I was trying to create extremely harsh high pitch loud feedback with mics and amps yesterday and I was right next to the amps. I got extremely dizzy and my my ears were ringing which was cool within the noise. Afterwards i could barely hear anything.today i notice my hearing is different. anyone experienced this?
ive been going to noise shows for a few years and this has never happened
I have been suffering tinnitus for 6 years and doctors forced me to stop playing live and going at gigs. It all started in a train station due to the tyres of an old train although years of loud noise didn't help.
It has now improved a lot yet whenever I am caught off guard with no proper decent plugs it becomes annoying again.
some useful info on the subject.
It's the higher frequencies at volume that do the real damage - as well as prolonged exposure.
Explore firms like Elacin (http://www.elacin.com/de/en/on-hearing-protection) (who make ear protection): for 150 euro you can have custom plugs taken from moulds of your ear - and a filter between -10 and -25 dB reduction.
I use -15dB for general gig and party use, though by your description of what you exposed yourself to, I'd recommend going higher. Yes, there have been times when I thought -15dB reduction insufficient.
Put them in, allow your brain to adjust - and you will forget you are wearing them. They work; I consider them one of the best investments I've made. 150 euro is nothing against the cost to your life hearing loss can bring.
shooting a 10 round clip of ak-47 without ear protection fucked me up for a good 3 days. dizzy, vomited, loss of coordination.
worse then any noise show i've ever been to.
Worst I've had was a Swans gig- took three days to recover but outside of music that was nothing compared to a coal fired power station....
Ive had some slight hearing loss from gigs, worst being electric wizard. That feedback between songs fucked me up for the evening, yet I have to risk my hearing cause cant afford 150 earplugs. Outside gigs, worst was new years eve when with family havin fun with fireworks and dad had great idea to bring out metal barrel and throw shit into it to make really loud bangs. Like a total doofus, I stood right next to the thing when father threw in what I would qualify as high end explosive within range of fireworks. Total hearing loss from one ear for rest of the night, started to actually panic if it would be permanent. Waking up with full hearing next morning was a huge relief.
Yes I've lost my hearing in my left ear, from rehearsing noise specifically
I have tinnitus, since 94, when a local metal band did some feedback from hell. First years was hell, but you learn to adapt it into normality. But it is worse in periods with stress, lack of sleep etc. Also lost some volume, as i keep asking "what" a lot more during the years. But what you are speaking of is quite normal when going to gigs/rehearshals, mostly it will turn back to normal in time. But some defects in your ears is bound to happen if playing noise i guess. For me at least it is impossible to record or play live at sensible volume all the time, sometimes earshattering volumes is required.