gear setup for noise (pictures)

Started by jesusfaggotchrist, April 05, 2014, 09:22:17 PM

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Soloman Tump

Its an Olympus LS-P1

I use it for making field recordings but also recording out direct from the mixer.


Quote from: Cementimental on July 30, 2015, 07:05:39 PM
Oh yeah it was my friend's side of the setup, I think actually it's just broken rather than modified tho ha :D

Yeah just google 'monotron mods' etc and you should find some good guidelines, there's even official schematics from korg out there

my old CV modded Monotron makes a handy test VCO^
screws on side are wired to points on PCB...
Eye use alligator clips with it
bought it the day it was released...
played noise show with it that night..
old digicam photos...
used it expansion for my modular Sequential Circuits Pro One
made it run with the built in sequencer
hmmm where the fuck is it....
...also have Monotron Duo hiding around here somewhere
here is a quick start:

That case is so crammed, thus it's impossible putting in 3.5mm jacks.
The other option is create breakout box.
found some other points poking around on the circuit...
Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?
