Halalnihil - Férfiak, Nők, és Gyerekek

Started by SNR, April 08, 2013, 12:55:49 PM

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The new Halalnihil material 'Férfiak, Nők, és Gyerekek' features 17 minutes of Harsh Power Electronics, with intense lyrics, massive pedal loops, and maximized gain. Contains the original Hungarian lyrics, and it's professional English translation, in a PDF booklet. Price is 3 EUR only!
Here : http://halalnihil.bandcamp.com/album/f-rfiak-n-k-s-gyerekek


Tape version is also available from now! Originally released as a digital download, at Halalnihil's bandcamp site. Sound material, and images are remains the same. No extras. Material repeats on B-side.
Limited edition of 33 copies. Price 4.5 EUR! You can also buy it from bandcamp for 5.5 EUR, and you get it along with the FLAC version for only 1 EUR, as an extra!
Write here: hnhn000000@gmail.com

Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/Halalnihil-F%C3%A9rfiak-N%C5%91k-%C3%A9s-Gyerekek/release/5024112