Three new Beläten cassettes

Started by T × R × P, August 17, 2012, 11:02:16 AM

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T × R × P

September sees the release of three new cassettes on Beläten

Ekman — Kalla Rytmer Att Dansa Till I Ensamhet C18

After numerous years of experiments with chloroform induced comas on unwilling patients, Ekman started to work trough audio waves to substitute the subjects reality.

With tranqilizing basslines and sedative melodies he has successfully counterfeited reality for 3 of the 5 test subjects. This findings have since inspired a small, but qualitative output of records designed to minimize the the negative side effects of the comatose state of the world.

»Kalla Rytmer Att Dansa Till I Ensamhet« is a bleak display of electro minimalism, reeking of decaying magnetic tape and chloroform. Like the title says, this is indeed cold rhythms do dance to alone. Or at the very least nod your head to.

Listen on SoundCloud

Beläten ו — Imiafan — Old School Surprise C19

Imiafan is the brainchild of Slovakian Imrich Vegh. On »Old School Surprise«  Imiafan produces a mouthwatering melange of analog electro rhythms, catchy synth pop hooks, topped off with surreal Dada infused lyrics (»The Park« features a lyrics written by the great Tristan Tzara!).

Since 2003 Vegh has contributed to a bewildering number of compilations as well as released a handful of vinyls on his own label 4mg both in his own name and as part of the duo Képeslap (on the label Falco Invernale Records) with Makina GirGir. »Old School Surprise« features contributions from Sololust, Mikke (Damolh33), Robert Vegh and Charles Kent.

Listen on SoundCloud

Beläten ז — Militær Enhed C16

Through the hazy din of history, Miltær Enhed transmits grainy images of a Europa on the brink of war. Of armed youth marching in straight lines, with the lust for war boiling in their bodies. Of thick gun powder fog over war torn fields.

»Sarajevo: Den Sorte Hånd« offers up a suggestive mix of military pop and dark synth wave. Marching beats, distant radio broadcasts, warbled synthesizer drones and faint melancholy melodies combine into a soundtrack for an almost forgotten past and a far too likely future.

Listen on SoundCloud

Pre-order at individual cassettes at or get all three at a discounted price at


this almost sounds too good, 100% my cup....