Started by cipher chris, July 04, 2011, 06:51:44 PM

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cipher chris

(sic 54) Praying For Oblivion Façade C-35
Praying For Oblivion is a name stretching back into the deepest noise/industrial subculture of this century and ther last.  I never know quite what to expect from Andrew Seal, which is always the exciting part of finding something new - or old - from him to sink into.
Façade's first side is a lengthy live track recorded in Kaisterslautern folding undigestible feedback into crude industrial machinations and bursts of nasty vocals.  The second side meanwhile blasts what seems like a more chaotic noise rasp, but within that hides eliding, subtle repetitions and a surprising compositional restraint.  Two sides to a truly multi-faceted project.
Façade marks the first release in my new sub-series of specially packaged cassettes dedicated to the obliqueness of 1990s cassette culture packaging from the likes of Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers, MSBR, Sound Probe, GROSS, SHMF, Uncut and the like.
This cassette is in an edition of 50 copies, strapped by wire mesh to a 5" square collage/mixed mess of papier mache, video tape, more mesh and paint.
Look for many more contributions to this new series in the future, including cassettes from Fecalove, Diagram A, Andrea Borghi/VipCancro, Brume, Amputation Theory, Kevin Shields and Explosive Improvised Device amongst others.

(sic 60) Murder Book Under The Green Sea Drowning 10"
Extremely limited lathe-cut 10" of George Proctor's highly underrated and sadly under-productive project Murder Book.  Previous opportune collaborations include with Wilt and Culver, and it's that dense drip of desolation which Murder Book carries so well.
Under The Grean Sea Drowning hones that moribund sound into a suite of four noise/industrial groans heavy on decayed electronics and droned guitar, the slow and painful release of water into the lungs which beautifies that final few moments.
30 copies only, beautifully cut into 10" lacquers by the brilliant Perthection and packaged in heavy windowed foamboard.  The price on this release is a reflection of the materials and postage only, and is the best I can do in the circumstances.

(sic 62) 2673 What Reveals The Heavens Can Be Found On Earth CD
Kevin Winter's 2673 project is perhaps known best for the unknown, and for What Reveals The Heavens Can Be Found On Earth he unveils a chilling minimalism built around icy synth tones and careful dynamic blocks, the disc as much about its shifts between tracks as it is within tracks.
Five cuts of demanding, unhurried, precise and poignant statements stripping away all but the most essential sounds - be they grand in gesture or minute in statement.
Pro-pressed CD limited to only 100 copies, packaged in Stumptown 'Arigato Packs' adorned with bittersweet family photographs.

(sic 64) Isomer Nil By Mouth CD
With every release from Adelaide's David Tonkin he seems that little bit more aggressive, that touch more buried in sound, and that step more progressed in his abilities.  So it is again with Nil By Mouth, a limited CDEP (around 30 minutes) released for Isomer's live action in Mannheim, Germany with Genocide Organ, May 2011.
Not only does Nil By Mouth offer David's most confronting take on layered, modern power electronics yet but he also adds another dimension of creep, distinct from the previous Tesco Organisation CDs, courtesy of some unexpected contributions from Mark Groves (Dead Boomers, Von Einem, Absoluten Calfeutrail).
Limited edition of 200 copies (I have less than half) pro-pressed CD in a gloss wallet.

Further information and ordering details can be found on the Cipher Productions website.  Pleas take a look.

Coming up very soon are a GM Electronics 3"CDR, a GX Jupitter-Larsen/Winters In Osaka collaborative lock groove 7", the promised cassettes by Fecalove and Diagram A, and a Ben Taylor/John Murphy collaborative CD along with much, much more.  The future beckons with some really promising efforts.