So lets unleash last beasts in 2010!
Unexpect problem happened with some new FA & IR releases. While received full amount of discs, only half of some of them had covers. So already now, when releases are just announced, some of the have low stock already! Trades will be seen later when problem is solved, but orders are welcomed now! If you want to make sure you get copies before they possibly run out before getting factory to send the missing covers, place order soon.
*DEATHKEY "doctrine of intolerant hatred" 2xCD (12.00,-)
Material previously double LP, now CD + mCD set sold for price of single cd! 12 page booklet + insert, including artwork and lyrics, packaged in double-jewelbox (thickness of two standard jewelboxes). This notorious american band mixes together hard and noisy sounds, dark PE/industrial and gruff vocals. Utmost occult darkness and explicit hatred not adviced for those easily offended. His best works to date!
*HAARE "funeral of souls" cd (12.00,-)
New CD on Freak Animal. Psychedelic funeral drone. Full color covers in jewelbox.
*ARSE "discography" cd (12.00,-)
This Finnish band triumphed shortly during 1992-1993, followed in footsteps of Sore Throat, Seven Minutes of Nausea and most of all, early ANAL CUNT! Live assaults and one "studio demo" is compiled to one nearly 50 minute CD! Test the limits of noisecore chaos you can take! Absolute must! Lolita Slavinder Records.
*CONTAGIOUS ORGASM "corporal" cd (12.00,-)
Compiling early SSSM label compilation tape tracks from 80´s and early 90´s on one disc! Logical addition to previous 3 C.O. titles under Industrial Recollections.
*ONE DARK EYE "Transmissions of fistulae aeuris" cd (12.00,-)
Rodger Stella of Macronympha with his obscure experimental yet crude noise cut up´s. Re-issue of mid 90´s Mother Savage Noise Productions tape on Industrial Recollections.
*OVMN "optimum volume maximum noise" cd (12.00,-)
Macronympha side project, the early protagonists of wall of noise! Originally Mother Savage Noise Productions, re-issued by Industrial Recollections.