12€ ppd in Finland, 14€ elsewhere. Ltd to 100 copies. Email ilkka.vekka AT
gmail.com to order.
https://heavymeditation.blogspot.com/2021/09/day-of-antler-jordrok-cd-out-now.htmlHeavy Meditation proudly presents:
The best kept secret in Finnish underground industrial/noise.
Only a select few have been able to hear the earlier works by The Day of the Antler, before this cd there have been only a handful of private cassette releases available via trades from the artist. For such a high quality project the situation needed to be corrected.
Jordrök is a full-length album of new material, described by the artist as "rural industrial". Not your "run of the mill" noise release, but a well composed, thought-out whole by a truly individual voice.
Featuring Pyry Ojala of Nuori Veri. Mastered by P.Dassum.