full make-up and exposing clothing... well, that is something what makes it more interesting / bizarre.

But perhaps also tells most of all about this trash journals and abusive TV shows. Some retard calls "I got kids who play doctor games, could you come here and make story about how kids play with genitals, while I drink & smoke in other room. What should I do? Would bible help?".

Perhaps not sexual curiosity per se. Perhaps something else.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Unheard on June 16, 2010, 01:51:27 PM
Geraldo Rivera?
Jerry Springer ?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Unheard on June 16, 2010, 01:52:54 PM
anyway, extremely entertaining

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 16, 2010, 02:34:25 PM
veeeery good
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 16, 2010, 08:59:52 PM
Quote from: Unheard on June 16, 2010, 01:51:27 PM
Jerry Springer ?

I think this type of entertainment has very very few points that makes it interesting. I haven't seen single show for... well, I would think 6-7 years. I think there was another document about the case, where husband killed his wife after appearing on Jerry Springer show. And it caused them to have certain amount of counceling / therapy type of thing, and not just find them, humiliate them, and then throw away.

This catch a predator show I watched couple times, unless there are few of them? At least something similar. You start to feel sorry about those guys. Being lured to be caught for ratings. Entrapment in Finland, is not something what is approved. Most of cases, there are no laws against planning a crime either. Most people would know the saying "opportunity makes a thief", and that combined to idea of all men being potential rapists(/predators)... I think there was one funny episode, where they caught a guy, who had been caught once before. He said he knew this is most likely sting, but came anyways.

I do wonder, has there yet been any news reports of private live underage webcam shows etc? It would seem hard to keep track on all the live video footage of the world. Very popular upload sites, like pornhost.com, is filled with teeny webcam footage, which seems hard to prove wether girl on screen is 14, 18 or 22...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Jordan on June 16, 2010, 09:40:55 PM

I like in the third paragraph where it says "Porn is an industrial product."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Unheard on June 16, 2010, 10:46:36 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 16, 2010, 08:59:52 PM
Quote from: Unheard on June 16, 2010, 01:51:27 PM
Jerry Springer ?

I think this type of entertainment has very very few points that makes it interesting. I haven't seen single show for... well, I would think 6-7 years. I think there was another document about the case, where husband killed his wife after appearing on Jerry Springer show. And it caused them to have certain amount of counceling / therapy type of thing, and not just find them, humiliate them, and then throw away.

This catch a predator show I watched couple times, unless there are few of them? At least something similar. You start to feel sorry about those guys. Being lured to be caught for ratings. Entrapment in Finland, is not something what is approved. Most of cases, there are no laws against planning a crime either. Most people would know the saying "opportunity makes a thief", and that combined to idea of all men being potential rapists(/predators)... I think there was one funny episode, where they caught a guy, who had been caught once before. He said he knew this is most likely sting, but came anyways.

I do wonder, has there yet been any news reports of private live underage webcam shows etc? It would seem hard to keep track on all the live video footage of the world. Very popular upload sites, like pornhost.com, is filled with teeny webcam footage, which seems hard to prove wether girl on screen is 14, 18 or 22...

Peter Sotos and William Bennett attended a Jerry Springer's show (ironically focusing on men who love underage girls...), and i think this tells something; i guess the Geraldo show is far more entertaining, dealing mostly and mainly with sordid crimes (while Springer seems to like white trash, Klansmen desperately fighting against black nationalists, drunk mothers and other idiotic human waste, a sort of toxic Oprah for suburban demented).
Geraldo is the one who asks an abused victim what she was feeling while she was being assaulted and raped and such stuff (plus as an extra bonus, an obsession with KP). The glamourization of crime (especially sexual crimes) is the real thing worlwide and i'm pretty  sure every single country got its own Springer or Geraldo, the only difference being the crimes committed.

To catch a predator has its own counterpart as well; Perverted Justice, a network of people who claim to have lost dignity and privacy due to To Catch a Predator.

Obviously there are shows which really deliver the goods; aside this Oprah's single shot


On italian FoxCrime there's a show (i know for sure its an american format, but i dont remember the title) in which victims parents meet the killers; we had the leader of the satanic cult Beasts of Satan (and killer) Andrea Volpe who had the chance to meet one of his victims'  parents, it was obviously a lot of fun to watch because it was...ridiculous

Talking about private webcam shows and porn,  i've just found out that some "private" videos uploaded on bigger sites like Bulk Porn or Hamster are now closed (at least here in Italy, by postal police) due to violation of antichild pornography laws
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 21, 2010, 10:27:04 PM
When reading the announcement of LAFMS - lowest music thing happening in London, it just reminds me of LOWEST ARTS... I mean, the stuff, that its so low, it appears to be art. Since it hardly could be taken as... well, porn made for profit.

I read today this vintage book called A HOLE IN THE WALL. Infact, it is 2 stories, hand binded to hard cover. Hole in the wall is nothing special, but "A Confessions of an indian lady" is rough. It's childhood experiences with neighborhood boys of 9yrs (while she at 11), incest with uncle, and so on. But this is so old book, it is lettered by hand. And constant fuck-ups in lettering. Constant brutal typos. Sometimes lettering even upside-down in few words once in a while. It's crudely hand crafter. Looks almost like library job, where they'd just make one paperback into hardcove. The real hardcover edition not even existing.
This is just the kind of tribute worthy material. Surviving copies in the world might be very very few. It has zero artistic value. It is hard to get aroused, with such a broken english and constant fuck-ups. It's surreal, and such a thrill!
I got piles of this type of stuff.
Tried to read this Seksikäs Nuoruus 1 (sexy youth 1) paperback. Finnish language, published by swedish "company" in 1972. It's plain typewrite text. With language which makes you think it's most likely translated by guy who doesn't know proper Finnish. Unfortunately sexual content is minimal. It tries to tell story, and miserably fails. So did my enthusiasm.  It's about teenage schoolgirls and all that, but... yaawwn! Only worthy to own due it's crude presentation, reminding of times when porn wasn't all full color, glossy and hi-tech.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on June 21, 2010, 10:46:07 PM
For this same category, one could fill about dozen old s/m, spanking, rubber, and such magazines I read today. Well. Browsed. Many in german or dutch. Some danish. Lots of shitty photos. Lots of bad photos. Lots of useless advertizements. Lots of short bits of text, which I may only guess, probably were not nobel candidates at the time. But all of them: great! Any time, anyday, preferred over majority of junk produced at the moment.
When magazine has name such as STILL SEX MAD (special books 19). Badly written story with fierce lay-out and some full page b/w images scattered within 66 pages. Intense.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 22, 2010, 05:18:36 PM
one of my fave icons ever

Sharon Dogar fights back over 'sexed up' Anne Frank novel

Children's novelist defends Annexed, which re-imagines the relationship between Anne Frank and Peter van Pels

ANNE FRANK Timeless teenager ... The adolescent relationship between Anne Frank and Peter van Pels is explored in Sharon Dogar's novel. Photograph: AP

The contested legacy of Anne Frank, the teenage girl whose diaries have captured the imagination of generations and brought to life the horrors of the Holocaust, has sparked a new row, after a British writer was accused of "exploitation" in her novelisation of Frank's wartime experiences.

The co-founder and executive director of the Anne Frank Trust, Gillian Walnes, reacted angrily to her first sight of Sharon Dogar's novel Annexed, due to be published in September, saying that her re-imagining of the relationship between Anne and a boy who hid from the Nazis in the same Amsterdam building, Peter van Pels, was "not fair on someone who was a living person".

"I really don't understand why we have to fictionalise the Anne Frank story, when young people engage with it anyway," she said. "To me it seems like exploitation. If this woman writer is such a good novelist, why doesn't she create characters from scratch?"

Dogar, who said that she "might be in shock" after the Sunday Times accused her of "sexing up" Anne Frank, said that she was "worried herself" about being exploitative as she wrote.

"The problem is that a writer doesn't always choose what they write," she said. "The idea of this book plagued me for 15 years. I tried quite hard not to write it, mostly because I had similar concerns; I couldn't do it justice, I wasn't sure it was legitimate, I didn't believe I had the talent to portray the horror of the Holocaust. But sometimes stories just come and you can't stop them."

"How it might have felt to be written about by her is central to the novel," she continued, "and so perhaps it's no surprise that the question of how she might have felt to be written about has arisen. I often wonder what she might think."

Dogar says she made every effort to portray the events and characters accurately, citing a correspondence with Frank's only surviving relative, Buddy Elias, in which she says she assuaged his initial doubts over the book, and he finished by wishing her well with it.

"I'm certainly sad that many people's first view of my book doesn't reflect the truth of it," she said.

Her editor at Andersen Press, Charlie Sheppard, said that they had been in touch with Elias for many months, and had sent him an early version of the book to look at. "We spoke to Buddy, we spoke to [Anne Frank's] biographer, we spoke endlessly about each word," she said, "because the last thing anyone wanted was to cause any offence."

The novel, which opens with Peter on the point of death, is told as a series of diary entries interspersed with the thoughts of the dying boy, charting the story of the time he spent hiding with the Franks in the Annexe at 263 Prinsengracht, his discovery and his time in the Mauthausen concentration camp. But it is the small part of the book that concerns Peter's teenage sexuality that has angered Walnes, and led her to accuse Dogar of "putting 21st-century mores on to young people" from a different era.

"I don't understand why this story has to be sexualised," she said, "and why Peter's character has to be changed."

Dogar rejects the accusation of anachronism, countering that there is nowhere in the book where they come close to breaking the taboo around sex, and that "in the book the reality of just one truly intimate touch was enough to stop them".

"Whilst it's true to say that children of the war years lived according to different cultural mores and social strictures," she said, "it's also true that there are some fundamental and universal human feelings that are biological rather than social. The state of adolescence existed before 'teenagers' were invented. Adolescent hormones have always been in conflict with social rulings. This is why some of Anne's thoughts remain as powerful and meaningful today as they were 60 years ago."

Although Peter does worry in the novel that he "will never make love to a girl", and there is a scene in which Anne and Peter kiss, Sheppard rejects the accusation that the book is mainly concerned with sex.

"The sexual awakening of Anne plays more of a major part in her diary than this book," she said, citing moments in the diary where Anne discusses her periods. The diaries were first published in the face of some opposition from relatives and acquaintances in 1947, in a version edited by Anne's father Otto which did not include these passages.

For Dogar the inspiration for Annexed "was not really Anne herself, but Peter van Pels". She acknowledged the responsibility that novelists have to real characters but suggested that "there is no one truth alone".

"Otto Frank remarked, upon reading Anne's diary, that he did not recognise his daughter as she described herself," she continued, "and that 'from this' he could only conclude that 'as parents we do not really know our children'. Historical novelists are, in a sense, in loco parentis to their characters, and like parents, they have a duty to try and understand their subjects."

The children's writer John Boyne, whose controversial novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas tells the story of two boys divided by a concentration camp fence and was made into a film in 2008, defended the role of children's fiction in dealing with subjects as charged as the Holocaust, as long as the writer employs "an accessible and intelligent style to engage the young reader and to make him or her question the world in which they live".

"There are those who would say that a strict adherence to the facts is crucial," he said, "but fiction by its nature distorts reality while nevertheless reflecting it. Place a fictional character into a historical setting and that world is already corrupted; accept that and move on to examine what the novelist is trying to say."

According to Boyne, novels can play a "huge role" in educating young people. "Children will switch off if they are lectured," he continued, "but tell them a good story with characters they can relate to and you're halfway there."

Dogar called on people to focus on the book itself rather than articles written about it in the press. "I've done my best with Annexed," she added, "and it's now for readers to decide whether or not I've succeeded."

With the media storm surrounding her generating rather more heat than light, Dogar may come to regret the power of the written word. As Peter says to Anne in a discussion about her diary towards the end of the book, "It's on a page where it looks like the truth – even if it isn't."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 02, 2010, 12:38:46 PM
more anti porn

the guardian

The truth about the porn industry

Gail Dines, the author of an explosive new book about the sex industry, on why pornography has never been a greater threat to our relationships

      Comments (99)

    * Julie Bindel

Anti-pornography campaigner Gail Dines Anti-pornography campaigner Gail Dines Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

The last time I saw Gail Dines speak, at a conference in Boston, she moved the audience to tears with her description of the problems caused by pornography, and provoked laughter with her sharp observations about pornographers themselves. Activists in the audience were newly inspired, and men at the event – many of whom had never viewed pornography as a problem before – queued up afterwards to pledge their support. The scene highlighted Dines's explosive charisma and the fact that, since the death of Andrea Dworkin, she has risen to that most difficult and interesting of public roles: the world's leading anti-pornography campaigner.

Dines is also a highly regarded academic and her new book, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, has just come out in the US, and is available online here. She wrote it primarily to educate people about what pornography today is really like, she says, and to banish any notion of it as benign titillation. "We are now bringing up a generation of boys on cruel, violent porn," she says, "and given what we know about how images affect people, this is going to have a profound influence on their sexuality, behaviour and attitudes towards women."

The book documents the recent history of porn, including the technological shifts that have made it accessible on mobile phones, videogames and laptops. According to Dines's research the prevalence of porn means that men are becoming desensitised to it, and are therefore seeking out ever harsher, more violent and degrading images. Even the porn industry is shocked by how much violence the fans want, she says; at the industry conferences that Dines attends, porn makers have increasingly been discussing the trend for more extreme practices. And the audience is getting younger. Market research conducted by internet providers found that the average age a boy first sees porn today is 11; a study from the University of Alberta found that one third of 13-year-old boys admitted viewing porn; and a survey published by Psychologies magazine in the UK last month found that a third of 14- to 16-year-olds had first seen sexual images online when they were 10 or younger – 81% of those polled looked at porn online at home, while 63% could easily access it on their mobile phones.

"I have found that the earlier men use porn," says Dines, "the more likely they are to have trouble developing close, intimate relationships with real women. Some of these men prefer porn to sex with an actual human being. They are bewildered, even angry, when real women don't want or enjoy porn sex."

Porn culture doesn't only affect men. It also changes "the way women and girls think about their bodies, their sexuality and their relationships," says Dines. "Every group that has fought for liberation understands that media images are part and parcel of the systematic dehumanisation of an oppressed group . . . The more porn images filter into mainstream culture, the more girls and women are stripped of full human status and reduced to sex objects. This has a terrible effect on girls' sexual identity because it robs them of their own sexual desire."

Images have now become so extreme that acts that were almost non-existent a decade ago have become commonplace. From studying thousands of porn films and images Dines found that the most popular acts depicted in internet porn include vaginal, oral and anal penetration by three or more men at the same time; double anal; double vaginal; a female gagging from having a penis thrust into her throat; and ejaculation in a woman's face, eyes and mouth.

"To think that so many men hate women to the degree that they can get aroused by such vile images is quite profound," says Dines. "Pornography is the perfect propaganda piece for patriarchy. In nothing else is their hatred of us quite as clear."

Born in Manchester, Dines moved to Israel in 1980, aged 22, and soon became involved in the women's movement. An event organised by the feminist consciousness-raising group Women against Pornography in Haifa – in which pornography was shown – changed her life forever. "I was astounded that men could either make such a thing or want to look at it," she says. From then on, she knew she had to campaign about the issue.

There were two images from Hustler magazine that she found especially shocking: a cartoon of a construction worker drilling a jackhammer into a woman's vagina, and one depicting a woman being fed through a meat grinder. "I was newly married and told my husband that night how appalled I was, which he fully understood," she says. "If he had said I was a prude I don't think I could have stayed with him."

The couple moved to the US in 1986, and Dines has taught at Wheelock College, Boston ever since, where she is professor of sociology and women's studies and chair of the American studies department. She is something of a lone voice in academia. Aside from what she says are "a handful" of colleagues across the US, most contemporary scholars are positive about pornography, and Dines thinks this is due to both a fear of being considered in alliance with the religious right and the view that pornography represents and champions sexual liberation.

"Many on the liberal left adopt a view that says pornographers are not businessmen but are simply there to unleash our sexuality from state-imposed constraints," she says. This view was reflected in the film The People vs Larry Flynt, where the billionaire pornographer of the film's title – the head of the Hustler empire – was portrayed as a man simply fighting for freedom of speech. Dines disputes these ideas. "Trust me," she says, "I have interviewed hundreds of pornographers and the only thing that gets them excited is profit."

As a result of her research, Dines believes that pornography is driving men to commit particular acts of violence towards women. "I am not saying that a man reads porn and goes out to rape," she says, "but what I do know is that porn gives permission to its consumers to treat women as they are treated in porn." In a recent study, 80% of men said that the one sex act they would most like to perform is to ejaculate on a woman's face; in 2007, a comment stream on the website Jezebel.com included a number of women who said that, on a first date, they had, to their surprise, experienced their sexual partner ejaculating on their faces without asking.

Sexual assault centres in US colleges have said that more women are reporting anal rape, which Dines attributes directly to the normalisation of such practices in pornography. "The more porn sexualises violence against women, the more it normalises and legitimises sexually abusive behaviour. Men learn about sex from porn, and in porn nothing is too painful or degrading for women." Dines also says that what she calls "childified porn" has significantly increased in popularity in recent years, with almost 14m internet searches for "teen sex" in 2006, an increase of more than 60% since 2004. There are legal sites that feature hardcore images of extremely young-looking women being penetrated by older men, with disclaimers stating all the models are 18 and over. Dines is clear that regular exposure to such material has an effect of breaking down the taboo about having sex with children.

She recently interviewed a number of men in prison who had committed rape against children. All were habitual users of child pornography. "What they said to me was they got bored with 'regular' porn and wanted something fresh. They were horrified at the idea of sex with a prepubescent child initially but within six months they had all raped a child."

What can we expect next from the industry? "Nobody knows, including pornographers," she says, "but they are all looking for something more extreme, more shocking." She recently interviewed a well-known pornographer, while his latest film played in the background. It contained a scene of a woman being anally penetrated while kneeling in a coffin.

In Dines's view, the best way to address the rise of internet pornography is to raise public awareness about its actual content, and name it as a public health issue by bringing together educators, health professionals, community activists, parents and anti-violence experts to create materials that educate the public. "Just as we had anti-smoking campaigns, we need an anti-porn campaign that alerts people to the individual and cultural harms it creates."

"Myths about those of us who hate pornography also need to be dispelled in order to gain more support from progressives," she says. "The assumption that if you are a woman who hates pornography you are against sex shows how successful the industry is at collapsing porn into sex." Would the critics of the employment practices and products at McDonald's be accused of being anti-eating, she asks pointedly.

The backlash against Dines and her work is well-documented. Various pro-porn activists post accusations about her on websites, suggesting she is motivated by money, hates sex, and victimises women to support her supposed anti-male ideology. Salon.com reported recently that the sex writer, Violet Blue, had launched a pro-porn campaign to counteract an anti-porn conference that Dines and colleagues held last month. Dines is regularly criticised by pornographers in the trade magazines and on porn websites and she tells me that her college receives letters after any public event at which she is speaking, attacking her views.

Does she ever feel depressed by all this? "It gets me down sometimes, of course. But I try to surround myself with good things – my students, colleagues, and my family." She says the blueprint for her aims is the eradication of slavery in the US, which was achieved despite the fact that every single institution was geared to uphold and perpetuate it. "What is at stake is the nature of the world that we live in," says Dines. "We have to wrestle it back."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 02, 2010, 04:44:41 PM
"in 2007, a comment stream on the website Jezebel.com included a number of women who said that, on a first date, they had, to their surprise, experienced their sexual partner ejaculating on their faces without asking."

If the girls are going to blow guys on their first date what else do they expect?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 05, 2010, 10:31:42 AM

Grindr: a new sexual revolution?

Grindr is a free phone app which lets gay men instantly pinpoint each other using GPS technology. It has already transformed the sex lives of 700,000 men around the world. But could it work in the straight market? And would it mean the end of monogamy?

          o Polly Vernon
          o The Observer, Sunday 4 July 2010
          o Article history

Ever heard of Grindr? If you have, I'm going to guess that you are male and gay; or male, technically straight and somewhat curious; or the straight friend of a gay man. If not, allow me to enlighten you.

Grindr (pronounced "grinder") is a free downloadable iPhone app which, it promises, will help you "Find gay, bi, curious guys for free near you!" Grindr harnesses GPS, allowing you to establish who else in your direct vicinity is also using Grindr. It shows you – on a gridded display – who these men are and what they look like; it'll tell you how far away from you (in feet, and even more thrillingly, fractions of feet) they are standing; and it will allow you to "chat" them, if they take your fancy. Although buried deep in the Grindr ethos is the idea that you shouldn't do in cyberspace what you could be easily be doing in person. Don't "chat" when you could actually, you know, chat.

Grinding is an intoxicating experience. I was first introduced to it on the roof terrace of a bar in east London by my friends J and W. J launched the app on his iPhone and I got palpitations as the grid of portraits (ordered in terms of geographical proximity – your nearest Grindr user is posted at the top left) instantly unfurled itself across the screen. All these men, effectively coming on to – well, not me, but still... It is literally a sexy app and the overflow of that sexual potency, the decadence, sweeps you along on a wave of lust, regardless of who you are and what your gender or sexual orientation might be. I was reminded of the first time I entered words into the search criteria on Google, of the first time I downloaded music from iTunes – I knew I was engaging with a bit of technology that would alter things on a profound level.

I scrolled on and on through the grid of gay offerings, furtively trying to match the pixelated images with the real-life men ranged around me in the bar.

"But do you want to know the funny thing?" J said. "The best nights you can have on Grindr are the nights when you stay in." And he laughed, wickedly.

Grindr is reconfiguring the landscape of human relationships. Partly because it's sex in an app, the sexual equivalent of ordering take-away, or online fashion (my friend Kevin calls it "net-a-port-gay.com", and he's so pleased with himself for this he says I can use his real name. Everyone else asked to remain anonymous). Grindr was launched on 25 March 2009; now more than 700,000 (and counting) men in 162 countries around the world are using it to phenomenal effect, if J, W, Kevin and the other gay men I've asked are any kind of a guide. "I've never, ever had so much sex in my life!" R told me gleefully. "I've probably had as much in the past eight months of Grinding as I have over the 20 years since I came out. Maybe more." It's only going to get bigger, to facilitate more sex. Two thousand people download it every day, and a BlackBerry-friendly version of the app launched less than a month ago – a development which could triple Grindr's reach.

But Grindr is more significant even than that suggests. It marks a major evolution in how all of us – gay, straight, alive – will meet and interact with each other. Depending on who you talk to, this is either brilliant (liberating, socially enabling – the end, even, of loneliness and boredom); or a potential disaster (signalling the end of monogamy, facilitating sex addiction). Either way, it matters.

Arguably we are living in a post-gay era. The divide between gay and straight worlds diminishes daily. Gay culture and straight culture become increasingly intertwined. For example, Grindr's biggest boost occurred in June 2009, after gay icon Stephen Fry told the boorishly straight Jeremy Clarkson all about it during an interview on super-hetero TV show Top Gear.

So Grindr would matter even if it was not in the process of developing a straight version of its sexy self. But it is. It is likely that the Grindr experience will be open to a straight market by the end of 2010.

"Oh, at the very latest," says Joel Simkhai, the founder of Grindr. He's a wiry, neatly handsome 33-year-old man with an American accent, a hectic manner and a sharp business edge. I meet him for coffee in a chic hotel in London. This is where he's basing himself while he checks out Grindr's flourishing UK market; he usually lives in Los Angeles. "The UK is the second biggest country for Grindr after the US," he tells me. "London is the third biggest city after New York and LA. You love us."

Simkhai was born in Tel Aviv and he and his parents moved to New York ("State, not the city") when he was three. He came out in his mid-teens "just as AOL was taking off. I was born – gay-born – with online. And that was a huge help to me in terms of meeting people – people who unfortunately were a ways away in Wyoming or wherever – but still, I was meeting people who were gay and who weren't freaks." But Simkhai says he still felt isolated as a young gay teenager. He found himself asking: "The question. I think every gay man starts asking it, from the moment he realises he's gay. You are somewhere and it's: 'Who else here, right now, is gay? Who?' You are looking around, you are constantly wondering. Because coming out is a lonely process."


"Yes! Very much so! And every gay man who asks himself that question also thinks: 'Wouldn't it be good if there was some way for me to tell? Some way for me to know?' Every gay man has had the idea for Grindr."

Nearly two decades later, after Simkhai had finished a degree in international relations and economics and worked for some years in finance, Apple launched its second-generation iPhone. "It was almost as if someone was handing Grindr to me on a silver platter. The first iPhone didn't have GPS, and it only had about eight apps. They were all Apple apps, too – you couldn't develop your own. It really wasn't that great a device. But in the same announcement of the second-generation phone, they said: 'This phone will have GPS and now you can create apps!' I was like: 'Wait a minute! I know an app I want to do!'"

Did he have a complete notion of what he wanted from Grindr? How it would work, what it would look like, what sort of commotion it would create?

"Ha! No. My notion was use GPS, see who else is near. Simple as that."

In August 2008, Simkhai contacted Morten Bek Ditlevsen, an app developer based in Denmark. "He had a passion for GPS, just as I did. He's straight, but he liked the idea; he had a full-time job, but he said: 'Yeah, I'll do this as a hobby.' Didn't ask for much money."

Simkhai brought another friend, "Scott Lewallen, an expert in branding, marketing and design", into the fold. Both still work on Grindr. It took Simkhai, Bek Ditlevsen and Lewallen six months and $5,000 to build Grindr.

About the name: where did it come from?

"Nowhere specific. We liked the word. We liked the notion of a coffee grinder, mixing things together... And there's the term 'guy finder' in there, too. We wanted something that was masculine but was not about pride flags. Was not about..."

A politicised idea of gayness?

"Yes! And was fun! And was in a way – not about being gay. I'm gay; I am a proud gay man. It's not that we have any issues, right? But Grindr's not about gay rights, or gay anything. It's about finding guys. Being among your peers. Socialising. Being part of your community. It's not about: 'We're here, we're queer.'"

So Grindr launched in spring 2009. For the first few months uptake was steady but modest. Then Stephen Fry showed it to Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear "and 40,000 men had downloaded it within a week. Amazing."

Simkhai talks with great passion about his creation. He builds a beautiful case for Grindr. He trumpets its international, unifying aspect, making it sound like the United Nations of gayness. "Here we are, 8,000 miles from home and we have 50,000 guys here in London. How? What? I haven't been here for 10 years – the first thing I did when I landed at Heathrow was launch Grindr! Sydney. Melbourne. Singapore. Tokyo! Tokyo is our fourth largest city, one of our top cities! I've never been to Japan! I don't speak Japanese!"

He points out that Grindr is a response to online dating, which causes as many problems as it solves. "With missed connections and back and forth, and: 'Oh actually, this week I'm in New York, and you're in LA...' Online dating is frustrating! It is a lot of work!" Grindr, on the other hand, is immediate. There is no messing about, no toing and froing, no building up your hopes via weeks of emails only to discover on your first physical date that you just don't fancy whoever in the flesh. You see someone's picture on Grindr, you meet immediately, you establish whether or not you're attracted to each other: "Grindr reintroduces the aspect of chemistry. And – it's real. It is not a Second Life. It is not a virtual world. It's a tool. It enables real life, it doesn't replace it."

And it leads, I say, to very real sex. None of this virtual nonsense.

Simkhai pauses.

"Er... From my perspective... it's not sex. It's a precursor to sex. It's just before. That's how I see Grindr. We want to be sexy. We think sex is part of life, the basis of life. But Grindr is sexiness rather than sex."

Simkhai is concerned, perhaps, about the conservative elements of the US media. Editorials on the danger of the "new gay hook-up app" pop up periodically. Simkhai is keen to make the point that Grindr is not uniquely concerned with procuring sex. "I meet guys all the time who say to me: 'I know it's for hooking up, but... ' But they met some really good friends. But they met their boyfriend. But. But." Simkhai says his main hope for Grindr is it will help young gay men through the process of coming out.

I am moved by Simkhai's passion, by the tales of the non-sexual impact of Grindr. I appreciate that it is still not easy to come out, and how important that sense of geographical proximity, of being part of a visible and accepting community, would be. The David Laws story breaks a fortnight after I interview Simkhai; a high-profile, sad piece of evidence that gay men still encounter problems in making their sexuality public.

Yet the men I speak to tell me Grindr is all about sex. "Internet's for dating; Grindr's for sex," D tells me. "Well, sometimes the internet's for sex, too, but Grindr: definitely sex." I ask around and am inundated with Grindr stories, all of which end in a sexual encounter. "Sometimes you don't really fancy them , but..." There's a sense of obligation to have sex anyway? "Yeah. But that's OK."

I begin to develop an idea of the culture that surrounds it. Many gay men see Grindr as a way to round off an evening. "I'd had dinner at a friend's house in west London and I was walking back to the tube; thought I'd launch Grindr, see what was going on. This guy pops up and chats me: 'You're near!' I chat back: 'I know... ' He says: 'I'm here with my boyfriend. Come and see us.' So... I did."

Others use it as you might a glass of wine at the end of a stressful day. Kev lives near a major station: "And so I get a lot of literal traffic. Men get off the train on Sunday night after a weekend somewhere stifling, probably with their parents; they launch Grindr – guess who pops up first?"

It's mixing formerly segregated elements of gay society. My 30- and 40-something gay male friends tell me they're having much more to do with younger gay men: "Which is weird, and yeah, sometimes not totally comfortable, if you think about it," says one. "You have to work out what's too young for you and stick to that limit. But – you're always honest about who you are. You've got to be. You can't say you're younger or hotter than you are; you can't post someone else's photo. If you lie you're just going to get found out, and that pisses people off, obviously. Lying isn't done on Grindr."

Cheating, on the other hand, definitely is.

"You always see on Grindr: 'Oh, I've got a boyfriend – just interested in chatting!'" says Matthew Todd, editor of gay lifestyle magazine Attitude. "Oh really? Why? Why do you need to chat to people? Why do you need to be on Grindr? Call your mum up!"

A gay man who is in a long-term relationship tells me he's aware of Grindr, but is choosing not to try it. "It would change everything. I'm very tempted, of course I am! But ultimately I don't want to go there, and I don't want my boyfriend F to go there either."

"The vast majority of guys on Grindr are in a relationship," says P. "And I reckon a quarter of the guys who use it are straight. Not curious or bi or whatever. Straight."

"The straight ones are all talk!" says D. "They love the idea that sex with a stranger could be that easy, could be downloaded on their phone... But when it comes to it, they won't do anything."

Not every gay man is enamoured of Grindr. Attitude's Matthew Todd has reservations. "A friend with an iPhone showed me it about a year ago and said: 'Can you believe it?' I rolled my eyes and thought: 'There is no way of stopping this.' Find any new technology – we will always bring it back to sex." Todd's used it ("I dip in and out") and he knows from feedback that Attitude's readers are using it a great deal. "I think it's good for people to be able to connect. Especially young people. It's good to be able to see that there are other gay people around, and to be able to interact. But at the same time I think it's a very adult world. The commercial gay world – which Grindr is part of – is a very adult, very sexual world. And I worry when I see these young kids coming out on to the gay scene, and everything is about sex. There's no real concept of relationships."

Others condemn it more directly. "Grindr's addictive," writes one man – the ex-boyfriend of a close friend – by email. "Grindr and Gaydar [the UK's biggest gay dating site]... A lot of gay men have addiction issues. I feel crap even writing it, but there it is. We drink, we use drugs and we use sex to overcome the shame we feel. And we feel worse because we know we shouldn't feel shame, we should feel pride – so we abuse drugs and sex more. Things like Grindr and Gaydar enable that sort of sex, sex which is compulsive and which dehumanises you; and means you in turn dehumanise the people you are having sex with." He puts me in touch with G, a man he met while seeking treatment for sex addiction. "I've lost entire weekends to sex," writes G. "Downloading porn, going on Grindr, meeting men whose names I don't find out, having sex; downloading more porn..."

"Low self-esteem," says Todd. "I see it a lot in gay men – it's inevitable after years of repression and shame. And what's better for self-esteem than someone having sex with you?"

Could Grindr work for a straight market? There is, I think, an undeniable gender divide on the things that men and women will do for sex, and the things they expect and want from sex. Yes, women are capable of having inconsequential flings. We are capable of one-night stands. We are capable of having sex without becoming emotionally involved. FitFinder – which allowed undergraduate users to post descriptions of people they'd seen and fancied on their university-dedicated website – became extremely popular earlier this spring, before university authorities banned it, which would suggest that there is a straight market for a location-specific dating concept. But I'm not sure Grindr could fully accommodate the complexities of male-female interactions. The gender politics, the power games, the ebb and flow of interest, the tedious but totally authentic need most men feel to pursue a potential sexual conquest...

I ask a handful of straight women – some single, some not – if they think they might be interested in a Grindr equivalent; they say they can just about envisage it working, although none of them would commit to the notion of using it themselves. The straight men I poll say they'd think less of any woman who "advertised herself like that" – and then all insisted on downloading gay Grindr on to their phones, "just to see how it works".

If anyone can make and sell a straight Grindr, Simkhai can. He does concede: "I'm a gay man and I know how to think like a gay man... actually, my sense is I know how to think like a man. I'm not a woman. I don't know how to think like a woman." Yet he says he gets more requests for a straight Grindr from women than he does from straight men. "Many more. Which might be because straight women are often friends with gay men, so know about Grindr... But I do think it would be relevant for women. I do." Furthermore: "We'll redesign it; we'll call it something different, market it differently. We have to. Gay men are very territorial. They want to keep it all to themselves, but they say: 'If you have to make a straight version, call it something else. Grindr is ours.'"

I am still sceptical, but then Simkhai says: "This notion of: 'Who is around me? Who is in this room now? Who else is like me?' – this is not just a gay thing. And this thing where: 'I want a more fulfilling life. A richer life!' This is not just a gay thing either. Gay men don't have the monopoly on loneliness and isolation." He is right, of course. As I say goodbye to Joel Simkhai, I find myself thinking: however straight Grindr plays out for us – even if it opens up a Pandora's box on our sexuality, alters forever the way men and women relate, leaves us vulnerable to a whole new world of emotional and sexual complications – bring it on. It's going to make life more interesting.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 06, 2010, 06:27:06 AM
(I read all the rules in this thread and the Troniks porn thread and what I am writing seems to be OK since it is legal everywhere and I am not posting photos). I've always wondered how sites like the link I am providing at the bottom stay legal. The children are clothed and it is "legal according to US code 18" but doesn't seem legal as far as certain obscenity charges are concerned, but it is 100% legal in America and every where else. And it is very obvious that these "newstar" sites are designed for a very specific audience.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 06, 2010, 09:45:51 AM
I am not clicking since I am at work, but i can imagine which sort of site it is.
There were plenty of Russian sites like this a few years ago that lead through the links to harder stuff. There was an analysis on these on some Italian police/intelligence sites.
I think these sort of sites are considered illegal.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 06, 2010, 11:14:23 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 06, 2010, 09:45:51 AM

I think these sort of sites are considered illegal.

I would think so but they are not considered illegal, they very clearly state it all over the site (if someone has to continually state that what they are doing is legal then you should assume that what they wish to do, or are doing behind the scenes, is completely illegal). I am also wondering what types of parents let their children do this and consent to it without understanding and seeing what is really happening. It must be happening in another country that doesn't require consent signature from parents. And if it is happening in the states or in some European countries than these parents who sign the consent forms either know what is happening and need money/enjoy it or are the most ignorant fucks ever.

Material that is rougher isn't even hard to find these days, especially with all of these image forums ("chans") popping up left and right. If you know which is which then it becomes simple. Over at my forums (which are about music, I should add) we were talking about extreme porno and some of us realized we had all seen a very, very harsh photo that was taken off the image "chan" within minutes of its post but somehow 4 guys all from different parts of the world had seen it. It was taken down quickly, as are all illegal photos, but it only takes a minute or two for thousands of people to see it, before it is taken down, and save it to their HD if they so wish and from then on sharing is caring.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 06, 2010, 07:01:31 PM

'Big budget' porn film shot in London hospital

Page last updated at 10:14 GMT, Tuesday, 6 July 2010 11:14 UK

A "big budget" pornographic film was shot in a London hospital when it hired out one of its wards to a film company.

The movie generated "substantial income" for the hospital, Conservative MP Penny Mordaunt said.

Ms Mordaunt, Portsmouth North MP, was speaking during a House of Commons debate on improving transparency in government accounting, on Monday.

NHS Kensington and Chelsea said the filming occurred before 2002 when the primary care trust (PCT) formed.
Continue reading the main story

    It was a big-budget affair and generated substantial income for the hospital

Penny Mordaunt MP, Portsmouth North Watch the debate: From BBC Democracy Live

"When I was director of Kensington and Chelsea Council, I discovered that one of our local hospitals was hiring out one of its closed - but fully-equipped - wards to a film company to use as a film set," Ms Mordaunt said.

"To add insult to injury, the movie was a pornographic one.

"Although I cannot claim to have seen the final picture - as I understand, these things are no longer claimable on parliamentary expenses - it was a big-budget affair and generated substantial income for the hospital."

"But apart from cheering up a few of the in-patients, it cannot be said to be contributing to the objectives of the primary care trust."

NHS Kensington and Chelsea said: "We can confirm this incident occurred some time prior to 2002 under a predecessor organisation's management and prior to the formation of PCTs."

Kensington and Chelsea Council has been contacted by BBC London but have not yet commented on the story.

Quote"But apart from cheering up a few of the in-patients, it cannot be said to be contributing to the objectives of the primary care trust."
I found that line to be particularly amusing.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Nil By Mouth on July 09, 2010, 01:25:12 PM
Nanny, 30, died from sexual arousal while watching pornography

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1293165/Nanny-30-died-sexual-arousal-watching-pornography.html#ixzz0tBByo26k
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 17, 2010, 02:06:01 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDrHfuLC4H8&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDrHfuLC4H8&feature=player_embedded)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Hakaristi on July 27, 2010, 04:49:47 PM
Interesting overview of the KP industry and the moral panic surrounding it from an "insider": http://tinyurl.com/qajwun
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on July 28, 2010, 12:15:08 PM
It seems focus more on the modern times, which has always been much less interesting topic. Seems like reading computer technology book, which is pretty much the least thing what could interest, hah..
For example considering history of genre, by reading couple of books and online sites, in about 15 minutes you have much more accurate information. Magazines called Lolita were of course published everywhere, but I think they refer to perhaps longest running dutch publication of Joop Wilhelmus? Who was kind of crusader of free love, and didn't even bother to stop when laws changed. Same was the guys who operated blue movies shop in copenhagen, who pioneered as first guy to public CP magazine and documents show (by undercover reporters) that he still continued the trade well over the mid 80's when everybody else (like CCC) has given up due legal reasons.

There is pretty extensive, yet incomplete report available from old times, for example:

IPT = The Institute for Psychological Therapies = private practice of clinical psychology, publish various articles in printmagazines and online. It seems much less scandalous and much more objective in their study of the case. They won't have propaganda FOR the case, but neither very hostile against it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Hakaristi on July 28, 2010, 01:55:55 PM
I'm familiar with the history of the '70s & '80s, but haven't seen (or searched out) much documentation on the modern online trade, which was intriguing... although yeah, a bit too much tech talk for my liking also. Thanks for that IPT link though.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 02, 2010, 07:11:48 AM
There are quite a good number of full books on the subject, for free on the internet if you know what to look for, one can be found here:


And if you have the money you can always purchase these (some nice little screenshots included):


Looking for terms on Freenet, Newsgroups and IRC such as "r@ygold" and "MCLT" used to lead places. They don't now, so there is no threat in sharing this information because it has been know since the late 90's and C#P purveyors use different master pass's now-a-days.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 02, 2010, 07:18:20 AM
As for me, the C#P scene doesn't intrigue me much anymore. I am far more interested in tracking down private videos and magazines, straight or gay doesn't matter. Material like Gay Scat and Piss classics "Dr. Bob's Reality" or the very limited, private torture flick "Squirming in the Bath-House". Or some straight Master & Slave stuff (anything with Mistress Ann) or even just Magazines that are limited, even xerox'd 2nd generation shit will work. Ever since hearing BU's latest offering I have been heavily seeking "Lily the Flesh", too. If anyone can help out PM me.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 02, 2010, 12:14:22 PM
I don't know what exactly would qualify as "private magazines" ? Majority seems like big company productions (relative speaking) even if it would be "amateur content"?
For s/m, there was plenty of european stuff which most often relied on contact classifieds & amateur photo contributions. Many countries had the private s/m clubs, who also operated some sort of magazine or newsletter.  In finland one should try to get for example 80's mag called "Chains" which basically later was slightly connected with Kinky Club magazine and in late 90's S/m salainen maailma or whatever it was called. Just 4 issues came out. Very rough quality b/w. Then Läjä Äijälä's rubber fetish/sm comic/art magazine "X" what ran for 5 issues. More mainstream bondage/rubber full color mag "Fetissi" did 4 issues. They ran very short lived shop for a while too. All these things probably fail most of all for lack of commercial potential. No market, no interest, no resources,... Unfortunate reality, which makes most companies to avoid print media and most of amateurs use internet as only means of exposure. What is the most recent XXX magazine that was pretty good? I can't remember much from recent years.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 02, 2010, 03:55:43 PM
In the 80's/90's we had a couple of impressive magazine (i Moderni, ecc), featuring most stuff ralised by the authors themselves and it seems thay are still active in the BDSM scene (not the fake fetish goth crap we are swamped by today).
I knew pretty well at least a couple of the persons involved (as models) and they always said the people behind the project were 100% into that and not just for the money.
Unfortunately I got rid of my collection some years ago before moving to UK, but there were plenty of very interesting writings, pretty distant from the consensual-safe shit of today that you can buy in many normal bookstore.

regarding this "Interesting overview of the KP industry and the moral panic surrounding it from an "insider": http://tinyurl.com/qajwun" the business part have very interesting figures and explains a lot of what happens behind the scene, very interesting read. The latest part regarding children sexual freedom and bla bla is the usual NAMBLA like crap.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 03, 2010, 11:34:30 AM
Thanks for some pointers. I have an OK collection right now but am always seeking more.

QuoteFor s/m, there was plenty of european stuff which most often relied on contact classifieds & amateur photo contributions.

This is pretty much what I am looking for. Examples would be something like Taint's art on "Justmeat" or his split with Black Leather Jesus (i.e. contact classifieds like "Slave For Satan Ready"), etc. There are plenty of websites containing these things but I would prefer physical copies, printed material. Also, as I said before, I would be interested in obtaining copies of "Lily the Flesh" (the video of course) or pointers on where one found the contact info when buying it.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 03, 2010, 10:49:43 PM
In Finland, those were advertized in classifieds of regular mens magazines? Each mag used to have several pages of contacts & sale informations of people selling photos, used panties etc.
I think best things were things like used condoms with ejaculate and half liter of bottled piss available from some couples. One could specify if you want female or male piss. As if you'd know the difference?

Old 70's/80's mags still include ads from beast lovers etc.

I think Tehokontaktit is still active? This guy who runs primitive offset printplace and publishes the biggest sex contact only magazine in Finland. For example some issue of Degenerate and covers like Taint / Nicole 12 CD was printed there. Part of the deals were paid as photos submitted to him & imported porn videos etc. He had some good stories of nutcases who bombarded him with photos too brutal to publish. Decent male anal destruction. I have pile of original photos of one case.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on August 06, 2010, 03:13:28 PM
Supposedly, there has been a ban on cartoons/graphic novels with content judged as kp in Sweden since 1980, only recently was a man charged & convicted for possession of it, in the shape of 51 manga jpegs on his computer. He was a collector.  The sentence was fines, so the punishment is not that hard, but still. Tht ban doesn't extend beyond fictions that aren't visual (if child nudity is part of the (arbitrary) artistic vision in a work of art, you are excused - cartoons are much farther down the culture hierarchy I guess), but I guess anyone who owns NICOLE 12 releases should beware, you never know what will happen.

Swedish articles:
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 10, 2010, 03:04:21 PM
 Bataille and Bukkake:
Symbolic Human Sacrifice in Japanese Pornography

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 17, 2010, 10:02:45 AM
Austrialian sordid story of KP and Voyeurism

A SHAMED B&B owner was yesterday unmasked as a vile Peeping Tom - after he secretly taped guests having SEX in their rooms.
Sleazy James Stratton used tiny pinhole cameras disguised as smoke detectors to film romps - then later watched hours of sordid action on a flatscreen TV in his SHED.
The former telly engineer, 67, of Perth, recorded so much X-rated footage at Rosebank Guest House, Perth, over four years, he hired a storage unit at an AIRPORT to stash it all - along with thousands of sickening child porn pictures and videos.

Guesthouse ... Rosebank, which Stratton no longer owns
Yesterday the married pervert admitted a string of vile charges at the town's sheriff court.
Last night one former resident at Rosebank - which is now under new ownership - said: "It is absolutely disgusting what he did.
"To think that he might have been recording me and my children when we stayed there is absolutely horrifying.
"He is a vile individual. I hope he gets locked up for a long time."
The court heard how twisted Stratton launched his sordid surveillance scam at the guest house in November 2005.
He bought state-of-the-art recording equipment including motion sensors which he placed inside the bogus safety devices so they could start recording residents as soon as they entered rooms.
Then when he and wife Muriel decided to rent out two rooms to lodgers at his family home in September 2008, he rigged up more cameras to watch their every move.
Stratton went on to record around a dozen lodgers in just a year.

Working behind the back of wife Muriel - who, the court was told, had no idea what her husband was up to - he fed cables through the attic and over a garage roof into the back garden of the property.
He then viewed the stash of recorded footage in his private shed - which was kitted out with a fridge freezer, a locked door and curtains across the window.
Stratton even admitted spying on two male lodgers as they had sex - and was so disgusted by the footage he then threw the unwitting pair out.
But in April last year he was finally snared when a female lodger became suspicious, the court was told.
Prosecutor Charmaine Cole said: "She became aware of noises in the attic and had a general feeling she was being watched."
The woman then called her electrician brother - who examined the detector only to discover a covert camera inside.

Family home ... he watched footage in his shed
The furious pair confronted Stratton - who initially denied any knowledge of the camera.
But when the police were called they discovered another device in the other lodger's room.
A third was also picked up in the hall - followed by a fourth hidden in the sitting room.
Miss Cole said: "The complainer has been traumatised. She feels totally violated and has been struggling to come to terms with this."
She told the court police then found "wiring from the cameras leading out of the house, through the garage and into a lockfast shed in the back garden".
She said: "A cursory search of the shed revealed a hard drive recording device, a camera switcher, and a large flatscreen TV.
"He was asked about the cameras and said each had movement detectors so they switched on when movement occurred.
"Initially they were all linked to separate video recorders in the attic.
"He agreed the cameras were installed without the permission or knowledge of the lodgers.
"But he stressed that his wife Muriel was unaware of the cameras or the video recorders."
She added: "In October 2008 he had two male lodgers staying in the house.
"He watched recordings of them engaged in homosexual activity and stated he had been disgusted by them and had thrown them out of the house.

Lock-up ... unit where he hoarded vile child pornography
"At that point he purchased a hard drive linking directly from the cameras in the bedroom via a cable into the shed.
"That's what was found by the police in April 2009.
"All of the cameras were connected to the hard drive recorder in the shed which allowed the activities of people in their rooms to be recorded and viewed later. A large number of disks and video cassettes were recovered.
"Footage showed lodgers in various states of undress and engaging in private sexual activities. Officers noticed some of the footage was not from within the address."
Police then turned to the storage unit Stratton kept at the airport - and discovered a 8,080 hardcore child porn images plus 622 child porn videos.
Many of those were at level five - the worst category of child porn - and were stored along with footage of people having sex in Stratton's properties.
Officers who watched countless hours of home video then discovered Stratton had also been secretly recording his guests.
Yesterday he pled guilty to a catalogue of offences.
They included, between 2005 and 2009, conducting himself in a disorderly manner, installing covert video cameras, recording devices and viewing monitors within bedrooms used by lodgers and other rooms and outbuildings.
He also admitted recording and monitoring the activities of female and male lodgers without their knowledge or consent, in various states of undress and engaged in private sexual acts, and breaching the peace.
Stratton admitted between November 2007 and April 2009 possessing 8,080 indecent images of children and 622 indecent films of children.
It also emerged that Stratton had a previous conviction for dealing hardcore porn from his former TV repair shop in Perth in 1995.
During that trial Sheriff John McInnes told him: "Only those who are grossly perverted, or become so, could watch these tapes without revulsion."
Yesterday Sheriff Michael Fletcher deferred sentence on Stratton for reports.
He was also placed on the sex offenders' register and was freed on bail.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 17, 2010, 09:45:32 PM
Quite recent finnish "outrage" was about capturing 50+ guy in Turku who had special suitcase voueur camera, and he was taking upskirt pictures in supermarkets. Not sure how exactly he was noticed, but he lost to equipment and had to pay fines. In some street polls I saw on TV, some middle aged woman said all such perverts should be locked up. And that perhaps 1 year is suitable punishment. Hah. Thinking that in Finland you don't get 1 year too easy. Hardly for rape even, so why for some anonymous photos of clueless "victums".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 18, 2010, 03:21:05 AM
I liked those old upskirt sites. Are there still newsgroups? I remember that one site for like $8 a month you got only photos from newsgroups. I ran across some pretty harrowing images there. Seems like it was called something like Pictureview...

Except for IOPS Journal, I haven't seen any porn in a very long time. Is there video footage of the the photo sessions in the zine? That I'd like to see.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 18, 2010, 09:19:02 AM
I don't think any of these sets were captured on video. IOPS dvd's include video works and there will be more parts when some time to finalize editing. There is also plan for long noise "movie", with kind of old House Of Milan atmosphere stalking predators / bondage / xxx material. Material was filmed already almost 10 years ago, but has remained unedited for all that time. With good soundtrack it could work. I just hope the original DV tapes have not decayed!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 19, 2010, 10:20:18 AM

Half the Sky: how the trafficking of women today is on a par with genocide

The authors of a new book, Half the Sky, say the slavery and abuse of women is the greatest moral outrage of our century

          o The Guardian, Thursday 19 August 2010
          o Article history

Asha and Suborna (background), young bonded sex workers in a brothel in Faridpur, Bangladesh. Asha and Suborna (background), young bonded sex workers in a brothel in Faridpur, Bangladesh. Photograph: GMB Akash/Panos

Nicholas Kristof is not the kind of person you would expect to be a slave owner. As a columnist on that most august of newspapers, the New York Times, he belongs to an elite within an elite, the embodiment of journalistic seriousness. Yet there he was, in 2004, blithely forking out $150 (£96) for Srey Neth and $203 for another teenager, Srey Momm; handing over the money to a brothel keeper in exchange for a receipt and complete dispensation to do with the two girls as he would. Nick Kristof: double Pulitzer prize winner, bestselling author, slave owner. But that, as is made clear in his new book, written with his wife Sheryl WuDunn, is just the start of it.

At the time of his purchase, Kristof had been travelling to a wild and dangerous part of north-western Cambodia, and had checked into an $8-a-night hotel-cum-brothel in the town of Poipet. He arranged to see Neth, who had been in the brothel for a month, having been sold to its owner by her own cousin. Thin and fragile, she had no idea how old she was, but looked to Kristof about 14. Her virginity had been auctioned to a Thai casino manager who later died of Aids, and now she was on offer to local punters at a premium price by dint of her youth and light skin.

Kristof arranged to buy her, as well as Momm from a different brothel. Momm was a frail girl further down the line of misery, having been forced into prostitution five years previously. Amid floods of tears and rage, she pleaded with Kristof to be bought, freed and taken back to her village on the other side of Cambodia. He took both girls back to their villages and, with the help of an American charity, attempted to ease them back into society.

The story of Neth and Momm is just a small indication of the lengths Kristof and WuDunn are prepared to go to expose the injustices that they see in the modern world. Buying up child prostitutes is pretty extreme, but no more than the message they are seeking to deliver in their groundbreaking book, Half the Sky.

In it, they argue that the world is in the grip of a massive moral outrage no less egregious in scale or in the intensity of despair than the African slave trade of the 18th and 19th centuries or the genocides of the 20th. They believe this outrage is a key factor behind many of the most pressing economic and political issues today, from famine in Africa to Islamist terrorism and climate change. Yet they say the phenomenon is largely hidden, invisible to most of us and passing relatively unreported. At worst it is actively tolerated; at best it is ignored.

The fodder of this latterday trade in human suffering is not African people, but women. Which is why they call it "gendercide". If the supreme moral challenge of the 19th century was slavery, and of the 20th century the fight against totalitarianism, then, they write, "in this century the paramount moral challenge will be the struggle for gender equality in the developing world".

The contention is as startling as the idea of a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist buying up prostitutes. I put it to them that, to some people, the claim will seem overblown. After all, you don't go lightly comparing the plight of women in developing countries today with slavery or, by implication, the Holocaust.

"This idea is a couple of decades in gestation," Kristof says. "Over those years, we reluctantly came to the conclusion that this really is the greatest moral challenge of this century."
A 16-year-old Cambodian girl hides after being rescued from a brothel were she was forced to work. A 16-year-old Cambodian girl hides after being rescued from a brothel were she was forced to work. Photograph: Rob Elliott/AFP

Then WuDunn chimes in: "When you hear that 60 to 100 million females are missing in the current population, we thought that number compares in the scope and size. And then you compare the slave trade at its peek in the 1780s, when there were 80,000 slaves transported from Africa to the New World, and you see there are now 10 times that amount of women trafficked across international borders, so you start to think you are talking about comparable weight."

Their disturbing conclusion seems all the more powerful for being reached at the end of what they call a "journey of awakening", which began in such different places. Kristof is the product of the west coast who grew up on a sheep and cherry farm in Oregon, the son of liberal academics. WuDunn is east coast-cum-Orient; a third-generation Chinese American formed through the fusion of her family's Chinese roots and the urbanity of New York City.

The hotch-potch of influences is reflected in their suburban New York home where we meet, a large house set in its own thick greenery in an area of real estate where residents are surely more familiar with hedge funds and stock fluctuations than fistulas or honour killings. It feels a little incongruous, the horror of what we're discussing amid the tranquility of the setting. But the gulf is lessened by the fact that they have surrounded themselves with mementoes of their many travels: African wooden dolls, Asian carvings and a large box bed from China covered in furs that fills the living room.

WuDunn and Kristof date the start of their journey to Tiananmen Square, which they covered for the New York Times, having been sent to China by the paper as a young married couple shortly before the 1989 protests erupted (they won a joint Pulitzer for their troubles). "We were horrified by what we saw in Tiananmen," WuDunn says. "But then we went roaming in the countryside a year or two afterwards and started finding all this stuff we had never heard about: the infanticide, with 30 million baby girls missing in the Chinese population."

They realised with a jolt that, every week, as many infant girls were dying in China through lack of access to health care as the up-to-800 protesters who died in Tiananmen. Kristof received a further shock in 1996 when he came face-to-face with girls being trafficked for sex in Cambodia. "I went to a village outside Phnom Penh where a very young teenage girl was having her virginity auctioned. Instead of helping her, the police were there to ensure that, if she escaped, she would be returned to her owners. The main difference from 19th-century slavery was that all these girls would be dead of Aids by their twenties. I was really shaken by how open it was, how blatant. It wasn't underground slavery, it was like what a cutting plantation would have been 150 years earlier."

The discovery of such horrendous abuse got them wondering about the nature of the journalism they were engaged in. Here they were, along with the rest of the "serious" press, debating weighty geopolitical issues of the day. Yet this huge injustice was going on under their noses, largely unreported, dismissed as "women's issues" by the mainstream media. "We've thought a lot about the failure to see this," says WuDunn. "Partly, it's because the news is defined by what happens on a particular day, and a lot of the most important things in the world don't happen on a particular day . . ."

"And it's partly that our definition of what constitutes news is a legacy of the perspective of middle-aged men," adds Kristof. "It may well be that one major reason why high-school girls drop out of school around the world is that they have trouble managing menstruation, and probably one reason nobody has cottoned on to this is that people who run aid organisations and write about it have never menstruated."

Gradually, they began to see this great global disaster more clearly, discovering that, every year, at least two million girls worldwide disappear because of discrimination. They began to investigate and chronicle its various forms, from sexual slavery to honour killings of women deemed to have disgraced the family, to rape as an extension of war, to genital mutilation, to the less violent but no less damaging exclusion of women from health services and education. They widened their net from China to India, Korea, Japan and then Africa.
Runa, 20, a prostitute in Bangladesh. The scar on her face was made by her pimp. Runa, 20, a prostitute in Bangladesh. The scar on her face was made by her pimp. Photograph: Sven Torfinn/Panos

"Over the years we began to think about the thread between all of this," WuDunn says. "We realised there was a societal attitude that doesn't allow women to be active members of society, that doesn't treat them like human beings. That's the link: the disregard of women as human beings."

The dawning recognition that they were confronted by nothing less than a modern form of global slavery, with women as its victims, has had profound personal and professional implications for them both. Above all, it has demanded a rethinking of the function of their writing. If you are convinced you have stumbled across an enormous moral outrage, you cannot merely cast light on the subject. You have to do something to stop it. You have to effect change.

That is what makes their book – named after the Chinese saying that women hold up half the sky – so unusual, not just in its searing and heart-rending contents but in its steely determination and sense of purpose. As the Washington Post's reviewer put it, this is a "call to arms, a call for help, a call for contributions, but also a call for volunteers".

From the opening pages, WuDunn and Kristof make an unashamed pitch for the reader's support and engagement. No on-the-one-hand-this and on-the-other-hand-that. "We hope to recruit you," the authors write, "to join an incipient movement to emancipate women . . . Just open your heart and join in."

At the end of the book, in similar vein, they give a list of action points that readers can take within 10 minutes to make a difference. And they set us a personal challenge: will we join a historical movement to eradicate sex slavery, honour killings and acid attacks, or are we content to remain detached bystanders? It is the 21st-century equivalent of that ultimately probing 20th-century question: "What did you do in the war, Daddy?"

The ambition to inspire us to action, to foment what they call a modern abolitionist movement, informs every page of the book. It's not just evident in the direct appeals they make to readers; it is also subliminally present in the way they manage their information. Specifically, they wanted to avoid a numbing effect where readers would become so overwhelmed by the grimness and apparent hopelessness of the lives women lead that they would sink into depression, rather than leap into action.

So WuDunn and Kristof studied psychological papers on what gels people to participate, and discovered that statistics are particularly bad as motivational tools. By contrast, focus on individuals is key. In one experiment, research subjects were told to donate $5 to alleviate world hunger. They were offered the choice of giving the money to Rokia, a girl in Mali aged seven, or to reduce hunger among 21 million Africans. Most chose Rokia. In another study, people were asked to give $300,000 to fight cancer. One group was told the money would save the life of a single child, another that it would save eight children. Perversely, people gave almost twice as much to save just one child rather than eight.

The authors have followed the lessons of these psychological studies They do have statistics in the book, many of which are harrowing. The equivalent of five jumbo jets' worth of women die in labour each day. Every 10 seconds a girl somewhere in the world is pinned down, her legs pulled apart and a part of her genitals cut off, mainly without anaesthetic.

But because the studies warn of the perils, they keep numbers in their place, and instead focus on individual stories. Such as that of Mukhtar Mai, who grew up in a peasant village in southern Punjab and was gang-raped as a child by members of a higher-status local clan. After that she was expected to commit suicide – that's what women who have been gang-raped do. Instead, she went to the police, and with the $8,300 she received in compensation set up a village school.

Or Sunitha Krishnan, who stands just four-and-a-half-feet tall but who has become a legendary fighter in the war against sex trafficking. She set up an organisation in Hyderabad called Prajwala that has helped some 1,500 women escape from prostitution and into new careers such as carpentry or welding.

As well as focusing on the personal, the authors relentlessly accentuate the positive; constantly firing out examples where terrible wrongs have been overcome, proving that seemingly immutable problems can be shifted. The most powerful case for WuDunn is also the most personal: her grandmother's feet were bound in the rural village where her family originates, yet today feet binding in China is unknown. "I'm so conscious of how lucky I am there was a movement in China and abroad that put a stop to a practice that was centuries old." The authors also remind us that genital mutilation was practised regularly in England until the 1860s. It too was eradicated.

"The research stresses the importance of the positive," says Kristof. "People want to be part of something that is successful, and that's one reason why, even though a lot of the stories we profile plumb some really desperate moments, we also try and show it is possible to make a difference. We don't want to sound manipulative – but we do want readers to care about these issues. We followed research in terms of writing in a way that would engage people, and Half the Sky was a kind of experiment in trying to use these approaches to reach a broader audience. From that regard, I think it worked remarkably."

More than 300,000 copies have been sold in the US, a four-hour public broadcasting TV documentary is in the works, and a videogame version of the book will be launched in an attempt to reach a younger audience. More importantly, the authors' call to arms has been heard, with people across the US who first engaged with Half the Sky through reading groups transforming their networks into mini-aid organisations, raising money and making contact with projects abroad. Some 580 book clubs, with 6,500 members, signed up to a Half the Sky project organised by the global aid agency Mercy Corps that raised $20,000. Beyond the money, book club members held speaking engagements, wrote to elected officials, placed opinion pieces in the local paper, and generally caused a stir that in turn inspired others to get involved.

Kristof and WuDunn hand me a letter. "I have a strong passion for helping women," writes its female author. "After reading your book, I decided to take my passion and turn it into my life. I travelled to Uganda, where I saw first-hand how difficult life is for those living in extreme poverty."

And here's one from a woman in Ohio: "After reading your book I felt I had to do something, so I enlisted the members of my water aerobics class at the Cleveland Racquet Club. We now have $640 to foster girls' education." And another from Saratoga Springs: "This year, for the holidays, I gave 25 copies of your book Half the Sky. The result has been the enthusiastic desire of a group of us to establish a multi-generational women's giving circle."

It's the kind of feedback any author or publisher would die for. "I think it's truly taking off," Kristof says.

As for his slaves, it hasn't been easy for them. Momm slid back into prostitution to feed the methamphetamine addiction she had already acquired when Kristof "bought" her. But she eventually became free for a second time following a government crackdown on brothels, and married one of her customers. In 2008, Kristof went to Cambodia to see her again. She called herself a housewife, and said she had left her old life behind for ever.

Neth had her troubles too. She was diagnosed with HIV and thought her life was over, but found medical treatment and also eventually married and had a son. When Kristof last saw her, she told him she planned to set up a hairdressing salon. She said she would name it after him.

Half the Sky: How to Change the World by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn is published by Virago, price £12.99. To order a copy for £10.99 with free UK p&p go to guardian.co.uk/bookshop or call
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 23, 2010, 03:23:40 AM
http://www.watoday.com.au/world/teens-nude-myspace-pics-lead-to-child-porn-charge-20090327-9dli.html?from=age_ft (http://www.watoday.com.au/world/teens-nude-myspace-pics-lead-to-child-porn-charge-20090327-9dli.html?from=age_ft)

"A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography for posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com - charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on September 01, 2010, 05:11:58 AM
Dumb bitch....she should have used XPeeps, everyone knows Myspace takes nude photos down in a heartbeat. Seriously though, this is happening all over the place. I watched a piece on this topic on one of those evening "journalism" shows like 60 minutes about all of these kids who took naked pictures of themselves who are now registered sex offenders (and then 1 16 year old boy who's 16 year old girlfriend sent him a quick snap of her boobs and now he will be a registered sex offender until he is like 50 or something crazy) and others, like this Myspace girl, who have go in trouble but have yet to receive their sentencing and punishment. Child porn laws are going to have to get dusted off and re-written once again.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 09, 2010, 01:17:32 PM
http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/matildas-soccer-player-ordered-to-remove-lewd-facebook-photos-20100909-151u3.html?autostart=1 (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/matildas-soccer-player-ordered-to-remove-lewd-facebook-photos-20100909-151u3.html?autostart=1)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 09, 2010, 08:28:03 PM
They bitch about suggestive Facebook photos yet it's just as easy to get  real porn on the Internet. WTF
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 01, 2010, 07:30:59 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/childporn-author-wanted-to-save-children-in-images-20101001-1605b.html?autostart=1 (http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/childporn-author-wanted-to-save-children-in-images-20101001-1605b.html?autostart=1)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on October 03, 2010, 04:53:33 PM
The Swedish Royal Library (the national library) had some complications with KP; it's law that every official publication in Sweden sends one copy to the library (and the Lund University Library), so both places have everything printed and published since the 1650's, freely available to the public. Including, the police discovered, child pornography in magazines published in the 70's & 80's, when it was still legal here. The library collection is protected by founding laws, so until they decide what to make of it, the magazines have been made unavailable.

And another fun thing in Sweden: a 16 yr old girl with a history of mentally unstable & self-destructive, found a bondage master to have some fun with over a weekend, resulting in several gashes and bruises (as you do) to accompany her self-made scars. The girl's mother saw her wounds, and reported it. A chief attorney here in Malmö brought the charges against the man (age 32 I think); grievous harm my dictionary calls it, a bit worse than just regular abuse, because you can't agree to "grievous harm", only "regular harm". The attorney's line of reasoning was that the girl sought the sexual humiliation as a continued form of self-destructive behaviour, thus not being in control of herself, and the master should have understood that, and by pissing on her, forcing her to vomit with his cock, locking her up in a dog cage, whipping her etc was actually abusing her against her will. Obviously, being a 16 year old girl with a history of depression & self-destruction, she is automatically a victim of the evil, evil perversions of Men and has no will of her own.
The man was, eventually, freed of all charges, since it would illegalize all forms of BDSM (including his previous slaves, who when testifying for the innocence of their master was threatened by the attorney to be included in the charge) and deny the 1/4 of the population with mental afflictions a free will. And everyone who is not a morally challenged whining old Christian hag cheered.

What is interesting is that this attorney is simultaneously working on a case against about 10 men, who raped, kidnapped and forced to prostitution a 14 year old girl with a disability leaving her with the mental age of 8-9, who had run away from her foster home. I'm pretty sure that the 14 year old wasn't really up to it though.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 05, 2010, 02:19:59 AM
Big difference in consent there. Unfortunately, it seems the esteemed attorney can't tell the difference. So much for justice.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on October 05, 2010, 09:06:23 AM
Isn't it defending lawyers job to "work on case" - what makes it justice? Since the outsiders hardly can make a judgement how the case was and what happened? If the 10 guys are hanged from their balls, it may sound like good old justice, yet without the process in court, there's not knowing what has happened.

Not long ago here in Finland, there was 16 year old girl, kidnapped and tied up, and left face down in cold water. Not river, but smaller thing.. what's the word? Stream of some sort anyways. Lost for several hours. At first media calls for attention to case, where evil men kidnap schoolgirls. C. week later is revealed she made it all up. Just wanting publicity. And story is buried quick. Imagine her blaming for group of guys. How headlines would have been?  During this year it has been in news several times, that because 20% of rape cases are without reason, just for spite / revenge / etc, it is such a high % it makes actual rapes harder to solve. While in past you could think woman who comes to report the crime, she really is guaranteedly a victim. Nowadays it is very likely she is there for other reasons. Think about every 5th report being groundless? What does it do to motivation on investigation? And perhaps you need a good lawyers for men because something like abuse of law seems too common in for example custody case than actual abuse of the family supposedly under investigation.

There is currently S/M film maker waiting court decision in Finland. All the customers who bought the films, all the model-slaves who appear in films, everybody knew what they're in. And volunteered. Still, she is under prosecution. Probably facing severe fines and other penalties for aggravated assault & battery, violation etc. Of course some of the films were pretty good (therefore harsh!), but aggravated assault? Case has been in court for last 5 years and all films banned all material confisgated. Headlines made of this could be brutal, but reality is very different.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 05, 2010, 02:21:39 PM
One can only go on the information one receives. My point about consent, then, was based only on Pestdemon's post, not pretending to have any actual inside information.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: heretogo on October 05, 2010, 02:36:12 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on October 05, 2010, 02:21:39 PM
One can only go on the information one receives. My point about consent, then, was based only on Pestdemon's post, not pretending to have any actual inside information.

Sure. But what's the point questioning the attorney's judgement? The court process (and hence "justice being served") requires that the defendants are represented by an attorney. Regardless of whether they are guilty of something or not. The lawyer argues the client's case before the court and the court makes the verdict - not the attorney. At least this is how it works in the movies... heh.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 05, 2010, 03:10:03 PM
Okay, fair call.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on October 05, 2010, 08:26:44 PM
but back on the PORNOGRAPHY:
Just purchased:
VANESSA DEL RIO book on Taschen. Previously limited edition collectible priced around 700-1500$ now available as regular hardcover for 40 euro cover price (= In finland 50). It's GIANT. 12"x12" size, c. 350 pages! It is, full color, glossy artbook with total XXX content. Cum, blowjobs, fistfuck, rimjobs, fucking, bondage, fetish, gangbang, body building, and so on. Sets of photos, individual photos. Mix of art and total smut. Lots of information. About her, films, whatever. + 140 minutes document dvd.  Is mrs. Del Rio pretty? Well, not really in sense of all the pretty princess barbie girls in the business. Is she hot? In sleazy way? Of course! Always been shortage of female characters in porn, beyond holes to fuck. She remains latino cult icon, and legend. And I'd say if normal bookstores will sell you hardcore XXX for price like this, it's worth picking up a copy. If not for jerking off, at least for necessary educational value.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 06, 2010, 02:21:08 AM
http://www.abc.net.au/rn/360/stories/2010/3012196.htm (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/360/stories/2010/3012196.htm)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on October 06, 2010, 02:34:31 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on October 05, 2010, 08:26:44 PM
Just purchased:
VANESSA DEL RIO book on Taschen.

it was good to see it's cover shining between Taschen's Dali & Giger books, at Fnac the book sold pretty well imho. She sounds like an intelligent woman who just did what she wanted (& still does)

respect @ the heavy hormones-phase :-)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 06, 2010, 03:43:45 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: moozz on October 08, 2010, 10:12:33 AM
Speaking of Taschen... they just put out the second Private history minibook collection covering the '80s (http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/sex/all/05023/facts.the_private_collection_1980_1989_box.htm (http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/sex/all/05023/facts.the_private_collection_1980_1989_box.htm)).
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 11, 2010, 12:32:59 AM
Jamie Gillis interview transcript:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 20, 2010, 04:35:00 AM
A few interesting articles in today's Melbourne daily -
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/aristocrat-under-fire-for-tv-show-that-traps-sex-predators-20101020-16t8c.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/aristocrat-under-fire-for-tv-show-that-traps-sex-predators-20101020-16t8c.html)
http://www.theage.com.au/world/have-a-heart-ive-been-good--raped-corporals-last-words-20101020-16t3a.html?autostart=1 (http://www.theage.com.au/world/have-a-heart-ive-been-good--raped-corporals-last-words-20101020-16t3a.html?autostart=1)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 20, 2010, 09:38:37 AM

Paedophile trap TV show backfires on presenter

German minister's wife has defended tactics but critics say programme risks appearing above the law

    * Kate Connolly in Berlin
    * guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 19 October 2010 19.34 BST
    * Article history

Stephanie zu Guttenberg Stephanie zu Guttenberg presents the television programme Tatort Internet. Photograph: Robert Schlesinger/EPA

She is the glamorous other half of a political couple who have been dubbed Germany's answer to the Kennedys, admired for their sparkling public appearances and aristocratic backgrounds and said to be the nearest thing Germany has to royalty.

But Stephanie zu Guttenberg, great granddaughter of the founder of the German empire, Otto von Bismarck, and the wife of Germany's defence minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenburg, is finding her rising star overshadowed by pressure to distance herself from a TV show in which she helps expose alleged paedophiles.

Zu Guttenberg, whose celebrity has been growing as rapidly as that of her charismatic 38-year-old husband, co-presents Tatort Internet. The show involves an actor, impersonating a teenager, who communicates via web chat rooms with men searching for sex with minors. When a man meets the "girl" he is confronted by a journalist posing as her mother and the incident is secretly filmed.

The show has been compared to the US series To Catch a Predator, which was abandoned after a Texan lawyer shot himself dead during filming when he was confronted in his home by police accusing him of paedophilia.

The German programme, broadcast by the tabloid channel RTL2, has now come under fire from child protection groups, the justice minister and lawyers, after an alleged child abuser exposed by the show this month went underground. The programme makers admitted they failed to inform the police of their suspicions about the man, the 61-year-old head of a youth group funded by the Catholic charity Caritas. His family said he did not go home after being fired by the charity when the allegations were made and his identity was revealed on the web. They fear he might have taken his life.

Zu Guttenberg, 33, who is patron of the German branch of the paedophile campaign group Innocence in Danger and an advocate of child protection (last month she published a book, Don't Look Away) has abstained from commenting on what is fast becoming a political scandal.

Previously she has defended the show, and its format, which has been compared to a horror film with its shaking images and scary music, arguing that the most important aspect was the message. "RTL2 is much-watched by young families and they're the ones we want to inform."

She said she could not understand the "tendency to want to protect the perpetrators over the victims". Innocence in Danger had tried for years to get the topic on television and had one rejection after another, while RTL2 "showed a lot of courage" in making the programmes.

So far the programme makers count among their triumphs the exposure of a German soldier, 33, who allegedly tried to lure the show's "13-year-old" into a forest for sex, and a 51-year-old who went to meet her in a flat.

The tabloid Bild headlined a story on the exposures "Bravo, Stephanie zu Guttenberg!" Child protection charities have called the show's tactics "outrageous", "manipulative" and damaging to the cause of exposing paedophiles. They accused the makers of being interested only in ratings.

Today the justice minister, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, said the show was in danger of operating above the law as it named and shamed before people could defend themselves. "There is the danger that innocents will be put in the stocks and damage caused, and the rule of law will be thrown out of balance," she said.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 22, 2010, 01:32:35 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/wellbeing/the-son-also-rises-doctor-says-sexsomnia-runs-in-the-family-20101021-16w4w.html (http://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/wellbeing/the-son-also-rises-doctor-says-sexsomnia-runs-in-the-family-20101021-16w4w.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 24, 2010, 01:07:44 AM

RC Horsch interview & photos of junkies. His site is at the bottom of the interview but it wouldn't work for me. This may be old news...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on October 24, 2010, 01:10:51 AM
Site doesn't work for me either. Those pictures are fairly old but I never knew their source. You can find torrents with all the series' in them.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on October 25, 2010, 05:48:31 AM
I know that there was a link to the junkie photos on the Chondritic forums. I think I have all the pics saved somewhere on my hard drive.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 25, 2010, 12:19:59 PM
women as meat... Pc director vs pc animal right activists row over naked women used for propaganda

Peta's use of nude models fuels row with UK film-maker
Peta in row with UK film-maker Victor Schonfeld, who wants £470,000 for using film footage without consent

•   guardian.co.uk, Sunday 24 October 2010 18.46 BST
•   Article history
Peta is involved in a £470,000 row with UK film-maker Victor Shonfeld. Photograph: Sylvia Linares/FilmMagic
The use of naked models and actresses to highlight animal cruelty is at the heart of a dispute between high-profile activists that could end in court.
American group Peta – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – has locked horns with British film-maker Victor Schonfeld over the former's alleged use of some of the latter's footage.
Peta and Schonfeld appear to have a lot in common. Both abhor animal cruelty and both have used "video nasties" to shock an often apathetic public into confronting difficult truths about fur, factory farming and scientific research over the last three decades.
But despite their shared goal, they are at odds over undercover footage highlighting some of the most unpalatable examples of animal cruelty. Peta has been threatened with a lawsuit in the UK by Schonfeld, a film-maker credited with raising public awareness of animal exploitation with the critically acclaimed The Animals Film, first released in 1982 and shown on Channel 4 in its launch week.
The issue at the nub of the case, it would appear, is less animal exploitation and more the alleged exploitation of the human female form. Schonfeld has been a big critic of Peta's "sexualised" campaigns to promote animal awareness – including a current poster featuring one-time Baywatch star Pamela Anderson.
The director claims secretly shot footage used in his film, co-directed by Myriam Alaux, has been exploited by Peta.
He says it has used clips illustrating practices such as beaks being removed from chickens in their own harrowing internet videos and films without copyright consent.
Had Peta asked for permission, it is unlikely it would have been granted by Schonfeld.
In a legal letter to the organisation on behalf of Schonfeld, Peta is reportedly told: "Our client would have been very reluctant to grant a licence to your client, Peta Inc, given Mr Schonfeld's well publicised views about Peta and its sexualised efforts to attract publicity." The letter, obtained by the Hollywood Reporter, added: "In the circumstances, had it been prepared to grant a licence, it would have charged a substantial premium."
It is understood Schonfeld, whose London company Beyond the Frame is the rights holder, wants £470,000 – a calculation based on the licence fees charged by top independent film companies of between £50,000 and £100,000 per minute for worldwide internet rights.
Peta is hitting back. "The lawsuit claims are egregious and we have always been willing to compensate filmmakers fairly, but this filmmaker seems to have an axe to grind," it said in a statement to the Guardian.
Peta, which employs 300 people and has attracted more than 2 million supporters worldwide, is now seeking a declaratory judgment in California that it has not infringed copyright.
The lawsuit threat was sparked by the latest Peta release, Glass Walls, narrated by Paul McCartney.
But Schonfeld is also understood to be upset about footage used on Peta's internet videos, as well as in its 2007 TV film I am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and Peta, about the British-born founder of the organisation.
Peta has often been forced to defend its use of naked woman. Its most recent recruits include Anderson, US comedy actor Olivia Munn and model Christy Turlington.
Its famous "State of the Union Undress" campaign featured a woman talking about animal cruelty while disrobing and its "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" campaign was illustrated with several high-profile women in the nude.
Schonfeld has been openly critical of such tactics, once saying: "One of the world's largest animal rights organisations routinely employs naked young women, including porn stars, to chase mass media attention. Would a human rights organisation stoop so low?"
The Animals Film generated frontpage media coverage when Channel 4, which broadcast it during its first week on air in 1982, cut seven minutes footage after the Independent Broadcasting Authority ruled certain scenes could "incite crime or lead to civil disorder".
Answering critics, Newkirk has been unashamed of Peta's "press sluts" status, arguing the group was not using women's bodies, but that women were using their own bodies to promote awareness.
The organisation has said: "Our activists and celebrity supporters gladly use their bodies as a surefire way to draw attention to how animals are exploited."
It is understood an offer from Peta to Beyond the Frame of £8,000 was rejected and Peta's US legal team have instructed lawyers in the UK. Schonfeld was unavailable for comment.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 25, 2010, 02:52:33 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 25, 2010, 09:15:50 PM

PETA should get his help...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on October 25, 2010, 11:24:03 PM
Jesus. Silicon implants on balls doesn't make much sense to me.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 26, 2010, 09:42:14 AM
The men who believe porn is wrong

          o Kira Cochrane
          o guardian.co.uk, Monday 25 October 2010 21.00 BST
          o Article history

porn The Anti-Porn Men project is grounded in feminist principles. Photograph: Oleksiy Maksymenko / Alamy

It was in the cerebral setting of a university library that Matt McCormack Evans noticed how pornography was shaping his life. He was watching a female librarian stack books on shelves, stretching for the highest recess, when it occurred to him he "should look up some librarian-themed porn that evening," he says. "I remember making that mental note, and then catching myself."

McCormack Evans was about 20 at the time, and he had been using pornography regularly for a year or so, since starting university and having private access to a computer. At first, he didn't think this was a problem. It was something he did alone; no one had to know. The habit need never bleed beyond his student bedroom. Then he realised his male peers were using porn too, openly, frequently – almost celebrating it – and it started to make him feel uncomfortable.

He had glimpses of how it might influence their lives. There was the librarian moment; a flash of how porn might shift the way he responded to women in the real world. There was the moment he noticed a male friend struggling not to ask the stupid, inappropriate question about oral sex that had occurred to him when a female friend mentioned her sore throat.

McCormack Evans, a thoughtful, articulate young Londoner, was a philosophy student at Hull university, and he had never been part of a particularly laddish crowd, but he noticed that the "relatively well-rounded young men" he knew were changing. "They came to uni, got their first computer, were alone a lot, and everyone became much more laddish. It got to the point where someone groped a woman's bum in a club, and I completely flipped out."

McCormack Evans, now 22, has just co-founded an online project to get men talking about their use of porn. Other such projects have often come from a religious, conservative standpoint, but the Anti-Porn Men Project is grounded in feminist principles, in the notion that pornography is an important social issue, and has a bearing on violence perpetrated against women and wider inequalities. There are, so far, 10 other people who will be writing on the site, and the idea is to create a community, he says, "where people can share their experiences and problems, and find an alternative voice".

In setting up the site, McCormack Evans is one of the few men worldwide to publicly discuss pornography from a feminist perspective – positive about sex itself, open to the idea of people engaging in the widest range of consensual sex acts, but concerned about the industrialisation of sex and where this leads.

Perhaps the most prominent is Robert Jensen, a professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, who in 2007 published the devastating book Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity. In this, he writes about the porn series Slut Bus, in which men drive around in a minivan with a video camera, ask a woman if she wants a ride, offer her money to have sex on camera – the woman always says yes – and then, when the deed is done and she leaves the van and reaches for the money, they drive off, "leaving her on the side of the road looking foolish . . . There are men who buy videos with that simple message: women are for sex," writes Jensen. "Women can be bought for sex. But in the end, women are not even worth paying for sex. They don't even deserve to be bought. They just deserve to be left on the side of the road, with post-adolescent boys laughing as they drive away."

Slut Bus also featured in the 2008 book Guyland, in which gender-studies scholar Michael Kimmel maps the social world of the 16- to 26-year-old US male. He talks to young men about such websites and finds that "about half had heard of them and visited them. They thought they were 'funny', 'silly', or 'stupid' but also 'kind of cool'." Later he writes that although the websites openly refer to their use of "models" in the films, "none of the guys I spoke with thought these were staged events; instead, they saw them as documentaries, as reasonable depictions of reality. And that's the problem. Because what this tells us is that the guys who watch these videos actually believe that women will have sex with strangers for money, even if they're not desperate."

Kimmel has been writing and lecturing on the subject of pornography for two decades: in 1990, he edited the anthology Men Confront Pornography. Back then, he tells me, a significant percentage of his undergraduate students "well over half the women, had never seen pornography, didn't really know what it was about. Now, they all know . . . What also strikes me is that young men seem utterly unapologetic about their porn use. It's like it's so ubiquitous – what's the problem? And they expect a similarly casual approach from their female friends."

Kimmel remains open-minded about pornography – what's needed is a much broader conversation about it, he says – but the picture he paints in Guyland is nonetheless troubling. "Pornotopia is the place where [young men] can get even," he writes, "where women get what they 'deserve' and the guys never have to be tested, or face rejection. And so the pornographic universe becomes a place of homosocial solace, a refuge from the harsh reality of a more gender equitable world than has ever existed. It's about anger at the loss of privilege – and an effort to restore men's unchallenged authority. And, it turns out, that anger is worse among younger men."

This is especially disturbing when you consider the studies that have shown that young men are often keen consumers of pornography (in a 2007 Swedish study, for instance, 92% of young men and 57% of young women aged between 15 and 18 had watched a porn film). It's also disturbing when you consider the amount of material available. It has been suggested that the porn industry is in trouble, that it's facing the problem of how to make money when there is so much free material around – and when so many people are releasing their own amateur footage. But there is no doubt the business is still a sizeable force. As Gail Dines writes in her book Pornland, published earlier this year, the worth of the global industry was estimated at $96bn (£61bn) in 2006, more than 13,000 films are released annually, and "there are 420m internet porn pages, 4.2m porn websites and 68m search engine requests for porn daily".

Michael Flood, an Australian sociologist at the University of Wollongong, is founding editor of the pro-feminist website XY and has done analyses of young people's exposure to pornography. He says there is direct data on an increase in exposure over the last decade, "and there are other obvious reasons to suspect this, including increases in access to the internet and in the devices one can use to look at porn – internet-enabled mobile phones, in particular."

Mention porn to people who came of age in the 60s and 70s, and it's often a byword for big-bushed centrefolds or videos of awkward encounters with unusually attentive plumbers. But more recently, porn "features" – films that nod to a plot – have been joined by "gonzo" material, which only depicts sex. Many of the most popular films have become harder and angrier, while focusing on a range of acts which, as McCormack Evans says, "have never really existed outside the porn industry".

Jensen started analysing pornography 15 years ago and says: "If you had told me then that there would be a common genre where a woman was penetrated by three men at once, I would have said, 'Oh, come on'. But I've now seen things I don't think even Andrea Dworkin could have imagined." Even ardent fans have acknowledged modern porn's brutal trajectory. In 1998, the pro-porn campaigner and performer Nina Hartley admitted "you're seeing more of these videos of women getting dragged on their faces, and spit [sic] on, and having their heads dunked in the toilet."

While an enormous amount has been written about how pornography affects women – particularly the terrible way in which they are sometimes treated within the industry – less has been written about how it affects men, which seems odd given that, as McCormack Evans says, pornography is a product predominantly "made by men, marketed by men, and consumed by a massive male majority".

One obvious problem for many porn users is the conflict between their stated belief in equality and respect for women, and the material they're watching in private. McCormack Evans says he used to exist in a "kind of double consciousness. For that half hour when I was watching porn I thought, 'This is separate from my life, it won't affect how I view the world.' But then I realised it did."

Jensen says he hears about this disjuncture "all the time. Men will say, I know the images I'm watching are in direct contradiction to my own stated values, but I just can't stop". McCormack Evans says porn-watchers can quickly descend into self-hatred. "They're sitting there afterwards, and there's an image left on the screen, and they look at themselves and think, 'I'm disgusting' . . . Then their daughter comes in, or their wife, or their girlfriend, and they've just been to Pilates, and the next day they start looking up Pilates porn, or something crazy like that, and they feel even worse. It can become quite self-destructive."

It can also leave porn consumers with sexual scripts and images they can't forget, and can't resist calling to mind during sex. Dines reflects this in Pornland, in her encounter with "Dan", who is worried about his sexual performance with women, and tells her: "I can't get the pictures of anal sex out of my head when having sex, and I am not really focusing on the girl but on the last anal scene I watched . . . I started looking at porn before I had sex, so porn is pretty much how I learned about sex."

Dan isn't the only young man who started viewing pornography long before he had any sexual experience – and he's also not unusual in finding it difficult to shake its influence. Dr Andrew Durham, a social worker who counsels children who have problems with their sexual behaviour, says he has encountered children as young as eight "who have got into a mess as a result of ideas from watching pornography. At that age, what they see is almost an endorsement of the behaviour, because they're watching images of adults [authority figures] doing something – although the watching tends to happen in secret, so they know it's wrong as well. But it's often a case at that age of see it, do it."

Durham isn't a pro-feminist writer or campaigner himself, but what he has learned seems to reflect the same views. "Pornography reinforces the wider media-led messages about the roles of men and women," he says, "and can also reinforce a particular attitude towards sex, an attitude that is devoid of trust, caring, and, in the worst cases, consent . . . They're learning that sex is what men and boys do to – rather than with – their partners."

Once young men reach maturity, their ability to negotiate what they're seeing will have developed, but Flood suggests some might still find their porn use "crippling, in the sense of being routinely frustrated that the sex they end up having doesn't look anything like porn. Of course, some young men will find partners who are keen participants in the practices found in pornography but others won't, so it's complicated."

I ask Flood whether he thinks pornography undermines intimacy between men and women. "I do," he says, "partly because pornography scripts are really not very much about intimacy; they're certainly not about the complex negotiations of desire that sex can often involve . . . Having said that, I know that for some couples sharing porn, or indeed producing porn, is part and parcel of their intimacy, and I think there are ways in which that can be ethical. But I think it's rare."

The anti-sexist educator and activist Jackson Katz, author of the 2006 book The Macho Paradox, suggests the porn industry has an obvious interest in undermining intimacy between men and women – if couples were to find sexual fulfillment together, the market would plummet. And this opposition to intimacy, says Jensen, helps explain why porn has become so cruel, degrading and humiliating – why, to quote Martin Amis, it has become "a parody of love" addressing itself "to love's opposites, which are hate and death".

The truth is, says Jensen, that because pornography consists of the same repetitive sexual acts, it needs some form of emotional content to succeed commercially. It's that which staves off the boredom. "Now, if pornography went towards emotion that was about mutuality, respect and egalitarian relationships," says Jensen, "then men wouldn't buy it, because they're using porn to avoid those aspects of sexuality. So the route to maximising market share involves including emotions that men are more willing to accept in a commercial sex relationship – anger, aggression and domination."

I ask whether he thinks the content of pornography could actually get worse. There are several ways the porn industry could go further, he says, but these might prove the final lines that the culture won't allow it to cross. One is the use of children. At the moment, many popular porn videos include young women of legal age dressed as schoolgirls, "so the line is already blurred," says Jensen, "but I think the routine use of obviously minor children in pornography is one place it could go . . . The other is overt violence – I mean guns, knives and fists. In terms of fetishism, pornography has already explored everything you could imagine that reinforces the domination/subordination dynamic. So I don't know. Overt racism? But how could it get more overt than it already is?"

One of the weirdest aspects of porn is that "it's never really satisfying," says McCormack Evans. "It doesn't meet men's sexual needs. It doesn't meet anyone's sexual needs." If porn doesn't even fulfil that basic promise, why aren't more people questioning it?

Jensen believes "the culture doesn't want to look at it. A lot of it simply has to do with the number of liberal-left men who use porn themselves and don't want to engage in self-critique . . . And when it comes to heterosexual women: do you really want to know what your boyfriend or husband is using? If your husband is masturbating to images of women being degraded, can you really believe it when he says, 'Oh, I don't think of you that way?'. Now that would be naive."

There's one other obvious problem. "It's all very well to say, 'Don't people realise what this is doing in the long-term?'" says Jensen. "But when you're in front of your computer, with – if I may be graphic – your penis in your hand, and you can reach orgasm within three minutes, how much are you really thinking about the long-term?"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 26, 2010, 02:31:05 PM
http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40450.html#comments (http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40450.html#comments)
Pleased to see they allowed my comment.
http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40444.html (http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40444.html)
This is what the national broadcaster in my country has decided is an important enough issue to spend tax money paying someone to write about.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 02, 2010, 01:29:07 AM


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 02, 2010, 08:28:15 AM
efukt has some good stuff in it. Infamous broken jar in rectum and so on.
Guy has serious obsession on prolapsed anuses.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 02, 2010, 06:04:22 PM
I didn't find any broken jar! Got a link? Yeah, tons of stuff on that site. Some vid's with pretty much rape- forcing anal. Very fine line there, I think. Bleeding assholes. I'd never seen women prolapse. That use to be just fags.  REALLY disgusting. There's one vid of a Japanese woman wrestling around w/a guy, she gives him a brutal kick to the throat then to the balls. You can hear the SLAP! on both blows. Title is something with MMA in it. I guess it was something w/the guy wanting to be beaten up.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 02, 2010, 06:08:51 PM


more info on the guy:


more than you ever need to know...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on November 02, 2010, 07:31:31 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 02, 2010, 08:28:15 AM
efukt has some good stuff in it. Infamous broken jar in rectum and so on.
Guy has serious obsession on prolapsed anuses.

some lady pushed out her thing there  and its not just a little rosebud but closer to a foot long vase of redness!

speaking of weird assplay, I saw a show about an ocd woman who had issues with cleanliness. you see where this is going and think enemas, no big deal. No enemas for this bitch,she used toothbrushes etc and never stopped the task until there was blood. they didnt show action but some upright  angle with sounds of tinkering with her stinkhole. they might have shown her sweaty face.

edit: the clip is also available at the site. should have guessed.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 03, 2010, 10:10:45 AM
I guess it was year or couple years ago when the man with glass jar surfaced online?
I recall getting link, checking it out while drinking of morning coffee.
It's brutal. Perhaps not shocking, but just plain stupid extreme clip. Watching out of the window to landscape and thinking with all the things in the world, I'm here watching some dude with broken glass up his rectum.
Well, of course I had to watch it again, show to my girlfriend and couple of friends. And the more you saw it, the more you saw the humor in it. Of course it was brutal, but most of all, it was just the dark comedy of the modern times.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on November 03, 2010, 10:22:43 AM
It's strange to see how desensitized people became with the rise of the internet. Even back in like '99 when I would show people VHS videos of real deaths, abortions, etc they would freak out, now everyone wants to see how strong their stomach is. 4chan is filled with KP, there are about a million shocksites and shock "meme's" floating around and it is nothing to a lot of people, "BME Pain Olympics", etc. it's just strange.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2010, 07:04:01 PM
"Watching out of the window to landscape and thinking with all the things in the world, I'm here watching some dude with broken glass up his rectum."

I had the same thought. I didn't listen to the audio & didn't want to re-watch it. It is brutal. Same goes for all these women prolapsing (Who's going to name a PE project PROLAPSE?!?). Just think of all the people going through life never knowing there are people shoving large objects up their asses until the lining falls out. Lucky bastards.

There's a choking vid on efukt that's pretty good: guy is on his back w/girl on top geting assfucked, his arms are around her neck like a chokehold. He chokes her unconscious at least 4 times.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 04, 2010, 11:38:34 AM
Spent last three days in a coma on the sofa due to a very strong cold.

I was browsing an old harddisk for old wertham files and found over 200 GB of documentaries, 30% sex related, between dull and interesting.

"Gay sex in the 70's" best gay themed doc I have watched in a long time. If you enjoyed the book/movie Cruising it is all there, although less leather/bdsm inclined, but the whole cruising/predatory thing is all there. Impressive part shot woth arty approach on the meatmarket, a dagnerous place where fags met to do their business on the sea, thousand of people romping in every corner, Some died falling in the sea.
The first part of this doc is a must.

"Sex under glass" - a small interview to a peep show girl in Soho. Apparently working in a place I have been (the same where the "Irina Palm" movie  was shot, where a dear aquaintance of mine worked as "emtry girl").

" 101 Sex accidents" (not sure about the title now, as said I was in a coma), basically the description of some of the funny stuff shown in efukt, with a comedy like approach, but featuring gruesome pictures.

"Sad to be gay", not really sex realted but as hilarious as the title.

more in the next days
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 04, 2010, 11:40:57 AM
"Kids hooked on porn" . Always impressive , never get tired to watch this.
Boys obsessed with internet porn, make porn even more interesting than it already is.
One of the guys looks like a total perv on his road to boradmoor.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 10, 2010, 09:33:50 AM
Porn stars hunted by police in Sri Lanka

Police hope to identify 83 actors in initiative launched because of concerns about children watching films

    * Jason Burke in Delhi
    * guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 9 November 2010 21.02 GMT
    * Article history

Police in Sri Lanka As well as the porn stars intiative, police in Sri Lanka have also cracked down on 'moral crimes' in the country. Photograph: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/Reuters

Sri Lankan police have launched a campaign to trace more than 80 local people who have appeared in pornographic films by printing their pictures in newspapers.

Earlier this week more than three dozen porn actors were pictured in a full-page advertisement in one local newspaper. Police plan to publish images, taken from the films, of around 50 more in the coming days. The mug shots have been obtained by a special police squad viewing films "round the clock", officers said.

Of the 83 actors police hope to identify, three are men, said Superintendent Prishantha Jayakody, a police spokesman. He said police had requested permission from a magistrate for the new initiative because they had become increasingly concerned by the phenomenon of schoolchildren downloading and exchanging clips of locally made pornographic films on their mobile phones.

"These [film] actors are breaking the law and we will identify them with the help of the public and bring them to justice," Jayakody said. "We will keep going until we have got them all."

The actors risk six months' imprisonment and a fine.

Other initiatives have also seen Sri Lankan police cracking down on so-called "moral crimes". In June police in Colombo, the biggest city, launched a campaign against "indecent" advertising on film billboards and posters in Colombo. The initiative was the idea of the Police's Bureau for the Prevention of Abuse of Children and Women.

Officers from the bureau told the BBC at the time that the move had been prompted by the sense that the younger generation of Sri Lankans were disrespectful to women whom modern culture treated as commodities.

This year has also seen hundreds of young couples arrested in Sri Lanka for alleged indecent behaviour.

Colombo-based analyst Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu said such crackdowns were "periodic events". "This is not at all a part of a fundamentalist trend. Sri Lanka is a very tolerant place. There is no religious basis for that in our religious traditions," he said.

A majority of Sri Lankans follow Buddhist teachings, though there are substantial Hindu and smaller Muslim and Christian minorities. However Savaranamuttu said that with the end of the 25-year civil war 18 months ago there was a "certain relaxation" in the island nation as tight security was dismantled, the threat of violence diminished and the economy took off.

"There is more openness and consumerism and it is about balancing these things with a Buddhist culture so it does not get out of hand. If you aspire to bring in a million tourists in the country however there are going to be changes," Savaranamuttu said.

The adverts featuring the porn actors, many of whom appear to be teenagers according to police, have been controversial. Several newspapers have refused to print them despite court orders to do so arguing that they breached the right to privacy of those pictured. Anti-prostitution campaigners and human rights lawyers have also objected, raising the possibility that many of those featured in the posters might be coerced, under-age or both.

"There are huge problems with pornography, child prostitution, trafficking but you have to respond to them in a sensible, measured and sober way. This is a kneejerk reaction to the problem," said civil rights lawyer Rohan Edrisinha.

Recent crackdowns by police, critics note, have been focused on the burgeoning local pornography business and have left the international porn websites almost untouched. Some 300 local websites were shut down earlier in the year. Many featured very cheap films produced on mobile phones. Some footage was believed to have been shot without the knowledge of the subjects. However police respond that those who starred in the local films "acted completely against our laws and are therefore subject to punishment accordingly".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 10, 2010, 06:18:24 PM
www.efukt.com has a video of a little gimpy woman along with her site for gimp models.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 11, 2010, 05:42:00 AM
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372478,00.asp (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372478,00.asp)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 11, 2010, 11:09:28 PM
http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40984.html (http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/40984.html)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on November 16, 2010, 04:12:00 PM
Just received this by mail. Some of the photographies attached. Have been done better; girls with make-up, roughness of the environments look staged etc. Perhaps this should be in a different thread, but the sexual nature of the photos fits here. Interesting more because of the repercusions, rather than the actual works...

QuoteDear Sir or Madam,

Please take note of the enclosed press release by lawyer's office Kötz regarding the court date in Ebersberg/Munich on November 24th, 2010.

"Heroin Kids"will be released by Index Verlag as a photo book and DVD in the near future.

Kind regards,
Knut Nabold

"P R E S S R E L E A S E

Lawyers Kötz, November 2010

Court proceedings regarding "socio-ethically disorientating" art

The "Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien" (BLM; Bavarian Central Office for New Media) has imposed a fine of several thousand Euros on a local artist because he failed to adjust an internet presence considered "socio-ethically disorientating" to the specifications of the BLM. The artist had been threatened with prohibition and stoppage of the presence before.

The young artist's photos and video clips are showing young women in the thrall of neglect, violence, sex, drugs, and prostitution. "Heroin Kids," as his project is called, is considered an extract from a wild and free way of life that is lived on the brink of self-destruction and that is devoid of any rules or set values. The performers and their misery are portrayed in an exaggerated manner. The photographer's works surely are not to everyone's liking, and nor are they supposed to be. Recently, the German Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court) stated that art is supposed to be transgressive.

But not so in Bavaria: the BLM believes that the internet presence in question is aestheticizing and downplaying heroin addiction because there is no disclaimer suggesting the dangers of drug use. Even though the works are crass in their majority, portraying the models covered in vomit, faeces, and filth, the BLM believes that they could "appeal to minors and motivate them to emulation." This raises the question of how the portrayal of a drug-related decay is supposed to look like in order to discourage minors from emulation.

As the young artist didn't instantly comply with the requirements of the BLM – either removal of the website or a function that would make it only accessible at night – he now was imposed with a fine that threatens his livelihood. He has appealed against this decision with the help of his lawyer Dr. Daniel Kötz; the district court of Ebersberg near Munich is going to rule on this case on November 24th, 2010. It is yet unclear whether the district court is going to encourage the censorship endeavours of the Bavarian watchdogs, or if it is going to put them in their place. As of yet, freedom of art is (still) unreservedly guaranteed in art. 5, par. 3, p. 1 of the German constitution. "

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 17, 2010, 12:52:40 AM
QuoteEven though the works are crass in their majority, portraying the models covered in vomit, faeces, and filth, the BLM believes that they could "appeal to minors and motivate them to emulation."

This BLM must have a lot of sickos working there.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 17, 2010, 10:11:45 AM
the sex robot invades britain

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 18, 2010, 08:52:11 PM
Has anyone seen PHALLUSIFER? Black metal porn or the caning videos by Mood Pictures?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 18, 2010, 09:21:35 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 18, 2010, 08:52:11 PM
Has anyone seen PHALLUSIFER? Black metal porn

Very crappy. One would say ridiculous.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on November 18, 2010, 09:32:38 PM
videos from mood pictures = good
i especially liked the gestapo ones , suggested by the good wertham

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 19, 2010, 09:52:25 AM
mood was the best, them and lupus, also because they don't use average skanks, but hot chicks

at the moment I am enjoying early brazilian flicks featuring fake gorillas and torture au gogo.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: m. on November 19, 2010, 01:08:02 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 19, 2010, 09:52:25 AM
at the moment I am enjoying early brazilian flicks featuring fake gorillas and torture au gogo.

two musts:


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 19, 2010, 01:47:41 PM

I'll give titles this week end when home.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: m. on November 20, 2010, 12:28:48 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 19, 2010, 01:47:41 PM

should be easy on the net. also known as "Keep up the lust, E.T."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 22, 2010, 10:14:55 AM

Jailhouse romp
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: halthan on November 23, 2010, 05:05:12 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 22, 2010, 10:14:55 AM

Jailhouse romp
Love it
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on November 25, 2010, 06:07:11 AM
I was watching some straightlaced "glamour" seminudes while loading my player before going to work and noticed that in a picture clearly meant for regular types, the photographer had instructed the girl to mimic peeing in the corner. squatting there with panties around the ankles. pretty neat.
not too long ago if you mentioned you like to look at girls pissing there might be a few raised eyebrows but I guess its now normal and approved by the moral majority. hooray for that.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 26, 2010, 11:20:40 AM
sexsomnia... never heard of
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on November 26, 2010, 11:32:17 AM
Awesome. But there are way too many diagnosis for shit these days. Would it be the same "illness" if the person is passive but still part of the sex? And does it cancel it out if they enjoy it? I'm a complete "somnophiliac", my girlfriend loves when I wake up and start fucking her in her sleep.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 10, 2010, 02:29:54 PM
"So what age did you know she was going to be good for porno?"

"I knew she was gonna be smokin' hot by the time she was 7."

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 15, 2010, 12:30:26 AM
i hope that this is not seen as spam. i have some more or less "new" fetish. the aesthetics of camwhores. in this times, were broadband-connection allows to join up for video-sex in real-time, i found myself more and more fapping to (web)camwhores. i feel this kick, when i lose semen in the moment she is coming as well. very satisfying in my honest opinion. this is the only time i will post this and it is ok if the master thinks that it is spam, then go ahead and delete this post. anyway, if you have interest in this topic and maybe stuff to share, please do so over at: http://www.glorycamera.com/ (http://www.glorycamera.com/) all new members more then welcome - besides P.E. and porn goes so fucking well hand-in-hand and i am sure many people  here will know what i mean.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 15, 2010, 12:38:04 AM
2nd post in a row: i am heavily into japanese tentacle porn as well - not hentai, real. stuff like:

Tentacle Orgasm 1

Touche Of Tentacle Orgasm

and such stuff. anyone else like that ??
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 15, 2010, 02:38:37 AM
Quote from: glorycamera on December 15, 2010, 12:38:04 AMTouche Of Tentacle Orgasm

Sounds like the title of an old Merzbow album.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 15, 2010, 05:38:43 AM

This seems like the proper Thread to post this in (move if necessary.)

After 8 attempts at putting a decent Zine together I managed to put a half-way decent Zine out. I copied 25 due to time contraints and, unfortunately, only 7 remain because I posted this earlier today on my own forums and they sold out within 2 hours. I will end up printing more in the near future.

If you are interested simply PM me to see if there are any left. This Zine is pretty much free. If you like the Zine I would appreciate a couple of dollars floated to my PayPal account, but if you don't have the money or don't like the Zine, don't pay! And please give all your criticism and your appreciation, I want to know where I can improve and what I am doing both wrong and right. Thanks to anyone who cares.

"BITING: Chicken Hawking" (Issue #1 December, 2010)
27 pages of painful and dirty faggot hate. 3 Contributors: Randy "H" of New York, "RyanWreck" (me) and Perry Vernon (contributes his diary entries). Also thanks to "CallmeDeath" for compiling the tasteful list of videos and Magazines found in "Chapter" 3.

1. Cover Collage (as seen in the scans linked below.)
2. 4 pages Expose on Huang Yong of China. 17+ Victims, all little boys he found at internet cafes. Saved their belts as souvenirs.
3. Large list of different Gay "KayPee" Magazines and Videos found from the 60's until present day.
4. 2 page Interview with a Male Prostitute
5. "Crawl" Collage (as seen in the scans linked below.)
6. 6 page Expose on Dodd
7. Diaries of Perry V: "Late Night At The Old Ramrod of Chicago" (3 pages)
8. 6 pages of locations of Gloryholes in each State in the U.S.
9. "3 Minutes: How to Properly Strangle Someone"
9. Back Cover Collage (as seen in the scans linked below.)




Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 16, 2010, 01:26:11 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Brad on December 16, 2010, 08:48:37 PM
Quote from: glorycamera on December 15, 2010, 12:30:26 AM
besides P.E. and porn goes so fucking well hand-in-hand and i am sure many people  here will know what i mean.

Why, do many people here become sexually aroused by listening to power electronics?  I don't.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 16, 2010, 11:37:36 PM
Quote from: Brad on December 16, 2010, 08:48:37 PM
Quote from: glorycamera on December 15, 2010, 12:30:26 AM
besides P.E. and porn goes so fucking well hand-in-hand and i am sure many people  here will know what i mean.

Why, do many people here become sexually aroused by listening to power electronics?  I don't.

Who ever said that? I think missed what he was saying. Saying Power Electronics and fucking go together well doesn't mean he is sexually aroused by it. I don't know anyone who gets sexually aroused by the music/sounds directly. It's the subject matter, themes, concepts, inserts, pictures of a ton of PE releases feature sexual content.

If I say, for example, "Graveland and pagan, Viking mythology go hand-in-hand" I am not saying that a lot of the people who listen to it are making leather boots, riding horses and pretending to be level 45 Wiking Nerdo's.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on December 20, 2010, 11:55:00 AM
Broadband firms urged to block sex websites to protect children

Government wants BT, Virgin and other internet providers to put access to pornography on 'opt-in' basis

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    * Caroline Davies
    * guardian.co.uk, Sunday 19 December 2010 15.52 GMT
    * Article history

Ed Vaizey Ed Vaizey: wants to discuss changing the way pornography enters private homes. Photograph: Martin Argles for the Guardian

Internet service providers are to be asked by the government to tighten up on website pornography to try to combat the early sexualisation of children.

Ministers believe broadband providers should consider automatically blocking sex sites, with individuals being required to opt in to receive them, rather than opt out and use the available computer parental controls.

Ed Vaizey, the communications minister, is to meet internet providers, including BT, Virgin Media and TalkTalk, "in the near future" to discuss changing the way pornography enters private homes, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills confirmed. The move is designed to protect children from being exposed to pornography on the net.

"This is a very serious matter. I think it is very important that it's the ISPs that some up with solutions to protect children," Vaizey told the Sunday Times.

"I'm hoping they will get their acts together so that we don't have to legislate, but we are keeping an eye on the situation and we will have a new communications bill in the next couple of years."

The action follows the success of moves by most British internet providers to prevent people inadvertently viewing child pornography websites.

Now ministers want to see adult pornography controlled with similar technology, with sites blocked unless people specifically request access to them. Internet providers had said implementing the scheme would be technically difficult and cost too much. However, some now seem willing to implement the scheme voluntarily.

Andrew Heaney, TalkTalk's executive director of strategy and regulation, told the newspaper: "Our objective was not to do what the politicians want us but to do what is right for our customers. If other companies aren't going to do it of their own volition, then maybe they should be leant on."

Virgin Media said that it had already implemented the technology on its mobile service, but said that parents can control what their children see at home and online. A BT spokesman said they had a "clean feed" system to stop access to illegal sites.

In a parliamentary debate last month, Claire Perry, a Conservative MP who has campaigned for tighter controls, said that 60% of nine- to 19-year-olds had found porn online, while only 15% of computer-literate parents knew how to use filters to block access to certain sites.

The MP said six companies – BT, Virgin, Talk Talk, BSkyB, Orange and 02 – streamed the internet to 90% of homes in the UK. Perry called on the government to put pressure on those companies to install default measures to stop children accessing pornography online.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 20, 2010, 03:18:56 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 16, 2010, 01:26:11 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html)

it will be interesting where this is going. they (Japan) got official notes from a U.N. branch not long ago, demanding the ban of this type of material.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 20, 2010, 08:42:56 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on December 20, 2010, 11:55:00 AM
Broadband firms urged to block sex websites to protect children

I think the real debate lies in what will be classified as pornography. Plus there are so many non-pornographic sites that can be used to get pornography it seems like this could be very ineffective against kids who really want to get off.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2010, 09:51:15 PM
Quote from: glorycamera on December 20, 2010, 03:18:56 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 16, 2010, 01:26:11 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html)

it will be interesting where this is going. they (Japan) got official notes from a U.N. branch not long ago, demanding the ban of this type of material.

It took long time to get them accept the actual CP. While west banned it in 70's and 80's, Japan... late 90's? It might be harder to try justify total ban of drawings, when the original battle against CP in japan was based more on abuse of children, not so much CP itself? If they could not find the victim, they couldn't do much about it. I don't remember where was the interview of one of the high profile names of the business. Was it actually publisher of Alice Club magazine?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 21, 2010, 03:42:33 AM
Is Alice Club illegal to own in Japan now?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 21, 2010, 09:35:16 AM
I don't think it is illegal to own CP in japan. But publishing / distributing it.
Last time I was in Tokyo, there was still 2nd hand book stores selling Alice Club. It seemed moderately priced (c. 40-50 euros per 200 page book?), and many vintage bondage seemed to be much more "rare" and valued. Of course it's not anymore something what it used to be when it officially was in newstands. I recall published boasted with sales of 25000 or 50000 per issue, which was bi-monthly. I don't think people over there consider it that extreme. It's not like it would be sex pics. More like pre-junior idol, without need of bikinis.
Since, I wouldn't recommend anyone to try export them from Japan and see can they justify it with "nudism", "beach photos", "artistic nudes" and all that, and fact that it's mosaic/black spot censored anyways. There was also Trevor Brown stuff in issues.

Perhaps better and safer targets of hunting from Japan would be Ultra Negative / Too Negative magazines (/books).
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 21, 2010, 02:43:18 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2010, 09:51:15 PM
Quote from: glorycamera on December 20, 2010, 03:18:56 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 16, 2010, 01:26:11 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html (http://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/books/comic-fans-protest-extreme-sex-manga-bans-20101215-18x9h.html)

it will be interesting where this is going. they (Japan) got official notes from a U.N. branch not long ago, demanding the ban of this type of material.

It took long time to get them accept the actual CP. While west banned it in 70's and 80's, Japan... late 90's? It might be harder to try justify total ban of drawings, when the original battle against CP in japan was based more on abuse of children, not so much CP itself? If they could not find the victim, they couldn't do much about it. I don't remember where was the interview of one of the high profile names of the business. Was it actually publisher of Alice Club magazine?

I am not enterily sure why exactly they started to try to follow U.N. line on this supject, most of the time Japan doesnt care that much about critiques from outside. Anyway, loli-manga will never disappear from Japan, at least it will survive in countless Doujin-circles. I mean, the material is created by humans - some for money, some for personal fame or statisfaction, you can proberly ban the 1st but it is unlike for the 2nd to vanish.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 21, 2010, 07:12:17 PM
When you go to USA, they'll ask in card you fill when entering, if you have taken part of activities in nazi germany or other genocide. If you have been sentenced for drug related crimes and few other questions.
Japan is probably the only country, that when you enter the country and fill the card, they'll have box to check that "I'm not bringing child pornography or other obscenities to japan", hah! It seems like "slight" exaggeration, that everybody who enters, will have to promise such thing. Which probably would affect so small % of people anyways.

Perverse manga/hentai stuff is not some dirty secret smut business, but you will find it from any major entertainment seller. One can try www.amazon.co.jp and type "tenma LO" to search for example. Accept you are over 18 and cover art will show up.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 21, 2010, 09:34:43 PM
So where online do you find the extreme sex/violence Japanese comix?

I have a manga someone got me about the murder case involving girls killed then disposed in oil drums. has some pretty intense artwork. Wish I'd kept the older mangas by the one famous guy. Can't remember his name or the titles. I do still have a big box of comics from when I was a kid- horror, etc. Stephen Bissette's Swamp Thing, bunch of underground comix. I like comix but can't keep up with them. Recently saw huge reprints of EERIE & CREEPY that look awesome!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 22, 2010, 03:39:18 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 21, 2010, 07:12:17 PM
Perverse manga/hentai stuff is not some dirty secret smut business, but you will find it from any major entertainment seller. One can try www.amazon.co.jp and type "tenma LO" to search for example. Accept you are over 18 and cover art will show up.

as a big fan of japanese manga/anime culture (which is wide and deep) i am totally aware of that. it is a fucking huge buisness actually, even
when only 6-7% of the whole market share is hentai related. ecchi is way more, but that is because ever 5th anime today include at least soft
ecchi to attract more (read: male) viewers.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 22, 2010, 03:41:03 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 21, 2010, 09:34:43 PM
So where online do you find the extreme sex/violence Japanese comix?

go http://www.guromanga.com/ (http://www.guromanga.com/) and i guess many of your needs will be statisfied :)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: yog on December 22, 2010, 10:38:39 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 21, 2010, 09:34:43 PM
I have a manga someone got me about the murder case involving girls killed then disposed in oil drums. has some pretty intense artwork. Wish I'd kept the older mangas by the one famous guy. Can't remember his name or the titles.

Waita Uziga - Schoolgirl in Concrete.

The fact that its based on a true story makes it a very disturbing read
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: glorycamera on December 22, 2010, 05:42:02 PM
Quote from: yog on December 22, 2010, 10:38:39 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 21, 2010, 09:34:43 PM
I have a manga someone got me about the murder case involving girls killed then disposed in oil drums. has some pretty intense artwork. Wish I'd kept the older mangas by the one famous guy. Can't remember his name or the titles.

Waita Uziga - Schoolgirl in Concrete.

The fact that its based on a true story makes it a very disturbing read

strong stuff. it is clear that the background knowledge changes the feeling during the lecture. it is clear here, that there is a real case on which
the doing of the characters are based and so it gets way more evil, then as it is in "pure fantasy". damn, japanese society is a rather gruesome one.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 23, 2010, 06:50:30 AM
Quote from: yog on December 22, 2010, 10:38:39 AM
Waita Uziga - Schoolgirl in Concrete.

http://www.mediafire.com/?znhzwzhvgme (http://www.mediafire.com/?znhzwzhvgme)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 04, 2011, 12:41:22 AM

and this is pretty damn funny:


"there are nice black people but the ones that go to movies, aren't"

and again:
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Mattias G on January 05, 2011, 01:24:54 AM
Have a tumblr that maybe can be interesting for some of you. Just scans from old pornographic magazines, photos, collage i got. 


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: JHC on January 10, 2011, 12:32:09 AM
stumbled upon this odd thing today....

dog penis dildo w/inflatable knot


Great gift idea!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 10, 2011, 11:28:06 AM
For many years there's been animal genitals as dildos available. You can give it a try to horse or pony in your bedroom, heh...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: JHC on January 10, 2011, 01:23:36 PM
I had no idea...

heh I gave up mostly on toys years ago anyways after pocketing some disposable speculums while working in doctor's office...after four denials from familiar and mostly free-wheeling  friends I immediately realized probably no female what's been to a gynecologist would allow me to do any stretching or prying...

the only full winner I've used was an electronic stimulation device...and I no longer have any idea where it is.

anyways...it is you isn't it,Mikko,who has it in mind to make bug filled dildos,right?...and animal pieces I think it was?
Those reminded me a bit of an  S. Clay Wilson Checkered Demon drawing/painting/whichever? with the Holy Bone dildo w/bone of Christ (I guess it was) visible inside huge dildo.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 10, 2011, 07:05:21 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 10, 2011, 11:28:06 AM
For many years there's been animal genitals as dildos available. You can give it a try to horse or pony in your bedroom, heh...

It ain't much fun without that risk of getting your guts ruptured.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation topic
Post by: Travis Johnson on January 11, 2011, 02:32:38 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 19, 2009, 11:59:52 AM
I think there's a somewhat nostalgic value to when we discover pornography and the sheer thrilling delight of the "naughtiness" of it all, to the over-saturation of today. A lot of the bullshit, commercial x-rated smut that cums out of the American corporate cock is such seamy, tasteless overdose. Hours and hours of bullshit anal gaping, triple insertion, bukkake tsunamis (without the style and grace of the original Japanese concept); I can't argue with those who dig this shit but to me, there's not style, taste, class or thrill. But my tastes are very simple and refined and undemanding: still trying to capture the trill of a hint of cleavage or cunt underneath everyday but seductive clothing. I'd rather impose my own fantasies upon an image than have it shoved at me.

As for me, I much prefer women to men. [....] I tend to dislike the male of the species rather than the female.

This is precisely how I feel; every word quoted goes for me, as well.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 11, 2011, 11:38:38 AM
Max Mosley's privacy claim reaches the European court of human rights

Strasbourg court could force newspapers to warn individuals before printing stories about them

Max Mosley Max Mosley's privacy claim, if successful, could force the UK to create a law requiring editors to inform individuals about stories concerning them before they appear. Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP

Max Mosley will appear in court today in a final attempt to change the law on privacy, in a case that could have far-reaching implications for the UK's media.

The former FIA president, who successfully sued the News of the World in 2008 for a story detailing his sexual activities with prostitutes, is to appear before a panel of judges at the European court of human rights to argue that the newspaper should have been forced to notify him before the story was published.

The case could force the government to create a law requiring editors to inform celebrities about stories concerning them before they appear.

"Tabloid revelations can cause great pain, even suicide," said Mosley, writing on the Guardian website. "As things stand, the law is ineffective. It cannot prevent even the most outrageously illegal invasions of privacy by the tabloids. If they feel like it, they can ruin lives with impunity. The only answer is to compel a newspaper to inform you if it intends to publish your private information."

Although Mosley received £80,000 in damages after the court ruled that his privacy had been violated, lawyers representing him say that changing the law is the only way to prevent future cases.

"The first Max knew about the News of the World story was on the morning of 30 March 2008, the same time as 15% of the adult population of the UK were also reading it," said Dominic Crossley, partner at Collyer Bristow, representing Mosley.

"The decision not to notify the subjects of stories like this is a technique used by tabloid editors in extreme cases when the article is clearly going to be unlawful – they take a decision which renders privacy rights entirely futile."

The case is being vigorously contested by a number of media organisations, which argue that the change would create opportunities for injunctions, delaying publication and violating the media's right to freedom of expression.

"[Mosley] is a wealthy international public figure with a penchant for satisfying sexual desires by beating women, and being beaten by them," said Geoffrey Robertson QC, representing media organisations who have intervened in the case. "He pays prostitutes to engage with him in mildly sadomasochistic orgies, and campaigns for a law that will enable the truth about such 'private' conduct to remain secret. The vast scope of the new law which is contended for ... is so vague as to be unworkable."

It comes after a House of Commons committee considered the case in a report on press and privacy last year.

The culture, media and sport select committee criticised the News of the World in its report in February, stating that the story had not been in the public interest. "We found the News of the World editor's attempts to justify the Max Mosley story on 'public interest' grounds wholly unpersuasive, although we have no doubt that public was interested in it," it said.

The committee rejected suggestions that the law should change, stating that the law on privacy was developing and should be determined by the courts, rather than by statute.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 17, 2011, 02:55:52 PM
one pop up appears, yet pretty good fest video from germany.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 26, 2011, 09:51:26 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: GEWALTMONOPOL on January 26, 2011, 10:49:49 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 26, 2011, 09:51:26 AM

The combination of pikeys, fake tan and The Sun's feigned outrage is funny on a knee slapping level.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on January 31, 2011, 11:25:53 AM
Quote from: Rapeman on January 25, 2011, 02:20:08 PM
For the interested torrent-users, a bunch of Gillis' Walking Toilet Bowl films (Incl. Nigger Toilet) and On the Prowl have been upped at T3 - http://tracker.zaerc.com/

Were you able to download these? No seeders at any of the Torrent sites that carry this.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 31, 2011, 12:00:46 PM
site is very slow, but delivers the goods.
I have  downloaded a couple of titles.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 03, 2011, 11:57:30 AM
Sexual curiosities - "Man Appeals Against Jail For Toe Sucking" (http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/man-appeals-against-jail-for-toe-sucking-20110203-1adza.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 04, 2011, 04:04:19 PM
and the winner is

disabled children and adults suffered at hands of therapist
Swiss care worker abused 114 patients

Published: 02/02/2011

A 54-year-old man has admitted sexually abusing more than 100 mentally disabled children and adults in care homes in Switzerland and Germany over almost three decades, Swiss police said yesterday.

The abuse took place in nine care homes where the unidentified man had worked as a therapist since 1982, according to police in Bern.

The police have identified 122 of the victims, with the youngest being aged just one at the time. Forty-two were aged over 18.

The man was arrested in April 2010 and has been detained since, but authorities only released details of the case yesterday to prevent the investigation from being "impeded" by media interest.

The head of Bern police's special investigations unit, Gabriele Berger, told a news conference the evidence against the man included photos and hours of video recording the abuse.

She said he had gone about his crimes deliberately, in many instances choosing victims who were unable to speak.

The case came to light in March after two male residents of a care home informed their parents of sexual contact with the therapist. The man was subsequently arrested at his home in the Bernese Oberland, in central Switzerland.

Police said he had co-operated with investigators since his arrest, describing himself as a paedophile.

The man admitted sexually abusing 114 patients with mental disabilities, some of whom were also physically impaired.

He also admitted eight further cases of attempted abuse.

Most of the victims were male.

The majority of cases have passed the statute of limitations, police said. Under Swiss law, the man can be prosecuted for only 33 of them.

"One of the central questions of this investigation is how such levels of abuse could go undetected for so long," said Ms Berger.

The man was investigated on allegations of sex abuse in 2003, but that probe was dropped because of conflicting evidence. That case will now be reopened.

Read more: http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/2117942#ixzz1CzzSIe2a
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 10, 2011, 12:02:33 PM
    * News
    * World news
    * Iran

Iranian web programmer faces execution on porn charges

Saeed Malekpour sentenced to death after allegedly confessing under torture

    * Saeed Kamali Dehghan
    * guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 February 2011 16.12 GMT
    * Article history

Saeed Malekpour Saeed Malekpour, 35, who is facing imminent execution in Iran on charges of developing porn websites.

A 35-year-old Iranian web programmer is facing imminent execution in connection with developing and promoting porn websites, charges that his family insist are trumped up.

Saeed Malekpour, a permanent resident of Canada who was arrested in October 2008 after his arrival in Tehran, is convicted of designing and moderating adult content websites, acting against the national security, insulting and desecrating the principles of Islam, and agitating the public mind.

Speaking from Toronto, Malekpour's wife, Fatemeh Eftekhari, said her husband has been informed of the verdict and has been transferred to solitary confinement for the sentence to be administered if the supreme court sanctions it. She says her husband was a web programmer who had written photo uploading software that was used in a porn website without his knowledge.

Human rights groups have expressed alarm over a sharp increase in the use of capital punishment in Iran. According to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI), 121 people have been hanged between 20 December 2010 and 31 January this year. An ICHRI report published in mid-January said that Iran has hanged an average of one person every eight hours since the beginning of the new year.

Last week prosecutor general Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi told reporters in Tehran that two people had been sentenced to death for running porn websites, without naming the convicts.

"Two administrators of porn sites have been sentenced to death in two different court branches and the verdicts have been sent to the supreme court for confirmation," Dolatabadi was quoted by IRNA state news agency as saying.

Malekpour, who has been kept in Tehran's notorious Evin prison for the past two years, was arrested by plainclothes officers and was initially kept in solitary confinement for almost a year without access to legal representation.

"For a long period we even didn't know that he was arrested," Eftekhari said. According to Eftekhari, Malekpour's arrest was in the face of a new crackdown by Iranian government on "indecent" websites in 2008 to fight what they had described as "the campaign launched by western governments to corrupt Iranian youth".

A year after his arrest Malekpour was put on state television to confess. He later retracted the confessions in a letter sent from inside prison in which he said they were taken under duress.

"A large portion of my confession was extracted under pressure, physical and psychological torture, threats to myself and my family, and false promises of immediate release upon giving a false confession to whatever the interrogators dictated," he writes in the letter.

"Once in October 2008 the interrogators stripped me while I was blindfolded and threatened to rape me with a bottle of water." He went on to say: "While I remained blindfolded and handcuffed, several individuals armed with cables, batons, and their fists struck and punched me. At times, they would flog my head and neck. Such mistreatment was aimed at forcing me to write what the interrogators were dictating, and to compel me to play a role in front of the camera based on their scenarios."

Eftekhari said: "Even if my husband's charges were true, which they are not, it's hard to imagine why he should be sentenced to death. I think Iran is trying to intimidate the opposition or any sign of protest by sentencing an unprecedented numbers of prisoners to death."

Malekpour's sentence has prompted reactions from human rights activists and organisations who have launched a campaign to save his life. Lawrence Cannon, the Canadian foreign affairs minister, has also expressed concerns over his sentence.

Gloria Nafziger of Amnesty International in Canada, an organisation which has sought for Malekpour's sentence to be commuted said: "Amnesty International is very concerned that Saeed Malekpour is facing a death sentence in Iran after an unfair trial and reports that he was tortured in order to confess to his crimes."

Last month Iran executed Zahra Bahrami, a Dutch-Iranian woman convicted of drug smuggling, which resulted in a freeze of the Dutch diplomatic contacts with Iran.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 10, 2011, 12:53:23 PM
rihanna s&m , mikko should contact her for IOPS

Na na na na
Come on
Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
Na na na na
Come on
Na na na na
Come on
Na na na na
Come on
Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
Na na na na
Feels so good
Being bad
There's no way
I'm turning back
The pain is my pleasure
Cause nothing could measure

Love is great
Love is fine
Out the box
Out of line
The affliction of the feeling
Leaves me wanting more

Cause I may be bad
But I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don't care
I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me

Cause I may be bad
But I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don't care
I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me

Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it

Love is great
Love is fine
Out the box
Out of line
The affliction of the feeling
Leaves me wanting more

Cause I may be bad
But I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don't care
I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me

Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it


I love the feeling
You bring to me
Oh, you turn me on
It's exactly what
I've been yearning for
Give it to me strong

And meet me in my boudoir
With my bodysuit-it-it.

I like it
Like it

Cause I may be bad
But I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don't care
I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me

Cause I may be bad
But I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air
I don't care
I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But chains and whips
Excite me

Na na na na
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Come on
Come on
Come on
I like it
Like it
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on February 10, 2011, 01:49:46 PM
hopefully new pics of her bruised face will show up
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: MT on February 10, 2011, 01:55:56 PM

Pretty good stuff
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 10, 2011, 05:55:56 PM
usual stuff for the japanese.


In middle of the "main street" of Akihabara district of Tokyo, there is a shop, specialized in "junior idol" stuff. They have in-house production, wending machine for their own polaroid productions signed by "models". Whole shop filled with books, magazines, dvd's, cdr's, etc. exclusively on material such as linked above. Even if all is perfectly legal, totally sex free model material, there is eerie atmosphere of obsessive collectors hoarding polaroids and going through about dozen flat screens showing video footage of various dvd's. Masked females tickling girls etc. Rooms decorated with original signed photos, drawings, fan letters, etc.
One time I arrived to shop 10 minutes before it opened, and there was handful of men lined up in door, waiting. When doors opened, they ran to vending machines to score latest fresh polaroids. They took turns. Like 3 pieces each, then allow other to take 3. And they continued until machine was empty. Later I saw them trading photos since you obviously could get multiple copies of same. One time when machine jammed, you could see the utmost anxiety build on this guys face. He was holding his head in stress and eventually managed to ask shop keeper to get it fixed. No matter if you don't want to buy anything, the place is worth to check out due sheer abnormality towards what is accepted in west. One just wonders what the shops looked like back in the day when laws were more relaxed...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 10, 2011, 06:23:12 PM

The look on her face...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 11, 2011, 03:34:47 PM
I am impressed

her feminist rantings about everything she finds offensive are pretty funny I must admit http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/bidisha
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on February 11, 2011, 06:34:54 PM
"In a sympathetic mirroring of the melting Arctic glaciers, the hair around our vaginas is fast disappearing, propelled by a force even greater than climate change: pornification."

Hyperbole at its greatest.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Ashmonger on February 11, 2011, 09:18:04 PM
Ah, what an ignorant piece of writing. Before talking about pornification, some lessons in human behaviour might have been good. The fact that pussy shaving is now widely done, might be because people see it in porn, but then why would women shave their legs? It seems, to me, the pussy shaving is more a furthering of the shaving of the legs. And she touches upon the reason of this: "A man who likes a woman without pubic hair despises adult women so much that he wants us to resemble children." Indeed, naked legs give a touch of youthfullness and so does probably a naked pussy, which in turn has a link with fertility. Which then also give the reason why men don't have to shave their balls, it doesn't matter so much. So, one could conclude that in porn the fact that women shave their pussy has two reasons, the youthfullness and to get a good view on the action, whereas the fact that men in porn shave their balls only has the latter reason.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on February 12, 2011, 11:49:34 AM
It looks like brain shaving is still more common than pussy shaving
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 13, 2011, 01:49:46 PM

Heh... so, there is a re-issue done finally on DVD. Stuff this early Danish pornographer shot in the 60's denmark. I thought it would be more of documentary, but it is basically collection of short sex loops with music over them. It is funny, that this is K-15 in Denmark, while it would illegal to sell it almost anywhere else in west. Why? Because besides the usual fucking, gangbang, cunt shaving, heavy duty spanking/bondage, it also includes the other feature of Ole, with Bodil. So, what you have here is the first ever Bodil's film appearance which made her both famous and vulnerable for all the upcoming pornographic exploiters using her to make big bucks. She gets full on XXX rated action with dog, horse and pig. In copenhagen you can walk into dvd store and purchase this for c. 15 euro price. About worldwide distribution, I have no idea.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kristian on February 13, 2011, 03:57:31 PM
Does anyone know if American Porn Star ASHLEY BLUE has shot anything harder than the normal anal core that the US porn industry is churning out?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: WATERPOWER on February 14, 2011, 05:19:24 PM
Anyone here familiar/into Devonshire Productions/Simone Devon?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 14, 2011, 06:58:52 PM

What's the quality of the 8mm films?

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on February 13, 2011, 01:49:46 PM

Heh... so, there is a re-issue done finally on DVD. Stuff this early Danish pornographer shot in the 60's denmark. I thought it would be more of documentary, but it is basically collection of short sex loops with music over them. It is funny, that this is K-15 in Denmark, while it would illegal to sell it almost anywhere else in west. Why? Because besides the usual fucking, gangbang, cunt shaving, heavy duty spanking/bondage, it also includes the other feature of Ole, with Bodil. So, what you have here is the first ever Bodil's film appearance which made her both famous and vulnerable for all the upcoming pornographic exploiters using her to make big bucks. She gets full on XXX rated action with dog, horse and pig. In copenhagen you can walk into dvd store and purchase this for c. 15 euro price. About worldwide distribution, I have no idea.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 14, 2011, 08:11:59 PM
technically? Content?
Both are good!
It's professionally done product. Not some crappy bootleg.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 15, 2011, 05:14:15 AM
Image quality. It'd be amazing if they went to alot of trouble to clean it all up, like movies. Too bad Alpha Blue doesn't do that but then looking terrible is nice too.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 15, 2011, 10:54:02 AM
That's someone putting short intro on youtube. So quality is obviously better, but even this shows it's not some waterdamaged rotten copies like some Alpha Blue..  I recall when they put out for example Vampires a.k.a. Barbarian Girls s/m loop on dvd, you barely recognized it. I have still mint sealed extra copy of this super-8 loop and what they used, had turned totally red, with film burns, constant stains/rips on the film.... Of course it was like "art edition", but when knowing what it SHOULD look like, one did wonder if they should have waited a bit more than use the first copy of film they came across...
This Pornografi dvd is done professionally. Ole Ege used to run huge sex museum in central of Copenhagen. It's not just guy with lap-top and digital camera making transfers of found loops, heh..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 15, 2011, 06:35:16 PM
Looks great! You should get some copies to sale; I'd buy one.

Found this review:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Jacy on March 04, 2011, 07:47:58 PM
As first post here, I come to talk about Alpha Blue, I am the DVD producer and basically edit, compile, soundtrack and create all the DVDs for the label.

Of course usually when I come on forums I'm defending the sometimes shitty quality. Barbarian Girls represents easily the shittiest quality loop we have put out, due to massive water damage. Good news is we found a new copy and will put it out on future release.

Alpha Blue attitude towards quality is, someone wants to see it no matter how it looks, so we put it out now instead of waiting for years to discover pristine copy. For every guy that feels ripped off because Alpha Blue looks like shit, there is another fanatic who is happy to have this stuff available at all.

There has been some really nice looking European 70's XXX releases like Alpha France put out. In 15+ years of buisiness Alpha Blue has come across very few original negatives of films, at any price. I think in Europe they took better care of their films than in US. There is not much to be gained from any sort of cleaning, I use some digital cleaners but it really doesn't fix much.

Of course Euro labels with top quality have much fewer releases than Alpha Blue. If we chose releases based on mint quality we could still have 20 titles like most labels, but instead have 500+ titles of every type.

Starting work soon on a bunch of new Hisrtory of Rape DVDs that may interest users here. Still have yet to watch the material so I'll let you know if there's anything special in this batch!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 05, 2011, 02:05:57 AM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on April 11, 2011, 05:28:18 PM

Why more and more women are using pornography

Increasing numbers of women admit to being hooked on internet porn. Why is this happening, and where are they finding help?

    * Tanith Carey
    * guardian.co.uk, Thursday 7 April 2011 21.00 BST
    * Article history

women internet pornography porn
A study found that 17% of women describe themselves as 'addicted' to online porn. Photograph: Alamy

It was an ordinary weekday morning when Caroline first noticed how much pornography was taking over her life. With 15 minutes to go before she was due to leave for a job interview, she opened up her laptop to print off an extra copy of her CV and there, onscreen, was a grab she'd saved from pornhub.com.

"I remember the feeling of being sucked in, really wanting that two-minute fix, that numbness I got when I used porn," says Caroline. "I was stressed out, and I risked being late for my interview, but I pressed play anyway and fast-forwarded it to the bit I wanted. It took two minutes." But the relief was to be short-lived. "Afterwards I just hated myself for giving in and getting off on images that treated women like pieces of meat. But I kept going back."

Although there is much debate about whether "porn addiction" even exists, Caroline, a 21-year-old English graduate, has just finished seeing a sex addiction therapist to help get her porn habit under control. Having started watching porn out of curiosity when it became available over the internet in her mid-teens, she and her mates used it as a graphic form of sex education. She saw nothing wrong with it, particularly as she was raised in a generation of girls for whom it was seen as hip and liberated to enjoy watching sex.

Then, as she entered a depressed job market after university, it became a form of escape, a default she turned to whenever she felt anxious or bored. "I'd be stuck at home in front of my laptop on my own all day. I'd wake up with all these ideas for the day – and end up surfing for porn, trying to distract myself, eating and then going back for more porn. No one would ever have known. But I didn't get much done. It was like a constant battle between my sexual urges and my self-control. I'd think to myself: 'It's not doing any harm.' But then I started to loathe myself for giving in and wasting so much time on it."

Caroline is not alone. While it's accepted that women are watching – and enjoying – porn more and more, it's less recognised that some are also finding it hard to stop. At Quit Porn Addiction, the UK's main porn counselling service, almost one in three clients are women struggling with their own porn use, says founder and counsellor Jason Dean. Two years ago, there were none.While more than six out of 10 women say they view web porn, one study in 2006 by the Internet Filter Review found that 17% of women describe themselves as "addicted".

Dean says: "I remember getting my first woman contacts about two years ago and thinking that was fairly unusual. Now I'm hearing from about 70 women a year who are coming for their own reasons, not because their male partners have a problem."

There is little difference in the way the genders become hooked, says Jason. There is the same pattern of exposure, addiction, and desensitisation to increasingly hardcore images. The main contrast between male and female porn addicts is how much more guilty women feel. "Porn addiction is seen as a man's problem – and therefore not acceptable for women," says Dean. "There's a real sense among women that it's bad, dirty, wrong and they're often unable to get beyond that."

Orgasm releases a dopamine-oxytocin high that has been compared to a heroin hit, and many regular users of internet porn report experiencing an almost trance-like effect that not only makes them feel oblivious to the world, but also gives them a sense of power that they don't have in real life. "The PC becomes an erogenous zone. The more you keep trying to put porn out of your mind, the more it keeps popping back in. The brain then learns that porn is the only way to cope with anxiety."

Yet, what strikes you on the porn addiction websites is the real sense of despair and loneliness for the women who get caught up in it – and how early it starts. Many talk of a problem dating back to their early teens, before they've even had a relationship.

One 19-year-old college student writes: "It started seriously when I was about 14, I stumbled across some pictures while doing homework. Because all I had typed into Google was 'cream and sugar', I knew my parents wouldn't notice. I learnt all the ways round the parental controls, meticulously deleted my activities on the history and deleted the search engine entries every time."

Psychotherapist Phillip Hodson, of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, says that in consulting rooms, the issue of woman habitually using porn "is something that has not been aired before. It's something new that's just beginning to surface . . . Traditionally women's voices have been against porn. It's seen as more of a male thing, because it's men who are supposed to be visually stimulated. But that doesn't mean that women aren't. Men are just maybe more so."

Women who become regular users can suffer depression and low self-esteem because it can be hard to reconcile their enjoyment of porn with their intellectual dislike of seeing women used as sex objects. "Porn has an instant effect on the human body and mind and the psyche, even if you disapprove of what you are seeing . . . So women may find their body is saying yes, even though their mind may be saying no – and that can be upsetting."

But as porn becomes more pervasive, Hodson observes that women are now also using it as a quick way to have sex without emotional investment, just as men traditionally have. "For women, just as for men, the internet is able to satisfy that need in rather a raw, crude sense, quickly and easily. Why serenade someone and go through all the courtship rituals with another person when you have Google?"

But it's important not to turn lone use of porn into a catastrophe, adds Hodson. For many women, it's a phase that will pass – either because they take stock, they realise it's becoming a problem, it becomes boring – or their life fills up again with better alternatives.

"I have a problem with the word addiction," he says. "Sex is a very natural function – and what is an abnormal level of sex to have or to want? If a woman is taking two minutes to orgasm to porn, and she's doing it, say, 10 times a day, that's still only 20 minutes a day.

"But if porn does become a habit that interferes in other areas, it might be an opportunity to take stock and realise there's not enough happening in your life. Forgive yourself for being tempted and having a few orgasms. If it goes beyond that, there are people outside who can help."

The first support group in the US run for women by women was founded by Crystal Renaud, who also wrote a new book on women's addiction to porn, called Dirty Girls Come Clean.

A committed Christian, she first came across porn at the age of 11 in a magazine that belonged to her brother, and was addicted for eight years before she got her wake-up call when she arranged an anonymous hook-up with a man she met over the net. Renaud recalls: "I had no friends. No passions. I had one mission and purpose in my life: pornography. Any way I could find it, I would. It didn't matter where I was or what I was doing. Home, school, my friend's houses, summer camp and yes, even church: my addiction came too.

"Porn. Masturbation. Cybersex. Webcam sex. Phone sex. Anything you could think up, I watched, experienced and enjoyed. No matter how many times I said I would stop, I would just keep doing it."

As a trained counsellor, Renaud now calls women's addiction to pornography "widespread and silent". In almost every case, the women she meets believe they are the only ones ever to have struggled with the issue. "Porn and sexual addiction has always been referred to as a man's problem," says Renaud. "But for women it's an unspoken struggle. We have to give them the opportunity to say: 'Me too.'"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 14, 2011, 03:43:52 AM
Interview with Christopher Rage:


talks about Scott Taylor who would shove a butterknife down his urethra & wore a severed chicken?leg around his neck while licking his split cockhole & eating cum.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on April 14, 2011, 09:16:01 AM
I have been kind enough to share some access with those people who are unlucky and don't have any access to the underground pornography industry so if you don't have a copy of the wonderful catalog titled "Scatalog" head on over to my blog to download the latest "issue"  http://mouthsessions.blogspot.com/   
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 18, 2011, 12:58:25 AM
Avon films to be released on 2-dvd next month:


Sure hope they get around to TAMING OF REBECCA & TALES OF THE BIZARRE!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on April 18, 2011, 04:57:13 AM
Mitchell is fucking gorgeous in this one.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: deadmedium on April 26, 2011, 05:45:09 AM
i have found myself very interested in amature pornagraphy. namely pictures, or even better poloroids. anyone suggest any magazines that specialize in such tastes?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on May 02, 2011, 09:38:38 AM
Just found a copy of Show Me! by McBride for only $120. Has anyone read this before? I know it sells for up to $500 so I'm assuming it will be a good investment in the end but I also want to know if it is a good book in general, not just a collectors piece. I'm honestly surprised that you can buy this on mainstream sites.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 02, 2011, 10:17:29 AM
Quote from: RyanWreck on May 02, 2011, 09:38:38 AM
Just found a copy of Show Me! by McBride for only $120. Has anyone read this before? I know it sells for up to $500 so I'm assuming it will be a good investment in the end but I also want to know if it is a good book in general, not just a collectors piece. I'm honestly surprised that you can buy this on mainstream sites.

120$ is good price, if it's mint condition and english language version. Note that german version is the bigger edition published couple of times with quite high success. English language version is much more rare due destroyed printrun and what was at least assumedly done only once.
This book is not illegal per se, I would say. Depends on the country, but even in countries where it was banned to distribute, it's still openly found from specialist art dealers who sell collectable book of all kinds. I recall I bought it once from some Irish antique book merchant, along with pile of other photobooks. Of course, due nature of the book, I wouldn't necessary recommend buying it somewhere where customs will open it, but I don't think this would fall under "kp" in court. It's probably not as "hard" as some people make it sound like, and it never advocates adults/kids action. It's not some guidebook for pedo's like some people have proclaimed (Possibly without seeing it). It's just pretty free-minded sex education book in the 60's/early 70's wibe, where images show how people will learn about these things. Will McBride is very talented photographer. See his website:
when you go to photography, and check out for example sample "Barbara with her Children Shawn, Robin und Brian", it's shows close to the style of "Show Me". Very well done b/w art photography.. of course some more explicit ones.

From his own site:
QuoteZeig Mal!
Jugend Dienst Verlag Wuppertal, 1974
Realizing that sex education should begin earlier than the teens, McBride did a book with psychologist Helga Fleichhauer-Hardt for children and their parents. »Show Me!« was highly controversial, sold over a million copies, but was finally banned in the United States and other countries.
I think there was German re-print even in 90's - which didn't get so well received by people like it did in 70's...  No wonder!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on June 26, 2011, 06:02:16 PM

Because of the massive Lolita-like sexual undercurrent I thought this to be the optimal thread... Teen boom boom doll = nicole 12.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on June 26, 2011, 08:56:41 PM
my god, it's jailbait-o-rama
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 27, 2011, 01:12:50 AM
Ugh, that music is sick. I can never get past the twenty second mark with pop music like that. Couldn't even be bothered turning off the sound.

"Teen Boom Boom Doll"? Jesus Christ, where do these fools get these stupid ideas from. Thank God for global warming.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 22, 2011, 10:29:09 PM

This is the picture used to by the BBC to talk about the US heat wave. Freud might have something to say about this.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 31, 2011, 01:51:09 AM
Sometimes a child with a hose is just a child with a hose.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Levas on August 05, 2011, 03:10:42 PM
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2022305/Thylane-Lena-Rose-Blondeau-Shocking-images-10-YEAR-OLD-Vogue-model.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2022305/Thylane-Lena-Rose-Blondeau-Shocking-images-10-YEAR-OLD-Vogue-model.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on August 06, 2011, 01:50:16 AM
stuff like that just creeps me out......it's like dwarwes & midgets, but more twisted. scary.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on August 06, 2011, 06:22:29 PM
That is just amazing. And even more the obvious hypocrisy of the mag, looking at the right column of the site...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2022655/Elen-Rivas-clutches-takeaway-containers-beach-stroll.html fat bitch should be fucking ashamed of herself

But I suppose publications like these are sorely needed to feed our thirst for shock and depravation!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HONOR_IS_KING! on August 08, 2011, 02:47:52 PM
Quote from: pestdemon on August 06, 2011, 06:22:29 PM
That is just amazing. And even more the obvious hypocrisy of the mag, looking at the right column of the site...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2022655/Elen-Rivas-clutches-takeaway-containers-beach-stroll.html fat bitch should be fucking ashamed of herself

But I suppose publications like these are sorely needed to feed our thirst for shock and depravation!

I wonder if she ever had an ass to begin with.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 16, 2011, 10:27:56 PM


After Hours Cinema: http://afterhourscinema.com/?pg=il&category=16

Need to get the AVON 7 disc & STORY OF PRUNELLA.

Hoping they will do TAMING OF REBECCA, TALES OF THE BIZARRE, KNEEL BEFORE ME & all the other Avon films.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Ashmonger on August 17, 2011, 01:36:48 PM
Not really pornography or anything (though for some it might, haha), but I found this rather interesting and funny (due to my aversion of football!):
http://www.foxsports.com.au/football/german-police-hunt-fc-cologne-fans-who-are-believed-to-be-have-thrown-urine-and-faeces-at-rival-fans/story-e6frf423-1226116487837 (http://www.foxsports.com.au/football/german-police-hunt-fc-cologne-fans-who-are-believed-to-be-have-thrown-urine-and-faeces-at-rival-fans/story-e6frf423-1226116487837)

This part is funny though: "It is hard to believe that football is being abused by such behaviour." --> Yeah, because normally football fans are always reasonable, quiet and polite people!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Levas on August 18, 2011, 01:24:26 PM
QuoteCombining lingerie and lounge wear to form 'loungerie,' the Jours Après Lunes line for four to 12-year-olds features a range of panties, bras, camisoles and T-shirts with lace edges, ribboned bow detailing and nautical stripes.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2026694/French-label-Jours-Apr-s-Lunes-launch-lingerie-girls-young-FOUR.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2026694/French-label-Jours-Apr-s-Lunes-launch-lingerie-girls-young-FOUR.html)

nice collections ain't they?

http://www.jours-apres-lunes.com/fille.html (http://www.jours-apres-lunes.com/fille.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 18, 2011, 08:47:53 PM
I wonder what's the big deal? I mean is this NEWS? Like the 10 year old Vogue model? And?
If someone didn't know, there is for example entire magazine Vogue Bambini. Often featuring very fashionable bikini shots etc. I recall more than 200 issues published by now,  text in italian & english. Available just about any specialist magazine shop. And by this I mean those which carry fashion magazine. In Finland Akateeminen Kirjakauppa is good place to score.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 19, 2011, 12:48:12 AM

Has anyone read "Daddy's Little Earner" or any of the other related child sex abuse fiction books? Originally saw these posted on Trevor Brown's blog.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Levas on August 19, 2011, 10:19:22 AM
QuoteI wonder what's the big deal?

Haven't you noticed that people are usually shocked or pissed off about something in time circles. Some phenomenon is normal and acceptable, then generation(s)/ruler/government changes/new rules/laws are passed and some time passes and everyone is pissed off about the same thing. So I think that's the reason why now it's shocking news.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 25, 2011, 04:56:46 PM
One thing found in Muammar Gaddafi's compound is reportedly a scrapbook filled with photographs of former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on August 26, 2011, 09:43:55 PM
QuoteOne thing found in Muammar Gaddafi's compound is reportedly a scrapbook filled with photographs of former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.

what a pervert! hats off to Mr.Muammar.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: mevsocsci on September 07, 2011, 06:28:28 PM

Er ..... fucked up
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Litharge on September 07, 2011, 09:17:17 PM
I like the way the website used probably the most unflattering photos of the siblings they could get ahold of.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: mevsocsci on September 07, 2011, 10:11:52 PM
True. Plus he gets put on a sex offenders list for fucking his 18 year old sister (she isn't). Ok its his sister but she can consent surely? Though by the look of them I'm not so sure.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Ashmonger on September 08, 2011, 10:05:08 AM
Hahaha, fuck man, I like these pictures! Makes me think of the League Of Gentlemen right away!
It's certainly fucked up to go fuck your sister in public, but sometimes I wonder whether incest if between to consenting mature individuals is really so bad? I mean, as long as no children get born out of, of course. It's perverted yes, but say a brother and sister are humping each other in private, using anticonception, is it then really worse than any other perversion?
(I still would think of them as freaks though, hehe...)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on September 08, 2011, 10:44:50 AM
There was a document in finest tabloid style of UK incest couples. Often brother-sister. Some got sentence for it. I recall it is illegal in UK? But some gave indication that they will not give up the lifestyle choice even with sanctions given by state.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: mevsocsci on September 08, 2011, 07:39:12 PM

More classic tabloid incest tales
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: martialgodmask on September 18, 2011, 09:08:24 PM
Picked up a couple of old mags from a car boot today - 2 issues of "Peaches" c1975 and 2 issues of "Big Girls" c1979, both for the gentleman who prefers a larger breast. Decent quality, well looked after but very musty smelling! Nothing hard about them, just some great tit pictures, a smattering of bush and some interesting articles and adverts. Cost £3 for the 4, the chap had a stack of them so picked 4 of what looked the best as had little cash on me.

I've posted some pictures up at http://www.strangelands.tumblr.com, just a small handful my wife took for me.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on September 19, 2011, 08:07:05 AM
I guess it's matter of definition... Which is still big girl -category, and which goes to blob category.

Recent good scores has been just pile of Belladonna DVD's which included some scenes I had seen online and wanted on better quality.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 19, 2011, 09:46:20 AM
I always thought the gap in her front teeth was oddly attractive. Kind of a nice touch in a world of plastic surgery and artificial perfectionism.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 20, 2011, 03:37:38 AM
Quote from: Litharge on September 07, 2011, 09:17:17 PM
I like the way the website used probably the most unflattering photos of the siblings they could get ahold of.

Doesn't look to me like there would be any other kinds of photos of them.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 20, 2011, 05:49:42 AM
http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/peta-to-launch-porn-site-in-name-of-animal-rights-20110920-1kijl.html (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/peta-to-launch-porn-site-in-name-of-animal-rights-20110920-1kijl.html)

"Visitors to the X-rated site will initially be presented with pornographic content as well as images from PETA's salacious ads and campaigns, Rajt said. Those images will be followed by pictures and video shot undercover of the mistreatment of animals. The site will also include links to vegetarian and vegan - using no animal products - starter kits as well as recipes."

" 'When people first visit the site, it will be very enticing and once they go just a little bit deeper, that's when they'll be confronted with images that we hope will make them stop and think and get them talking and hopefully encourage them to make a lifestyle change to a plant-based diet' ".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 21, 2011, 07:11:48 AM
Sounds like they're trying for a new twist on bestiality; good looking women and animal blood. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 21, 2011, 08:23:38 PM
"...that's when they'll be confronted with images that we hope will make them stop..."

They'll stop & move onto another site. So fucking stupid.

Or maybe it's just a way to cater to people who get off on abusing animals but can explain away their perversion? maybe the idea came from someone who works within PETA who gets off on animal torture. Sort of like a wannabe -pedo who works as an elementary school janitor or at summercamps...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 21, 2011, 09:58:32 PM
"and get them talking"

Talking to who? At the water cooler at work you're going to mention you were looking for porn but wound up learning about animal cruelty? Where the fuck are you going to talk about porn and PETA besides an internet forum? Why would you go to PETA's porn site other than for laughs?

Also are we equating animal cruelty with the use of women as meat in the porn industry? if not what's the fucking point. This is some goofy shit!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on September 30, 2011, 09:38:00 AM
pedo oriented shoemaker

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2011, 09:27:41 PM

I was hoping it was scene that went too far & the actress was pissed off...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: D. Davis on October 10, 2011, 11:48:05 PM
First time jump on the board - looking for zine/magazine, video or any sort of general collection of re-prints from the classic eras of leather & rubber. International or state-side. Anybody doing this or have any ideas for a general look around the internet?! Any help thrown back in my direction would be greatly appreciated. Seems a least somebody would/should be booting up black & white copies of the old AtomAge catalogs...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 11, 2011, 12:14:52 AM
Quote from: Peterson on September 30, 2011, 09:12:53 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on September 30, 2011, 09:38:00 AM
pedo oriented shoemaker


Sexy! But seriously, this is nothing new.


Didn't read all the article but first thing I thought was how women who wear high heels have no calf muscles or weak calf muscles & can barely walk barefooted for very long.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 11, 2011, 09:34:54 AM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 11, 2011, 09:37:08 AM
one of my favourite incestuous siblings interviewed

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Nyodene D on October 12, 2011, 12:51:51 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2011, 09:27:41 PM

I was hoping it was scene that went too far & the actress was pissed off...

ahahaha holy shit, Bad Boyz
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on October 18, 2011, 12:51:31 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on October 10, 2011, 09:27:41 PM
I was hoping it was scene that went too far & the actress was pissed off...

efukt has some collection of those lol
http://www.efukt.com/2263_Angry_Pornstar_Attacks_Midget.html (http://www.efukt.com/2263_Angry_Pornstar_Attacks_Midget.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on November 17, 2011, 06:29:49 PM
Are there any decent texts floating about where low-level hardcore porn actresses talk about their lives, experiences etc? Could be interviews, blogs, whatever. Just the normal anonymous young girls in average internet porn, the barely legal cum-guzzling ass-stretching gag queens streaming by the thousands all over the internet. Why did they chose that path? How did it feel to be in that position? How do they experience their bodies and physical/social intimacy afterwards? Not the most depraved prostitute tragedies or rich and famous porn star biographies, but the healthy-looking, nameless masturbation fodder in between.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: humanpulp on November 19, 2011, 12:41:49 AM
question- what film is the clip from before the start of the song REMINDING OF SOMETHING by CREAMFACE?

just curious if anyone knows.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: locustfurnace on November 19, 2011, 12:55:15 AM
Quote from: humanpulp on November 19, 2011, 12:41:49 AM
question- what film is the clip from before the start of the song REMINDING OF SOMETHING by CREAMFACE?

just curious if anyone knows.

I think it's Nikki Hunter in a scene from Meatholes....

edit: > here's the scene - http://www.youjizz.com/videos/nikki-hunter-roughed-up-207587.html  (obviously NSFW)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Hakaristi on November 19, 2011, 02:52:45 AM
A transcript of this scene was reprinted in TF/PE's catalog-zine also...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 19, 2011, 10:37:15 AM
yeah, I wrote to TF/PE about it, merely to say how amusing it is, that out of millions of films out there, we happen to have exact same piece used. CF appeared year or two before, but I'm sure TF/PE had no idea someone has used it.

Meatholes stuff on DVD is little bit lame - because some of it is censored. Original stuff online was in some cases harder. That damn fine fisting scene with UK chick... I was so disappointed to buy dvd and none of it appears on the scene. It's some of the most energic cunt fisting I've seen.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: locustfurnace on November 19, 2011, 01:34:12 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 19, 2011, 10:37:15 AMThat damn fine fisting scene with UK chick... I was so disappointed to buy dvd and none of it appears on the scene. It's some of the most energic cunt fisting I've seen.

Would it be this clip by any chance? > http://www.xvideos.com/video250080/meatholes-kerri_kraven
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 19, 2011, 03:34:09 PM
yeah, all that fisting is cut away from dvd.
I think from 7 minutes onwards, there's some pretty tasty stuff. Very rarely firsting scenes are as enthusiastic.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: MR STAB on November 19, 2011, 04:10:20 PM
Ha she was an escort in the uk dirty bitch would try anything
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 20, 2011, 10:09:06 PM

Elise Graves, whoever she is, getting abused....
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on November 23, 2011, 08:51:25 PM
I don't know if anyone has posted this yet but....



Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on November 27, 2011, 02:54:00 AM
Panda-sex. Why not?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on December 06, 2011, 06:02:25 AM
edit:nevermind, they keep taking them down. a vid of some girl passionetly kissing a dog-
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on December 08, 2011, 11:25:16 PM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QjQ9TSPoAII&noredirect=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QjQ9TSPoAII&noredirect=1)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: locustfurnace on December 09, 2011, 04:42:00 AM
Quote from: tisbor on December 08, 2011, 11:25:16 PM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QjQ9TSPoAII&noredirect=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QjQ9TSPoAII&noredirect=1)

This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.
Sorry about that.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on December 09, 2011, 07:42:49 AM
QuoteThis video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.
Sorry about that.

I managed to watch that video before it was deleted. Retarted person getting masturbated by some chick while sitting in a wheelchair. Priceless!

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 09, 2011, 10:58:12 AM
I think that must be the old video that has been circulating online for some years? Perhaps upload it to pornhost.com and share link...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on December 10, 2011, 01:31:57 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 09, 2011, 10:58:12 AM
I think that must be the old video that has been circulating online for some years? Perhaps upload it to pornhost.com and share link...

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 11, 2011, 07:32:25 PM
Yeah, I think I've seen it. There is also old other clips of the type.
I got one old mid 70's danish porn mag where is advertizement of magazine titled "handicapped sex". Also seen rather brutal, and dubious mag of dwarf sex, where the male appears to be either/or/and dwarf, handicapped and.. well lets say, he ain't growing beard just yet. Don't own this treasure myself, though. But it's the good reminder how much bizarre porn is utterly lost in world during decades. Who would bother to remember some 30 images thrown together and printed as smutrag roughly 30 years ago?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on December 27, 2011, 04:07:36 PM
I was in store in Berlin today called Manolito. It literally had thousands of old (mostly German) mags form the 70s-80s to early 90s. Freies Forum für Erziehung, Sadanas,etc.
If your in town and looking for that kind of stuff, give it a visit
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on December 27, 2011, 07:00:29 PM
I would be curious for old german magazine. Most s/m stuff I have from germany, are pretty lame. Mostly magazines for contact ads, dominatrix ads etc. and little clumsy bondage and s/m thrown in mix.

I think this is common with most magazines in world. Early issues were good, then followed downfall in creativity and quality, with progress even further into just pure commercial interests. Some of the worst "magazines" turn out to be like yellow pages contact magazines only.

For example, finding good quality fetish & bondage magazines, which are not about parties and samples of whatever product they're selling and phone sex ads appeared to be hard. Sometimes it seemed as if every magazine just documents what is happening, but you can't find magazines what would be basically THE material itself. Perhaps just one or two photosets per issue if lucky. Or maybe one story or some sort.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on December 27, 2011, 09:16:50 PM
I randomly browsed through some of the mags, it seemed they had alot of articles or stories in them, occasional pictures on every other page. wooden pegs on ballsacks, female enemas done in some guys living room. Some of it looked quite interesting, others were pretty ordinary.
Yes, there were also alot of private contact ads in some mags. I don't know my way around porn mags, let alone from that time period, so I can't tell if there are any gems there, but it was definately different to the other porn stores I've seen that focus on the last ten (tedious) years.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 12, 2012, 10:35:45 AM
is this actually viewable anywhere?
it is not clear.


I am a big fan of educationals - not only on sexual related subject -
Back in the days with soffitta macabra we had evening of public screening of STD related  videos.

I have recently recived from Play this, but have not watched it yet:


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 12, 2012, 10:37:50 AM
Quote from: Human Larvae on December 27, 2011, 04:07:36 PM
I was in store in Berlin today called Manolito. It literally had thousands of old (mostly German) mags form the 70s-80s to early 90s. Freies Forum für Erziehung, Sadanas,etc.
If your in town and looking for that kind of stuff, give it a visit

where is it exatly?
I might pop-by in a few months for a week end.
any other interesting shop worth visiting (not only smut related?)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2012, 04:34:41 PM
the story of a sex addicts struggle....

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on January 14, 2012, 06:01:49 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 12, 2012, 10:37:50 AM
Quote from: Human Larvae on December 27, 2011, 04:07:36 PM
I was in store in Berlin today called Manolito. It literally had thousands of old (mostly German) mags form the 70s-80s to early 90s. Freies Forum für Erziehung, Sadanas,etc.
If your in town and looking for that kind of stuff, give it a visit

where is it exatly?
I might pop-by in a few months for a week end.
any other interesting shop worth visiting (not only smut related?)

it's located at a crossing,  Beusselstr. 44, 10553 Berlin
next to the BeusselGrill
Good record stores in Berlin are mentioned in the record store thread
If your into analogue synth stuff, Schneiders Laden is worth a visit (Kreuzberg), but they only open a few hours a day, and not on weekends
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 15, 2012, 02:12:43 AM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bleak Existence on January 15, 2012, 05:47:05 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 16, 2012, 09:48:32 AM
Quote from: Human Larvae on January 14, 2012, 06:01:49 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 12, 2012, 10:37:50 AM
Quote from: Human Larvae on December 27, 2011, 04:07:36 PM
I was in store in Berlin today called Manolito. It literally had thousands of old (mostly German) mags form the 70s-80s to early 90s. Freies Forum für Erziehung, Sadanas,etc.
If your in town and looking for that kind of stuff, give it a visit

where is it exatly?
I might pop-by in a few months for a week end.
any other interesting shop worth visiting (not only smut related?)

it's located at a crossing,  Beusselstr. 44, 10553 Berlin
next to the BeusselGrill
Good record stores in Berlin are mentioned in the record store thread
If your into analogue synth stuff, Schneiders Laden is worth a visit (Kreuzberg), but they only open a few hours a day, and not on weekends

thank you so much!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 18, 2012, 12:10:57 PM
Girl, 19, dressed as a boy to grope girls


Published: Today
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A GIRL of 19 posed as three different boys so she could fondle other lasses, a court heard.

Gemma Barker dressed in baggy lads' clothes, hoodies and hats for dates with two girls aged 15 and 16.

Both knew her well but were fooled by her disguises, the fake Facebook profiles of boys she had posted to attract them and her acting like a lad.

The dates, which took place over six months, "involved kissing, cuddling and groping," Guildford Crown Court heard.

Barker was even introduced to the parents of one of the girls — but they were also duped even though they had met her before.

The teenager — whose deception echoes 1999 movie Boys Don't Cry — was eventually rumbled when the girls suspected they were dating a "boy" with multiple identities.

Barker, who describes herself as an "actress" and has posted an online picture of her with Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson, was arrested by cops as a lad.

But she was unmasked as her clothes were removed in a police cell search. Both victims were astounded to discover they had been dating a girl.

Prosecutor Ruby Selva said: "She disguised herself as various 16-year-old boys for the sole purpose of having sexual relationships with her victims.

"Had either realised they would never have consented to what happened."

Posing ... 'actress' Gemma Barker with star Kieron Richardson

Barker, of Staines, Surrey, gave her male characters email addresses and mobile phone numbers. And she became so engulfed by her fake world she claimed one of her alter egos assaulted her in a ploy to con money from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.

Barker, now 20, admitted sexual assault and fraud. She was bailed pending psychological reports — and faces up to two years in jail when sentenced.

Judge Peter Moss said Barker could be described as "mad and dangerous to know".

He added: "It has got a very mean and manipulative streak to it. The girls she preyed on are much younger than her." Chetna Patel, defending, said Barker's deceptions began after the victims told her what their ideal boys would be like.

Secrets ... Gemma Barker hides under blanket last night

She created characters in that image to please the girls and hang on to their friendship, it was claimed.

Ms Patel added Barker, who hid her face as she arrived home last night, suffered from a social disorder and was "rather a lonely person"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 18, 2012, 06:56:43 PM
that is hot stuff.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on January 25, 2012, 11:11:25 AM
wheelchairs, prosthetics & dismembered girls.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: jake on February 11, 2012, 04:59:36 AM
The Miramonte Elementary School scandal has been a huge story in the Los Angeles area, not sure about the rest of the country, and I don't see why it would even get coverage internationally.
Elementary school in a poor area of South LA, all minority population, gross old white guy taking pictures of the kids while feeding them cockroaches and cookies with his semen on it. Second old white dude found to be participating in lewd acts with minors, every single employee at the school replaced (including groundskeepers, administrators, etc) and a social worker now in every classroom at the school interviewing the kids. Some pretty bizarre pictures floating around, especially the one with the teacher wearing the Mickey Mouse ears.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: jake on February 11, 2012, 07:40:15 PM

The Roaches say, "Hi!"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 12, 2012, 01:33:13 AM

Hillbilly wigger; pretty funny.

"I don't give a fuck who you tell":

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Mikerdeath on February 12, 2012, 02:09:23 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 12, 2012, 01:33:13 AM

Hillbilly wigger; pretty funny.

What the fuck is she doing there in the first place if she cant suck cock properly?
She loved it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 17, 2012, 09:21:08 PM

Tips for visiting porn shops
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on March 04, 2012, 02:22:52 PM

I found this by chance, it's pretty worthless but also interesting, fetishistic 3D pictures from "a bloke that got into the so called "sleepy fetish" at a very young age".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on March 06, 2012, 06:33:35 AM
yay... Who is Khan-Tusion? With some fun piss scenes..


(anyone know if this was from a full documentary or something?)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Hakaristi on March 06, 2012, 07:32:59 AM
Quote from: RyanWreck on March 06, 2012, 06:33:35 AM
(anyone know if this was from a full documentary or something?)

It's from that Hardcore doco you posted.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on March 06, 2012, 08:31:13 AM
Really? I do not remember that part at all, must have been smoking outside or something.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Hakaristi on March 06, 2012, 09:36:49 AM
Yup. Rumour has it Khan is aka Mark Handel, real estate extraordinaire. Interesting info here:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on March 17, 2012, 06:39:56 AM
not taking things too well lol
http://efukt.com/20977_Frat_Boys_Troll_3_Pornstars_Into_Quitting.html (http://efukt.com/20977_Frat_Boys_Troll_3_Pornstars_Into_Quitting.html)
should've known
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on March 17, 2012, 03:24:41 PM
http://www.mrdanielshypnosis.com/ - been around for years but getting more popular now. Started out on the now defunct pervert-filled yahoo 360. Sadly most of the flash files are members-only now, but you can still get some stuff for free and without having to deal with this weirdo.

Site seems especially popular with older transexuals.

Much discussion on hypno fetish boards about the damaging consequences of engagement with Mr Daniel (Danielle?) - the flash files apparently change several hours in and start to contain much more brutal subliminals and alien abduction suggestions.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on March 25, 2012, 02:49:20 PM

Big set of scanned bondage magazines, from 70's to 2000's. Some links are dead unfortunately (John Savage's notebook), haven't gone through them all.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on April 18, 2012, 09:33:32 AM

Analysis: Sex tapers can thank 3rd Circuit for 1st Amendment protection

(Reuters) - There's no question what Congress intended when it passed a pair of laws requiring producers of sexually-explicit materials to keep records on the age of the people engaged in sex acts (or simulated sex acts): curb child pornography. Lawmakers had already banned commercial child porn, but producers hired actors who were of age but looked young, making it tough to enforce the ban. In frustration, Congress passed a 1988 law that imposed specific record-keeping demands on porn producers, who must verify that performers are of age, maintain records to back the verification, and provide the location of those records in labels affixed to the sexually-explicit products. The law said that producers must maintain age records at their "business premises," and must make the records available for government inspection, or else face a stiff fine and a prison sentence. A 2006 amendment to the law set the same record-keeping, labeling, and inspection requirements when sex is only simulated (albeit with a carve-out demanded by non-porn movie studios.

Because much child porn trafficking takes place underground, via private channels, the Justice Department said it would enforce the laws broadly, targeting not just porn-movie makers, but non-commercial producers of sexually-explicit material as well. The government did promise, however, that it would only prosecute those who intended to sell or trade the material.

The porn industry, as is its wont, brought constitutional challenges to the record-keeping laws, claiming that they violated the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments (specifically, free speech, equal protection, self-incrimination, and search and seizure provisions). In 2009, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Justice Department on the First Amendment question, in an 11-to-6 en banc ruling that held the record-keeping laws don't unconstitutionally target porn producers and have only a collateral effect on free speech that's justified by the government's interest in protecting children from exploitation.

But what about the free-speech rights of grownups who like to videotape or photograph themselves having sex for their own private purposes? Or art teachers with nude models? Or even sex ed teachers? When the porn-industry trade association's suit came to the 3rd Circuit last year, the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania entered the case, not to stand up for porn producers, said ACLU counsel Fred Magaziner of Dechert, but "to protect people outside the adult entertainment industry ... whose conduct is impacted by the laws."

Those record-keeping requirements, Magaziner said, are no small thing. Must a married couple that makes a sex tape post IDs at their "business premises"? Must they make their records available to government inspectors? And can the government use the criminal record-keeping laws to punish people targeted for other crimes? As the ACLU's eloquent 34-page brief explained, "history shows that government agents have been known to use laws that are rarely otherwise enforced to punish people who are being investigated for unrelated crimes." That's a pretty scary thought: Police raid your house, find no evidence to back the crime they initially alleged, but you spend a year in prison for a homemade sex tape that didn't include a label noting where you keep your driver's license? Sure, the Justice Department may have promised not to prosecute private sex tapers, but the ACLU brief suggests we can't necessarily rely on such promises.

In its ruling Monday, a three-judge 3rd Circuit panel didn't go as far as the ACLU or the porn industry's Free Speech Coalition in criticizing the record-keeping laws. But the 59-page opinion, written by Judge D. Brooks Smith for a panel that also included Judges Anthony Scirica and Marjorie Rendell, agreed that U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson of Philadelphia federal court was too quick to dismiss the First and Fourth Amendment challenges. (In a concurrence, Rendell was particularly concerned about the right to warrantless searches that the law grants government investigators.)

The 3rd Circuit's concern, like the ACLU's, is whether the record-keeping laws are so broad that their restriction of First and Fourth Amendment rights outweighs the government's legitimate interest in protecting children. To answer that question, the appeals court said, the lower court has to consider evidence, not simply the law. "Plaintiffs should be afforded the opportunity to conduct discovery and develop the record regarding whether the statutes are narrowly tailored," the opinion said. "Plaintiffs assert that a 'vast quantity' of protected sexually explicit depictions include performers who are 'clearly mature adults could not be mistaken for children.' The degree of the asserted overbreadth is obviously the critical determination, but plaintiffs were never afforded the opportunity to conduct discovery or develop a record from which we could determine this degree."

The ruling isn't a guarantee that the trial judge will end up siding with challengers of the law, but it does create an interesting split with the 6th Circuit, which was much less worried about the scope of the record-keeping laws.

I e-mailed the Justice Department for comment but didn't immediately hear back. J. Michael Murray of Berkman, Gordon, Murray & De Van, who argued for the Free Speech Coalition at the appeals court, didn't return my phone call.

(Reporting by Alison Frankel) Follow us on Twitter: @AlisonFrankel, @ReutersLegal

(Reporting By Alison Frankel)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on April 24, 2012, 05:10:04 PM
Perhaps already posted here. Still interesting. Esp. if you're into Ballard, which I'd almost assume most of you are. http://www.ballardian.com/the-fusion-of-science-and-pornography
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 24, 2012, 05:15:52 PM
Quote from: ARKHE on April 24, 2012, 05:10:04 PM
Perhaps already posted here. Still interesting. Esp. if you're into Ballard, which I'd almost assume most of you are. http://www.ballardian.com/the-fusion-of-science-and-pornography

Thanks for the post
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on April 24, 2012, 05:56:28 PM
From the guy behind the Whores Of Leith project, a selection of texts from a lady of Bangkok:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: SiClark on April 24, 2012, 06:18:54 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on April 24, 2012, 05:56:28 PM
From the guy behind the Whores Of Leith project, a selection of texts from a lady of Bangkok:

Didn't realise they had a blog, thanks for the link. I liked the Bangkok Fanny-Rat album, managed to find it on some random website for £3 which was nice. Have you heard their EP#1? Just wondering if it is more of the same or something different.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: D. Davis on April 24, 2012, 06:27:11 PM
Looking for any information, compiled art books, art re-prints for Namio Harukawa. Probably a shot in the dark...but I started my emails this morning and thought I would throw this on some forums as well. Seems nothing is for sale and of course no availability state-side. Maybe the Euro or Japanese market has some goods that I just can't seem to track down. The guy seems popular in the fem-dom circles. Anyway...anything?!

Here's some examples of his work. Mostly interested in his facesitting prints - so that's what I'm throwing out...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on April 25, 2012, 01:09:53 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on April 25, 2012, 01:04:18 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on April 24, 2012, 06:18:54 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on April 24, 2012, 05:56:28 PM
From the guy behind the Whores Of Leith project, a selection of texts from a lady of Bangkok:

Didn't realise they had a blog, thanks for the link. I liked the Bangkok Fanny-Rat album, managed to find it on some random website for £3 which was nice. Have you heard their EP#1? Just wondering if it is more of the same or something different.

I actually much prefer EP#1 - the accents on these Scottish prostitutes are so rough and fucked up that it's probably for the best you don't get a visual accompaniment. A shame it's sold out - if you have trouble getting it Simon I'll PM you a rip/post you a CDR copy.

Just a few years later in 2012 the area has changed so much that you'd be more likely to find Frappuccino Drinkers of Leith.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 02, 2012, 02:21:48 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 02, 2012, 03:12:46 PM
I hope it's with Max Hardcore
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on May 02, 2012, 06:04:37 PM
Didn't she do porn before she got pregnant? Or maybe she was just a stripper. Either way, this isn't much of a jump for the girl. Maybe the kids will have to sit in the same room while she gives a blowjob, we can only hope.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 02, 2012, 07:23:03 PM
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on May 02, 2012, 11:22:29 PM
Anyone know anything about this underground magazine from the 90's which detailed the Polly Klaas case? I am assuming it was in "private" circulation...

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: MT on May 03, 2012, 03:13:47 PM
Suomi näyttää kyntensä: http://www.savonsanomat.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/lehmiinsekaantuja-iski-kahdesti-nilsiassa/1191788
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Desperate on May 10, 2012, 05:10:53 AM
Quote from: D. Davis on April 24, 2012, 06:27:11 PM
Looking for any information, compiled art books, art re-prints for Namio Harukawa. Probably a shot in the dark...but I started my emails this morning and thought I would throw this on some forums as well. Seems nothing is for sale and of course no availability state-side. Maybe the Euro or Japanese market has some goods that I just can't seem to track down. The guy seems popular in the fem-dom circles. Anyway...anything?!

Here's some examples of his work. Mostly interested in his facesitting prints - so that's what I'm throwing out...

Judging from the facesitting prints, this reminds me of some artwork I saw while in Japan in 2006. I was with a few friends, in Tokyo (or possibly Osaka) if I recall, and one of them was looking for a Suehiro Maruo artbook. We had entered a Japanese "mall" which was basically a few floors of a building. The bookstore we went to didn't appear to be anything special, but along the top of the wall (above the top shelves) were pencil drawings in the same style as the ones you linked to above. The only difference is that these drawings showed very large ladies shitting into men's mouths. I thought it was kind of funny to see these pictures posted everywhere in the store, but no one seemed to care.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 22, 2012, 05:11:41 PM
Mexican prostitutes in the US

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on May 22, 2012, 06:47:01 PM
Masochist blues from the 1920s:

You've got to beat me to keep me, cause mama loves a hard boiled man
So don't you let no man cheat me, if he's got a good right hand.
Beat me up for breakfast, knock me down for tea,
Black my eye for supper, then you're pleasing me.
You've got to beat me to keep me, cause mama loves a hard boiled man.

Mama don't want no diamond rings and she don't want no swell clothes
Wail me daddy til it stings across my mouth and nose.
I don't want no hug and kiss, I don't want no love and smile,
Beat me with your hand or fist, Papa like I was your child.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 24, 2012, 10:09:48 AM
antiporn software http://www.covenanteyes.com/
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 06, 2012, 08:59:34 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 08, 2012, 11:20:35 PM
the decline of the porn industry

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 09, 2012, 06:39:51 PM
'Sexual depravity' of penguins that Antarctic scientist dared not reveal

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: D. Davis on June 11, 2012, 08:34:17 PM
Using your RapeFear Fantamask...?!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on June 11, 2012, 09:38:09 PM
Quote from: H.H*D.H on June 09, 2012, 06:39:51 PM
'Sexual depravity' of penguins that Antarctic scientist dared not reveal


This is kind of intriguing. From the scientist's journals:

Nov. 10, 1911: "This afternoon I saw a most extraordinary site [sic]. A Penguin was actually engaged in sodomy upon the body of a dead white throated bird of its own species. The act occurred a full minute, the position taken up by the cock differing in no respect from that of ordinary copulation, and the whole act was gone through down to the final depression of the cloaca."

Dec. 6 1911: "I saw another act of astonishing depravity today. A hen which had been in some way badly injured in the hindquarters was crawling painfully along on her belly. I was just wondering whether I ought to kill her or not, when a cock noticed her in passing, and went up to her. After a short inspection he deliberately raped her, she being quite unable to resist him."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 12, 2012, 10:01:10 PM
Vice: Donkey Sex: The Most Bizarre Tradition

'We went to investigate this obscure tradition and foolishly said, "we'll believe it when we see it."'

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on June 13, 2012, 10:03:00 AM
QuoteLevick blamed this "astonishing depravity" on "hooligan males" and wrote down his observations in Greek so that only an educated gentleman would understand the horrors he had witnessed. Back in Britain he produced a paper (in English), titled Natural History of the Adelie Penguin. However, the section about the animal's sexual proclivities was deemed to be so shocking it was removed to preserve decency. Levick then used this material as the basis for a separate short paper, Sexual Habits of the Adelie Penguin, which was privately circulated among a handful of experts.

Fuck off, strictly for chosen few! Hahaha.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 15, 2012, 09:55:47 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 18, 2012, 08:40:54 PM
bdsm in Israel

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on June 20, 2012, 08:18:54 PM
Messe Noire aka Blackmass (1928).


Ritualistic mix of softcore and close ups.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Die Klandestine Reaktion on June 22, 2012, 08:47:57 PM
Quote from: tisbor on April 12, 2010, 03:16:47 PM
QuoteI am getting a couple of videos of transexual dwarves.

how cute

how did this videos turn out ? you got them actually ?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 22, 2012, 09:55:25 PM
Quote from: online prowler on June 20, 2012, 08:18:54 PM
Messe Noire aka Blackmass (1928).


Ritualistic mix of softcore and close ups.

any torrent/mule of this?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 26, 2012, 11:10:12 AM
Fist fucking & the church - for Italian only unfortunately

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on June 28, 2012, 07:14:44 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 29, 2012, 03:19:51 PM
didn't know where to fit this

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on June 29, 2012, 07:51:46 PM
Israel stages Holocaust survivor beauty pagent.

Hahahaha. Didn't know where else to post this.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on July 01, 2012, 06:45:54 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 05, 2012, 06:40:32 PM
In a flash of a blitz, innocence lost.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 05, 2012, 08:39:14 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 05, 2012, 07:59:46 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HONOR_IS_KING! on July 05, 2012, 11:52:49 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on July 04, 2012, 04:10:58 AM
what are your favorite free sites?  one of mine:




Red Tube is pretty good.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 06, 2012, 01:17:44 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 05, 2012, 10:15:37 PM
Ok, I'll rephrase; where did you find this picture (i.e. context) and why you feel it's worthy of sharing beyond the strikingly obvious (tits and youth, so what?). Maybe I'm missing something but this is the first post I've seen from you that's unusually bland for once...

I don't want to spend my time explaining myself. I'm gonna say this short and in general. Understanding any media is a science in itself, and could be topic alone in SIF. How one position oneself and experience images and media in general is subjective, but also founded in issues relating to psychology, culture, politics, economy, history, plus- all as one context. Aside from being just a picture, an image is also an extension- a representation- of society and fields herein. On a daily basis one is surrounded by information. Text, visuals, sounds, smell, etc. The information we perceive has its own theme, function, agenda, forms, mechanics. If one reflects on own life, position and society opposed to what we are presented, one can begin to understand and consciously utilize any media as a tool of influence. Failing to do so and thinking any media as separate from ourselves and the world we exist in renders oneself as a part of the flock. Nothing in professional artistic activity- commercial or not- is random. As for this post, think of it as a grave and humoristic comment- with shift in viewpoint.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 10, 2012, 12:58:59 PM

naughty girls
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 11, 2012, 05:57:51 PM

German insurance firm organizes an orgy with prostitutes at a Hungarian spa.

And everyone always knocks the insurance trade.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Mikerdeath on July 12, 2012, 04:22:08 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 10, 2012, 12:58:59 PM

naughty girls

With the prevalence of cell phone use now among young girls and adult women alike, im quite sure this XXX text and phone photography is the norm and not an isolated incident.

"One text read: "Sophie, send me a topless picture, you know you want to, all I want is to see you naked."

Another case:

"accused of exchanging sexually-explicit text messages with the victim"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Nil By Mouth on July 12, 2012, 07:40:05 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 10, 2012, 12:58:59 PM

naughty girls

somethins similar here in Italy http://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2012/07/12/news/ricariche_in_cambio_di_spogliarelli_condanna_a_nove_anni-38944495/?ref=HREC1-7

Sorry it's only in italian but the article it's about a 35 years guy who was arrested and condemned for 9 years in jail. He asked to some underrage girls to get naked on videochats in return of cellphone recharge cards.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 23, 2012, 09:34:31 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on July 23, 2012, 10:26:48 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on July 23, 2012, 09:34:31 AM

The story first appeared in Vice a few months ago - http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/deep-inside-the-chain-pub-piss-dungeon
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 23, 2012, 10:42:38 AM

apparently they got him on video

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 24, 2012, 05:16:55 AM
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168513/Britney-Marshall-Meet-14-year-old-unlike-mother-sisters-refusing-breast-implants.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168513/Britney-Marshall-Meet-14-year-old-unlike-mother-sisters-refusing-breast-implants.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 24, 2012, 08:05:53 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on July 24, 2012, 05:16:55 AM
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168513/Britney-Marshall-Meet-14-year-old-unlike-mother-sisters-refusing-breast-implants.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168513/Britney-Marshall-Meet-14-year-old-unlike-mother-sisters-refusing-breast-implants.html)


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on July 24, 2012, 08:55:50 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on July 24, 2012, 09:06:20 PM
ah, she again :-)   should be on BMEzine. i like her.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 27, 2012, 02:48:09 PM
Pony, the moneky sex slave


I am not sure this is true, first because it is on Vice, second because it reminds me SO much of that fake history about a a dog allegedly starved to death in Argentina during an art exhibition -which was not true-
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 28, 2012, 02:42:21 AM
Make-up, shaved and pimply, wearing " rings and necklaces on her. She was absolutely hideous to look at.", plus "If a man walked near her, she would turn herself around, present herself, and start gyrating and going through the motions" reminds me of most of the 18-21 yr old girls you see in club in America these days.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on July 29, 2012, 06:27:22 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 30, 2012, 05:27:20 PM
Standing ovation.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 30, 2012, 07:11:48 PM
Is that the reddit thread about wanting to fuck his sister? If so that is incredibly epic and I hate using that word, but it truly is epic.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on July 30, 2012, 07:56:09 PM
No, it's about random/fucked up things that happened at work.

Here is another one, title 'Reddit's had a few threads about sexual assault victims, but are there any redditors from the other side of the story? What were your motivations? Do you regret it?'

Some fantasy book author actually refused to do an ama (ask me anything, a thread of questions to the op) due to that thread. Hah.

http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/x6yef/reddits_had_a_few_threads_about_sexual_assault/Reddit's had a few threads about sexual assault
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 05, 2012, 06:34:56 AM
Something light.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCfCt-5xer8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCfCt-5xer8)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 05, 2012, 06:51:11 AM
Quote from: H.H*D.H on July 30, 2012, 07:56:09 PM
No, it's about random/fucked up things that happened at work.

Here is another one, title 'Reddit's had a few threads about sexual assault victims, but are there any redditors from the other side of the story? What were your motivations? Do you regret it?'

Some fantasy book author actually refused to do an ama (ask me anything, a thread of questions to the op) due to that thread. Hah.

http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/x6yef/reddits_had_a_few_threads_about_sexual_assault/Reddit's had a few threads about sexual assault

How the fuck did I miss these? Been on reddit years.

r/spacedick and r/beatingwomen are still the best. What's the bestiality one with horses? Something with "clop", I always forget it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on August 08, 2012, 11:40:08 PM
Hotmail user name was "Cityfister" with the password "scat", and who was a registered user of a social networking website called NastyKinkyPigs.com - these are the people in charge of the country - http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/aug/08/boris-johnson-aide-extreme-pornography-cleared

I worked in the fucking hospital. And all the fucking old people shit in their pants all the time. Man they fucking turn me on, it's just I wanna suck their assholes. It's a good thing with fucking old peple in the hospital. They don't know anymore what's going on, nobody is believing them. You can do whatever you want with them. You can fucking suck their cocks, you can lick their asses. You can throw up all over them, they don't care. Piss in their fucking drinks and they have to drink it. Yes nobody believes them, they are fucking old people. - Watch Annette Schwartz self-pathologise at the very funny http://efukt.com/21007_The_Dumbest_Shit_Ever_Said_In_Porn.html
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on August 15, 2012, 04:30:54 PM
Doug Stanhope on internet child pornography

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: jesusfaggotchrist on August 16, 2012, 12:59:25 AM
I find lesbian erotica titillating, but am generally "love shy". Being part of the skeptics community but also being quite anti-feminist there is very little crossover. I generally prefer "cute" to "hot". Some people said this adds up to "sociopath", but I don't know
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on August 16, 2012, 11:20:47 AM
God forgot about me- http://blog.asiantown.net/-/13814/Webcam-Girl-Breaks-Down-During-Her-Live-Stream-Session-.aspx
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on September 06, 2012, 08:20:48 PM

I came across this for some reason. The gay military fetish is probably not that unusual but the comics are pure "outsider art".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on September 06, 2012, 09:58:18 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on August 16, 2012, 11:20:47 AM
God forgot about me- http://blog.asiantown.net/-/13814/Webcam-Girl-Breaks-Down-During-Her-Live-Stream-Session-.aspx

Ok, someone has to use the audio for a PE track!

I wonder how many men were masturbating while she was crying and ranting?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 07, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
Quote from: hsv on September 06, 2012, 08:20:48 PMI came across this for some reason.

Usually a good idea to have a towel handy. Er, so I'm told.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on September 07, 2012, 01:19:37 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on September 07, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
Quote from: hsv on September 06, 2012, 08:20:48 PMI came across this for some reason.

Usually a good idea to have a towel handy. Er, so I'm told.

Haha... badum-tschh...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ghoulson on September 30, 2012, 12:19:48 PM
Stumbled into these pornographic vinyls in Stockholm... €2 each. The "Belinda" tape is from another place and was more expensive - but contains some great music!
http://imgur.com/a/CdUU7 (http://imgur.com/a/CdUU7)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on October 01, 2012, 12:33:06 PM
Quote from: ghoulson on September 30, 2012, 12:19:48 PM
Stumbled into these pornographic vinyls in Stockholm... €2 each. The "Belinda" tape is from another place and was more expensive - but contains some great music!
http://imgur.com/a/CdUU7 (http://imgur.com/a/CdUU7)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 04, 2012, 10:09:24 AM
I cannot stop thinking about a compilation released by a Finnish Gentleman some years ago:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Black_Angkar on October 06, 2012, 04:24:57 AM
that is beautiful
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on October 14, 2012, 01:29:45 AM

At the bottom of the Predditor tumblr, there's a couple Creepshot-related links that still work (people posting photos of women on the street). Not a huge deal (I miss
upskirt shots) other than the uproar with Reddit deleting Creepshot/Creepsquad. Creepshot is an excellant term.


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on October 24, 2012, 10:30:45 PM


And real mom and daughter video from Japan (pretty old, I'm sure the guys who know their porn have already watched it). Google it for the full story, you have fingers. 2 links to the video just because 1 of them has been on and off:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on October 28, 2012, 12:32:20 PM
Erotic wooden statues och women in bondage found in the forest: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article15652394.ab
Supposedly a few erected dicks as well. Artist is unknown, and the statues have been removed.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on October 28, 2012, 10:16:58 PM
Fantastic! Hope they get auctioned out on Blocket
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 03, 2012, 10:12:48 PM
Interesting tumblr:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 07, 2012, 09:43:15 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on November 08, 2012, 04:57:38 AM
The charity uses role-play exercises to discuss with young people how they would react if they receive indecent images, and what porn makes them feel like. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20042508
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 08, 2012, 04:38:48 PM
Quote from: Brad on November 08, 2012, 01:56:53 AM
Porno print pants: http://www.lip-service.com/handlers/style.php?division=Lipservice&groupitem=WebGroup&groupvalue=Mens%20-%20Jeans&style=M63-328&index=22&sort=

wow! a blast from way back! i didn't know lip service still existed. I think it's been ten years since I bought something from them?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: avantgardening on November 13, 2012, 04:02:44 AM
can anyone tell me about the "mandatory" zine on posh isolation? it looks interesting, especially that it seems to hold a lot of different perspectives with the contributors listed. also, is anyone distributing it in the us?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Eloy on November 13, 2012, 02:20:19 PM
Quote from: avantgardening on November 13, 2012, 04:02:44 AM
can anyone tell me about the "mandatory" zine on posh isolation? it looks interesting, especially that it seems to hold a lot of different perspectives with the contributors listed. also, is anyone distributing it in the us?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Jaakko V. on November 21, 2012, 08:28:30 AM
Meanwhile in Gothenburg:

'I want my man dead or alive': Swedish woman accused of having sex in flat with SKELETONS after police find 100 body parts (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2235933/Swedish-woman-accused-having-sex-flat-SKELETONS-police-100-body-parts.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on November 21, 2012, 11:12:45 AM
Didn't see this before I posted in the true crime thread. Anyway, here's a few more photos if anyone's interested:

Some stuff not stated in the daily mail article: police entered her flat because shots had been fired from it, and apart from the skeletons found a large weapons collection of knives, mace, tasers and guns with blank ammo. She's believed to have bought the bodyparts online and there's no proof yet that she had done any grave robbing herself. A man in Uppsala is suspected of ordering parts from the woman. Most sources don't believe she actually had sex with the skeletons (how would that work anyway?), mostly used them for props for her fantasies.

Also I found it funny that what several papers highlight as the most serious charge is the fact that she "assembled an almost complete skeleton on her floor and then just left it there", haha
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on November 21, 2012, 11:55:55 AM
Quote from: hsv on November 21, 2012, 11:12:45 AM
Most sources don't believe she actually had sex with the skeletons (how would that work anyway?)

doesn't necessarily have to include intercourse
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 21, 2012, 10:06:44 PM
Sex And Race Play
On the edge of edgy sex, racial S&M excites some and reviles others.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 22, 2012, 02:36:11 PM
Quote from: Salamanauhat on November 21, 2012, 08:28:30 AM
Meanwhile in Gothenburg:

'I want my man dead or alive': Swedish woman accused of having sex in flat with SKELETONS after police find 100 body parts (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2235933/Swedish-woman-accused-having-sex-flat-SKELETONS-police-100-body-parts.html)

Plice releases pics to the public

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on November 25, 2012, 12:40:35 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 22, 2012, 02:36:11 PM
Quote from: Salamanauhat on November 21, 2012, 08:28:30 AM
Meanwhile in Gothenburg:

'I want my man dead or alive': Swedish woman accused of having sex in flat with SKELETONS after police find 100 body parts (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2235933/Swedish-woman-accused-having-sex-flat-SKELETONS-police-100-body-parts.html)

Plice releases pics to the public


You're gone from civilization for one week, and this happens. That first picture is beautiful. So who's releasing those cds?

As for having sex with the skeleton, it isn't that hard to comprehend how that would happen, is it?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on November 25, 2012, 03:53:26 AM
can i fill out the paperwork? i would'nt mind this happening to me when i'm dead
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: hsv on November 26, 2012, 12:46:40 PM
Quote from: ARKHE on November 25, 2012, 12:40:35 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 22, 2012, 02:36:11 PM
Quote from: Salamanauhat on November 21, 2012, 08:28:30 AM
Meanwhile in Gothenburg:

'I want my man dead or alive': Swedish woman accused of having sex in flat with SKELETONS after police find 100 body parts (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2235933/Swedish-woman-accused-having-sex-flat-SKELETONS-police-100-body-parts.html)

Plice releases pics to the public


You're gone from civilization for one week, and this happens. That first picture is beautiful. So who's releasing those cds?

As for having sex with the skeleton, it isn't that hard to comprehend how that would happen, is it?

Well the papers pointed out she didn't "have sex with the skeletons" as much as "used them in sexual activities" or something like that. Seems pretty obvious.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on November 27, 2012, 11:15:43 AM
One wonders how her genital hygiene was. A co-worker dug out the 300 pages long document with all accusations & proof against her (can't remember the English word for it), apparently she posted long blog posts about her fantasies/activities with the bones. Wonder what community she used, Darkside.se probably. I think it's beautiful.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Strömkarlen on November 27, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
Quote from: P-K on November 25, 2012, 03:53:26 AM
can i fill out the paperwork? i would'nt mind this happening to me when i'm dead

I use to have one of those I would like to donate my body to sex after my death donor cards. Don't know where it went. Ehh

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on November 28, 2012, 02:22:06 AM
Incest as art.

http://incezt.net/2012/11/26/an-erotic-family-album-mother-and-son/ (http://incezt.net/2012/11/26/an-erotic-family-album-mother-and-son/)

QuoteThe opening work of the exhibition doesn't pull any punch. Right at the entrance, there is Alma, a very L'origine du monde portrait of the mother laying on her bed, all porcelaine skin and spread legs. Alma is the name of the 3 year old girl who was given the photo to scribble over. Being so young, the child was deemed too innocent to read anything suggestive in the photo.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM

Germany bans bestiality
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: SiClark on November 28, 2012, 01:55:51 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM

Germany bans bestiality
"When I look at my dog I know immediately what it wants. Animals are much easier to understand than women," Amazing.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 28, 2012, 03:16:14 PM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 28, 2012, 01:55:51 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM

Germany bans bestiality
"When I look at my dog I know immediately what it wants. Animals are much easier to understand than women," Amazing.

When I look at my dog I know immediately it wants to be fed.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HONOR_IS_KING! on November 29, 2012, 02:36:35 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 28, 2012, 01:55:51 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM

Germany bans bestiality
"When I look at my dog I know immediately what it wants. Animals are much easier to understand than women," Amazing.

I was laughing about this on the train into work today. Too good.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 29, 2012, 03:07:49 PM

Parkinson pills turn dad to gay addict
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on November 29, 2012, 04:00:27 PM
interesting case.....on my work i saw people really lose it on high dosages of cortisone...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 29, 2012, 04:11:49 PM
Quote from: P-K on November 29, 2012, 04:00:27 PM
interesting case.....on my work i saw people really lose it on high dosages of cortisone...

Count me in.
I had several problems due to cortisone back in the 90s that led me to live the darkest page of my life. Nothing fancy as the unlucky gentleman mentioned in the article, but it is something I don't look forward to repeat.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 07, 2012, 01:02:05 PM
I've decided what my next computer will be.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz2Rp_TPs_4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz2Rp_TPs_4)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on December 09, 2012, 11:13:28 PM
Riccardo Schicchi RIP
He discovered and managed all the best Italian red light heroes. (Cicciolina, Moana Pozzi, Rocco Siffredi, ecc.).
The man who mad pornography big in Italy and also run a party.
He led Rome red light life and got arrested several times for human trafficiking and pimping, but from people  I know who worked with him he was sincerely enthusiastic.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 24, 2012, 11:31:44 PM
I'm going to be helping a friend do 2 vids for Kink Academy ( http://www.kinkacademy.com ) this week. Both are on sounding, 1 female urethral sounding video and 1 male video. I'm not a huge fan of the site, it seems like some of it is Suburban Housewife styled "bondage" but there are a few good things there. It should be fun to record at least. I've had her sound me once before to try it and I didn't like it. It just burned and I ended up pissing bubbles for 2 days after.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on December 25, 2012, 12:14:08 AM
Who'd think that sounding would burn? Keep doing it & that'll probably go away. Stretch the hell out of it so you can jam a butterknife up there. Or, at least, some gummy worms.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on December 25, 2012, 05:31:45 AM
Not really sexual material, but tumbled to this somewhat grotesque video of home birthing:
Fuck, I never want to see any kind of childbirth ever again. Things starting at 5:16 are especially memorable. Welcome to the world of shit. Fuckin hippies.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: jesusfaggotchrist on December 25, 2012, 05:43:15 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 28, 2012, 01:55:51 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 28, 2012, 11:16:38 AM

Germany bans bestiality
"When I look at my dog I know immediately what it wants. Animals are much easier to understand than women," Amazing.

Don't act as if it isn't true...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on January 08, 2013, 07:12:35 AM
Saw this browsing reddit and thought it was cool. Queer S&M dungeon found by a property flipper [album]:


...I swear I have seen that place, mirror and all, in a fisting video from the 80's. I wanna say "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" but not sure, started out with a bullet train in the beginning credits.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: H.H*D.H on January 11, 2013, 12:31:21 AM
don't know if people have read this but I had quite enjoyable time with this blog: http://blowflygirl.blogspot.fi/2009/08/here-is-my-maggot-story.html
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on January 12, 2013, 08:55:29 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEZ91XlGzMk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEZ91XlGzMk)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 15, 2013, 01:32:59 AM
Surprisingly interesting documentary about two men who changed themselves into woman and back to man again. After the slow start they talk intimately about their lives and relationships. The other one was married eleven years to a man who had no idea about the sex-change. When the man found out he was close to killing "her". Bizarrely interesting. Only for Finnish and Swedish speakers.


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 15, 2013, 01:16:50 PM
sounds fake but made me laugh

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: NN on January 18, 2013, 12:42:21 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 13, 2009, 09:55:35 PM
Lets modify the name of topic a bit, since many posts are also dealing with not really pornographic, but just matters related to sexuality of some sort..

All my time on noisefanatics.com power electronics moderator, there was about 800 posts and close to 50000 views in similar topic in little more than 2 years, being EASILY the most popular topic.

Art of pornography
vintage pornography
modern day pornography
gutter level filth
zero artistic level junk
pornography that connects with experimental music

Books, mags, videos, loops, advice, experience,..
drawings, paintings, photography,.....
.....whatever that is subject of interest.


And now when it seems like thread has taken new directions too, news/articles and other topic related to sexuality.

NO links to illegal content.
NO repeated photographic posting of XXX content. This is discussion forum, not photo forum. Sometimes, if necessary, accompanied art may be included. Links to sites without pop-up/virus/spyware hazards + non-pay sites is fine, when you add comments.

Thank you for reminding me, Mr. Aspa.
I am fascinated by ROUGHIES and even better, SICKIES.
In the US, in '74, they passed a law concerning what DEGREE ov (simulated) violence could be legally combined with real sexual activity.
ROUGHIES are the rough porns, shot predominantly in NYC ("Punk Rock") and San Francisco where California porn originally manifested because southern california at that time was republican, right wing and intolerant ov porn media.
SICKIES are like ROUGHIES but involving satanists and/or satanic themes.
These two genres are integral with SCUM ROCK, you know, art made by people who are dying or dirty or insane or repulsive or drugged or a total fucking mess. SICKIES are an amazing reversal ov the typical mechanics ov the actor's role in cinema; in SICKIES the "actor" IS on drugs and IS evil. And the chicks are hot with nice bushes on them pussies. Plus you can throw 'em 'round when you're done and that feels NATURAL.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 18, 2013, 10:02:41 AM
very interesting start
please references, titles and suggestion for sources.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 18, 2013, 05:20:16 PM
china knows better
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: NN on January 18, 2013, 06:30:18 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 18, 2013, 10:02:41 AM
very interesting start
please references, titles and suggestion for sources.




I'm pretty sure both companies, SOMETHING WEIRD and ALPHA BLUE ARCHIVES are based in the California Bay Area ov the United States and they have all the shit from there...not too sure if these genres existed elsewhere.
I just bought all the satanic sickies compilation from ALPHA BLUE. ALPHA BLUE is the nastier more porn-oriented company, Mikko you should have a look at their offerings for your collection, and everyone else too.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2013, 10:21:10 PM
Anyone heard or seen the films from Stolen Car Films?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on January 21, 2013, 02:02:53 AM
Beastiality and scat isn't that hard to come by
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 21, 2013, 11:27:58 AM
yeah, it isn't. Scat vides are legal in many countries. I don't think there's many countries in western europe where you couldn't buy scat simply by walking in porn shop? I'm currently selling old collection of scat VHS tapes on fleemarket. Had some good discussions with old perverts.

I know Alpha Blue of course. I used to do trading with one of employees and got shitloads of their DVD's. Not all stuff is top quality, and some things I have much better as super-8 film loops than what they used for transfers put out as dvd. But these are of course good purchases if one likes the type of films.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 21, 2013, 11:36:14 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2013, 10:21:10 PM
Anyone heard or seen the films from Stolen Car Films?


That is quite funny, thinking, that you walk in just about ANY porn shop in manhattan, and you got scat videos available. And in many places beastiality. In store, you see wall of beastiality items, walk out, and you got police officer standing right in next corner minding his own business (traffic).
These are not some dirty caves, but regular public stores. Visited one place few times that was selling lots of kid nudist dvd's. European imports for high prices, which are not "porn" by any means, but when sold IN porn shop, certainly change their spirit, hah... Couple years later went to that same place and those shelves were emptied and staff said they don't touch that stuff anymore. I guess some limits are there, but scat and beasts... would seem absurd to hunt and prosecute one mailorder guy, if there is pretty much public industry operating.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: NN on January 21, 2013, 08:01:08 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 21, 2013, 11:36:14 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2013, 10:21:10 PM
Anyone heard or seen the films from Stolen Car Films?


That is quite funny, thinking, that you walk in just about ANY porn shop in manhattan, and you got scat videos available. And in many places beastiality. In store, you see wall of beastiality items, walk out, and you got police officer standing right in next corner minding his own business (traffic).
These are not some dirty caves, but regular public stores. Visited one place few times that was selling lots of kid nudist dvd's. European imports for high prices, which are not "porn" by any means, but when sold IN porn shop, certainly change their spirit, hah... Couple years later went to that same place and those shelves were emptied and staff said they don't touch that stuff anymore. I guess some limits are there, but scat and beasts... would seem absurd to hunt and prosecute one mailorder guy, if there is pretty much public industry operating.

you accurately describe the psychotically contradictory nature ov the American moral landscape in relation to pornography. Absurd as it is to "prosecute one mailorder guy" that is PRECISELY WHAT THE VICE SQUADS AND FBI STING OPERATIONS MUST DO. Those at the very top, who give the cops their orders, are either directly involved with, or affiliated with, practitioners ov satanic sexual abuse who kill and fuck abducted children in their rituals. watch THE DISNEY CHANNEL for a few hours and you will see nothing but prepubescent up to pubescent girls dressed like miniature whores, carrying on like little ladies to serve the ersatz laugh track.
Because there is permanent need for youngsters to feed the beast, the small guy, who trafficks in such materials but probably never acted out his fantasies, must be made to pay to maintain the appearance ov legal consequence.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 08:30:19 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 21, 2013, 11:36:14 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 20, 2013, 10:21:10 PM
Anyone heard or seen the films from Stolen Car Films?


That is quite funny, thinking, that you walk in just about ANY porn shop in manhattan, and you got scat videos available. And in many places beastiality. In store, you see wall of beastiality items, walk out, and you got police officer standing right in next corner minding his own business (traffic).
These are not some dirty caves, but regular public stores. Visited one place few times that was selling lots of kid nudist dvd's. European imports for high prices, which are not "porn" by any means, but when sold IN porn shop, certainly change their spirit, hah... Couple years later went to that same place and those shelves were emptied and staff said they don't touch that stuff anymore. I guess some limits are there, but scat and beasts... would seem absurd to hunt and prosecute one mailorder guy, if there is pretty much public industry operating.

I like that the Stolen Car Films guy claims to be a "shock artist".  Looks like it was a complicated case:

(from wikipedia)

In 2008 Isaacs was brought to trial in Los Angeles, California on federal obscenity charges for videos featuring scatology and bestiality. At issue were three obscene films sold between May 2004 and October 2006: Gang Bang Horse "Pony Sex Game," Mako's First Time Scat, Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7, and BAE 20 (also titled Avantgarde Extreme).[5] The prosecution alleged that the films are obscene, and have no artistic merit. Isaacs claimed the films have both artistic and political value.

The USDOJ Obscenity Prosecution Task Force initiated prosecution on this case.[6][7] The Bush administration formed the task force to investigate pornography at the urging of social conservative groups.[8] Jury selection began Monday, June 9, 2008.[9] On June 11, it was discovered that the judge presiding over the case, Alex Kozinski, had posted controversial material to his own website,[10] prompting the suspension of the case.[11] Kozinski declared a mistrial on June 13.[12]

[edit] Double jeopardy motion

The Department of Justice filed to retry Isaacs on the same charges which prompted Isaacs to file a motion on double jeopardy. Isaac's motion was heard on September 8, 2008. Isaacs lost that hearing in the lower court and appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. On December 22, 2009 the 9th Circuit decided against the artist's bid for his double jeopardy motion. On June 28, 2010 the Supreme Court of the United States denied hearing Isaacs' double jeopardy motion.

[edit] Further charges, retrial and conviction

Isaacs' second trial was initially set to be heard beginning May 17, 2011 but was delayed when prosecutors added further charges.[13] The new indictment included three more charges relating to the sale and shipment of Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7, as well as charges regarding four new videos, Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 38, Trailers, Japanese Doggie 3 Way, and Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 10.[14] In June Isaacs' attorneys filed a motion to strike evidence suggesting Isaacs' provided controlled substances to the actresses in his films to compel them to perform.[15] The case was presented to a jury in March 2012.[2] A mistrial was declared on March 6, 2012 after jurors deadlocked on the charges. According to Isaacs, jurors voted 10-2 against him.[16] The third trial in April 2012 resulted in convictions on all five federal counts of selling and distributing obscene material.[2] Isaacs was sentenced to four years in prison in January 2013.[17]"

I vaguely recognize the HOLLYWOOD SCAT AMATEURS title.

In the US, each state/city has their own obscenity laws so what's sold in NYC, isn't legal in New Jersey & some cities have no porn shops. There's a law here that basically says that no business can sell sexually oriented material within so many feet of a school/church/etc.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 08:33:08 PM
Here's an article with some details on the videos & comments from the "Shock Artist":


I originally came across the case on www.reason.com
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: NN on January 21, 2013, 09:25:55 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 08:33:08 PM
Here's an article with some details on the videos & comments from the "Shock Artist":


I originally came across the case on www.reason.com

Very very interesting, gents..
I would say this thread is getting to the very CENTER ov the nature ov transgressiv art, and that always-existing relationship between entartete-kunst/industrial culture and the evolution ov the cpersecution ov erotic artists.

The nature ov what is considered obscene and what is PERSECUTABLE AS OBSCENE is changing in an observable way, the study ov which I could liken to the meteorology ov the psychosexual side ov the mass unconscious.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 21, 2013, 09:49:14 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 08:30:19 PM
Mako's First Time Scat, Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7, and BAE 20 (also titled Avantgarde Extreme).[5] The prosecution

Bunch of Avantgarde Extreme VHS tapes is exactly what I have at the fleemarket. Besides the usual SG video brutality. They have not sold, but as far as I know, nobody complained.

Avantgarde Extreme and other KitKat / Subway stuff was expensive, but very very easy to get. Avantgarde Extreme #5 is probably still my favorite.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 09:58:45 PM
I knew I recognized the Avantgarde title. KitKat was GGG, right? Not sure I saw any of those. Wonder what Betty from GGG is doing these days? I still have that dvd.

This place has all the AG, SG, etc. scat dvds for cheap: http://www.scatdvd.com/store/scatlover/

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: NN on January 21, 2013, 10:24:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 09:58:45 PM
I knew I recognized the Avantgarde title. KitKat was GGG, right? Not sure I saw any of those. Wonder what Betty from GGG is doing these days? I still have that dvd.

This place has all the AG, SG, etc. scat dvds for cheap: http://www.scatdvd.com/store/scatlover/

You guys into CHOC?
Amsterdam, right?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 21, 2013, 10:47:24 PM
I remember some of the Choc videos but nothing specific. Seems like they were kind of dull? I can picture their logo & I know they did animal films.

I'm guessing there are private d/l torrent forums for porn, right? Like Cinemageddon, where you have to be invited. Seemslike there would be a lot of people putting private footage up for people to d/l or sale cheap. Anyone have links?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on January 22, 2013, 07:37:56 AM
I have never seen good CHOC video, but magazines were ok. Their videos are like the trad exploitation. You know they're going to suck, but title and cover is promising.... aarrg!! shit again! haha... There is some charm in that too.
Level of both scat and beast stuff went drastically higher quality over the time.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on January 23, 2013, 09:45:16 PM
Polissons et galipettes

Collection of libertine silent movies from 1905 - 1930.


EXCERPT// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPm9lbryJcI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPm9lbryJcI)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: NN on January 25, 2013, 06:00:16 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 22, 2013, 07:37:56 AM
I have never seen good CHOC video, but magazines were ok. Their videos are like the trad exploitation. You know they're going to suck, but title and cover is promising.... aarrg!! shit again! haha... There is some charm in that too.
Level of both scat and beast stuff went drastically higher quality over the time.

I see.
I remember their airbrush-style heavy metal logo and titles involving eels and elderly people.
I hav always collected porn that i find nauseating but the gerontophiliac stuff...
I didnt buy it.
Despite my attempts to endure i do not have the iron stomach ov Mikko.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 30, 2013, 09:48:07 AM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 30, 2013, 05:51:41 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 30, 2013, 09:48:07 AM

I can fap to this.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 30, 2013, 05:58:30 PM
This made me faggot. http://fuckyeahcharliesomikchan.tumblr.com
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Mikerdeath on February 03, 2013, 03:45:02 AM
Apple should jump on this shit before it's too late for them: http://video.xnxx.com/video4381/cellphone_in_pussy (http://video.xnxx.com/video4381/cellphone_in_pussy)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 03, 2013, 09:48:08 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nowirehangers on February 06, 2013, 02:02:39 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 03, 2013, 09:48:08 PM

I have been following this guy for a while.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on February 06, 2013, 02:14:31 AM
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 30, 2013, 05:58:30 PM
This made me faggot. http://fuckyeahcharliesomikchan.tumblr.com

it took me like 6 pages to get what was going on
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: locustfurnace on February 06, 2013, 03:58:33 PM
Quote from: Human Larvae on February 06, 2013, 02:14:31 AM
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 30, 2013, 05:58:30 PM
This made me faggot. http://fuckyeahcharliesomikchan.tumblr.com

it took me like 6 pages to get what was going on

Ha ha, you're not the only one... :)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on February 09, 2013, 04:44:01 AM
QuoteThis made me faggot. http://fuckyeahcharliesomikchan.tumblr.com

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Jordan on February 09, 2013, 10:17:36 AM
Quote from: locustfurnace on February 06, 2013, 03:58:33 PM
Quote from: Human Larvae on February 06, 2013, 02:14:31 AM
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 30, 2013, 05:58:30 PM
This made me faggot. http://fuckyeahcharliesomikchan.tumblr.com

it took me like 6 pages to get what was going on

Ha ha, you're not the only one... :)

I figured right way, but maybe I wouldn't of if I wasn't thinking about the comment that the link was posted with at the time.

At least The RITA's link won't sneakily make you gay, it's right up front, and that's a quality I like.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on February 11, 2013, 01:53:43 AM
been really enjoying the nylon oriented DVDs from this filmmaker lately:


great that you can also buy them from deepdiscount, etc.
his attention to detail, etc. is unfathomable.  long, long proper takes on the nylon, nylon covered feet, etc.  
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on February 22, 2013, 03:53:30 AM
Fetish Nostalgia

Vintage Magazines and Comic Art E-Books.

http://www.30sg.com/ (http://www.30sg.com/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on February 23, 2013, 09:21:25 PM

that looks barely legal
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 24, 2013, 03:53:19 AM
I was looking at the tumblr from the last page with video of choke-sex. Posted the link before getting an eyefull of the rest of it. Maybe remove the link in the quote would be a good idea.....
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on February 24, 2013, 05:19:37 AM
Haha, it's that 'dare I click that' moment. (I didn't cos I'm too jaded anyway). Tumblr have hosted some utterly outrageous material over the last few years and done a very poor job on moderating things - which accounts for their huge success of course.

A good resource on an amusing US sex scandal: http://www.kennebunkjohns.org/index.php - so many CEOs and government people have been named in the small proportion of the Zumba Whore's punters outed so far - one imagines the tapes of George W plus dog are out there somewhere.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 25, 2013, 03:46:42 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 26, 2013, 09:42:19 PM
I am speechless

"I've been physically, mentally and sexually abused throughout my short life. The sexual abuse I suffered doesn't bother me too much, it hasn't had a negative affect on how I turned out I don't think. All the physical and mental abuse is what really brought me down. At 16 I started hating myself which lead to cutting myself and became an addict. There wouldn't be a day that went by that I didn't tear into my flesh. This went on for about a year and slowed down to only every once in a while. I still like to do it when I'm really depressed. I don't cut for the pain, I cut for the blood. In my mind, the more I bleed, the more my pain goes away. I would break apart cheap razors because the blades were so thin and sharp, I eventually stepped up to surgical scalpels which is what I still use today. I've never done any sort of drug or anything thankfully.


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on February 27, 2013, 12:01:39 AM
- fun! I think he should write his early childhood memoirs. I'd prowl that. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 28, 2013, 12:02:51 PM
QuoteI don't cut for the pain, I cut for the blood.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on February 28, 2013, 02:19:48 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on February 26, 2013, 11:10:42 PM
Blimey. He should just go into porn if he's looking for a job, he obviously seems qualified for it...

not without the stamina
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Eloy on March 08, 2013, 03:09:37 AM
Report on eliminating gender stereotypes in the EU

Quote17. Calls on the EU and its Member States to take concrete action on its resolution of 16 September 1997 on discrimination against women in advertising, which called for a ban on all forms of pornography in the media and on the advertising of sex tourism(10)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Mikerdeath on March 08, 2013, 04:27:53 AM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on February 24, 2013, 05:19:37 AM
Haha, it's that 'dare I click that' moment. (I didn't cos I'm too jaded anyway). Tumblr have hosted some utterly outrageous material over the last few years and done a very poor job on moderating things - which accounts for their huge success of course.

Im interested to see how this plays out in the comming years, Im trying to find a tumblr page I followed that was hosted by a porn star and I can't find it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 10, 2013, 08:01:25 PM
duckling to swan
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Mikerdeath on March 10, 2013, 09:35:48 PM
Found this only because I bookmarked it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 10, 2013, 11:43:17 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on March 10, 2013, 08:01:25 PM
duckling to swan

Lighting has so much to do with it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Eloy on March 14, 2013, 09:30:22 PM
QuoteGlobal Internet Porn Habits

The below interactive infographic shows the top 10 most commonly searched terms on porn sites over a 6 month period.
You can check out every state in the U.S. and then see what other countries around the world are searching for.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on March 14, 2013, 10:37:57 PM
Quote from: Eloy on March 14, 2013, 09:30:22 PM
QuoteGlobal Internet Porn Habits

The below interactive infographic shows the top 10 most commonly searched terms on porn sites over a 6 month period.
You can check out every state in the U.S. and then see what other countries around the world are searching for.


He!He! Laughed myself into 45 degrees. Thanx for the share. Brilliant!

Kenya top 10:
aria giovanni
monster cock (gay)
black babe
indian tits
old man
white anal
african anal
fake vagina (gay)
bbw black

Norway top 10:
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 15, 2013, 09:16:40 AM
panda porn

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on March 16, 2013, 04:57:10 AM
This is the perfect deal for bitewerks:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nowirehangers on March 23, 2013, 06:47:50 PM

"Niggas Revenge"

"Three neo-nazi skinheads try to intimidate their black neighbors out of the 'hood, only to find themselves sex slaves to these big-dicked studs. The video boasts a cast of 7 hot men who play rough and don't hold back. The black studs beat, fuck, piss on, cum in, and kick these skinheads' asses. The neo-nazi punks are totally dominated by horse-cocked black studs who act out their own Niggas' Revenge."

Certainly has some sample potential
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 23, 2013, 08:40:05 PM
Who would need issues of Playboy so badly that they would trade away guns for them?!?

I saw some horrific images on tumblr of a guy getting his asshole fucked while it was hanging a good 3-4 inches out of his body. The tumblr was just jam-packed with truly repulsive fag porn but I do not remember the name of it.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 25, 2013, 07:09:25 PM
there is video of it too...
Came across it on some regular xxx tube site, and from preview images you didn't see it was mans ass... but one should guess it. There are maybe only few such acrobats performed by women. I guess Dirty Garden Girl does similar stuff. Anal boxing, prolapse fucking, etc, hah.  "Extreme porn" is nowadays on such level, it's hard to think what next.

That's also one reason why many of the extreme stuff is hardly that interesting anymore. If their only quality was taking it that far, and someone took it further... what then?

I think couple of my recent curiosity finds are couple old magazines where levels of oddity goes on such level it's just "what the hell?!" type of thing.
Photo-magazine with serie of photo starting from woman going into monastery to have sex with nuns, then progressing into trip to some mansion where she is surrounded by dolls and fucked by man, while nazi officer is watching their actions. And progressing to fucking session on field, where those same dolls stand in circle around the act. Very weird stuff from 70's.

And another was story from TOY magazine. Very very detailed story of leather & rubber clad sex commandos who operate battleship with huge tank consisting just human excrements. Story would merely depict the details of what sorts of gas-masks they cum into, and what kind of tubes connected to shit-tank forces the enemy slaves to inhale stench of shit and piss, etc etc. With broken english, yet pathologically obsessive text, it was something very much suitable for noise tape cover!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 25, 2013, 07:47:46 PM
Those magazines sound great!

Will look up Dirty Garden Girl...

The prolapse thing is just gross; it would be interesting to read what they have to go through later in life. Does their asshole fall out every time they sneeze or cough? Does it make for easier cleaning- just force it out in the shower & let the water clean it all off, do they roll it up like a waterhose? Does it fall out into the toilet when taking a dump?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: evil_scientist on March 27, 2013, 10:47:41 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 25, 2013, 07:09:25 PM
I think couple of my recent curiosity finds are couple old magazines where levels of oddity goes on such level it's just "what the hell?!" type of thing.
Photo-magazine with serie of photo starting from woman going into monastery to have sex with nuns, then progressing into trip to some mansion where she is surrounded by dolls and fucked by man, while nazi officer is watching their actions. And progressing to fucking session on field, where those same dolls stand in circle around the act. Very weird stuff from 70's.
That's the kind of weirdness I'm into when it comes to porn. Almost "normal" when you consider just the fucking and the sex, but the circumstances, the costumes, etc just put it into a whole different context. I like absurdity, surreal stuff.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nihbraxalizt on March 29, 2013, 01:40:01 PM
Does anyone know the name of this dreadlocked mistress?

Really like the video. Pretty rough and straight to the point.

I always feel like there's a lack of femdom-appreciation in PE/noise. Most BDSM-themed releases or songs I know picture women in the submissive role.
Clinic Of Torture's 'Perversion Bizar' and parts of Skin Crime's 'Whorebutcher' (both sample a pretty awful German femdom-porn), Dog Holocaust and some of Bizarre Uproar's stuff are a few exceptions that come to my mind, but other than that?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: martialgodmask on April 01, 2013, 11:30:38 PM
Article: The day my 11-year-old son found violent porn on the web (http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/the-day-my-11yearold-sonfound-violent-porn-on-the-web-8555595.html?fb_action_ids=10151418485999580%2C10152730571595249&fb_action_types=news.reads&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210151418485999580%22%3A148709481965325%2C%2210152730571595249%22%3A593741580637596%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151418485999580%22%3A%22news.reads%22%2C%2210152730571595249%22%3A%22news.reads%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D)

Interesting article and for once, some interesting comments. Thankfully conservative knee-jerking has been kept to a minimum.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: evil_scientist on April 02, 2013, 10:01:21 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on April 02, 2013, 01:41:10 AM
Comedy and porn are the two common denominators of the internet.

I think my first encounter with "unusual" pornography online (if not pornography alone?) was through a frat comedy website that existed in the early 00's called fugly.com - we'd just got a home internet connection and had been told about this website by a relative who recommended some fail-type videos on there. First few times I looked on the site with one of my parents, but on this occasion I browsed the site with a school friend who started clicking on some of the XXX links - within minutes we'd viewed bestiality, vomit porn and a guy shoving objects down his dick. Quite a learning experience at, hmm, 13-14 years old? My friend was definitely exploring more experimental sides of his sexuality at the time whereas I was still blissfully unaware of the concept - as a result I usually got dragged along with a bunch of his experiments unwillingly... so yeah, I really don't think viewing this stuff early on helps in the long run and I can definitely understand where the author of that article is coming from.

Yes, a 00's site along those lines was most probably my first introduction to the "funny" side of porn - it's the equivalent of a fashinable meme-site spreading girls with beer bottles in their vagina inbetween two lolcat pictures or anything. The 2010's social media lacks insertion photos, but there are still tons of sex- rape- filth-based jokes (most of them are).

Quote from: theotherjohn on April 02, 2013, 01:41:10 AM
Maybe the true benefit of pornography (and especially now internet porn) is that it's easier for people to figure out (at a sometimes too early age?) what they're really into, but the danger is that porn can EASILY become a substitute for the real thing. And also, some sexual fantasies should definitely remain as mere fantasies rather than be recreated. In some respects I'm lucky that the internet existed around the same time I began to discover myself to help me understand that others shared my ultimate f'd up kinks -- however -- I would be a better more rounded person had I taken the harder, linear path to reach that eventual stage through more early physical experiences in the real world. Internet porn is a mixed blessing.
Agreed. If one is unaware of the existence of, say, S&M or anything, but is naturally inclined... would s/he eventually arrive to trying out such things? Probably, that's  the harder, linear (linear? Don't think so) path you mention. So internet (and also some books, mags... but those are rare these days, it seems) is a huge catalyst.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on April 05, 2013, 09:55:02 AM

pure exploitation

my area is full of doggers. one of the hottest spot is the parking place of a swimming pool.
as kids we used to go there  riding bycicles and ringing bells, screaming and shouting and you could see all the geezers running around while closing their trousers.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 05, 2013, 10:06:02 AM
http://www.capitalbay.com/uk/326199-cyclist-peter-sagan-sparks-sexism-row-but-his-fans-pinch-the-idea-for-new-internet-craze.html (http://www.capitalbay.com/uk/326199-cyclist-peter-sagan-sparks-sexism-row-but-his-fans-pinch-the-idea-for-new-internet-craze.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 11, 2013, 07:22:51 PM
The sex workers giving disabled people a chance to live out their dreams

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/10/sex-workers-disabled-people (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/10/sex-workers-disabled-people)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 11, 2013, 08:03:54 PM
Harry Reems:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 12, 2013, 02:05:10 PM
Apologies if this has been previously posted.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb6wo_XTuw0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb6wo_XTuw0)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on April 12, 2013, 02:48:27 PM
Hippie porn

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Jaakko V. on May 01, 2013, 12:34:00 PM
Music for Wanking: Brian Eno Discusses His Porno Collection with Chrissie Hynde, 1974 (http://dangerousminds.net/comments/music_for_wanking_brian_eno_discusses_his_porno_collection)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on May 01, 2013, 01:36:20 PM
Laboratories of experimental porn and radical erotism.


http://www.vlfvideo.blogspot.no/?zx=4e36dfacdfabd106 (http://www.vlfvideo.blogspot.no/?zx=4e36dfacdfabd106)
http://vlfvideo.tumblr.com/ (http://vlfvideo.tumblr.com/)
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MMalattia (http://www.youtube.com/user/MMalattia)

This one actually have a link to noise. Noise/industrial soundtracks, selections from vlf can also be found in some noise distros.  
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: vomitgore on May 01, 2013, 05:01:34 PM
Yeah, VLF just did a collaboration with RxAxPxE named "Adoration of Decline".

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFm36DO6NCo&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFm36DO6NCo&feature=player_embedded)

I skipped through it the other day, looks pretty neat. Haven't had time to really watch it yet, though. I also have this zine type thing he did, it's basically a cardboard envelope with some professionally developed HC photographs. Not much in quantity but definitely satisfying in quality.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on May 01, 2013, 05:45:56 PM
Quote from: vomitgore on May 01, 2013, 05:01:34 PM
Yeah, VLF just did a collaboration with RxAxPxE named "Adoration of Decline".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFm36DO6NCo&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFm36DO6NCo&feature=player_embedded)
I skipped through it the other day, looks pretty neat. Haven't had time to really watch it yet, though. I also have this zine type thing he did, it's basically a cardboard envelope with some professionally developed HC photographs. Not much in quantity but definitely satisfying in quality.

Thanx for the link. Will check it out. Personally I think 'porn' as vlf transgresses the genre. It crosses into a landscape of sexuality, surreal film history, documentation, fetishizing and art. This is a subjective view from my side. Watching some of the films as much of other stuff related, I find myself most of the time not being prone to voyeurism and fetishizing, but more curious and analytical about the content that is being presented. I imagine doing ones own flick would be the ultimate. Talking of that the cam site cam4 comes to mind. Interesting place for basic need of $, confirmation and self-expression. http://www.cam4.com/ (http://www.cam4.com/)

The guy behind VLF also develop visual works within the frame of photography, sculpture and collage. Often mixed together. Check out his tumblr below:

http://bolesniephotomancy.tumblr.com/ (http://bolesniephotomancy.tumblr.com/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: vomitgore on May 01, 2013, 08:45:46 PM
Quote from: online prowler on May 01, 2013, 05:45:56 PM
Quote from: vomitgore on May 01, 2013, 05:01:34 PM
Yeah, VLF just did a collaboration with RxAxPxE named "Adoration of Decline".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFm36DO6NCo&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFm36DO6NCo&feature=player_embedded)
I skipped through it the other day, looks pretty neat. Haven't had time to really watch it yet, though. I also have this zine type thing he did, it's basically a cardboard envelope with some professionally developed HC photographs. Not much in quantity but definitely satisfying in quality.

Thanx for the link. Will check it out. Personally I think 'porn' as vlf transgresses the genre. It crosses into a landscape of sexuality, surreal film history, documentation, fetishizing and art. This is a subjective view from my side. Watching some of the films as much of other stuff related, I find myself most of the time not being voyeuristic and fetishizing, but more curious and analytical about the content that is being presented. I imagine doing ones own flick would be the ultimate. Talking of that the cam site cam4 comes to mind. Interesting place for basic need of $, confirmation and self-expression. http://www.cam4.com/ (http://www.cam4.com/)

The guy behind VLF also develop visual works within the frame of photography, sculpture and collage. Often mixed together. Check out his tumblr below:

http://bolesniephotomancy.tumblr.com/ (http://bolesniephotomancy.tumblr.com/)

I agree with you, this type of material certainly isn't solely 'porn', it also works under a variety of other aspects. Another great example of the usage of porn in transgressive art would be Marian Dora's two films "Melancholie der Engel" (Angel's Melancholy) and "Debris Documentar", which are also quite surrealistic and nihilistic in their approach, so one would maybe think of them as typical "art" cinema. The fact that they both feature unstaged acts of fetishistic sex, scat, golden showers, sexual violence and humiliation etc make them interesting for fans of transgressive pornographic stuff. It is said that many scenes had to be cut from Angel's Melancholy because the main actor feared governmental prosecution. I wonder what the original version was like. The two also work as films though, so no real comparison to Malattia. Somehow many try to mix pretty average porn with surrealist imagery (oftentimes pretty "Black Metal"-esque) but it seems that no one really puts a lot of effort into mastering the craft. I recall various tries at it but no real names, so nothing stuck in my memory, ha! Lucifer Valentine stands out of course, but there's no real sense in discussing him, because I guess everybody is already familiar with his works.

Regarding aestheticism in porn: watched GSKD-001 the other day, a beautifully shot piece of JAV. I usually appreciate the scat/vomit JAV stuff (also for the artistic value). I tend to discard the BDSM since I lost faith in japanese BDSM after seeing so much lame and boring stuff, but GSKD-001 is really something. It's skillfully edited and beautifully shot and has some really interesting scenes of (real) sowing of eye-lids and arm flesh, nailing the tongue of an actress to a wooden board etc. Some of the imagery and costumes seem a bit "gothic", which is a bit annoying for my taste, but the rest of the content surely makes up for that. Certainly worth checking out.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 17, 2013, 01:40:46 PM
rome slutwalk

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Levas on May 20, 2013, 05:59:01 PM
Finnish TV seems to be rather cool:

http://mibrujula.com/depilacion-laser-informativo-noche-finlandia-nsfw/ (http://mibrujula.com/depilacion-laser-informativo-noche-finlandia-nsfw/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on May 20, 2013, 06:17:38 PM
Quote from: Levas on May 20, 2013, 05:59:01 PM
Finnish TV seems to be rather cool:

http://mibrujula.com/depilacion-laser-informativo-noche-finlandia-nsfw/ (http://mibrujula.com/depilacion-laser-informativo-noche-finlandia-nsfw/)

Yes, this is usual news broadcast in Finland. That was pretty lame stuff though, usually they elucidate the financial changes in communal sector with scat fisting and testicle torture.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 21, 2013, 01:27:18 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on June 01, 2013, 10:43:13 AM
i had a good laugh :

http://justanotherikeacatalog.tumblr.com/ (http://justanotherikeacatalog.tumblr.com/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 11, 2013, 02:00:01 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ARKHE on June 14, 2013, 07:09:22 PM
Makes me think of Pig Destroyer.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: KL-106 on June 17, 2013, 10:31:31 PM
Two Women Claim Texas Jailers Ran a 'Rape Camp' Behind Bars

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: redswordwhiteplough on June 23, 2013, 07:41:16 PM
Need recommendations on nazi fetishism websites and films. Just porn with women in uniforms, visor caps and high heels, no exploitation films like Ilsa.


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on June 24, 2013, 10:19:25 AM
Quote from: redswordwhiteplough on June 23, 2013, 07:41:16 PM
Need recommendations on nazi fetishism websites and films. Just porn with women in uniforms, visor caps and high heels, no exploitation films like Ilsa.



??? (http://nazigirls.tumblr.com)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: KL-106 on June 28, 2013, 12:54:49 AM
Incest in zoroastrianism



I find it quite bizarre that there was (or actually is) a religion according to which incest is a good thing.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 01, 2013, 11:50:39 AM
F**k for Forest documentary

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nahàsh atrym on July 01, 2013, 11:08:50 PM
a awesome video of a gay anal pump and insert giant plug with a real facility

http://video.xnxx.com/video3414546/extreme_ass_and_anal_with_an_anus_pump_and_giant_butt_plug (http://video.xnxx.com/video3414546/extreme_ass_and_anal_with_an_anus_pump_and_giant_butt_plug)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on July 06, 2013, 06:27:09 AM
Quote from: nahàsh atrym on July 01, 2013, 11:08:50 PM
a awesome video of a gay anal pump and insert giant plug with a real facility

http://video.xnxx.com/video3414546/extreme_ass_and_anal_with_an_anus_pump_and_giant_butt_plug (http://video.xnxx.com/video3414546/extreme_ass_and_anal_with_an_anus_pump_and_giant_butt_plug)

Good ol' Kirk Johnson, also known as Goatse.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bob on July 08, 2013, 03:23:25 AM
Quote from: KL-106 on June 28, 2013, 12:54:49 AM
Incest in zoroastrianism



I find it quite bizarre that there was (or actually is) a religion according to which incest is a good thing.

When Iran became became a religious state through the revolution in the 70's the legal age for marriage for a woman became 9 and it still is nine years old, before that it was 17 years old so that says allot. I have not read the above article in depth yet but i suspect it is only B.S slander and an attempt to put down any Iranian culture that is not deemed "Islamic" But of course Iranian culture is much deeper and older than "Islam" they are the Persians ! But do you think the powers that be a religious state would like Iranians to think about this part of there culture ?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on July 09, 2013, 03:46:31 AM
thanks bob, I didnt realize that some of those sandy countries were made islamic so recently!

this one is  total concept art , very strange and fappaple
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 09, 2013, 04:34:58 AM
Quote from: nahàsh atrym on July 01, 2013, 11:08:50 PM
a awesome video of a gay anal pump and insert giant plug with a real facility

http://video.xnxx.com/video3414546/extreme_ass_and_anal_with_an_anus_pump_and_giant_butt_plug (http://video.xnxx.com/video3414546/extreme_ass_and_anal_with_an_anus_pump_and_giant_butt_plug)

I don't know ... does this activity affect how the feces is emitted from the body? Do one need to wear a diaper afterwards?

Kettu .. the alleycat was keeping pretty busy. Had the impression she was dusting the pavement/drive-in with her cheap sluty ass.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 10, 2013, 11:53:11 PM
FEMEN is kind a hot. Combination of "wife writing", exhibitionism, pantie camel toe and dominatrix expression in their eyes sings YES all the way! Think I'll start fetishizing over them from now. Big in Japan.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 11, 2013, 09:22:39 PM
free tits and asses for everybody, thank god for them
their tits nullify all their causes.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 12, 2013, 10:59:26 PM
yea, they are floating on the '60s ideology of sexual politics/sex is politics which was big in the former Eastern Europe during the 60s and '70s, but they are not - hip - to its contemporary validity/value, which is odd. Actually it is sad I think the whole affair. Resorting to quick fixes for media attention, than long term engagement (suppose they do this as well, at least I hope). Nevertheless they are the new fetish. This is my predatory way of disenfranchising their lame ass facebook strategy.

More hotties:

Lucky bastards.

Guess these chicks metal band name!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: martialgodmask on July 13, 2013, 02:45:08 PM
Quote from: online prowler on July 12, 2013, 10:59:26 PM
Guess these chicks metal band name!

Iron Maidens?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 16, 2013, 09:40:15 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Lazrs3 on July 24, 2013, 11:06:25 PM
Last month I bought a copy of a retro movie 'Rockin With Seka' this month I bought a Gwen Summers movie 'Angels' from 2001, a kind of Charlies Angels spoof. I feel really proud I buy my porn, 4 dvds now.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on July 30, 2013, 10:46:28 AM
http://motherless.com/m/homoixtab (http://motherless.com/m/homoixtab) 'self stabbing'  lol   .....long time ago saw a way more extreme one on BME what went deep in the abdomen ...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 31, 2013, 04:20:49 AM
Quote from: P-K on July 30, 2013, 10:46:28 AM
http://motherless.com/m/homoixtab (http://motherless.com/m/homoixtab) 'self stabbing'  lol   .....long time ago saw a way more extreme one on BME what went deep in the abdomen ...

Motherless can lead to some great stuff. Here is the infamous hard crush video of that Ebony chick who got arrested crushing and stabbing/slicing a kitten up : B7CE926 (add that to the end of  http://motherless.com/ because hotlinking can be annoying) and here is one of a European girl bashing a large bunny to death and then skinning it: 625DA33

Hardcrush (meaning vertebrates, namely cats and dogs that get killed on tape, not already dead) is almost impossible to find on the clearweb now due to the laws but the deep has a few video and image boards dedicated to it if you know how to navigate down there. Saw some stuff by a dude named DogLord from the states who I swore could have been bitewerks in the first picture series until I watched the video and heard his deep New York accent.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 31, 2013, 05:12:25 AM
The Ebony video was too much for me. Closed it out when I clicked on the part with the dagger.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 31, 2013, 08:48:19 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 31, 2013, 05:12:25 AM
The Ebony video was too much for me. Closed it out when I clicked on the part with the dagger.

Hard crush seems to be the last taboo even for people who can handle everything else. They can be pretty visceral and hard to watch/listen to.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on August 01, 2013, 12:20:35 AM
Quote from: RyanWreck on July 31, 2013, 08:48:19 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 31, 2013, 05:12:25 AM
The Ebony video was too much for me. Closed it out when I clicked on the part with the dagger.

Hard crush seems to be the last taboo even for people who can handle everything else.

I thought about watching those, but chose not to. Humans are mostly shit and pest of the earth, so what happens to them doesn't bother me so much, but "innocent" animal tortured brutally for "fun" is just too low/depressing. I would very happily beat the shit out of the people doing those things/videos.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: P-K on August 01, 2013, 01:25:53 AM
saw the 'Ebony Cat Kill' ...i read about this crushing before, first time i actually saw it. i'm not shocked but it's so depressingly pointless, just screams 'sad lowlife' .
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 01, 2013, 05:30:26 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 01, 2013, 02:07:21 AM

Couldn't find anything on Ebony. Know if she has a last name?

Yep, her name is Ashley Nicole Richards, her co-defendant (the guy filming) is Brent Wayne Justice an ex school bus driver. They're both pretty sick fucks, they've made quite a few videos which include kittens, puppies and a bound and nuzzled, full grown pit bull on one occasion.

QuoteWith the animal killing, I wonder how many will move onto people? Or how many people are looking for snuff but come across the animal killings & that suffices for awhile? Really, that's the only reason I can see being attracted to such things.

It's funny you bring snuff up as that is what brought me to the deepweb and eventually to hard crush. I'm not sexually attracted to this stuff in the least but like snuff it has this allure about it and I watch it more like some oddity, or "Faces of Death" horror movie type of thing. From what I can tell on the few image boards and encrypted channels these people frequent which I have been to there are 2 or 3 types of people who like this stuff: 1 are the furry types who post the "bondage" stuff and don't like to see animals die or experience hard abuse, these weirdo actually have "romantic infatuations" on dogs and have favorites like we have favorite porn stars, there is a lot of stuff on the normal "clear web" for these people, one guy named k9bitchlover seems to make the most material and you can find it simply through Google. The other 2 groups are the really fucked up people who like to step on animals themselves, and torture them, they get off to suffering of anything, these are 90% males who like wearing high-heels themselves, crushing animals or running them over, a good deal of these men seem to be involved in other not-so-legal trading, and then there are the other fucked up people who are turned on by it simply because they are disgusted by it.

You guys remember that Magnota fag who killed his boyfriend on camera and ate his butt cheeks? He was wanted for making crush videos:
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 01, 2013, 07:58:48 AM
It's a pretty crazy demographic, I doubt I covered even 10% of what those people truly have going on in their heads and why they choose to get off to what they get off to. I wouldn't admit knowledge of these things outside of these forums and a few other places, mainly because I hate telling people about stuff like this when they don't already have a general understanding of the underground porn trade, for lack of a better word, and who aren't as desensitized as we all are here. I remember how shocked everyone on twitter and shit was when people brought screencaps of the vd forums up from the deepweb. http://i.imgur.com/OcRGZ.gif
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 01, 2013, 07:50:27 PM
That crazy cat killer was in Waco!

Re: The Deepweb- there has to be law enforcement involved in there, right?!?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on August 02, 2013, 12:22:12 AM
The standard belief seems to be that most Tor exit nodes are under control of various different agencies nowadays (who of course may not cooperate or give a fuck about most of whatever illegal stuff goes on there outside their personal remit).

Thanks are due to Ryan for investigating this hard crush material so no-one else has to - no way do I want to see that stuff. It's so true that if a group are into something sexually way-off into 'eww' territory, transexuals do tend to be involved as alluded to above.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 02, 2013, 05:16:25 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 01, 2013, 07:50:27 PM
That crazy cat killer was in Waco!

Re: The Deepweb- there has to be law enforcement involved in there, right?!?

Crazy Texans.

The Deepweb runs on "exit nodes" which are encrypted tunnels, as HongKong already stated it is pretty much accepted that the government owns a good percentage of the exit nodes. However, most security experts believe that this is for the governments own covert channels and even if they were using it to spy on people, with the way VPN tunnels work and employing your own proxies and disabling ActiveX, java etc. ensures that even if you are coming from a government node they will not be able to see what you are looking at. It is also believed that all of the "bad" boards are owned and operated by agents. I tend not to believe this due to how active the admins themselves are in uploading material and requesting members to perform certain acts. No one has ever been prosecuted from connecting to anything on Tor, even SilkRoad which was covered by NBC has remained free (it did change its onion after that report though).

Here is a screenshot of the front page (safe to view, just a foum shot) of 1 of the 2 main crush forums: http://i.imgur.com/5TCdkvj.png there are 28 pages each with tons of threads with pics and vids. It's, surprisingly, a very large industry.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 03, 2013, 07:52:32 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 03, 2013, 02:26:22 AM
"Industry" mean they're also selling?

Yes. Custom orders/requests, small buying lists (the underground economy runs on bitcoin) and private trades is what it thrives on. I'm sure animal activists have infiltrated but the trade lists are pretty much set in stone and new people are rarely let on without "OC", or original content, stuff no one else has seen which usually means you have to make it yourself. The boards and lists have trusted members and "retailers" on them, kinda like we know who is a good distro or tape trader.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 05, 2013, 04:27:44 AM
Welp, the Deep has been severely compromised this week. Javascript exploit that uses Firefox (which is the browser used in the Tor bundle) to get information about the users. Hacking group Anonymous claims that they are going to be releasing thousands of clear text entries taken from TorMail (Anonymous ran Operation Darknet against ped rings and has been trying to out ped's for ages now). The owner of Freedom Hosting was arrested in Ireland and because he hosted many different boards and sites, is being labeled as the biggest CeePee dealer on Earth. A few Americans have been arrested as well. Pretty big shit storm down there, especially on some specific boards. Here are a few links/info/headlines:



And the message being spread around the DeepWeb itself reads:


Too early to understand what is happening but the general consensus is that the FBI was working with blue teams/pentesters to create said exploit and waited until the Defcon convention started before putting it into play in the wild. After compromising the host itself they injected exploit to all hosted and illegal sites to harvest clear IP's and as a warning circulating states "IF you visited a FH site during this small window of time, expect to be raided".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on August 08, 2013, 07:40:15 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on August 16, 2012, 11:20:47 AM
God forgot about me- http://blog.asiantown.net/-/13814/Webcam-Girl-Breaks-Down-During-Her-Live-Stream-Session-.aspx

Update at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/08/08/sick_trolls_shamed_during_vicious_attack_on_camgirl_stripper/
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 09, 2013, 09:30:34 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on August 08, 2013, 07:40:15 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on August 16, 2012, 11:20:47 AM
God forgot about me- http://blog.asiantown.net/-/13814/Webcam-Girl-Breaks-Down-During-Her-Live-Stream-Session-.aspx

Update at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/08/08/sick_trolls_shamed_during_vicious_attack_on_camgirl_stripper/

HAH! I've been in her room a few times when /b/ was going at her, even took a couple swings at her myself. She was such a cry baby. "Shoe on head plz".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nahàsh atrym on August 13, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
superb futuristic blue gay porn with light sex game - ideal for illustrated my noise

http://go-gaytube.com/the-blue_59932.html (http://go-gaytube.com/the-blue_59932.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 14, 2013, 08:37:51 PM
Quote from: nahàsh atrym on August 13, 2013, 10:12:25 PM
superb futuristic blue gay porn with light sex game - ideal for illustrated my noise

http://go-gaytube.com/the-blue_59932.html (http://go-gaytube.com/the-blue_59932.html)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: blurred_moon on August 21, 2013, 03:06:05 AM
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on August 01, 2013, 12:20:35 AMI would very happily beat the shit out of the people doing those things/videos.

THANK YOU. Yes, they are absolutely DISGUSTING.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: blurred_moon on August 21, 2013, 03:09:22 AM
you know what, fuck it. i'm done here. i ido not want to be on a forum that discusses this kind of thing. goodbye and go fuck yourselves, sick people
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 21, 2013, 03:12:21 PM

runnian press conference blocked by flying dildo
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on August 21, 2013, 06:57:38 PM
Quote from: Peterson on August 21, 2013, 06:52:03 PM
Does anyone here have a certain thing for personal photos/self shots?

I used to. I have a massive folder of saved shit I collected over 8+ years. In general amateur stuff is the only thing that really gets me going. The inherent betrayal of trust is a massive turn on with that shit.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on August 22, 2013, 12:15:38 AM
Quote from: blurred_moon on August 21, 2013, 03:09:22 AM
you know what, fuck it. i'm done here. i ido not want to be on a forum that discusses this kind of thing. goodbye and go fuck yourselves, sick people

Ah come back, we were about to talk about gift giving and bug chasing, what's your T-cell count hun?

As I said, I wouldn't want to look at that crush shit myself but also don't feel capable of judging people who do, whether from curiosity or genuinely being into it. The people who do the most extreme horrific and abusive sexual acts of all so often turn out to be the people who on the surface claim to be outraged by such - see church people, child protection industry etc.

Self-shots: there are some really interesting pro-ana instagram and tumblr sites around escaping deletion. Looking at the lovingly photographed close-ups of bones it feels like these individuals want to personify death - they literally look like skeletons. I guess this is some kind of psychopathology fetish rather than pornography or anything sexual per se.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Ashmonger on August 25, 2013, 02:42:45 PM
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2400507/Porn-star-Cameron-Bay-brought-industry-standstill-contracting-HIV.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2400507/Porn-star-Cameron-Bay-brought-industry-standstill-contracting-HIV.html)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nahàsh atrym on September 08, 2013, 07:44:23 PM
documentary on japan porn genki "art" with real fish - insect - worm...

http://www.vice.com/fr/the-vice-guide-to-sex/genki-et-l-art-du-porno-a-l-anguille-poissons-poulpes-etc (http://www.vice.com/fr/the-vice-guide-to-sex/genki-et-l-art-du-porno-a-l-anguille-poissons-poulpes-etc)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on September 19, 2013, 03:24:06 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on September 23, 2013, 10:10:41 PM

Swedish sex-adict dies after shagging a hornet nest. this made my day.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on September 24, 2013, 12:30:33 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on September 23, 2013, 10:10:41 PM

Swedish sex-adict dies after shagging a hornet nest. this made my day.

I remember reading about this somewhere around the summer but if I remember correctly the whole thing was made up. Can't confirm, though. Funny shit anyways, made me laugh... I'm sure someone has tried this before, world is full of people who like to stick their dicks into funny places.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: superskum2013 on October 05, 2013, 07:11:30 PM
this one may have been mentioned here before , am not sure , i'm pretty sure the company has been mentioned here (MFX , home of the "infamous" "2 Girls 1 Cup") , link perhaps NSFW : http://www.mfxmedia.com/mfxshop/human-snot-tissue-p-302.html   
Yup , it's a flick about "snot-fetish" !!!  ...when i first seen that one i was equal parts disgusted and excited ... for the rest i seem to have much of the same tastes as lots of other people in this thread , although i must say that i really don't get a hardon from these "crushing' flicks , such a waste of good food !
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: vomitgore on October 05, 2013, 07:55:15 PM
Quote from: superskum2013 on October 05, 2013, 07:11:30 PM
this one may have been mentioned here before , am not sure , i'm pretty sure the company has been mentioned here (MFX , home of the "infamous" "2 Girls 1 Cup") , link perhaps NSFW : http://www.mfxmedia.com/mfxshop/human-snot-tissue-p-302.html   
Yup , it's a flick about "snot-fetish" !!!  ...when i first seen that one i was equal parts disgusted and excited ... for the rest i seem to have much of the same tastes as lots of other people in this thread , although i must say that i really don't get a hardon from these "crushing' flicks , such a waste of good food !

Wasn't the director of 2G1C even sentenced to a few years in prison for violating some sort of obscenity law?

Human Snot Tissue looks pretty hilarious, hah.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: superskum2013 on October 05, 2013, 08:08:43 PM
Quote from: vomitgore on October 05, 2013, 07:55:15 PM
Wasn't the director of 2G1C even sentenced to a few years in prison for violating some sort of obscenity law?

nope , there was some confusion there , it was claimed by various sources but the dude that went to prison last year had nothing to do with 2 Girls 1 Cup ...one of the newssources that made the initial claim was (amongst others) gawker http://gawker.com/5976944/2-girls-1-cup-4-years-in-jail but as you can see at the end of the article , they rectified :
QuoteSo, Isaacs did not create "2 Girls, 1 Cup." Instead, he cited it in his defense. The Brazilian man who directed "2 Girls, 1 Cup" is not in prison, on account of being in Brazil. Isaacs' gross fetish porn is much less of a sensation — except, of course, to people into bestiality.
dude that went to prison (Ira Isaacs) might perhaps be known to the readers here for a few entries into the "Hollywood Scat Amateurs" -series among other works , some more info on him here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ira_Isaacs
some more info on 2 Girls..... and MFX here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2_Girls_1_Cup
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kettu on October 06, 2013, 09:01:36 PM
never saw anything exclusive to revenge but theres so many on regular porn sites, easy enough to find- I bet theres plenty of regret and revenge behind several amateurvids online.

I was hipped to worldstarhiphop for fun fight videos but there was a shaming video recently.


too bad there wernt any fuckin or at least a few punches.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: MT on October 15, 2013, 10:13:48 PM

High recommandations!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: linxtyx on November 04, 2013, 10:32:53 PM
Didn't know where to post this.

Pornstar..doing industrial?

http://www.last.fm/music/aTelecine (Sasha Grey)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 05, 2013, 06:08:04 PM
I heard quite many critical complaints of aTelecine, and I must admit I bought the records about 99% because Sasha Grey. Browsing records at Second Layer (r.i.p.) and thinking "what is this?" friend says "Sasha Grey is involved", and I concluded I need them.
However, while I may not have been utterly blown away by it, I don't think it is bad at all. Certainly lack of objective perspective probably annoys people. If it was "just another band" doing tape or LP, who gives a fuck. But now, attention is easy to get. Luckily we live in world where objective & accurate analysis is not necessary. Just gut feeling of liking what one hears. If popularity of Sasha lured few more curious minds to dig deeper into industrial/noise, I consider it very positive thing.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 06, 2013, 11:36:33 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Levas on November 06, 2013, 10:09:21 PM
Anti-rape clothes!

http://vimeo.com/74514464 (http://vimeo.com/74514464)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 08, 2013, 02:54:12 PM
Quote from: Levas on November 06, 2013, 10:09:21 PM
Anti-rape clothes!

http://vimeo.com/74514464 (http://vimeo.com/74514464)

or what I understood (watched without sound), maybe chastity belt of new millennium! Good old familymen can lock their teenage daughter and wife before let them out to have fun, hah...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Coma Detox on November 09, 2013, 02:02:09 AM
No mouth protection?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on November 09, 2013, 02:36:10 AM
Quote from: Coma Detox on November 09, 2013, 02:02:09 AM
No mouth protection?

HÆ!HÆ! Good one!!!

Does it come w a stomi bag? How will they go to the toilet?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: simulacrum on November 12, 2013, 10:24:58 PM
Quote from: online prowler on November 09, 2013, 02:36:10 AM
Quote from: Coma Detox on November 09, 2013, 02:02:09 AM
No mouth protection?

HÆ!HÆ! Good one!!!

Does it come w a stomi bag? How will they go to the toilet?

You customize the clock hand-type dial that locks that garment, so you just unlock it to go. It's a mild inconvenience to wee but that's the price you pay for protection!

But seriously, I've been pretty amused by the mental image that a hypothetical rape of a woman wearing that would provide.
"Come 'ere, you fuckin' bitch. Oh yeah, you're gonna get it. Just gonna take off your...wait, ah fuck, you're wearing this shit? Oh well. Hey, sorry about that. Take care, then. See ya."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: simulacrum on November 13, 2013, 09:29:47 PM
Lately I've been starting my mornings by watching documentaries like Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, Are All Men Pedophiles, Discovering the Friedmans (about a computer and piano teacher along with his son who molested his students). I'm looking for recommendations for documentaries about sex crimes/criminals or basically anything covering something of a transgressive sexual nature.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on November 13, 2013, 10:33:35 PM
Quote from: simulacrum on November 13, 2013, 09:29:47 PM
Lately I've been starting my mornings by watching documentaries like Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, Are All Men Pedophiles, Discovering the Friedmans (about a computer and piano teacher along with his son who molested his students). I'm looking for recommendations for documentaries about sex crimes/criminals or basically anything covering something of a transgressive sexual nature.

This is interesting. A part from Discovering the Friedmans I haven't seen any of these. Will be sure to check them out. I laughed out load when I read yr possible rape scenario! HE! Finally some etiquette in rape scenarios!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: totalblack on November 14, 2013, 03:21:46 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 12, 2013, 08:48:31 PM

wow that's absolutely ridiculous
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on November 14, 2013, 07:03:06 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 14, 2013, 03:29:00 AMI really fucking hate people who live a life of excess, fuck their life up then magically find god and then spend the rest of their lives judging other people because they are somehow better than everyone else now because they believe in a magic man in the sky. Those people really need to be punched in the face.
Amen to that!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: simulacrum on November 14, 2013, 07:37:20 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 14, 2013, 03:29:00 AM
Quote from: simulacrum on November 13, 2013, 09:29:47 PM
Lately I've been starting my mornings by watching documentaries like Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, Are All Men Pedophiles, Discovering the Friedmans (about a computer and piano teacher along with his son who molested his students). I'm looking for recommendations for documentaries about sex crimes/criminals or basically anything covering something of a transgressive sexual nature.
Not sure if these are exactly what you are after but, who knows:

There's a really good Nick Broomfield documentary with investigative reporter Hsiao-Hung Pai that was shown recently on Channel 4 'Sex: My British Job' which gives a very open look at massage parlours in England. The reporter (female) goes to work undercover as a maid at a massage parlour and wears spy glasses with a camera the entire time so you see everything that she sees. I can't think of any other documentary that gives such a clear view of how these places are run. The reporter's mental health deteriorates a lot as the documentary progresses due to the woman running it who is a total sadist, psychologically torturing the reporter, trying to get here to work as a prostitute instead of just cleaning up. It's a little uncomfortable watching scenes where this reporter is hiding from the boss, the camera moving around a lot as looks about nervously. Don't know what country you are in but I'm sure someone has put it online somewhere.

I also watched a documentary on Netflix called something like After Porn Ends. I thought it was going to be awful but it's actually ok. The ex-pornstars seem to fall into two camps. There are the intelligent, head strong ones who didn't join the industry because of past abuse/violence/horrible life and are interesting to listen to. Most of the other pornstars interviewed have all found god and some are fighting to ban porn completely. I really fucking hate people who live a life of excess, fuck their life up then magically find god and then spend the rest of their lives judging other people because they are somehow better than everyone else now because they believe in a magic man in the sky. Those people really need to be punched in the face.

Of course pornography and its effects are interesting, but I'm more interested in exploring trauma, so I'll definitely check out your first recommendation, and I think I saw a trailer for the second one you're talking about so I'll probably watch that sometime, too. Thanks.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HongKongGoolagong on November 15, 2013, 07:02:09 AM
Quote from: simulacrum on November 13, 2013, 09:29:47 PM
Lately I've been starting my mornings by watching documentaries like Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, Are All Men Pedophiles, Discovering the Friedmans (about a computer and piano teacher along with his son who molested his students). I'm looking for recommendations for documentaries about sex crimes/criminals or basically anything covering something of a transgressive sexual nature.

Stevie (2002) dir. Steve James - unforgettable.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 20, 2013, 12:34:26 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: algiz on November 22, 2013, 08:58:35 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 27, 2013, 01:37:56 AM
Man strips drunk wife via PS4 cam.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513545/Man-broadcasts-naked-passed-wife-live-online-PS4.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513545/Man-broadcasts-naked-passed-wife-live-online-PS4.html)

Need a PS4 I guess...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on December 11, 2013, 10:01:12 AM
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-25142557 Nicky Crane: The secret double life of a gay neo-Nazi
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on December 18, 2013, 06:28:49 PM
http://pornhubcommentsonstockphotos.tumblr.com/ (http://pornhubcommentsonstockphotos.tumblr.com/)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: WineVomit on December 21, 2013, 09:19:48 AM

Good stuff.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nahàsh atrym on December 21, 2013, 10:49:02 AM
A pre-teaser of Akira Naka (japanese bondage) on the music of Michel Henritzi

a pur jewel

https://vimeo.com/69686024 (https://vimeo.com/69686024)

and for listen more of Michel Henritzi with Junko : Shibari

http://anarchofreaksproduction.bandcamp.com/track/shibari (http://anarchofreaksproduction.bandcamp.com/track/shibari)

Merry Christmas :)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: martialgodmask on December 21, 2013, 02:43:22 PM


The comments chosen are brilliant, I both thank and hate "the internet" for providing people with an opportunity to comment on stuff everywhere and expose their idiocy, lunacy or often-times their plain insecurity!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on December 26, 2013, 04:49:11 AM
FEMEN at it again --> http://youtu.be/AHwHPHiDaMo

We need more protests like this!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on December 27, 2013, 12:47:13 AM
FEMEN fetish! lucky bastard!

BTW, enjoyed the Crane article. Very good. Thanx for the share.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vigilante Ecstasy on December 28, 2013, 10:59:02 PM
Nice old interview with Villi-Ira. Talking about her work and especially shit sessions. Only in Finnish, unfortunately.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on December 29, 2013, 05:09:22 AM
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on December 28, 2013, 10:59:02 PM
Nice old interview with Villi-Ira. Talking about her work and especially shit sessions. Only in Finnish, unfortunately.


Old but gold... Kiitän!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 03, 2014, 01:18:30 AM
Took a search for me to figure out what the hell PIV means. It's 'Penis In Vagina'.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Ashmonger on January 03, 2014, 01:30:42 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 03, 2014, 01:18:30 AM
Took a search for me to figure out what the hell PIV means. It's 'Penis In Vagina'.

Oh, wow, I only read part, this is delusional beyond words. And I thought very often women are more prone on getting children than men, how could I be so wrong?!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on January 03, 2014, 01:41:59 PM
I think she needs a good fucking.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: redswordwhiteplough on January 04, 2014, 12:06:10 AM
I wonder what's the story behind this picture http://www.pornstarsluv.com/media/images/2/indigo-augustine-porn/indigo-augustine-porn-12405.jpg
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Human Larvae on January 05, 2014, 07:26:55 PM
For all you scat lovers, an interview with the queen of scat

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 13, 2014, 05:17:23 PM

hare krishna and rape
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on January 23, 2014, 07:31:09 PM

no context. no idea what it actually is but I thought that some of the pictures would fit this topic.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Duncan on January 23, 2014, 08:01:46 PM
Ha! There is a pic of Ludo Mich on the 2nd page, great.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 27, 2014, 01:43:34 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 28, 2014, 03:09:34 PM
Moana Pozzi's reincarnation looking for real men https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNX3qWPZAGs
unfortunately Italian only, but an amazing view.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: mdtdeath on January 31, 2014, 06:04:46 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 28, 2014, 03:09:34 PM
Moana Pozzi's reincarnation looking for real men https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNX3qWPZAGs
unfortunately Italian only, but an amazing view.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWk5tPfXT7E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWk5tPfXT7E)

Sorry non-italians...
"Voglio scoreggiare sulle cappelle"

uncensored version:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDKSCr0QNl4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDKSCr0QNl4)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Cementimental on February 08, 2014, 09:01:30 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Cementimental on February 08, 2014, 09:04:46 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on February 10, 2014, 05:55:30 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 26, 2014, 03:30:42 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on March 02, 2014, 10:57:46 PM

incest? more like wincest!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on March 03, 2014, 12:43:34 PM
Missed chance for a great reality TV show.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on March 04, 2014, 11:07:50 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on March 04, 2014, 04:35:08 PM
QuoteAs long as the ban on child porn remains, special interests will use this open wound

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 05, 2014, 05:01:56 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nihbraxalizt on March 24, 2014, 06:08:52 PM
Does anyone know where I can get an uncut copy of Richard Mahler's (aka Rodger Watkins) 'Midnight Heat (1983)'  (VHS, download... I'd take everythig)?
Watched it yesterday and was blown away by its itensity, but I only have a shitty cut version with an asynchronous audio track and it looks like the 'Richard Mahler Triple Feature'-DVD only includes the cut version as well.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on April 02, 2014, 12:37:00 AM
Feminazi pornstar:

Plus she's a cutter:

EFUKT never disappoints:

"...a feminist doing facial abuse for women's rights is like a rabbi going to Auschwitz for a free shower." HAH! :D
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on April 02, 2014, 01:57:33 AM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on April 02, 2014, 12:37:00 AMar.html

"...a feminist doing facial abuse for women's rights is like a rabbi going to Auschwitz for a free shower." HAH! :D

HÆHÆHÆHÆHÆHÆHÆHÆÆÆÆÆ!!!!!!!! Funniest thing I've read this year!!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ANDROPHILIA on April 16, 2014, 11:22:44 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Felicia Gaggins on April 21, 2014, 11:53:41 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on April 30, 2014, 05:11:48 PM
presidential CFNM Galore

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 07, 2014, 10:44:53 AM
new gay icons
scally lads


I know, vice writing style is lame...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 09, 2014, 03:28:35 PM
"Where the world's feminist pornographers gather"
http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27192724 (http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27192724)


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 09, 2014, 06:37:55 PM

Italian version: http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2014/03/28/ragazze-del-porno-dodici-registe-raccontano-lerotismo-al-femminile/929963/
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 10, 2014, 06:07:30 AM
Going through that site found this -

http://www.vocativ.com/underworld/sex/man-files-motion-florida-court-marry-porn-filled-computer/ (http://www.vocativ.com/underworld/sex/man-files-motion-florida-court-marry-porn-filled-computer/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: 2pf cell on May 10, 2014, 05:21:06 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 10, 2014, 06:07:30 AM
Going through that site found this -

http://www.vocativ.com/underworld/sex/man-files-motion-florida-court-marry-porn-filled-computer/ (http://www.vocativ.com/underworld/sex/man-files-motion-florida-court-marry-porn-filled-computer/)

"He claimed that after purchasing his first MacBook, he accidentally typed "Fuckbook.com" into Safari instead Facebook.com. He said this led to a pornography addiction that eventually destroyed his marriage."

the purest gold.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 12, 2014, 09:35:12 AM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on May 28, 2014, 06:38:42 PM
Interview with Kevin Moore

http://www.somethingawful.com/comedy-goldmine/kevin-moore-porn/1/ (http://www.somethingawful.com/comedy-goldmine/kevin-moore-porn/1/)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on May 29, 2014, 05:30:54 PM
Quote from: F_c_O on March 02, 2014, 10:57:46 PM

I'm wondering if this could be the same family who have had their hot tub pictures circulating on the internet?

Quoteincest? more like wincest!

No anime image board maymay's here!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 30, 2014, 10:21:16 AM
I am a retard
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 30, 2014, 01:32:20 PM
Interesting - articles on The Guardian usually have a comments section. So, in lieu -

QuoteThe men were told during a later phone interview that questions about pornography would be part of the research, and none dropped out.

Bastards! I knew it! All men are sexist, women hating bastards!

QuoteFurthermore, when sexually explicit material was shown, the men's MRIs showed diminished function in a part of the brain that processes motivation.

Far be it from me to take away from the article's main premise, but wouldn't it usually be the case that if one was shown something that one was interesting in paying attention to, one would not be inclined to, for example, jump up and do the dishes?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on May 31, 2014, 07:20:54 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on May 29, 2014, 05:30:54 PM
Quote from: F_c_O on March 02, 2014, 10:57:46 PM

I'm wondering if this could be the same family who have had their hot tub pictures circulating on the internet?

Quoteincest? more like wincest!

No anime image board maymay's here!
hot tub pictures?


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on June 01, 2014, 02:52:39 PM
Link to pictures please. :)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on June 01, 2014, 03:26:59 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on June 01, 2014, 07:38:58 PM
Rob darkens breakfast.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 11, 2014, 11:16:01 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on June 11, 2014, 07:47:32 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 11, 2014, 11:16:01 AM

This brings another name in mind: Bodil Joensen


Quite decent docu: http://youtu.be/xv1JE6b8tUw
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: SkeeMask on June 12, 2014, 08:17:09 AM
Quote from: Leewar on June 01, 2014, 07:38:58 PM
Rob darkens breakfast.

that comment made my morning. lmfao.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 20, 2014, 01:01:17 PM
Beating one off:


cucumber man


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on June 23, 2014, 02:56:02 PM
cowboy lives in the part of the uk as me, to be honest this place is full of incest and fishermen who sexually abuse fish.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: burdizzo on June 23, 2014, 11:34:53 PM
Actually, I thought it was one of those "wind-up" news stories. He was in the slurry spreader, naked? I'd say if they'd turned it on, that'd be the end of their problems!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 02, 2014, 05:10:15 PM
I so love Japan
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Felicia Gaggins on July 04, 2014, 08:50:58 PM
Mamading, lucky bitch:
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on July 09, 2014, 10:05:53 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 11, 2014, 05:08:54 AM
Baluchitherium is just a caring, sweet random stranger, that's all...nothing else going on here...


"She was very brave."  Just some more Sotos canon fodder.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 11, 2014, 06:11:53 AM
Of course!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on July 24, 2014, 04:56:45 AM
Tom of Finland stamps.


QuoteTom of Finland to appear on stamps in September Stamps will also feature watercolors, bridges, everyday life and Christmas at the end of the year In September–October 2014, Itella Posti will release seven new sets of stamps, containing a total of 33 new designs. It is a great collection to choose from; the subjects of the new stamps include male drawings by Tom of Finland, autumnal yard and garden scenes painted by Urpo Martikainen, and Jaakko Tähti's photos of Finnish bridges.


Fuckin' Finland man. Watercolor bridges and gay muscle men.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: kretslopp on July 28, 2014, 06:20:53 PM
Hello, first - here's an archive containing some of the movies of Viennesse Aktionsten (not sure, if these were mentioned here). Although considered as an art movement, it is pretty arousing, thanks to the extremes, where the performers took the stinky, the filthy, the sticky and the savage:


Second, can anyone contribute with informations on where the Mistress Beast empire ended up? I only saw her being vaguely active on some internet forums lately.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bob on August 02, 2014, 12:23:35 AM

Surgeons discover 5-inch sex toy in woman's vagina that had been there for 10 YEARS

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 12, 2014, 02:44:10 PM
more internal devices
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 14, 2014, 09:28:23 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 15, 2014, 04:59:04 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbYD8CqZJfE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbYD8CqZJfE)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 20, 2014, 02:58:50 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 07, 2014, 05:09:37 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on September 12, 2014, 12:15:20 AM
recently received spam:

" We are a slave sales agency,we have sold various slaves to high end clients all over the world and they are always satisfied with our slaves and services and keep recommending us to others.Anyway, i just thought i should use this medium to tell you that we currently have 12 slaves in our custody for bidding and sales.We deal in strictly asian slaves, and our stock comprises of Malaysians,Phillipinos,Indonesians and Japanese..Kindly stay in touch if you might need our services in anyway.Please we deal with only female slaves, no transgender type or she-males....strictly 100% natural asian women within the ages of 18-37years old only."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on September 12, 2014, 01:15:01 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on September 12, 2014, 12:15:20 AM
recently received spam:

" We are a slave sales agency,we have sold various slaves to high end clients all over the world and they are always satisfied with our slaves and services and keep recommending us to others.Anyway, i just thought i should use this medium to tell you that we currently have 12 slaves in our custody for bidding and sales.We deal in strictly asian slaves, and our stock comprises of Malaysians,Phillipinos,Indonesians and Japanese..Kindly stay in touch if you might need our services in anyway.Please we deal with only female slaves, no transgender type or she-males....strictly 100% natural asian women within the ages of 18-37years old only."
sounds legit. you should reply them back.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cantle on September 17, 2014, 07:42:16 PM
Queefing championship:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on September 18, 2014, 05:30:13 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on September 24, 2014, 09:37:53 PM
http://www.purelifeministries.org/ (http://www.purelifeministries.org/)

Purity is possible! There is hope! There is freedom!

http://www.purelifeministries.org/unchained---the-stories (http://www.purelifeministries.org/unchained---the-stories)

someone please sample from these videos
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 06, 2014, 03:32:33 PM
I thought this went into the less usual kind of obsession -

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-06/teacher-wanted-sex-with-10yo-tattooed-his-name-on-her-chest/5793244 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-06/teacher-wanted-sex-with-10yo-tattooed-his-name-on-her-chest/5793244)

What the "extraordinary material" she was supposed to have written would be interesting.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: nowirehangers on October 09, 2014, 07:13:31 AM
I am not sure if this has spread around and this is the first time I am reading this, but http://blowflygirl.blogspot.com/ (http://blowflygirl.blogspot.com/)is a blog detailing some seriously depraved shit from a very naughty girl. The post Maggot Story is quite a gem. here is just a little sample:

I took a pair of rubber kitchen gloves out of my pants pocket and put them on. There was no way I could bring myself to actually touch a maggot with my bare hands. Lying with my back against the side of the dumpster, I fingered my pussy. I was really wet already. I knew I would be. The sensation of the rubber glove against my clit felt unusual, and I kind of liked it. I did that for a little while, just thinking about what I was about to do, while staring at the smaller garbage bag in the far corner of the dumpster where I'd left it yesterday. I still felt the butterflies in my tummy. I kept thinking to myself that I can't wimp out, that I had to go through with this. I wished for a moment that someone else was there to force me to do it, but decided that it was somehow much more sick and depraved to do it to myself willingly. And I thought, yeah, that's me. That's what I want. I deserve this. And so I knew it was time to do it

There is a video of a man reading the post out loud as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XOPkq6W_6U
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: andy vomit on October 18, 2014, 10:06:01 PM
Quote from: nowirehangers on October 09, 2014, 07:13:31 AM
I am not sure if this has spread around and this is the first time I am reading this, but http://blowflygirl.blogspot.com/ (http://blowflygirl.blogspot.com/)is a blog detailing some seriously depraved shit from a very naughty girl. The post Maggot Story is quite a gem. here is just a little sample:

I took a pair of rubber kitchen gloves out of my pants pocket and put them on. There was no way I could bring myself to actually touch a maggot with my bare hands. Lying with my back against the side of the dumpster, I fingered my pussy. I was really wet already. I knew I would be. The sensation of the rubber glove against my clit felt unusual, and I kind of liked it. I did that for a little while, just thinking about what I was about to do, while staring at the smaller garbage bag in the far corner of the dumpster where I'd left it yesterday. I still felt the butterflies in my tummy. I kept thinking to myself that I can't wimp out, that I had to go through with this. I wished for a moment that someone else was there to force me to do it, but decided that it was somehow much more sick and depraved to do it to myself willingly. And I thought, yeah, that's me. That's what I want. I deserve this. And so I knew it was time to do it

There is a video of a man reading the post out loud as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XOPkq6W_6U

oh shit, i read this years and years ago...  to this day it's the only thing i've READ that's made me want to vomit. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on October 19, 2014, 05:40:34 PM
Daily dose of conspiracy http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cm0t3/original_research_the_mountain_of_evidence_for_a/
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 22, 2014, 05:41:05 PM
granny tourism in Africa

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on November 02, 2014, 05:40:05 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: little_raven on November 08, 2014, 06:29:52 AM
(Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I guess the question is so lame is not worth a new threat)

Can you guys point me to some nice x-rated album covers? Specially fond of the female posterior (The Rita and Mania's "True Ass Worship" comes to mind) and cocksucking (like those Creamface CDr maybe?)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: burdizzo on November 08, 2014, 10:18:53 AM
"Hated Perversions" comp., maybe? Pretty memorable, though not a huge turn-on!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on November 24, 2014, 04:50:11 AM
http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/women-who-stray/201010/sick-secret-sexual-fantasies (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/women-who-stray/201010/sick-secret-sexual-fantasies)

psych article on sexual fantasies from a couple of years ago. nothing crazy or depraved but a good read.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on December 05, 2014, 12:40:13 AM

edit: animated clarissa http://vimeo.com/45958331
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 10, 2014, 07:45:13 AM
There must be some "Arice Crub" fans here?


Bunch of scans floating around. I don't know the legality of all of the issues so won't post the links.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on December 10, 2014, 12:22:38 PM
When somebody posts up stuff like this my curiosity means i always have to have a look around the net for more, yet never manage to find anything!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on December 11, 2014, 06:00:46 AM
Quote from: Leewar on December 10, 2014, 12:22:38 PM
When somebody posts up stuff like this my curiosity means i always have to have a look around the net for more, yet never manage to find anything!

If you're referring to the magazine it's a Japanese magazine dedicated to prepubescent girls.  It's referenced in a few articles (like this one (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/1997/apr/01/why-japan-plays-host-to-worlds-largest-child-porno/)) that are just generally talking about how big Child P-well-you-know is in Japan. it's nothing really as bad as one would find in some fashion and bathing suit magazines as far as the pictures are concerned but due to it's connections and some of the writing and ads in it you won't be finding it just floating around on search engines.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on December 11, 2014, 12:51:32 PM
Ahh thank you!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 20, 2014, 08:08:07 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mfLvaSWdyo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mfLvaSWdyo)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 06, 2015, 09:33:08 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on January 06, 2015, 10:49:14 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 06, 2015, 09:33:08 PM

Hehe! Nice one. I bet the cops want to hunt down these chicks. As the police spokesman states at the end of the reportage: "They will be found and punished." I bet, I bet.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 07, 2015, 09:21:46 PM
"Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?"
http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30698640 (http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30698640)

not super in-depth or anything but not a bad article
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on February 01, 2015, 08:59:57 PM

In a way, this reminds me of donnie darko
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on February 06, 2015, 04:26:16 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on February 06, 2015, 07:16:20 PM
yep. That's was good article. That pile of books, I'm quite sure I have some. Got few meters of old paperbacks from USA.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on March 10, 2015, 11:53:36 PM
totally not sure which topic would be best for this but I think this one is a safe bet: http://www.vice.com/read/meet-russias-gay-aryan-skinheads-finally-bringing-homosexuality-to-the-neo-nazi-world
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 11, 2015, 07:59:37 PM
the whole gash thing is a joke/prank
although there are have always been several ga ns skinheads (from Nicky Crane ownard) and probably several closet ones, the gash has been invented as a joke and remained as a myth.
it would have been very funny to see that eeh
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on March 13, 2015, 10:06:52 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on March 13, 2015, 05:52:59 PM
Quote from: THE RITA HN on March 13, 2015, 10:06:52 AMhttps://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/semen-good-for-women-sperm-depression.html

That explains why feminists are so fed up with life. Most of em are lesbians (or just too ugly/mouthy) so they miss their healthy dose of cum.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 23, 2015, 01:26:09 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on March 23, 2015, 04:09:37 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on February 06, 2015, 04:26:16 AM

The gun, the porn; is this you when you get old?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vermin Marvin on March 24, 2015, 06:30:53 PM
Hope those stuff will be sorted out and found it`s place more than boxes.

'Ssorry, Finns only..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 26, 2015, 12:13:48 PM

lego strip club
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: emboscado on April 05, 2015, 06:11:25 PM
No more revenge.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 07, 2015, 11:42:14 AM

Jamie Gillis scrapbook photos and nice short text.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 09, 2015, 04:19:54 AM

Going to have to listen to that soon.

The Rial Report says they're working on his autobiography, "Naked in Public". Sure hope that is still in the works! I need to break down & order the Feral House book one of these days.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on April 16, 2015, 06:17:40 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 09, 2015, 04:19:54 AM

Going to have to listen to that soon.

The Rial Report says they're working on his autobiography, "Naked in Public". Sure hope that is still in the works! I need to break down & order the Feral House book one of these days.

Thanx for the share BW.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 04, 2015, 02:16:59 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on May 15, 2015, 06:53:48 PM

The stately owned media channel NRK recently made transparant a dark-web Scandinavian online forum for pedos. Check: Scandiland. Hence, during the last days a steady flow of news reports, articles, etc have been narrated to us. Today, an anonymous pedophile submitted an online article to NRK's digital paper. Practice your Norwegian in the link below, our translate the text in guugle.  

http://www.nrk.no/ytring/jeg-er-pedofil-1.12361773 (http://www.nrk.no/ytring/jeg-er-pedofil-1.12361773)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 26, 2015, 11:51:08 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 26, 2015, 02:30:57 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on May 27, 2015, 10:07:37 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 28, 2015, 12:31:22 PM
"I am a Snoop Dogg fan. That doesn't make me less of a feminist"

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 28, 2015, 02:18:28 PM
New rules for preventing STD in porn

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Peterson on May 29, 2015, 08:17:05 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on May 26, 2015, 02:30:57 PM


I know it's probably not PC to say this, but if body-dismorphic disorder  is listed in the DSM-IV, why can't variations on transgender/transvestite behavior be considered also? I'm not trying to spew hate towards TS and TV community, I've got no qualms with that in and of itself,  but it's a far cry from many people's definitions of "normal." Maybe that's what attracts some men, eh? Anyway, it's only when they try to sell some kind of  rhetoric that I get turned off (hehe). Tons of people go through their lives, successful and unsuccessful, with other  conditions that complicate life equally. Say, severe schizoid and schizoaffective disorders, for example. Why does anything different have to be absorbed into the rubric of "normal?"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: eyestrain on May 29, 2015, 10:19:41 AM
Quote from: Peterson on May 29, 2015, 08:17:05 AMWhy does anything different have to be absorbed into the rubric of "normal?"

Well put!! I've been racking my brain with a similar thought for the last few weeks after spending a little too much time back in an urban setting.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 29, 2015, 11:03:30 AM
I think transsexuality has been classified as a mental disorder in the past (if the great documentary "Glen Or Glenda" is anything to go by) but if it is it's certainly one of the most harmless. I'd say, rather than seeing it as normal/not-normal, it's a case of common/not-common.

Edit - which I suppose is saying much the same thing, now that I think about it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 29, 2015, 12:07:45 PM
Quote from: eyestrain on May 29, 2015, 10:19:41 AM
Quote from: Peterson on May 29, 2015, 08:17:05 AMWhy does anything different have to be absorbed into the rubric of "normal?"

Well put!! I've been racking my brain with a similar thought for the last few weeks after spending a little too much time back in an urban setting.

Haha! Phenomena described in Finland as visiting Green-Red Bubble?
One should never underestimate power of language. There is constantly ongoing process of changing meanings of words.
If "normal" could perhaps most accurately mean for example conforming to the standard or the common type, I would guess that in case of human sexuality, modern normal means merely that "it exists". Division of normal and abnormal perhaps only is done in terms of is something harmfull or not.

Very same logic has defended pedos. It exists as part of human sexuality. Many people don't feel anxiety or guilt. Many people don't act out their tastes in harmful/abusive ways. Some doctors have concluded that very same arguments that let homosexuality out from "mental disorder" category, applies to pedos and many others as well.

However, I'd assume that its very hard to find people who would be in agreement that this is any way would be conforming to the standard...? Same for transkids or half-man-half-mylittlepony folks. Abnormal, by definition.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 29, 2015, 12:16:44 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 29, 2015, 12:07:45 PMOne should never underestimate power of language. There is constantly ongoing process of changing meanings of words.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heteronormativity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heteronormativity)
QuoteMichael Warner popularized the term in 1991,[2] in one of the first major works of queer theory. The concept's roots are in Gayle Rubin's notion of the "sex/gender system" and Adrienne Rich's notion of compulsory heterosexuality.[3]

"We are normal and we want our freedom!"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: eyestrain on May 29, 2015, 12:36:34 PM
"Green-Red Bubble"? Please elaborate, hehe.

I've become largely ambivalent to these kinda politics, which don't really concern me anyway, after a surreal experience about 8 years ago.

Spent a small period with my girlfriend at the time on a farm in Tennessee. Was there to learn the ins-and-outs of fermentating basically everything.

Ends up the farm is owned by a Hollywood profiteer, gay himself, and is located near a large queer commune... You spend most of your time trying to figure out who is actually living as their born gender. The one's behaving the stereotype of sexist males were always former-women. Interesting. Otherwise, it was the most deceitful and drama-laden crowd I've ever known.

Anyway, aside from the awkward up-downs when we arrived, the first thing I took note of was a dry-erase board with the currently approved terms to describe whatever gender/sexual abnormality one adheres to written on it. What was oddest about that, was that the terms were changing every few days; this done with total seriousness. The one suicidal straight fella (who was there on the WWOOF program) and the guinea-fowl were my best friends that month, needless to say!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 29, 2015, 01:03:01 PM
Quote from: eyestrain on May 29, 2015, 12:36:34 PM
"Green-Red Bubble"? Please elaborate, hehe.

In big cities, in Finland most of all certain areas of Helsinki, where lots of journalists, cultural people and "enlightened" people live, is often these days called "Green-Red Bubble". It's sort of under-the-dome environment, where it seems like everybody votes for gay president candidate of green party and everybody stands or at least leans toward left. Every time when election day hits in, media and the people of this bubble, are utterly horrified how rest of the country acts. Not everybody is pro-same sex marriage. Populist anti-immigrant profiling party is 2nd biggest party of country while "it has seemed to decrease popularity".
People may be concerned about ideas such as "free public transportation" what is obviously part of human rights, while rest of the country is concerned about whether there is any kind of infrastructure left in few years. etc etc.

Statistic show that values and lifestyle of the bubble is getting further and further away from rest of county. It creates cases where one is utterly amazed why everybody isn't pro-transgender-free-chest-surgery but also can't see any reason why would anyone own gun.

So imagine situation when huge amount of regular media appears for rest as indoctrination directed to people outside bubble. Where abnormalities are forced normal etc.

Edit: Of course situation may be slightly confusing to those used to USA politics. Over here, lots of parties (including Leftist union and Green party who sit in parliament). There was female president already. Former queer activist who had Che Quevara photo in her wall of heroes in office, hehe... Polarization is quite strong. Depending who you ask, country is either ruined by clueless bigots and right wing extremists or country is ruined by exact opposite of that.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: eyestrain on May 29, 2015, 01:16:29 PM
Okay, kinda what I imagined! But elaborated quite well!

This is precisely what one experiences in, say, Pittsburgh, which is where I referenced two posts back. It's a total headfuck to see that this kinda perspective is widely shared in a large section of urban demographics. I thought it was just like a Vice News and The Guardian selling point, but it's more than that.

For someone in these areas, it makes sense that it's a common perspective, I guess. At face value, it's the least offensive point of view.

The shock for me might come from now living in a region that still has a big number of Klansmen, MCs and massive factory-working population that do shoot-to-kill and hold onto a lot of opinions their relatives did.

It's always interesting to hear from the missus, who just recently began teaching elementary after finishing graduate school, on these topics. Seems like lots of parents, teachers and very young kids are becoming deeply ingrained in these perspectives. But okay I'll stop while I'm ahead...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Neons Fanzine on May 29, 2015, 01:58:54 PM
I have some pictures that I took of my porn mags from the 70s-80s, French, German, Japanese, US... Most of them are extreme porn
But they are too big to be posted here, so I'll put some links, and there are a lot more on the tumblr (notably early 1900 french porn) http://raphgordon.tumblr.com/archive
I will update it with some more, cause I have a big collection of freaky shit that I had nearly for free when a shop closed, with a bunch of VHS as well

Horg Mag (German, 197?): piss in mout, submission, bondage, and some ridiculous ads for sexual partners

Venus Insolite Contact (french, 197?). Mostly ads for weirdos to meet other weirdos

Page on Hermaphrodism from Club Bizar (1978)

Club Bizar (French, 1978). Extreme porn rag. Scat, Pregnant, Enema, humiliation, piss, exhibition, weirdos...

Japan Bondage (Year ??). Bondage, humiliation. Two parts

Megeres Apprivoisées (French, 197?) redneck porn. Two parts

SM MS (German, 198?) humiliation, fetichism, porn, freaky stuff for weirdos and the worst cover ever, really brutal

Punky Sex Party (French, 1986)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 29, 2015, 02:23:08 PM
Quote from: Neons Fanzine on May 29, 2015, 01:58:54 PM
SM MS (German, 198?) humiliation, fetichism, porn, freaky stuff for weirdos and the worst cover ever, really brutal

I got several of these. Back in the day, I bought pallet full of magazines from one Dutch dealer who quit selling magazines. I kept one of each for myself and sold rest to various stores in Finland. Often magazines have too much useless ads/classified etc, and not that much of good content, but there are some. I recall one Clinic Of Torture cover was taken from one issue of this magazine.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Neons Fanzine on May 29, 2015, 02:47:40 PM
You know sometimes there are some porn mags with nearly all the content made of ads from amateur made to find sex buddies, and some are hilarious
I will upload a big zine with people dressed as babies in cradles with a dominatrix, or a guy sucking his own dick. I think it's the best way to find a lady ha ha

I dont know much about SM MS, but I took this one and saw the cover and was like WOW WTF?
But the content is not that hardcore, except a few pics
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Euro Trash Bazooka on May 29, 2015, 03:02:08 PM
Hahaha, "Mégères Apprivoisées", hyper drôle.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 01, 2015, 04:21:43 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 02, 2015, 10:08:22 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 25, 2015, 02:31:29 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 25, 2015, 02:53:24 PM
QuoteI carve the doll out of flesh.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: eyestrain on June 25, 2015, 11:24:46 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 25, 2015, 02:31:29 PM

QuoteI wish the world was run by phone sex operators.

Thanks for sharing this link --- pretty wild!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 25, 2015, 11:55:29 PM
I must admit I am surprised there is still such a service after the success of on-line porn and cam sex....
But seeing some of the "hotties" involved I can imagine why sometime it is better not to see who you are talking to!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Leewar on June 27, 2015, 06:16:06 PM
Being a long time fan of Fred and Rose west i often wonder has anyone ever seen any of their videos/pictures online? I know it was before the internet age and a lot of owners probably disposed of them when the couple got arrested, but i cant help thinking/hoping something must be online as they where pretty prolific at capturing their activities on film and photo.

I do believe Channel 5 own some material as they used a few clips in a documentary series.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 08, 2015, 05:23:24 AM
http://motherboard.vice.com/read/what-computers-dream-of-when-they-look-at-porn-nsfw (http://motherboard.vice.com/read/what-computers-dream-of-when-they-look-at-porn-nsfw)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on July 27, 2015, 01:25:07 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj2PrzuZK2Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj2PrzuZK2Y)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 03, 2015, 05:57:36 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 28, 2015, 09:42:16 AM
Genesis on transgenders

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on September 16, 2015, 01:52:54 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on September 17, 2015, 05:38:30 AM
https://campaignagainstsexrobots.wordpress.com/ (https://campaignagainstsexrobots.wordpress.com/)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bloated Slutbag on September 17, 2015, 01:03:21 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on September 16, 2015, 01:52:54 PM

Repeatable comment:

QuoteI'd suggest that attempting to sodomise a tiger
would be an interesting method of suicide.

Interesting take on animal-snuff porn anyway. Anal-animal-snuff porn. Imagine would be quite the racket- anal-animal-snuff-noise porn.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on September 22, 2015, 08:45:09 PM
Finland remains one of very last european countries where bestiality is legal. Not as pornography, but as sexual act (unless it hurts your.. ehm, partner!). I guess some changes in law may come in upcoming years, but until then... bring your tigers here, and it's just fine.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bloated Slutbag on September 29, 2015, 06:03:15 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on September 22, 2015, 10:15:31 PM
I think I read that the tiger sex video was fake, which, is a huge disappointment.

For you or for the tiger?

Still it's almost worth watching for the bit at the end when the costumed performer deadpans, "That beats doing Frosties ads for a living."

Some years ago, a couple maintenance workers in Toronto got a bit of rude awakening when a full-grown tiger, refugee from nearby strip club, wandered into their early morning coffee break. Apparently it wasn't the first time, though tigger's performance partner was quoted protesting that he was just a big softy... just don't try sodomizing him.


In some countries, animal porn is just another creative way around the censors.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: THE RITA HN on October 01, 2015, 09:31:32 PM
The reporter trying to be professional is hilarious:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on October 08, 2015, 02:35:57 PM
A guro manga with with a single story from 10 artists, good read plus a source of names to research:


Maybe someone already posted this and I'm an exuberant dick.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 28, 2015, 12:03:56 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 10, 2015, 01:35:06 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Zodiac on November 18, 2015, 03:55:30 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on September 22, 2015, 08:45:09 PM
Finland remains one of very last european countries where bestiality is legal. Not as pornography, but as sexual act (unless it hurts your.. ehm, partner!). I guess some changes in law may come in upcoming years, but until then... bring your tigers here, and it's just fine.

Do you know the source for this "freedome" ?? Would be interesting to know, how it could prevail and why. What are the roots ? Some Finns in rural
towns 200 years ago fucking their sheeps because there were not enought women nor wanted they participate in incest ?? Any clues from your side ??
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 25, 2015, 10:10:54 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on December 07, 2015, 10:52:12 PM
"The Taming of Rebecca"

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on December 11, 2015, 11:20:05 PM
While doing research for a project one evening I stumbled across various articles plus plus about a Chinese pop singer who's in a consenting relationship with a 12 year old girl (child model).

More here:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2209802/Outrage-Chinese-popstar-24-dating-12-year-old-Canadian-model.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2209802/Outrage-Chinese-popstar-24-dating-12-year-old-Canadian-model.html)
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/25/akama-miki-zhang-muyi-mission-dating-relationship-model_n_1912831.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/25/akama-miki-zhang-muyi-mission-dating-relationship-model_n_1912831.html)
https://ca.celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/north-stars/24-old-chinese-pop-star-zhang-muyi-professes-150400505.html (https://ca.celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/north-stars/24-old-chinese-pop-star-zhang-muyi-professes-150400505.html)
http://www.whatsonsanya.com/entertainment-news-1840.html (http://www.whatsonsanya.com/entertainment-news-1840.html)

Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/AkamaMikiLOVEZhangMuyiForeverOfficialPage/?fref=ts (https://www.facebook.com/AkamaMikiLOVEZhangMuyiForeverOfficialPage/?fref=ts)

Romantic love song by the couple:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKSjg_B5jHQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKSjg_B5jHQ)

Girl model solo:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMxLVamaEtw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMxLVamaEtw)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 12, 2015, 02:57:15 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_8IXx4tsus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_8IXx4tsus)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on December 12, 2015, 07:13:00 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 12, 2015, 02:57:15 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_8IXx4tsus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_8IXx4tsus)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on December 12, 2015, 08:36:25 PM
I was watching Italian 80's comedy Luna di miele in tre with the almighty Renato Pozzetto and I realized that the horny gay tenant of the hotel is Harry Reems!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tisbor on December 22, 2015, 01:50:07 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on December 12, 2015, 08:36:25 PM
I was watching Italian 80's comedy Luna di miele in tre with the almighty Renato Pozzetto and I realized that the horny gay tenant of the hotel is Harry Reems!

Haha shit I was watching it too with my wife! We never noticed it before either. Amazing.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on December 23, 2015, 08:33:08 PM
Totally over the top part, not even Caracciolo was so camp.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 13, 2016, 03:35:03 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on January 13, 2016, 04:22:07 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 13, 2016, 02:44:05 AM


Quote from: tiny_tove on January 13, 2016, 03:35:03 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on February 22, 2016, 10:13:05 PM
Uziga Waita: Intensely violent euroguro


Hirihone Saizou: very creepy euroguro .

[posting a link would be illegal in at least Britain but find his stuff at the same website as above]

Many happy returns!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 04:32:15 PM
Ah, this is a good thread. I'm into scat mostly. Gay scat. I don't really care for porn that isn't scat related. There's a fine line between disgusting and erotic in scat. Sometimes I can't stomach the look of the scat coming out of the person's ass, if it's all yellow, or if the person shitting is fat and old. The hotter the person, the more I sympathize with what's coming out of their ass. I love playing with scat, I didn't always lick it but I discovered recently that it doesn't taste that bad. I researched the risks, but you're only putting back inside of you what you already had, so there's no big risk of infection. I also read that depending on the health of the person's scat who you eat, it could improve your bowel function. I don't plan on eating it, but I do love the smell, depending on the health of my digestive track.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: MT on February 24, 2016, 04:51:28 PM
Great first post! You will blend right in!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 06:04:53 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 29, 2015, 11:03:30 AM
I think transsexuality has been classified as a mental disorder in the past (if the great documentary "Glen Or Glenda" is anything to go by) but if it is it's certainly one of the most harmless. I'd say, rather than seeing it as normal/not-normal, it's a case of common/not-common.

Edit - which I suppose is saying much the same thing, now that I think about it.
I think the qualifications of what is or isn't a mental disorder is something which is usually arbitrarily decided by drug companies to push whatever products they're selling, or by whoever wants to push their stigmas. Perhaps it could be said that a mental illness is something that makes it difficult for someone to function in their life. What it really comes down to is that the gender identity we're all told we have is the one that society's norms and mores dictate, regardless of the biological sex organs we're all born with (some who are born with both). To me, classifying someone's transgender mind as a mental illness is all the fodder some fear mongering right winger needs to start persecuting those who are transgender. Transgender people feel the same, they think the same way, the only difference is the way they identify with their gender. I know this because the last 4 close friendships I had were with people who were transgender. Why can't people just respect that not everyone in this strange and infinitely mysterious world could be experiencing the world through the eyes of someone that society doesn't think their gender could possibly align with? That to me makes so much more sense than any of the people calling them mentally ill. No more fear mongering ignorance.

After I wrote this I realize that it's very contentious, I've been having some anxiety about that. Hopefully this won't devolve into a big argument. That's the kind of shit I'd do on facebook, not a forum that seems to have a calm atmosphere.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on February 26, 2016, 04:04:09 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 04:32:15 PM
Ah, this is a good thread. I'm into scat mostly. Gay scat. I don't really care for porn that isn't scat related. There's a fine line between disgusting and erotic in scat. Sometimes I can't stomach the look of the scat coming out of the person's ass, if it's all yellow, or if the person shitting is fat and old. The hotter the person, the more I sympathize with what's coming out of their ass. I love playing with scat, I didn't always lick it but I discovered recently that it doesn't taste that bad. I researched the risks, but you're only putting back inside of you what you already had, so there's no big risk of infection. I also read that depending on the health of the person's scat who you eat, it could improve your bowel function. I don't plan on eating it, but I do love the smell, depending on the health of my digestive track.

Don't know but this might interest you:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on February 26, 2016, 04:46:25 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 06:04:53 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 29, 2015, 11:03:30 AM
I think transsexuality has been classified as a mental disorder in the past (if the great documentary "Glen Or Glenda" is anything to go by) but if it is it's certainly one of the most harmless. I'd say, rather than seeing it as normal/not-normal, it's a case of common/not-common.

Edit - which I suppose is saying much the same thing, now that I think about it.
I think the qualifications of what is or isn't a mental disorder is something which is usually arbitrarily decided by drug companies to push whatever products they're selling, or by whoever wants to push their stigmas. Perhaps it could be said that a mental illness is something that makes it difficult for someone to function in their life. What it really comes down to is that the gender identity we're all told we have is the one that society's norms and mores dictate, regardless of the biological sex organs we're all born with (some who are born with both). To me, classifying someone's transgender mind as a mental illness is all the fodder some fear mongering right winger needs to start persecuting those who are transgender. Transgender people feel the same, they think the same way, the only difference is the way they identify with their gender. I know this because the last 4 close friendships I had were with people who were transgender. Why can't people just respect that not everyone in this strange and infinitely mysterious world could be experiencing the world through the eyes of someone that society doesn't think their gender could possibly align with? That to me makes so much more sense than any of the people calling them mentally ill. No more fear mongering ignorance.

After I wrote this I realize that it's very contentious, I've been having some anxiety about that. Hopefully this won't devolve into a big argument. That's the kind of shit I'd do on facebook, not a forum that seems to have a calm atmosphere.

By definition transgenderism (or whatever you want to call it) is not a mental illness. And a personality disorder is a condition that makes your's or those around you's life unmanageable, so I think people are only being prejudiced and that could only take things so far.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on February 26, 2016, 05:30:59 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on February 26, 2016, 04:04:09 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 04:32:15 PM
Ah, this is a good thread. I'm into scat mostly. Gay scat. I don't really care for porn that isn't scat related. There's a fine line between disgusting and erotic in scat. Sometimes I can't stomach the look of the scat coming out of the person's ass, if it's all yellow, or if the person shitting is fat and old. The hotter the person, the more I sympathize with what's coming out of their ass. I love playing with scat, I didn't always lick it but I discovered recently that it doesn't taste that bad. I researched the risks, but you're only putting back inside of you what you already had, so there's no big risk of infection. I also read that depending on the health of the person's scat who you eat, it could improve your bowel function. I don't plan on eating it, but I do love the smell, depending on the health of my digestive track.

Don't know but this might interest you:

That looks fricken awesome. I love shintaro kago too. Looks like the only way to get it would be order. 20 bucks is a fuck load of money, so I'll have to think about if I wanna order it or not lol.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on February 26, 2016, 05:37:51 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on February 26, 2016, 04:46:25 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 06:04:53 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 29, 2015, 11:03:30 AM
I think transsexuality has been classified as a mental disorder in the past (if the great documentary "Glen Or Glenda" is anything to go by) but if it is it's certainly one of the most harmless. I'd say, rather than seeing it as normal/not-normal, it's a case of common/not-common.

Edit - which I suppose is saying much the same thing, now that I think about it.
I think the qualifications of what is or isn't a mental disorder is something which is usually arbitrarily decided by drug companies to push whatever products they're selling, or by whoever wants to push their stigmas. Perhaps it could be said that a mental illness is something that makes it difficult for someone to function in their life. What it really comes down to is that the gender identity we're all told we have is the one that society's norms and mores dictate, regardless of the biological sex organs we're all born with (some who are born with both). To me, classifying someone's transgender mind as a mental illness is all the fodder some fear mongering right winger needs to start persecuting those who are transgender. Transgender people feel the same, they think the same way, the only difference is the way they identify with their gender. I know this because the last 4 close friendships I had were with people who were transgender. Why can't people just respect that not everyone in this strange and infinitely mysterious world could be experiencing the world through the eyes of someone that society doesn't think their gender could possibly align with? That to me makes so much more sense than any of the people calling them mentally ill. No more fear mongering ignorance.

After I wrote this I realize that it's very contentious, I've been having some anxiety about that. Hopefully this won't devolve into a big argument. That's the kind of shit I'd do on facebook, not a forum that seems to have a calm atmosphere.

By definition transgenderism (or whatever you want to call it) is not a mental illness. And a personality disorder is a condition that makes your's or those around you's life unmanageable, so I think people are only being prejudiced and that could only take things so far.
No, I agree that there's mental illnesses. Schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, depression, psychopathy, whatever. I'm just saying that it can be used as a stigma.

They over diagnose kids with adhd and put them on stimulant drugs to help them pay attention in classes, which wouldn't hold their attention otherwise because they're just so poorly constructed.

I could be making a big deal out of nothing, but my personal experience with psychiatric industries has left me with 0 trust for the industry in general. You go to a doctor for 15 minutes and say you can't pay attention, no analysis or tests or anything and they put you on some synthetic narcotic drug. They don't even analyze to make sure you have the disorder they think you do, they misdiagnose and give drugs out irresponsibly. I know this first hand.

Regardless of that, I just can't get over the stigma that people have for transgendered individuals.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on February 26, 2016, 07:57:25 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on February 26, 2016, 05:37:51 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on February 26, 2016, 04:46:25 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on February 24, 2016, 06:04:53 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 29, 2015, 11:03:30 AM
I think transsexuality has been classified as a mental disorder in the past (if the great documentary "Glen Or Glenda" is anything to go by) but if it is it's certainly one of the most harmless. I'd say, rather than seeing it as normal/not-normal, it's a case of common/not-common.

Edit - which I suppose is saying much the same thing, now that I think about it.
I think the qualifications of what is or isn't a mental disorder is something which is usually arbitrarily decided by drug companies to push whatever products they're selling, or by whoever wants to push their stigmas. Perhaps it could be said that a mental illness is something that makes it difficult for someone to function in their life. What it really comes down to is that the gender identity we're all told we have is the one that society's norms and mores dictate, regardless of the biological sex organs we're all born with (some who are born with both). To me, classifying someone's transgender mind as a mental illness is all the fodder some fear mongering right winger needs to start persecuting those who are transgender. Transgender people feel the same, they think the same way, the only difference is the way they identify with their gender. I know this because the last 4 close friendships I had were with people who were transgender. Why can't people just respect that not everyone in this strange and infinitely mysterious world could be experiencing the world through the eyes of someone that society doesn't think their gender could possibly align with? That to me makes so much more sense than any of the people calling them mentally ill. No more fear mongering ignorance.

After I wrote this I realize that it's very contentious, I've been having some anxiety about that. Hopefully this won't devolve into a big argument. That's the kind of shit I'd do on facebook, not a forum that seems to have a calm atmosphere.

By definition transgenderism (or whatever you want to call it) is not a mental illness. And a personality disorder is a condition that makes your's or those around you's life unmanageable, so I think people are only being prejudiced and that could only take things so far.
No, I agree that there's mental illnesses. Schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, depression, psychopathy, whatever. I'm just saying that it can be used as a stigma.

They over diagnose kids with adhd and put them on stimulant drugs to help them pay attention in classes, which wouldn't hold their attention otherwise because they're just so poorly constructed.

I could be making a big deal out of nothing, but my personal experience with psychiatric industries has left me with 0 trust for the industry in general. You go to a doctor for 15 minutes and say you can't pay attention, no analysis or tests or anything and they put you on some synthetic narcotic drug. They don't even analyze to make sure you have the disorder they think you do, they misdiagnose and give drugs out irresponsibly. I know this first hand.

Regardless of that, I just can't get over the stigma that people have for transgendered individuals.

Yeah I agree some people are c*nts (totally agree).

I think after the reality of the "situation" became clear (re. finding ways to medicate) peoples' prejudices would send them in the opposite direction 'why are we spending SO much money researching this for them [them being unwell]'

People are bigots; unenlightened, y'know. People these days are bigoted against bigots. Things have a tendency to settle.

Fuck yeah, Shintaro Kago's the very business!! I actually prefer Suehiro Mauro though.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Zodiac on February 29, 2016, 01:44:52 PM
#shemales @ irc.rizon.net | anybody who shares this fetish and still uses IRC
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 03, 2016, 09:55:40 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: AMRadioWaveMessage on March 05, 2016, 11:43:12 AM
Anyone aware of Pornography centered towards sex with very large inanimate objects, like buildings or cars? I'm not into this 'fetish,' but I have never seen existence of such a porn, even though people with such fetishes exist.

People who are into more taboo sexual interests / paraphilias are involved with such fetishes as a way to dehumanize the partner, to take idea of sex and take it out of human world, by either devaluing human partner to an object, or focusing on excrement and waste, or sometimes animals and children. I think it can be tied to control, and wanting supremacy over humans, the thrill of disgust of fluid fetishes, and some form of liberation or whatever. But, if liberation is through the disgusting, dominating, and taboo, by breaking humanly agreed upon kinks, then wouldn't sex with inorganic material such as skyscrapers be the most taboo, in that it's sexuality so far deviated from humanity and reproduction?

Now, this is of course implying that attachment to massive objects unrelated to humanity is brought about to 'escape' human sexuality, and not as a result of being attached to an object out of PTSD or such other condition of a similar nature. To me, it seems no different from someone into voyeurism who could only get off by watching / masturbation...except with inorganic material. Both are experiences far removed from the intimacy factor, but a building fetish is to a more logical conclusion.

I mean, let's face it, even and especially BDSM sexual acts are about intimacy.

I'm curious if anyone has such knowledge on this issue.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: SiClark on March 05, 2016, 12:23:40 PM
Old news story but possibly relevant for what you mentioned?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 05, 2016, 03:17:10 PM
Have seen several such stories on various TV programmes over the years eg woman falling in love with and marrying a fence,
The tone in the programmes is always humorous and condesendig
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on March 05, 2016, 03:20:44 PM
Quote from: AMRadioWaveMessage on March 05, 2016, 11:43:12 AM
Anyone aware of Pornography centered towards sex with very large inanimate objects, like buildings or cars? I'm not into this 'fetish,' but I have never seen existence of such a porn, even though people with such fetishes exist.

There's documentaries about this on YouTube of course, which you probably already know. But actual smut, that's a good question. I suppose there'd be no need for porn with a human copulating with a car or building or piece of concrete when such 'philes could just as easily get photos of these objects anywhere or just go outside and root their lawnmowers. With so many things around to turn them on and get them off, they probably don't even need smut.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 12, 2016, 08:04:35 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on March 14, 2016, 10:29:11 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on March 16, 2016, 05:00:59 AM
this is one of the funniest porn videos I have ever watched. I can't even explain why. This girl is super fucking hot though http://www.xpee.com/video/1416/horny-japanese-chick-pooping-and-playing
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on March 18, 2016, 04:13:20 PM
One lesson I could give to people for online dating is BE WEARY! People are absolutely not what they seem sometimes. This person I was talking to gave no red flags, a few attractive pictures, on their profile they were unassuming and seemed like a decent human being. In person, they were a total degenerate! They were not like they were in the pictures, they were extremely mentally disturbed, was holding a closed box cutter knife when they first met me, going on about how the last guy's house she was just at was a total prick to her, and how she meets up with so many guys and has so much sex. This person came off as a cute, fun loving and exuberant, works with kids and electronics and plays music in her band on their profile. In person, they would not stop going on about their abusive relationships and their childhood abuse, and they were intimidating as hell and seemed very off in the way they composed themselves. They had severe turrets syndrome too, which they did not mention anywhere, and had a few turrets fits in the middle of a walk we were having. They would keep going on about hardcore sex stuff in the middle of a cafe, I had to ask them to tone it down in a public space, one of their friends she was calling on the phone threatened to "castrate" me if I did anything to her, when she was casually talking on the phone with someone and she handed the phone to me saying her friend wanted to talk with me.

Absolute degenerate, but showed no sign of this on their profile what so ever. I wrote a biography of the whole event here, it was fucking freaky.  http://puu.sh/nJU3T/12466f02a1.txt
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Duality on March 18, 2016, 04:40:37 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on March 18, 2016, 04:13:20 PM
One lesson I could give to people for online dating is BE WEARY! People are absolutely not what they seem sometimes. This person I was talking to gave no red flags, a few attractive pictures, on their profile they were unassuming and seemed like a decent human being. In person, they were a total degenerate! They were not like they were in the pictures, they were extremely mentally disturbed, was holding a closed box cutter knife when they first met me, going on about how the last guy's house she was just at was a total prick to her, and how she meets up with so many guys and has so much sex. This person came off as a cute, fun loving and exuberant, works with kids and electronics and plays music in her band on their profile. In person, they would not stop going on about their abusive relationships and their childhood abuse, and they were intimidating as hell and seemed very off in the way they composed themselves. They had severe turrets syndrome too, which they did not mention anywhere, and had a few turrets fits in the middle of a walk we were having. They would keep going on about hardcore sex stuff in the middle of a cafe, I had to ask them to tone it down in a public space, one of their friends she was calling on the phone threatened to "castrate" me if I did anything to her, when she was casually talking on the phone with someone and she handed the phone to me saying her friend wanted to talk with me.

Absolute degenerate, but showed no sign of this on their profile what so ever. I wrote a biography of the whole event here, it was fucking freaky.  http://puu.sh/nJU3T/12466f02a1.txt
Christ, if I was in your situation I would have probed for more information about her abusive childhood. That shit is always interesting, even if the person talking is a crazy cunt.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on March 18, 2016, 04:43:19 PM
Quote from: Duality on March 18, 2016, 04:40:37 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on March 18, 2016, 04:13:20 PM
One lesson I could give to people for online dating is BE WEARY! People are absolutely not what they seem sometimes. This person I was talking to gave no red flags, a few attractive pictures, on their profile they were unassuming and seemed like a decent human being. In person, they were a total degenerate! They were not like they were in the pictures, they were extremely mentally disturbed, was holding a closed box cutter knife when they first met me, going on about how the last guy's house she was just at was a total prick to her, and how she meets up with so many guys and has so much sex. This person came off as a cute, fun loving and exuberant, works with kids and electronics and plays music in her band on their profile. In person, they would not stop going on about their abusive relationships and their childhood abuse, and they were intimidating as hell and seemed very off in the way they composed themselves. They had severe turrets syndrome too, which they did not mention anywhere, and had a few turrets fits in the middle of a walk we were having. They would keep going on about hardcore sex stuff in the middle of a cafe, I had to ask them to tone it down in a public space, one of their friends she was calling on the phone threatened to "castrate" me if I did anything to her, when she was casually talking on the phone with someone and she handed the phone to me saying her friend wanted to talk with me.

Absolute degenerate, but showed no sign of this on their profile what so ever. I wrote a biography of the whole event here, it was fucking freaky.  http://puu.sh/nJU3T/12466f02a1.txt
Christ, if I was in your situation I would have probed for more information about her abusive childhood. That shit is always interesting, even if the person talking is a crazy cunt.
It's been baffling me ever since it happened. There were absolutely no warning signs and I was very incautious, careless, reckless. This is a huge wake up call for me. I am giving strict rules to myself for the next person I meet up with. We meet up in a public place, I do not give them my address, I ask them if there's anything unusual about themselves I should know before hand, or something. I am not making the same mistake twice, I am not going to be careless again. People are not to be trusted in online dating.

That sort of thing is interesting, but to be honest I was not interested in it at all at the time. That is not the sort of thing you reveal to someone on a first date, unsolicited. They just spilled it and I only planned to talk about music and have a relaxing night.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on March 18, 2016, 05:00:31 PM
Another thing to add that I didn't add in my original biography of the event out of respect for this woman, she is mtf transgender. She told me that I live in the center of the most highly concentrated transgender and gay areas. I did not even know this.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: AMRadioWaveMessage on March 19, 2016, 01:42:15 AM
Didn't I read that you're into Scat fetishes?

I'm not surprised in the least you'd meet someone like that on whatever 'Dating' site you're perusing. hahahaha
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on March 19, 2016, 01:59:35 AM
Quote from: AMRadioWaveMessage on March 19, 2016, 01:42:15 AM
Didn't I read that you're into Scat fetishes?

I'm not surprised in the least you'd meet someone like that on whatever 'Dating' site you're perusing. hahahaha
I don't put that on my dating profile! LOL! I may be a freak, but I'm a controlled freak. I compose myself as a normal human being, I want to blend in. Unfortunately, this person did blend in until I met them, they didn't appear weird on their profile or in the text messages before hand. I may still come off as a bit bizarre from my profile, I do that on purpose though so people who get me can identify. I still don't push it past ironic edgy jokes, at least I'm not straight up faking it like the degenerate I met up with. No, I want a freak for sure, someone deviant but someone who's not fucking psycho, and SMART! Someone nice and not dangerous who can hide their freakish side.

This was also an attempt to start a band. The person wasn't really into the same type of music as me. 50s and 60s oldies rock blues jazz and swing music. I didn't really ask them before hand what music they were into, because I didn't really care to be honest. I just wanted to get some experience playing music with people, and see if this person would be interesting at all to play music with when I met up with them, and judge from there. Their profile made them out to be a perfectly unassuming and respectable person. So that's how this whole thing started, we said there may be the possibility of a date, even though I wasn't planning on that. I really only went into it planning to talk about music.

I really don't know where I could find the kind of people who would be appropriate to make the sort of music I like. I am a recluse to be honest, I don't really know what's going on outside my house besides what I can google. I need to find the type of people who would be interesting to me though, somehow. I have always wondered how I could meet the sort of people who I would actually want to spend time with. One of the biggest inspirations to me is Genesis P Orridge. Their life, the life they've led, is so fascinating to me. I'd love to just sit down and talk with them, they seem like exactly my type of people.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on April 18, 2016, 04:53:44 AM
http://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/abf-trottla#.bu9klen39 (http://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/abf-trottla#.bu9klen39)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Vermin Marvin on April 27, 2016, 04:39:13 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on April 27, 2016, 05:39:05 PM
^^^ And they say religion doesn't make you a fucking moron.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Peterson on May 06, 2016, 05:20:48 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Fluid Fetish on May 18, 2016, 05:52:33 AM
Well this thread was addicting, I've now read all 58 pages over a few days while checking out many of the links, good stuff.

Definitely have had some interesting online dating experiences myself being the sleazebag that I am, had a 18 year old girl have a SEVERE panic attack in front of me while in my car over something very trivial,another girl that was in the early stages of pregnancy but tried to cover it up and hide it, another girl who I was fucking for several months decided to introduce me to her boyfriend out of no where who stated he had 'heard a lot about me' upon shaking my hand, a girl who was blatantly not of age trying to get me to choke her out...the list could go on.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bloated Slutbag on May 18, 2016, 06:26:28 AM
Keep going Fluid Fetish, was just getting interesting...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Fluid Fetish on May 19, 2016, 01:13:54 AM
Quote from: Peterson on May 18, 2016, 06:47:04 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on May 18, 2016, 05:52:33 AM
Definitely have had some interesting online dating experiences myself being the sleazebag that I am, had a 18 year old girl have a SEVERE panic attack in front of me while in my car over something very trivial,another girl that was in the early stages of pregnancy but tried to cover it up and hide it, another girl who I was fucking for several months decided to introduce me to her boyfriend out of no where who stated he had 'heard a lot about me' upon shaking my hand, a girl who was blatantly not of age trying to get me to choke her out...the list could go on.

I can relate, OkCupid is a meat market for most people. I have similar stories, but can't share them here. There's a few in Force Neurotic zine #2. Had pretty much all those things happen, but the ones I'm thinking of are so strange I can't share it here, haha. Perhaps we could collaborate on some writing about these anecdotes.

I'll have to come back to this thread, there's a few stories I might be able to share if I can manage the time, some I definitely shouldn't. Having said that though I would DEFINITELY be interested in collaborating with you, I'm always interested in writing projects or zine projects of this sort. PM me or I'll PM you some time!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on May 19, 2016, 10:14:49 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on May 20, 2016, 03:09:54 AM
This video is entitled "Boy in a dress shitting outside - gay scat porn at ThisVid tube" you can obviously find it at thisvid, but that website requires free signup, I think.

This is an absolute gem, which I saved from this guy's account which he took down, entitled "poofybunny-return-of-the-dress-uncut" this video is similar to the last one.

Here's his tumblr

You know the funny thing about my fetishes? People are into some mild shit, like chastity, or cross dressing, or being whipped, or taking a dildo up the ass, which is all well and good, but if I were to mention the stuff I like, people will dislike you and avoid you. I wouldn't even care, if I was into literally anything else. I'd fess up to anything else, it wouldn't bother me. Except, I don't know, it's just a terrible curse, having a sexuality misunderstood by so many. There's still hope that I can be abducted by a peaceful, super advanced race of alien people. Maybe then I will find some acceptance and understanding in this world. I don't just mean because of some stupid inconsequential sexual interest, I just mean finding someone who I can relate to in general. Maybe I could relate to someone on some superficial level, but what really is relating to anyone anyways? No one can really feel what you feel. Even if you know someone who feels the same way you feel, you can be very bored with that person. I have nothing to say. In conclusion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 21, 2016, 06:56:29 AM
http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/serial-killer-twitter-teenage-girl-fans (http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/serial-killer-twitter-teenage-girl-fans)

QuoteI am a radical feminist who also happens to be highly attracted to people that abuse and murder women. Oops. I actually don't find Dahmer attractive any more, I like Bundy and Ramirez a lot better, ha-ha.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cutter on May 21, 2016, 12:16:21 PM
QuoteYou know the funny thing about my fetishes? People are into some mild shit, like chastity, or cross dressing, or being whipped, or taking a dildo up the ass, which is all well and good, but if I were to mention the stuff I like, people will dislike you and avoid you. I wouldn't even care, if I was into literally anything else. I'd fess up to anything else, it wouldn't bother me. Except, I don't know, it's just a terrible curse, having a sexuality misunderstood by so many.

Actually, i can say i feel you... In fact that's why not so many people know about the fetish i have, but what's good in my situation is that my girlfriend understands it ang i can see that she a little likes it. But anyway, i know how it is to be misunderstood and avoided.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Duality on May 21, 2016, 01:00:04 PM
Quote from: Si Clark on May 21, 2016, 12:47:11 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 21, 2016, 06:56:29 AM
http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/serial-killer-twitter-teenage-girl-fans (http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/serial-killer-twitter-teenage-girl-fans)

QuoteI am a radical feminist who also happens to be highly attracted to people that abuse and murder women. Oops. I actually don't find Dahmer attractive any more, I like Bundy and Ramirez a lot better, ha-ha.
I don't know why I read that article all to the end. No real analysis or finding an understanding of these people, just - "hey here's something, don't understand what it means though, how about that?".
That's Vice for you. They rarely have interesting articles and when they do, there's no analysis.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Fluid Fetish on May 22, 2016, 02:03:10 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on May 20, 2016, 03:09:54 AM
This video is entitled "Boy in a dress shitting outside - gay scat porn at ThisVid tube" you can obviously find it at thisvid, but that website requires free signup, I think.

This is an absolute gem, which I saved from this guy's account which he took down, entitled "poofybunny-return-of-the-dress-uncut" this video is similar to the last one.

Here's his tumblr

You know the funny thing about my fetishes? People are into some mild shit, like chastity, or cross dressing, or being whipped, or taking a dildo up the ass, which is all well and good, but if I were to mention the stuff I like, people will dislike you and avoid you. I wouldn't even care, if I was into literally anything else. I'd fess up to anything else, it wouldn't bother me. Except, I don't know, it's just a terrible curse, having a sexuality misunderstood by so many. There's still hope that I can be abducted by a peaceful, super advanced race of alien people. Maybe then I will find some acceptance and understanding in this world. I don't just mean because of some stupid inconsequential sexual interest, I just mean finding someone who I can relate to in general. Maybe I could relate to someone on some superficial level, but what really is relating to anyone anyways? No one can really feel what you feel. Even if you know someone who feels the same way you feel, you can be very bored with that person. I have nothing to say. In conclusion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ

So, not that it's any of my business but I'm just genuinely curious, you're into gay scat but you're heterosexual or you're bisexual? Just asking due to your story about the online dating being with a girl and everything, plus I find the idea of the possibility of a heterosexual male who is into gay scat porn fascinating...although if you're bisexual that would obviously make sense. Or you could just tell me to fuck off haha...but like I said, just curious.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 02:52:58 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on May 22, 2016, 02:03:10 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on May 20, 2016, 03:09:54 AM
This video is entitled "Boy in a dress shitting outside - gay scat porn at ThisVid tube" you can obviously find it at thisvid, but that website requires free signup, I think.

This is an absolute gem, which I saved from this guy's account which he took down, entitled "poofybunny-return-of-the-dress-uncut" this video is similar to the last one.

Here's his tumblr

You know the funny thing about my fetishes? People are into some mild shit, like chastity, or cross dressing, or being whipped, or taking a dildo up the ass, which is all well and good, but if I were to mention the stuff I like, people will dislike you and avoid you. I wouldn't even care, if I was into literally anything else. I'd fess up to anything else, it wouldn't bother me. Except, I don't know, it's just a terrible curse, having a sexuality misunderstood by so many. There's still hope that I can be abducted by a peaceful, super advanced race of alien people. Maybe then I will find some acceptance and understanding in this world. I don't just mean because of some stupid inconsequential sexual interest, I just mean finding someone who I can relate to in general. Maybe I could relate to someone on some superficial level, but what really is relating to anyone anyways? No one can really feel what you feel. Even if you know someone who feels the same way you feel, you can be very bored with that person. I have nothing to say. In conclusion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ

So, not that it's any of my business but I'm just genuinely curious, you're into gay scat but you're heterosexual or you're bisexual? Just asking due to your story about the online dating being with a girl and everything, plus I find the idea of the possibility of a heterosexual male who is into gay scat porn fascinating...although if you're bisexual that would obviously make sense. Or you could just tell me to fuck off haha...but like I said, just curious.
Nooo, don't worry. I'm not the mean sort, because I can see you're approaching the question with politeness and lack of condescension. Seeing as I have never actually had sex with anyone, I find the idea of who I have a preference to have sex with to be meaningless to answer. Who I happen to be attracted to in pornography is incidental, it can't define my sexuality because what I've experienced sexually hasn't involved the physical act of sex. Now, that's not to say I've never felt sexual excitement or pleasure, because there's certainly ways of achieving that without a sexual partner. I'll spare you the details.

If I were to tell you my sexuality, I feel I'd be falling into a trap of theorizing and trying to come up with an answer out of pure logic, instead of experience. I suppose you could draw the conclusion that if I see a guy and I get turned on, then that somehow means that I'm attracted to guys. You could conclude that, but under what circumstances do I come together with another guy, and we find each other attractive, we fuck, or whatever? I'm pessimistic, I don't have faith in my own sexual ability to find someone who I want to have sex with, let alone someone who wants to have sex with me.

Here's the answer you may have been looking for though. Yes, sometimes a person who is transgender can be attractive. I don't find many guys attractive, usually only twinks and effeminate type guys, sometimes a guy who's lean and muscular but also has an elegant body can be attractive too. Women? My habits would show that I haven't shone much interest in women, sexually. I will tell people who I know in person, I am mostly heterosexual, but incidentally homosexual, for a very small number of guys. Part of that statement is true, I'm only attracted to a certain type of guys. That may be because of my lack of experience, but hey. What is false though, is me saying I'm mainly attracted to women. I spent the majority of my time paying attention to men.

I don't know why it's so difficult and complex for me to convey my sexuality to others. I think it's because I, to my chagrin, am often more deeply contemplative than others. Is that absolutely a good thing? Absolutely not. It can be horrible, driving myself to ask so many questions, but yet reaching absurd false conclusions, or being so confused by my own inner conscious dialog that I can't even articulate the message that I wish I was saying, so instead I may just say something stupid to hide the fact that I'm utterly, hopelessly confused. Am I doing a little bit of that right now? Maybe a little.

I would like to add, that in the dating world I would settle for women. That's because I feel that the sort of guy that I am after isn't there. I don't have much hope that I can find the sort of guy that, in my imagination, is someone who I'd be in love with. I think that I feel more comfortable with the idea of dating women, because I think that in all actuality I still question how attracted to men I am. I feel safer with the idea of being attracted to women, but this is something that I've been theorizing in my head with for years. I think that originally I wasn't very attracted to guys at all, until I started to become curious and that developed in my brain an attraction to other guys. I think that innately, that possibility was always there and could have arisen one way or another, as not to say that homosexuality isn't something you're born with.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 22, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 02:52:58 AM
Who I happen to be attracted to in pornography is incidental, it can't define my sexuality because what I've experienced sexually hasn't involved the physical act of sex.

It's interesting that what you call "the physical act of sex" has a higher post in your mind's hierarchy than pornography. Masturbation, after all, is just as physical. But I can understand why anyone prioritises actual two-or-more-person physical contact over jerking off, it's an ingrained instinct and society definitely favours it.

When Masami Akita of Merzbow called pornography "the subconscious of sex" I think he was onto something. Smut allows our fantasies to come to life, and it's our sexual fantasies that are the true mark of our desires, I believe. When it's easy to get what you want online you'll gravitate to that more than make the effort with a real person.

I like to believe that with the advent of pornography, the growing acceptance of prostitution as a serious industry and not something to be ashamed of (or to be ashamed of if that turns you on), sex aids and other technology we can bypass the whole bullshit human relation thing all together and just go straight to what we want. In that event, as far as describing yourself sexually, you are what you want to fuck.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 04:14:59 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 22, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 02:52:58 AM
Who I happen to be attracted to in pornography is incidental, it can't define my sexuality because what I've experienced sexually hasn't involved the physical act of sex.

It's interesting that what you call "the physical act of sex" has a higher post in your mind's hierarchy than pornography. Masturbation, after all, is just as physical. But I can understand why anyone prioritises actual two-or-more-person physical contact over jerking off, it's an ingrained instinct and society definitely favours it.

When Masami Akita of Merzbow called pornography "the subconscious of sex" I think he was onto something. Smut allows our fantasies to come to life, and it's our sexual fantasies that are the true mark of our desires, I believe. When it's easy to get what you want online you'll gravitate to that more than make the effort with a real person.

I like to believe that with the advent of pornography, the growing acceptance of prostitution as a serious industry and not something to be ashamed of (or to be ashamed of if that turns you on), sex aids and other technology we can bypass the whole bullshit human relation thing all together and just go straight to what we want. In that event, as far as describing yourself sexually, you are what you want to fuck.
Well, perhaps it is a little bit of cultural bias towards two person sex, on my part. I've tried to make moves to find someone who I might like. I have found several, several of whom I've met up with in person person. I even found one who had the same interests as me, he was from tumblr. Boy was he creepy. Not exactly my idea of a romantic, monumentally perverted fantasy I had in my mind. But then again, I realize it's a bit conceited of me to say that about him, but I believe that there's two types of people in this world. People who are charming, and people who are unflattering and stupid. I don't have malice towards this person, I simply find him negative to my sensibilities.

It is fascinating to think about what pornography says about the subconscious. Every person is about as unique as a cluster of stars and galaxies, people who say we're not unique as a species negate everyone's infinite complexity. They negate not only the complexity of others, but the complexity of life. Sexuality is a complicated, neglected matter.

You sound a bit like my friend from steam, someone who loves technology, sees robots as the future and virtual reality as a means of escape from the hopelessly fucked up world we live in as a means of escape. I miss that person, but they freaked out at me and told me they were going to go join isis, then removed me from their contact list. I really did admire her as a human being though. Ah, nostalgia.

You don't really resemble my friend from steam, but your rejection from society in favor of the next step in evolution, the technological age where we overcome our own human nature. That is something I look forward to as well, but I don't indulge myself in that sort of sci fi transhumanist sort of thing too much. It's simply not here yet, so I don't want to get my hopes up.

In conclusion, I'd just like to say that indeed nothing is sacred. Any sexual fantasy that a person has, they can have, regardless of whether or not it's deemed acceptable by society. After all, all people are just people, there's no better or worse person. There are only people who try to apply their own rules on others, but there's no absolute morality, so really it's only a chess board of egos.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 22, 2016, 05:01:22 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 04:14:59 AM
You don't really resemble my friend from steam, but your rejection from society in favor of the next step in evolution, the technological age where we overcome our own human nature.

It's no problem, but for the record I am in no way a futurist/transhumanist/etc. I just think it's possible human sexual relations are and can become more "artificial", and for mine I think that's a good thing. For humanity in general, I don't think it's a good thing, and I guess there'll be as much resistance to it in the future as there is now (anti-porn, anti-whore, anti-sex doll, etc.). Fun for all, really.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 05:19:32 AM
Ah, yes. Looking over what you said now, I can see you didn't mean that. I'm sorry. After writing those paragraphs, I was literally staring at your response for like half an hours, just trying to figure out what to say in response. I suppose I'm just a bit tired, so if I'm not on the top of my game in comprehending what you're saying, oh well. I'll be going to bed now.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on May 22, 2016, 12:51:35 PM
Ugh, I'm sorry for writing such retarded garbage. Every time I do that I wake up the next morning feeling terrible. Fucking hell. So if that's why a giant wall of retarded text is missing, there you go. I save the writings I do sometimes though, if I put a lot of work into them.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Fluid Fetish on May 24, 2016, 04:58:42 AM
Things have been too busy for me to do much posting on here recently but thanks for answering my question.

I'm going to be the cliche motivational speaker here for a moment but your posts and writing to me aren't retarded garbage at all. haha, take it easy, you're too harsh on yourself as I found your posts interesting and compelling enough to inquire further about some of what you said for example.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on May 25, 2016, 02:14:44 AM
Thank you. The second part that I wrote, more about fetish and less about sexual orientation was - I suppose a bit much for me to leave out in the open like that. That's the writing I'm referring to, the one that I deleted which is why I felt stupid that I put it up. I get these really passionate moments where I just feel compelled to write extremely personal things, which much to my embarrassment leaves me feeling pretty bad about myself afterwards. I may also just be exaggerating how I feel, or, feeling a bit exaggerated and melodramatic emotions, because I guess I'm just sort of insecure. Thank you for being polite though, I appreciate that you find what I say interesting.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on May 28, 2016, 04:17:50 AM
Yes, Sotos did seem to go over my head initially but then I haven't read a lot of his work. Actually, he started making more sense to me when I heard him recite some of his material online. I forget how sometimes it takes the spoken word to make the written word a bit more apparent.

Certainly, most people would prefer the "real thing" if there was an actual choice laid before them. But, with technology, sex substitutes are in a position of becoming the "real thing" in themselves. There are brothels in Japan that feature only sex dolls, for example. People are now taking seriously the idea of their ultimate fantasies, which of course can't be completely accommodated, certainly not all the time, by other people.

I think it's a case now of more opportunity provided by more recent technology (which is why I understand why oOoOoOo might have thought I was a bit of a trans-humanist). We've had years of literature and pictorial art to indulge our filthy fantasies with, which has led to a lot of soul searching and intellectualising (Sotos on Satre and Genet, eh? Probably had to happen in time). But now there's potential for more instant and more penetrating gratification. For organisms that just want to shoot sperm but might not have had a lot of potential in the "real world" of the gene pool, there are more options that don't involve a lot of social risk.

Which means, I think, that even those who are able to at least have a chance to accommodate indulging their desires in the traditional social ways will opt for easier ways that by design wont involve other people. Child sex dolls for pedophiles, for example. Since this is all very recent by human standards, consequences aren't fully understood. But I just feel that pure lust will out for most people. But of course not all. Because for a lot of people, that lust can only be sated by other human flesh, and of course all the emotional froth that comes from it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cutter on May 28, 2016, 08:52:47 AM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on May 28, 2016, 04:17:50 AM
Certainly, most people would prefer the "real thing" if there was an actual choice laid before them. But, with technology, sex substitutes are in a position of becoming the "real thing" in themselves. There are brothels in Japan that feature only sex dolls, for example. People are now taking seriously the idea of their ultimate fantasies, which of course can't be completely accommodated, certainly not all the time, by other people.
sometimes I think, that in Japan you can "feed" almost every fetish you can probably come up with, okay, maybe not stricte pedofilia or shit but the truth is that the women/girls are looking really really i can say "teeny" there so it can be treated as a some sort of substitute too.
Also you probably heard about some king of cyber sex (you know, with those goggles on but i dont actually remember the name of it) but yeah, the world and the technology is going that way, so in a few years/decades there could be a kind of substitutes like android dolls but you wouldn't be even able to notice that's not a human... but finally, the sex industry is going to surprise us (at least in my opinion)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 04, 2016, 02:15:58 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cutter on June 04, 2016, 02:44:57 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 04, 2016, 02:15:58 PM

it's kinda weird comparing it with real life experience, because actually most of them don't want it not even talking about enjoying it, But yeah "the sun" and "expert says" sometimes sounds familiure to "lie".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 16, 2016, 05:01:11 PM
how horrible: bondage as therapy

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 16, 2016, 07:46:07 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 16, 2016, 05:01:11 PM
how horrible: bondage as therapy


frankly have always seen a meditative and hence therapeutic aspect to bondage.
obviously, if corporate types stat bleating on about it on Linkedin then i'll have to buy a gun, but til then..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 25, 2016, 05:12:58 AM
Jamie Gillis:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on July 05, 2016, 03:45:45 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on June 16, 2016, 05:01:11 PM
how horrible: bondage as therapy


Soon it will be those suspensions (hanging from hooks piercing through lumps of your skin).
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on July 08, 2016, 11:19:10 PM
I hate it when people ask me what kind of porn I'm into. Like honestly, I used to just answer that question if I were online, but it's so fucking awkward. My life sucks. There's no way to just avoid the question without being prudish, idk why everyone in our society is so fucking boring, they don't expect you to be into anything. I knew a guy in a chat room once who was so timid and shy about revealing the fact that he was into chastity, like those little cages you put around your dick. It just sort of pisses me off, that we live in such a stupid society; what other way is there to describe that sort of thing besides stupid? It's certainly not tolerable, because it makes my life worse. What does it even mean to tolerate something? To just take the pain of it and be quiet and not talk about it? Well, in that case I guess I have failed at tolerating the stupidity and I guess, if I could use more superficial words in my already pathetic tirade - lameness of society.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Fluid Fetish on July 09, 2016, 12:04:39 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on July 08, 2016, 11:19:10 PM
I hate it when people ask me what kind of porn I'm into. Like honestly, I used to just answer that question if I were online, but it's so fucking awkward. My life sucks. There's no way to just avoid the question without being prudish, idk why everyone in our society is so fucking boring, they don't expect you to be into anything. I knew a guy in a chat room once who was so timid and shy about revealing the fact that he was into chastity, like those little cages you put around your dick. It just sort of pisses me off, that we live in such a stupid society; what other way is there to describe that sort of thing besides stupid? It's certainly not tolerable, because it makes my life worse. What does it even mean to tolerate something? To just take the pain of it and be quiet and not talk about it? Well, in that case I guess I have failed at tolerating the stupidity and I guess, if I could use more superficial words in my already pathetic tirade - lameness of society.

I was always amused by the fact that people are ashamed of what gets them off. It makes sense in certain parts of the world, like in the US everyone is sexually repressed or prudish....it's ok to watch people being killed but sex is still taboo etc. I have a friend who used to have a boyfriend who liked being fucked in the ass with a dildo by her, and apparently this guy was so ashamed of it. I mean, he was Mr. Tough Guy ex-drug dealer gangster so that makes sense. One of my favorite stories of the whole experience was her going in to purchase the strap on and his tough guy gangsta ass had to sit in the car because he refused to go in and pick it out with her. Personally, if a dildo was going in my ass, I'd slap that fucker down on the table and ask the clerk if he's ever tried it before because this thing is going way up my ass. I'm an asswipe though (no pun intended). I told her that for a lot of people I think hiding, repressing or being ashamed of their sexuality is part of what gets them off. Could be the case with some of your experiences.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on July 09, 2016, 12:54:28 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on July 09, 2016, 12:04:39 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on July 08, 2016, 11:19:10 PM
I hate it when people ask me what kind of porn I'm into. Like honestly, I used to just answer that question if I were online, but it's so fucking awkward. My life sucks. There's no way to just avoid the question without being prudish, idk why everyone in our society is so fucking boring, they don't expect you to be into anything. I knew a guy in a chat room once who was so timid and shy about revealing the fact that he was into chastity, like those little cages you put around your dick. It just sort of pisses me off, that we live in such a stupid society; what other way is there to describe that sort of thing besides stupid? It's certainly not tolerable, because it makes my life worse. What does it even mean to tolerate something? To just take the pain of it and be quiet and not talk about it? Well, in that case I guess I have failed at tolerating the stupidity and I guess, if I could use more superficial words in my already pathetic tirade - lameness of society.

I was always amused by the fact that people are ashamed of what gets them off. It makes sense in certain parts of the world, like in the US everyone is sexually repressed or prudish....it's ok to watch people being killed but sex is still taboo etc. I have a friend who used to have a boyfriend who liked being fucked in the ass with a dildo by her, and apparently this guy was so ashamed of it. I mean, he was Mr. Tough Guy ex-drug dealer gangster so that makes sense. One of my favorite stories of the whole experience was her going in to purchase the strap on and his tough guy gangsta ass had to sit in the car because he refused to go in and pick it out with her. Personally, if a dildo was going in my ass, I'd slap that fucker down on the table and ask the clerk if he's ever tried it before because this thing is going way up my ass. I'm an asswipe though (no pun intended). I told her that for a lot of people I think hiding, repressing or being ashamed of their sexuality is part of what gets them off. Could be the case with some of your experiences.
LOL. Well, I certainly believe that masculinity can be used as a cover for a tough guy facade, there is an insecurity about men, that they feel threatened by femininity. That sickens me, I think that the masculinization of our culture is hillbilly nonsense.

It may be a turn on for some, but I definitely don't feel happy repressing my sexuality. In fact, I often feel sort of traumatized by it, and I mean that in a very literal sense. I've felt so embarrassed in moments of my life, that I keep reliving those moments whenever I am reminded of them, and it's not that they're anything truly noteworthy. One time I punched a wall at my parent's house and was sent to a mental hospital, where I proceeded to tell people I wish I was a woman for no reason other than to see what they said, and was telling my assigned doctor I wanted to have some of the diapers that they had in the storage room because that was my fetish, and I told some student nurses that when they were on duty and come to visit and talk with patients to get job experience. A couple of them were so put off, and a couple of them were strangely accepting and what not. To this day I feel so embarrassed by that, I have been putting off telling my psychologist who I have known for a year and a half now, because the thought alone is too embarrassing for me to feel comfortable sharing it even with her. I feel I can bring it up here though, because it seems people here seem to not feel offended by this sort of thing.

Those experiences alone have caused me so much grief, none the less how uncomfortable I feel eyeing men. I remember I made such a desperate and shy and awkward approach on this emo guy in college, I was sweating (and 20 pounds heavier than I am right now, sadly) and he avoided me for the rest of the year. That experience also traumatized me, it's another thing which I relive to an uncomfortable level of shame whenever I'm reminded of it, sometimes. I'm not feeling uncomfortable recalling the experiences right now though, because they seem to only be triggered by feelings of embarrassment that are similar to that of when I first felt them. The brain is sort of weird in that respect, I suppose. Not to mention, there's not one time where I ever felt stimulated by the thought of doing these things, or the recollection of them. If anything, some times I just get so fed up of disguising my true thoughts, that I seem to let myself go in moments where I feel that it's inconsequential. I guess I'm silly in that regard.

I maintain that I'm not a lunatic, regardless of the fact that I was sent to a mental hospital. I was very depressed at the time, extremely depressed, and my parents none the less called the police on me when I punched at hole in the wall in a yelling match with them. This is all ancient history though, and I only use it as an example because it seems relevant to what you said about me possibly getting turned on by repressing my thoughts. I think that as a society, people are very repressed, I know that I certainly feel repressed as hell, I know that I've known a lot of other people who feel repressed and sad about the society that they live in. I feel like I'm trying to grasp for something more right now, but I don't think I can really come to that bigger grasp at the moment.

Another time I was in Colorado, this was just the beginning of last year. I brought one diaper on the vacation trip with me, and my dildo, and I remember that I was trying weed for the second time, and I did two hits and it made me feel sort of freaked out. So I decided to wear that diaper I brought for comfort, and ended up peeing in it a little. I put it in the freezer until the end of my trip from colorado, in which I wanted to go outside with it and find a dumpster, because I couldn't imagine leaving it in the waste basket at the hotel where I stayed which was so shallow. I walked around with it outside for a while, in very early morning with it inside a box, I think. All of the fucking dumpsters and trash cans were locked at night, which seems absurd to me; people being so protective over their fucking trash cans. So, I ended up being taken to the airport by the person who was looking after me in colorado, and I wanted to get them the fuck away from me, so I could finally dispose of that piece of trash I was trying to get rid of. They fucking wouldn't go the fuck away, and I watched as the airline safety inspectors in this small airline inspected my bag with that person watching me. It was fucking soul crushing, reimagining it sort of makes me feel like shit.

Except, something I've learned is that if you want depression to go away, you have to let go of whatever it is that is upsetting you. If I say, wish that I had a boyfriend, or wished that I lived in a world that was understanding, a world where I got along with others and others understood me, and I didn't feel like I was a pathetic whining basket case (which let's be clear, that's exactly what I am right now. I loathe the fact that I'm bitching about this again) - I am setting myself up for feeling like shit. It's something that I guess you just have to learn to let go, I have spent many a days feeling so sorry for myself, it is like an all consuming grief, that sometimes saps up so much of you that you're left feeling absolutely nothing left; which again is a bit of a melodramatic soap box for me right now, because at the current moment I feel very calm and cool and not consumed by any sort of grief. That is what living alone for a year and a half can do for you, I suppose. Lets you collect yourself and gets you out of the basket case mentality that you formed from living with your parents and spending 12 years of your life in school, which I consider pretty much to be a sort of prison camp.

So, if there's anything that I'm really trying to get at, something that I am trying to reach the core of right now, it's that yes our society is very repressed, and I wish that there was some way that I could live in a world where I didn't have to feel like garbage; lonely, forsaken garbage, unloved, annoying, pathetic garbage. I don't think I'm so pathetic right now actually, I don't mean to sound that deprecating, I just hope that I'm not coming off as melodramatic. However, I want to be earnest about my strong feelings of my resentment for society, I am serious about that. Also, I'm not transsexual.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Fluid Fetish on July 09, 2016, 02:35:29 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on July 09, 2016, 12:54:28 AM
Quote from: Fluid Fetish on July 09, 2016, 12:04:39 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on July 08, 2016, 11:19:10 PM
I hate it when people ask me what kind of porn I'm into. Like honestly, I used to just answer that question if I were online, but it's so fucking awkward. My life sucks. There's no way to just avoid the question without being prudish, idk why everyone in our society is so fucking boring, they don't expect you to be into anything. I knew a guy in a chat room once who was so timid and shy about revealing the fact that he was into chastity, like those little cages you put around your dick. It just sort of pisses me off, that we live in such a stupid society; what other way is there to describe that sort of thing besides stupid? It's certainly not tolerable, because it makes my life worse. What does it even mean to tolerate something? To just take the pain of it and be quiet and not talk about it? Well, in that case I guess I have failed at tolerating the stupidity and I guess, if I could use more superficial words in my already pathetic tirade - lameness of society.

I was always amused by the fact that people are ashamed of what gets them off. It makes sense in certain parts of the world, like in the US everyone is sexually repressed or prudish....it's ok to watch people being killed but sex is still taboo etc. I have a friend who used to have a boyfriend who liked being fucked in the ass with a dildo by her, and apparently this guy was so ashamed of it. I mean, he was Mr. Tough Guy ex-drug dealer gangster so that makes sense. One of my favorite stories of the whole experience was her going in to purchase the strap on and his tough guy gangsta ass had to sit in the car because he refused to go in and pick it out with her. Personally, if a dildo was going in my ass, I'd slap that fucker down on the table and ask the clerk if he's ever tried it before because this thing is going way up my ass. I'm an asswipe though (no pun intended). I told her that for a lot of people I think hiding, repressing or being ashamed of their sexuality is part of what gets them off. Could be the case with some of your experiences.
LOL. Well, I certainly believe that masculinity can be used as a cover for a tough guy facade, there is an insecurity about men, that they feel threatened by femininity. That sickens me, I think that the masculinization of our culture is hillbilly nonsense.

It may be a turn on for some, but I definitely don't feel happy repressing my sexuality. In fact, I often feel sort of traumatized by it, and I mean that in a very literal sense. I've felt so embarrassed in moments of my life, that I keep reliving those moments whenever I am reminded of them, and it's not that they're anything truly noteworthy. One time I punched a wall at my parent's house and was sent to a mental hospital, where I proceeded to tell people I wish I was a woman for no reason other than to see what they said, and was telling my assigned doctor I wanted to have some of the diapers that they had in the storage room because that was my fetish, and I told some student nurses that when they were on duty and come to visit and talk with patients to get job experience. A couple of them were so put off, and a couple of them were strangely accepting and what not. To this day I feel so embarrassed by that, I have been putting off telling my psychologist who I have known for a year and a half now, because the thought alone is too embarrassing for me to feel comfortable sharing it even with her. I feel I can bring it up here though, because it seems people here seem to not feel offended by this sort of thing.

Those experiences alone have caused me so much grief, none the less how uncomfortable I feel eyeing men. I remember I made such a desperate and shy and awkward approach on this emo guy in college, I was sweating (and 20 pounds heavier than I am right now, sadly) and he avoided me for the rest of the year. That experience also traumatized me, it's another thing which I relive to an uncomfortable level of shame whenever I'm reminded of it, sometimes. I'm not feeling uncomfortable recalling the experiences right now though, because they seem to only be triggered by feelings of embarrassment that are similar to that of when I first felt them. The brain is sort of weird in that respect, I suppose. Not to mention, there's not one time where I ever felt stimulated by the thought of doing these things, or the recollection of them. If anything, some times I just get so fed up of disguising my true thoughts, that I seem to let myself go in moments where I feel that it's inconsequential. I guess I'm silly in that regard.

I maintain that I'm not a lunatic, regardless of the fact that I was sent to a mental hospital. I was very depressed at the time, extremely depressed, and my parents none the less called the police on me when I punched at hole in the wall in a yelling match with them. This is all ancient history though, and I only use it as an example because it seems relevant to what you said about me possibly getting turned on by repressing my thoughts. I think that as a society, people are very repressed, I know that I certainly feel repressed as hell, I know that I've known a lot of other people who feel repressed and sad about the society that they live in. I feel like I'm trying to grasp for something more right now, but I don't think I can really come to that bigger grasp at the moment.

Another time I was in Colorado, this was just the beginning of last year. I brought one diaper on the vacation trip with me, and my dildo, and I remember that I was trying weed for the second time, and I did two hits and it made me feel sort of freaked out. So I decided to wear that diaper I brought for comfort, and ended up peeing in it a little. I put it in the freezer until the end of my trip from colorado, in which I wanted to go outside with it and find a dumpster, because I couldn't imagine leaving it in the waste basket at the hotel where I stayed which was so shallow. I walked around with it outside for a while, in very early morning with it inside a box, I think. All of the fucking dumpsters and trash cans were locked at night, which seems absurd to me; people being so protective over their fucking trash cans. So, I ended up being taken to the airport by the person who was looking after me in colorado, and I wanted to get them the fuck away from me, so I could finally dispose of that piece of trash I was trying to get rid of. They fucking wouldn't go the fuck away, and I watched as the airline safety inspectors in this small airline inspected my bag with that person watching me. It was fucking soul crushing, reimagining it sort of makes me feel like shit.

Except, something I've learned is that if you want depression to go away, you have to let go of whatever it is that is upsetting you. If I say, wish that I had a boyfriend, or wished that I lived in a world that was understanding, a world where I got along with others and others understood me, and I didn't feel like I was a pathetic whining basket case (which let's be clear, that's exactly what I am right now. I loathe the fact that I'm bitching about this again) - I am setting myself up for feeling like shit. It's something that I guess you just have to learn to let go, I have spent many a days feeling so sorry for myself, it is like an all consuming grief, that sometimes saps up so much of you that you're left feeling absolutely nothing left; which again is a bit of a melodramatic soap box for me right now, because at the current moment I feel very calm and cool and not consumed by any sort of grief. That is what living alone for a year and a half can do for you, I suppose. Lets you collect yourself and gets you out of the basket case mentality that you formed from living with your parents and spending 12 years of your life in school, which I consider pretty much to be a sort of prison camp.

So, if there's anything that I'm really trying to get at, something that I am trying to reach the core of right now, it's that yes our society is very repressed, and I wish that there was some way that I could live in a world where I didn't have to feel like garbage; lonely, forsaken garbage, unloved, annoying, pathetic garbage. I don't think I'm so pathetic right now actually, I don't mean to sound that deprecating, I just hope that I'm not coming off as melodramatic. However, I want to be earnest about my strong feelings of my resentment for society, I am serious about that. Also, I'm not transsexual.

You're an interesting person good sir. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with being eccentric or having deviant sexuality in any way. Flaunting it and repressing it is definitely not the way to go, but just because you are into diapers, are gay, had a spell of hysteria and punched a wall and then told a bunch of doctors you're a transexual, that's nothing to be ashamed of or worry about. I mean, nothing personal but I can tell you're young and you spend a lot of time alone (I'm not that old and spend a lot of time alone myself so no judgment there haha) and there is MUCH worse that can happen and WILL happen to you in life. That sounds condescending probably but I don't mean it that way.

Making an ass out of yourself intentionally or unintentionally is apart of life. Being alone and depressed is apart of life. There's no use in dwelling on it and fiending over how terrible experiences are, embrace them, let them break down your ego, remember you're going to be fucking dead some day. You don't have to go through life denying your impulses or hiding your true thoughts unless you want to have a breakdown or a mental collapse of some kind, it's how you deal with them. Everyone has approached the opposite or the same sex and made a fool out of themselves, it sucks, you learn from it and try harder next time. Humiliating yourself keeps your pride and sense of self in check any way, keeps you humble hahah. Let it go like you said. Plus as a species humanity is insane, so I'd say you're probably a lunatic, we need more of that I think in the world anyways. Regret and shame are useless emotions anyway.

This closes out my Fluid Fetish therapy session haha, best of luck to ya, I find your weird posts interesting and amusing at least.

Also I currently live in Colorado so I'm glad that you probably exposed the DIA security to your partially used diaper it sounds like from your story haha, good work.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on July 09, 2016, 02:46:48 AM
LOL. Thank you for the thoughtful words, they're reassuring.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on July 09, 2016, 03:31:39 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 09, 2016, 02:01:02 PM
I remember 10+ years ago discovering a website where you could sign up to get free promotional items (usually from medical companies or organisations) sent to your address by giving them your details - back then I'd troll and request, say, 500 pens to be sent to my address or 200 Breast Awareness Week posters or some other swag I didn't actually need (I still get newsletters every so often for diabetes in older adults). I remember once being sent a free nappy from an organisation supporting men who suffer from incontinence - never had the (ahem) guts to use it though, I just sent off for it for the (cough) shits and giggles. Anyway, maybe try finding yourself a nice gentlemen who suffers from bowel incontinence? Or work/volunteer in a nursing home? There must be forums/networks out there for you to fuel your perversions or turn your/their negatives into a positive...
Well, no. Bowel incontinence is not attractive, and neither are nursing homes by any stretch of the imagination. I like attractive guys, there's not really anything else to it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on July 09, 2016, 03:44:10 PM
I should also point out that there's a fine line between cute, and utterly repulsive in the field of porn that I like. Most of the time I try to avoid looking too long at the more disgusting thumb nails of the porn sites I visit. It's a strange thing, that it straddles the line so thin for me. I actually am not impervious to being grossed out, a lot of things do gross me out. Like, I don't like it when people fart around me, I think that's disgusting. However, as I said in my very first post which some of you may have missed, I think it mostly depends for me on how cute the guy is who's being disgusting.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on July 09, 2016, 08:06:58 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on July 09, 2016, 03:44:10 PM
I don't like it when people fart around me,

I wonder who, apart from scat fans, actually likes farts
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cutter on July 10, 2016, 09:46:06 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 10, 2016, 12:13:16 AM

it looks like a snapshot from "popular" porn (mostly by memes) with that grandpa... but i'm not sure
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on July 11, 2016, 01:40:31 AM
She's 'bout dem cake farts
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on July 11, 2016, 01:22:05 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on July 10, 2016, 12:13:16 AM

How do you think her life would have gone if her top lip wasn't so ugly?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on July 22, 2016, 06:48:57 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on July 22, 2016, 07:15:49 PM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on July 22, 2016, 06:48:57 PM

That's awesome
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 23, 2016, 08:34:42 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on July 24, 2016, 12:11:48 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 23, 2016, 08:34:42 PM

Eh! What the...!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on July 24, 2016, 03:42:28 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 23, 2016, 08:34:42 PM

God gives with one hand takes with the other.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on August 01, 2016, 11:42:17 PM
idk why, but the first word that came to my head just now is buttgasm.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on August 02, 2016, 03:36:07 AM
Nothing turns me on anymore. All the videos of the types of porn I like I've seen like 50 times. There's hardly that many quality videos of the type of porn I like in the first place. What the hell am I supposed to do to get turned by porn? Look at videos of guys fucking? Masturbating? Peeing on each other? Drinking pee? Butt plugs? I have no fricken idea, it just seems like there's nothing that interests me in porn anymore, it's all become so absolutely boring for me, nothing about it is exciting, it's just staring at a different arrangement of shapes and colors on a flat fucking screen.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kim V on August 02, 2016, 04:07:53 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 02, 2016, 03:36:07 AM
Nothing turns me on anymore. All the videos of the types of porn I like I've seen like 50 times. There's hardly that many quality videos of the type of porn I like in the first place. What the hell am I supposed to do to get turned by porn? Look at videos of guys fucking? Masturbating? Peeing on each other? Drinking pee? Butt plugs? I have no fricken idea, it just seems like there's nothing that interests me in porn anymore, it's all become so absolutely boring for me, nothing about it is exciting, it's just staring at a different arrangement of shapes and colors on a flat fucking screen.

Stop watching it, sounds like it might do you some good.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on August 02, 2016, 04:44:16 PM
Quote from: Sigil23 on August 02, 2016, 04:07:53 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 02, 2016, 03:36:07 AM
Nothing turns me on anymore. All the videos of the types of porn I like I've seen like 50 times. There's hardly that many quality videos of the type of porn I like in the first place. What the hell am I supposed to do to get turned by porn? Look at videos of guys fucking? Masturbating? Peeing on each other? Drinking pee? Butt plugs? I have no fricken idea, it just seems like there's nothing that interests me in porn anymore, it's all become so absolutely boring for me, nothing about it is exciting, it's just staring at a different arrangement of shapes and colors on a flat fucking screen.

Stop watching it, sounds like it might do you some good.


Read Hellblazer, the ones by Mike Carey (you like Junji Ito ja?)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kim V on August 02, 2016, 08:41:42 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on August 02, 2016, 04:44:16 PM
Quote from: Sigil23 on August 02, 2016, 04:07:53 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 02, 2016, 03:36:07 AM
Nothing turns me on anymore. All the videos of the types of porn I like I've seen like 50 times. There's hardly that many quality videos of the type of porn I like in the first place. What the hell am I supposed to do to get turned by porn? Look at videos of guys fucking? Masturbating? Peeing on each other? Drinking pee? Butt plugs? I have no fricken idea, it just seems like there's nothing that interests me in porn anymore, it's all become so absolutely boring for me, nothing about it is exciting, it's just staring at a different arrangement of shapes and colors on a flat fucking screen.

Stop watching it, sounds like it might do you some good.


Read Hellblazer, the ones by Mike Carey (you like Junji Ito ja?)

Not that familiar with Ito's work. Only got to know it recently through a release of White Walls
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Peterson on August 02, 2016, 11:50:33 PM
Hmm, apparently Dahmer killed one of Toushin's "employees" during his time in Chicago. It's a small world, after all.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 03, 2016, 02:43:24 PM
Very interesting.
Just ordered Toushin's book. Sounds promising.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 04, 2016, 09:06:40 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on August 04, 2016, 06:26:22 PM
God, where did he get that fucking suit?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
I mean, it probably hurt the octopus to have sex with it, but I don't see how possessing octopus porn should be an offense worthy of lawful punishment. It seems a bit too much like reality control to me, if the man wants to fap to pictures of someone fornicating an octopus, so be it! It's so absurd "don't look at this or else you'll have been effected by the brain rotting perversion of octopus porn!"  What do they really gain from keeping people from looking at octopus porn? Is punishing them going to somehow make them less likely to jerk off to strange sexual fetishes? Hell no, it's just going to take a big chunk out of their life and torment them, all to make an example of him that having sex with an octopus is wrong, and that watching the porn of it promotes such behavior.

Then again, it really doesn't need to make sense, when you realize that the government will ban things like marijuana, and incarcerate people for having that for no reason. They don't even say why weed is legal. I bet it's illegal for the same reason that all drugs are illegal; because with them then people would start to be too independent minded and think for themselves. I mean think about it, fucking processed sugar, mcdonalds, cigarettes, motorcycles, more guns than we could ever need, all of these things are legal. But somehow weed is going to make the society we live in less safe? I really loathe the government.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on August 05, 2016, 09:12:00 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
Then again, it really doesn't need to make sense, when you realize that the government will ban things like marijuana, and incarcerate people for having that for no reason. They don't even say why weed is legal. I bet it's illegal for the same reason that all drugs are illegal; because with them then people would start to be too independent minded and think for themselves. I mean think about it, fucking processed sugar, mcdonalds, cigarettes, motorcycles, more guns than we could ever need, all of these things are legal. But somehow weed is going to make the society we live in less safe? I really loathe the government.

I think this has nothing to do with bestiality and you are - once again - going off topic.

drug talk is a difficult one and the fact they are illegal is maybe because (at least in Italy), drugs are handled and produced by mafias (Italian, Northern African and Albanian) and by purchasing it you are paying for the bullets they kill people with. pushers are directly connected with other kind of trades (human trafficking, immigration, loan sharking, political murder, corruption, etc.)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: monotome on August 05, 2016, 10:57:11 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
I bet it's illegal for the same reason that all drugs are illegal; because with them then people would start to be too independent minded and think for themselves.

Sometimes it's better to not post anything at all.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on August 05, 2016, 03:13:58 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
I mean, it probably hurt the octopus to have sex with it, but I don't see how possessing octopus porn

Octopus porn? That's pretty novel. I love it when zoophilia jumps around the tree of life, do you think there are many komodo dragon or crocodile fuckers around? Now that I'd like to jack to!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 08:14:53 PM
Was just responding to that link someone posted above.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on August 05, 2016, 09:05:43 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 08:14:53 PM
Was just responding to that link someone posted above.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 09:56:11 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on August 05, 2016, 09:05:43 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 08:14:53 PM
Was just responding to that link someone posted above.

I thought I seemed a bit vague in who I was responding to because I didn't quote the person who posted the article I responded to.

Quote from: tiny_tove on August 04, 2016, 09:06:40 AM

Quote from: Deadpriest on August 05, 2016, 03:13:58 PM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
I mean, it probably hurt the octopus to have sex with it, but I don't see how possessing octopus porn

Octopus porn? That's pretty novel. I love it when zoophilia jumps around the tree of life, do you think there are many komodo dragon or crocodile fuckers around? Now that I'd like to jack to!!
I dunno lol. I'm sure there's someone out there who's attracted to the idea of fucking a komodo dragon or crocodile.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on August 05, 2016, 10:15:10 PM

[/quote]I dunno lol. I'm sure there's someone out there who's attracted to the idea of fucking a komodo dragon or crocodile.

People that are attracted to whelks will also be attracted to barnacles!!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 11:04:29 PM
Quote from: monotome on August 05, 2016, 10:57:11 AM
Quote from: oOoOoOo on August 05, 2016, 03:42:10 AM
I bet it's illegal for the same reason that all drugs are illegal; because with them then people would start to be too independent minded and think for themselves.

Sometimes it's better to not post anything at all.
I'm just making generalities, I know. The reason I said that though, is because the war on drugs has been going on since the 60s or 70s, and possibly before, but I'm pretty sure I heard it started getting really serious in the 60s, which is around the time when the counter culture movement is. Now, I'm not an expert and I make no illusions about myself of being one, but it seems to me that it's very likely that the war on drugs started because they were trying to push back against the counter culture movement, thus it would be very reasonable to believe that the government simply doesn't want people to open up their minds. That is what the 60s and 70s was all about.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on August 08, 2016, 03:29:48 PM
I don't think octopus porn is really about fucking... It's more about licking the tentacles and I also remember some Japanese flick with chicks pissing on an octopus.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Zodiac on August 08, 2016, 05:56:25 PM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on August 08, 2016, 03:29:48 PM
I don't think octopus porn is really about fucking... It's more about licking the tentacles and I also remember some Japanese flick with chicks pissing on an octopus.

Just being curious: What do you guys think about how these producers get these ideas ?? I wonder.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on August 08, 2016, 06:53:47 PM
Isn't there fairly long interview with the guy in... Vice? Was it even web TV? There is talks about background of films and ideas.

I got bunch of these DVD's and the book. He started with video with dog. Was depressed about feeling like abusing animal. All further films was something he associated with "playing with food", rather than animals.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 12, 2016, 04:22:55 PM
seen several Japanese porn films with eels, loaches and stills of octopi.
themes seem to be  sliminess, disgust/degradation, the stoicism of the victim-all common themes in Nippon s&m porn
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Zodiac on August 13, 2016, 04:37:33 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 08, 2016, 08:56:09 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 08, 2016, 06:53:47 PM
Isn't there fairly long interview with the guy in... Vice? Was it even web TV? There is talks about background of films and ideas.

I got bunch of these DVD's and the book. He started with video with dog. Was depressed about feeling like abusing animal. All further films was something he associated with "playing with food", rather than animals.


Thank you for that. I really was curious about it. I mean, i personally see visual beauty in some works. Stuff like the octopus thing is in a way
a re-work of rather old themes in japanese painted wood art.


So there is a certain interest from my side.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cutter on August 14, 2016, 10:23:26 PM
Quote from: Staalwaart on August 13, 2016, 04:37:33 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 08, 2016, 08:56:09 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 08, 2016, 06:53:47 PM
Isn't there fairly long interview with the guy in... Vice? Was it even web TV? There is talks about background of films and ideas.

I got bunch of these DVD's and the book. He started with video with dog. Was depressed about feeling like abusing animal. All further films was something he associated with "playing with food", rather than animals.


Thank you for that. I really was curious about it. I mean, i personally see visual beauty in some works. Stuff like the octopus thing is in a way
a re-work of rather old themes in japanese painted wood art.


So there is a certain interest from my side.

it reminds me instantly the anime thing called "tentacle rape" actually i found a website with the new versions of picture in the quote

http://tentaclerape.net/ (http://tentaclerape.net/)

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on August 15, 2016, 02:48:11 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on August 19, 2016, 07:44:58 PM
Quote from: cutter on August 14, 2016, 10:23:26 PM
Quote from: Staalwaart on August 13, 2016, 04:37:33 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 08, 2016, 08:56:09 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 08, 2016, 06:53:47 PM
Isn't there fairly long interview with the guy in... Vice? Was it even web TV? There is talks about background of films and ideas.

I got bunch of these DVD's and the book. He started with video with dog. Was depressed about feeling like abusing animal. All further films was something he associated with "playing with food", rather than animals.


Thank you for that. I really was curious about it. I mean, i personally see visual beauty in some works. Stuff like the octopus thing is in a way
a re-work of rather old themes in japanese painted wood art.


So there is a certain interest from my side.

it reminds me instantly the anime thing called "tentacle rape" actually i found a website with the new versions of picture in the quote

http://tentaclerape.net/ (http://tentaclerape.net/)

have several Nippon porn films with eels, loaches etc and stills with octopi.
seems jap related, but have seen quoted in western Lovecraft related essays, books.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 15, 2016, 07:02:36 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 15, 2016, 07:06:00 PM
Straight Porn Superstar James Deen Talks Gay Sex, Onscreen and Off
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on October 16, 2016, 03:07:02 AM
Garb them by the pussy!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 20, 2016, 06:28:06 PM
any male with a vagina for a face is deemed bad.
back in the 90's an anarchy digital artist morphed a pens onto the face of a Tory leader and a vagina onto the face of the labour leader.
the vagina face looked way worse and more judged.
will try to dig up the images of these- major and Blair .
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 20, 2016, 08:41:10 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 20, 2016, 08:56:31 PM
fat old people want to take photos of young nubile people.
what a surprise!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on October 22, 2016, 04:20:31 PM
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-22/pamela-anderson-speaks-out-about-pornographys-numbing-effects/7953580 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-22/pamela-anderson-speaks-out-about-pornographys-numbing-effects/7953580)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 24, 2016, 08:10:34 PM
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on October 22, 2016, 04:20:31 PM
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-22/pamela-anderson-speaks-out-about-pornographys-numbing-effects/7953580 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-22/pamela-anderson-speaks-out-about-pornographys-numbing-effects/7953580)
wanna se a vide with her and the rabbi!
this makes me bad, I know, but I don't care!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on October 26, 2016, 07:00:28 PM
seeing recent news, Pakistani reality star and Muslim priest as documented means death to the female, cos, or course females are duplicitous slot, slags, or whatever that retarded religion (Islam) thinks.
see you all in hell, fuckers.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 02, 2016, 10:09:40 PM

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 12:50:45 AM
Quote from: Si Clark on November 02, 2016, 11:26:59 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 02, 2016, 10:09:40 PM

Wow.... tree fuckers is a much better term than tree huggers, will remember that.

sure someone somewhere is wondering if the tree gave consent.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 03, 2016, 05:03:51 PM

waste of good bacon if you ask me. then again, having experienced polish deli counters as wall to wall pork, these gents must have felt strongly...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on November 26, 2016, 02:44:11 AM

8mm S&M loop catalog
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 26, 2016, 09:06:27 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 26, 2016, 02:44:11 AM

8mm S&M loop catalog

wow. super duper for all these
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on December 01, 2016, 10:01:38 PM
So, how are the brits here feelin bout the government banning abnormal porn?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: SiClark on December 01, 2016, 11:26:16 PM
It doesn't seem very well thought through. Adding age verification to sites? Has an age verification screen ever put any one off accessing a site? I can't imagine this working, it would take so much time and effort to enforce. The kind of acts they want to ban are very common on porn sites, these sites certainly won't remove the banned acts so I can't see the government banning sites completely. They are just trying to show that they are doing something to combat the problem of children accessing porn without fully thinking about what they are going to do. Also why ban female ejaculation? What's wrong with that?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on December 03, 2016, 04:24:52 PM
Quote from: F_c_O on December 01, 2016, 10:01:38 PM
So, how are the brits here feelin bout the government banning abnormal porn?

quite right too!
we Brits (as opposed to those dirty bloggers) only do it in the dark and as a chore.
we only do it once a week on a Saturday after the football finishes on the telly.
we don't think of exotic, well proportioned, gyrating darkish enjoying it, despite our exposure to these people at work.
we do, however like to spank.
by hand, by cane or by belt.
obviously the spanked is male. less obviously, the spanker can be male or female (public school you know).
working class types don't like this sort of thing as it is less than manly-they like boxing and rugby and post sport showers together as that is ok.
we can turn anything into poon as our government does not like us to see actual fucking. even my spellchecker turns fucking into ducking!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2017, 10:30:38 PM
scrolling through old threads on NWN! forum, found this gem of an article

http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm (http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: SiClark on January 14, 2017, 12:17:34 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2017, 10:30:38 PM
scrolling through old threads on NWW! forum, found this gem of an article

http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm (http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm)
Wow, that's quite a story....

"The medical team that treated the man reportedly said the eel, which weighed about one pound, was "simply trying to find its way out."

Poor eel, that's a rough way to go.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on January 17, 2017, 05:30:49 PM
Quote from: Si Clark on January 14, 2017, 12:17:34 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2017, 10:30:38 PM
scrolling through old threads on NWW! forum, found this gem of an article

http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm (http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm)
Wow, that's quite a story....

"The medical team that treated the man reportedly said the eel, which weighed about one pound, was "simply trying to find its way out."

Poor eel, that's a rough way to go.

you assume the eel died on the process, rather than in some casserole later!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on January 18, 2017, 11:40:32 AM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on January 13, 2017, 10:30:38 PM
scrolling through old threads on NWN! forum, found this gem of an article

http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm (http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/1313/20130410/eel-shoved-up-mans-anus-eats-way-through-intestines-photos.htm)

Poor eel, I hope they gave it a name while it was was inside him.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 22, 2017, 01:11:15 AM
This has probably been posted before:


"Dark Side of Porn" series on bestiality
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on January 23, 2017, 03:19:26 AM
FLICK magazine, "The magazine of erotic movies":


Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cutter on January 29, 2017, 04:28:05 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 22, 2017, 01:11:15 AM
This has probably been posted before:


"Dark Side of Porn" series on bestiality

this series is quite nice, here's another good part

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByB2K9ZnNWU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByB2K9ZnNWU)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: F_c_O on January 30, 2017, 01:17:52 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on January 22, 2017, 01:11:15 AM
This has probably been posted before:


"Dark Side of Porn" series on bestiality
never knew of this series before. thanks!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: a_2_g_2 on February 06, 2017, 05:48:49 PM
I saw Sex: The Annabel Chong Story was mentioned here, and I saw it a few months ago. Those scenes of her crying and the one of her cutting herself...those were interesting..

I also saw Porn King: The Trials of Al Goldstein. It's basically about him being a degenerate porn jew, but at times very funny to watch.
Not sure if theres a stream for this one, but I downloaded it here http://wipfilms.net/hardcore-classic-adult-flicks/porn-king-the-trials-of-al-goldstein/
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Peterson on February 19, 2017, 05:45:54 AM
More lighthearted post on this thread for once:


I know we're all abnormal warped degenerates who need to one-up each other; but fuck it, this woman is stunning and stunningly reasonable.

Just want to say that service for the disabled is a perfect reason for decriminalized sex work. Sorry for "white knighting" but it's a no-brainer as to why I'm actually posting this here.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Hakaristi on February 19, 2017, 07:23:33 AM
There's a decent Aussie doco on the subject here too: https://youtu.be/CXGqeTjUPz4
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on March 03, 2017, 09:51:48 PM

"Boycunts and Bonus Holes"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 04, 2017, 04:54:44 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 03, 2017, 09:51:48 PM

"Boycunts and Bonus Holes"

fuck me,
it's not just tongues that are twisted here
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 30, 2017, 10:02:30 PM
heteronormative-scary word that freaks me out!.
does this mean having sex with women called norma?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on March 31, 2017, 12:43:48 AM
If norma decides to bring in her friend Norman ?
where doesthat leave this confusion?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 01, 2017, 07:46:54 PM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on March 31, 2017, 12:43:48 AM
If norma decides to bring in her friend Norman ?
where doesthat leave this confusion?

just remembered- in a motel with regrets all around.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 05, 2017, 09:19:39 PM
Quote from: KMusselman on April 05, 2017, 08:06:27 PM
The Gonzo Insanity of 1960s Israeli Holocaust Porn


heard about this before, but never seen examples!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: moozz on April 13, 2017, 07:41:45 PM
Fantastic art! Very Ilsa-like. And who could resist nazi panthers!

Quote from: KMusselman on April 05, 2017, 08:06:27 PM
The Gonzo Insanity of 1960s Israeli Holocaust Porn

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on April 17, 2017, 08:44:34 PM

Her: "That hurts. I don't want to do that." Him: "Do it or I change the locks while you're out and have you arrested for trespassing"

"So love how they pretend their economic and sexual abuse of women is somehow a mutually appeasing type of kink."

"It is objectifying women, using them as de facto sex toys, and her shelter depends on this. And kids born of this trade?"

"So many more stories coming out about abusive landlords exploiting vulnerable women. The scale is soul-destroying #sexforrent"
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 18, 2017, 07:40:11 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 17, 2017, 08:44:34 PM

Her: "That hurts. I don't want to do that." Him: "Do it or I change the locks while you're out and have you arrested for trespassing"

"So love how they pretend their economic and sexual abuse of women is somehow a mutually appeasing type of kink."

"It is objectifying women, using them as de facto sex toys, and her shelter depends on this. And kids born of this trade?"

"So many more stories coming out about abusive landlords exploiting vulnerable women. The scale is soul-destroying #sexforrent"

glad my landlord doesn't roll this way.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on April 20, 2017, 06:53:30 PM
Quote from: moozz on April 13, 2017, 07:41:45 PM
Fantastic art! Very Ilsa-like. And who could resist nazi panthers!

Quote from: KMusselman on April 05, 2017, 08:06:27 PM
The Gonzo Insanity of 1960s Israeli Holocaust Porn


Anyone have a torrent of the documentary? Would be interesting to check out.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on April 20, 2017, 08:53:37 PM
Quote from: online prowler on April 20, 2017, 06:53:30 PM
Quote from: moozz on April 13, 2017, 07:41:45 PM
Fantastic art! Very Ilsa-like. And who could resist nazi panthers!

Quote from: KMusselman on April 05, 2017, 08:06:27 PM
The Gonzo Insanity of 1960s Israeli Holocaust Porn


Anyone have a torrent of the documentary? Would be interesting to check out.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Theodore on April 21, 2017, 04:59:12 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on April 20, 2017, 08:53:37 PM
Quote from: online prowler on April 20, 2017, 06:53:30 PM
Quote from: moozz on April 13, 2017, 07:41:45 PM
Fantastic art! Very Ilsa-like. And who could resist nazi panthers!

Quote from: KMusselman on April 05, 2017, 08:06:27 PM
The Gonzo Insanity of 1960s Israeli Holocaust Porn


Anyone have a torrent of the documentary? Would be interesting to check out.


MKV here : http://rarefilm.net/stalags-pornography-and-the-holocaust-2008-ari-libsker-documentary/
Links work, with terribly low speed though. Now i am downloading myself too. If anyone really needs it in better quality, there is an untouched german DVD release rip in a private tracker. Has only one seeder but i can try take it.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: absurdexposition on April 21, 2017, 05:26:55 AM
Quote from: Theodore on April 21, 2017, 04:59:12 AM
Quote from: david lloyd jones on April 20, 2017, 08:53:37 PM
Quote from: online prowler on April 20, 2017, 06:53:30 PM
Quote from: moozz on April 13, 2017, 07:41:45 PM
Fantastic art! Very Ilsa-like. And who could resist nazi panthers!

Quote from: KMusselman on April 05, 2017, 08:06:27 PM
The Gonzo Insanity of 1960s Israeli Holocaust Porn


Anyone have a torrent of the documentary? Would be interesting to check out.


MKV here : http://rarefilm.net/stalags-pornography-and-the-holocaust-2008-ari-libsker-documentary/
Links work, with terribly low speed though. Now i am downloading myself too. If anyone really needs it in better quality, there is an untouched german DVD release rip in a private tracker. Has only one seeder but i can try take it.

.mkv is on KG with 5 seeders for anyone with access there.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: online prowler on April 22, 2017, 01:07:38 AM
Thanx! No KG here so opting for sloooow dwnlwd.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Peterson on May 04, 2017, 01:01:32 AM
Rashida Jones knows what's best, because you have to foght fire with fire, right?

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 22, 2017, 05:32:04 AM
https://www.theguardian.com/world/datablog/2017/jun/21/bestiality-animal-sex-laws-zoosexual-community (https://www.theguardian.com/world/datablog/2017/jun/21/bestiality-animal-sex-laws-zoosexual-community)
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on June 24, 2017, 02:57:02 AM
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/23/man-import-childlike-sex-doll-uk-jailed (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/23/man-import-childlike-sex-doll-uk-jailed)

QuoteDC Andy Kent, of Cheshire constabulary's paedophile and cyber-investigation unit, said: "Knowing child sex dolls exist and are available for sex offenders to buy is sickening.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on June 24, 2017, 02:53:35 PM
Better to shove their dicks into dolls rather than actual kids, I'd imagine.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on June 24, 2017, 04:11:13 PM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on June 24, 2017, 02:53:35 PM
Better to shove their dicks into dolls rather than actual kids, I'd imagine.

interestingly, the doll itself was deemed indecent.
noted also, the word paraphilic
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 01, 2017, 10:28:20 PM

"And yes, I know a guy who had one of these and he was the creepiest son of a bitch I think I've ever met. I could not have possibly been happier when I moved away from that perverted creeper."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on August 02, 2017, 06:10:51 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on August 01, 2017, 10:28:20 PM

"And yes, I know a guy who had one of these and he was the creepiest son of a bitch I think I've ever met. I could not have possibly been happier when I moved away from that perverted creeper."

She didn't get the D.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on August 04, 2017, 11:45:07 AM
Links to scans of ero guru by said artists. For each of whom some work has been translated.

http://hentai4manga.com/tags/jun%20hayami/#.WYHxYojyvIU - Jun Hayami

http://www.guromanga.com/?search=horihone#.WYL-G4grLIV - Saizou Horihone

http://www.guromanga.com/?search=uziga+waita#.WYL-uIgrLIX - Uziga Waita

http://www.guromanga.com/author/machino-henmaru#.WIxM2fmLTIXhttp://www.redtube.com/1441706 - Henmaru Machino

http://www.guromanga.com/author/kago-shintaro#.WKjQQDuLTIW - Shintaro Kago

http://www.guromanga.com/author/maruo-suehiro#.WYMAlYgrLIU - Suehiro Mauro
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on August 06, 2017, 07:46:09 PM

He recalls: "I had a sexually violent man who literally f–ked the left leg off of his doll."
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: albacell on October 28, 2017, 12:30:51 AM
Quote from: Deadpriest on August 04, 2017, 11:45:07 AM
Links to scans of ero guru by said artists. For each of whom some work has been translated.

http://hentai4manga.com/tags/jun%20hayami/#.WYHxYojyvIU - Jun Hayami

http://www.guromanga.com/?search=horihone#.WYL-G4grLIV - Saizou Horihone

http://www.guromanga.com/?search=uziga+waita#.WYL-uIgrLIX - Uziga Waita

http://www.guromanga.com/author/machino-henmaru#.WIxM2fmLTIXhttp://www.redtube.com/1441706 - Henmaru Machino

http://www.guromanga.com/author/kago-shintaro#.WKjQQDuLTIW - Shintaro Kago

http://www.guromanga.com/author/maruo-suehiro#.WYMAlYgrLIU - Suehiro Mauro

These are incredible.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Duncan on October 28, 2017, 01:07:25 PM
Quote from: albacell on October 28, 2017, 12:30:51 AM
Quote from: Deadpriest on August 04, 2017, 11:45:07 AM
Links to scans of ero guru by said artists. For each of whom some work has been translated.

http://hentai4manga.com/tags/jun%20hayami/#.WYHxYojyvIU - Jun Hayami

http://www.guromanga.com/?search=horihone#.WYL-G4grLIV - Saizou Horihone

http://www.guromanga.com/?search=uziga+waita#.WYL-uIgrLIX - Uziga Waita

http://www.guromanga.com/author/machino-henmaru#.WIxM2fmLTIXhttp://www.redtube.com/1441706 - Henmaru Machino

http://www.guromanga.com/author/kago-shintaro#.WKjQQDuLTIW - Shintaro Kago

http://www.guromanga.com/author/maruo-suehiro#.WYMAlYgrLIU - Suehiro Mauro

These are incredible.

Have to agree.  Swerved this post the first time due to a complete lack of interest in this Guro stuff, however spotting Kago and Mauro on here made me look.  Some astonishing work I'd not seen before.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on October 28, 2017, 05:38:59 PM
Man opts not to be the luckiest man alive:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on November 11, 2017, 02:30:29 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on November 10, 2017, 11:16:31 PM

It's funny that these famous people like jerking off in front of women. Seems like they could do so much better and not get caught with all the money they have...

probably the point.
money could buy these guys anything but this gets boring after a while so, what is arousing is the risk, which money can't buy
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cantle on November 19, 2017, 03:59:19 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on December 03, 2017, 05:04:59 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 01, 2017, 10:13:13 PM
Quote from: cantle on November 19, 2017, 03:59:19 PM

I'll have to watch that video but 'Spitman' sounds like a perv who wants strangers to spit into his mouth or on his face.

Watched first couple of mins but couldn't bare the commentators voice. Sounded like an edgy faggot as one can expect from Vice.

He's into spitting, but also being stomped and pissed on if I remember correctly.

Some actual video material was there but somehow it seemed a bit set-up. Fake news?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cantle on December 05, 2017, 03:52:47 AM
I watched all of it and it did seem to be a bit set up, I certainly suspected that. However, if it was it was, at least, well scripted and acted as the inability of the participants to fully articulate their experiences and not quite work out who was exploiting who seemed to ring true.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on December 11, 2017, 11:54:00 PM
Yea, I read about that. Pretty classy stuff from the right-on brigade. Seriously, what a pack of venal cunts.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Theodore on December 12, 2017, 03:11:32 AM
All these fucking gays asking to respect their sexuality and choices but they don't respect others. So FUCK them and their "rights" . They don't deserve any. Yeah i know, "They are not all like that, blah blah" . Well, i don't fucking care where the "good" ones are hidding. I judge what i see.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: inculcated on December 12, 2017, 10:21:16 AM
Seems like a lot of narcissistic rage is going undiagnosed. Fuck 'em.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: vomitgore on December 13, 2017, 12:08:51 AM
Just reminding myself of the glory of 70ies hardcore / roughie movies by watching "Dominatrix without Mercy" by the director who also did "Waterpower". Great film with nonstop hardcore scenes, enjoyable maltreatment and monumental dialogue. Heavily recommended!

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on December 14, 2017, 01:44:14 PM
picking apart transgender movement.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kayandah on February 13, 2018, 06:07:37 PM
Wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or just post in here, but curious about what I'd call digital sex and social media. Now personally I hate social media but in researching something I found my way into twitter and the proliferation of digital sex. This goes beyond porno clips, it's mainly amateur but depending on your proclivities you can find so much. True a lot of it is blink and you miss it as accounts get banned so quickly, but In countries where porn on the net is increasingly being shut down twitter has become a source. Not sure about other platforms and people's experiences?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Andrew McIntosh on February 20, 2018, 01:18:52 AM
First heart about "hurtcore" from, of all places, Cracked -

http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1760-5-things-i-learned-infiltrating-deep-web-child-molesters.html (http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1760-5-things-i-learned-infiltrating-deep-web-child-molesters.html)

Fucking scum.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: david lloyd jones on February 20, 2018, 04:51:05 PM
maybe why the new post collectors of filth.
some posts clearly true crime related.
also recent posts all web based button pressing to some site or other rather than actual appreciation of porn/erotica.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on February 20, 2018, 05:15:56 PM
His mugshot would make a good avi super intense and creepy (might be a bit gratuitous though haha).
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Scat-O-Logy on February 21, 2018, 06:42:07 PM

Celebrities should post more attention whore pics of themselves on the toilet...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bloated Slutbag on February 21, 2018, 06:58:56 PM
Quote from: Scat-O-Logy on February 21, 2018, 06:42:07 PMCelebrities should post more attention whore pics of themselves on the toilet...

Thank you for your input, Scat-O-Logy.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ONE on April 09, 2018, 09:28:23 PM
If Madonna would photograph herself mudding-out onto the chest of the nth fool to sign a prenuptual agreement w/ the harridan of harridans (preferably after a particularly heavy brown ale and biryani session) ... Well, that would be news. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on April 10, 2018, 04:53:37 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 03, 2018, 02:26:17 AM

Seymore Butts!  his videos with Alisha Klass were essential in my tender years... oh the memories..
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Deadpriest on May 13, 2018, 07:16:04 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on June 18, 2018, 11:32:00 PM

Erotic Perversion
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: absurdexposition on June 19, 2018, 03:27:47 AM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on June 18, 2018, 11:32:00 PM

Erotic Perversion

Amazing interview.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on June 20, 2018, 12:10:32 PM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: C601 on July 01, 2018, 01:08:57 AM
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cr on March 15, 2019, 09:14:57 PM
Don't really know if this would be the right topic, Sex/Erotic Art books or another one could fit as well...

Bizarre Uproar & Jukka Siikala: Roman Shower, Rubber & Blood

I think you know what to expect from this, but it's even better. Yeah, hate and lust, filth and violence!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 08, 2019, 12:17:33 PM

I wonder is these were posted before? Good stuff.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2019, 10:29:47 PM

There's a short video for each title.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: ConcreteMascara on July 30, 2019, 04:18:34 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2019, 10:29:47 PM

There's a short video for each title.

Are any of those new? They look like the videos that were up back in '09 but obviously my memory could be betraying me. I was under the impression that Genki Genki stopped producing new content some time ago.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: bitewerksMTB on July 30, 2019, 10:30:07 PM
Quote from: ConcreteMascara on July 30, 2019, 04:18:34 PM
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on July 28, 2019, 10:29:47 PM

There's a short video for each title.

Are any of those new? They look like the videos that were up back in '09 but obviously my memory could be betraying me. I was under the impression that Genki Genki stopped producing new content some time ago.

I have no idea. The choking videos were new to me.

Where does one look for the latest in Japanese depravity?
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: collapsedhole on August 02, 2019, 03:23:23 PM
has anyone ever interviewed the director/producer of the genki-genki videos? the psychology behind the people involved would be fascinating.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Eastern Embargo on August 03, 2019, 08:31:02 PM
Nobuyoshi Araki [荒木経惟] at work by Jean-Pierre Limosin

Never seen this one, not sure where the clip is from. Shows Araki working with naked model with his usual excitement:
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on August 31, 2019, 08:33:57 AM
Quote from: collapsedhole on August 02, 2019, 03:23:23 PM
has anyone ever interviewed the director/producer of the genki-genki videos? the psychology behind the people involved would be fascinating.

Not genki, but a similar, albeit much more vile and harder side of animal focused perversions, I spoke in depth with the somewhat infamous "jigsaw" a "zoosadist/hard crush" producer from a tor forum, kiwifarms forum targeted him and others in their "zoosadism megathread". It's such a fucking odd and disgusting fetish that I needed to know what makes these people tick. But i dont know if I should censor and clean it up or where to even put it, or if i should even compile it all in the first place, since it talks about some stuff in depth and gives what could be essentially search term identifiers.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: collapsedhole on August 31, 2019, 03:47:17 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on August 31, 2019, 08:33:57 AM
Quote from: collapsedhole on August 02, 2019, 03:23:23 PM
has anyone ever interviewed the director/producer of the genki-genki videos? the psychology behind the people involved would be fascinating.

Not genki, but a similar, albeit much more vile and harder side of animal focused perversions, I spoke in depth with the somewhat infamous "jigsaw" a "zoosadist/hard crush" producer from a tor forum, kiwifarms forum targeted him and others in their "zoosadism megathread". It's such a fucking odd and disgusting fetish that I needed to know what makes these people tick. But i dont know if I should censor and clean it up or where to even put it, or if i should even compile it all in the first place, since it talks about some stuff in depth and gives what could be essentially search term identifiers.

i'd be interested to read it.

i am too jaded to care now, though in my younger days, about 20 years ago, i first heard of the 'animal crush-fetish' thing from a local newspaper on long island with an article about a guy who lived in the next town over from me making and distributing such films. he had been arrested and since released. he had illegal immigrant women crushing rabbits, kittens, etc... i'm no vegan or anything, but i thought it so revolting and wrong/terrible for society that such things were made available for people to sexually indulge in that i researched him and found his address. i started driving by his house often. it was across from a small wooded drainage area in the middle of the suburbs. i became slightly obsessed with the idea of shooting him with a .22 caliber rifle from this location when he entered or exited his house. when i had a moment of clarity and realized i was actually hiding in this area with said rifle loaded with hollow point bullets i decided the potential negative impact on my own life was probably not worth taking the shot. me and a buddy did attempt to rob his house when no one was home, though we couldn't find a way in. after that i gave up on vigilantism and lost interest in the guy.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: RyanWreck on September 05, 2019, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: collapsedhole on August 31, 2019, 03:47:17 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on August 31, 2019, 08:33:57 AM
Quote from: collapsedhole on August 02, 2019, 03:23:23 PM
has anyone ever interviewed the director/producer of the genki-genki videos? the psychology behind the people involved would be fascinating.

Not genki, but a similar, albeit much more vile and harder side of animal focused perversions, I spoke in depth with the somewhat infamous "jigsaw" a "zoosadist/hard crush" producer from a tor forum, kiwifarms forum targeted him and others in their "zoosadism megathread". It's such a fucking odd and disgusting fetish that I needed to know what makes these people tick. But i dont know if I should censor and clean it up or where to even put it, or if i should even compile it all in the first place, since it talks about some stuff in depth and gives what could be essentially search term identifiers.

i'd be interested to read it.

i am too jaded to care now, though in my younger days, about 20 years ago, i first heard of the 'animal crush-fetish' thing from a local newspaper on long island with an article about a guy who lived in the next town over from me making and distributing such films. he had been arrested and since released. he had illegal immigrant women crushing rabbits, kittens, etc... i'm no vegan or anything, but i thought it so revolting and wrong/terrible for society that such things were made available for people to sexually indulge in that i researched him and found his address. i started driving by his house often. it was across from a small wooded drainage area in the middle of the suburbs. i became slightly obsessed with the idea of shooting him with a .22 caliber rifle from this location when he entered or exited his house. when i had a moment of clarity and realized i was actually hiding in this area with said rifle loaded with hollow point bullets i decided the potential negative impact on my own life was probably not worth taking the shot. me and a buddy did attempt to rob his house when no one was home, though we couldn't find a way in. after that i gave up on vigilantism and lost interest in the guy.

Sounds fun. Little stalking here and there can fill out boring week nights.

The animal crush world is fucking weird, asked many of them "why" and almost exclusively they answer with "i love animals" then generally something along the lines of "if I didn't love animals than it wouldn't feel good to hurt them", reminds me of pedophiles who say they love children. The guy who I was talking to for a few months privately would take requests from people on a forum, everything from inflating snakes until they literally pop to just shooting cats with a shotgun, but he mainly tortured rats. He said he quit because it kept him up at night and bothered him greatly even though he had made nearly 2 dozen videos up to that point.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bloated Slutbag on September 05, 2019, 06:41:56 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on September 05, 2019, 06:23:30 PM
Quote from: collapsedhole on August 31, 2019, 03:47:17 PM
i first heard of the 'animal crush-fetish' thing from a local newspaper on long island with an article about a guy who lived in the next town over from me making and distributing such films. he had been arrested and since released. he had illegal immigrant women crushing rabbits, kittens, etc... i'm no vegan or anything, but i thought it so revolting and wrong/terrible for society that such things were made available for people to sexually indulge in that i researched him and found his address. i started driving by his house often. it was across from a small wooded drainage area in the middle of the suburbs. i became slightly obsessed with the idea of shooting him with a .22 caliber rifle from this location when he entered or exited his house. when i had a moment of clarity and realized i was actually hiding in this area with said rifle loaded with hollow point bullets i decided the potential negative impact on my own life was probably not worth taking the shot. me and a buddy did attempt to rob his house when no one was home, though we couldn't find a way in. after that i gave up on vigilantism and lost interest in the guy.

Sounds fun. Little stalking here and there can fill out boring week nights.

The animal crush world is fucking weird, asked many of them "why" and almost exclusively they answer with "i love animals" then generally something along the lines of "if I didn't love animals than it wouldn't feel good to hurt them", reminds me of pedophiles who say they love children.

Reminds me of that John Duncan tape on Extreme. Roger Richards asks whether murder can be art, and Duncan asserts that yes it could be, but it would have to be someone that you love that you love.

Probably for the best that collapsedhole didn't murder one of the great artists of our time.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: collapsedhole on September 07, 2019, 02:30:16 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on September 05, 2019, 06:23:30 PM
Sounds fun. Little stalking here and there can fill out boring week nights.

The animal crush world is fucking weird, asked many of them "why" and almost exclusively they answer with "i love animals" then generally something along the lines of "if I didn't love animals than it wouldn't feel good to hurt them", reminds me of pedophiles who say they love children. The guy who I was talking to for a few months privately would take requests from people on a forum, everything from inflating snakes until they literally pop to just shooting cats with a shotgun, but he mainly tortured rats. He said he quit because it kept him up at night and bothered him greatly even though he had made nearly 2 dozen videos up to that point.

interesting, that perspective on it hadn't occurred to me. saw kids in my youth do some violent things to animals, and participated in some regrettable actions myself, but strictly violent things never bothered me. i was specifically revolted by the idea that people were deriving sexual pleasure from it. beastiality never bothered me either, most of the animals seem into that shit. now that i ponder it deeper, i wonder why the "crash fetish" of people getting off to films of car accident victims never bothered me, nor orther violence against people for sexual pleasure.. i guess i just don't like humans as much.

Quote from: Bloated Slutbag on September 05, 2019, 06:41:56 PM
Probably for the best that collapsedhole didn't murder one of the great artists of our time.

i dunno, maybe... if you're going to make extreme art, gotta go all out though... entire genocide of a species would be much more respectable, and for whatever reason, less disturbing to me.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Bloated Slutbag on September 08, 2019, 05:46:23 PM
Quote from: collapsedhole on September 07, 2019, 02:30:16 PM
entire genocide of a species would be much more respectable, and for whatever reason, less disturbing to me.

Much easier I think to hate (and love, two sides of possibly identical coin) that which you (think you) know. But trust me. Squirry the Squirrel is one bad mother etc.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: pentd on May 24, 2020, 11:41:54 PM
awfully quiet here so here's this:


plenty more interviews all over the place...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: moozz on October 20, 2022, 12:43:18 PM
Amazing that this once so active topic has been silent for almost 2.5 years.

After moving back to Finland I have become more and more aware how rare sex shops and second hand book stores selling older magazines are nowadays. Brussels has Nuit de Chine which is a great store with lots of DVDs but also stacks and stacks of magazines and books of all sorts. I don't know if Helsinki for example has anything similar. To buy older sex mags one pretty much needs to go online so no more browsing before buying. Plus sex mags (like everything else) have become some sort of collector thing and magazines tend to be very expensive. The Brussels store had (and probably still has) Busen magazines for 10-15 EUR if I remember right but online the prices seem to be around 50 EUR or even more which is ridiculous. I still prefer printed media over online content or even movies but it is becoming an increasingly expensive hobby. Would anyone have any sources (online or even physical stores) for reasonably priced magazines from (mainly) the '90s? I'm looking for stuff like Busen, Voluptuous, Score, Busty Beauties, Club International, Swank, Men Only, Juggs, etc.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kayandah on October 23, 2022, 01:56:31 PM
You can buy some of the old Paul Raymond publications like MenOnly, Mayfair and Club on ebay, usually as bundle packs and they aren't hugely overpriced
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kayandah on October 23, 2022, 02:00:35 PM
For anyone who was interested in Japanese AV the sad news is that r18.com is shutting down. This was the main avenue for non-Japanese to access AV. Many stories floating around about why but it seems to come down to payment providers making it more difficult to buy porn.

I had suspected some kind of backlash from the heyday of the nineties/naughties but was expecting more of a moral backlash not this slow economic strangulation
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: theotherjohn on October 23, 2022, 11:33:48 PM
Does anyone here own any adult/erotic playing cards? I picked up this same set (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125544613939) at a secondhand market some weeks ago for the low price of £2. I had never seen any of these in the wild before and it was a blind buy given the price (I couldn't really open it up and inspect the contents out in the public - I didn't even know if it was a complete set), but after opening the pack in a more private setting and going through the set of cards (which was indeed a complete set, with two particularly filthy 'Joker' cards), I'd evidently made a good entry point to this previously hidden world of porn (see the last photo in the auction listing!). Lucky me!

After that, a curious web search brought me to this website (http://vintagenudephotos.com/vpc.htm) headed by collector Mark Rotenberg (https://nymag.com/lifestyle/sex/annual/2005/15064/) who has previously collaborated with the publisher Taschen on their erotic books in the past. He's seemingly the foremost authority when it comes to collecting this niche of adult material and he's authored a book called Stacked Decks: The Art and History of Erotic Playing Cards (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1594741549/) that gives historical context to this discreet and easily transportable method of distributing pornography around the world. Disappointingly though, the book itself opts for presenting the safer, more "cheesecake" decks that were produced in the past (no doubt due to printing/publishing/distribution limitations) and barely goes into the hardcore pornography era from the late 1960s onwards (if not earlier) - for that, the website is where you have to go if you want to see samples of the more bizarre/explicit decks that have been released. It's impressive to see what tastes were catered for and you can even buy spares of them from Mark for a fair mark up, though usually the more interesting ones have been sold out already. I guess erotic playing cards are still being made today, though probably more as limited edition art sets rather than as a cheap and disposable pocket pleasure. I could easily see myself seeking out more of these playing cards to collect if they were more affordable and easily available...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: moozz on October 24, 2022, 01:02:57 PM
I have two sets of Busen-Extra playing cards from 2005 and 2007. Hardcore just like the contents of the Busen-Extra magazines and I am sure the pictures are all taken from the magazines as well. Not really ideal for playing (impossible to concentrate) and not ideal as pictures as the size is very small. But still nice little curiosity items I am not planning to get rid of.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: theotherjohn on October 24, 2022, 05:17:46 PM
Quote from: moozz on October 20, 2022, 12:43:18 PMWould anyone have any sources (online or even physical stores) for reasonably priced magazines from (mainly) the '90s? I'm looking for stuff like Busen, Voluptuous, Score, Busty Beauties, Club International, Swank, Men Only, Juggs, etc.

You could try Adult Magazine Collector (https://www.adultmagazinecollector.co.uk/) here in the UK for some of those titles. There's a physical shop in Manchester which is suitably grubby to visit and not far from other shops specializing in second-hand (ahem) smut - it's the Soho of the North of England. They have a twitter account (https://twitter.com/jobbydealer) too that showcases new arrivals - I'm not sure I'd want to be involved in their 'Wankaround' challenge but their followers seem to be having fun with it.

I recently found out about the publisher Masala Noir (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir) that has released some intriguing zines/publications dealing in countercultural ephemera - alongside the hardcover Noise Graphics (1980-1990) (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/noise-graphics-1980-1990) book that collects a variety of release artworks from the post-industrial scene, there's also the 8-bit Porn Video Games (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/8-bits-porn-video-games) zine, one focusing on Japanese BDSM Magazines (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/bdsm-japanese-magazines) and a more general Sex Magazines (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/sex-magazines) book. Don't own any of them and can't vouch for their overall quality (they seem to be just images with little to no writings to contextualise them) but they look like fun stocking fillers in the lead up to the holidays. I'm also guessing the images are mainly sourced from online archives; the Japanese BDSM magazines one was no doubt compiled from Mandarake's (https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/) web shop, or the Tumblr page of their favourite customer Where Frost Reign (https://wherefrostreignhangar.tumblr.com/)....
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Balor/SS1535 on October 24, 2022, 11:02:13 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on October 24, 2022, 05:17:46 PM
Quote from: moozz on October 20, 2022, 12:43:18 PMWould anyone have any sources (online or even physical stores) for reasonably priced magazines from (mainly) the '90s? I'm looking for stuff like Busen, Voluptuous, Score, Busty Beauties, Club International, Swank, Men Only, Juggs, etc.

You could try Adult Magazine Collector (https://www.adultmagazinecollector.co.uk/) here in the UK for some of those titles. There's a physical shop in Manchester which is suitably grubby to visit and not far from other shops specializing in second-hand (ahem) smut - it's the Soho of the North of England. They have a twitter account (https://twitter.com/jobbydealer) too that showcases new arrivals - I'm not sure I'd want to be involved in their 'Wankaround' challenge but their followers seem to be having fun with it.

I recently found out about the publisher Masala Noir (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir) that has released some intriguing zines/publications dealing in countercultural ephemera - alongside the hardcover Noise Graphics (1980-1990) (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/noise-graphics-1980-1990) book that collects a variety of release artworks from the post-industrial scene, there's also the 8-bit Porn Video Games (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/8-bits-porn-video-games) zine, one focusing on Japanese BDSM Magazines (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/bdsm-japanese-magazines) and a more general Sex Magazines (https://mamama-paris.com/collections/masala-noir/products/sex-magazines) book. Don't own any of them and can't vouch for their overall quality (they seem to be just images with little to no writings to contextualise them) but they look like fun stocking fillers in the lead up to the holidays. I'm also guessing the images are mainly sourced from online archives; the Japanese BDSM magazines one was no doubt compiled from Mandarake's (https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/) web shop, or the Tumblr page of their favourite customer Where Frost Reign (https://wherefrostreignhangar.tumblr.com/)....

The book of noise covers looks really great.  I think I will have to pick up a copy sometime.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on April 21, 2023, 08:15:58 AM
"The Eunuch Maker" trial ongoing. That is quite interesting, don't remember reading similar things from UK since the infamous 90's s/m trials. Of course, now it has been vastly more brutal things made than in 90's cases. Perhaps sign of changed times is that now emphasis is less about it being gay subculture. That is almost unmentioned, ties to gender activism almost hidden. While in the 90's, I recall trials were really the hunt for odd sexual minorities?

I recall when MODCON book came out in 2002, they advertised that better order soon, since they have no idea if it is legal or not. Apparently, no problems emerged of it, and even 2nd print was made in print-on-demand service.

Original editor Shannon Laratt died already decade ago, and long before that there was some dispute of ownership of BME. Curiously site claims never had content removed, nor any legal action taken against it, only little pressure. While body modification ezine was for whatever little piercings or tattoos someone wanted to post and there was the restricted adult area with all the castration and amputees and whatever. Laratt appeared in lots of "regular" media and I guess the late 90's tattoo/piercing/body modification stuff was something you got exposed to in underground anyways, regardless if you were doing it. Just that same sources where you got other subcultural weird stuff, had this covered too. There is some controversies that german state went against bme due some of videos went viral at the time, among the youth. hah. Quite sure some will remember the low res "pain olympics" videos circulating just for the shocks. I don't know if they changed it over the years, but back when the "community" started, there was all these goth girls posting sweet nose piercing and tribal tattoo pics, and due being "content makers", they were granted free pass for heavy area too. I would guess that a lot of people who were not perhaps "meant to see" stuff that deranged, could access.

Book is still good document of early formation of the new "scene" that was different of how body modification had been before.


QuoteIn May of 1999 members of the heavy modification set made their way from around the world to attend an event that was to become infamous. They came from as far away as Japan and varied in age from eighteen to their early seventies. No matter how far they travelled or what age they were this would be the first time for most to be surrounded by this many people with a shared interest - extreme body modification. Practitioners and participants who have dedicated their bodies and lives to fields such as tattooing, branding, implants, subincision, amputation, castration, scarification, nullification... this event was only for the serious and as such it was invite only. It goes without saying, none of those invites were too media. "ModCon: The Secret World of Extreme Body Modification" is the first peak for most into this most secretive of worlds. It is the culmination of three ModCon events held over a three-year period and documented by its organizer, Shannon Larratt. A life long contributor to the community and publisher of BMEzine.com, Shannon is the world's foremost authority on the subject of extreme body modification. As well as containing comprehensive and informative information on the subject, "ModCon: The Secret World of Extreme Body Modification" also contains stunning images by photographer Phillip Barbosa whose contributions to the community include a complete visual documentation of every ModCon event as well as helping organize the I Was Cured suspension group in Toronto, Canada.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: theotherjohn on April 21, 2023, 03:21:31 PM
PDF copies of ModCon and Shannon Laratt's later book 'Meet Tommy' are available on the zentastic website:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: theotherjohn on October 26, 2023, 01:52:46 PM
This is easily the best book discovery I've had in years: Rain Time: An Experiment In Depth, published by Augenblick Press.


'Rain Time' is an exhibition based on a large collection of photographs found at a flea market in London documenting the self-portraiture of one woman's penchant for deep-sea submersion via the burgeoning world of rubber fetishism. The work embodies the spirit of the home hobbyist, willing to give her life to science in the 'experimental diving tank' otherwise understood as the stand-alone bath tub.

Made between the late 1950s and early 1960s, the collection pre-dates the controversial (for post war conservative Britain) Atom-Age publications as well as Helen Henley's Enter with Trumpets, which scandalised a British Public unwilling to let go of its tired conservatism and dusty pearls.

The collage works in the collection precede by at least 15 years what would become the cut n' paste aesthetic of punk, devising and framing new identities culled from images in the daily papers, on the spectrum from Sophia Loren to Mrs Mills.

'Rain Time' reveals a hitherto unseen world of exploratory erotic investigation taking place for personal satisfaction behind the net curtains of suburban Britain. It is so called for the catalogue of rubber wear accompanying the archive, one subsequently employed by Vivienne Westwood for her revolutionary Kings Road 'Sex' shop a decade later.

Hardback Book containing over 300 photographs on 228 pages.

A second edition of this was recently released in an edition of only 100 copies (the first edition was 150 copies) which is still available here for £50 plus shipping: https://augenblickpress.bigcartel.com/product/rain-time-2nd-edition

Some more info about this discovery with select photos can be found at this link: https://www.anothermag.com/art-photography/14502/rain-time-rubber-fetish-horse-hospital-augenblick-press

I'm honestly amazed that this book is still under the radar for now... if you have any sort of interest in early rubber fetish history, perverse outsider art or home-developed photography then this book is a MANDATORY purchase! Get it now before it becomes collectible and sought after like the Dressing for Pleasure book by Jonny Trunk.

P.S. If anyone has the white cover first edition of Rain Time for sale, contact me!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cantle on October 26, 2023, 06:13:33 PM
Thanks for the heads up on this one
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 29, 2023, 11:35:47 AM
Quote from: theotherjohn on October 26, 2023, 01:52:46 PMThis is easily the best book discovery I've had in years: Rain Time: An Experiment In Depth, published by Augenblick Press.


'Rain Time' is an exhibition based on a large collection of photographs found at a flea market in London documenting the self-portraiture of one woman's penchant for deep-sea submersion via the burgeoning world of rubber fetishism. The work embodies the spirit of the home hobbyist, willing to give her life to science in the 'experimental diving tank' otherwise understood as the stand-alone bath tub.

Made between the late 1950s and early 1960s, the collection pre-dates the controversial (for post war conservative Britain) Atom-Age publications as well as Helen Henley's Enter with Trumpets, which scandalised a British Public unwilling to let go of its tired conservatism and dusty pearls.

The collage works in the collection precede by at least 15 years what would become the cut n' paste aesthetic of punk, devising and framing new identities culled from images in the daily papers, on the spectrum from Sophia Loren to Mrs Mills.

'Rain Time' reveals a hitherto unseen world of exploratory erotic investigation taking place for personal satisfaction behind the net curtains of suburban Britain. It is so called for the catalogue of rubber wear accompanying the archive, one subsequently employed by Vivienne Westwood for her revolutionary Kings Road 'Sex' shop a decade later.

Hardback Book containing over 300 photographs on 228 pages.

A second edition of this was recently released in an edition of only 100 copies (the first edition was 150 copies) which is still available here for £50 plus shipping: https://augenblickpress.bigcartel.com/product/rain-time-2nd-edition

Some more info about this discovery with select photos can be found at this link: https://www.anothermag.com/art-photography/14502/rain-time-rubber-fetish-horse-hospital-augenblick-press

I'm honestly amazed that this book is still under the radar for now... if you have any sort of interest in early rubber fetish history, perverse outsider art or home-developed photography then this book is a MANDATORY purchase! Get it now before it becomes collectible and sought after like the Dressing for Pleasure book by Jonny Trunk.

P.S. If anyone has the white cover first edition of Rain Time for sale, contact me!

this goes in the "atomage" territory I appreciate the most, where fetish and bizarre is defined by a distortion of daily normal life. many thanks for this, I'll order it somehow
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: KillToForget on October 30, 2023, 08:15:41 PM
Thanks for posting that book. I had never heard of Augenblick and will definitely have to keep up with their work.

Possibly a little late to the game, but I watched Tsurisaki Kiyotaka's Paranoid Garden recently and enjoyed it pretty well.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on October 31, 2023, 11:57:37 AM
Since lockdown I befriended several adult biz people. I think I'll use these acquaintances for a project some days. Very interesting how back in the days a new comer would debut doing semi amateur stuff wearing mask and now they debut with DAP and extreme GB with Giorgio Grandi's Legal P.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Theodore on November 01, 2023, 02:24:30 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on October 31, 2023, 11:57:37 AMVery interesting how back in the days a new comer would debut doing semi amateur stuff wearing mask and now they debut with DAP and extreme GB with Giorgio Grandi's Legal P.

Without having any inside information, just from observer's point i feel the streaming 'camwhores' platforms have led to a shortage of newcomers in the porn industry. Now every young slut can make a quick buck by just playing with her vibrator on her bed everynight. Only the real nymphos enter the industry, and ofcource them and the industry have to offer more than the streams. The golden era of online porn was 2007-2012 i think, with the sites of Teencoreclub and the rest, introducing hordes of Russian girls.

On the other hand, i have no idea how much money streaming sluts make. Wouldnt be easier / quicker to do a 'pro' scene a month instead of everyday labor ? Dont know.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 01, 2023, 07:46:45 PM
Quote from: Theodore on November 01, 2023, 02:24:30 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on October 31, 2023, 11:57:37 AMVery interesting how back in the days a new comer would debut doing semi amateur stuff wearing mask and now they debut with DAP and extreme GB with Giorgio Grandi's Legal P.

Only the real nymphos enter the industry,


regarding streaming. mi ex ex ex back in the days made over 2k a month camming and creating personal content. Now either they struggle to get few bucks or are real stars that keeps posting very personal stuff and keep close contact with fans.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: W.K. on November 01, 2023, 10:51:59 PM
Quote from: Theodore on November 01, 2023, 02:24:30 PMOn the other hand, i have no idea how much money streaming sluts make. Wouldnt be easier / quicker to do a 'pro' scene a month instead of everyday labor ? Dont know.

I would think hardcore porn would be a lot less viable unless your a real star in the business, doing softcore by yourself is easier than ever with the rise of Onlyfans and Chaturbate. Hell, girls are making a lot more doing non-nude or softcore on Onlyfans than those doing hardcore scenes, and they can do it by themselves, not having to rely on a scummy production company or 'distributor'.

Why do a 'pro' shoot and having to rely on others, making less money, while you can do it all by yourself, making more?

Is it bad? I don't know. The older I get the less inclined I feel watching other people fucking. Maybe I do miss  new bondage/SM/roleplay scenes sometimes, but whatever.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on November 02, 2023, 10:15:27 AM
I was watching one document not that long ago, where model mentioned that way more money is made from selling costume used in the scene, that income from that clip itself. Some obsessed fan pays big money for used clothes etc.
The act of making porn is not the challenge at all, when you got platforms anyone can access, you got gear good enough to film or take photos yourself, you don't apparently need to even leave your apartment. With tens of thousands of women doing just about exactly SAME THING, challenge is how the paying customer find you out of that mass. I was watching other documentary where woman said the actual work is basically being 24/7 in social media, predominantly twitter, communicating with fans and posting tasters and trying to find people who want to pay for content.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but over here, it is curious how much big media promotes onlyfans. For some years, we have had repeated similar stories about how much money someone is making. Huge mainstream promotion of platform and "model". There has been no stories about probably thousands of other women who have read those stories, posted stuff, and realized there is no audience to pay them tens of thousands a month, and due not having any idea about "pornography" or "photography" or "filming", their idea revolves around what everybody else is doing. One more cunt staring at webcam and playing with dildo.. oh yes, success waiting...
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 02, 2023, 12:18:13 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 02, 2023, 10:15:27 AMI was watching one document not that long ago, where model mentioned that way more money is made from selling costume used in the scene, that income from that clip itself. Some obsessed fan pays big money for used clothes etc.
The act of making porn is not the challenge at all, when you got platforms anyone can access, you got gear good enough to film or take photos yourself, you don't apparently need to even leave your apartment. With tens of thousands of women doing just about exactly SAME THING, challenge is how the paying customer find you out of that mass. I was watching other documentary where woman said the actual work is basically being 24/7 in social media, predominantly twitter, communicating with fans and posting tasters and trying to find people who want to pay for content.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but over here, it is curious how much big media promotes onlyfans. For some years, we have had repeated similar stories about how much money someone is making. Huge mainstream promotion of platform and "model". There has been no stories about probably thousands of other women who have read those stories, posted stuff, and realized there is no audience to pay them tens of thousands a month, and due not having any idea about "pornography" or "photography" or "filming", their idea revolves around what everybody else is doing. One more cunt staring at webcam and playing with dildo.. oh yes, success waiting...

I agree completely and very interesting subjects. Based on my own experience and confirmed by acquantances, those who succeed leave their job and become 100% sex workers. I use this term not with the PC meaning but by the fact that they become full time working in sex.
Most succesful one are no goats, they studied the biz, been helped by consultants (who are maybe other performers), create strong links in some sort of community that include producers, directors, content creators and biz influencers who write content for the community (One example is Gustavo Turner from XBiz).
The succesful ones do everything mikko said, run their own OF or similar, use twitch to interact with the younger generation with safer stuff (eg playing videogames in pijama), and are escorts as well. If you go with a good level escort here you pay between 150 and 250. If you go with a porn start you pay MUCH MORE. P0rn is great to boost celebrity and rise prices of performances and they do tours. Most adult stars and OF girls I know also provide that kind of service, often with an alias, but there are forums run by agencies where fan meet to discuss and rate performances where these girls are somewhat outed and indicated. It's manager themselves who often to this in agreement.
They also get hosted in night clubs (at least in switzerland) where they do show and often are available for dates, they keep all the money and only pay rent of the room that often is exchanged for the value of the performance.

My ex back in the days was working for RIV and Cam4, it was the early days, and there were not many doing this. Then there was a big review on a mainstream tv where a girl she was performing with got interviewed and things got wild. For 1/2 years it was cool to do it and also many guys looked for that. She was earning money by 1 to 1 calls, and had some regulars. She was selling clips, pics, underwears and getting gifts (delivered to my PO BOX together with your trades ahaha), doing vocal chats and on request videos pics featuring also other performers (both gals and guys, as well as myself although it was noit my thing) they then were using videos on both profiles. Now it's called content trade. Then she started having dates with some trusted clients, but it's another story. Unfortunately the boyfriend after me exposed her to her legit work partners and parents and was a mess. 
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on November 02, 2023, 12:23:01 PM
Quote from: W.K. on November 01, 2023, 10:51:59 PM
Quote from: Theodore on November 01, 2023, 02:24:30 PMOn the other hand, i have no idea how much money streaming sluts make. Wouldnt be easier / quicker to do a 'pro' scene a month instead of everyday labor ? Dont know.

Why do a 'pro' shoot and having to rely on others, making less money, while you can do it all by yourself, making more?


some took that way and live on their own OF but after they gathered enough celebrity status.
some do that to avoid too much exposition to the public because they don't wnat to interact with too many performers or travel
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: FiEND on November 10, 2023, 07:41:40 PM
Quote from: theotherjohn on October 26, 2023, 01:52:46 PMeasily the best book discovery I've had in years: Rain Time: An Experiment In Depth, published by Augenblick Press

just got my copy in the mail. an absolute treasure to any vintage rubber enthusiast. i especially enjoy the handwritten fantasies of needing oxygen after a deep dive while enclosed in rubber. thanks for the recommend.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: mazophilia on November 18, 2023, 09:20:08 PM
Quote from: moozz on October 20, 2022, 12:43:18 PMAmazing that this once so active topic has been silent for almost 2.5 years.

After moving back to Finland I have become more and more aware how rare sex shops and second hand book stores selling older magazines are nowadays. Brussels has Nuit de Chine which is a great store with lots of DVDs but also stacks and stacks of magazines and books of all sorts. I don't know if Helsinki for example has anything similar. To buy older sex mags one pretty much needs to go online so no more browsing before buying. Plus sex mags (like everything else) have become some sort of collector thing and magazines tend to be very expensive. The Brussels store had (and probably still has) Busen magazines for 10-15 EUR if I remember right but online the prices seem to be around 50 EUR or even more which is ridiculous. I still prefer printed media over online content or even movies but it is becoming an increasingly expensive hobby. Would anyone have any sources (online or even physical stores) for reasonably priced magazines from (mainly) the '90s? I'm looking for stuff like Busen, Voluptuous, Score, Busty Beauties, Club International, Swank, Men Only, Juggs, etc.
There's a few good options online for big busty magazines:

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: HateSermon on November 18, 2023, 09:45:35 PM
Yes the online prices are ridiculous but every once in a while you find a good deal. I just recently bought an issue of Taboo from amazon of all places. Half the price of what it was listed as on other fetish specific sites.
Couple of more sites to check out:
Alta Glamour (https://www.alta-glamour.com/) (They're a little on the expensive side, fyi)

This is someone selling from their personal collection with updates somewhat often. Free shipping in US.

Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: DivusDeMortuus on March 01, 2024, 11:27:54 AM
I seem to be on a bit of a mid-80s porn (Christy Canyon, Ginger Lynn, and so on) kick lately, as the last few that I've watched were "WPINK-TV", "Blame It On Ginger", and "Marilyn Chambers' Private Fantasies 5".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kaaoskultti on January 07, 2025, 10:35:38 PM
https://kupdf.net/download/bataille-and-bukkake-symbolic-human-sacrifice-in-japanese-pornography_5afe9484e2b6f5825cb34740_pdf (https://kupdf.net/download/bataille-and-bukkake-symbolic-human-sacrifice-in-japanese-pornography_5afe9484e2b6f5825cb34740_pdf)

User tiny_tove posted this article here somewhere on the thread, but I wasn't able to find the real post nor the original link. One of the most interesting and greatest things I've ever read, even my friends enjoyed the text. It's impressive how much Bataille might have (indirectly) influenced the Noise aesthetic and general and its absurdist approach, but however, the article above surely comes to the gist of things all the while being somewhat dense in its analysis (in the sense of compressing some information that could be explored endlessly), it remains solid to this day, and is indeed amazing.

Btw, listened to Caligula031's "An Empirical Analysis of Escorting" some weeks ago. One of the best sample collection tracks I've ever heard, specially because it manages to touch the subject in a manner much more straighforward and objective in its point than, say, Soto's collages or even Taint's. Really good stuff. Love is life.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: cantle on January 08, 2025, 05:55:25 PM
The links seem to be broken for that Batille text- would you be able to email me the pdf? Thanks.

Ignore- searching with Duckduckgo rather than google worked....
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on January 23, 2025, 06:16:08 PM
Quote from: Kaaoskultti on January 07, 2025, 10:35:38 PMBtw, listened to Caligula031's "An Empirical Analysis of Escorting"

Thank you, glad you enjoyed!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kaaoskultti on February 06, 2025, 11:11:40 PM
Quote from: tiny_tove on January 23, 2025, 06:16:08 PM
Quote from: Kaaoskultti on January 07, 2025, 10:35:38 PMBtw, listened to Caligula031's "An Empirical Analysis of Escorting"

Thank you, glad you enjoyed!

Oh thank you for your work on PE/Noise scene, and also on this forum! Listening to "Domino" right now, thinking to myself "this is how PE should sound like!".
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: tiny_tove on February 07, 2025, 09:38:34 AM
Blush blush. I am slowly getting out of my forced hiatus. Many releases lined up, a few cancelled since labels no longer exist.
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Cranial Blast on February 12, 2025, 04:04:19 AM
Quote from: tiny_tove on February 07, 2025, 09:38:34 AMBlush blush. I am slowly getting out of my forced hiatus. Many releases lined up, a few cancelled since labels no longer exist.

Also VERY excited about the news in regards to new releases!
Title: Re: Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic
Post by: Kaaoskultti on March 09, 2025, 07:39:33 PM

Have seen Jerry Springer being discussed on some pages. I believe his talent as a talk-show host is really admirable, but then I just stumbled against this video today. Even though everyone had seen it, I still find it pretty amusing. Makes me think of the red-thread on "Substitute" is partly about how what is shunned and forbidden is still sold to the people as commodities of popular culture. As previously discussed here. Nonetheless, The Mentors are pretty much quite one of the most over-the-top acts of all time, as in hands with other great transgressors.