Out Now!! NFL#58
SERPENTS ANUS: jiang Tou TAPE 7euro + postage
23min. of psychotronic occult bestial black/noise/ritual/noisecore madness!!!
Recorded at the ancient temple in Thailand under the spell of the blood red moon in Tara's vagina!
For freaks into early Beherit/Anal Cunt/CSMD and other evil psychotic shit!
Pro factory tapes, LMTD 25 copies, comes with glow in the dark voodoo skeleton.
Order your copy straight from No Fucking Labels at nkcsmd(at)hotmail.com
www.nofuckinglabels.blogspot.comListen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKVKJvRJhFULMTD 40 copy vinyl version available from JACK'S QOUKKA records (Germany)
mail psychkg(at)online.de for availability