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Cranial Blast

Quote from: Manhog_84 on January 28, 2024, 03:32:17 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 26, 2024, 09:26:39 AMTEMPLUM N.R. "Spectrum DCXCIII: Poison Portals" CD

One of the best spoken word pieces. Amazing atmosphere! Magnetic Breath - The Possession tape is equally good I think. The use of beats is even better, but it's shorter and not available anymore.

Magnetic Breathe - The Possession might be my favorite Templum N.R. release and one of my favorite dark ambient tapes in general. Templum N.R. are truly the unsung heroes of dark ambient music, that's without a doubt.


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 23, 2024, 08:39:46 AMSubliminal "Gracebudd" CD
Another project that probably is quite widely known, but always in shadow of Haus Arafna or NN. If one wants to hear the hardest side of Galakt Horrö stuff, then Subliminal releases are ones to pick up. Bleak, monochrome, moderately rhytmical, industrial-noise, power electronics.

A great album! Perhaps a bit monotonous by design but it hits heard. The songs "Kids" near the end always sticks out most in my mind. When the synths are that rugged and crunchy I cant get enough. That song could be twice as long by my reckoning.


KAVARI - Against The Wood, Opposed To Flesh - Noise, dark and cinematic ambience, field recordings. Lovely.

Kotha - Black Animal Hex - Testing Vault's Daniele Santagiuliana does ultra dark black metal/noise.

Bandcamp collection -

Fistfuck Masonanie

YKSI - Ultrasensory Exploration CD (Freak Animal)

I think the last CD from the most recent Freak Animal batch that I had left in my listening pile. I'm only familiar with a couple of previous tapes on Satatuhatta. Out of the two, I really enjoyed White Magic the most. Solid tape. Looks like this is the artist's debut on the CD format as well and he utilized every minute of it!

A lengthy release clocking in at 74 minutes, but don't let that deter you. The average track length is almost 20 minutes but the artist uses the time well. It's different from any other project that immediately comes to mind and I like this detailed, exploratory, expansive sound the artist works with. Psychedelic sounds for sure but grounded in harsh noise. Some comparisons to maybe C.C.C.C. or even some Government Alpha could be made but it's less harsh than that and it fills a different space. Straddles a fine line between the exploratory psychedelic sounds and subtle harsh underbelly.

I'm really enjoying the dynamics. The sounds shift a bit as the tracks develop but it all expands on a theme and stays interesting. It's not ADHD all over the place but gradually develops over the 20-minute track lengths. A rich tapestry of sounds. The whole theme comes together very well and the track titles and the art absolutely match the sounds.

Debut CD from the artist is great, again, not familiar with all of his past material but this feels a little more developed and honed than the other releases I heard. Very much enjoyed this release.


Morning coffee music of the day:

Merzbow - Solonoise 1

More than one hour of early eighties Merzbow is really a hard thing to endure. I don't know what it is about it, but it does not cut it for my tastes. Too much just random clatter and fapping about and unfocused. I prefer the 90´s.

Azoikum - Menschenhass

Starts off with distorted junk-abuse, but then goes more into harsh noise and PE-territories. Quite a nice ride with good variation between the tracks and nice loops emerging from the chaos every now and then.


COMMANDO 15 - Inner Insurgency Manual CD (Freak Animal, 2024)
Third release from C15, and yet another step in his very own direction. The restrained room recorded hiss drenched feedback and simple pulsating loops are still around, but here coupled with ripping old timey noise. The latter, while definitely wild, is still held in a leash, so to speak, the bursts violent yet brief, keeping the album fairly coherent even though it swings inbetween extremes. And it's the inbetween moments which really sing, although I wouldn't want to be without anything on offer here. The label blurb mentions something about early euro noise and power electronics in a contemporary "broken noise" context, and yeah, that sums it up rather well. Consumer Electronics, S°Core at its bleakest and most simple, and Krang come to this mind, but still not too close to either of them. And the sound; perfect! A very "close" room recording which really brings out everything, perhaps more than there actually might have been, from the few sound sources at play. Lends an element of instability and surprise to it all.
Eager to hear where C15 will go from here. It's far from a perfect album, and I do have complaints, but the fact that this doesn't sound like much else, and that I'm certain there are even better albums ahead... kinda makes it perfect anyway.

F/I / BOY DIRT CAR - Split LP (RRR, 1986)
F/i's side is all over the place. From synthy, almost melodic, sample heavy industrial to monotonous three chord rock with wah wah soloing, with no definite distinction between. It's charming and it works for being so careless. I'm sure they had an audience, but I can't imagine the band had it in mind.
Boy Dirt Car is fantastic. Percussion, rumbling bass, acoustic clang and bang, humming and snarling vocals, and hopelessly 1980's sounds. In the (extremely charming and enlightening) Noisextra interview from a couple of years back, Eric Lunde downplays his role in the group a bit. But Lunde is such a massive presence in whatever context he's in, and while BDC does differ alot from his later solo work, the bridges between are plenty.

ASHLEY C - Timeless Reality CD (Freak Animal, 2011)
Been sinking into this quite a few times this week.  Junk and mangled tape, an ancient recipe by now. Sewer Election's Vidöppna Sår LP comes to mind straight away. But as the tracks pass by, Timeless Reality gradually opens up, spirals off into more hazy dream like vistas. A bouncy synth loop in the midst of acoustic wreckage in track 6 immediately makes me think of the much more recent album Hangman Cut Himself Loose by Kyle Flanagan from 2022. Love this CD. Definitely a product of its time, but simultaneously it gravitates elsewhere, in its own direction.

BIZARRE UPROAR - Sikiöasento 2CD (Filth & Violence, 2017)
Great longform loop driven noise with some healthy restraint here. The dryness of the first disc wins me over. Takes some craft to keep a piece like that maintaining its momentum, but the core loop, or whatever you might want to call it, immediately sets its hooks in. The similar but more varied second disc is just as great. A slow but steady tumble of earthy texture and motion. The occasional vocals obscures the view for me at times - not bad per se, but were they really needed? - but still, it has me sitting deep in the couch. Not a big consumer of Bizarre Uproar, but I've dipped my toes now and then. Seems like this era is more of my thing, than the earlier period(s).


MACRONYMPHA "Whorecestra" 3xCD
Dada Drumming
Really good one here! When hearing that there will be triple CD set of one Macronympha tape, I was first cautious what it is going to be be, but now this certainly is reissue that even if you'd have the original, you need this. Exxxcellent harsh noise!

KERÄNEN "Tammisalo tapes - the final early recordings" CD
Was it on this forum or some other discussion where I heard someone mentioned they prefer these early recordings of Keränen. Indeed, one could say from harsh noise perspective, EST tape release Green Car Crash (2009) must have been his best noise release. CD's that came after that, were perhaps more "advanced" in synth department, but from sheer noise perspective could not compete with these recordings. Synth stuff I like way less than the early days when he would mix contact mics, guitar pick up mic, turntable needle, small objects, tiny amplified speakers etc.. and pull out massive noise.

LETTERA 22 "Salvado" CD
Friend of mine been saying the cd ain't that good, but what the hell!! This is absolutely great! Long room recording of weird noisy experimental set. Just one long tape loop going through multiple reel-to-reel machines and couple microphones in the room capturing the process of what is going on. Hard to really put on words what it is. I do agree it is not aggressive noise, but I would still consider this noise of some sort. Thinking things like TNB est mort with Feral Confine, Organum and such..
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


It's only February and we already have the best OI! record of the year. The Chisel are back and go even further than the previous masterpiece Retaliation, leaving the hard skin worship at their back and demonstrating they are a wonderful band by their own. some of the best singalong I've listene in a long time and less short sloganistic tunes than in the back.
instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
telegram for updated list:

bad milk

COMMANDO 15 - Inner Insurgency Manual CD
Driven through a small amplifier and recorded like a '98 Finnish dark metal rehearsal tape. Honest, live recorded noise, top shelf release!

Fistfuck Masonanie

Black Leather Jesus - What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours c90 (Dada Drumming)

An immense c90 from the one and only BLJ. I just got the new Top On Trial CD in the mail from Chondritic Sound along with the new Richard split with Scott Houston's Respirator. Before I pop either of those in, I was looking at my BLJ collection and realized I've had this tape since it was released back in 2020 and I don't recall if I ever actually listened to it.

So the tape is a mix of "studio" material and live tracks. No mention of who the lineup is on the studio tracks but the live tracks have a massive lineup with Richard, Sean, Kevin Novak, Domokos, Austin Caustic, Carol Sandin Cooley, Tanner Garza, Nathan Golub, and Zack Guttowsky. I'm assuming that the line-up varies per track, especially from the studio to the live line-up but the notes don't specify.

The first 45 minutes on Side A are broken up between three "studio" tracks. It's probably redundant or unnecessary to describe any Black Leather Jesus release as "crunchy." The tracks here are very much that however. There are a lot of clipping and peaking frequencies. Sounds are pushed to the limits and collapsing under their own weight, choking on themselves, with a very blunt and tape-saturated sound. The third track carries more dynamic weight around "harsh ambient" though and floats around harsh themes and textures while escaping the tendencies of the first two tracks. 

I hate to call this Harsh Noise Wall because there is more activity to it and that term has become such a stain with the onslaught of HNW MP3 online labels and so forth. However, this is very much the old-school 90s noise wall like BLJ's own early material and early Dead Body Love. For a 2020 release, this captures the early 90s spirit exceptionally well, even compared to other recent BLJ material of recent memory.

The 45 minutes on Side B are all live tracks. Four shows were captured in March 2019 across Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Denton Texas. A little funny that these live shows are at times more dynamic and nuanced than some of the material on the studio tracks on side A. Just look at the massive lineup above and it's obvious there is room for a breadth of sound. The layers of artists produce a more independent and alchemistic sound and while all the tracks are good, the third and fourth live tracks stand out and are exceptionally good.

Well, I've gone and written too much about a tape I meant to summarize in short. I'll stop here and say it's "very good."

Cranial Blast

White Magician - Dealers Of Divinity

Received a tape version of this album from Matt War /label (Dystopian Dogs) for free with order and it's quite good if you're looking for that hard rock/proto heavy metal/NWOBHM type of sound. It's full of great riffs and nice heavy metal clean style vocals. If you're into bands like Satan, Randy, etc. Check em out! Same MI guys from another great heavy metal known as Demon Bitch.


Carnivore: Retaliation
What a fucking great album.
Steele was a genius of provocation.
The mix of hardcore and thrash is the best in the whole genre.
From time to time i love to listen to this classic
North Central
Mademoiselle Bistouri
Daddy's Entertainment.


Quote from: Stipsi on February 11, 2024, 10:33:00 PMCarnivore: Retaliation
What a fucking great album.
Steele was a genius of provocation.
The mix of hardcore and thrash is the best in the whole genre.
From time to time i love to listen to this classic

one of the best records ever....

Cranial Blast

Quote from: Stipsi on February 11, 2024, 10:33:00 PMCarnivore: Retaliation
What a fucking great album.
Steele was a genius of provocation.
The mix of hardcore and thrash is the best in the whole genre.
From time to time i love to listen to this classic

Fucking right! I 2nd that notion big time! Definitely the true highlight of Peter Steele's career without a doubt. Type O Negative was okay, but definitely nothing when compared to Carnivore and quite possibly one of the best Roadrunner/Roadracer releases ever! Definitely one R.R.'s most unique bands on the label at that time especially, solid mix of punk metal mayhem that can only be rivaled by maybe...Warfare?? Also regarding Type O Negative as being a bit of a lackluster, there is this new band called Zetra from the UK whose gone on to sign with shitty Nuclear Blast, but they to me seem like a band who were somewhat influenced by Type O Negative, but do it better! They're definitely in the darkwave post punk rock sound, but still reminds me a bit of Type O Negative. I just think they do that sound a bit better for what it's worth. Nuclear Blast will find a way to short live that juvenile creativity I'm sure...haha

Fistfuck Masonanie

Keränen – Tammisalo Tapes - The Final Early Recordings CD (Usagi)

I'm honestly not super familiar with the work of Tommi Keränen. I know he is one part of Testicle Hazard and his love for Mikawa and Incapacitants knows no bounds. I believe I recall an interview in a noise mag where he discusses his love for tea. However, I've never really delved into his noise works. Despite being very familiar with his name and having listened to noise for 20 or so years now, it's an artist that has escaped me so far. I think we are all guilty of this to an extent with the absolutely extensive breadth of artists in the genre despite being a small community, there are only so many folks we can keep up with.

As it turns out, this is a very fun and wide-ranging release. It's an overview of early 2000s tracks across various releases. There is a thread on the Scream and Writhe forum about "Happy Noise" and this release reminds me of that. The sounds are very enthusiastic and dare I say "positive". I don't know how to relate how noise comes across as happy and positive, but this somehow comes across to me that way. You can tell Tommi loves noise from listening to these tracks. The linear notes reinforce this notion as well. There is an enthusiastic energy that is almost joyful.

As an introduction to an artist with a deep and active history in noise, I'm embarrassed that this is my first foray but it's very enjoyable. Thanks to Usagi for reissuing these choice cuts!

Corral Shut – Upsidedown Crossbreed CD (Satatuhatta)
In complete and utter opposition to the good feelings I got from the last CD. Here is Corral Shut with one of the most negative and corrosive noise albums of recent times. Extremely high gain feedback and metalwork that reaches the upper echelon of frequencies, Corral Shut is channeling pure frustration. Sometimes I want feel-good music, and other times I want noise to drag me down to the absolute gutters and this is that kind of noise. Corrosive and degrading.