I remember when people were talking about "trend" of all the evil and nasty zines out there, which were basically about movies, art, occult, violence, hate, cults, underground of whatever type.
FULL FORCE FRANK's genious newspaper clippings and rants in heavy duty xerox piles. Utmost classics
BOILED ANGEL with Mike Diana's comic and growing number of other stuff in every issue when it proceeded
FUCK, of randall phillips racist vile humor and bad taste
SNUFF IT, journal of the church of euthaniasia
HEADPRESS, uk zine with focus on sex, religion, death.
ANSWER ME! well, everybody knows..
UNDERGROUND FILM BULLETIN source of cinema of transgression
THE BLACK FLAME... When in 1996 Church of Satan would feature in cover not only Marilyn Manson, Electric Hellfire Club, but also band like RAHOWA. Fuck. Combined with essays.
and so on.
Now when I wonder, what was the last ugly zine you saw, where content was relatively intelligent and relatively extensive, but harsh and crude? Hardly remember one. There are still music mags, still occult booklets, still art magazines like Timeless, but people who have "grown up" reading stuff live listed above, probably see the void?
Now when I think of, Forcible zine is basically one of the only ones that I can think of. It's focus on sexual abuse, incest and kp with stories and news clips is decent blow of "old school" ug brutality. Filthy & Obscure art zine, what was guaranteed xerox cult of Finnish PE aesthetic came out some years ago. I MAY have couple copies remaining if someone wants to trade for something. What else? Private editions booklets?? Yet to see them, but I expect could be something that can be filed under category.
Helter Skelter (ITaly) Edited by Alex Papa of Mondo Bizzarro located in Rome. Bilingual version with interviews, articles to ATWA (Charles Manson organisation), Michael Moynihan (Blood axis), Jim Goad, Jan R. Bruun, John Pirog, Buttgereit, David Kerekes and Castiglioni brothers
Alex Papa has edited also Mondo Bizzarro mag, I have only an issue in italian language (features articles about Cicciolina, Moana Pozzi, Orgasmo Song, Mike Diana comics, Lil Hitler comics)
Panik (USA?)
Timeless (France). Several issues features contribution of Tisbor (Fecalove/Taeter), Taint, Strict, Intrinsic Action
Murder Can Be Fun (USA), A classic small zine about religion, strange things and oscurities
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 24, 2009, 12:52:23 AM
Panik (USA?)
I got a one issue w/ Nitsch,Riefenstahl,NON,WHITEHOUSE,Goad etc. its only fanzine type of publication that I have seen A3 size.
For me the starting point was Apocalypse Culture and Pandemonium. Pandemonium was a zine and later book edited/written by Jack Stevenson. Great articles/interviews with Mink Stole, Kenneth Anger, Johnny Eck (of Freaks fame), John Wayne Gacy, Kuchar brothers, Deaths... Great!
To me it seems that the Hate zine thing grew out of the Cinema -zine scene. Zines like Sleaziod Express, ShockXpress, Ecco (maybe not so much), the three Davids of Headpress came from film etc.
I think there is a big different between the zines mentioned. There are very personal ones like Fuck and Parasite and the more "professional" approach of Answer Me! and Headpress. A approach I always liked much more but I have never been a big fan of the whole personal zine scene.
Although not hate zines (what a crappy term...) ReSearch, Vague and Rapid Eye had a influence on at least of some of the mentioned zines.
There is also a big overlap between Sewer Cunt and Helter Skelter in content. The same interviews by JR Bruun appearing in both.
In Sweden we had Flashback was closes and maybe SOMA which I edited but I don't I think I was hateful enough to qualify...
Early zines of mr. Bizarre Uproar was something like this too. Sikiö (=fetus) had at first interviews, but a lot of just strange "collage" of same style as BU. Violence, nazis, etc. 3rd issue was all art, none music?
I do like the "personal zines" too if it happens to be good and have character. I do like zines of almost every type. Got literally thousands. For whole my "conscious life" been collecting UG zines, primarily finnish ones.
I do like the view of some of these Japanese more profesional ones. Ultra-Negative for example. Each issues 200 pages of corpses, sex, violence, bizarre, deformations etc. full color, like just grotesque version of over-the-top s/m magazine. And anyone read this culture magazine Yaso? I guess 4 issues out. Once a year, B5 size, thick glossy magazine, all japanese, but covers a lot of dolls, arts, strange photography, strange art, reports on books etc. Even with all in Japanese, it's good purchase.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 27, 2009, 02:21:02 PM
Early zines of mr. Bizarre Uproar was something like this too. Sikiö (=fetus) had at first interviews, but a lot of just strange "collage" of same style as BU. Violence, nazis, etc. 3rd issue was all art, none music?
Aye, 3rd issue was "art" only. A5 about 40 pink pages of filthy fun. about 30 rough xerox copies made. Must have been 1991... Nazis,boots,violence,rubber porn,txt clips from "doctor section" of older ladies magazines where they are whining about cunt/uretha problems etc. etc. those were the happy days.
I know Wood/Bastard Noise has a copy. I "should" have it from him, but I have been waiting like 4-5 years so... Anyway would be nice to see that issue again.
I am not 100% sure if this is the correct thread to put this in but this is definitely one of my main areas of interests when collecting. I look for stuff like Forcible and Pure (I finally managed to track down the original "banned" cover), but most anything "nihilistic" will do, it does not have to be sexual although that is my preference, rather it has anything to do with music or not (see below). Any language. Some shit is just plain hard to find and I know that there is tons of material out there from other countries that I would pay tons of money for but will never even pass through my hand. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Post more pics of the zines! Maybe even scan some inties and articles.
The NecroErotic
the mentioned UltraNegative and its twin Too Negative (which focused on taboo subject matters, dealing with "controversial" artists like Tsurisaki Kiyotaka, Kazumasa Umeda, the early Mari Shimizu, rorikon artists, amputee, atrocities of any kind)
the italian Mondo X-tremo, which was basically newspapers clippings of true crime/atrocities genre, with a lot of nice black humour (respectfully thanked in the professional issue of Mondo Bizzarro's magazine Helter Skelter)
Does anyone know if there is, by chance, any copies of "A TASTE OF BILE" (Zine made by Keith from Taint) floating around, or for sale?
I didn't have a clue as to what the contents were, this just seems to be the only thread dedicated to Zines. I probably wouldn't like that I've never been a fan of horror movies outside of some old Satanic themed movies.
Has anyone heard of Constant Madness Zine? I have one issue that I received anonymously to review on my site, no return address and horrible English so I assume it isn't from the states. I've tried to ask on my forums and even posted asking for the sender to give me info on the site, but to no avail. It's basically a lot of personal rambling about hating niggers, a couple of album reviews and a horribly written piece on converting a semiauto design to selective fire/full auto but he doesn't mention what time of gun it is (I believe an AK by looking at his horrid drawing of the magazine well).
As Ulex Xane had mentioned he had re-issued all Streicher propaganda files in a bound volume and also released another Streicher binder book entitled "Pro Patria Mori: Unhallowed is the Word for War" with new and unreleased Streicher pamphlets.
It's a shame this stuff is impossible to obtain.
Scans of some flyers have been uploaded to http://www.flickr.com/photos/trevorthefish/sets/72157622152783090/
Actually, "Pro Patria Mori: Unhallowed is the Word for War" was the title of the first volume of Streicher 'propaganda' pamphlets back in the early '90s. It came in a black ring binder with the pamphlets inserted in transparent plastic pockets. It was my intention at one point to re-issue this in a larger edition and in a better bound book form, if there was enough interest from people to warrant going to the expense of doing so (or if a suitable publisher came forward). Thus far, its status is still 'on the backburner'...
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 23, 2009, 11:14:42 PM
FULL FORCE FRANK's genious newspaper clippings and rants in heavy duty xerox piles. Utmost classics
FUCK, of randall phillips racist vile humor and bad taste
Forcible zine
Does Anyone know where i can still purchase any of these zines?
Quote from: Streicher on May 31, 2010, 03:07:20 PM
Actually, "Pro Patria Mori: Unhallowed is the Word for War" was the title of the first volume of Streicher 'propaganda' pamphlets back in the early '90s. It came in a black ring binder with the pamphlets inserted in transparent plastic pockets. It was my intention at one point to re-issue this in a larger edition and in a better bound book form, if there was enough interest from people to warrant going to the expense of doing so (or if a suitable publisher came forward).
yesss pleasee ^_^
Quote from: rekeeb23 on August 04, 2010, 11:05:48 AM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 23, 2009, 11:14:42 PM
FULL FORCE FRANK's genious newspaper clippings and rants in heavy duty xerox piles. Utmost classics
FUCK, of randall phillips racist vile humor and bad taste
Forcible zine
Does Anyone know where i can still purchase any of these zines?
There is one guy selling TOTAL ABUSE on classifieds of this forum. Includes Pure magazines.
Apop Records still sells some copies of FUCK magazine. Check out their catalogue. Just did search and #1-3 shows up.
Forcible zine guy mentioned stopping his website due being just cost and not helping with sales. Don't know how to contact him now, but I think if you find his e-mail, copies could be still available.
Full Force Franks mags and Sewer Cunt are old and out of print. I may or may not have some copies of SC in my retailshop. Don't remember.
there's a zine from Melbourne called SSEX. two issues have been released, both A4 size and 12 pages long. they contain a mix of artwork and music reviews/interviews. the artwork is creepy enough and fits into what everybody on here has been talking about.
(funnily enough, i have several copies of both issues, and i'm up for trading. messge me)
For those interested:
Quote from: Forcible on August 09, 2010, 03:13:07 AM
Coprolaliac Press / Forcible Journal Update
For some time now, Coprolaliac Press and the Forcible Journal have been at a stand still due to personal issues that need to be attended to. For those of you that have been interested in Forcible, I thank you and I promise that Forcible will be up and running soon. Stay in touch and again thank you to those of you that have shown interest.
Michael of Coprolaliac Press
Quote from: Streicher on May 31, 2010, 03:07:20 PM
Actually, "Pro Patria Mori: Unhallowed is the Word for War" was the title of the first volume of Streicher 'propaganda' pamphlets back in the early '90s. It came in a black ring binder with the pamphlets inserted in transparent plastic pockets. It was my intention at one point to re-issue this in a larger edition and in a better bound book form, if there was enough interest from people to warrant going to the expense of doing so (or if a suitable publisher came forward). Thus far, its status is still 'on the backburner'...
i would fully support this, and possibly even help funding...
But I'll wait for the paperback.
i work on the #1 issue of my personal zine and i guess it will be available in small numbers around Spring 2011. just expect the aesthetics of obscurity and grief. i will inform you when it is ready.
I have some stuff to trade and I'd like to get any old zines, anybody interested?
had to bump this out of nostalgia. i was re-arranging my bookshelves and happened upon some zines/collections and it really made me miss the days when people were doing zines on a regular basis. not necessarily "hate" zines either, just any fanzines concerning music, scene, art, etc. i remember going to shows in the early 1990s in chicago and there being tables set up of free zines right when you walked in. every show provided at least a few hours of toilet reading.
it may sound hypocritical, but the internet has a lot to do with it. and while there are a decent amount of interesting web-based publications, nothing can replace of having the written word of collection of filth in your hands.
i attended a Jim Goad reading this past fall, and afterwards asked him if he would ever consider releasing something on a zine scale, and his response was quite matter-of-factly "whats the fuckin point when you have the internet?"
as a funny side note, i happened upon the current website (http://forbiddentruth.8k.com/index.html (http://forbiddentruth.8k.com/index.html)) upheld by the character known as FULL FORCE FRANK. in one of the sections, he is auctioning off the rights to all of his zine material as FULL FORCE FRANK, and all of his use.net posts as JOEORBIT1 (seen in the Apocalypse Culture 2 book) for $250,000 US. so i emailed him, just for the sheer wonder if he would actually respond, and he did- in some super crazy response, saying that any adoration from others is irrelevant to him, as he is only interested in conveying "the truth" to the world. That he doesnt believe anything that humans say to him, and he values no motivation from the outside world to urge him to continue spreading "the truth" as he feels it is only his nature to do so. and finally, I owe nothing to anything or anyone, beyond Myself. To Myself I
owe the universe, and I pay Myself back very nicely.
still a weirdo i guess.
I'd love to go through all the Full Force Frank zines again but would have to travel to Finland. Those things were amazing, all the seemingly random images, articles, etc. EVERYTHING you could possibly find to collage together on guns, shooting, S&M/bondage, murder, women's feet/shoes... If you sent him a pair of shoes, you'd get the zine every month for free or if you sent him your zine. Incredbile he kept publishing for as long as he did & there were not just 10-20 pages either. They were THICK!
Until someone starts a topic on islamist terrorism etc, this might be the right thread to mention that Al-Qaida just today published issue #5 of their Inspire magazine.
Quote from: humanpulp on March 29, 2011, 06:28:43 PM
i attended a Jim Goad reading this past fall, and afterwards asked him if he would ever consider releasing something on a zine scale, and his response was quite matter-of-factly "whats the fuckin point when you have the internet?"
Being a zine-lover myself, people always ask me that. It´s quite simple for me. First of all, underground production should never be understood by means of "utility", imho. It would be the same as if someone asks "what´s the point on producing cassettes or vinyls if we have those wonderful MP3 files?"
Sure internet is useful, but it just doesn´t offer the same esthetic fruition. Unless you´re a (good) webdesigner, publishing on internet is pretty much dealing with templates and limitations. Good old white paper still offers much more on terms of visual potential. Will it reach less people? Yes. Is it a problem? Unless if the only aim of a zine is to spread information, it shouldn't be a big problem.
Besides that, there´s also the question of documentation. As for today, a piece of paper is still a much more reliable document than a virtual file. We can look at the past by checking a 20 years old xeroxed zine. Buy we can´t do that with a 5 years old webzine that just disappeared or was removed or deleted for some reason.
As a matter of fact, internet and zine production could perfectly walk together. They´re different ways of communicate, so one shouldn´t compete or exclude the other.
Perhaps not a perfect match for this thread--I wouldn't consider the publication to be "full of hate"--but I recently got a copy of Bizarrism #10 and greatly enjoyed it. The publication is somewhere between Murder Can Be Fun and Fortean Times, with writings on eccentrics, cults, strange dictators, etc. The issue I have is 40 pages long and contains an interesting story of death in a sparsely-settled island in the Galapagos during the first half of the 20th Century; a piece about 60s/70s US entertainer Claudine Longet who shot and killed her lover but was not found guilty of murder; a profile of Idi Amin and his regime; a piece on the truly horrendous writer Amanda M. Ros; and plenty of other stuff. Writings from early issues of Bizarrism were compiled into a book by Headpress some time ago, so the publication certainly in some ways fits with what's already been mentioned on this thread...
Anyway, it seems as though Bizarrism issue #11 was published late last year--an online announcement I've seen lists its contents as "Ernie Ridding: The Fridge Man of Glebe; superhero comics sadist Fletcher Hanks; The Case of the Garrotted Sherlockian; The Return of the Sky People: A Brief History of the Raelians; The Return of Joyce McKinney; The Senile Surgeon (Ferdinand Sauerbruch); The UFO Man of Sydney; the Chen Tao cult; My Favourite Dictators No. 5 : [paranoid Albanian lunatic] Enver Hoxha; book reviews and more." I'll be sending for my own copy soon.
Probably quite a few folk on this forum would enjoy this 'zine. Single issues are $6 each in Australia, US $8 ea. postpaid world. Contact:
Chris Mikul, PO Box K546, Haymarket NSW 1240, AUSTRALIA
is FORCIBLE ZINE still active? i remember some links to scans floating around a while back...anyone have any information
Where did you hear about scans? I have every issue except one, they're all pretty good albeit all very short. As of right now Forcible is not active, the writer/editor is a schizophrenic who is hospitalized a lot. Last time I got a message from him he was in a hospital and since then he hasn't been in contact. The website is down too. The Myspace is still up but impossible to get through to right now.
it was on some message board, there were scans of the first issue, and like a dumbass, i didnt print it.
While liveing in Mexico I stumbled upon a magizine I believe called "Los Propaganda",I think but Iam not completly certain of the title that covered stories of the ongoing violence in mexico and had some pretty graphic pictures of remains found in mass graves,children being used as human taget practice and a section devoted to survivors of the harsh tortures conducted by various cartels within Tijuana and Mexico city.I cant read very much spanish but the photo's themselves were pretty graphic,and some pretty hard to stomache,especially when it came to small children and families forced into mass graves over pocket change .Ill see if I can track a copy down and upload various images up here for those interested,though it doesnt have anything to do with music its still a pretty interesting find when looking for a read that shows less seen and discussed sides of humanity and reading about obscure subcultures within Mexico city when involving the less known occult basis of many of these killing surrounding the aztec goddess Santisima Muerte.
i am familiar with ALARMA!
when i was in Mexico, it was culture shock to see it on sale at newsstands right along with regular newspapers. it is amazing to me how desensitized Mexican culture is to violence.
there is a pretty rad documentary out there about photographers for ALARMA, as a matter of fact, i think someone posted the link to it in one of these threads.
FERAL HOUSE also did a great book called MUERTE! which is about ALARMA magazine as well as the general bloodlust/lack of shock from the culture down there.
Quote from: humanpulp on June 09, 2011, 05:06:53 AM
i am familiar with ALARMA!
when i was in Mexico, it was culture shock to see it on sale at newsstands right along with regular newspapers. it is amazing to me how desensitized Mexican culture is to violence.
there is a pretty rad documentary out there about photographers for ALARMA, as a matter of fact, i think someone posted the link to it in one of these threads.
FERAL HOUSE also did a great book called MUERTE! which is about ALARMA magazine as well as the general bloodlust/lack of shock from the culture down there.
Maybe thats it,sounds somewhat familiar but I thought for sure it was Los Propaganda then again there is so many magazines and newspapers down south offering so much information regarding on going violence and crime to where I became more skeptical of my surroundings then comfortable.As convienient liveing was cost wise being American and knowing very little of the area and language was an ongoing concern,I found it best to suck it up and pay a little extra to live safe.Mexico City and a great deal of parts of Tijuana were quit nice and I loved the culture but really wasnt worth the head ache of haveing to watch my back constantly,being a much better place to visit rather then live.
Quote from: DEFILER on June 09, 2011, 05:59:37 AM
Quote from: humanpulp on June 09, 2011, 05:06:53 AM
i am familiar with ALARMA!
when i was in Mexico, it was culture shock to see it on sale at newsstands right along with regular newspapers. it is amazing to me how desensitized Mexican culture is to violence.
there is a pretty rad documentary out there about photographers for ALARMA, as a matter of fact, i think someone posted the link to it in one of these threads.
FERAL HOUSE also did a great book called MUERTE! which is about ALARMA magazine as well as the general bloodlust/lack of shock from the culture down there.
Maybe thats it,sounds somewhat familiar but I thought for sure it was Los Propaganda then again there is so many magazines and newspapers down south offering so much information regarding on going violence and crime to where I became more skeptical of my surroundings then comfortable.As convienient liveing was cost wise being American and knowing very little of the area and language was an ongoing concern,I found it best to suck it up and pay a little extra to live safe.Mexico City and a great deal of parts of Tijuana were quit nice and I loved the culture but really wasnt worth the head ache of haveing to watch my back constantly,being a much better place to visit rather then live.
You were right the mag was called "Alarma" and I found were they sell it accross the U.S/International Boarder,"Los propaganda de peligro" is an underground ran news paper that covers the same type of material as Alrama but comes in shorter form,like weekly news print and is almost impossible to find scince it was out lawed in 2009.I did a search useing google on Alarma which is still pretty easy to come by,Los Propaganda however was not found anywhere on the net,but good news,I made a few calls and found a place in Tijuana were they have both and its literally 20 miniutes from were I live in the States!!!If anyones interested in print that covers pretty much all forms of Mexico's violence/the occult do send me an e-mail here and Ill work something out were you can cover the shipping costs or we can possibly do trades.
Los Propaganda - Cost in U.S Funds = $3.25 - pgs vary per print 10-15 (BLACK AND WHITE),Iam told that each is a reprint dateing from 2007-2009,no new issues were ever printed after October 2009.A definite rare find!!!
Alarma! - Cost in U.S Funds = $4.75 and most are full color prints,all new issues.
Quote from: theotherjohn on June 09, 2011, 10:48:07 AM
I really regret not buying a copy of ALARMA when I was visiting New York a couple of months ago, seems like most Mexican-run news stands on the underground had copies. What was the cover price, $2.50 or $12.50? Either way a missed opportunity.
I can get copies!!!
Carl Abrahamssons new internetbased magazine should interest some of you.
I'm starting off a zine of this sort. True crime/obscure readings/weird stuff and other oddities and I wanted to know if anyone is interested in trading it for anything like another zine, stamps or anything just ask.
I'm also wondering where I can find the Full force frank zines and those by randall phillip.
There's always my own small arts-and-literature publication: Mass Culture, "a journal of sex and death." These elements are usually combined in some way: there's been a fair amount of necrophilia and lust-murder in the first four.
My profile icon is taken from Vol. 4, which is the first issue in color (with the general theme of "lustmord in history"); the biggest-name contributor I've had thus far is probably Martin Bladh, whose work is featured in Vol. 3 and 4. I'm still working on/accepting submissions for Vol. 5, which I'm aiming to put out sometime next month.
Interested parties can purchase Vol. 2-4 at the link:
http://lcvonhessen.blogspot.com/2012/04/mass-culture-vol-4.html (http://lcvonhessen.blogspot.com/2012/04/mass-culture-vol-4.html)
Vol. 1 has been sold out since November and I only have three copies of Vol. 2 left. The most recent two issues are still in ample supply, though.
you have any info about amount of pages/size in general?
I can recommend the swedish artzine "ORMEN" published by Hornper (In Solitude / Invidious / No Future). He gave me the second issue some months ago and it was exceptionally dark and disturbing drawings, texts and collages. I guess only a few copies were made... No idea when third issue will be released but I'll try to mention it here.
Quote from: ghoulson on June 13, 2012, 12:30:59 PM
I can recommend the swedish artzine "ORMEN" published by Hornper (In Solitude / Invidious / No Future). He gave me the second issue some months ago and it was exceptionally dark and disturbing drawings, texts and collages. I guess only a few copies were made... No idea when third issue will be released but I'll try to mention it here.
Is there a way to contact him?
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 13, 2012, 11:51:49 AM
you have any info about amount of pages/size in general?
If this is addressed to me: dimensions are 5" x 7.5". Every issue thus far has been 28 pages long, although Vol. 5 is probably going to be longer. Helpful?
yeah, just asking since in world of today, with "art zines", there are these 8 pages = 5usd + post type of things. I prefer magazine to be magazine. If it's couple xeroxes or inkjet prints stapled together, then price should reflect it. Magazine sounds interesting.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on June 14, 2012, 08:56:37 AM
yeah, just asking since in world of today, with "art zines", there are these 8 pages = 5usd + post type of things. I prefer magazine to be magazine. If it's couple xeroxes or inkjet prints stapled together, then price should reflect it. Magazine sounds interesting.
Thank you. I've had people suggest I make cheap xeroxed copies to keep the price down, except I actually care about my work not looking like shit.
. . . And as of today, Mass Culture Vol. 2 is sold out. The rest are still in ample supply, though.
I found this website that has a large selection of zines, although some are a bit overpriced in my opinion.
They have some nice bondage material as well.
Here is the link for anyone that is interested:
http://www.alta-glamour.com/cgi-bin/glam/category/ZINE.html (http://www.alta-glamour.com/cgi-bin/glam/category/ZINE.html)
I am currently trying to collect Full Force Frank zines, and any other material that was published by Frank.
Should anybody have any material that they would like to sell/trade, please contact me.
"a bit overpriced" seems understatement for Randall's FUCK magazine for 250 usd, haha!
FFF stuff might be hard to get. I don't know how much else he did than 13 issues of magazine? I have some vague old info about Franks rare 40 mins long spoken word piece being intended to bootleg. It's rough stuff. More personal, more fierce than magazines ever was.
Quote from: Nachzehrer on June 30, 2012, 10:34:58 AM
I am currently trying to collect Full Force Frank zines, and any other material that was published by Frank.
Should anybody have any material that they would like to sell/trade, please contact me.
good luck on your endeavor. both of FFF zine's are about as rare as you can get. i spent some time trying to track them down a few years back, going as far as finding and emailing "frank" himself, which resulted in a very cryptic, overly serious, and quite funny response as to why he will never engage in contact with other humans on this earth. i also recently contacted him in regards to rumored FFF spoken word recordings, to which he responded- "i used to talk to the world, now i only talk to myself. take care". in the end, all i have are the AFFLICTION documentary as well as the FULL FORCE FRANK APARTMENT TOUR VIDEO (which is really funny for how dumb it is).
there is also this http://www.textfiles.com/anarchy/MISCHIEF/massacre.txt (http://www.textfiles.com/anarchy/MISCHIEF/massacre.txt). and Adam Parfrey wrote about him in one of the Apocalypse Culture books, or maybe it was both of them, i dont recall right now.
for purely comical reasons, i will mention that i know for a donation of $10,000 to the forbidden truth website, you can be granted publishing rights to all of the FFF material. also, someone on AMAZON is selling a few issues of Singin Dose AntiPsychotic Blues and Livin in a powder keg and givin off sparks for $1,600. a single issue of SDA-PB including one of those nifty FFF patches went for $100 on some serial killer memorabilia website. its funny, frank always said that one day his writing would be worth a pretty penny, and i am sure a bunch of zine geeks back then never believed him.
i will say, if you do get your hands on some, i am sure i wouldn't be the only one appreciative of a scan of it.
Yeah, I have all the original magazines - thanks to Keith. I also have in my possession the only existing (master) tape of this spoken word piece - Originally made and sent to French alternative radiostation. I believe it was aired once, and later this master tape travelled from station to next guy in France and then to me. I made digital transfer to CDR and gave it to selected people including the original source. It's possible someone eventually will make it available further. Like said, it is much more personal, much more brutal piece than the magazines. You know how Frank sounds when he is agitated (Affliction). Imagine that boosted with him going on with details of being sexually and otherwise abused by his parents and how he wants the enforce revenge on the world. He rants, non-stop, 40 mins. Revenge, death, abuse, mass murder.
great trivia on FFF!
would be amazing if someone released the recordngs!
some years ago I was promised by a friend (who used to have ties to TOPY Scandinavia), that he would donate his collection of FFF zines to me... need to remind this gentleman about this!
this was quite funny, but definitely less convincing than the other names we talked about.
his magazine FUCK was entertaining... check the videotape, that was quite hilarious, especially when he disturbs gospel singers in the streets with his loudspeakers, or when he joins anti-abortion marches carrying baby dolls.
I think Fuck magazines were much more harsh than the extermination zone book.
Video was ok, but probably in times of Jackass and whatever followed - probably much less now. Home videos of various goofiness and live music too. Few good bits like Tiny_Tove mentioned.
Unfortunately I could get only one issue of FUCK, so I can't judge.
The parts that I really enjoyed were the ones when he was talking about himself.
I used to correspond a bit with them... magazine was ok but hardly stand the tests of time. I borrowed out my copies of FUCK to a friend and haven't even bothered to get them back.
However, I would enjoy hearing more about the zines of Taint (?)...
i had a few issues of FUCK which were stolen from me. had the opportunity to buy every single copy from a really rad record shop in St.Louis, but passed. kinda regret that. I still have a copy of Extermination Zone. its fun to have for nostalgia purposes. remembering that at one time, getting your hands on a zine like this would possibly shock someone. but the internet has since killed that buzz i think. if you want to look at it from a current standpoint, its hard not to feel like he was trying really hard to be offensive. nigger nigger jew faggot retard blah blah blah. still fun to own and look at every now and then.
APOP at least had license to keep re-printing FUCK issues, so it may be worth asking them still now if they have any left.
I run a fanzine that may interest you guys
There is an interview with Full Force Frank in the last issue. Its mostly about exploitation flicks, hardcore punk, comics, books and weird stuff
44 pages. A4.
Feel It Records (USA) AVAILABLE http://feelitrecords.bigcartel.com/
Don't Buy Records (Netherlands) AVAILABLE http://dontbuyrecords.blogspot.fr/
Freak Out (France) soon
Interviews :
Cult gay filmmaker, with trashy flicks such as "Skin Gang", "Hustler White" or "Otto". LaBruce tells us some hilarious anecdotes concerning nazi skinheads, Ben Weasel, Toronto punk scene, or his old fanzine JD's, considered as a pionner in the Queercore movement.
Performance artist, ex L.A. punk in the 80s, close to Christian Death, member of the experimental duo Premature Ejaculation with Rozz Williams.
Brooklyn psycho loner. He made the buzz in the early 90s with his murder-zines, his weird videos where he appeared in leather and ski mask showing his gun collection, his interview in Feral House's Apocalypse Culture. Is he as he likes to think,after Nietzsche in the 19th and Manson in the 20th, the genius of this century ?
Movie reviewer for the Cinema Snob, as well as an actor, filmmaker and exploitation movie fan.
ALSO, articles on: T MODEL FORD, a bluesman who can still kick you ass even at 90 years old, BRION GYSIN and Burroughs hallucinating with the Dream Machine, the mystery of The Germs' blue circle, crazy japanese drawer TOSHIO SAEKI, ... Lots of movie, record, book reviews and bad taste.
And does anyone have scans of some FFF old zines, or Murder Can Be Fun?
This may be a longshot, but wondering if anyone has links to scans of any FFF, Fuck Magazine, or Forcible zines? Tried reaching out to APOP a little while back about Fuck but never got a reply (guessing they aren't checking email since the shop shut down.)
Quote from: wonderland_media on November 08, 2018, 03:33:31 AM
I have a lead on something here, if it comes to fruition I'll be in touch.
Another longshot, but anyone with scans of any of the old Natural Basis of Order zines? A Guide to Abuse, Commodity Called Sex, etc.? Would be interested in physical copies as well if anyone's looking to get rid of theirs.
Is anybody aware of an old zine called "OVO" which was being published in the late '80s/early '90s?
Quote from: nothingness on December 10, 2018, 02:13:25 PM
Is anybody aware of an old zine called "OVO" which was being published in the late '80s/early '90s?
Oh weird. That used to be more of an OVO archive. Looks like there are some PDFs out there.
Good zine.
I guess most people here have seen his Sotos/Pure takedown?
Quote from: eraciator on December 11, 2018, 12:39:41 AM
Oh weird. That used to be more of an OVO archive. Looks like there are some PDFs out there.
Good zine.
I guess most people here have seen his Sotos/Pure takedown?
Just took a quick look at that article, it's on issue #10. Several good points there.
Was that zine also part of the underground counterculture of the previous decades like the other ones mentioned earlier on this thread?
hey first post here, may be a long a shot but already tried everywhere elsewhere... any Full Force Frank zines/patches/film/anything for sale or trade,? i already have a copy of Affliction
Collection of FFF for sale at ABE for quite the premium.
Quote from: ashraf on February 11, 2019, 09:33:23 PM
Collection of FFF for sale at ABE for quite the premium.
That seller, Alta Glamour, have a website with lots of interesting items but they're pretty pricey.
I want to see more material related on THESE topics, but problem is, when someone talks about these subjects candidly, with the topic of transgression, then SOMEBODY has ti get offended, they turn it into a pissing match, because they personally can't handle certain topics.
Which is weird, because this is a Noise forum. how things get moderated make me say "fuck YOU." Even artists of projects I like MIKKO, the environment create sa weird environment with forum poster mentalities.
Do people even appreciate transgressive art here, people like Bataille or Noise artists like Intolitarian?
Serious question. Makes me lose respect for this place, because of squeamish users.
One gets the impression of: poser mentality: pretending to be interested in transgressive art, but not really.
And, so I lose interest for it. This is an honest question, but forums have troll mentality, so fuck this, then. All forums have the same mentality, and everybody on the internet is troll, because of virtual communications.
So, I don't give a fuck about it. And that is all.
It is matter how things are expressed, not the content itself.
Pick up zines of this topic, and they rarely appear as bunch of crybabies nor bullies. There is certain element of creativity and insight in most of them.
There is pretty much nothing creative, obscure, or devilish in culture related to some sort of victimhood. Like "one can't say anything these days".
The thing that seems to be missed by a lot of people, is that provocation and transgression that exists in industrial-noise, it is not trolling. And when it is, it is usually lame as fuck.
Purpose of this forum is not to infect industrial-noise with lowest forms of internet, but to use remaining possibilities of internet for advantage of industrial-noise.
If that is too much to ask, then I think 4chan or such doesn't even require registering? One can go there trolling any time, any day? Over here, rules are very very simple for benefit of bigger thing. If it's not transgressive enough, one can imagine that as fascist rule - just to feel core of devilish hateful vibes ;)
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 22, 2020, 10:40:53 AM
It is matter how things are expressed, not the content itself.
Pick up zines of this topic, and they rarely appear as bunch of crybabies nor bullies. There is certain element of creativity and insight in most of them.
There is pretty much nothing creative, obscure, or devilish in culture related to some sort of victimhood. Like "one can't say anything these days".
The thing that seems to be missed by a lot of people, is that provocation and transgression that exists in industrial-noise, it is not trolling. And when it is, it is usually lame as fuck.
Purpose of this forum is not to infect industrial-noise with lowest forms of internet, but to use remaining possibilities of internet for advantage of industrial-noise.
If that is too much to ask, then I think 4chan or such doesn't even require registering? One can go there trolling any time, any day? Over here, rules are very very simple for benefit of bigger thing. If it's not transgressive enough, one can imagine that as fascist rule - just to feel core of devilish hateful vibes ;)
No, that's fucking stupid, because you totally misunderstood what I wrote. 4chan is abysmal. Fuck 4chan. Trolling is a fucking total waste of time. I said by sharing iconoclastic opinions, one courts controversy because some people can't handle it and try to turn it into a pissing match, because of that lack of ability.
And, therefore everyone becomes a troll, by expressing fucking anything, because people take offense because of sensitivity. Surprising to see a trace of it, on a Noise forum, though older members here are here generally cool. So of course one can say anything, and I do, ALWAYS, and it pisses off sensitive cunts.
Yet, I'll still voice my opinion, and honestly, if others don't want to hear it, FUCK THEM.
Doesn't make me a troll, just them fucking MONGOLOIDS.
Fact of life. I despise victim culture. Don't imply fucking otherwise.
Quote from: AnonMessAgeSage on August 22, 2020, 04:47:05 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on August 22, 2020, 10:40:53 AM
It is matter how things are expressed, not the content itself.
Pick up zines of this topic, and they rarely appear as bunch of crybabies nor bullies. There is certain element of creativity and insight in most of them.
There is pretty much nothing creative, obscure, or devilish in culture related to some sort of victimhood. Like "one can't say anything these days".
The thing that seems to be missed by a lot of people, is that provocation and transgression that exists in industrial-noise, it is not trolling. And when it is, it is usually lame as fuck.
Purpose of this forum is not to infect industrial-noise with lowest forms of internet, but to use remaining possibilities of internet for advantage of industrial-noise.
If that is too much to ask, then I think 4chan or such doesn't even require registering? One can go there trolling any time, any day? Over here, rules are very very simple for benefit of bigger thing. If it's not transgressive enough, one can imagine that as fascist rule - just to feel core of devilish hateful vibes ;)
No, that's fucking stupid, because you totally misunderstood what I wrote. 4chan is abysmal. Fuck 4chan. Trolling is a fucking total waste of time. I said by sharing iconoclastic opinions, one courts controversy because some people can't handle it and try to turn it into a pissing match, because of that lack of ability.
And, therefore everyone becomes a troll, by expressing fucking anything, because people take offense because of sensitivity. Surprising to see a trace of it, on a Noise forum, though older members here are here generally cool. So of course one can say anything, and I do, ALWAYS, and it pisses off sensitive cunts.
Yet, I'll still voice my opinion, and honestly, if others don't want to hear it, FUCK THEM.
Doesn't make me a troll, just them fucking MONGOLOIDS.
Fact of life. I despise victim culture. Don't imply fucking otherwise.
Yeah, your opinions are all fine with me, but I don't normally engage much in topics like these (sensitive cunts, mongoloids, or whatever). But maybe I'm not that good in English language to recognize all the meaning of it.
What I want (and most of the time always get) from this forum, is as simple as the guidelines in short version: LESS DRAMA - MORE NOISE. And this is also because of the moderators interventions or whatever you may call it.
And I like "transgressive" discussions as well, because in my simple mind, these just belong to Industrial/Noise/PE "culture"...
But what do I know...?
Think of me as you will! I want NOISE, and discussions, recommendations, reviews, etc. about it. If we have some good topics in the Art section, I'm happy to contribute. But in case I have the feeling that I don't know what I'm talking about, I just keep my mouth shut.
For those who have instagram, I started a page @apocalypseculture666 on this topic. 90s hate zines, mondo films, Nick Bougas, Jim Goad, Fuck zine, Trevor Brown and so much more... A lot of really rare stuff, and much more to come
For the ones who don't have instagram you can still look it up : https://www.instagram.com/apocalypseculture666/?hl=fr
Long running zone from Australia with personal letters from serial killers
Some of the early issues are off their heads.
Worth trying to source them!!
Quote from: Neons Fanzine on October 06, 2020, 01:25:11 AM
For those who have instagram, I started a page @apocalypseculture666 on this topic. 90s hate zines, mondo films, Nick Bougas, Jim Goad, Fuck zine, Trevor Brown and so much more... A lot of really rare stuff, and much more to come
For the ones who don't have instagram you can still look it up : https://www.instagram.com/apocalypseculture666/?hl=fr
You are doing great work. I was just about to plug this, didn't know who was behind it.
Quote from: Neons Fanzine on October 06, 2020, 01:25:11 AM
For those who have instagram, I started a page @apocalypseculture666 on this topic. 90s hate zines, mondo films, Nick Bougas, Jim Goad, Fuck zine, Trevor Brown and so much more... A lot of really rare stuff, and much more to come
For the ones who don't have instagram you can still look it up : https://www.instagram.com/apocalypseculture666/?hl=fr
Some of this sounds interesting. I might finally have to give in and make an instagram to look through it more closely.
I don´t know if I´m off topic or not, anyway in the 90ies used to be published a music magazine around the industrial culture, which contained different articles of non-musical related topic of the brown and grey area, like Heathenism, magick, political and philosophical ideologies. In particular I remember one number which contained a super interesting article about NS activists under the DDR regime. I think the name was "Fifth Column" or something like that, and I remember there were 5 issues on pdf to be downloaded from the net, but I can´t find them anymore and since years I don´t own the computer anymore, where those zines have been downloaded in. Somebody can maye help me recalling the name (even better with a link to download them again)?
Quote from: Into_The_Void on October 17, 2020, 06:57:53 PM
I don´t know if I´m off topic or not, anyway in the 90ies used to be published a music magazine around the industrial culture, which contained different articles of non-musical related topic of the brown and grey area, like Heathenism, magick, political and philosophical ideologies. In particular I remember one number which contained a super interesting article about NS activists under the DDR regime. I think the name was "Fifth Column" or something like that, and I remember there were 5 issues on pdf to be downloaded from the net, but I can´t find them anymore and since years I don´t own the computer anymore, where those zines have been downloaded in. Somebody can maye help me recalling the name (even better with a link to download them again)?
You obviously refer to the
Fifth Path, here you can find all five issues in PDF: https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22The+Fifth+Path%22
Quote from: nothingness on October 17, 2020, 07:14:48 PM
Quote from: Into_The_Void on October 17, 2020, 06:57:53 PM
I don´t know if I´m off topic or not, anyway in the 90ies used to be published a music magazine around the industrial culture, which contained different articles of non-musical related topic of the brown and grey area, like Heathenism, magick, political and philosophical ideologies. In particular I remember one number which contained a super interesting article about NS activists under the DDR regime. I think the name was "Fifth Column" or something like that, and I remember there were 5 issues on pdf to be downloaded from the net, but I can´t find them anymore and since years I don´t own the computer anymore, where those zines have been downloaded in. Somebody can maye help me recalling the name (even better with a link to download them again)?
You obviously refer to the Fifth Path, here you can find all five issues in PDF: https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22The+Fifth+Path%22
Exactly! I was stuck on this "Fifth Column", thank you so much for the reply and the link, much appreciated!
I loved The Fifth Path! The fella who put that together died, didn't he? He was also involved at the start with Michael Moynihan and the Tyr publications, I think. Robert Ward - that's it!
Yes, he died in 2004. Didn´t know about his other editorial projects, will dig them for sure.
A very interesting publication from 1994, concerning the northern european Myths (Wotanism) observed and analysed from a modern spiritual / gnostic / psycho-magical perspective, with lot of precise references to their Hinduistic counterparts and some references to Jung´s archetypes theory. Extremely interesting in my opinion. You can download it for free here: https://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/PathOfWotan.pdf
It has been written by the founder of NS Kindred, Joseph Turner.
After Robert Ward finished Fifth Path, he took over as editor of Vor Tru, starting with issue 50 (having had minor involvement from issue 48). Vor Tru 50-59 were heavily influenced by the Fifth Path. Same visual style, same people, same bands. Ohm Clock also bears the hallmarks of Fifth Path, it's no coincidence that Robert Ward was interviewed in Ohm Clock 1.
I'm looking for a 'zine in this vein called Nice Guys Finish Last. Not the modern one that comes up on google, it's a mid-'90s 'zine from Las Vegas, the editor called himself Sick-O. Any help appreciated.
Hey does anyone have Mike diana Angelfuck #2. I just want to see a picture of what the cover is. Also who has Mike diana Slaughterhouse Comix
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 24, 2009, 12:52:23 AM
Helter Skelter (ITaly) Edited by Alex Papa of Mondo Bizzarro located in Rome. Bilingual version with interviews, articles to ATWA (Charles Manson organisation), Michael Moynihan (Blood axis), Jim Goad, Jan R. Bruun, John Pirog, Buttgereit, David Kerekes and Castiglioni brothers
How many issues of Healter Skelter were there? Because I've got one, called Mondo Extremo, circa 1998. But it's the only one I've ever seen or heard of.
Somebody knows where I can find scans of the german Sigill magazine?
Quote from: Into_The_Void on February 09, 2021, 12:30:47 PM
Somebody knows where I can find scans of the german Sigill magazine?
Here's one I could find online. Featuring Coil, Yukio Mishima etc.. https://imgur.com/a/isjuQsb
The DI6 Archives also have one of their Interviews scanned there.
Quote from: Into_The_Void on February 09, 2021, 12:30:47 PM
Somebody knows where I can find scans of the german Sigill magazine?
Have these I'm sure. The one with Zero Kama, Endvra etc? Send me a PM
Quote from: Coiled on January 27, 2021, 07:16:55 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 24, 2009, 12:52:23 AM
Helter Skelter (ITaly) Edited by Alex Papa of Mondo Bizzarro located in Rome. Bilingual version with interviews, articles to ATWA (Charles Manson organisation), Michael Moynihan (Blood axis), Jim Goad, Jan R. Bruun, John Pirog, Buttgereit, David Kerekes and Castiglioni brothers
How many issues of Healter Skelter were there? Because I've got one, called Mondo Extremo, circa 1998. But it's the only one I've ever seen or heard of.
Alex Papa is keeping busy building his museum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RpOciEWN7o
someone remember a French fanzine called Necrophonie?
in a bizzare format like half A4.
Quote from: ANDROPHILIA on April 25, 2021, 05:05:24 PM
someone remember a French fanzine called Necrophonie?
in a bizzare format like half A4.
Yes. I had an issue with Lustmord and Steel Hook Prostheses features. Maybe Propergol too?
Did anyone ever own or still owns a copy of Dr Randall phillip FUCK issue 9? Its just a skull on the cover. Been Looking for it for years
Quote from: Knotkunt666 on July 01, 2021, 03:58:14 AM
Did anyone ever own or still owns a copy of Dr Randall phillip FUCK issue 9? Its just a skull on the cover. Been Looking for it for years
It's not "just skull", but skull in middle of pentagram, with big swastika pasted on the middle of forehead. In many ways "classic design" for zines that cover things mentioned in subject. I have also that issue.
this sounds like it could be up your streets:
Quote from: Coiled on January 27, 2021, 07:16:55 PM
Quote from: Nil By Mouth on December 24, 2009, 12:52:23 AM
Helter Skelter (ITaly) Edited by Alex Papa of Mondo Bizzarro located in Rome. Bilingual version with interviews, articles to ATWA (Charles Manson organisation), Michael Moynihan (Blood axis), Jim Goad, Jan R. Bruun, John Pirog, Buttgereit, David Kerekes and Castiglioni brothers
How many issues of Healter Skelter were there? Because I've got one, called Mondo Extremo, circa 1998. But it's the only one I've ever seen or heard of.
I think they were all available on line as pdfs or scan on an Italian hacker culture site. I have all issues but not here so I can't rememeber.
https://archive.org/search.php?query=healter+skelter you find 4 here but I am sure there are others. One of the missing issue is about trash cinema, the other I can't remember, will check if I still have them reachable at my parents' tonight.
Alex did a series of 6 a5 zines like this first and then a pro printed a professional one https://www.timeless-shop.com/product/healter-skelter-collective/
Then he also publushed Mondo Bizzarro Magazine that was color covered but similar attitide.
not relevant but I reviews some stuff for Alex in Mondo Bizzarro which was then the name of his and his wife Gloria's two extreme art galleries in Bologna and Milano.
Alex (with Corbelli and and a few others) kept alive industrial culture and radical aesthetic through a quite boring period and served as a great network man who put as all together and get to know each other.
Give a listen to his ritual project New processean order that involves some ugly mugs like Dolpo, Candor Chasma, Spectrae and yours truly.
Technically not a zine, but apparently Full Force Frank has been active and praising Covid as of April 2020: https://www.forbiddentruth.blog/__ode_to_covid19/
Quote from: tiny_tove on November 17, 2021, 04:51:39 PMI think they were all available on line as pdfs or scan on an Italian hacker culture site. I have all issues but not here so I can't rememeber.
https://archive.org/search.php?query=healter+skelter you find 4 here but I am sure there are others. One of the missing issue is about trash cinema, the other I can't remember, will check if I still have them reachable at my parents' tonight.
Alex did a series of 6 a5 zines like this first and then a pro printed a professional one https://www.timeless-shop.com/product/healter-skelter-collective/
The one I've got is pro-printed A4, looks totally different to these ones. Also the contents are more like a regular zine with music interviews, whereas these early ones are more like Manson scrapbooks.
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on August 10, 2022, 03:38:08 AM
Technically not a zine, but apparently Full Force Frank has been active and praising Covid as of April 2020: https://www.forbiddentruth.blog/__ode_to_covid19/
Is this definitely him? Is there an official Statement or something? Would be kind of interesting to see him reappear.
Quote from: Verkhaner on October 31, 2022, 01:45:24 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on August 10, 2022, 03:38:08 AM
Technically not a zine, but apparently Full Force Frank has been active and praising Covid as of April 2020: https://www.forbiddentruth.blog/__ode_to_covid19/
Is this definitely him? Is there an official Statement or something? Would be kind of interesting to see him reappear.
I think so, though I can't remember exactly how I came across the site that I linked. I believe that I found it through an interview with and/or about him, which might have linked to one of the comments posted on the new website. The writing style certainly seemed to match Frank's, at very least.
Was this already here?
Taste of Bile zine (late 80's Keith Brewer) with some info:
Quote from: Streicher on May 31, 2010, 03:07:20 PM
Actually, "Pro Patria Mori: Unhallowed is the Word for War" was the title of the first volume of Streicher 'propaganda' pamphlets back in the early '90s. It came in a black ring binder with the pamphlets inserted in transparent plastic pockets. It was my intention at one point to re-issue this in a larger edition and in a better bound book form, if there was enough interest from people to warrant going to the expense of doing so (or if a suitable publisher came forward). Thus far, its status is still 'on the backburner'...
I've been slowly working my way through the Degenerate zines and read about this. From his interview it sounds like basically no one has a copy of it. But I figured I'd ask if anyone on here has seen it or has scans/pics? Or even the singular pamphlets? There was a flickr page link a long time ago but it no longer works.
Btw those Degenerate zines have been a pleasure to read. Tons of great interviews!
Oh - and for the pervs - the new IOPS "Porn Recycle" zines have been enjoyable as well. Its basically what it sounds like. Scans of images from various magazines that I'm guessing are from the 70s or 80s, maybe earlier. Content ranges from hetero closeup penetration to more of the fetish side of things - rubber, leather, etc. Possibly taken from Atomage or Shiny magazines. The star of the show is the continuing short story. Its worth picking up both issues for that at least. Looking forward to #3.
There will be PORN RECYCLE zines curated by other noise perverts. Each doing their own style, so depending who recycles his favorites, the content will vary.
Would anybody be able to provide scans of Organizer/Too Negative/Ultra Negative magazines here? That'd be highly appreciated.
Looks like a listing/seller to keep an eye on: https://www.ebay.com/itm/295955690124?hash=item44e855728c:g:TPUAAOSwZvllF0F2&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwFLkmumT5mNElvqxTWg09WioQD%2FOazhIxZ%2Fld5cz1NMYWpEoG%2FNOxnALmEihoLG356tA4cQ1ltXjcRV%2F0ungLdeytoV4GuHZdWIoTKysMF%2BuINlwCgcfdkK8Kfo%2FMq%2B%2FJhH4A0d5zfJMA884WrbRVubNs%2FV9OEsb1A43jPmBKF%2FbeAk6bn2UEYiGgeMQA2q%2BhwQwS3qyIrlfgb%2FMOZ98i6E44m92%2B%2FfSoj42hbPKPkEFuvZH4Y%2BAfV27xfIEvPUPig%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7TQsMbhYg
Peer Pressure Press has published a Forcible collection. Ordered, as I have not read the original issues.
Quote from: Manhog_84 on June 26, 2024, 08:14:28 AMPeer Pressure Press has published a Forcible collection. Ordered, as I have not read the original issues.
Got my copy few days ago,great stuff...
Quote from: PeteHarma on June 26, 2024, 07:54:26 PMQuote from: Manhog_84 on June 26, 2024, 08:14:28 AMPeer Pressure Press has published a Forcible collection. Ordered, as I have not read the original issues.
Got my copy few days ago,great stuff...
Has the Forcible zines worked as any influence on Contortus lyrics? For example the short fiction "Okay". The onslaught of violent deeds described until a last, dryly sarcastic line is dropped. It somehow echoed Contortus.
It's also interesting that these were written by a woman(?). Truly transgressive stuff indeed.
The murder of Riley Fox was also a case I had not read about before. Very eerie. Victim's father seems to have died last year in a car crash.
Quote from: Manhog_84 on July 24, 2024, 10:22:53 AMQuote from: PeteHarma on June 26, 2024, 07:54:26 PMQuote from: Manhog_84 on June 26, 2024, 08:14:28 AMPeer Pressure Press has published a Forcible collection. Ordered, as I have not read the original issues.
Got my copy few days ago,great stuff...
Has the Forcible zines worked as any influence on Contortus lyrics? For example the short fiction "Okay". The onslaught of violent deeds described until a last, dryly sarcastic line is dropped. It somehow echoed Contortus.
No i had not read "Okay" before i got the book,don't know if Puumalainen has, main influences for me writing lyrics are '70s and '80s Sexploitation,Gore,Porn etc movies and '80s and '90s Transgression cinema and literature like Fuck,Answer me! zines and Total abuse book etc...Lot's of death/killing/torture footage found online and all shit that happens in modern world.