FS: CD / LP / CS / DVD / ZINE (new & used items, mostly black metal)

Started by Desolate, November 03, 2024, 01:41:52 PM

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New & unused items for sale. No orders under 5 euros. Payments are accepted with PayPal & bank transfer. The buyer pays the shipping fees according to the prices of Finnish Postal Service, but the prices of the records might be negotiable, if you're ordering more than just one item, this way you can save some money from the fees as well. If you have questions about the conditions or whatever, feel free to drop a line! If you don't see a price for a certain item - then make an offer.

Shipments will take place a few times in a week.

Contact either by PM or e-mail: ak.ojala (at) hotmail . com


EMPYREAN VAULT - "Mausoleum of Worship" CD – 10€
MOON ORACLE - "Muse of the Nightside" CD – 12€
MOON ORACLE - "Ophidian Glare" CD – 12€
MOON ORACLE - "Ophidian Glare" CS – 8€
MOON ORACLE - "Ophidian Glare" LP – 20€
SAMMAS' EQUINOX - "Pilgrimage" CS – 3€
SAMMAS' EQUINOX - "Boahjenásti" CS – 3€
SAMMAS' EQUINOX - "Tulikehrät" CD – 12€
SAMMAS' EQUINOX - "Maailmantaonta" mCD – 10€

SAMMAS' EQUINOX sleeveless white t-shirt - sizes M – 15€
Front image: https://sammasequinox.bandcamp.com/merch/logo-symbol-sleeveless-t-shirt

SAMMAS' EQUINOX grey t-shirt - size XXL – 15€
Front & back image: https://sammasequinox.bandcamp.com/merch/logo-symbol-grey-t-shirt

* * * * *


Compact Disc

ABORYM - "With No Human Intervention" CD – 6€
ABYSSION - "Karhun lähde / Siniaaltoja ja Singulariteetteja" CD – 10€
ARKTAU EOS - "Ioh-Maera" CD – 20€
AXIS OF PERDITION - "The Ichneumon Method" CD – 8€
AZRAEL RISING - "Anti-Gravity" CD – 5€
BARBARYAN - "Gram - Das Lied von Blut und Eisen" CD – 10€
BLACKDEATH - "Satan Macht Frei" CD – 4€
CHARNEL WINDS - "Der Teufelsbund" CD – 4€
CLANDESTINE BLAZE - "Fist of the Northern Destroyer" CD – 10€
CMX - "Aurinko" 2CD – 10€
CMX - "Aura" CD – 2€
CMX - "Discopolis" CD – 2€
CMX - "Vainajala" CD – 2€
DAEMONLUST - "His Vast Coldness" CD – 6€
ENOCHIAN CRESCENT - "Black Church" CD – 6€
ENOCHIAN CRESCENT - "Telocvovim" CD – 15€
ENSLAVED - "Ruun" CD – 12€
ENSLAVED - "Vertebrae" CD – 6€
FLEHSPRESS - "III - The Art of Losing All" CD – 4€
FLESHPRESS - "No Return" CD – 4€
FLESHPRESS - "Pillars" CD – 6€
FLESHPRESS - "Wörm Dirges" CD – 4€
GALGENBERG - "Blutgrund / Galgenberg" CD – 8€
GORGOROTH - "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam" CD – 20€
GRAVE MIASMA - "Odori Sepulcrorum" CD – 6€
HELL MILITIA - "Canonisation of the Foul Spirit" CD – 20€
HEXENKREIS - "Le Paix Se Meurt... Le Paix Est Morte" CD – 12€
HOATH - "Codex II: Kether" CD – 2€
IC REX - "Sielun kadotuksen sinfonia" CD – 4€
JOHN THE BAPTIST - "Dead End, Lies and Death" CD – 2€
KAMPFAR - "Mellom Skogkledde Aaser" CD – 15€
KHOLD - "Masterpiss of Pain" CD – 4€
KHOLD - "Phantom" CD – 4€
MANES - "Be All End All" CD – 4€
MEGADETH - "So Far, So Good... So What!" CD – 4€
MGLA - "Groza" CD – 14€
NEPHILIM'S HOWL - "Through the Marrow of Human Suffering" CD – 4€
NUMINOUS - "S/T" CD – 4€
PANTHEON OF BLOOD - "Tetrasomia" CD – 2€
PARADISE LOST - "Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us" CD – 4€
RIDE FOR REVENGE - "Under the Eye" CD – 8€
SATYRICON - "Intermezzo" CD – 4€
SECRETS OF THE MOON - "Privilegivm" CD – 4€
SIGUR RÓS - "Kveikur" CD – 4€
SÓLSTAFIR - "Ótta" CD – 6€
THRALLDOM - "Black Sun Resistance" CD – 2€
UNEARTHLY TRANCE - Season of Seance, Science of Silence" CD – 4€
VASSAFOR - "S/T" CD – 4€
VERGE / BLOOD RED FOG - "Because it's Wrong" CD – 2€
WITCHRIST - "The Grand Tormentor" CD – 4€
WORMLUST - "The Wormlust Collective" CDr – 4€


COFFIN STORM - "Arcana Rising" LP – 15€


CORNIGR - "Relics of Inner War" CS – 10€


LOPUTON GEHENNAN LIEKKI (a Finnish black metal documentary) – 5€

Zines & booklets

BEHEST (Cornigr, Pest, Fleurety Pantheon of Blood...)
CHRISTNER, JEREMY - "Kosmology" (Ixaxaar Publishings 2005)
FUNERAL MAELSTROM OF HATE #5 (Blackdeath, Behexen, Leviathan...)
HELLPIKE #15 (Isvind, Inquisition, Uncreations Dawn, Impaled Nazarene...)
HERMEETIKKO #16 (Finnish written)
HERMEETIKKO #17 (Finnish written)
KALEIDOSCOPE #3 (Forgotten Woods, Slidhr, Thralldom...)
KALEIDOSCOPE #4 (Current 93, Secrets of the Moon, Arkha Sva, Primordial...)
KALEIDOSCOPE #6 (The Ruins of Beverast, Celestial Bloodshed, Drowning the Light...)
OAKEN THRONE #3 (Bolt Thrower, Ofermod, Ondskapt...)
OAKEN THRONE #4 (L'Acephale, Temple of Baal, Vorkreist, Wolves in the Throne Room...)
OAKEN THRONE #5 (Adorior, Archgoat, Cult of Daath, Dapnom...)
UNHOLY PROPAGANDA #1 (Arkhon Infaustus, Antaeus, Diapsiquir, Wakboth...)
WOMB #4 (Caverne, Primordial, Hetroertzen, Ordinance...)


Removals and updates:

BLOOD RED FOG - "Marrasväet" CD – 13€ (new)
EMPYREAN VAULT - "Mausoleum of Worship" CD – 10€ (new)


LOPUTON GEHENNAN LIEKKI (a Finnish black metal documentary) – 5€

Zines & booklets

BEHEST (Cornigr, Pest, Fleurety Pantheon of Blood...)
BLOODAXE VII (Ondskapt, Clandestine Blaze, Carpathian Forest...)
CHRISTNER, JEREMY - "Kosmology" (Ixaxaar Publishings 2005)
EVILUTION (Dissection, Death in June, Death SS, Allerseelen...)
F.T.Y.K.Y. #4 (Clandestine Blaze, Black Mass of Absu, Incriminated...)
FUNERAL MAELSTROM OF HATE #5 (Blackdeath, Behexen, Leviathan...)
FUNERAL MAELSTROM OF HATE #6 (Ofermod, Black Funeral, Emit...)
G'HINNOM #1 (Clandestine Blaze, Dödfödd, Ofermod...)
GRIEVANTEE #1 (Tenebrae in Perpetuum, Warloghe, Watain...)
HEATHEN PRIDE #2 (Absurd, Aryan Terrorism, Blazebirth Hall...)
HEATHEN PRIDE #3 (Grinded Nig, Evil Incarnate, Hammer...)
HELLPIKE #15 (Isvind, Inquisition, Uncreations Dawn, Impaled Nazarene...)
HERMEETIKKO #16 (Finnish written)
HERMEETIKKO #17 (Finnish written)
KALEIDOSCOPE #3 (Forgotten Woods, Slidhr, Thralldom...)
KALEIDOSCOPE #4 (Current 93, Secrets of the Moon, Arkha Sva, Primordial...)
KALEIDOSCOPE #6 (The Ruins of Beverast, Celestial Bloodshed, Drowning the Light...)
OAKEN THRONE #3 (Bolt Thrower, Ofermod, Ondskapt...)
OAKEN THRONE #4 (L'Acephale, Temple of Baal, Vorkreist, Wolves in the Throne Room...)
OAKEN THRONE #5 (Adorior, Archgoat, Cult of Daath, Dapnom...)
STRENGTH THROUGH WAR #4 (Altar of Perversion, Sargeist, The Shadow Order...)
STRENGTH THROUGH WAR #5 (Arckanum, Clandestine Blaze, Funeral Winds...)
STRENGTH THROUGH WAR #6 (Capricornus, Torturium, Myrkr, Chemin de Haine...)
STRENGTH THROUGH WAR #7 (Horna, Blessed in Sin, Luror, Abyssic Hate...)
THE SERPENT BEARER #1 (Jumalhämärä, Thy Serpent, Reverorum ib Malacht...)
THE SINISTER FLAME #2 (Altar of Perversion, Mortuary Drape, Forgotten Woods...)
UNHOLY PROPAGANDA #1 (Arkhon Infaustus, Antaeus, Diapsiquir, Wakboth...)
WOMB #2 (Cosmic Church, Ride for Revenge, Emit, Wodulf...)
WOMB #4 (Caverne, Primordial, Hetroertzen, Ordinance...)


AZRAEL RISING - "Anti-Gravity" CD – 5€
BARBARYAN - "Gram - Das Lied von Blut und Eisen" CD – 10€
BEHERIT - "Drawing Down the Moon" CD – 30€
BLUT AUS NORD - "777 - Cosmosophy" CD – 10€
BLUT AUS NORD - "777 - The Desanctification" CD – 8€
BLUT AUS NORD - "777 (Sect(s))" CD – 8€
BLUT AUS NORD - "Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry" CD – 15€
DAEMONLUST - "His Vast Coldness" CD – 6€
GALGENBERG - "Blutgrund / Galgenberg" CD – 8€
KAMPFAR - "Mellom Skogkledde Aaser" CD – 15€
KIIRA - "Tulkoon Yö / Talviyö" CD – 8€

COFFIN STORM - "Arcana Rising" LP – 15€