Lithe Lungs (Blackened Harsh Noise)

Started by flagdayrecordings, April 17, 2020, 09:05:08 AM

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Started a new label earlier this year dedicated to raw/atmospheric black metal. The only release that I think would be of interest to those here though would be this Lithe Lungs tape. Last track is essentially it's own noise EP.

Lithe Lungs is a solo project from Pittsburgh, PA. These recordings were completed in 2014 and buried by the artist as she moved onto different projects. People might remember Chloe's old noise project Cincinnatus C, the split with Stress Orphan ruled.

"Black metal atmospherics with intelligent harsh noise production techniques. Cold & emotional, yet still scathing, dense & textural. Walls of collapse layered with depressive, monolithic riffs and desperate shrieks."

-Rush Falknor
