Hollywood Dream Trip (Christoph Heemann and Will Long)

Started by blackroserecordings, November 22, 2023, 10:42:19 PM

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New CD out now on Black Rose Recordings (blackroserecordings@yahoo.co.uk). Copies are £10.00 each plus postage.

Hollywood Dream Trip is the collaborative project of Christoph Heemann and Will Long. Second album was recorded live in 2013 at Christoph Heemann's studio in Aachen, Germany using a Moog Rogue, Roland MC-202, Lexicon PCM90, Electro Harmonix Random Tone Generator, and tapes.

The music has a dream like quality. Analogue electronics, mix with loops, and field recordings taking you on a trip into your subconscious. While the subconscious mind is never sleeping, it's always listening. The term "dream" has something quite ambiguous, can be understood as an (evaluation) emphasizing the positive of a thing, an experience, an excursion , but on the other hand it can also be seen as a reference to the subconscious, the somnambulist - to the , which is often only indirectly accessible to the mind. (African Paper 2014)

"Whether you're a connoisseur or a newbie, there's a plentiful supply of heavy lidded sonics on this new missive from Hollywood Dream Trip to sink your teeth into. Sumptuous sounds from two masters" - Oren Ambarchi

Christoph Heemann was a founding member of the group Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa (H.N.A.S.), who released a number of ground breaking albums in the 80s. He also worked within groups such as Mimir (with Edward Ka-spel and Jim O'Rourke), Mirror (with Andrew Chalk), and In Camera (with Timo van Luyck).

Will Long works and performs live as Celer. He has published more than 90 releases in North America, Asia, and Europe. He also curates and manages the label Two Acorns.


Great review in Vital weekly.


As much as I try to 'follow' some musicians' actions, I don't always keep up. I am pretty sure I knew that Christoph Heemann (once of HNAS, Mimir, Mirror, but mostly of himself) had teamed up with Will Long (mostly of Celer fame, but also doing other ambient music projects, but also works with minimal dance music as Long Trax). From the small discography of Hollywood Dream Trip, I understand that they work together whenever Will Long is in Europe—three albums in 2013 and two (digital) ones in 2021. One of the three from 2013 is 'Would You Like To Know More', a line from the Paul Verhoeven movie 'Starship Troopers'. They also recorded 'Second Album' in 2013 (no release is called 'First Album'), which they released as a CDR in an edition of 50 copies for the tour they did that year—now finding its way to a broader audience and quite rightfully so. Armed with a Moog Rogue, Roland MC-202, Lexicon PCM90, Electro Harmonix Random Tone Generator and tapes, they set out to record this forty-two-minute piece of slow-moving drones. There seem to be some field recordings in this piece, but they are hard to find here. In the beginning, there is a slow bump, like a heartbeat during sleep, which slowly alters as the piece evolves and the sound opens up. Becoming a tad lighter and brighter, maybe the heartbeat is the same, but it feels different because of the changing synthesiser sounds. It's not the kind of music I recommend when sleeping (in fact, I would never recommend any music during sleep, but that's my occasional insomnia speaking), as the overall tone remains dark. Especially around the thirty-minute mark, things roughen and could create a nightmarish scenario. It's not as relaxing as it could have been, which is good. This has all the markings of a live-in-the-studio recording, not trying to smooth things out too much. I enjoyed this work a lot, especially for that direct, in-your-face quality; nothing all too fancy, yet never anywhere close to being a full-on noise thing (far from it); just the sort of drone improvisation I love. (FdW)
––– Address: <blackroserecordings@yahoo.co.uk>