Looking for STURMGEWEIHT Rundbrief

Started by nada88pe, October 27, 2017, 08:25:55 AM

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Hello. I would like to ask for your help. I am looking for Sturmgeweiht rundbrief, (Manfred Lenz/Turbund Sturmwerk own publication), please if someone can help me with xerox copies or pdf that would be very deeply appreciated. If for trade I have the 4 issues from 2011, if for sale, please contact me.
Thanks for your time and help!


Hello, just updating this, maybe someone note it and wants to help me. Thanks a lot!


Hello, someone reply but just deleted what he wrote, I´m sorry for that, and thank you for your reply, I just am late, lack of time.
Well Sturmgeweiht rundbrief operated from 1992 until 2011, being the "propaganda" arm from Turbund Sturmwerk, publishing his research on german esoteric culture, 2011 was the last year Manfred Lenz published it, his research has a very high value, however Sturmgeweiht is very hard to find, that is the main reason I would like to ask for your help regarding to get them.
Thanks a lot for your time and help. 


I am Just going to update my request.
Thank you for your kind help.