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Reviews courtesy of JANET WILLIS over at HELLRIDE music:
http://www.hellridemusicforums.com/foru ... post401355
Reclusa/Degenerate Slug split – No Visible Scars 2011
Reclusa is aberrant minimal sludge coalesced with a primitive Godflesh industrial flavor that's as much a pallete wrecker as it is easy to ingest. "Penetrate" invokes an industrialized psychoti-delic ambience with a Skinny Puppy-like prodding drum machine backdrop that has that certain echoing stomp that's distinctly mechanical and deliberate, while underneath flows fluorescent oozes of fucked up spoken words mashed up and melting along with hints of bassy synth and other basic electronic tid bits that's fluid and sliming along like a nuclear fallout sewer. Every so often there's also this great minimal synth/string overtone, some effect saturated vocal spews that are almost intelligible, and a documentary like sound caption of someone saying about "...an intelligent man that doesn't believe in anything but himself..."
"Life From Lifelessness" is more of an 80's industrial foundation where the sounds/synth tones are very repetitive and basic, almost Kraftwerkish without the electro rhythms, but yet again there's something more fluid and daunting slightly underneath that initial impression. The somewhat sludge/doom distortion of sounds like chords being drawn out and tortured serve as yet another piece of this interesting puzzle. You start out expecting this analog synth, horror soundtrack style then suddenly it tweaks and morphs into something slightly more aggressive and unique while doing two things: Leads you with blackened eyes down a rotting primrose path into a pit of horror that at first seemed like something familiar and almost "normal", thus adding a bit of spice; takes simple and traditional industrial/electronic fundamentals and creates something that is exceedingly complex underneath as it unravels like a basilisk around your neck.
The minimal use of vocals and vocal effects, lack of traditional melody or even attempts at creating any, and the way the tracks just unwind like some alien/cyborg version of 70's-early 80's horror film soundtracks being heard in a sedated and hallucinogenic state just completely wins me over. If you like the weirder side of kraut rock, Throbbing Gristle, and the analog electronic soundtracks to classic horror cinema you'd be well advised to check out Reclusa, especially on this release (other times Reclusa can be more metallic and vary with each release).
Degenerate Slug delivers an innervating dose of power electronics and almost danceable industrial. "Are You Receiving" which proudly boasts a thunderous mechanical percussion rhythm that makes you want to start smashing things and pounding your fist, but what there's also this power electronics screeching whir over the top and unpredictable pauses in everything for the raspy vocal interrogation of "Are you Receiving?". It's still somewhat reminiscent of early industrial and electronic music with horror/supernatural themes, but definitely sounds modern and shows that depth and creativity still exist in the electronic realms raped by neo-goth/rave/club feces for the last 10-15 years. Degenerate Slug would be ideal for a Friday/Saturday night in a bar made to look like a giant meat locker complete with S&M imagery and weird videos. Stainless steel surfaces, meat hooks, fog, and a temperature kept below room temp for a nice chill.
"Deranged" is the standout DS contribution on here, as it's not only infectiously rhythmic but the vocals are spoken industrial style rants of a psychopath with a sense of humor, "La la ...la la la... I'm deranged...". It's like a Hannibal Lector quote warped and looped into a pseudo-psychedelic anthem, it'll have you addicted and high faster than crack, and laughing hysterically at the same time.
"I Smell the Stench of Your Menstrual Blood at My Fingers" speaks for itself, seriously sick and debauched stuff here. If anything DS has done on here is guaranteed to make you squirm from discomfort it'll be this one and only due to that title phrase being repeated throughout the four-minutes of post-modern horror menagerie of electronic sounds. Seriously, whether you like industrial or not, this split ,as do most of NVS releases, truly redefines art in the audio sense and is one for those who can appreciate the horrific, trippy, unusual, and classic at the same time. It's damn near impossible for me to turn this one off in favor of anything else once I put this on, and THAT's a huge statement to make publicly, so let it be known..."Hi my name is Janet and I'm an NVS addict!!!!!
UR- Clandestine Meeting Park
I'm not one for making blind swings in mid-air unless I'm three-sheets to the wind and even then not so much, but here I can with the assumption that many of you reading this have a diverse taste in audio (for shit's sake if you like METAL, then you're pretty open to many amazing and dense sounds), so please give this one some thought.
UR gives you two EPIC electronic tracks that can only be described as a complete droid/hyperspace futuristic deconstruction of classic electronic from the 70's. It's so mechanical, sterile, stoic, and mockingly neo-classical that it almost makes me think of a very stripped down Brighter Death Now and In Slaughter Natives with none to very minimal vocal bits. The first endeavor, UR-I is a non-vocal psychedelic journey reminiscent of say Cosmic Jokers, Damenbart, Throbbing Gristle, and maybe a slight hint of some Faust and Cluster circa their monumental ambient drone psyche album "71" where they simply mimicked synthesizers with basic sound equipment and guitar feedback. Where many ambient, dark ambient artists continually go into dense and drifting fog, UR maintains a very percussive and, although clanking and plummeting at a strained pace, the overall effect if very militaristic and hypnotic. It's almost like controlled chaos, which makes no sense until you experience it, and once you DO you'll never turn back.
Where the hell Bill finds the stuff he does, is his secret, but regardless of how it's the end result of ear and consequently mind obliteration that really matters, so whether new or veteran to some of this stuff it's a safe bet you'll shit your pants over this stuff!!!!!