MuhMur Radio

Started by Steve, October 17, 2012, 12:24:27 PM

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I have uploaded last weeks programme (sorry for the delay)....This broadcast features an exclusive archive recording from The Wax Infant (William A Davison & Jim DeJong) along side pieces from X-TG, All The Dead Pilots, FRKSE, Ø and more ... please take a listen.

Thank You.
Next broadcast will be on May 11.


I have uploaded last nights programme ... This broadcast features new sounds from Aaron Dilloway, Stephen Cornford, Filtro and Stuart Chalmers alongside some old favourites from SPK, Ramleh and MNEM and a load of other sounds too! Please take a listen here ...

Next broadcast is on May 25.


Back on the air after 4 weeks. A grab bag of sounds featuring Boyd Rice, Anji Cheung, Con-Dom, Korea Undok Group, Aaron Dilloway, Filthy Turd and more! The MuhMur Radio Election Night Broadcast.


A journey back in time! Playing post-industrial / post-punk tracks from 1979-1983(ish) for two hours and reasons too complicated to explain here!
Back on July 6 with more up to date noise!