no use in whining anymore. lets look at the good: no mishaps, xlent moods, xlent performances. those who didnt come missed one powerful evening and a distro table to drool like a moron.
bout metalheds in karaokebars: maybe i'm wrong but i kinda thought that the metal folks overlap w noise happenings because of axpa's longline groundwork. obviously not. metal nowadays seems to mean some comedy nwofhm stuff anyway. good riddance in that sense.
tku alt crowd: tons of people but all in their little circles... old tvo brought so many layers together automatically. one has to keep in mind that there were plenty of happenings at old tvo where there was only a handful of people even though there was cool performers, local and foreign. fact of life = combination of so many things, people move away, people change, new youngsters have no clue, etc etc and obviously there are "scene hits" and tons of bullshit relyin on "package" (see pavlova klubi, instant 80-100 art nerds + wierdos no matter who performs, actually i dont think it even matters to some of them, but still they show up and that means a good door money which makes it easier to operate at all levels)
this here "now new" tvo = greatest venue ever? perfect location, great room, kitchen, potentially a bar... too bad its getting shut down. ultra tough monthly rent (1500e) , bad pipes, bad power wiring (stage sound came from pinball room, lights from upstairs, actually the "arena" has no power whatsoever) and ever tougher booze laws wont even allow them to have licenses even if they'd meet the fire+ hygiene standards (the booze license at old tvo was signed in the late 60's... and we all know these spaces + hygienes are just fine... "the man" just likes to make it fuckin difficult to have it, as in "build more toilets, these 3 arent good enough yet"... in the end only s-ryhmä will be able to afford venues/clubs, sounds like they're tryin to push it that way) all of this is ultra frustrating coming from the "culture capital"... wod a fukin nitemare!!
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