Raoul Van Herpen -
"Italian Division"https://flagdayrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/italian-division"While composing these pieces, I focused on the 20th and 21st-century composition techniques in three main concepts: Serialism, Microtonality, and Noise. You could almost say the Italian Avant-garde of the last century had it all: noise, new music, and the math of Leonardo of Pisa, later known as Fibonacci." A full track to track breakdown written by the artist can be found in the description on bandcamp.All compositions and music written and played by
Raoul van HerpenMixed by
Raoul van HerpenMastered by
Jos Smolders at EARLabs Studio for Creative Mastering
https://earlabs.org/Artwork by
Raoul van HerpenLayout by
S. Hardacre Designhttps://www.shardacredesign.com/Distro List:Raoul van Herpen (Netherlands) -
https://raoulvanherpen.bandcamp.com/Skeleton Dust (US)