For as much as I've heard from Hands To and Jerman, I know almost nothing about Blowhole. When I heard them, after falling hard for Hands To, I wasn't ready for free jazz. As I expanded into jazz in the past several years, I forgot about Blowhole. I've been surprised to find little of them, even on youtube. There are a few things, but considering the Blowhole catalogue, it's not great. Maybe I'm not the only one who has forgotten about them? As I was listening to Guerilla Jazz, I was picking up on Black Flag references, particularly in the guitar and bass, or whatever those things are that he's playing. The track "Limited Resources" is a good example, but I heard it earlier in the album too. Jerman is experimenting more on the drums than Black Flag did, but for much of the rest of it, The Process of Weeding Out comes to mind. Is this common with Blowhole? Has Jerman ever mentioned Black Flag in an interview? Is it all coincidence, and I'm making personal, false associations?