Unrest Productions is looking for anyone capable of creating a truly misogynist and anti feminist work.
Think SCUM manifesto in reverse, think Jim Goad's angriest Shit Magnet rants on feminism, think CON-DOM if he spent 5 years researching and putting to tape and paper his hypothetical revelations of women as a cancer on the balls of all men and feminism as the tool used to spread that cancer. But actually, if you have to think about it too much you're most likely not man enough for the job.
Spare me immature wank fantasies dreamt up in the safe confines of the bedroom at mum and dads, F&V wannabeisms, weak high pitched feedback crudeisms, tongue in cheek "oh I don't really mean what I'm saying", intellectualised crap, humour, and any such fakery. I'm after a genuine, heartfelt, and hard hitting full colour statement on the subject. A strong caveat free work of substance thematically, lyrically and musically. A no going back on your words work you'll probably be defending the rest of your life.
In short, someone who actually lives and breathes the subject with the rare talent and balls to express it in a coherent and intelligent manner.
NOTE: This is not an open invitation to every chancer and his brother to send me their crap. I'm not in the business of releasing anyones lazy subpar shit. Serious contenders only!
No PM's! Email unrestproductions (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk if you think you're up to the task.