Tapeworks VI (Jaakko Vanhala, Amph, TRERIKSRÖSET...), Preggy Peggy, AOF...

Started by Mattias G, October 17, 2012, 11:07:58 PM

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Mattias G

Preggy Peggy & The Lazy Babymakers-A dead man has freedom & all he can do is shit in his coffin C46 (H&K050)
"How many things are competing for your attention right this minute? The world is certainly noisy, bustling, and completely overcrowded. Every once in a while though, somebody leans against a wall and accidentally busts through to an old boarded-up room that no one knew was there. It's quiet in a place like that. The wallpaper is faded and the dust is thick, but as long as it stays a secret it can't get ruined. Gargling, circular singing, creepy whispers, electronics & stories that don't go anywhere. Preggy Peggy is Angela Sawyer, who, when she isn't sitting in the dark making odd hawking noises into a little recorder, runs a record store in Cambridge, Massachusetts." Angela Sawyer

Sound poetry and free music in it´s purest form from everyone's favorite Weirdo Angela Sawyer. Description coming soon.

70 copies


Altar Of Flies-Auditory Hallucinations C30 (H&K053)
Concrete music for a new century.

60 copies

V.A Tapeworks Volume VI C62 (H&K051)
The sixth volume of Tapeworks proudly presents nine compositions by these fine artists: Orquere, Daniel Fagerström, Treriksröset, Black River Family Band, Arv & Miljö, Cryme, Jaakko Vanhala, Amph, Framtid. One hour of harsh noise perfection, organic industrial and classic tape loop works.

140 copies


Ornaments-Fall C60 (H&K052)
Reverb experiments and melodic tape loops played to infinity. A salute to Nordic winter. "Music for basements"?

60 copies



048 Henrik Rylander-The Horror C30

046 Tapeworks Volume I C30

045 Altar Of Flies-"Let new life rise in the face of death" CD

042 M.G.-STALKER ELEKTRONIKS C30 (last copies)

040 Black River Pregnant Band-ULTRALJUD C32 (last copies)

Tapes $10 each ppd WORLD WIDE.
3 x Tapes $27 ppd WORLD WIDE.
2 x Tapes + CD $30 ppd WORLD WIDE.
CD $15 ppd WORLD WIDE.

If you wan´t to order more than 3 tapes/cd´s mail first for postage prices.

Paypal orders or questions to: sinkorswim61@hotmail.com (Don´t forget to write on the message what you wan´t to order) I usually ship paid orders 1 or 2 days after payment.


Mattias G

All titles are available from LUST VESSEL & Järtecknet. Tapeworks VI from Release The Bats.
Everyone should have their packages by now or very soon. Thanks again!!!

Tapeworks Vol II & M.G.-STALKER ELEKTRONIKS is out of print.

Mattias G

The only releases that in-stock now is the Preggy Peggy, Ornaments and V.A. TAPEWORKS VOL.6, altar of flies CD. All other releases are out of print. I will do more copies of some of them later next year.

Altar Of Flies-The Violent Blow LP are out now on A Dear Girl Called Wendy http://wendyprodz.altervista.org/