Nailbat Tapes: Thinner, Corroded Carcass / Leather Parisi, Red Moon

Started by Nailbat, January 28, 2020, 09:37:57 AM

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Red Moon - Eclipsing
Collaboration between Slovenian artists Umdhlebi and Brgs. "Eclipsing" is their second collection, but with drastically different versions released in the US and EU. This is the US version, which is a darker, more foreboding taking on their dark ambient / drone sound.

Leather Parisi / Corroded Carcass - Black Petrichor

Split between Italy's Leather Parisi and Corroded Carcass who recently relocated from Cleveland. Droney PE on the Leather Parisi side, HNW on the Corroded Carcass side

Thinner - Ugly as Sin
Wildly dynamic harsh noise/PE.