Have any of you heard of this channel?
Intriguing and highly cryptic. Thought I'd share given the aesthetic and subject matter.
Chronological playlist:
The user itself:
Quite good, thanks for that introduction. Worth it for the soundtracks alone.
Some of the peter scully stuff is quite hilarious and I don't believe most of it. Its easy way to spin some tales when you already have this verified boogeyman and no way for anyone to verify your claims. Either way, I believe one should be highly critical about anything they read regarding deepweb/darknet/whateverweb. There so much misinformation and bullcrap out there its crazy but hey, as I said, since there are very few people willing to even try to verify your shit its easy to get away with it.
As for meatsleep, well, I can't stand jumpscares at all. Way too skittish for that shit, ugh. Also, it looks like lot of the youtube horror channels and such, some is good, some is not, as always and as for this, well, most of the time I didnt feel any kind of dread or other feelings I look for in horror media, just waiting for that inevitable jumpscare.
Wonder if admitting to using Tor gets me to some super high threat NSA watchlist, heh.