Foul Infirmary "Vindicta Praecantatrix" Enemata Productions

Started by Infirmary, July 18, 2012, 12:07:29 PM

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Foul Infirmary "Vindicta Praecantatrix"

  Driven by the wind and scattered by the rain, this is progressive static harsh noise utilizing dozens of vintage
drum machine hits, the all-mighty FUZZ, and obsessive production techniques.
  The blasting of both artists provides the glue for random snaps and electronic blips that coincide with infinite
line-depth. The peaks are engineered to barely graze red with the intent of being a comfortable yet haunting
path to oblivion for the attentive listener.

1. Foul Infirmary- The Noose (6:18)
2. Foul infirmary- Witchs' Vendetta (44:55)
running time: 52 minutes

media: Taiyo Yuden cdr
packaging: lacquered painted cardboard slipcase
edition: hand-numbered 15 copies
price: $10 ppd. USA or $13 ppd. international