Rocker Magazine: Selling Ad Space

Started by sterilization, May 30, 2024, 12:05:29 AM

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I've recently taken over managing the ads for Rocker Magazine for Jason.

For those that are unaware, It's a bi-monthly digest size (5.5"x8.5") magazine that focuses on noise/experimental music that is put out by No Rent Records.

Here are the rates:

ROCKER #5 August 2024

• Inside Cover/Page 2: $150 
• Back Cover: $200  
• Full Page: $110
• Half Page: $60
• Full: 5.5" (width) x 8.5" (height)
• Half: 5.5" (width) x 4.25" (height)

Ad placement includes one free copy of the issue that your ad appears in.

Anyone that is interested please email me at questions @ norentrecords .com