HUM OF THE DRUID - Down Home Paganism
Active since 2003, Hum of the Druid—a solo project by Eric Stonefelt—has amassed a solid and cultivated body of work that runs the gamut in terms style and artistic intention. Recorded in 2018, "Down Home Paganism" reflects the continued evolution of Stonefelt's work. The six tracks on this tape are dense and textural, displaying an abundance of disparate sounds, meticulously sculpted and arranged. The sources are predominantly organic but at times feel foreign, despite their relatively commonplace nature: metal and junk, guitars, and vocals. There's a haunting intimacy to much of Stonefelt's work, but it is especially pronounced on "Down Home Paganism." The latticework of the psyche, splayed and exposed. A meticulous archeology of the spirit—excavating the trenches of internal psychic wars fought, lost, and long forgotten by the conscious mind.
https://influencingmachinerecords.bigcartel.com/product/hum-of-the-druid-down-home-paganismTHETA/HUM OF THE DRUID Split tape
Their first release in seven years, Theta's offering for this split is a 17-minute survey of dystopian wreckage. Concussive blasts of manic electronics and tape loops colliding with frantic guitar noise. This track was recorded in Oakland, CA at the infamous Terminal venue in preparation for Theta's only live performance at the MAPS fest in 2017. Hum of the Druid's superb contribution to the tape is derived from source material recorded in 2007-2009, mixed and assembled in 2018. Roiling mechanistic operations orchestrated into a monolithic, meditative sprawl. Featuring cover artwork by Ryan Ludlow and Eric Stonefelt, with layout by Stonefelt.