Linekraft \ Alberich - Shock Industrialization 10" transparent blue\green

Started by totalblack, August 16, 2019, 01:23:47 PM

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Linekraft \ Alberich - Shock Industrialization 10" transparent blue\green

Hospital Productions 631
Transparent blue\green Total Black exclusive
Limited to 100

The two modern masters of the industrial noise and cacophony collide on this crushing 10" intersecting at the little known and largely forgotten cold war crossroads of the cambodian civil war and which some could argue its deep predecessor of the korean war. 2 decayed and corrupted tracks from each artist spreading rotten winds.

available to order now:

track previews here:

Also available now:

Genocide Organ - The Truth Will Make You Free LP
Linekraft - Subhuman Principle LP
Incapacitants - Ostracized Enigmatic Conqueror CD
Noise Receptor Journal Vol 7

Available soon:

Death Kneel - Adaptive Emotional Use LP
Oil Thief - The Colony LP (co-release with Chondritic Sound)
Exploring Jezebel - Squirting Bowtie 2x5"
+ more TBA

more incoming distributed releases from Hospital Productions + Punishment Private Release, among others.