I changed the topic title, as it's more about Finnish noise in general, than S.I.C.K.
S.I.C.K. ? What is it?
It's very loose collective in Finland, which aim was to put together similar interests, resources, funds and energy and organise raw noise / pe live shows, including bringing bands that in "old times" seemed impossible. That there was co-operation instead of competition, that expenses and demanded workload was shared by many active people in "scene", seemed like good idea.
In this topic, aim is to report the complete history of the "organisation". Drawing line of first activity as Private Show in Mellunmäki, despite name wasn't established at that point. I don't even remember what all happened, and I certainly don't have that much of photographic evidence as some of the other people may have. So please, feel free to contribute. Dates, line-ups, alcohol soaked blurry memories...
But to get topic started, I'm re-posting the overview on related Finnish scene. It has been heavily updated and revised from almost 2 years old Noisefanatics.com topic.
Not all these bands are linked with SICK as organisation. But since one of intention of this was to promote activity on field in general, of course topic may include just whatever Finland has to offer.
What happened in 80's, is pretty much unknown to me. I'm only aware of Unelma Kasetit who did magazine, international compilation with some very infamous names of the time (Coil, Zero Kama, Dog As Master, P16.D4, NWW, Controlled Bleeding) and own releases of Finnish industrial of same type. Never heard any of these, but based on name in old advertisements, I did manage to track down guy responsible for them. Year ago he was too buys to give more details (now working as DJ). How big editions and where distributed etc, remains at this moment pure mystery.
In early 90's there used to be time when only one who seemed to be interested was Eric Wood of Man Is The Bastard, who was brave enough to put out split vinyls with those 100% unknown "nobodies" like Aunt Mary, Bizarre Uproar, Unseen Noise Death,... There was things happening in early 90's, but quite little. Early 90's crappy tapes of bands like Wolf's Age might be still found from some power electronics archives (Open Wound?), but it took longer time when anything captured attention of "international scene". While you could easily point out some of the most significant eras in the scene, at least from my perspective. One could be the 91-93 early days (see above), but then again in 97-99, when a lot of great projects surfaced. ORDER. (ex- Modern Surgery For Nurses), PAIN NAIL, STROM.EC, CLOAMA, more obscure one-off things SKINGRAFT, DETONATOR, and so on. And maybe the mid/late 2000's scene where again plenty of quality acts are here. And with above mentioned SICK and increasing live actions and visits from various worldwide artists (by many organisers, we've seen Merzbow, Pain Jerk, Anenzephalia, Genocide Organ, Shift, Wertham, Irm, Lasse Marhaug, Government Alpha, Montage, Treriksröset, Sewer Election, Borbetomagus, Brighter Death Now, Deutch Nepal, Mobjelka Pulse, Consumer Electronics, Keiji Haino,..... and list keeps going. With things you never thought possible 15 years ago)
But enough of about the foreigners who visited. Who are there now and who used to be?
ABOVE SUSPICION - solo work of one of Squamata guys. Only compilation appereance and live gig exists. Tape manipulations, crackling lo-fi electronics and heavily delayed/echoed vocal delivery. In many ways very "common" and typical, but despite that, pretty good in what it is. I'm under impression project might not be continueing, and maybe even Squamata will have more this type of elements in the sound? Well, future will show!
ANON+ , with J.Mattila of Kaos Kontrol. Under this name just collaborated with Grunt on "Last Grip To Sanity" LP b-side, did few tracks for compilations, Tape release with final existing recordings has been "out soon" status of EST label for... what? 5 years? More?
A.B.N.T.R. - live activity and one tape releases exists. Highly influenced by 2010'ish Bizarre Uproar live gig style. Chains, delay effected screams, feedback. Pori scene project.
BIZARRE UPROAR - Finnish cult noise band since early 90's was relatively low profile for many many years, until re-surfaced some years ago with improved skills, live assaults, taking traditional bizarre uproar style artwork to new heights. In few years of time, there has been shows in Brazil, Belgium/Holland, UK, not to mention different style sets for Finnish audience too. Steady flow of new releases offer the most violent cut-up noise frenzy and feedback/vocals/perversion power electronics assaults. One milestone would be naturally LP on Japanese Dogma Chase label, but already since then band has basically triumphed in new strengths in live and "studio" work.
BLUTLEUCHTE - person also known from Dead Reptile Shrine, his esoteric experimental works, known from CD on Sähkö and several collaborations with Cloama.
CLOAMA - could be already seen as one of pillars / "veterans" of the Finnish scene. 10+ years behind. Band has already caught international attention with releases on various established labels. Style varies from experimental electronics, through harsh noise to industrial/PE.
DARK SESSION - New band from Jyväskylä. Step by step improving and now made his first live gig. Appears still on process of searching style, but promising!
DECONDITION - Only official release must be tape on Freak Animal, but band has recorded material before and after. Young power electronics band using plenty of software and virtual electronics, but with sligthly nastier sound and vocals manages to leave the worst computer related problems behind. We'll see if promising tape leads sometime to further.
ELECZEMA - is one of the well kept secrets. Strom.ec's vocalist solo project has been going for years. Couple compilation tracks and live show has shown potential what should be reached in scheduled full length for Freak Animal. Noisier, more in-your-face and more perverse than Strom.ec, but still with somehow related atmosphere.
GELSOMINA - has it's name established as harsh noise artists, but little by little moving into costructed power electronics morbidity. This now defunct project continues with new face: Sick Seed. In Gelsomina, both, his noise and PE works are essential. Not to mention Pekka's input to journalism with Hard & Obscure zine.
GOLDEN RAIN - post industrial / power electronics, two tapes on Filth & Violence is very good stuff. Loops, desperate vocals,... Members known from Ritual Feces, Restraint, etc..
GREY PARK - Diverse style and approach, live activity and recordings. My personal favorites remain 7" and early tape on Kaos Kontrol.
GRUNT - Active since 1993. More info: grunt-finland.tumblr.com/
HAARE - Another band not really much to do with power electronics, but the crude sound and psychedelic artwork consiting occult/mystic/sleazy collages & design has lead band to do many releases on labels like Freak Animal, Unrest, Kult Of Nihilow, and so on. Haare produces ugly and nasty, but still warm and "atmospheric" noise-drone with guitar feedback, synths, feedback, various objects. As far as I know, all raw material is recorded with tape decks live, and then later layered as songs. This method gives sound the analog and crude sound, but also gives songs form & structure beyond mere improvised jam?? Those can be keys to success that band sounds at least to my ears superior to most of drone projects. Ilkka also has multiple side projects like Morbid Organ what aren't that far from what Haare does. Live shows of Haare has been tricky deal. From very good ones, to utter failures. With perhaps too much leaning on the latter. On studio things work like miracle, on live shows... they need to get experience.
HALTHAN – Making itself a cult name with extremely alcohol drenched live assaults, which could earn them status of Finnish version of Karjalan Sissit? Little by little with small tape & CDr releases halthan has been climbing up to public knowledge. "Euro-style" power electronics, with heavy synth layers and effected vocals. They debute on live shows as warm up for Anenzephalia last year was decent start, but band has been getting better with assisting members.
HEADFUCK - with some connections of Loinen or Lazersonics.
HIPPYCRACK - Pori harsh noise unit, with tape and live gigs. Also member in Musta Oksennus etc.?
H.Ö.H. - obscure unknown project. I know of one tape, Chop Shop, Haters etc influenced raw noise from.. Helsinki?
relatively new project from 2008 onwards. Perhaps this slightly modern Prurient influenced (?) noise meets keyboards and heavily delayed throaty vocals.. myspace.com/theinvisiblewaves I don't seem to get myspace working anymore, so don't know what type of stuff there is. Just have one promo CDR?
This has similar problems as bands above. In theory, it is good. It has the Hydra & XE wibe, with ultra high pitch tones (read feedback). And yelling. And some samples and more atmospheric throbbing electronics. But, first of all.. is samples from mp3's? Of is it recorded with cheap effects that provide this low bitrate feel to it? I mean, in times when bands like Mourmansk150 or such can do full length albums with such sound quality, it's maybe not bad to those looking for "extreme sonics", but those looking for sonic liquid gold poured to your ears, this not it. Vocals are little flegmatic.
I believe this is first release? So, if they get the sound corrected, it will be just about the standard good PE. That's easy as fuck. So next step would be finding little of their own.
JAAKKO VANHALA - Another name who wasn't mentioned some years ago when this topic was started. Meanwhile two albums and some misc recordings appeared, gigs around the europe and praised often as one of the greatest newcomers of the harsh noise. His past in Zoat Aon and other projects makes him much more than "newcomer", though.
KERÄNEN - formerly known as RULLA. Very little to do with "power electronics", but maybe the RULLA's "Arsedestroyer" tape is filthy enough to qualify to be mentioned! Keränen produces heavy and strong harsh noise. Sometimes with self build equipment, contact mics, metal junk, mini synths, filter boxes, etc. He is also know and one half of TESTICLE HAZARD (with Lasse Marhaug from norway) and various other projects which often combine sounds of mr. Keränen to some type of stuff. Free/improv/electronics etc. Those interested in the other projects should find info quite easily. Keränen has been doing shows in Finland as well as abroad, including 2 tours in Japan. He seems more productive on field of live performances than putting out material. He also used to be the main man reponsible of many Finnish noise shows.
KSNK - see Manic Depressive. I guess this is now the name?
MNEM - is already quite old project, but produces material very rarely. Even if band works on reel-to-reel tapes and analog effects, I don't think they ever used tape format as release? Most well known releases must be CD and vinyl on Kaos Kontrol label and vinyl releases on Segerhuva (swe) and Drone records (ger). There hasn't been any live shows, but new releases are expected.
MANIC/DEPRESSIVE – One of the new blood, doesn't seem to be whoring attention anywhere. Despite couple live shows and promo material circulating around, official releases... hmm "Nyrkki & Kyrpä" compilation?? Maybe that's all. Track of compilation was his experiments of combining subtle melody in hard PE-NOISE. This has been done by projects like NTT or Prurient amongst others, but project stands out as one of very promising new acts out there.
NIKO SCORPIO - before this name, there was bunch of other project. ColdOnceTurningDust being my own favorite. His work has drifted from those noisier and lofi industrial works into more perhaps Coil electro beat oriented works?
ORDER. - project existed first under name MSFN (modern surgery for nurses), and then changed name into ORDER. (with dot after name). One 7", collaboration with Bastard Noise, compilation track. Some unreleased recordings exists under both names. Some rumours of project still being somewhat alive. Lets see!
PAIN NAIL - since full length album was silent for some years on release field. There was occasional shows and even if there is couple of hours of unreleased material, own releases has been heavily delayed. Songs have been heard on some compilation meanwhile, latest being Audial Decimation vol.1. and "Nyrkki & Kyrpä" compilations. We'll see how things develop. Style varies from atmospheric industrial/ambient to fierce power electronics. Next big scale live show should be this autumn in germany with Genocide Organ etc.
RESTRAINT - Young and unproductive Finnish band, reminding early days Survival Unit, The Grey Wolves etc, with some own touch. Sound consist mostly manipulated feedback loops, junk metal and vocals. They performed one live show as 3 piece, but normally it is just 2. Released material consist only compilation appearance. Band is promising, but still very much collection of genre cliche's and technical weaknesses. Hopefully we do see improvement.
SICK SEED - With compilation tracks, tape and LP, this ex-Gelsomina führer continued with less hi-fi, less wall, more nasty more filthy PE assault. Good live gigs continued where Gelsomina left. Project to keep eye on!!
sKKK – Another new project with very little of proof of its existence. Bass-frequency heavy live show in Helsinki, great track on "Nyrkki & Kyrpä". He would really need to get his stuff out there in ears of people....
SNUFF – supposedly anonymous project from Finland. Who are these? If you don't recognize, there's something wrong with your ears... or lack of some major Finnish PE releases in your collection. Amazing LP, amazing live torture, tapes horny enough to involve them in your sex life.
SQUAMATA - known from handful of tapes and couple early CDr's. Been getting more and more name within tape noise circles for their most energy filled harsh noise works and on collaboration CD as well as DVDr with Gelsomina available on Freak Animal. Often abusing the most common Finnish noise elements, metal junk and feedback! They are also known from short but explosive live bursts. LP was scheduled on foreign label, but something happened.
STROM.ec - doesn't need much introduction at this point. New full length just came out and what band loses for its early days ultimate PE/Industrial anthems power, it is reaching new heights in originality and.. hmm "depth" so to say.
UMPIO - since this topic was originally started, Umpio has triumphed among some of the top players of harsh noise underground. Several CD's, tapes, vinyl, gigs in Finland and abroad. From harsh to drone, to micro sound, electro-acoustic.
UNCLEAN - new band already put out handful of tapes. Rough Finnish power electronics.
UND / WOUNDEAD - band is making return after many years of silence. Freak Animal releases UND/Bastard Noise split 7" - the new one! First split of bands happened back in 1992, and this new one 2003! Finnish electronic noise. Early material fierce simple electronics etc. Under Woundead name, he started to make computer noise.
WHITESWAN - Kajaani fierce power electronics.
One could say pretty much the same thing as above. noise meets keyboards and heavily delayed throaty vocals. Often too much of digital/computer like sound. It starts well, with stuff what sounds like amp feedback not far from XE or such, but the entire CDR I got, just suffers from production and vocal sound. Promising, though. Some stuff found also on myspace.
WILL OVER MATTER – Project that has already tapes/CDR, but also full CD, and new double CD. From ritual electronics to raw beats. One could put references from electronics works of Beherit to Esplendor Geometrico and a lot more.
XENOPHOBIC EJACULATION - gained notoriety with releases such as "White Power" and "Triumph". The most primitive sonic damage with explicitly tasteless (did I say tasty?) presentation and content. Couple tapes and LP out.
did tape and some live non-action with their minimalist lo-fi electronic noise. It is like wall of noise re-dubbed on shitty tape so many times until only hiss and distant rubbish is present. Which mean, pretty good! hah.
There are bands who might be already gone. There are bands who did just one or couple releases and never went anywhere. There are also several new bands who exist in form of promo/demo recordings only.
There are lots of projects which consists members known from other projects: RITUAL FECES, SKINGRAFT, DACHAU GRAMMOPHON, CLINIC OF TORTURE, NICOLE 12, SMUCK, MUSTA OKSENNUS (sometimes noise, sometimes noisecore), ANTTI OKSANEN, etc..
The whole thing many tend to call "Oulu scene" (with amazing bands a'la : I.CORAX, ZOAT-AON, AEOGA, ARKTAUS EO etc Perhaps varrants topic of its own??).
Things of the past: TOTAL HEADFUCK, KOJE, HOMBRE MUERTO, UNACTION, NO XIVIC, ...... there are many more. Remind me!
Gig Organizing, group called KUOLLEEN MUSIIKIN YHDISTYS was responsible for many many industrial shows. They brought to Turku a lot of Cold Meat Industry bands, but also power electronics. Their website also works as one of the very few noise/industrial review sites in Finland. Some stuff in english. http://www.kuolleenmusiikinyhdistys.net/
Their most recent show was with INADE from germany. With demolition of TVO venue, we'll see how it affects KMY!
mr. KERÄNEN was one responsible of getting plenty of good bands to Finland. With co-operation with others, I believe we can thank mostly him for Consumer Electronics, Pain Jerk, Montage, Government Alpha, and countless more also on field of electro-acoustic/contemporary music. Unfortunately now "retired" from gig organizing... but not long ago he was again back in business putting show with Testicle Hazard in Helsinki!
There's organisers for some live shows in Jyväskylä, Oulu, Inari??
PE friendly zines here include above mentioned online site, but paper zine HARD & OBSCURE, which covers many styles of underground filth, and SIKIÖASENTO which is Bizarre Uproar's artwork 'zine, and SLEAZY & OBSCURE which consisted rought xerox art of many Finnish PE/noise artists. From ashes of FREAK ANIMAL zine and DEGENERATE comes new force in paper zine culture: SPECIAL INTERESTS, which forum you are now reading.
Labels in Finland include for example:
Freak Animal (-> grunt)
New Old Sentinel (-> cloama)
Neuroscan (-> strom.ec)
Black Arts (-> what was his project? Keep forgetting. harsh noise anyways)
Aneoma (-> keränen)
E.S.T. (-> Restraint)
Filth & Violence (-> Bizarre Uproar)
Untergeschoss (-> sick seed)
Aural Hypnox (-> aeoga)
Kaos Kontrol (-> Anon+)
...and possibly more what just didn't come to my mind while typing this.
I have intentionally left away all the improv/performance arts noise/modern industrial music/noise-folk/goofy noise etc. More additions to follow, since this is no way complete "report". Just something quickly typed, hopefully causing others to fill in some more information.
Topic may also serve to place to mention that one of the good guys left couple weeks ago. Petu (known from Masokismi, Loinen, etc) not really present in "actual" noise bands, but frequent visitor at the shows & loyal customer and his projects always raw and noisy as fuck. Death by suicide earlier this month.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2009, 06:46:39 PM
Drawing line of first activity as Private Show in Mellunmäki, despite name wasn't established at that point. I don't even remember what all happened, and I certainly don't have that much of photographic evidence as some of the other people may have. So please, feel free to contribute. Dates, line-ups, alcohol soaked blurry memories
apart from one trade I didnt talk to anybody and I was sober so no stories apart from a few good shows
^a hipster girl watching bu, there were also some mulattos that seem to be at every clinic of torture gig, Im not kidding
5.3.2008 ANTICHILDLEAGUE (uk), MANIC/DEPRESSION (fin), UMPIO (fin) + maybe more. Helsinki. Lepakkomies. Will be essential night. Posters, proper advertising as soon as the christmas gig is done with.
On Jan 9th at Ptarmigan (Helsinki) C. Spencer Yeh, Tomutonttu, Shogun Kunitoki and Les Manures ( = Umpio + Keränen)
edit: images fixed..
(http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/7369/privatereprisal.jpg) (http://img41.imageshack.us/i/privatereprisal.jpg/)
(http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/4921/p1000416ss.jpg) (http://img41.imageshack.us/i/p1000416ss.jpg/)
Flyer says also SVETLO from Russia but there was some visa problems(never heard of that project-EST was meant to release something from them.. perhaps still on progress?)
Private event in huge warehouse. V/A tape came w/ticket.Every tape was signed w/owners name. Later EST did small re-issue edition. If I remember right 60+ people. My first gig arrange experience. Me and EST were the main organizers w/help from others=pre S.I.C.K.. At first idea was to be on some abandoned house in middle of nowhere. Also at some point abandoned sewage treatment plant (pic on flyer) was under consideration, but it was too near houses. Then we did manage to get biker`s club house, which got canceled at last minute (some real nasty 1% bikers did broke into their club and stole bikes and other stuff- btw police was mainly interested about bikers illegal bar.hah.anyway after that incident they just wasnt in the mood anymore..) We ended up to BU practice place. Owner wanted pretty high rent otherwise place was great.
There is a good gig reports on noisefanatics about event. Might be worth of re-posting here.
See RESTRAINT photo guys at right and left are GOLDEN RAIN
During RESTRAINT some fist banging between audience&vocalist I belive its captured on video? as the whole thing was. Perhaps going to be released someday? or some parts of it...
ambulance was called for mr.HALTHAN.
excellent evening of rough sounds!! Few months later PRIVATE SHOW event in Turku....
What about Golden Rain? I'm just assuming they're Finnish? The F&V tape continues to get heavy rotation for me.
Ah, forgot about it. Great tape yes. Both of the guys in project are very much involved in S.I.C.K. gig organisation too. I hope they will be recruited for public live assault. If not now in march, maybe in summer when some more UK pe heroes arrive!
scroll back 2 posts. I added some txt about PRIVATE REPRISAL, first SICK live event in my books. 2nd was this:
(http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5886/turkuprivate.gif) (http://img189.imageshack.us/i/turkuprivate.gif/)
...more later.
I mellunmäki "pre-SICK" event was used my PA system, and two last bands played with just left speaker (+ amps of course) since right one blew up. Some of the bands sent me free tapes/cds to sell to recover from costs. No use to fix the speaker. It would have costed insanities, but instead bought new PA which cost a lot of money but yet used only on FA fest 2008.
This private show flyer comic buble says "this first one, so you wouldn't act like whore". Resulted few irritated messages from female punks when posted on punk forum, hah!
Not exactly S.I.C.K. event, but related.
Will Over Matter starts with heavy crushing drum machine beats and oscillations. Nothing to dance to, but slower, older sound. Little bit of hassle of doing fast changes or changing tempo of drum machine etc in "improvised manner", but still good. With vocals being darker, sung though 2 mics, clean line and one to guitar amp giving it noisier raw edge. Perhaps soundcheck material was little more successful with transitions, but being 1st public show ever, I think very promising act who will get noticed!
Next was Halthan with slightly varied success, to say moderately. Not their worst, but neither best show. Some equipment being plugged off, lack of really crunchy heaviness that some of their best shows have had, occasionally two guys beating small piece of metal like percussion, but about 90% acoustic, went more into side of comedy. Set list could be started to adjust finally? Isn't Cops Are Pigs on EVERY show? I would think there would be some more material to choose from and show development and projects willingness to go forward. One can give credit that Halthan has made attempt to do something. Nun costumes, wood cross with USA and Israel flags being crushed in GO / Söldnegeist fashion, some assault into audience (hello Max! And Nikoz with his blood in face, heh.. You guys should build some muscle to look more mean, not worth to assault, hah. He picks up the slimmer guys and leaves to fatsos and heavily build guys alone). But I would say, few less beer to reduce the comedy element and focus more on conscious energy. One can give credit that vocal sound was better than in many shows. Not so buried in efx.
Nevertheless, Bizarre Uproar did show how things are done with. Totally thought out wholeness, executed with supreme technical know-how, and despite being very clear who was on stage even without seeing, there was definitely new things here. Not just repeating the same old songs/ideas, but actually bringing BU even more to the constructed PE. Song would flow very naturally from thing to another. Excellent! Mr. Bizarre was doing sound and vocals, while Mrs. Bizarre was pretty much naked, inside black veil, occasionally exposing some flesh, and picking up all the time animal bodyparts from bag, into big glass bowl, where she would create huge cocktail of raw pig hearts, blood, snouts, hoofs (if that's what you call pigs feet/legs?), rubbing these filthy meat objects on her naked body, worshipping the flesh and blaspheming the faith of muslims. I doubt it was videotaped (should have been!), but plenty of photographic evidence exists.
Jouluhartaus ("christmas sermon") between with klassik gospels of fights between good and evil, horrors of cold winter etc.
Sarven Varjo played even better than you could expect based on soundcheck. Finally it was possible to put little more volume on mics of acoustic guitars (without feedback). 18 minutes of acoustic versions of black metal songs with black metal screaming vocals, what were so loudly done, one wouldn't have needed even amplify them! All original lyrics translated into Finnish language, and it worked very well. 2 acoustic guitars + bass.
Excellent evening with pretty good turn out, arrangements could be said to be perfect (sound checks completed 1 hours before doors opened! whole schedule going in time all night), money issues handled with perfect gentleman manners.
WOM felt somewhat shy and "simple", not very "ritualistic" what I was expecting for some reason. Nothing too spectacular.
This time Halthan lacked the sonic intensity (that was perfectly demonstrated in the recent bunker show) and the drunken-madness momentum didn't either reach the top levels. Maybe time to get a new costume also?
BU was really excellent, less eventful stage show and constant build-up worked beautifully.
To me Jouluhartaus became somewhat comical due to silly pompous synth sound and commando mask. Great voice though!
Sarven varjo was rather campy with croaking voice, black metal paraphernalia and acoustic guitars. Musically not too bad but just couldn't take it very seriously...
It was interesting to note that there was probably more hard core black metal gang in the audience than on a regular metal show.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 27, 2009, 02:13:18 PM
(hello Max! And Nikoz with his blood in face, heh.. You guys should build some muscle to look more mean, not worth to assault, hah. He picks up the slimmer guys and leaves to fatsos and heavily build guys alone).
i believe sebastian just wanted to feel my ass.
26/12/2009 "Occult Experiment-Filthy Communion"
80 sold tickets. That plus 5 bands,grl friends etc. 100 people? Pretty good for xmass time when most of the city boys are visiting relatives up north.
I really liked WILL OVER MATTER`s approach/set up. drummachine & oscillator pedals.Vox. Not any mixer. Just straight to amps. One vocal mic to PA and one to amp. The result pleased my ears. WOM is definately at its best when doing live&loud.
HALTHAN too drunk. First psalm thing was very good. Promising start.
JOULUHARTAUS massive,epic,excellent cover versions(ABSURD&SKREWDRIVER). Especially "SNOW FELL"! Last minutes were pure bliss"...sickens my heart to see the picture of the red flag in Berlin!"
Organ,some industrial loops & epic voice!
SARVEN VARJO acoustic versions, all in Finnish. Heart warming battle songs.
WOM & BU photos needed. PM me. Cheers!
You got to ask from my girlfriend the photos. Her camera has some.
(http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/3668/lepis2.jpg) (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/lepis2.jpg/)
(http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5847/lepis.jpg) (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/lepis.jpg/)
(http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/9588/lepis4.jpg) (http://img51.imageshack.us/i/lepis4.jpg/)
With the risk of travelling down the stoked/rad/awsome route I must say this looks solid Pasi. If the music performed was as powerful as the images then this was not a performance to be missed. By the looks of it BU have moved up a level.
It was, in my opinion possibly strongest BU gig. And it's captured on tape. I'm kind of sure, that material of that quality, even as simple unedited H2 recording, makes sense to be a tape or something.
There wasn't much of.. lets see, "posing". Pasi did noise and vocals very accurately. Behind table. No jumping around. Performance in front was solid performance art with perfect timing matching music, slowly growing intensity. Items piled up little by little, more blood poured in little by little, more naked flesh exposed little by little, until the climatic end in the very last moments of set. There was no light show. There was no video. Simply banners/"flags" and tasteful (or tasteless?!) performance. I think hiring someone to do you silkscreened flags/banners to put on tables under gear, it already sets the visual standard to new level.
Well, I never did it for Grunt, but for example Pain Nail always uses similar ones.
Looks fantastic. I'd love to see some decent BU video. I doubt the few youtube clips I've seen does it justice.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 05, 2010, 10:21:54 AM
It was, in my opinion possibly strongest BU gig. And it's captured on tape.
will be an official release on the future?
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on January 06, 2010, 12:17:56 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 05, 2010, 10:21:54 AM
It was, in my opinion possibly strongest BU gig. And it's captured on tape.
will be an official release on the future?
that BU piece "Arjalainen Lihavasara",
Live version will be included on upcoming live CD.Consists of live recordings 2006-2009. Will be looking most "professional" BU release jewelcase,color covers/booklet etc. going to look like CD at supermarket`s record shelves hah. I really like the idea that it looks very pro and sound will be even in BU standards utter "lo/fi"filth. Like live show at Rio de Janeiro played through almost home stereos and recorded w/videocamera heh!
BU is 90%live in studio in ööö studio. due to microphone placement and some good hi/fi mics sound is ofcourse stronger. "Arjalainen lihavasara" studio track will be on upcoming split LP w/WILL OVER MATTER.
Have to mention that another BU track "Joukkohauta" (upcoming split LP w/DEATHKEY) Recorded at same time as "Arjalainen.." those two kind of belong together.
Quote from: Plague Haus on January 05, 2010, 11:14:59 PM
Looks fantastic. I'd love to see some decent BU video. I doubt the few youtube clips I've seen does it justice.
FA (IOPS?) got some plans... We will see!
Keep your eyes & ears on mrs. Keränen and Dassum. Yesterday there was the debut performance for this duo under the name Les Manures. And damn what a fine racket they made! Very much in the old school industrial vein with lots of metal bashing. A more balanced performance compared to their duo set at Kantis some time ago. This time they didn't aim for the eye of the storm immediately, instead preferred to develop the piece slowly and patiently. A very dynamic and tense set. Pena played the role of an enthusiastic wildman and Tommi was the German audio engineer with only a faint show of amusement on his face. Extremely good.
Quote from: XE on January 09, 2010, 10:01:18 AM
BU is 90%live in studio in ööö studio. due to microphone placement and some good hi/fi mics sound is ofcourse stronger. "Arjalainen lihavasara" studio track will be on upcoming split LP w/WILL OVER MATTER.
too bad this will end up carved in the black shit instead of a format I can listen to. but I can say that the track soundead pretty cool. I think its neat that somebody who might be considered practically set in concrete in his ways of making things( this is the way I think some see BU, people who might not be rabidfanboyasskissers) always making the same shit etc is able to noiseitup on such a wide scale of sound. that particular session made the most of decent mics and even micstands( fancy!)
just because XE sounds like shit, one shouldnt dismiss the mainproject which in my opinion is surprisingly adventurous and experimental. preaching to the choir but still
then henrik can tell how les manure came about. I dont think ive seen pentti in helsinki before and just wondered what spawned it
Quote from: niko penttinen on January 11, 2010, 06:09:30 PM
then henrik can tell how les manure came about. I dont think ive seen pentti in helsinki before and just wondered what spawned it
Well, nothing too obscure behind it. PD suggested to do something together and here we go...
Yesterday on the NBM home TV a german movie entitled "Die Welle" (The Wave, international title). It's curious to see that some propaganda posters are very similar to one of the SICK poster. Take a look
Some updates to Finland.... I guess whole opening message band presentation could be re-written and expanded?
Zoat Aon
I believe has been on years long process of getting into harder and noiseir sound. Now changed name to Vanhala? Yet to see or hear. Just seen reports.
did tape and some live non-action with their minimalist lo-fi electronic noise. It is like wall of noise re-dubbed on shitty tape so many times until only hiss and distant rubbish is present. Which mean, pretty good! hah.
relatively new project from 2008 onwards. Perhaps this slightly modern Prurient influenced (?) noise meets keyboards and heavily delayed throaty vocals.. myspace.com/theinvisiblewaves I don't seem to get myspace working anymore, so don't know what type of stuff there is. Just have one promo CDR.
One could say pretty much the same thing as above. noise meets keyboards and heavily delayed throaty vocals. Often too much of digital/computer like sound. It starts well, with stuff what sounds like amp feedback not far from XE or such, but the entire CDR I got, just suffers from production and vocal sound. Promising, though. Some stuff found also on myspace.
This has similar problems as bands above. In theory, it is good. It has the Hydra & XE wibe, with ultra high pitch tones (read feedback). And yelling. And some samples and more atmospheric throbbing electronics. But, first of all.. is samples from mp3's? Of is it recorded with cheap effects that provide this low bitrate feel to it? I mean, in times when bands like Mourmansk150 or such can do full length albums with such sound quality, it's maybe not bad to those looking for "extreme sonics", but those looking for sonic liquid gold poured to your ears, this not it. Vocals are little flegmatic.
I believe this is first release? So, if they get the sound corrected, it will be just about the standard good PE. That's easy as fuck. So next step would be finding little of their own.
more? I guess so. Will have the check who were mentioned in opening message. Feel free to remind.
And I could also mention to labels out there, probably lots of artists, especially the new one, welcome offers for proper release. Why ask the big shots, when you got the potentially good fresh blood lined up and ready to go. Just demand absolute best and reject the bad contributions instantly.
(http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7118/flyersick2012prev11.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/flyersick2012prev11.jpg/)
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on July 06, 2010, 05:49:02 PM
Yesterday on the NBM home TV a german movie entitled "Die Welle" (The Wave, international title). It's curious to see that some propaganda posters are very similar to one of the SICK poster. Take a look
Just as Info, the German Movie is a Plagiat from the The Wave Movie 1981 US.
Propaganda Sheets with Bloody Hands are very Old ;)
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 20, 2009, 06:46:39 PM
Live shows of Haare has been tricky deal. From very good ones, to utter failures. With perhaps too much leaning on the latter. On studio things work like miracle, on live shows... they need to get experience.
You've seen what, two shows? ;-)
Best live show = Freak animal fest. Worst = solo show at Vastavirta. All shows at Ifem have been ok, the last two Helsinki shows (Ptarmigan & Semifinal) were pretty good. Thing is I don't want to use a laptop or background tapes so we'd need more people in the live line-up to pull off what I do on recordings (there's often 2-3 guitars, metal percussion, synth, feedback etc.) And all those people should be me :) Guess we'll have to wait for a proper cloning technology.
Mr. Halthan asked a good question on facebook yesterday: Where are all the new bands/projects in the Finnish scene? F.e. in punk there are new young people & new bands almost weekly, but when it comes to noise, it's always pretty much the same people.
I have seen.. 3 or 4 ? And been told about those which I personally wasn't present.
It's not a big insult, though. I think for many bands it's difficult to transform the recorded material to live situation, without use of backing tapes. Often for reasons that they rely of methods what can't be done live - or things what demand A LOT in live situation. Sometimes it is simply experience - how the get the sound blend together well in similar ways.
Have you done the Freak Animal fest type of connections later on? I'm pretty sure there has been very little wrong with efforts, yet to get the "saturation" & blending of sound closer to recorded material, one should approach live from another perspective than simply plugging guitar to amp and session member to his own amp.. ? Connections I made to help out the soundcheck work out was very simple, yet I guess effective ;)
But like said - for vast majority of noise makers, live sound is the unknown territory you get to experience way too rarely.
Perhaps this is reason why some of the most gig making artists (Prurient, Incapacitants, Whitehouse, etc) are so superior to those who do gig a year or less. And especially those who get to try loud amps and PA's only briefly just before they play. Sooo many times you see the technical issues getting on the way. Artists not realizing how different situation is.
Noise scene is so much smaller than punk. Punk is also most of all youth culture, where music is one side, but basically includes tons of "summer punks", who come and go. Noise tends to be something where you come and stay.
From relatively newish acts...?
WHITEWATER ORGASM .. hmm where it was?
INSULAR kuopio
UNCLEAN kuopio
... ? I'm sure there is more.
Not people from any old "established" names. And relatively young too? I guess that's already pretty good number of projects I personally discovered during last year.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 08, 2012, 06:52:01 PM
From relatively newish acts...?
WHITEWATER ORGASM .. hmm where it was?
INSULAR kuopio
UNCLEAN kuopio
... ? I'm sure there is more.
Not people from any old "established" names. And relatively young too? I guess that's already pretty good number of projects I personally discovered during last year.
A.B.N.T.R. Pori
Both going to appear on upcoming NK III v/a TAPE.
Is Chloroform Rapist from Finland, and how about KSNK (on "Sonno Ferrum")? If so are those just "one off" type projects? If they are not then I'm really watching for new material from them, the ladder only having comp releases I am hoping a solid LP comes out. Unclean is also one of the best new Finnish acts, or really European acts in general, to come out in the last year.
KSNK could be maybe listed as "new", although, I would assume it is not big secret it's Manic/Depression related? Yet that project also kind of "new" - meaning very little published. But done something - including live gigs.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 08, 2012, 06:52:01 PM
Have you done the Freak Animal fest type of connections later on? I'm pretty sure there has been very little wrong with efforts, yet to get the "saturation" & blending of sound closer to recorded material, one should approach live from another perspective than simply plugging guitar to amp and session member to his own amp.. ? Connections I made to help out the soundcheck work out was very simple, yet I guess effective ;)
What did you do...? Whatever it was, it worked ;)
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland
But like said - for vast majority of noise makers, live sound is the unknown territory you get to experience way too rarely.
Perhaps this is reason why some of the most gig making artists (Prurient, Incapacitants, Whitehouse, etc) are so superior to those who do gig a year or less. And especially those who get to try loud amps and PA's only briefly just before they play. Sooo many times you see the technical issues getting on the way. Artists not realizing how different situation is.
That's probably true.
Quote from: Markkula on March 08, 2012, 07:36:57 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 08, 2012, 06:52:01 PM
From relatively newish acts...?
WHITEWATER ORGASM .. hmm where it was?
INSULAR kuopio
UNCLEAN kuopio
... ? I'm sure there is more.
Not people from any old "established" names. And relatively young too? I guess that's already pretty good number of projects I personally discovered during last year.
A.B.N.T.R. Pori
Both going to appear on upcoming NK III v/a TAPE.
Didn't know there's a vol.3 in the works. Looking forward to it.
hey, what was that H.Ö.H. tape? I guess... from Helsinki? Band advertized it as lo-fi noise somewhere in lines of Haters / Chop Shop. I have not yet listened tape, but waiting in pile. Been very curious, but been so busy. Don't know who it is and what else done, if anything. Not sure even about the name, but those three letters are about only thing found in cover.
Updates for opening message. Projects listed, but still missing several. Salakapakka Sound System, Uton, No Xivic, Verde, all sorts of things that at least cross over with Finnish noise scene.
Ah, and one more new project. WHITESWAN from Kajaani! At least one demo out, "influenced by Mauthausen Orchestra, Male Rape Group, Taint and Bizarre Uproar. I got copy from band, but unfortunately tape was malfunctioning and sound disappears in middle of first tracks... Should write them about it..
Don't forget Hippycrack! Few tapes already out and atleast 2 live gigs.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 20, 2013, 09:35:02 PM
Ah, and one more new project. WHITESWAN from Kajaani! At least one demo out, "influenced by Mauthausen Orchestra, Male Rape Group, Taint and Bizarre Uproar. I got copy from band, but unfortunately tape was malfunctioning and sound disappears in middle of first tracks... Should write them about it..
I also got the demo tape from the artist, my copy has a feature that all the noise comes out of the left side channel. But still, pretty nice tape.
Whiteswan tape sounds good, looking forward to proper release from the artist, very promising.
Pretty good first glimpse to local noise artists (Lahti, Finland): CONTORTUS.
Good thing is that it's not side project of any know noise artists, but actually new project.
No physical releases at this point, and this is just couple minutes sample of early works, but appears promising!
Sample sounds good, will keep an eye out for them.
Duo called Frans Höyer from Joensuu city:
Highly electric, but also harsh synth-noise. 2 tracks can be heard here.
Häkki is a duo consisting of Jaakko Vanhala (Secret Apex etc) and Pentti Dassum (Umpio etc). So far there has only been few live actions but they will probably put out physical release at some point.
Not to forget that there is nice new comp tape titled "Voyeurs of modern decay". While themes and sounds maybe offer nothing absolutely new, but more stuff fitting in line of noise & pe delivered by Finnish brutes, it's good document of rising new powers! UNCLEAN, WHITESWAN mentioned in this topic, but I think EDGE OF DECAY and KRITIKAL OVERLOAD has not been mentioned?
kritikal overload is actually from britain, not from finland.
Quote from: Niko on September 01, 2014, 03:11:49 PM
Picture of the pig was left out.
Edit: Nice feature on mainstream paper. Though I am not all sure how readers of the magazine could hear the difference between harsh noise of Vanhala and "more artistic side of noise" of Keränen.
Also about new Finnish noise related:
Antero Vipunen recordings I heard was mix of noisecore & funny noise.
Edge Of Decay live gig, 2nd one he has played, was very nice. Kind of ramirez-esque noise. Simple and to the point harsh noise.
Rotat tape I just purchased. Person said it was somewhere between Taint, Mania and Smell & Quim... lets see when I have time to listen it!
Divided Void was good feedback/drone/noise, but I guess just one short tape out?
Iron clad another assault by anonymous provocateurs.
[owt-kri] live set I saw was quite noisy, but band appear to be more into goth/ambient kind of way normally?
more? Probably. Should update the messages earlier on this topic..
edition of 14 copies, self released in handmade packaging.
Edit, actually, project name ROTAT and it is released on Deviants Clove, but as labels blog warns, he can be slow.
Quote from: Ernpe on September 01, 2014, 03:50:33 PM
Edit: Nice feature on mainstream paper. Though I am not all sure how readers of the magazine could hear the difference between harsh noise of Vanhala and "more artistic side of noise" of Keränen.
Also, I think it can be misleading all together.
What would be perhaps main difference of artists, that Keränen is noise done with smile on the face. Vanhala is noise done with grim looking face. hah. Concerning the sound itself or artwork, it's hard to say whether moomin references or word-plays of Keränen are more or perhaps LESS "artistic" than many others? But of course, it's also perhaps matter of association.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on September 01, 2014, 06:56:23 PM
Quote from: Ernpe on September 01, 2014, 03:50:33 PM
Edit: Nice feature on mainstream paper. Though I am not all sure how readers of the magazine could hear the difference between harsh noise of Vanhala and "more artistic side of noise" of Keränen.
Also, I think it can be misleading all together.
What would be perhaps main difference of artists, that Keränen is noise done with smile on the face. Vanhala is noise done with grim looking face. hah. Concerning the sound itself or artwork, it's hard to say whether moomin references or word-plays of Keränen are more or perhaps LESS "artistic" than many others? But of course, it's also perhaps matter of association.
One of my favorite noise shows was Keränen at Vapaan taiteen tila some weekday last year. He started by turning his gear from 0 to 100 without warning and then taking a sip of wine before actually starting to play. Hah! It was
loud for any audience but obviously some of the "more artistic" members of the audience were not actually prepared for such mayhem...so maybe they just like the sound better when holding their ears. Not to be a tough guy, I keep earplugs by default myself but for many carrying earplugs to a noise show seemed not by so clear.
wrote about their first LP in playlist topic. Now 2nd LP came out from Helsinki based GUNK.
Great stuff! Some people may recognize people from line-up (Janne Martinkauppi, Ilpo Heikkinen, Petri Pirtilä, Antoine Verhaverbeke), but none of "usual suspects" on filthy side of Finnish noise here. A-side of LP is, however, pure metal junk noise. It can get quict at times, but also loud and busy. Think of TNB first LP for example. Never distorted or rough. Very clear and professional recording. B-side has both, cymbal/drone kind of meditation sonics but also distorted and more broken noises.
Those who have not yet been bored about "finns throwing scrap metal around" kind of stuff, can give it a try here:
Those who are already bored, may still check it out, so hear how it is still very different than all the releases before. LP runs at 45rpm, so basically more like 12", but I think its sold as full length. Sound is GREAT. Rarely hear so pure and so clean cut for LP that is one of modern times ltd 100 noise releases! Helmut Erler at Dubplates & Mastering Berlin clearly knows his shit better than most generic pressingplants!
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on September 01, 2014, 05:23:22 PM
edition of 14 copies, self released in handmade packaging.
Edit, actually, project name ROTAT and it is released on Deviants Clove, but as labels blog warns, he can be slow.
Yes, it is ROTAT.. hats off to 3 different direction.
First edition is gone but i release normal version as soon as i get more cassettes and there will be second release "Mob Justice" out at the same time.. hopefully before end of the year.
ROTAT 2nd tape was very good. Better than first one! That brutal cut up noise hardly ever comes these days. Not that it would be anything to do with modern cut up noise.
FEUERTAUFE "Baptism of Fire" tape also new Finnish project. Secret line-up manages to deliver quite different sounding version of song compared to live. While live set noise was feeling louder, it was most of all ripping shouted vocals what set up different tone to atmosphere. Now vocals have such sound that it has almost more to do with Streicher type of delivery than screamy loud shouting. Noise itself is made of steady lo-fi rumble wall and some high pitched electronics here and there with vocals on top. Insertion on plenty german speeches may be recycling of the same we all heard countless times, but can you go wrong? Hardly!
and also K.S.N.K. did release finally tape. Small run, packaged in metal J-card. 20 minutes on one side of tape. Acoustic recordings which has metal junk, but also oddities like sound of moth flying against scrap metal. Delicate small sounds and louder stuff together.
äsh, forget to comment this one too. If yet another anynomous Finnish noiseproject doesn't seem too much, MASKHEAD: Female Mutilations tape is worth to check out! It's has nice covers, abundance of whipping & sexy sounds of tormented japanese female. Feedback/noise rumbles driven through extensive delay/echo. While one could say it has free form approach to noise instead of loops and rhythms, it still operates on narrow range of elements and stay focused on "song". Screamy vocals. Sound appears like done with multi-effect unit, which gives it quite expected sound. I'm thinking of Grunt back in 90's... heh... distortion, flanger, lots of delay.. then microphone banged against some metal rubbish...
All those previously mentioned tapes (K.S.N.K., Rotat, Feuertaufe, Maskhead) are highly recommended! And also the H.Ö.H. tapes.
Get them while you can!
Where from, please?
Most are probably available at freak animal
Yeah, I know about FA obviously, and I buy from him too, but he doesn't stock everything still, or things get sold out while I'm waiting for Mikko to restock other stuff, etc... Anyway, thanks for the input.
I have Feuertaufe tapes on sale. PM to order.
VAINOT tape. Some quite obscure project from Finland. Who plays in it? Don't know. Member of Chestburster gave it to me at one gig. Best of the tracks are droning and eerie noise works, but most of songs feel like they could come out if band like LOINEN would team up with obscure side of some Bestial Burst's bands. Repeating bass riffs, slow bounding drums, screaming through extensive delay... Not bad, but it's kind of "jams" what don't give that much to me. If only the few noisiest and most abstract pieces would be put together, it would have been much better.
Another project which perhaps doesn't qualify as proper "noise", is UNGEZIEFER. In some ways you could perhaps classify this under "Black Metal", but as it manages to evade almost any trace of metal, perhaps could be mentioned.
Drums remain subtle minimalist blasting you barely hear below layer of guitar/keyboard/feedback drone and processed vocals. No riffs. It's more about creating multilayered harmonic tonality. Sound of tape release is not as "hifi" as sample below. It adds neat decayed feel to otherwise quite crisp high pitched sound. I am not sure, but my guess is that this has something to do with SINK or/and JUMALHÄMÄRÄ.
I have Grunt and few split/Collobration albums Of Bizzarre Bizzarre uproar (Ride for revenge, Will over matter)
Strom.ec sounded good.
Was re-listening this tape and noticed it is not mentioned among finnish stuff...
Originally 3x tape box self financed by artists in ridiculous edition of merely 8 copies. Another version is C-60 tape on Ikuisuus. Experimental synth works, drone, guitars, percussions,. collecting 4-track tape recordings between 2006-2012 together. More atmospheric music that leans towards kraut experiments, old hippie synth muzak, cosmic psychedelia etc. but nevertheless surprisingly good most of all due charming analogue sound and that it is still very abstract, barely "music".
XXXX "Decay Music" tape
There wasn't much from them. Some live non-action with their minimalist lo-fi electronic noise. This tape has utmost gutter sound, hand made cover. Or lets say, no cover, but small 4x5cm size folded piece of paper where is one printed image, but basically just titles/info typed with typewriter. I mean physically typed to each copy.
Lots of hiss and distant noise rubbish in utterly minimalist form. Below the surface, you start to hear and feel lots of subtle changes. Despite wall of noise, tt's not like VOMIR or such. Not pedal distortion oriented. Something closer to radio static or such primitivism. 3rd track of tape makes giant leap in style and is multi-layered squealing pigs. At first I wasn't so interested in this tape, but returning to it revealed strength. This needs focus. Not background music.
Also returned to Ejaculating Lutwaffe. Review originally posted on playlist, but just to collect Finnish informations to one topics... still think about the same. Maybe Streicher reference ain't exactly accurate.
Ejaculating Luftwaffe "Third Reich Cocaine" tape
Supreme Analog Torture Records
Supposedly 9 songs in c. 7 minutes on this tape, but it really is non-stop noise rubbish. While certainly juvenile humor pasted on top of everything, think about Annihilism era Streicher. Raw, non-effect plagued noise rumble. Nothing neat, nothing fancy, but nevertheless good stuff. Due being limited to mere 13 copies, I guess this is hardly meant for large circulation? Sample online sounds VERY different than the sound on tape.
I'm quite confident that H.Ö.H is continuation of XXXX. The first tapes of XXXX were indeed "decay music" but the split with Half Mile Down sounded a bit like the better Swedish noise projects of the time. After that split no more releases were made and then H.Ö.H appeared. Similar approach as on that HMD split, getting better after each release. Total worship for this project and their way of handling "business"!
does H.O.H is wall ? radio static and primitivism sound very good to me !
Quote from: Bleak Existence on June 18, 2016, 04:26:33 AMdoes H.O.H is wall ? radio static and primitivism sound very good to me !
Mikko wrote quite fittingly about XXXX which also matches to the first H.Ö.H tape: "It is like wall of noise re-dubbed on shitty tape so many times until only hiss and distant rubbish is present." The band themselves advertised it as lo-fi noise somewhere in lines of Haters / Chop Shop. I wouldn't say it's exactly "wall" noise, just very primitive and stationary sounds. Not really progressing or going anywhere... Just... Decay music!
The releases from 2014 onward are bleak droning noise minimalism, a bit like Blodvite but more stripped down. Just perfect imo.
Xxxx and h.ö.h. are different people. New höh tape is great! The best yet!
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 19, 2016, 05:00:13 PMXxxx and h.ö.h. are different people. New höh tape is great! The best yet!
Thanks for clearing that up... and YES!
Where can I get some XXXX stuff, please? New HÖH tape is indeed great (I love the B side), as well as all the other releases.
Quote from: Euro Trash Bazooka on June 20, 2016, 10:55:24 AMWhere can I get some XXXX stuff, please? New HÖH tape is indeed great (I love the B side), as well as all the other releases.
Half Mile Down split is very affordable on Discogs and has the best XXXX material (HMD is great as well!). Think of early tapes of Amph as reference... maybe?
I found one copy of first xxxx-tape and one Half mile down split.
Trade is ok.
New project FOERI is now. One tape out but sold out at the moment.
Edit: first xxxx: sold.
Quote from: XTORSOX on June 21, 2016, 04:24:32 PMNew project FOERI is now. One tape out but sold out at the moment.
Nice! Gotta get this in case you end up making more copies.
QuoteNew höh tape is great! The best yet!
QuoteNew HÖH tape is indeed great (I love the B side), as well as all the other releases.
Absolutely agreed, it's excellent!
FA is working on putting H.Ö.H. CD which includes the short tapes as well as little unreleased stuff...
One new Finnish noise I got from young guy who I didn't know before, DEATTÁN. "Metallipurkaus" CDR is just semi-handmade effort. You can't seem to find anything about it online. This was recorded in september and made perhaps dozen copies. Bunch of junk metal on front cover, 5 tracks of highly distorted harsh noise. Some of material borders to grainy and one-dimensional HNW. Nothing utterly original or amazing, but when you get early recordings of someone barely 18, I'm curious what will follow. Some good track titles such as "Äänite Siitä Kun Nussin Transistoriradiota". Not sure if this guy is familiar with noise scene in general, so we'll see what will emerge.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 16, 2016, 03:12:04 PM
FA is working on putting H.Ö.H. CD which includes the short tapes as well as little unreleased stuff...
I believe I have all of them but I was wondering when something like that would happen. That's great news, and I'm always down for some new H.Ö.H.
Tyhjiø is good. He played in Lahti once. I think no physical releases yet. Solid harsh noise.
It keeps me quite amazed, that small country as Finland, keeps spawning new projects! Latest one I got, was called YANA. Not very nice name, but this obscure split tape with Suruni (known from Bestial Burst label) is really nice. Suruni is here what it usually does, utmost weird "black metal". I wouldn't say it is really metal, nor it hardly is black, but in nowadays scene, as soon as certain elements are present, odd outsider music is labeled as BM. Nevertheless, material is good. Yana, is very different. Would I dare to say once in a while it makes me think I'm listening something from Sweden?! Contact mics, loops, some usage of guitar. Not that much of instrument than source of sound. No idea at this point if he has done more material, but I'd hope this tape gets properly released and Yana certainly deserves his own releases as well!
CIRCLE OF SHIT is something what has been forgotten to be mentioned. Recent tape "For the third time" is really nice one. It goes well into atmosphere of Finnish noise. Junk metal. Electronics. Raw sound. Buried screams. Obscene, but also somewhat "humorous" at times. One could lump it sonically somewhere along with SSRI and Rotat, and perhaps also easthetically. Tape opens with tasty long monologue by disappointed and depressed 22 old virgin male plotting for massmurder of all the good looking blonde cunts. In general just random females, who as gender has rejected gentle alpha male like him. Definitely worth to pick up for fans of obscure Finnish noise projects.
Circle of Shit also played quite strong debut gig in Joensuu this summer!
I changed the topic title, as it's more about Finnish noise in general than "S.I.C.K.".
Another good find, if you can call it that, is when I was handed tape:
Could this be among absolute best newcomers(?) in Finnish noise?!? I have no idea whether tape is available properly, but it is roughly 40 minutes of material, packaged in grainy black&white J-card giving no other information than name & title and picture of leafless tree.
I would hope the persons of the group will come up with actual band name, as material certainly isn't kind of artsy side of noise, but something what would require good band name. I guess they have done one tape titles "Ei Ulospääsyä" as Ahola & Silander and now simply joined by third person? Strength of group seems to be that it has very much live feel to it. All the time things are happening, and seemingly also reacts on eachother. I noticed there is track posted online as well, but sound of tape is VASTLY different from the digital material. It's probably dubbed with some quite lame tape deck to regular ferric tape. As result, all the crispy and hard high frequency has been turned much muddier and much warmer noise blur. It's hard to really underline how different the track sounds, despite you can of course instantly recognize that sample online is first track of b-side.
That said, its not even the best track to present material. Entire a-side of the tape is less obvious. Not such a intense noise blast, but combination of many of the typical Finnish elements. Feedback, metal junk, synth, document dialogue fragments... It has plenty of diversity. You could find elements of so many things, that name dropping isn't necessary. It has harshness, psychedelic droning, industrial noise feel, even bordering ritual industrial feel at some points!
There are only handful of places where they seem to lose the grip on what's going on, that could have been cut away, but other than that, I think band should rip the tape instead of uploading the digital material online!
I believe at least some members are from Kouvola.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 24, 2016, 04:47:00 PM
Tyhjiø is good. He played in Lahti once. I think no physical releases yet. Solid harsh noise.
He has one track on
Finsanity : I tape compilation published by Supreme Analog Torture Records. The tape features tracks from SatanoiD, Fecal Fetal, Edge Of Decay, Joulupukki, Lörsson and Tyhjiø. Compact set with a nice amount of variance.
The tape fits really well into this topic actually. Some of the projects have already been discussed/mentioned here, but as of the other ones:
Joulupukki has one earlier tape out on the same label. Rough and lo-fi noise blur, kind of static and droney but especially the A-side is pretty enjoyable. Damp and distorted. Label described it as "harsh noise & shit noise" which is pretty spot on heh!
Lörsson is much closer to avantgarde and other forms of anti-music oddities than noise. Some of his stuff is pretty good, like the Tipuuraa flexi and split with Atom Mouth Gimlies. Some
SatanoiD releases have heavy influences from electronic music and techno genres I know nothing about, but some stuff is plain experimental noise. The same label published a collaborative tape between SatanoiD and Atrophist (a project I know nothing about) that I can recommend, high-quality stuff.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 25, 2016, 12:50:55 PM
CIRCLE OF SHIT is something what has been forgotten to be mentioned. Recent tape "For the third time" is really nice one. It goes well into atmosphere of Finnish noise. Junk metal. Electronics. Raw sound. Buried screams. Obscene, but also somewhat "humorous" at times. One could lump it sonically somewhere along with SSRI and Rotat, and perhaps also easthetically. Tape opens with tasty long monologue by disappointed and depressed 22 old virgin male plotting for massmurder of all the good looking blonde cunts. In general just random females, who as gender has rejected gentle alpha male like him. Definitely worth to pick up for fans of obscure Finnish noise projects.
I've yet to hear this one, but his earlier tape
Sooloseksihistoriikki is good stuff as well. First time I heard the project and it made a great impression. Perhaps nothing particularly unique in the field of Finnish noise, but so what. Stylishly crude & naughty cover artwork as well.
Quote from: DBL on December 17, 2016, 11:28:15 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 24, 2016, 04:47:00 PM
Tyhjiø is good. He played in Lahti once. I think no physical releases yet. Solid harsh noise.
He has one track on Finsanity : I tape compilation published by Supreme Analog Torture Records.
The project has a solo cassette out now. I put an order for it yesterday, didn't check the samples (as sometimes it's good to trust your instincts and be surprised) so I can't comment on it, but you can hear the whole thing
at the label's bandcamp site (https://hobotapes.bandcamp.com/album/i).
Has Sermet been mentioned? Not noise or power electronics, but "Horror movie influenced industrial & ambient since 2014" as the artist himself puts it. Two or three limited run tapes out so far, you can hear all of 'em
on the project's youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfdMOQ2RyFw&list=PLO-rQCJaIzCPBlJxV6UQvgfQxzBAZAaOD). I like Sermet better now that on Terapia (the most recent release) there's way less electro-beats present. Then again, the I-tape was pretty good despite the beats.
Supreme Analog Torture Records published a split tape between Fecal Fetal & Whiteswan just recently. There's a sample of it on youtube (
here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHKMUUhkULw)). Crude noise.
Listened several times to the latest(?) H.Ö.H. tape
https://www.discogs.com/H%C3%96H-H%C3%96H-/release/11160305 (https://www.discogs.com/H%C3%96H-H%C3%96H-/release/11160305)
I simply worship this project and I think it would be great if FA could do a second H.Ö.H. - compilation CD.
What's a bit strange for me, is, that several releases are blocked on Discogs. I don't understand Finnish, but what's so dangerous about them? Maybe the dead Nazi soldier on one of the covers? Show a swastika on a tape cover and barely reach 50 people with your release, but be sure you hurt somebody's feelings, so you gonna get blocked?
Somehow doubt it's racial slurs hidden in Finnish but rather exactly as you mention, swastika and genocide in pics/titles being enough to trigger uptight Discogs flaggers... the submitter's username being Klansman88 at the time may've also contributed, heh. Not sure why Palava Kuljettaja's banned but there's multiple cases like this on their database, where you have to wrack your brain on how this could possibly offend anyone.
Blocked on Discogs and sold out at FA. Anyone knows where i can still order a copy?
I think Legion Blotan/Stoic Strength should at least have the CD.
http://legion-blotan.co.uk/product/h-o-h-st-cd/ (http://legion-blotan.co.uk/product/h-o-h-st-cd/)
Quote from: Sadomaniac on March 03, 2018, 02:30:14 AM
Somehow doubt it's racial slurs hidden in Finnish but rather exactly as you mention, swastika and genocide in pics/titles being enough to trigger uptight Discogs flaggers... the submitter's username being Klansman88 at the time may've also contributed, heh. Not sure why Palava Kuljettaja's banned but there's multiple cases like this on their database, where you have to wrack your brain on how this could possibly offend anyone.
We need a database/marketplace for music that WANTS to offend! At least with Ebay listings the reporting is quite arbitrary. If you report a bootleg item Ebay couldn't give a shit about it but call it a NAZI.... The auction is offline faster than you can say sieg heil. I guess with discogs the "world healing" is also about the connections and impressions of the release. Hell, I have often a hard time figuring out if some new projects that emerge are really NS or not (looking of course for the NS stuff)! H.Ö.H. indeed is good stuff and on the verge if it's nazi or not, I never figured it out. The compilation CD is excellent but personally found that tape after being a bit boring and gave it to a friend.
I bet all the intensely interesting artists getting banned from Discogs secretly love it.
Quote from: Salute on March 15, 2018, 02:23:25 PM
We need a database/marketplace for music that WANTS to offend!
I feel like that'd just turn into a database of terrible pornogrind and half-baked noise releases, all with shitty digital swastika and lolicon covers... which actually kind sounds good. makes me think of the Gurochan board....
Quote from: Duncan on March 15, 2018, 03:30:46 PM
I bet all the intensely interesting artists getting banned from Discogs secretly love it.
Most likely. Noone gets to jew off with their releases. In case they are popular, that is.
Quote from: Salute on March 15, 2018, 05:11:06 PM
Quote from: Duncan on March 15, 2018, 03:30:46 PM
I bet all the intensely interesting artists getting banned from Discogs secretly love it.
Most likely. Noone gets to jew off with their releases. In case they are popular, that is.
I was thinking more because it gives them an opportunity to say 'look how all these liberals can't handle it!!!' and feel that the basis of their work is genuinely political rather than what it is first and foremost: an expression of fandom.
Quote from: Salute on March 15, 2018, 02:23:25 PMHell, I have often a hard time figuring out if some new projects that emerge are really NS or not (looking of course for the NS stuff)! H.Ö.H. indeed is good stuff and on the verge if it's nazi or not, I never figured it out.
Shouldn't really matter... This is how the vegan soyboy noise scene operates... Quality material that doesn't fit their political views is automatically deemed shit.
It would be plain impossible to say from anonymous project whether their "swastikas" are for real or not. Abuse of old symbols hardly makes relevant political content. Most, who would have actual content, may want to stay away from hollywoodish' approach on nazism. The moment one sees piles and corpses and swastikas, you can be pretty sure that it is unlikely to really be "ns". Even if the artists would claim so, it may be easy to ask couple questions to find out they have no idea than general compilation of outrageous triggers of society piled together.
H.Ö.H. CD, indeed, sold out. Two tapes that has come after this, are even better. Latest going to little more "arty" direction, but perhaps even better.
Freak Animal will continues putting out some lesser known Finnish names on CD. CONTORTUS "Violence in Heat" CD/tape is really good and still available. Same for YANA, which is far more experimental material. Duo, what is not spin-off from other noise projects but really new one. Now in press is KSNK CD, which includes material of two self published tapes, which have not really been circulating all that much. Physical, raw and odd material which escapes all the simples "subgenres" and categories. Lazy minds may hear metal junk and few screams, yet KSNK has totally different take of making stuff than rest of Finns. I had opportunity to hear advance demo of ROTAT new material, and only thing what I could tell, is that it's not "advance demo", but to me, this is completed album as-is. Juicier, greasier, more noisy, more painfully ripping. CLOAMA new album is hard to judge should it be called new. It's unreleased, but done over the years. Not noisy, but experimental ambient/industrial. Not far from Mountains of Paranoia, Municipality of Marionettes and such releases. Continues that era of Cloama very well. All those in pressing with some other stuff.
Swastikas schmastikas.
New finnoise coming up: https://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=8947.0 (https://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=8947.0)
Also 3/4 relevant: https://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=8946.0 (https://www.special-interests.net/forum/index.php?topic=8946.0)
SADISTIC APPROACH "Perverse Pleasures of bitch twins" tape
If band members would conclude that among their favorite bands are Bizarre Uproar and Black Leather Jesus, I would say I knew that. What we have here is oversized Deadline Noise Productions kind of packaging, yet with classy songs titles like black whore humiliated or bound for toilet slavery. As opposed to my expectations, that project would rely on merely being based on provocative titles and graphics, it is actually based on GOOD NOISE. Quality, that is certainly welcomed! So, think of bizarre uproar about 10 years ago, when it was repetition, but also plenty of noisiness and aggression... and add BLJ/Ramirez type of no bullshit harsh noise feel to it. No vocals, no samples, just brutal and fierce noise textures that are enough harsh, but also have lots of things going on. Unfortunately ltd 25 copies edition is not likely to reach as wide audience as this release would deserve!
NUORI VERI "Vakaumus" tape
Born from ashes of Young One. Starts with eerie and lo-fi piano loops. Improvised, dusty and distant, hissing sound quality. Eventually progresses into metal junk and vocals. While there are abundant numbers of Finnish artists using metal junk, Nuori Voima does have its own touch to it. There is less of urban decay, more of creaking farm doors, rural feel, some sort of noble yearning. It has element of rhythm, noisiness, but also sense of understanding how size and type of metal is crucial for the sound. It is not just about tin can shakers and smashing things, but using large variation of metal objects as instruments. Some dysfunctional reel-to-reel loops, and nature sounds. Very unique release.
The Day Of The Antler - two tapes
Neither of the tapes are here in my hand while writing this. No info to be found at discogs. Finnish project has done material under this name since 2009. Longer under other names. When I first heard it very recently, I was amazed how come I had never heard of it! Both of the tapes come in hand made packages, produced by artist himself. Music is occasionally almost like atmospheric side of The Grey Wolves, like blood & sand type, and other half of material is kraut/kosmische sound not far from early tangerine dream or such. All material is fairly simple, often recorded studio-live, I believe. Kraut electronics are good, but also very "traditional" one could say. Sequencers, brooding synth tones and such. While more industrial-esque material has less of standard approach that anyone with electronic instruments can achieve. More hands-on feel, with sounds that can't be achieved with just buying specific synth. So, while both of these style work very well, I tend to lean in favor or material that is done without advantages of specific electronic device, based much more on idea. Ridiculously small editions of tapes are pretty much unavailable. This is such a quality stuff, I'd hope there will be material in wider circulation later on!
New winds are rising and good way to check Finnish newcomers saturday on BB house/shopping mall Redi:
Synagogue des Pervers
Circle of Shit
Kovana tape was actually pretty solid stuff (something closer to the "heavy electronics" sound IIRC) , even though I'm not typically much of a fan of female vocals in more extreme subgenres.
Saw Kovana live and the female vocals were ripping as fuck. Not cringy like some other bigger acts.
Kovana sounds good. I'd like to hear more of them.
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on August 22, 2019, 01:45:59 PM
Kovana sounds good. I'd like to hear more of them.
If you haven't found already, here's some from their Bandcamp: https://kovana.bandcamp.com/ (https://kovana.bandcamp.com/)
New podcast (suomeksi / spoken in Finnish). Not exclusively about noise but first episode deals with industrial duo Ahola & Silander.
https://brownhillmafia.bandcamp.com/album/brownhill-podcast (https://brownhillmafia.bandcamp.com/album/brownhill-podcast)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1KJ7tyXZgs&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1zWofXlWltU2HrLu3XFJ5Jf3Rtfm6-4PUwPmHNLna-wSUydBzjT7kMpeE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1KJ7tyXZgs&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1zWofXlWltU2HrLu3XFJ5Jf3Rtfm6-4PUwPmHNLna-wSUydBzjT7kMpeE)
Brownhill Podcast episode 2 deals with Helsinki-based industrial group VU. Some urban exploration included... In Finnish!
https://brownhillmafia.bandcamp.com/track/jakso-2-vu (https://brownhillmafia.bandcamp.com/track/jakso-2-vu)
You can find more some YANA-stuff;
Quote from: piisti on November 02, 2019, 11:13:10 AM
You can find more some YANA-stuff;
Great! All releases so far have been very enjoyable.
Newcomer with strong output.
Modular synth, tape loops and metal junk recorded in the Soul-sucking Black Hole of Northern Scandinavia during the Fall of 2019.
Tyhjä Pää has been acknowledged here before, and indeed, it's project that seems to be growing it's skills in making noise. Material is good online, yet it probably gets better on tape format. Releases are short but sweet and development shows that he is getting better all the time. Loud live gigs been also entertaining to watch. He is more "noise maker" than any sort of show, but as result: he actually makes the noise. Lots of gear and fast paced tweaking of harsh noise textures.
Current level of Finnish noise activities can be displayed by fact that in country as small as this is, there are 2 different happenings this weekend. One in north, other in south. Some projects playing this weekend maybe have not been acknowledged in this topic, but there are good ones one should try to hear when possibility:
Femon (Ambient/Noise/Synthpop)
The Andruids (Experimental/who knows?)
Aids Mom (Industrial/Noise/Ambient)
Kuritushuone (Drone/Ambient/Impro)
YANA (JKL/LAH) (Harsh Noise)
Spirit Gum (HKI/IVL) (Experimental/Noiserock)
Ahola & Silander (KVL) (Industrial/Noise)
Snuff Rider (TRE) (Nihilistic Psych Noiserock)
Sound+Vision (Mind Fuck)
FKA:AK (HKI) (Modular Synth Ambient/Noise)
Kitu (JKL) (Experimental Noise/Ambient)
Tyhjä Pää (Experimental Electronics/Harsh Noise)
Mogao (TKU) (Harsh Noise)
JS Junnila (IVL) Experimental/Ambient/Noise)
Edge of Decay (JNS) (Harsh Noise)
Olli Aarni (HKI) (Ambient/Noise)
Keränen (HKI) (Harsh Noise)
Elatu Nessa (HKI) (Experimental Haunting Acoustic Loop Folk)
Helsinki Saturday:
[ówt krì]
Ahola & Silander
truly good times when so much is happening.... radiopuhelimet at vv/tre on friday...
Noise, jazz, avantgarde! New episode with GUNK (in Finnish):
https://brownhillmafia.bandcamp.com/track/jakso-6-gunk-3 (https://brownhillmafia.bandcamp.com/track/jakso-6-gunk-3)
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 28, 2019, 10:50:26 AM
[ówt krì]
How is this project? I saw it listed on some of the posters in the Edge of Decay documentary, and thought it sounded interesting.
It's a rare case of current bands that actually have their own website:
It is pronounced "out cry". Style is varied. For me, it has been hit & miss. Some stuff has no impact, and others feel that it is something I should look into more closely. There are 3 CD albums, you can find stuff from spotify, youtube, etc...
I have preferred the ambient/drone side of it. Noisier stuff didn't do much for me when I heard it.
Quote from: Vermin Marvin on November 28, 2019, 09:29:27 AM
Newcomer with strong output.
Modular synth, tape loops and metal junk recorded in the Soul-sucking Black Hole of Northern Scandinavia during the Fall of 2019.
Thanks, I really like this!
Ahola & Silander
excellent tape here:
Quote from: pentd on January 09, 2020, 10:38:19 PM
Ahola & Silander
excellent tape here:
Thank you.
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Those who have read SPECIAL INTERESTS #11 zine, have maybe read article about the TERÄSSINFONIA compilations. Next week will be released first two parts of these compilation CD's. Digipak CD's, full color "vintage" avantgarde designs, presenting currently active Finnish scene. There are just handful of "know names" and the kind of "usual suspects" connected to Freak Animal Records. Many of them will be in next parts of series. Now I am very satisfied being able to show 20+ projects, many are not widely known, but most are not just "side projects", but actual artists.
Finnish people can ask CD's from the artists, as just about everybody should have their copies by now. Actual release happens next week and full line-up details etc will be published.
those who did not sent their stuff in time, those who have not even been asked yet... no problems. There will be more volumes. I urge any Finnish noise makers contact Freak Animal who wishes to be part of compilations to hear the specs & other demands. Ei tarvitse ujostella vaikka ei ole ehditty henkilökohtaisesti kysyä mukaan, kaikki kovat halutaan mukaan ja olemassaolosta kannattaa ehdottomasti muistuttaa! fanimal at cfprod.com
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Quote from: pentd on February 29, 2020, 08:07:48 PM
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Very cool. The B side of
Ultimate Freedom is especially great.
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on February 29, 2020, 10:04:45 PM
Quote from: pentd on February 29, 2020, 08:07:48 PM
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Very cool. The B side of Ultimate Freedom is especially great.
Holy crap this is daaamn good.
Quote from: Bloated Slutbag on March 01, 2020, 07:36:47 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on February 29, 2020, 10:04:45 PM
Quote from: pentd on February 29, 2020, 08:07:48 PM
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Very cool. The B side of Ultimate Freedom is especially great.
Holy crap this is daaamn good.
Ois pikku pakko saada nää kassut. Where I get these tapes?
Quote from: piisti on March 02, 2020, 07:28:04 PM
Quote from: Bloated Slutbag on March 01, 2020, 07:36:47 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on February 29, 2020, 10:04:45 PM
Quote from: pentd on February 29, 2020, 08:07:48 PM
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Very cool. The B side of Ultimate Freedom is especially great.
Holy crap this is daaamn good.
Ois pikku pakko saada nää kassut. Where I get these tapes?
I came here to say I snagged the Ultimate tape straight off the above bandcamp but it seems like it already sold out there. Turnaround time on the order was also super fast, clearly a very fast-moving sort of project. Ultimate is a great and diverse range of punchy belch-laden gutter filth and more highly dynamic junk-scrap bashing. But the preceding Nude Scraps is also quite nice, per the title very stripped back exercise in relentlessly violent, acoustic, rusted-metal on rusted-metal whanging.
Quote from: Bloated Slutbag on March 03, 2020, 12:03:49 PM
Quote from: piisti on March 02, 2020, 07:28:04 PM
Quote from: Bloated Slutbag on March 01, 2020, 07:36:47 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on February 29, 2020, 10:04:45 PM
Quote from: pentd on February 29, 2020, 08:07:48 PM
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
Very cool. The B side of Ultimate Freedom is especially great.
Holy crap this is daaamn good.
Ois pikku pakko saada nää kassut. Where I get these tapes?
I came here to say I snagged the Ultimate tape straight off the above bandcamp but it seems like it already sold out there. Turnaround time on the order was also super fast, clearly a very fast-moving sort of project. Ultimate is a great and diverse range of punchy belch-laden gutter filth and more highly dynamic junk-scrap bashing. But the preceding Nude Scraps is also quite nice, per the title very stripped back exercise in relentlessly violent, acoustic, rusted-metal on rusted-metal whanging.
Great to see the project being appreciated. Don't mean to "blow up" the man's spot, but some juicy behind-the-scenes footage found
here (https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BePZ2pmAY/).
Quote from: Sadomaniac on March 03, 2020, 01:12:26 PMGreat to see the project being appreciated. Don't mean to "blow up" the man's spot, but some juicy behind-the-scenes footage found here (https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BePZ2pmAY/).
Can't tell if that's a Panasonic, but I must state, those type of tape recorders should be THE only official tape recorders Noisechaps should be allowed to use. Thank you, Aprapat, for bringing us back to basics.
And by the way, what does the name mean? I tried an online translate, but there's something more personal going on.
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on March 03, 2020, 01:28:55 PM
Quote from: Sadomaniac on March 03, 2020, 01:12:26 PMGreat to see the project being appreciated. Don't mean to "blow up" the man's spot, but some juicy behind-the-scenes footage found here (https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BePZ2pmAY/).
Can't tell if that's a Panasonic, but I must state, those type of tape recorders should be THE only official tape recorders Noisechaps should be allowed to use. Thank you, Aprapat, for bringing us back to basics.
And by the way, what does the name mean? I tried an online translate, but there's something more personal going on.
In the second vid you can see it's a Sony. Not sure of the names origin.
Ah, silly me for not noticing there was a second video. Thanks for that.
Quote from: pentd on February 29, 2020, 08:07:48 PM
yes, very powerful shit here
Quote from: Sadomaniac on February 20, 2020, 11:57:09 PM
Aprapat – Seemingly recent project, grabbed both available tapes. First one is direct-to-tape junk metal storm, second one slightly more "composed" with tapes, voice, piano... but still mostly concrete/scrap noise. Excellent!
There is new one. Called Chamber music. Also brilliant
Artists acknowledge the demand, so some more tapes have been manufactured. Freak Animal should have some copies in near future.
Jazzhand / Amek-Maj C-30 split tape now available.
Non-music/Field recording/Experimental. Topaasi tapes#10
4€ + postage
PM or piisti666@gmail.com
Quote from: piisti on April 10, 2020, 07:16:59 PM
Jazzhand / Amek-Maj C-30 split tape now available.
Non-music/Field recording/Experimental. Topaasi tapes#10
4€ + postage
PM or piisti666@gmail.com
One left (or nhfastore.com u know). Thank you gentlemen.
Have you heard?
Quote from: piisti on April 24, 2020, 10:59:37 PM
One left (or nhfastore.com u know). Thank you gentlemen.
Have you heard?
Cave of 1000 Buddhas sounds great, and the cover art is awesome! Reminds me a lot of Merzbow.
Kitu has a nice atmosphere too.
VU / Haare split sold out from me, still available from BHM, FA and other distros.
collaboration between Mogao & Aprapat
Some new Kitu material:
And Amek-Maj track:
Pretty sure that first Amek-Maj-tape is coming soon
Gagarin Kombinaatti
attempt at industrial music by Mika Vainio in the 80's
Quote from: Thermophile on November 04, 2020, 12:14:38 AM
Gagarin Kombinaatti
attempt at industrial music by Mika Vainio in the 80's
And a very good "attempt". Highly recommend the LP, great material!
Boredom Knife, fairly new Finnish project just released new split tape and upcoming soon split CD with MO*TE.
There are actually quite many new things I have heard, that should be mentioned.
Noteworthy release is also V/A "MANIFESTATION OF TURMOIL" tape. EDGE OF DECAY, YANA, TYHJÄ PÄÄ and AHOLA & SILANDER. It is published by Freak Animal, and I was kind of hesitating why put out comp tape of Finnish noise while I got comp CD series of Finnish noise going on (3rd TERÄSSINFONIA is progressing... ). Story behind this was, that tape was compiled and designed by artists, and at first going to be out on EOD's label. For "logistic reasons" it was published by label/distro who has easier way to get them sent out. Being 10 mins each band, it delivers really nice dose of Finn noise.
The New Boyfriends second tape here:
Great thread, plenty of information. I am interested in the cultural/social factors that make countries like Finland huge exponents of PE and BM, for example.
This would need some serious updates! Recent years been very neat in Finnish noise, and new GOOD projects appearing all the time. Will have to look into some links and comments when there is more time to do it.
I guess the best way to get some view is to check those Terässinfonia compilation this far. There is coming fest in Oulu also where is some of what Tyhjä Pää sees nowadays notiable live Shows. Whole scene is growing like ass of housewife. And it makes also some scenes in the scene. Bruices, views, lost contacts, tell and told- storyes. In next few years I see there is no common scene. And that's totally good thing!
Quote from: piisti on October 14, 2022, 07:50:28 PM
Whole scene is growing like ass of housewife.
Nothing to add just an excellent quote. Cheers.
Kovana seems to be no more...website and YT videos don't exist anymore. And Augmented Atrocity CD description says "project of former Kovana member...".
If that's true, what happened? (none of my business, of course)
I thought they were great and always much improved with every release, with high potential for doing even better. At the moment I'm listening to Fluids of Chimera tape. Very good!
Would be a pity if the project really ended, so I hope it's only temporary.
yes, unfortunately Kovana ended. Augmented Atrocity is not 1:1 how Kovana was, but there are some similar elements there too. Perhaps more focus, no female vocals obviously.
THE DAY OF THE ANTLER "Veri tuli kuolema" tape
Äänipää records
Could it be possible that this would be the best TDOTA tape? He hasn't made bad release yet for sure, but while CD is very good and so is new tape on Satatuhatta, but either I am just dreaming, or it may be possible that there is the syndrome of public release that sets artists into certain mood, and opposed to that, small edition tape not meant for larger public has this somewhat relaxed feel, where there is nothing to really show. Perhaps tape for Satatuhatta was intentionally noisier to fit the "noise label" vibe? This tape has gloomy dark cosmic ambient-esque pieces, almost death industrial, there is noisy stuff, there is even more power electronics feel, including even screeched vocals that have not been so dominant in Antlers stuff. Tape also ends with almost Rapoon type of tribal etno industrial piece. Excellent tape that would be neat if someone could make available for larger public.
HAUDAT "Live on tape February 23" tape
Reh-place live recordings to rehearse for his upcoming gigs earlier this year. Good sound, broken noise, if you know what Haudat does, you got it right here and another example of tape that would be nice to be more than mini edition sold at those gigs he did.
NEANDERTAAL "Follicles" tape
One of the newer Finn harsh noise acts. He has the basics of noise all fine. You can certainly imagine the band shirt wearing shaker box shaking pedal guy doing that. Unfortunately there is some sort of effect that makes it wrong way rumbling and kind of snotty, perhaps reverb pedal or some sort of multi efx unit that can do that to sound. After the master level Finn noise acts, lack of own identity, idea and lacking production keeps it just among the basic "its ok" harsh noise tape.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 25, 2023, 03:41:46 PMTHE DAY OF THE ANTLER "Veri tuli kuolema" tape
Äänipää records
Excellent tape that would be neat if someone could make available for larger public.
Yes, i am interested in his 'private' tapes. I was lucky to catch this from WCN last year. I havent played it recently but i remember it like you describe it, 'relaxed' , with variety of material , and so good that i had to reach artist to ask if there are more tapes available. Sadly, there were not. Since they are not on Discogs and cant find info in the net, I only know of just another one :
Monumentti , that was on WCN distro too but sold out already. Judging by his label catalog numbers and the words from you Finn people, there are more ...
For information purposes these are the photos Oscar had taken for his distro :
That TDOTAs "Veri Tuli Kuolema" tape is really good. I appreciate that it boldly occupies that "cosmic ambient industrial" space of its own. And "Jordrök" cd is also moody, tasty and idiosyncratic piece of TDOTA brand of rural industrial. There is also some kosmische musik vibes and sequences present in Jordrök, but it is not blatant in anyway, kind of an nod to old german synth wizards maybe?
I'm delighted that there is more industrial-tinged stuff made by Finnish acts these days, really refreshing opposed to straight harsh noise blasts.
That Haudat rehearsal live is also very good and it definitely deserves an bigger pressing and wider circulation. Kind of an logical follow-up to the debut tape.
Is there any possibility to open topic where to write in Finnish here? I understand most of writings but I really cannot express my feelings and thoughts in English. I know there is some other active platform for that Finnish language, but it seems they are more punk-rooted kids who want to change whole harsh noise scene to satisfy their opinions.
Quote from: piisti on July 26, 2023, 07:11:38 PMIs there any possibility to open topic where to write in Finnish here? I understand most of writings but I really cannot express my feelings and thoughts in English. I know there is some other active platform for that Finnish language, but it seems they are more punk-rooted kids who want to change whole harsh noise scene to satisfy their opinions.
I'm not a mod/admin, so of course it may not be my place to say, but I don't see why you could not open a thread titled "keskustelua suomeksi" etc.
yes, I would suspect that one topic in the style of "noisen tenhovoima" (haha) would not hurt. People who want to check what's being discussed, can probably easily use translator to translate things if it feels important.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 27, 2023, 01:50:35 PMyes, I would suspect that one topic in the style of "noisen tenhovoima" (haha) would not hurt. People who want to check what's being discussed, can probably easily use translator to translate things if it feels important.
Ha! It would indeed be nice little topic have here, instead of that other forum...
Quote from: Commander15 on July 29, 2023, 12:25:51 PMQuote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 27, 2023, 01:50:35 PMyes, I would suspect that one topic in the style of "noisen tenhovoima" (haha) would not hurt. People who want to check what's being discussed, can probably easily use translator to translate things if it feels important.
Ha! It would indeed be nice little topic have here, instead of that other forum...
Second both these haha!
Recently listened to that Punishment 7" by Order. and I really liked what I heard, side B's New World Order sounds incredible.
It's kind of a shame that they've just fallen off the face of the earth since 2003 when that collab CD with Bastard Noise dropped (wishful thinking but it would be neat to see a reissue of it).
I see Order. guy on weekly basis. He is still around and current main activity is as singer of sludge band TASER. He is not totally out of noise, but also unlikely for new things to come anytime soon.
Thing worth to mention is that there is couple GRUNT/Modern Surgery For Nurses (pre-order.) tracks made.. I recall 1997. Those were never published anywhere until finally thrown among unreleased bonus of Grunt 10x CD set of 90's tape recordings.
RMSS "Relapsi" tape
RMSS "Neuvos" tape
One of newer projects that made first Remission 1+2 and 3+4 tapes and now again two tapes. I think Relapsi is more widely available - kind of funny term, but let's say compared to Neuvos, that has only handful of privately sold tapes before he gets to dub more copies for sale?
I guess I mentioned it before, but after SSRI, YANA, KSNK, KITU, FETO, and bunch of others I would not be surprised if "RMSS" doesn't jump in your face with their name, but I'd strongly recommend not miss it.
First I was sure Neuvos is the better of the two, but now I am not sure. Listening both tapes multiple times and surely Neuvos has less of echo, less of "effects", but in other have Relapsi, there are some reverb and stuff like that but nevertheless very much in the somewhat lo-fi, manual, handmade sound. Not to go too deep analysis, but think of Hands To meeting some contemporary Finnish noise sound - but still, RMSS doesn't really sound like the Finn noise acts at the moment. It is just kind of stuff that with Haudat, Mogoa, Aprapat, YANA... as different as each of those projects are, then RMSS is different than all those, but "by the spirit", goes nicely along!
Have you "worldwide" guys noticed what a year we been through here? All the records, other audio, gigs and printed material makes me laugh and loud. Welcome 2024!
Quote from: piisti on December 13, 2023, 07:44:55 PMHave you "worldwide" guys noticed what a year we been through here?
Yes, and I am JEALOUS.
Some recent stuff that came out, would be for example:
KARTIO "Liskoaivo" tape
Neko release with 60 min full tape of modular synth noise. It is the zip zap blib blob kind of thing, but with that type of stuff, when recorded with decent sound, perhaps even merely dubbed on tape, and suddenly it starts to became good. Kartio former release on Satatuhatta was very nice and if you liked that, you'll like this.
IMPAKT "Burnout" CD
Stinkfinger + Umpio = Impakt! I would assume Finns and people know what this is, if you combine these two fellows. If you have no idea, I would think that if 1994 Ramirez solo noise would be source for John Wiese collab, results could be surprisingly close? Very good CD that mixes in hard blunt noise and advanced modulations and digital tech.
MASKHEAD "A Taste of shiny fetish" CD EP
about 20 mins length harsh noise, could be best or among best Maskhead? Beginning sounds a bit like Harsh Ways live material was, but added filtering / electronic start to appear. Listened few times thinking that IF he'd doubt this loud on tape, could be better, but question is, would it become too much similar to approach others have had? Keeping it totally brutally "as is" may have its benefits in long run.
Starts with such a thunder sound, if you turned volume too loud, it'll surely striking surprise, hah.. Some more almost "Hands To" -moments of carving more quiet natural sounds, but no worries, the gentlemen will turn it all in max during the disc. It must be the most carefully crafted "album noise" by TNB, and not in negative way by any means!
more of arkinoise category where no complaints, but also this is more like Tuesday afternoon noise, that is rotten and simple and works just fine, but for weekend you'll be looking something like...:
MOGAO "Hidden God" CD
Arkinoise from very top shelf level. He is offering 3 songs, that are basically mic'ed amp, and loud harsh noise blasting from it. Just good stuff I listened couple times instantly, just thinking got to listen more. It has a lot of things going on, neat sound, but still remains harsh noise, not like audio fireworks trying to display all the tricks artists has.
STINKFINGER "Secret and inward ejaculations of the heart" CD
I was thinking Ramirez 90's recordings where he appears to have like distortion pedal and delay... and very little besides that. You'd be hearing delay pedal being fingered in frenzy and always harsh, always focused on very clear and solid elements. Always going on, but the spectrum of sound is what it is for entire duration of each song. Like Mogao, this is very good CD for lovers of harsh noise and if you were familiar with Unclean, there isn't anything like that on this album. All harsh!
PIESSA "Abraasio" tape
This came before Ablaatio tape. I have said may times but it may be difficult to non-finns to keep up when names of projects or releases often makes little sense, hah.. Good tape, but I think Ablaatio is better and that may be even somewhere available. Rugged, noisy, sort of rural noise vibes always present.
JAZZHAND "Takktakkyivdada" tape
Field recordings and weirdo dada noise in a way that it varies between good stuff, and simply noise clatter and odd field recordings that are less of "listening pleasure" and more of disturbing oddity. Good tape nevertheless!
BRYSK "Billight Skräp" tape
Rupu tapes is doing indeed pretty damn rupu tapes, haha.. First side you of my copy of this recycled tape you can hear sound "should not be like this", but same material repeats on b-side and you get even more quiet dub, but it is more balanced plus more crispy dub. Probably best stuff from Brysk what I have heard, but at the same time very random. Very often good bits are mixed with moments that feel like someone is testing out gear rather than making good noise. If there would have been good edit, tape would have had substance to choose from.
JUNTA "Nihil Schmihil" tape
better sound on this rupu tape, red lights even blinking. Junta is not as weird as it was at some tapes. Here we have far more solid harshness, but also some of the more unexpected weirdness.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 16, 2023, 04:02:50 PMBRYSK "Billight Skräp" tape
Rupu tapes is doing indeed pretty damn rupu tapes, haha.. First side you of my copy of this recycled tape you can hear sound "should not be like this", but same material repeats on b-side and you get even more quiet dub, but it is more balanced plus more crispy dub. Probably best stuff from Brysk what I have heard, but at the same time very random. Very often good bits are mixed with moments that feel like someone is testing out gear rather than making good noise. If there would have been good edit, tape would have had substance to choose from.
My copy was a much better dub it seems, it was loud enough and suited the surprisingly fierce and brutal material. That recording isn't the most recent and while Bryskt hasn't exactly gotten all fancy and progressive since, it's become more nuanced and diverse for sure. The two tapes here are more recent stuff for example:
The debut tape by
Hedkleaner that was published by Rupu Tapes in the same bundle seemed really neat too based on a couple of spins. Quite minimalistic and perhaps Atrax Morgue-esque synth stuff, not nearly as bleak or noisy as I would've expected but rather somehow reserved or held-back. Need to spin this more.
The tastily rotten
Touch Starved / Biofilmi split (with very stylish artwork!) definitely deserves more spins too, but now I'm playing the
XXXX / Half Mile Down split tape that was published in 2012 but is new for me. Kind of "nothing is happening" type of noise where there actually is a lot to be heard, but the sounds have been so eaten, faded and degraded that what you hear is like an echo of noise, heh. No crackle studies or ambient monotony, just slow and eroded sounds. Kind of humble stuff, but for whatever reason I've found the tape quite captivating. Half Mile Down's side has some more distinctive sounds, especially with the clearer synth(?) notes and sounds of hitting objects, but shares the same slow pace and sounds blurring into each other.
namedropping some that are missing from here (or I just didn't notice). Too tired to write anything wise about them. I namedropped projects from Jyväskylä on the second Satatuhatta newsletter, there lies the occult information
damn good noise but newer releases are more ambient?
Servitutem Mentalis
Apart from listening to BDN all weekend... I also got two nice tapes from a new Finnish project last week, which I enjoy very much:
Cover artworks alone is worth buying!
As I'm not that good at this, for a closer description I leave it to the great guys from Satatuhatta:
https://satatuhatta.net/blogs/tip-of-the-week/tip-of-the-week-7-24-heppakirjat (https://satatuhatta.net/blogs/tip-of-the-week/tip-of-the-week-7-24-heppakirjat)
Both tapes are currently sold out, but lets hope artists will make another batch of them! Really good stuff, and while I think B-side of 2nd tape is the best so far, some appear to like first tape more. There is variation there, even if basics of the tape would be something you can expect.
Self published, hand made covers, kind of "RRR'ish", with just pasting couple pics on paper, writing info with marker. I was under impression that could be "clumsy metal junk noise", but it is actually more interesting than that! Very primitive, crude and indeed blunt, but I like this saturated and blown out sound combined with very minimal amount of efx. A bit of electronics, other sounds, distant children's religious song bleeding underneath the noise, etc. Probably available only from artist.
METSÄKIRKKO "outo kesytön polku" tape
New tape is kind of collection of "left over material", bits and pieces that wasn't meant to be actual tape, but it is neat mix of live materials from couple places, including the fantastic outdoor gig they played in Lahti! Special package with dry moss, inserts, tape inside stamped cardboard box. Sold by artists only (= BHM label).
AUGMENTED ATROCITY "In search of something that doesn't exist" CD
Been listening this a lot. I had feeling that there are couple "flaws", one song (perhaps intentionally) blasts louder than the rest, little "glitch" in vocals sound of one track... but really, very good experimental power electroncs.. This is the kind of post-Kovana material, but clearly reaching more into his own sound. You could lump him into tradition of Finn bands who are clearly "power electronics/industrial", but push the sound into their own more experimental direction. Cloama, Strom.ec, Contortus, etc. Not sounding like them, but kind of similar category.
Jeeeeesus christ! Artists wasn't kidding when they mentioned album will be a bit different and a bit challenging! If we known SNUFF from extensive use of high pitch feedback torture, they are taking this to another level. Utterly fierce album that is authentically painful to listen to at times. Kind of Dominator -type ultra high sounds, but also slow repetitive crushing metal junks, slowly developing longer tracks etc.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on April 05, 2024, 03:26:04 PMSNUFF "V" CD
Jeeeeesus christ! Artists wasn't kidding when they mentioned album will be a bit different and a bit challenging! If we known SNUFF from extensive use of high pitch feedback torture, they are taking this to another level. Utterly fierce album that is authentically painful to listen to at times. Kind of Dominator -type ultra high sounds, but also slow repetitive crushing metal junks, slowly developing longer tracks etc.
Hell yes! Really looking forward to this.
I assume, you will have it in FA store as well. I mean, I really love to deal with Mr. Markkula, but as
you already often mentioned, buying in your shop is more easy and comfortable, and it seems I'm slowly becoming an old lazy fart.
Fuck it, but so it is...
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on April 05, 2024, 03:26:04 PMAUGMENTED ATROCITY "In search of something that doesn't exist" CD
Been listening this a lot. I had feeling that there are couple "flaws", one song (perhaps intentionally) blasts louder than the rest, little "glitch" in vocals sound of one track... but really, very good experimental power electroncs.. This is the kind of post-Kovana material, but clearly reaching more into his own sound. You could lump him into tradition of Finn bands who are clearly "power electronics/industrial", but push the sound into their own more experimental direction. Cloama, Strom.ec, Contortus, etc. Not sounding like them, but kind of similar category.
Jeeeeesus christ! Artists wasn't kidding when they mentioned album will be a bit different and a bit challenging! If we known SNUFF from extensive use of high pitch feedback torture, they are taking this to another level. Utterly fierce album that is authentically painful to listen to at times. Kind of Dominator -type ultra high sounds, but also slow repetitive crushing metal junks, slowly developing longer tracks etc.
Just ordered!
Can't wait!
YKSI's junk metal improvisation (preview)
So far Yksi has been a home studio project (with some added/mixed/modified field recordings), but on this video the noise happened outside on a small nature spot at the industrial area (energy plant nearby). the junk was already there, just waiting to be played and amped. More info in video.
Skärgård is pretty new from Finland - again, but really good!
Skärgård "Garden shed" tape
I grabbed Satatuhatta from the distro, but the artist himself advertises his releases in the New Releases section of this forum. This tape is very much like The New Blockaders meets Aprapat/The New Boyfriends vibe where, however, you notice that maybe they are not actually imitating anyone, but it is what it is. When he got recorder and "no overdubs" action with mostly metal objects that you can find in the shed... That's what it sounds like. Sometimes a small object rattle, sometimes it appears as if wheelbarrows is being scraped, hehe.. Guys who have been scratching noise long enough will always eventually end up with wheelbarrows, stoves, boxes of leftover boxes of screws & nails and the like. The first song on the box is least great, so definitely if you listen it on bandcamp, keep going and from the second it's pretty much all good and towards the end it gets better!
Skärgård "Egen frid - Oma Rauha" cassette continuing pretty much the same mood. The shed is rattling loudly and reminds me of TNB (uk)'s stuff from the beginning of the decade. This again is "live recording", no overdubs, but attention to both sounds details and pacing. Not all smashing things up, but sort of between Changez Les Blockeurs and Simphonie In X Major!
Re: Skärgård
Thank you so much for introduction! Quite happy, that last week I got all the releases shown on bandcamp also on physical format. Great, really great! This is something I just love listening to, over and over again.
Highly recommended for fans of what's described above!
Yes next great avalanche of suomi junk noizu comin from Heppakirjat and Skärgård, pick em up while possible
Eager to listen to the new Snuff CD.
Talking about a disappeared act: is Chloroform Rapist still active? I remember it being quite nasty power electronics, but it's last release is around 10 years ago, so probably is over.
Quote from: Into_The_Void on May 29, 2024, 10:06:59 AMEager to listen to the new Snuff CD.
Talking about a disappeared act: is Chloroform Rapist still active? I remember it being quite nasty power electronics, but it's last release is around 10 years ago, so probably is over.
I often wondered what happened to Chloroform Rapist too. Unfortunately the project is probably over with such a length of absence, also wonder the same thing about Black State, which was also on F&V.
Quote from: Cranial Blast on September 08, 2024, 09:52:06 PMQuote from: Into_The_Void on May 29, 2024, 10:06:59 AMEager to listen to the new Snuff CD.
Talking about a disappeared act: is Chloroform Rapist still active? I remember it being quite nasty power electronics, but it's last release is around 10 years ago, so probably is over.
I often wondered what happened to Chloroform Rapist too. Unfortunately the project is probably over with such a length of absence, also wonder the same thing about Black State, which was also on F&V.
Chloroform Rapist always felt more like one-off concept than a long-term project. It still kept going for some years and the neat 2014 compilation collects all released material. I think it serves as a fitting closure. Each track is better than previous one and my favorite is from Urashima's Rape LP.
PARASOCIAL JUCHE, side project of Rautakymi. There has been discussions of weird sound collage noise on SI forum in pretty recent history, and curious if it had some influence on this recording? Sound quality is like in Rautakymi, charmingly rugged, blown-out and saturated. Totally weirdo turntable/tape-destruction noise collages in most primitive tradition. Even if name may hint towards more "power electronics" type of stuff, this is indeed more like 80's home recordings meets current day Tribe tapes sort of stuff.
Have to try to get some physical tapes into distro, but you can hear material also here:
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on November 13, 2024, 10:21:11 AMPARASOCIAL JUCHE, side project of Rautakymi. There has been discussions of weird sound collage noise on SI forum in pretty recent history, and curious if it had some influence on this recording? Sound quality is like in Rautakymi, charmingly rugged, blown-out and saturated. Totally weirdo turntable/tape-destruction noise collages in most primitive tradition. Even if name may hint towards more "power electronics" type of stuff, this is indeed more like 80's home recordings meets current day Tribe tapes sort of stuff.
Have to try to get some physical tapes into distro, but you can hear material also here:
I hope you do get some of these tapes in the distro, this stuff is awesome indeed! Definitely has that home recording vibe, that I also find appealing too.
RMSS and RESIDUAL CD's on Satatuhatta feel almost like... "american noise releases", hah. In particular, something like pacrec / helicopter. Not due sound or packaging, but because both of these are like 30+ min one track on CD. Of course its long enough to be full length, but still feels to me kind of "wiese thing to do", as opposed to a lot of noise CD's that tend to be 40-60 min things. I am certainly not opposed to half an hour noise CD's. Perhaps even opposite. Perhaps the sonic fireworks of former Residual 3" I was just listening, made me expect "more stuff", but I recall that was what he was also criticized of by some Finn noise heads? Putting too much into one release, kind of display of all the skills, instead of focusing on making solid noise release. This album indeed goes into that direction. There is A LOT happening with fast pace, in this 30+ min track, but it all happens in one sound spectrum. Fast paced harsh noise, but not jumping in cut-up. Most likely plenty of edits, but also sounding as if it could have been played in one session and published as is. Can be also listened here:
RMSS is even shorter, 31 mins, but theoretically it could have been divided into many songs. There are very drastic changes of mood and sounds through out the disc. From minimal organic drone humming into electronically treated field recordings, fragments of old dialogues, mixer feedback manipulations, quite crude textured clatter. Unlike the tapes, which I felt like were more textural studies. Great, but often minimal textures where you sort of sink in, this CD is actually very precise composition. Real album, so to say! Noisy, but not noisE. Excellent!
Durations meant that I'd listen both couple times instantly, and may have to continue still today for a bit more!
SKÄRGÅRD "Irtautuminen" tape
New tape from artist who so far focuses on acoustic metal junk stuff. It is very much in spirit of early The New Blockaders and also Finn TNB, hah. Good tape with taste of specific sounds of objects and not just smashing things up.
UND "Ylösnousemus" CD
Veteran of Finn noise, who did his first tape already back in 1991. In interview he mentions, first he made like 5 copies of that tape, and sold couple, and very quickly after that got invitation from MITB to do split 7". Of course he sold more copies over years, I got it back in 92 or 93. This new CD was originally stuff he uploaded to bandcamp but got offer from Finn punk label to put out real CD. And good, since this must be the best UND material so far and quite unusual! Doesn't fit directly into subgenre noise mentality, but kind of DIY home recording punk noise ethos of the 90's.