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GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => GENERAL VISUAL ART / LITERATURE DISCUSSION => Topic started by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 25, 2010, 11:26:40 AM

Title: Äärimmäistä Kulttuuria - eXtreme-minuuksien historiaa dadaismista Hunter S. Tho
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on March 25, 2010, 11:26:40 AM
I was driving in car to work. I turn on radio, and there is interview or discussing between some expert and radio journalist. It's about this book, published in Finnish language by Finnish researcher about history of extreme cultures and extreme art. I had started to listen somewhere in the middle, but among the first things was journalists questions, why would anyone want to publish this kind of study of meaningless subcultures that are so vile and disgusting and have no real meaning in our world. Of course this could be also mere provocation, but, many of his other questions showed such actual lack of insight or noticing the meaning of certain things what has later developed as part of popular culture itself, out of the marginals. Perhaps it was the main concern, that things like school shootings are being linked with it.
Anyways, while listening this radio discussion for c. 5 minutes that takes me to go work, I actually just took another turn and went to bookshop to buy it. 30 fucking euros for paperback. I guess that's the price you gotta pay for marginal interests paperback nowadays.
I have just few last pages to read. It's a quick read. And easy. In one hand, it is just a educational book for those who don't know much. But perhaps also experts can still get something out of topics as: DADA, Fluxus, performance arts, vienna aktionists, Hunter S Thompson, Throbbing Gristle, Laibach, SPK, Psychic TV, Fakir Musafar, Bob Flanagan, Einturzende Neubauten, and so on and on and on.. Modern primives, neo online community "tribes",...  Nearly 200 pages goes really fast. It is nothing for music nerds to learn about how some of these bands worked musically their particular releases etc.. It's about the artistic intent, cultural climate, descriptions of actions and performances, the results and so on. Most of all it's about problems in nature of avantgarde movement. About going over the edge. The confusion and mental problems. Basically core of book is shown in name: when book name translated: "Extreme Culture - history of extreme self-images from dadaism to Hunter S. Thompson". It is about the self-image. Problem of psyche. Problems of modern human finding his identity only from extremist "experiences", instead of true emotions. Fuck with viagra, get aroused by unnatural pornography, get excited with cocaine, calm down with prozac. As member of non-existent tribe that lives online scattered worldwide, as substitute of some traditional community. With members sharing very little similarities other than being "outsiders". It covers changes from past generations where the subculture and feelings were often directed into things like changing the world, and doing something, and power of mass movement. And now, with generations of selfish hermits in utmost search of hedonistic extremes. Where me me me, and utmost praise of "individualism" is the key word.

Many of the themes are very "traditional". Or should I say, expected. Something I feel I could have (or lets say: have) said myself over and over again. But like in the radio discussion, this journalist says several times, that the book covers cultures what are utmostly and totally unheard and distant for "normal human being" and I recall that he mentioned either than anyone less than 30 wouldn't have even heard of DADA and such early things, and the older generations have no idea of existence of many modern subcultures. And they couldn't even imagine them if they should.
Well, I guess so. Being around these topics most of my life, it seems mundane and normal. And it sometimes surprises me how clueless people are about many many things.

For finns, I could recommend to get this. Foreigners will probably never see translation. One could think there could be small market for it, but in English there must be books about each and every individual topic discussed in this book. It is at the same time too wide and too shallow, but for quick historylesson, reminder and light weight night time reading -> 30 euros to your local bookstore.

I think probably should start few discussions inspired/reminded by this book.. we'll see.

Oksanen, Atte
Äärimmäistä kulttuuria - eXtreme-minuuksien historiaa dadaismista Hunter S. Thompsoniin
1. painos • NID
ISBN: 978-951-0-34401-9 192 s.
OVH: 29.00 €

Taiteessa on järkytetty sosiaalisia normeja, murrettu eettisiä koodeja ja rikottu soveliaisuussääntöjä. Taiteilijat ovat runkanneet ja paskoneet yleisönsä edessä, viillelleet ja kiduttaneet kehoaan ja ammuttaneet itseään kiväärillä. Historia on täynnä provokaatiota, joka on järkyttänyt vanhempia sukupolvia ja iskenyt suoraan kulttuurisiin hermoihin.

Radikaalit itseilmaisun muodot, jotka toteutettiin ensin taiteen piirissä, laajentuivat 1900-luvun myötä osaksi populaarikulttuuria ja tulivat sittemmin osaksi jokapäiväistä mediamaailmaa ja arkea. Äärimmäistä kulttuuria leikkaa näihin riskeihin, vaaraan ja haluun toteuttaa omaa itseä kokemuksen äärirajalla. Se käsittelee kulttuurisia äärimmäisyyksiä dadaismista nykypäivään, porautuu extreme-minuuksien täyttämään elämään ja etsii rajaa, jossa äärimmäisyydet kääntyvät mielenterveysongelmiksi ja kouluampumisten kaltaisiksi tragedioiksi.
"Teos hämmentää, mutta myös auttaa ymmärtämään, mitä taiteessa ja kulttuurissa tällä hetkellä tapahtuu, ja mistä kaikki on saanut alkunsa."
- Niina Kestilä, Kainuun Sanomat

"Oksanen kirjoittaa taitavasti ja vetävästi."
- Joonas Kuikka, Hämeenkyrön Sanomat
Title: Re: Äärimmäistä Kulttuuria - eXtreme-minuuksien historiaa dadaismista Hunter S. Tho
Post by: MT on March 26, 2010, 07:15:07 PM
Seems interesting enough, I placed an order. I got it for 23 euros through Suomalainen.com. I will return once I've read it.
Title: Re: Äärimmäistä Kulttuuria - eXtreme-minuuksien historiaa dadaismista Hunter S. Tho
Post by: MT on May 04, 2010, 09:35:37 PM
I read the book and it was alright. Nothing mindblowing and I found the whole trying to reveal the mystery of extremes via scientific concepts really unnecessary. But I guess it could not be avoided. Some good stories about the Vienna Aktionists, which I have not been familiar with before. The book mostly gave me good kicks and interesting concepts which I have never thought about before. But the end part of of the book was really pointless to me, didn't really have any direction. But I liked the middle part where was the parts about Vienna Aktionists, Genesis P-Orridge etc. Sure you can have deep talks about the motives of extreme art but I think it doesn't open up with scientific talk, it is more of a passion.
Title: Re: Äärimmäistä Kulttuuria - eXtreme-minuuksien historiaa dadaismista Hunter S. Tho
Post by: FreakAnimalFinland on May 05, 2010, 08:25:34 AM
Hermann Nitsch is one of the sound artists you may want to check out. There are lots of expensive releases of him, like recent box set of minimalist organ drone on VOD. But for some free of charge rarity experiences, for example ubu-web:
skip the piano pieces first, and go straight to organ concert?
Title: Re: Äärimmäistä Kulttuuria - eXtreme-minuuksien historiaa dadaismista Hunter S. Tho
Post by: MT on May 10, 2010, 09:34:40 PM
The Orgelkonzert was not available for some reason, but I found it via other ways. It was really nice music, puts all these modern drone acts in shame, the sounds were really damn heavy at times. And no effects etc used, just organ! There should be a lot more organ drone stuff abusing the lowest possible end, the sound is really impressive when it goes real real low.