Hair On My Food Tapes November 2019 Batch

Started by JoeTheStache, November 13, 2019, 01:06:57 AM

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Out now!  

HOMF049 - Metallica Is Dead / Gorgonized Dorks split c40 tape
This is a whole lotta noisecore! MxIxDx features "CJ" of Deflowered Cunt, Deche-Charge, and more. And if you are into noisecore and don't know G.Dorks yet, you are bad at listening to noisecore.

HOMF050 - Vantage Planet Shithead "An Interplanetary Collaboration" c88 tape
The day before Central FL Antifest 2019, the chaps from Vantage Planets of Panama City Beach FL went to the house of Planet Shithead (Longwood, FL) and they made a bunch of harsh ass noise in the garage.

HOMF051 - Deche-Charge / Intestinal Infection / Planet Shithead split c40 tape
D-C fill up side A with noisecore, as they should. IxIx barf out some German noisegrind, and Planet Shithead fills in the last little bit with some blasting harsh noise.

HOMF052 - Floridian Car Bomb / Planet Shithead split c40 tape
Hot, sweaty harsh noise reeking of sunscreen and covered in sand and cake frosting. Listen to this while eating a whole cake without utensils while sitting on the beach (or in a sandbox).