The first edition of FIME – Festival Internacional de Música Experimental (International Experimental Music Festival) will take place in São Paulo, Brazil, on the second half of July 2015 (exact dates to be announced).
In its first edition, the Festival will have as a focal point of its programming the idea of noise, with its multiplicity of senses and possible interpretations, related, among others, to practices which deal with physical and technological limits, mistake, indeterminacy, loud sounds, and several other possible meanings.
By this suggestion the Festival does not intend to establish or delimit some specific genre or suggest a determined repertoire, but to allow and promote artistic diversity, due to the recurring presence of such notion in the experimental music practice.
The biggest part of the program of the Festival will be constituted by artists selected by means of a call for proposals. Thus, the Festival will be open to the most diverse proposals within the intentionally broad scope of what we are calling "experimental music", without other classifications of style or genre.
The curators of this edition of the Festival are: Lílian Campesato, Mário Del Nunzio and Yuri Bruscky.
More infos:
Call for proposals – practical info
FIME will receive proposals for artistic performances until May 10, 2015. After such date, the curatorship of the event will assess the received proposals and contact the proponents of the selected proposals. The availability for participating in the Festival will have to be confirmed. Through the present call, will be selected 9 (nine) artistic proposals.
This call for artistic proposals is open to any person or group from any locality, of any age, without any kind of restriction.
Preferably, the proposed presentations should have been planned to have a duration between 20 and 45 minutes. Proposals with other durations will be considered, but their inclusion in the Festival programming will depend on viability in the schedule.
The production of the Festival will provide the payment of R$ 1500,00 (one thousand and five hundred reais) for each artist or group that participates in the Festival through this call.
Additional funds will not be provided (for travel, accommodation or any other costs that artists may have). However, the production of the event can provide invitation letters to the participants of the Festival, so that aid for funds may be obtained from other sources. The production of the event can also assist participants in the search for solidary or cheap accommodation options.
Entries will be conducted exclusively online, through the email:
Entries should contain:
a. a document (preferably pdf) with name(s) of the participant(s), contact information (email and phone), text about the proposed performance, technical needs (listo of equipments), biographical information (optional);
b. links to sound or audiovisual material related to the proposed presentation (in the case of a work not yet presented, links to other works deemed relevant to the assessment of the proposal in question);
c. other materials that the proponent considers appropriate (scores, sketches);
d. if the curatorship considers it necessary, may request additional information or clarification on the submitted proposals.
The curatorship decision will rely on the following criteria: artistic diversity; diversity of means; diversity of origins of the proposals; artistic relevance and quality within the field of experimental music.
The curators will have total autonomy for deciding who will be invited to the Festival, following the above mentioned criteria.
The invited artists will have to confirm the participation in the Festival within seven days after the invitation, through email. If that does not happen, the production of the event will invite some other participant of this call.