OK, we all know that there's plenty to make fun of about this band at times. But still, they'll always have some unarguably classic material that pleases all types of indus./PE/noise/whatever listeners. What are your favorite WH albums, and why? What ones stand out for you as complete turds? Why?
Lately I've been on a buying spree of all the earlier albums (except Total Sex and Birthdeath Experience...haven't found those particularly engaging, yet). I'd say I like New Britain best of the "early style" due to the electronics despite it's lacking in the vocal department. I like anything through Twice Is Not Enough pretty much equally depending on my mood, however. Haven't heard any full albums after that one so I can't say I've fully digested '90's and '00's WH. But, I'm quite looking forward to those since Sotos' contributions play a bigger role, especially "Private."
Anyway...any shit anyone would like to sling? I'm really curious especially about people's criticisms. I'd like to think that any band so influential is seen as equally silly.
Bird Seed
The first two albums were pretty tentative and still looking for a sound - Total Sex is a stinker in my view.
A favourite early one is Dedicated To Peter Kurten, I love the punchy way it was three-minute 'songs' as if it was a punk album. Yet highbrow little details like the Robert Ashley sample on Ripper Territory. Still sounds brutal thirty years in.
The early 90s was a pretty bad time for Whitehouse, it was a part-time concern doing very occasional shows with no fixed lineup and Twice Is Not Enough and Never Forget Death both sound half-assed and way too gentle on the ears compared with earlier and later work.
Quality Time from the mid-90s is a phenomenal record with some plain bizarre sounds and vocalising and some depth in the lyrics being added with the Sotos input.
Of the later records I really really like Asceticists 2006. Philip Best's lyrics on that, Racket and his last CE album are very clever, personal, obsessional and well-delivered. The review by Steve Underwood in ALAP of Crowd Pleaser really hit the nail for me talking about how so many in power electronics claim to have 'personal obsessions' which are exactly the same as all the other people in the scene: serial killers. S&M etc etc - so corny! The late era Whitehouse subject matter did try to escape the conservatism of a scene they inadvertently helped spawn, and when you figure some of it out it's as 'dark' as you could wish for also.
So much about the band that is utterly ridiculous of course. I get the feeling that a lot of the humour in the band hasn't translated too well outside the UK over the years. Even the supposedly heavy live shows as a three-piece before Sotos left were just really camp and silly beerfights with grown men behaving like kids in a sandpit and you'd see more real violence in any 'normal' nightclub on a Saturday night.
I think it's an amazing body of work, I know many people here didn't enjoy Cut Hands (I thought it was OK, pretty low-key) but as far as I'm concerned William Bennett could go on to do Sting covers if he wanted and still have my respect.
I'm assuming Whitehouse's reputation has rested on their live shows and their particular place in Industrial history, because whenever I've listened to their recordings I've heard lacklustre, repetitive and often thin and uninvolved sounds and arrangements, usually lacking any intensity either up front or sinister. "Mummy And Daddy" was an improvement overall but interesting they couldn't sustain it for an entire album, having to give half of it over to Sotos's audio porn collection. They've repeated themselves again since then (how does any band justify using the same tracks on more than one album? Is there any logic to that other than a need for filler?). The element of silliness, often justified as "humour", always defeats me and I'm inclined to agree with a friend who suggested they started off simply as a joke and took themselves more seriously over the years. Nor am I convinced by any efforts to pass their music off as some kind of "difficult listening" - there's a difference between that and straight up boring. Suffice to say I am no Whitehouse fan.
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on December 05, 2011, 02:33:35 AM
(how does any band justify using the same tracks on more than one album? Is there any logic to that other than a need for filler?). The element of silliness, often justified as "humour", always defeats me and
I agree with that, same reason I dislike everything SJ has done after
Deathmask...I laugh too much. If I wanna laugh at a fucked up situation I'll put my ear to the ground and listen to my neighbor beat his wife.
Whitehouse is a mixed bag too. I am obsessive over the Come Org material but not so much with Lawly.
The early albums from Erector up to and including Great White Death are best IMO. My favourites are New Britain and Psychopathia Sexualis. While they became more complex and interesting lyrically on the later albums the music lacks the sharpness and punch of the earlier ones. I lost interest after Bird Seed and haven't heard the last two albums.
Whitehouse may have given birth to the genre and they had their time but they are not the be all and end all. Many others have made more interesting and valuable contributions since. The genre carries on and it keeps evolving.
my favorite work of theirs in easily BIRTHDEATH EXPERIENCE.
They are classic, there is no doubt about that. Especially Great White Death, Erector and so forth are fantastic, from later era Birdseed and Cruice are great too. Harsh and unpromomising digital attacks with insane vocal work. Maybe they have a sweet spot for me, since they were one of the first pe groups I fell in love with. Yeah yeah sure Bennett is a cunt and Cut Hands is really terrible, just like the drumming tracks in the last Whitehouse albums. But thankfully mr. Best keeps ripping it up with CE
I guess this group was better after 1990 year. My favourite album is "Quality Time". BENNETT wrote better lyrics, used better his voice and music was more structured with very interesting sound, concept. Their earliest music was too primitive (poor) for me. From the first period I like especialy their "Birthdeath Experience" and "Great White Death".
i especially like(d) the way they (=Sotos+Bennett+Best) could work a crowd in such a way people would beat the crap out of each other.
I enjoyed everything they have done, more or less. Yet my favourite one are still Thank your lucky stars and Great white death.
I have seen several times them as trio (bennet/sotos/best between) between the 90's and the latest European tours, and as duo.
Quote from: THE RITA HN on December 05, 2011, 05:40:26 AM
my favorite work of theirs in easily BIRTHDEATH EXPERIENCE.
Seconed + Total Sex. IMO the true essence of Power Electronics.
For me, When I first heard Whitehouse they were nothing like anything else that was going about, in sound, attitude, concept etc. Like an intense flash of white light. Excellent. "Psycopathia Sexualis" and "Great White Death" are classics. "New Britain" was a favourite upon release but I haven't heard it in ages, certainly listening to old Whitehouse tracks now...they have lost their power a little (Total Sex). Their live shows in the 1980's were stronger than those in their final years. Naturally.
"Thank Your Lucky Stars" is a great LP too, but (I think) that is old stuff...I have a live version of "My Cock's On Fire" from circa '86.....
By the time of the mid 1990s and the Sotos years the sound / approach etc was predictable and a shame it had to happen. Whitehouse tribute bands and comedy albums - who was it that did "I'm Coming Round Your House"? The scene became JapNoise Crazy and The Wire got hold......Never mind.
If you've never heard Whitehouse then listen to anything up to and including "Great White Death" is my advice.
I have met William Bennett a couple of times and he never came across as a cunt, just very polite and chatty.
I am non too keen on CE or SJ and have never heard Bennett's Ital Disco or Cut hands projects.
Quality Time was the first PE cd i buyed ever in 96 makes me laugh a lot at first listen lol
i loved it so much to get the cd artwork tattooed on back of my bicep couple of years later :)
I fell in love with Whitehouse as soon as I heard them. Sure, easy enough to peg them as being a bit Monty Python but they're still an act I return to regularly as it always felt right. I like the last couple of albums, perhaps it got a little "polished" but for me they're still good quality compositions. As for the ridiculousness, you can take WH and something like Now Wash You Hands and I think there is a distinct difference between what has an undercurrent of humour/satire and what is just comedy/daft.
The book Micro-bionic: Radical Electronic Music and Sound Art in the 21st Century by Thomas Bey William Bailey has a chapter on them.
Thanks, will have to check that out.
"Still Going Strong" published in the 90s by Impulse magazine was a great collection of many reprinted pieces on Whitehouse - first edition came with the cover version cassette featuring many obscure artists mentioned above which included the unforgettable "I'm Comin' Round Your House" ('I'm comin round your house/Take my coat my friend/Make me a cup of tea, two sugars/I'll bring all my Whitehouse albums/YOU WON'T LIKE THEM").
Unfortunately long out of print as is the similar scrapbook 'Birthdeath' from the 80s.
I think AES NIHIL still sells the xerox archive version of one Whitehouse book, that collects all katalogues, and other misc material. therefore lots of lyrics, photos, artworks etc.. I think was it 250 xerox sheets. Most definitely worth it. Strength Through Joy did the real binded version of same thing, I assume? Never saw it.
My first touch with Whitehouse was getting Halogen and some old albums as tape dubs. First CD I bought was Total Sex, and back then it did sound crappy compared to rest. During the years bought pretty much everything I could get my hands on. Missing very little - except live tapes I didn't feel like collecting too much. Probably have couple dozen anyways.
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on December 05, 2011, 03:34:13 AM
Whitehouse may have given birth to the genre and they had their time but they are not the be all and end all. Many others have made more interesting and valuable contributions since. The genre carries on and it keeps evolving.
This is something what I always think when people praise endlessly what Whitehouse has done and look down on all "followers". As if all originated from WH. I would guess majority of bands still owe more to other bands, even if they get labeled under "PE".
BUT, when you listen to albums, then you simply think: many have tried - very few have succeeded. Everybody always talks about "whitehouse copycats", but as simple as it is, I don't think anyone has really managed to copy their style. And perhaps thanks to studio production, a lot of albums are in my ears pretty timeless. The new material probably ages much sooner than material of 80's and 90's.
I can't pick any favorites. I think latest thing I was listening, was some re-issue LP's and Buchenwald CD. I think that CD is simply so fierce and disturbing, it competes hard with sheer violence of New Britain. I think I should next rotate Right To Kill LP.
Buchenwald is their most disturbing album & even better than New Britain i think
I use to have the orig BIRTH/DEATH book & some of the xeroxes were hard to read so Aes-Nihil's may have some stuff that's close to impossible to read.
I've not really given Cut Hands much of a whirl yet, but I did have (on my other PC I think?) a podcast-of-sorts that I seem to remember featured Bennett and was centred around the whole afro-noise thing. Can't remember what it was called, I'll check my external harddrive sometime. It's an interesting enough listen but fucked if I can remember what it was called or where it was from. Think the same guy/site did a show with/about Nic Bullen/Alienist too.
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 07, 2011, 01:01:42 AM
Twice..." is worth owning just for all the little details in Trevor's artwork.
Yea I thought all of those little obscure elements in that cover art is really well done. The picture of Dacahu sticks out but the Man Ray De Sade picture doesn't, I still can't find it (unless it is that little clock looking thing between the doors in the back). Where is it?
I have a poster for T.I.N.E. & on the left side, there's half of something that says 'sade' at the bottom. Not sure if it's suppose to be a clock or painting since you can only see the letters.
I have no idea who I got the poster from...
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 05, 2011, 01:39:04 AM
Everything is mandatory up tp "M+D" which is the last thing they did I like.
RIGHT TO KILL was the first thing I heard & I hated it. "Just a bunch of feedback" was my thought but the titles were AWESOME. Then I bought the SLAUGHTERHOUSE live lp & more 'just feedback' then a recording of GREAT WHITE DEATH arrived in the mail- HOLY SHIT. Still a great record. Love all the little details, studio tricks. Also love ERECTOR, PETER KURTEN, NEW BRITAIN (didn't like the sections of silence when I first heard it), & the 2 more difficult to find: PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS and RIGHT TO KILL.
I remember reading somewhere that the pieces of silence are ultrasonic sounds, you have to turn it up real loud with specific headphones to hear it and even then you aren't even suppose to really "hear it" but rather know there is something there. I've tried, it still sounds like nothing to me. I have some CD's that are suppose to help with "Astral Travel" that are made up of ultrasonic sounds which you can hear and some of them are rather nice sounding.
Im shocked that anyone has not mentioned the "latter" albums...I thought they were amazing... I even enjoyed Racket !
Quote from: ironfistofthesun on December 11, 2011, 11:25:52 PM
Im shocked that anyone has not mentioned the "latter" albums...I thought they were amazing... I even enjoyed Racket !
im a big fan of Cruise
It's in one of these 6 interviews: http://web.archive.org/web/20011022031906/www.neox.demon.co.uk/whitehouse/archives/interviews/
This site also has a few issues of Kata scanned (issues 2-9 and 14-17 are working): http://web.archive.org/web/20011118144720/http://www.neox.demon.co.uk/whitehouse/archives/come/kata/
I had to google what "ultrasonic sounds" might mean, and it's not really something you press on an LP, so I assume Bennett has a definition all of his own. Or he just kind of likes words that sound vaguely vicious and futuristic.
...and you will want to listen to this rip of Psychopathia Sexualis, I'm certain:
Thanks, I've been looking for a good rip of that. I always wondered why the hell they didn't use some English voice samples in the beginning of those tracks.
one of Bennett interest is spanish so maybe that's why ...
The Spanish voice is Jordi Valls from Vagina Dentata Organ.
Quote from: bitewerksMTB on December 11, 2011, 07:24:17 PM
I just got a very nice, clean rip of RIGHT TO KILL. Love the brutal, minimalist sounds; seems like it's just his voice & feedback but then I notice low-end rumbling and those great watery synth sounds (I like to use'em too). I'm told the rip may be available on some of the usual blogs.
"Death Penalty" is so fucking intense! My personal copy of R.T.K. is pretty clean but it's been so long since I've listened to it. I ripped it once but no clue where the disc is & the turntable I used was cheap (the turntable used for this rip was very high-end!). Bet my cd-r doesn't even play anymore...
As mp3 or lossless wav, excellent.
Quote from: Tommy Carlsson on January 19, 2012, 12:32:27 PM
Incredible, is it still active link? Probably, Mr. BENNETT has not time to check Internet now...
Quote from: ImpulsyStetoskopu on January 19, 2012, 02:15:34 PM
Quote from: Tommy Carlsson on January 19, 2012, 12:32:27 PM
Incredible, is it still active link? Probably, Mr. BENNETT has not time to check Internet now...
I think he gave up on all that as a losing battle - certainly as far as live material and out-of-print stuff gioes.
It's an unfashionable opinion but he has my sympathies in wishing to control how musical output is promulgated. So many mp3s available for free are of terrible sound quality. I heard a rip of the Cut Hands album before buying it that was so glitch-riddled it barely resembled the actual recording. I don't think it's the best thing he's done by a long way but that bootleg sure made it sound a lot worse than it is.
Conversation with William Bennett on his sound collection.
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on January 24, 2012, 12:42:06 AM
Conversation with William Bennett on his sound collection.
Very interesting!!!
Bennet is one of the more interesting individuals to garner a good deal of attention in the noise/p.e. genres. The music he has been creating for decades has been of a very high quality in almost every case. I'm enjoying Cut Hands very much, and hope to make it to one of the shows on the current tour. Promises to be a great live show.
Seems like the only interesting thing about Cut Hands would be if Bennett was doing all the voodoo drumming himself & was painted in black face, dancing around the stage with snakes, fire, smearing blood, with a bone in his nose,and waving around a machete.
I heard that is what he is doing this tour, Keith...
Does anyone know what the Aes-Nihil book looks like? I have a chance to buy the following book for just over a $100, and am not sure exactly which book it is. The person selling it calls it the Come Org Files and does not refer to Aes Nihil at all but it sounds like its the same book from the description of the content, and if so I have no problem shelling the cash out...
So do any of you know if this is the same book (or at least the reprint of the Aes Nihil book)?
I was thinking that it could be the original "Birthdeath" book published by Strength Through Joy in WA state (which I believe the Aes-Nihil book is a poorer quality copy of) but it seems as though that has a different cover. Here's an online image of the Strength Through Joy one from popsike...
So now I'm really intrigued as to what the volume you're being offered is... will be interesting to see what info other folk here can provide...
EDIT: Having done a bit more research... According to a post on the Minimal Wave forum (http://minimalwave.com/forums/viewthread/1828/) the Kakos/Strength Through Joy Productions book from 1986 was itself an expanded version of a volume released by the Come Organisation in 1984. So perhaps the image is of that... Of course, I can't vouch for the quality of information in that post from the MW forum. I'm sure there are folk on here who know a lot more than me & can help clarify...
Quote from: davenpdx on May 26, 2012, 09:30:53 AM
I was thinking that it could be the original "Birthdeath" book published by Strength Through Joy in WA state (which I believe the Aes-Nihil book is a poorer quality copy of) but it seems as though that has a different cover. Here's an online image of the Strength Through Joy one from popsike...
So now I'm really intrigued as to what the volume you're being offered is... will be interesting to see what info other folk here can provide...
Anyway, I have this one (with this same cover) and I am able to sell it. If anybody is interested in buying, please write to me with a price offer.
Quote from: RyanWreck on May 26, 2012, 08:36:43 AM
Does anyone know what the Aes-Nihil book looks like? I have a chance to buy the following book for just over a $100, and am not sure exactly which book it is. The person selling it calls it the Come Org Files and does not refer to Aes Nihil at all but it sounds like its the same book from the description of the content, and if so I have no problem shelling the cash out...
So do any of you know if this is the same book (or at least the reprint of the Aes Nihil book)?
i got the exact same from Membrum Debile when he closed down. don't know what source, some of it in difficult to read/bad scans...
100$? aes-nihil still offers theirs for 70$ lol
BIRTH/DEATH is what I use to own. When I ordered it from Abo/Incubator, he had STJ send it & it was his LAST copy. St.Degeneratus of Ultra also helped out on it. I did not know it was an expanded ed. of another collection. I've never seen the Aes-Nihil edition. When I sold B/D on ebay a few years ago, it only went for $70 or so. I think A-N is probably copies of the B/D which is pretty grainy already...
I have a copy of this Aes-Nihil version. I found two copies for $10 each at Bookman's in Mesa, AZ back in 1997 or so. I believe it is just a reprint of the original Come Org. Files book with all the Katas. The last page with other Aes-Nihil publications listed calls this "The Whitehouse / Come Organization File", so I assume that's where the seller gets that info from. Some of the print can be hard to read in places, but that's really only a small percentage of the material. The covers are all individually printed/stamped. Lyrics, misc. articles on Whitehouse & serial killers, concentration camps, etc., live show reviews & flyers, photos, mail order catalogs, Miguel Angel Martin comics (yes!!), etc. Some articles in other languages like Dutch & Italian. Overall, a very nice book if you don't have these materials elsewhere.
Quote from: P-K on May 26, 2012, 01:45:40 PM
aes-nihil still offers theirs for 70$ lol
Where? I can't find it on their website.
Thanks. Looks like that's the way to go.
Is the "Birth/Death" book pretty much the same thing? Kata, lyrics, fliers, inserts, etc? Are the Kata sections difficult to read? Some of the copies I have are nearly impossible to read so are the ones I have found scanned on the internet.
that 'birth/death' book on popsike was mine. it was always my understanding that was most complete version, but maybe that's wrong.
it should be noted that on aes-nihil they are selling 'files' not 'books'. i'd double-check exactly what your're buying first. you could just be buying a load of photocopies from an already grainy book, but the vast majority of the 'birth/death' book at least was perfectly readabale
there is also another uk printed book called 'still going strong' from the early 90s which i used to have. it reprints some of the come org stuff (interviews, articles, reports on live actions, etc mainly) and has a new section on susan lawly. all the text is new and not photocopied. plenty of original pictures reprinted.
tommy sold his copy of 'still going strong' here a while ago it seems - some good pics :
also, some words about all the books on the susan lawly forum here :
Thanks a lot for those links. Helpful information. I'm looking into getting that "Still Going Strong" book as well. And yea I noticed they said "files" on the Aes-Nihil website which made me send an e-mail asking about that. When I find out what it is I will post the info here for anyone curious.
"files" means it in very traditional sense. It's not computer files.
Whitehouse book is the pages put together, but many other "files" is just pile of paper, not books or zines. Storage in a way you want.
My copy of the "Birth/Death" book is very easy to read - not grainy or smudged or badly xeroxed. A pleasure every page! I got my copy from Birthbiter in the late 1980's. Essential for every Whitehouse fanatic.
Two long coaching lectures of William Bennett are available at Vimeo.
William Bennett On assertiveness: http://vimeo.com/21158662
"25 years ago William Bennett created a new genre of extreme electronic music with his project 'Whitehouse'. He is the founder and owner of the label Susan Lawly. Bennett teaches advanced communication skills by giving regular lectures and also by coaching large companies. His special area of expertise is meta language.
Like an invisible make-over the real secrets of charisma enhancement are how to achieve unstoppable confidence and the perfect energy for all those challenging situations which you will no longer feel any apprehension. Techniques are introduced for a wide variety of essential contexts, such as interviews, public speaking or even dating.
This BASECAMP took place on 24 November 2005 at Institute For Music And Media in Düsseldorf."
William Bennett On Persuasion: http://vimeo.com/22599494
"Presentation skills, both practical and advanced, are easy to learn. That's where many of us go wrong because we often believe this is either a gift one is born with, or is difficult to learn. In the real world in these contexts, you are not 'presenting', you are in fact 'persuading', and William Bennett will show you how easy these advanced persuasion skills are to acquire and enjoy, such as: unconscious influence and persuasion secrets; powerful body language skills; keeping audiences interested; coping with interruptions, awkward questions or challenges; how and when to add humour. Having this kind of knowldedge will give you an enormous edge over others to help you achieve exactly what you want.
This BASECAMP took place on 20 April 2006 at Institute For Music And Media in Düsseldorf."
Actually quite interesting to watch/listen. It's also somewhat amusing to see him speaking so politely and charmingly. Still I all the time anticipate him to rip the shirt off in front of audience and scream SHHITFFFUUUUN!
Now I just feel sorry for him.
I remember William telling me in the late 90s (when discussing Stewart Home's performances, specifically the reading of the story 'Cheap Night Out' -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTVTxwq1GCc ) that the idea of speaking in public was the one thing that terrified him so he must have made a conscious effort to learn a new skill. I'm not a fan of the whole self-help and motivational genre but these lectures were competent enough. Not one of his better haircut ideas though!
Quote from: Vigilante Ecstasy on June 15, 2012, 01:32:55 PM
Actually quite interesting to watch/listen. It's also somewhat amusing to see him speaking so politely and charmingly.
"William Bennett has no dick" - HANATARASHI had right...
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on June 15, 2012, 02:14:45 PMStewart Home's performances, specifically the reading of the story 'Cheap Night Out' -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTVTxwq1GCc
Fuck you, Stewart Homes, just fuck you, you pretentious psued! "...the tough-minded Aussie attitude to art..." - go rape yourself, you ponce! Stockhausen was a trillion times the man you are, you are not fit to suck his decaying cock right now! Fuck, I may not care much about Bennett but at least he has true influence, unlike that "living work of art" Homes! What a cock!
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on June 15, 2012, 02:28:21 PM
Quote from: HongKongGoolagong on June 15, 2012, 02:14:45 PMStewart Home's performances, specifically the reading of the story 'Cheap Night Out' -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTVTxwq1GCc
Fuck you, Stewart Homes, just fuck you, you pretentious psued! "...the tough-minded Aussie attitude to art..." - go rape yourself, you ponce! Stockhausen was a trillion times the man you are, you are not fit to suck his decaying cock right now! Fuck, I may not care much about Bennett but at least he has true influence, unlike that "living work of art" Homes! What a cock!
Haha, he was once a friend of mine, I still think some of his books are pretty good especially 'Come Before Christ And Murder Love' and '69 Things To Do With A Dead Princess'. His shitstirring antics can be amusing until you get caught up in them, right now after his ill-advised and psychologically revealing Wakeford material from a few years ago and the ensuing fallouts (wmtn etc) I pretty much agree with Michel Prigent who told me in 2000 'this guy is just a cunt'.
I guess the conspiracy theory about Stewart would be that he was persuaded/blackmailed into occasionally working for the state in about '94 when his prank supporting the fatwa on Salman Rushdie for literary reasons went wrong and Special Branch appeared at his door. Shortly thereafter green anarchists ended up in prison, he started a ridicule campaign against Larry O'Hara who had written lots of material about how British intelligence manipulate and infiltrate politically extreme groups, most interestingly his fiction began to allude to being controlled by sinister forces. He's no James Bond or Sefton Delmer, just a nervy guy, and this theory has been widely discussed by many people I know, I feel kind of sorry for him if this is the case. He should give Michel his stolen address book back though.
Home started really well, the whole feuding thing was fun, then lost it.
Quote from: Stuart HomesThe main blog posts on Who Makes The Nazis are on the whole very good, the comments are often extremely tedious due to trolling by fascists and neo-folk fan boys.
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on June 15, 2012, 03:39:42 PM
Quote from: Stuart HomesThe main blog posts on Who Makes The Nazis are on the whole very good, the comments are often extremely tedious due to trolling by fascists and neo-folk fan boys.
Yeah well, obviously a Ukrainian academic with mysterious eastern European foundation sponsorship connections specialising in far-right politics (Strel aka Anton S) would be a completely independent anti-fascist acting from his own conscience and would never have anything to do with any intelligence agencies nor knowingly spread disinformation :rolls eyes:
Like for Searchlight magazine, no fascists=no food, let's create them!
I wish people could separate Fascism from Nazi's. I'm 100% Fascist but I don't really have any racialist beliefs, outside of some immigration opinions, and I sure as hell don't care what Hitler said or did. "Our Strength is in the fact that nobody is willing to die for money and capitalism. But millions and millions are ready to die for the nation."
Quote from: RyanWreck on June 15, 2012, 05:39:58 PM
"Our Strength is in the fact that nobody is willing to die for money and capitalism. But millions and millions are ready to die for the nation."[/i]
Good idea. I hope that, in your opinion, the nation includes people who admit citizenship too.
I see the next "warning" on Discogs, for some Whitehouse cd:
"Warning: early pressing susceptible to disc rot. CD may be affected and become unplayable over time."
Someone know this problem?
can't comment on the whitehouse cd personally, but i have never even heard of a "factory pressed" cd deteriorating with time. i own plenty of 25 year old discs with no problem...
but my oldest cdr's (from '99-2000) have audible noise - akin to a cd skipping, or rythmic white noise "clipping" type sound, even if no visible deterioration in the disc itself can be seen. for that reason i won't buy any cdr's and unless of sentimental value have purged almost all from the collection.
i'd be interested to hear from others though if some factory pressed discs are also starting to deteriorate past a certain age... i'd feel like no cd's are safe then!
Quote from: Leatherface on July 09, 2015, 01:42:44 PM
I see the next "warning" on Discogs, for some Whitehouse cd:
"Warning: early pressing susceptible to disc rot. CD may be affected and become unplayable over time."
Someone know this problem?
Luckily I have got the second editions of "Thank Your Lucky Stars" and "Twice Is Not Enough". But I have a few CDs of C93, NWW and DIANA ROGERSON which are dead (by "disc rot")
Quote from: collapsedhole on July 09, 2015, 04:12:23 PM
i'd be interested to hear from others though if some factory pressed discs are also starting to deteriorate past a certain age... i'd feel like no cd's are safe then!
Disc rot is result of defect in manufacturing. It doesn't mean CD in general would commonly deteriorate in such short time. One would assume nothing is eternal, but I'd bet most of CD's will be ok longer than there are players available for regular consumer use.
GRUNT "europe after storm" CD old pressing was also affected by very odd "disc rot" type. Surface of disc gets covered by almost "fungus" like substance, which will return, despite you'd clean it. This was done by French label somewhere in France. Repress is done elsewhere and anyone have defected disc, can ask for new one (despite I was no part of releasing original).
Quote from: martialgodmask on December 06, 2011, 12:28:05 PM
I fell in love with Whitehouse as soon as I heard them.
Same here.
Birdseed (because Cut Hands Has The Solution is untouchable; touching, and ever young).
Asceticists, Cruise and Racket hold a special and equal place in my heart, because I love to rant; I love to hear others rant. I never understood why the rant albums where poorly received.
And Thank Your Lucky Stars. Will I ever tire of To Die? Unlikely within this lifetime.
Over the course of their discography, it's clear to me there's a great deal of filler. My only real criticism is they took far too long to reinvent themselves - which for me is essential - amongst those that choose to persist.
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on December 06, 2011, 07:33:28 PM
I don't think anyone has really managed to copy their style.
cf. current Consumer Electronics (Murder The Masters) You see no similarity here?
Quote from: Andrew McIntosh on June 15, 2012, 03:39:42 PM
Quote from: Stuart HomesThe main blog posts on Who Makes The Nazis are on the whole very good, the comments are often extremely tedious due to trolling by fascists and neo-folk fan boys.
That blog!
The only place I've read that Les Joyaux De La Princesse are fascists, and some stretch at that. I always considered them a very engaging Historical re-enactment Society.
Some may see this as sacrilege, others a bore:
There was one plant that a lot of those guys used back then that churned out a bunch of ropey discs, "Xaman" by Skullflower being a famous one that rotted. Definitely one of my Whitehouse CDs skips like fuck, think it's Twice Is Not Enough.
"Halogen" has been released on vinyl by Dirter Productions, which, is good news. Sure hope they do "New Britain", "Peter Kurten", etc.
I sent the label a message asking which US distros they work with...
Dedicated to Peter Kurten
New Britain
Thank Your Lucky Stars
Mummy and Daddy(favorite)
Asceticists 2006
Dont like:
Birthdeath Experience(edit:this is not a horrible album but I'll leave it here so the replies make sense)
Psychopathia Sexualis
Right to Kill
Twice is Not Enough
"Birthdeath Experience" is one of the best record ever! :)
Quote from: sick on August 29, 2015, 09:54:54 PM
Dont like:
Birthdeath Experience
Psychopathia Sexualis
Right to Kill
Twice is Not Enough
Huh?! To each his own but still...
Yeah, 'Birthdeath...' is surely one of their best, and I must say, that - and 'Twice is not enough' - are among my favourite Whitehouse albums. Strange!
Quote from: burdizzo on August 29, 2015, 10:26:49 PM
Yeah, 'Birthdeath...' is surely one of their best, and I must say, that - and 'Twice is not enough' - are among my favourite Whitehouse albums. Strange!
Birthdeath is ok if you want silly robot noise I guess. But the sounds didn't really match the manifesto.
I just couldn't get into Twice is Not Enough for some reason. I kinda liked Never Forget Death which is similar but pretty much just for Torture Chamber.
My taste doesnt make sense to me either.
Quote from: burdizzo on August 29, 2015, 10:26:49 PM
Yeah, 'Birthdeath...' is surely one of their best, and I must say, that - and 'Twice is not enough' - are among my favourite Whitehouse albums. Strange!
I completely agree! Especially the Special Edition of "Twice...", included the "Never Forget Death" and his awesome "Asking for it".
For "Birthdeath..." this is a Masterpiece!
Quote from: Leatherface on August 29, 2015, 10:40:44 PM
Quote from: burdizzo on August 29, 2015, 10:26:49 PM
Yeah, 'Birthdeath...' is surely one of their best, and I must say, that - and 'Twice is not enough' - are among my favourite Whitehouse albums. Strange!
I completely agree! Especially the Special Edition of "Twice...", included the "Never Forget Death" and his awesome "Asking for it".
For "Birthdeath..." this is a Masterpiece!
It's been almost ... three years since I've listened to it
Maybe a re-listen is necessary
*Update:listening to this, and its a lot better than I remember .More detailed and effective.I'll edit my last post,I think I got total sex or erector confused with it? I don't know I remember not liking one of the early whitehouse records
Nothing wrong with 'Erector', either. Wasn't mad about 'Total Sex', myself, however - so maybe that's the one you were thinking about?!
Quote from: burdizzo on August 30, 2015, 02:02:30 AM
Nothing wrong with 'Erector', either. Wasn't mad about 'Total Sex', myself, however - so maybe that's the one you were thinking about?!
Maybe, I don't own it. Maybe I'll download and find out. I listened to most of their records through download before I got a new computer. Only ones I have in my physical possession are the ones I mentioned.
Whitehouse are basically the reason i'm here.... a random mention of them on a blog lead me to YouTube..... HOOKED!
The more I watched/listened, despite my initial "that's not music!!!" shock, the more and more entranced I became.... I still don't know why...
but also, the more and more I watched the vids of live performances, the more of the humour I got. There's a few near the end of their existence, with Bennett and Best flailing around like Elvises.... how can anyone not get that humour? :)
But yes, I need to start exploring the music in album context. Not easy given the prices!
I downloaded a Whitehouse discography (and a Death in June one and a Regurgitate one and an Akitsa one) from a torrents site, some years ago (3?)!!
Quote from: Deadpriest on October 25, 2015, 07:54:09 PM
I downloaded a Whitehouse discography (and a Death in June one and a Regurgitate one and an Akitsa one) from a torrents site, some years ago (3?)!!
Ha! That's exactly what I thought! Good for him, though!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20FDBHYYetc - great rare unreleased WH track.
Quote from: Dr Alex on October 25, 2015, 11:49:20 PM
Quote from: Deadpriest on October 25, 2015, 07:54:09 PM
I downloaded a Whitehouse discography (and a Death in June one and a Regurgitate one and an Akitsa one) from a torrents site, some years ago (3?)!!
Quote from: softmachine on September 15, 2015, 09:45:33 PMNot easy given the prices!
Whitehouse discography download link for a very nice price, for people who don't have the chance to have the original collection :)
Ohhh Birdseed Or Racket.
I knew a guy who'd been raped 5 times a week for 2 years (by a babysitter), another non sequitur.
Not Racket, Cruise.
re. replies I had: shit!! I did not know any of that.
Easily BirthDeath Experience and Right To Kill.
Dedicated to Peter Kürten is a close second.
Whitehouse - Dedicated To Peter Kurten reissue LP. 500 copies.
Special bundle (100 copies) comes w shirt, bag, poster and LP.
nice to see this getting a proper reissue.
I have what I need to have by Whitehouse except Psychopathia Sexualis. If they reissued THAT I'd probably be able to give one final fuck about them.
Quote from: Harvest on May 04, 2017, 08:24:31 PM
Whitehouse - Dedicated To Peter Kurten reissue LP. 500 copies.
Special bundle (100 copies) comes w shirt, bag, poster and LP.
nice to see this getting a proper reissue.
a Peter Kurten t-shirt could be nice :D
Quote from: GEWALTMONOPOL on May 05, 2017, 09:41:01 PM
I have what I need to have by Whitehouse except Psychopathia Sexualis. If they reissued THAT I'd probably be able to give one final fuck about them.
about as likely as a Right to Kill reissue I'd say.
Quote from: Peterson on May 05, 2017, 09:22:18 PM
Hmm, maybe my ex would want to use the tote bag.
my girls eyes light up when i told her it came with a tote bag. strange creatures.
Thank fuck somebody had the presence of mind to orchestrate a green coloured pressing is all I can say.
That explains the comment someone made to me about the cover of "Halogen". I don't remember exactly what he wrote but I took the comment that quality wasn't great.
I own an original copy of DTPK & was trying to remember what the cover image was. I'll have to dig it out to check. Looks like some had the blow-up of PK on the sleeve:
I have a friend who had copies of "Halogen"; I'm hoping he still has one left & I can get it at a bit of a discount. I may pick up DTPK depending on what's said about the audio quality. Pretty sure I still have the cd.
Sure hope they get around to "New Britain" next.
Does anyone own this:
The version I have is PK cover, discography on the back with track listing insert plus a hand-annotated product list. Black vinyl. The sleeve looks like the previous owner had a wrestling match with it so I'll probably pick up the reissue.
How does Cut Hands make you feel? I personally do not share Mr. Bennett's obsession with Africa, but I like the relaxed and digital "aggrient" style he uses rather than typical noise/PE analog techniques.
Well I can tell you that my one obsession in life is Africa, yet I do not appreciate Cut hands. I do in fact like African music just fine and was really excited when I learned of the concept of Afro noise, but shit was that a let down. All the africa theme I need in noise is reflected through late Bizarre Uproar work, thats some interesting stuff. Would be interested to hear some actual p.e. with actual african tribal music samples, the possibilities for a decent theme are just abundant but Cut hands squanders them.
But back to topic Whitehouse is an amazing project and I appreciate basicly everything I've heard so far, Great wite death, Dedicated to Peter Kurten and Halogen being my favorite at the moment.
Didn't notice before, but there was TOTAL SEX released on CD in 2019. Of course, musically, nothing new here. Audio is the same as was in previous Susan Lawly CD. Or the double LP. For collectors, or those who do not have previous versions, this is really nice surprise.
On Susan Lawly page it is titled:
Word Legacy doesn't appear on cd. Just legacy edition means it is far more accurate document of the original LP from the 80's! The front cover is original black & white LP design, partially old typewriter emulating font, but mostly just scans of the old tapes. Including some liner notes and reprint of the "screaming mummy" cover version that was originally meant to be for LP. Lyrics printed for total sex and roller coaster.
Oh man, I hope Susan Lawly finally would proceed with CD reissues. As much as I appreciate the neat and stylish CD editions SL did, perhaps even more suitable would be this type of replications of the old LP design!
According to the Susan Lawly website, a CD reissue of Erector is imminent. It looks like they are finally reissuing the albums in chronological order.
Something i'm often thinking about is the age of Mr. Best when first appearing. I heard about his year of birth way back but now his DOB appear online. I'm not sure if it's correct? I don't use facebook, twitter, Instagram etc so it's not that easy to contact a lot of these guys directly. I tried with a few (not whitehouse) on facebook but you had to be friends to write PM, and I'm not going to put my life on facebook to potentially be added as friend.
Personally I discovered music late compared to most. That probably play a part in my fascination. If you grow up in a different environment and surrounded by the right people it might not be as remarkable. But still. This case is something else. This by now old Englishman had turned 15 six days prior when he was supposed to do his first live show with Whitehouse (it got cancelled). Stop. And think about that for a while. Line up of the cancelled show included Coil, NWW, Etat Brut, Club Moral, John Murphy, David Tibet's Dogs Blood Order and more.
It took a little more than another week before his debut. At what has become a legendary performance at Roebuck. Supported by Ramleh and Busido. Police raid midway third song. Stapleton in the audience gets cut from flying glass. Chaos and manager Valls did get to spend the night at the free of charge hotel called the local police station. The kid being barely 15.
I love a couple of tapes by hardcore punk bands released when some members were 17 years old. Which is fascinating enough to me. But doing that Roebuck show and going to West Germany (Club Metro etc) barely turned 15. As a member of Whitehouse. In 1983 just blows my mind.
But it gets worse. I believe the first Consumer Electronics tape was released in January 1982? Leathersex in April same year. If DOB if correct Mr. Best was 13 at the time! That's more than my brain can process. He recorded his side of the classic lp with Ramleh three days prior turning 14!!! And I do like his side of that lp.
It has often been brought up in interviews but I have never seen him really elaborating on this. I wouldn't want to spend much time talking about myself at 13 so I don't blame him for not going deep. I don't remember, but I believe he has said that he was hanging around Whitehouse prior joining. Which makes sense since he released Consumer Electronics even before Whitehouse had played live. I'd be interested if anyone know of an interview where he elaborate on these early years from this perspective and his interest in music prior first release. And is there anyone else that has made this kind of impact at age 13-15 in the history of 'underground music'?
Another question for those in the know or with the books and zines, line up for each of the early classics? This is what i've collected but i'm not sure if it's all correct:
BE: Bennett, McKay, Reuter
TS: Bennett, McKay, Reuter
ER: Bennett, McKay, Reuter
PK: Bennett, McKay, Reuter
BW: Bennett, McKay
NB: Bennett, McKay
PS: Bennett, Murphy, Wallis
RTK: Bennett, Tomkins, Best
GWD: Bennett, Tomkins
Please refer to the Studio Recordings Dossier. http://www.susanlawly.freeuk.com/textfiles/textfiles.html
Quote from: theotherjohn on August 20, 2020, 01:11:24 PM
Please refer to the Studio Recordings Dossier. http://www.susanlawly.freeuk.com/textfiles/textfiles.html
Yes, but that only list producer and composer, not those actually contributing to the recording on the album? But it's a great page!
I know this is an old topic but seems a waste to start a new WH thread.
Quote from: accidental on August 20, 2020, 12:48:49 PM
Another question for those in the know or with the books and zines, line up for each of the early classics?
I think your best bet is interviews on that, sparse as they can be from that era. Off the top of my head this seems
roughly correct? If you REALLY need to know and don't want the time sink of trying to go through old zines either through web archives or physically buying them (which adds a money sink too) you could always try asking PB or WB since they have pretty active socials. They seem like OK dudes, don't think they'd bite your head off over a fan question.
I do share your sentiments about the studio pages being a fair bit incomplete...
And now for something completely different, as I've recently been going through old interviews and I came across this:
http://www.susanlawly.freeuk.com/textfiles/factory13.html (http://www.susanlawly.freeuk.com/textfiles/factory13.html)
QuotePart of these performances, quite surreally, can be heard on a 'Whitehouse Audience Noise Tape' brought out by the Japanese magazine 'IR'. "It's like an hour of sounds from between and after songs. It's pretty incredible, everything's on it apart from music, all edited non-stop from 1982 up until now."
https://www.discogs.com/Whitehouse-11-Years-Of-Live-Action/release/1471433 (https://www.discogs.com/Whitehouse-11-Years-Of-Live-Action/release/1471433)
In all my years I've never heard anyone bring this up, ever. It honestly sounds like a cool tape.
Quote from: P-K on May 26, 2012, 01:45:40 PM
Quote from: RyanWreck on May 26, 2012, 08:36:43 AM
Does anyone know what the Aes-Nihil book looks like? I have a chance to buy the following book for just over a $100, and am not sure exactly which book it is. The person selling it calls it the Come Org Files and does not refer to Aes Nihil at all but it sounds like its the same book from the description of the content, and if so I have no problem shelling the cash out...
So do any of you know if this is the same book (or at least the reprint of the Aes Nihil book)?
i got the exact same from Membrum Debile when he closed down. don't know what source, some of it in difficult to read/bad scans...
100$? aes-nihil still offers theirs for 70$ lol
Do you still have these available?
Dedicated to Peter Kurten for sure, New Britain is a close second for me. I especially love how both albums utilize samples to create an atmosphere!
Personally I enjoy their discography from Great White Death onwards. I especially favour their shift to digital. Their early releases just don't do it for me.
When I'm in the right mood, there's hardly anything better than Whitehouse (no matter what era). But that happens not very often. But if so, I can't listen to anything else for that short time frame. And it really surprises me, that there always seems something new to explore, which I previously haven't heard "this way". Yeah, sounds silly, but fuck it.
Have to quote something from Mr. FreakAnimal in this thread from many years ago, which still seems to be true, at least for me...
"BUT, when you listen to albums, then you simply think: many have tried - very few have succeeded. Everybody always talks about "whitehouse copycats", but as simple as it is, I don't think anyone has really managed to copy their style."
By the way, new Consumer Electronics seems to be coming soon.
Is anyone keeping up with the massive live actions released on Bandcamp? Any particular high points to check out? Thought the USA 1983 Tour : Final Rehearsal had great moments, especially on the 2nd track.
Quote from: Fistfuck Masonanie on August 19, 2023, 04:23:48 AMIs anyone keeping up with the massive live actions released on Bandcamp? Any particular high points to check out? Thought the USA 1983 Tour : Final Rehearsal had great moments, especially on the 2nd track.
Live Action 130 is great, especially "Rock and Roll" https://susanlawly.bandcamp.com/album/live-action-130
They really should do a Merzbox-style massive set of those Live Actions.
Already early on, they stated album are albums and live documentation is just... documentation, not to be issued as "albums". I would suspect situation is still the same. As great as some of the live stuff is, I am quite sure that they would want to keep "official discography" certain way. As pure gold, so to say. Not to be remembered as band that had "everything published". Having tape, cdr or file archive for the curious is a bit different vibe than putting out all on mass produced CD or LP that will end into shelves of collectors who may not even listen to it.
Considering the VOD set had Right to Kill and Psychopathia, will we ever see them on CD?
I read somewhere some days ago, that a Psychopathia CD is in the works.
Quote from: cr on August 21, 2023, 01:24:57 PMI read somewhere some days ago, that a Psychopathia CD is in the works.
Maybe it was on the YT video of a Live Action Susan Lawly recently published? I can't wait for this reissue. Thought the master tapes of both PS and RtK were lost, and thus, there wouldn't be any remastering of them. PS gotta be one of the best albums of the pre-GWD era, unflinchingly disturbed and lovely.
WB also mentioned on Instagram that a limited issue Mummy And Daddy vinyl picture disc release is coming too. Tremendous news!
Quote from: theotherjohn on August 25, 2023, 03:33:43 AMWB also mentioned on Instagram that a limited issue Mummy And Daddy vinyl picture disc release is coming too. Tremendous news!
Hmm, not sure if that's such a good idea. To me that era of Whitehouse is very much CD music due to the digital sound. The cover art will look great on a picture disc, though. Has anyone heard the LP versions of Halogen and/or Quality Time and can tell how the sound translates on vinyl?
Quote from: Phenol on August 25, 2023, 11:26:51 AMQuote from: theotherjohn on August 25, 2023, 03:33:43 AMWB also mentioned on Instagram that a limited issue Mummy And Daddy vinyl picture disc release is coming too. Tremendous news!
Hmm, not sure if that's such a good idea. To me that era of Whitehouse is very much CD music due to the digital sound. The cover art will look great on a picture disc, though. Has anyone heard the LP versions of Halogen and/or Quality Time and can tell how the sound translates on vinyl?
People actually listen to these things? I though vinyls were purely for decoration and for sharing on Instagram for Likes.
I never had complaints of the sound or presentation of the vinyls. It is true that all the later era is so "CD format sound", that I would have to admit even if I have the vinyl, if in mood for listening stuff again, most likely pulling out the CD!
Length and the flow of tracks may work better without need of turning sides.
I do have Right to Kill and P.Sexualis on vinyl, but I would say I would most definitely buy them on CD if official versions ever come.
Quote from: Phenol on August 25, 2023, 11:26:51 AMQuote from: theotherjohn on August 25, 2023, 03:33:43 AMWB also mentioned on Instagram that a limited issue Mummy And Daddy vinyl picture disc release is coming too. Tremendous news!
Hmm, not sure if that's such a good idea. To me that era of Whitehouse is very much CD music due to the digital sound. The cover art will look great on a picture disc, though. Has anyone heard the LP versions of Halogen and/or Quality Time and can tell how the sound translates on vinyl?
The Halogen LP on Dirter sounds good to me, no complaints about the audio. I don't think it loses anything in being less 'digital'. The LP cover is noticeably pixelated however, it looks pretty bad in person.
In general, I have no issue with late period Whitehouse on LP. Bought the Susan Lawly vinyl editions as they came out and they always sounded good to me.
Sorry in advance if this is old news/already common knowledge...
I was sitting down for a good old listen of Cruise and, as it'd been a while, I had the lyrics up on Genius. (https://genius.com/Whitehouse-dance-the-desperate-breath-annotated)
Now, everywhere I've see this anorexia erotica rumour pop up it's presented all 'maybe it is, maybe it isn't'. Turns out this is actually very easy to check as there's an archive of the site. (https://web.archive.org/web/20010204154900/http://www.anorexic-rec.com/Anorexic_Text.htm) So, yes, Bennett totally did.
I guess that's one way not to not get sued, takes a special sort to take someone to court over their anorexia fetish porn. I find the changes, omissions and additions really fascinating. (I can't help but think the changes to the woman's size most peculiar, though, considering the descriptors don't change much... Maybe it's some artistic statement going over my head, but the poncey part of me insists that it just makes Bennett sound clueless. Or like he didn't check how many pounds were in a stone, haha. But like I said, that's just me being a cunt. YMMV.)
This seems like the kinda trivia that got lost over time. I don't have accounts most places, but if anyone feels like confirming it to be true on relevant pages, be my guest.
I would assume being "sued" is not happening almost anywhere in the world really.. I mean in context of borrowing something from surrounding culture. Like Con-Dom often "stealing" entire lyrical pieces from somewhere else. Or big part of release artwork just taken, without any intent to think according to laws, you may have to respect original makers copyrights, hah..
I would certainly assume Whitehouse used the formerly made text(s) with purpose, and with knowing that if and when someone found about it, it is not bad things, but quite opposite. One of the links that lead you further into world they were dealing with.
Had to search this after reading the above post. A little delayed but I'm liking this:
Also in the works:
limited issue MUMMY+DADDY vinyl picture disc!
Link (https://www.picuki.com/media/3172036857473082952)
That Psychychopathia Sexualis cd would be a welcome addition to my collection. I have the VOD-box but never listen to it. Wondering about the audio source though..
Wasn't sure where to post this. Some interesting ephemera just got listed on eBay UK:
Handwritten letter from Kevin Tomkins on Come Organisation paper promoting Sutcliffe Jugend (with an SJ button badge) (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/386320147927)
A poster advertising a screening of films by Produktion at the London Musician's Co-op (some films' music credited to Whitehouse, John Murphy and Nurse With Wound) (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/386320191703)
Best to save these photos if they're worth archiving as we all know they won't last forever on eBay. Also, I know the Produktion Film Soundtracks have been reissued seperately by menstrualrecordings, but if the films themselves have been digitally preserved I'd love to see them too!
Just revisited the mini CD "single" of Whitehouse - Just Like A Cunt. This perticular version has William Bennett performing the vocals, rather than Philip Best from the original version that was released on the Quality Time album. Both versions are great, but the mini CD single has the best Trevor Brown artwork ever! It's worth it to pick this one up if you can find it. It's worth it for the depraved artwork alone.
Nice read..
Quote from: impulse manslaughter on March 05, 2024, 08:39:52 PMNice read..
Funny, a few of the bottom-ranked ones are among my favourites! "Birthdeath...", "Erector", "Thank Your Lucky Stars" - what are they doing in the bottom 5?!
Yes, the ranking is personal. Great White Death is one of my favorites. Mummy & Daddy and Quality Time are actually the only ones don't have. Need to check them out.
Quote from: impulse manslaughter on March 08, 2024, 03:20:31 PMMummy & Daddy and Quality Time are actually the only ones don't have. Need to check them out.
Really??? Mummy & Daddy is easily their best album in my opinion too. A truly devastating listen.
Quote from: burdizzo1 on March 08, 2024, 01:01:42 AMQuote from: impulse manslaughter on March 05, 2024, 08:39:52 PMNice read..
Funny, a few of the bottom-ranked ones are among my favourites! "Birthdeath...", "Erector", "Thank Your Lucky Stars" - what are they doing in the bottom 5?!
I was thinking the same. New Britain at the 18th place...
Quote from: theotherjohn on March 08, 2024, 03:30:57 PMQuote from: impulse manslaughter on March 08, 2024, 03:20:31 PMMummy & Daddy and Quality Time are actually the only ones don't have. Need to check them out.
Really??? Mummy & Daddy is easily their best album in my opinion too. A truly devastating listen.
Think I never bought this one because of the cover artwork which I do not like.
Quote from: theotherjohn on March 08, 2024, 03:30:57 PMQuote from: impulse manslaughter on March 08, 2024, 03:20:31 PMMummy & Daddy and Quality Time are actually the only ones don't have. Need to check them out.
Really??? Mummy & Daddy is easily their best album in my opinion too. A truly devastating listen.
Yes, Mummy & Daddy is their best "digital era" album. I have spent a few months in my life drinking several bottles of wine every evening with "A cunt like you" at maximum volume. Good times.
Quote from: DrRichard on March 08, 2024, 05:25:49 PMQuote from: theotherjohn on March 08, 2024, 03:30:57 PMQuote from: impulse manslaughter on March 08, 2024, 03:20:31 PMMummy & Daddy and Quality Time are actually the only ones don't have. Need to check them out.
Really??? Mummy & Daddy is easily their best album in my opinion too. A truly devastating listen.
Yes, Mummy & Daddy is their best "digital era" album. I have spent a few months in my life drinking several bottles of wine every evening with "A cunt like you" at maximum volume. Good times.
During the roughest years of my adolescence, being sixteen or so, there was a time in my life where I would binge listen to M&D everyday. Back at the day there were no other means for me to act-out the amount of anger and anxiety by which I was being overwhelmed for some years already, than listening to music. The emotional intensity of listening to this album, specially Daddo, would amount to cathartic reactions that would leave me... speechless. Even Bennett commented once on Susan Lawly on how the recording process itself was a quite disturbing experience, by reaching levels of intensity even himself was impressed by (which is a lot to say, indeed). I like all of their digital albums, but maybe if I had to choose one favourite it would be this one. Even though I usually skip Soto's tracks while listening to Cruise and Bird Seed, I often find myself listening to Private throught the whole album.
After it finishes with that one sample of a girl speaking about how "he was so mean to us... so mean to my mum... she took it everyday." I find myself feeling just like... what did I just listen to? Very hard to explain in words. I know I listened to something more than just a Power Electronics album.
Hey guys, for your information, there's a Cut Hands remix on the record we just released. It's a 12" by Roberto Musci, ethnic instrumentation mixed with electronics, plus the Cut Hands remix and one from Nokuit. We posted about it on the New Releases Announcements board.