SPASTIC BURN VICTIM - 'Care Home Inferno' 12" - Noisecore/grind

Started by Cementimental, February 25, 2014, 05:43:34 PM

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(This LP from my noisecore sideproject has actually been out for a while but I still have bunch of artist copies and need money at the moment so please buy! <^__^;)

Spastic Burn Victim - Care Home Inferno
12" LP with 47 tracks!
Released by Hirntrust Grind Media
£13 UK, £16 Europe, £17 World. Paypal to

Spastic Burn Victim are a London harsh noisecore/grind stuporgroup feat. members of Skat Injector, Halo,The Digitariat, Cementimental, Gymnastic Decomposition. Unashamed and unrelenting
grindcore, noise and electronics in a haphazard blurring whirlwind of harsh filth!

Some sample tracks:

If you're outside the UK you might prefer to get it from a distro/store closer to you, including Freak Animal :) - Hirntrust Grind Media, Austria - Freak Animal, Finland - Crucial Blast, USA - Electric Knife Records, London -SBV official store (also has t-shirts etc. but if you just want the record then please buy from me, I need the cash ^__^;)




Quote from: Crucial BlastWith an album title like Care Home Inferno, you would be a fool to expect anything than the over the top, tongue-in-cheek sonic extremism that this band has detonated on their debut album. A celebration of wonton destruction and unsuppressed violence, this is the first offering from Spastic Burn Victim, a new band that features screamer Zara Skumshot from British gabber / grindcore / noise perverts Skat Injector on vocals and Robert Allin (formerly of Australian sludge / industrial duo Halo) on drums, along with various other noisemakers assisting in these extremist micro-blasts of fucked-up avant garde grindcore.
   The band's debut is an almost totally incoherent nightmare of ridiculous grindcore savagery, spread out across the album's forty-seven tracks. Song structures? Forget about 'em. These guys take the most ear-bleeding aspects of deformed power electronics and ultra-chaotic noisegrind and mash 'em together into short, furious blasts of crushing, spazztoid hatred. It's almost more like some brutal Japanese harsh noise act than real grind half the time, these thirty-second eruptions of heavily layered chaos laid out over hyperspeed beats, crushing electronic noise and ultra-distorted synth, all whipped up into a cyclone of total sonic dementia. The album opens with a sputtering electronic rhythm that crashes through bizarre looped noises and squelchy synth slop, then quickly hurtles at supersonic speed into a relentless onslaught of sloppy, insanely noisy grindcore. It sounds like a hundred different effects pedals are all blasting off simultaneously throughout all of this, and the effect is similar to what Sete Star Sept might sound like with an army of malfunctioning Korg synths, broken Atari 2600 consoles and circuit-bent robots all erupting in the background. It's a goddamn mess, but a gloriously psychedelic one. The crushing guitar riffs are buried under a cacophony of noise and distortion, while all sorts of broken piano melodies, ultra-distorted bestial shrieking, garbled tangles of squealing tape noise, sudden blasts of pounding gabber beats, and bleating saxophones are all strewn haphazardly through the songs, and the blasting drums seem to not so much be playing a straight blast-beat, but rather cranking up into an insane, octopoidal free-improv blast session, as if someone hurled Mick Harris and his drum kit down a 55-story elevator shaft and recorded the whole thing. These guys are playing some seriously bizarre, noisy grindcore here, a butchered noise collage of brutal ear-bleeding violence with absurd song titles and imagery like "The Man Who Married His Own Tapeworm", "Mutton Dressed As Wham", "Werewolf Circumcision" and "Touched On A Bus". Noisecore / noisegrind freaks will love this migraine-inducing ear-war that sounds like some fucked fusion of Scum-era Napalm Death Scum and early Boredoms and the mutant noise slop of Crank Sturgeon.
   Limited to two hundred seventy-five copies.   © CRUCIAL BLAST


A01) Offering a Peanut to a Lesbian, I'm in the Band Y'know, it's gonna be Alright
A02) Strangers in Overcoats
A03) The Man who Married his Own Tapeworm
A04) You don't have a Leg to Stand on Because you haven't got any Legs
A05) Faxed Kidney
A06) Anyone in a Foo Fighters Tribute Band should be Taken out and Shot in Front of their Kids
A07) Public Mushroom
A08) Decent Ketamine should be Graded KKKKK. That's Kerrang! for Good
A09) There's no Child's Arm here, you've got the Wrong Farm
A10) Rupert Marduk
A11) Black Pudding Handshake
A12) Nigel Havers Celebrity Dildo Challenge
A13) No One Told us there would be Fish in the Sea. The Children were Startled
A14) Wiped it on a Stale Baguette and Wept Bitterly
A15) Mutton Dressed as Wham
A16) Slugrat
A17) Crouching Spastic Battered Mars Bar
A18) Werewolf Circumcision
A19) The Game is up, you Lose an Artery
A20) Raped for a Current Bun
A21) Horrendous Trip to the Dentist
A22) Touched on a Bus
A23) Smiths Disco at the End of Return of the Jedi
B01) Awful
B02) Bit of a Children's Man
B03) There's No Place in my Heart for a Monkey
B04) Angry Breakfast
B05) Unsure Burger
B06) What your Cat's Breath REALLY Says about you
B07) Colditz Salad
B08) Recreational Bulldog
B09) Where did that Blood come from?
B10) Casual Binman
B11) They Only Wear the 'Baby on Board' Badges to Fool other Passengers into Believing they've Actually had Sex
B12) Dr. Cahill
B13) Help Teach Kids how the Government Works by Simply Taking all their Sweets from them and Telling them to Fuck Off
B14) Fred West Side Storey
B15) Orthopaedic Hooves
B16) The Horrid One with the Sugar Addiction
B17) To Live and Die in Romford
B18) Unpleasant Glove Puppet
B19) It's Dangerous out there
B20) Sam-Ra
B21) Fresh Legs
B22) Hi Five for Unprotected Sex
B23) I can't Believe it's not Incest!
B24) Vampire Shirt