OUT NOW! Nothing/Forever Issue 3
The ongoing series of of collage and negative manipulations, finding light between the dark.
Featuring friends old and new:
Ewan Aparicio (http://thee-aparicio.tumblr.com/)
birdofnothing (http://z-circle-triangle-line.tumblr.com)
Reece Thomas Green (http://reecethomasgreen.tumblr.com)
Matt Harrison (http://aughtvoid.tumblr.com)
Luca Vinciguerra (http://wendyprodz.altervista.org)
Zen Zsigo (http://www.strangerules.bigcartel.com)
Available now at Input Error (http://www.input-error.co.uk/nothingforever-issue-3.html)
£4 in the UK, £5 to Europe, £6 to all other countries. By all 3 issues at a reduced rate in the store.
Price includes shipping.