Hi all,
first 2 2013's tapes from JDV.
SISSISTERS - Brentwood Gardens - c27 - JDV019
Sissisters is the project of Patrick Murch, noise artist from California with a few so excellent as obscure releases and many intense performances around U.S behind him.
Brentwood Gardens provide us 27 minutes of raw and brutal harsh noise, traditional and advanced at the same time.
A perfect balance of chaos control and unleashed ferocity and oblivion proves that flames still burn.
WERTHAM - Lombroso - c20 - JDV020
After a long hiatus, Italian power electronics outfit Wertham is back with a brand new tape on Joy de Vivre, dedicated to the work of Cesare Lombroso, the notorious founder of the Italian school of criminology. 
During 4 decades, Lombroso studied hundreds of cases, collecting thousands of artifacts created by inmates and lunatics and developing theories such as "criminal atavism", according which, men are born criminal and are distinguished from noncriminals by physical anomalies. "(...) criminals represented a reversion to a primitive or subhuman type of man characterized by physical features reminiscent of apes, lower primates, and early man and to some extent preserved, he said, in modern "savages". The behavior of these biological "throwbacks" will inevitably be contrary to the rules and expectations of modern civilized society."
Loud and fierce power electronics, with ultra-distorted vocals and saturated atmospheres. Three tracks recorded at the end of 2012 after a long forced break.
thanks for your attention,
http://www.joydevivre.itinfos: francescotignola at gmail dot com