11/2 - Lexington, KY--at the Sidecar w/ Globsters, Elsinores, and Death Trip. Funeral Burning Record Release show.
http://sidecarlexington.blogspot.com/11/3 - Detroit, MI--At M.U.G--Michigan Underground Group w/ Henry and Hazel Slaughter (John Olson) and Exhumed Corpse, plus Matt Minter art show.
11/4 - Chicago, IL--At the Burlington w/ Pandava.
http://www.theburlingtonbar.com/11/5 - Buffalo, NY--At the Vault w/ Pang.
11/6 - Rochester, NY--At Sacred Sphinx w/ Licker and City Harvest Black.
11/7 - Boston, MA--At Smokey Bear Cave w/ Bang! Bros and Language Sex Drugs Violence.
http://smokeybearcave.blogspot.com/11/8 - Brooklyn, NY--At the Ho_se w/ Slime Detective, Baby Jessica, Ypotryll, Perv Matrix, and Katrina Stoneheart/Lazu Rite Duo plus DJ Sun Castle.
http://www.facebook.com/thehose28?ref=ts&fref=ts11/9 - New Brunswick, NJ--Secret house show w/ Trevor Transylvania and DK2300.
11/10 - Harrisonburg, VA--At the Crayola House w/ Buck Gooter, Guitar as Spacecar, and Choler.
11/11 - Chapel Hill, NC--At Nightlight w/ America Reads, Lambskin, and Michael Thomas Jackson.
http://nightlightclub.tumblr.com/http://www.facebook.com/nightlightclub11/12 - Knoxville, TN--At Pilot Light w/TBA
http://www.thepilotlight.com/WRETCHED WORST
http://wretchedworst.blogspot.com/http://soundcloud.com/huskrecords/wretched-worstDICK NEFF