store Claire Rousay t4t C32Claire Rousay's
t4t is an apt release for 2019. On side a: "things you've said you like" she weaves in unaltered spoken fragments - sourced from "emails, texts, sexts, and voicemails" in between the minimalist, percussive textures that she is known for creating. Side b: "things i doubt you'd care about" is more tightly wound, scraping and water and breathing - an anxious and pent listen that ends abruptly and unresolved, literally edging the listener.
This tape (to me) is about being "horny on main" - the fragments of relationships we have with so many people on the internet and the ultimate loneliness and insubstantiality of this way that we now interact with our world. For everyone out there posting, pretty sure it's gonna resonate.
-r.a.e. 10/19
Edition of 100