To whom it may concern / RE : Richard Rupenus / TNB
I urge anyone who has been fucked over by Richard Rupenus to stage their very own 'TNB Anti-Performance' (or rather, 'Anti - TNB Performance') and destroy every TNB release they
own.To replace any memories associated with TNB with better ones, and to deny that they ever heard of the project TNB at
all.To wipe all trace and memory of TNB from this
planet.You wanted Nihilism,right?! Well here you go! 'Nichts Fur Niemand'!
I am ashamed to have trusted Richard Rupenus and to have worked with him. I made two records with TNB ('Shadenklang' and the special limited edition release with artwork by VDO) One of which sells for hundreds of pounds.I never got copies of either of these records.After over a year of excuses such as 'I'll send them a.s.a.p' and 'I've been very busy with other things', I have had enough.I'm assuming he has sold the records I am owed.This has gone as far as it's going to go without taking some kind of action.Smashing up a copy of a TNB record might seem insignificant, even pointless in the grand scheme of things, but I think such basic actions can speak volumes.
At the Broken Flag festival, people were walking out of the TNB performance.Yes, it was that bad.A Parody of a Parody.Beyond an insult.Anyone who says it was a good show is a fucking moronic waste of sperm and should be turned into gas.Originally I was asked to perform at that festival but shortly before it I was told that I would be 'upsetting the applecart' if I was involved in their performance.I would not be able to live with myself had I done that.I am so glad that I was asked not to perform.
Whether or not he cares about this, I don't know.I assume he does not. For all I know he's some junky fuck up that has sold the vinyls he owes me and sent the money into his veins.For all I know he might be yet another boring alcoholic who's pissed all the cash he got from selling my work down the toilet.He might be into coke and put it all up his nose.I don't know, and to be honest, I don't care.All I know is that he owes me, and I will not stop until I get what I am owed.
It's a matter of principles and what one is willing to do to uphold them.
I'm ready to fucking burn.
Hal Hutchinson.