Faux Pas/ Grain Belt Split 7"

Started by phagetapes, November 18, 2011, 08:33:09 PM

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Phage Tapes, Small Doses and White Centipede Noise Presents:

PT:150, DOSE100, WSN009 Faux Pas/ Grain Belt 7"

Faux Pas (Lasse Marhaug and Sten Ove Toft) has been bringing it with some well put together harsh noise lately with releases on Turgid Animal, Second Sleep, Roggbif, Violent Noise Atrocities and Destructive Industries.  Their side of this 7" is just as brutal, producing a nearly 5 min assault of harsh noise with feedback and textural changes making their way to the surface now and again. 
Grain Belt (Wince, Willful and Baculum) provides a very layer and composed slab of metal abuse utilizing scraping and sputtering sounds.

Edition of 300 copies.

Faux Pas sample
Grain Belt sample

Price:   10$ in NA, 13$ Worldwide

Where to order