Special Interest

GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Lamashtu93 on February 29, 2016, 11:04:20 PM

Title: ANA - Experimental Horror Film
Post by: Lamashtu93 on February 29, 2016, 11:04:20 PM
(I'm sharing this here mostly for the soundtrack, which many here may find of interest).

Pre-order is open for the DVD release of the experimental horror film ANA.
http://www.anamadim.com/preorder (http://www.anamadim.com/preorder)

ANA is an experimental video about the darker zones of the Internet. It is a moodboard of the imagery shared by underground communities exposing their self-destruction: more precisely pro-ana/pro-mia (pro-anorexia and pro-bulimia). From those extremities is a discourse about modern day mortification and the spectacle of self-hatred enabled by web communication.

Along with the full uncut film, this special edition includes:

- 49 minutes soundtrack on CD by Pierre-Marc Tremblay (Akitsa, Âmes Sanglantes, Contrepoison), Frédéric Arbour (Stärker, Visions, Havan) and Riccardo Lucchesi (Carnal Veil, Souffle);
- ANA-CODEX, an experimental short film exploring the DNA of ANA;
- Rapture, a music video for synthwave act Three Winters;
- Subtitles in English, Dutch, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/123579449 (https://vimeo.com/123579449)


Title: Re: ANA - Experimental Horror Film
Post by: Lamashtu93 on March 18, 2016, 05:28:06 PM
The digital word made plastic... Freshly out of the purgatory.
