New tapes on Sprachlos Verlag: Amph 2nd edition

Started by sprachlos, January 13, 2011, 08:43:49 PM

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The southern Swedish underground hits you again!
With substantial pride we present Sprachlos Verlag #2, this time introducing Malmö duo Amph (Mirros Are Black + Sandor Rado) and their record collected meltdown of tape loop minimalist composition, oriental psych and industrial-minded haze. The two side-length pieces on »Rapport om blinda« sees the duo working an array of tape decks and cassette loops to create a rich tapestry of slow-moving sound, continuously marked with a caliginous, ritualistic edge. This is an ethnomusicological excavation through candle wax, West Bengal ragas and loose strips of magnetic tape; conceived and channeled along the tripartite recording axis of Västanforsgatan, Betaniaplan and Vårgatan.

Sound sample


Landvarelser is yet another alter ego of the enigmatic Stockholmer and family man known from Time Deleters, Sphynxs, Johan Rohbau and more. As the keen listener will have noticed, elements of noise music (and more importantly: the mentality of it) has always been present in his work, although its blunt forcefulness has often been restrained within the warped melodious framework characteristic to his peculiar sound. Until now that is. For his Verlag release he was asked to let go of any constraints and unashamedly give room to the C.C.C.C. and Incapacitants worship implicit in his discography. Landvarelser thus delivers a sublime mess of a junk-infused psychedelic miasma, retaining the weird edge from the Time Deleters sound while forcefully transforming it into a feedbacking maelstrom of pulverizing capacitates.

Sound sample


Individual tape:  $9 ppd. worldwide
Both releases: $16 ppd. worldwide

Paypal to: peter (dot) henning (att)
Other inquiries to the same address.


I really liked the Amph-tape. Solid stuff! Have to pick up the Landvarelser as well


Yeah, Amph cassette has been on constant rotation here. Murky and bleak loopbased music with some weirdo etno-vibes down under. Recommended!


Just a quick note to say that after a bit of a delay, the second edition of Amph's Rapport om Blinda is finally available. In stock is also the follow-up to that one, Öar under vatten, that Järtecknet put out. These are $9 ppd. world each, or $16 for both. Add a Landvarelser or Altar of Flies tape to that and pay $21 ppd. world. Get the whole available catalog + "Öar under vatten" for $26.

Please paypal to peter (dot) henning @ telia (dot) com, and be sure to include a list of what you want. Email to the same address if you have any other questions.

For pictures and sound samples, check out