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ANNOUNCEMENTS : new releases : live gigs : classifieds => NEW RELEASES ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: M.M. on October 07, 2018, 04:01:38 PM

Title: THEODOR BASTARD "BossaNova_Trip" CD
Post by: M.M. on October 07, 2018, 04:01:38 PM


"BossaNova_Trip" is the highlight of the early experimental period of Theodor Bastard. A non-vocal electronic album recorded by Fedor Svolotch (Alexander Starostin) in 2002 several years before the formation of the band's key line-up. 14 original utterly minimalistic tracks of the album were on the cutting edge of the avant-garde trends of that time and are worth comparing to the best glitch releases of such labels as Mego, Raster-Noton and Sonig. Aimed at the most sophisticated music lovers, "BossaNova_Trip" has completely fulfilled the ambitions of Fedor Svolotch as a skillful master of sound design and had a strong influence on the unique sound of the later well-known albums of Theodor Bastard. It was on this recording that the track "PU's_Tota" originated in its initial electronic proto-version which, in highly modified form, became the band's first major hit two years later. This reissue features a bonus track – the vocal version of "PU's_Tota", originally released on the compilation that came along with the BulDozer#2 magazine. The melody and the lyrics sung by Yana Veva, which are now so familiar to the fans of Theodor Bastard, appeared in this version for the first time.

This is a co-release by Fulldozer Records (http://fulldozer.org/) and ZHELEZOBETON Distribution Division (https://zhbd.bandcamp.com/).
