Sorry in advance if this is old news/already common knowledge...
I was sitting down for a good old listen of Cruise and, as it'd been a while, I had the lyrics up on
Genius. Now, everywhere I've see this anorexia erotica rumour pop up it's presented all 'maybe it is, maybe it isn't'. Turns out this is actually very easy to check
as there's an archive of the site. So, yes, Bennett totally did.
I guess that's one way not to not get sued, takes a special sort to take someone to court over their anorexia fetish porn. I find the changes, omissions and additions really fascinating. (I can't help but think the changes to the woman's size most peculiar, though, considering the descriptors don't change much... Maybe it's some artistic statement going over my head, but the poncey part of me insists that it just makes Bennett sound clueless. Or like he didn't check how many pounds were in a stone, haha. But like I said, that's just me being a cunt. YMMV.)
This seems like the kinda trivia that got lost over time. I don't have accounts most places, but if anyone feels like confirming it to be true on relevant pages, be my guest.