Out Now on Forever Escaping Boredom: "From Destruction Comes Rebirth" split 3" CD-r series. A 6 volume, split 3" series, featuring artists from the U.S. and Europe. The series consists of the following individual discs:
FEB-044/Vol.1: Forecast/Toxic Bliss {split} CD-rThe first disc in the "From Destruction Comes Rebirth" split 3" CD-r series. Vol.1 features two slabs of HNW from Forecast and Toxic Bliss. Forecast is the minimalist, natural disaster themed HNW project of Sisto Rossi (Houses in Texas, Wallkeeper, Hatred). Toxic Bliss is the noise wall onslaught of Mitchell Rotunno (Tjere, Untitled Productions). Nearly 20 minutes of 2 varigated takes on the HNW genre.
FEB-044/Vol.2: Lovebrrd/Italics {split} CD-rThis second disc of the series features Florida's Lovebrrd and Philly's Italics. Lovebrrd has been kicking for a while, creating noisey casio jams across the suncoast and beyond. On "Tect" he drops the casio in favor of some feedback drenched pedal manipulation. Italics is the solo project of Ry Sikora, former guitar wizard of Asthma Atttaq. Stradling the fence between ambient and harsh sounds, Ry crafts a doomy, atmospheric number that should appease both the harshnoiseheads and the hurricane stormchasers.
FEB-044/Vol.3: Vomir/Hell Garbage {split} CD-rDisc 3 pairs France's HNW master Vomir and Florida shit noise artist Hell Garbage. Vomir needs no introduction, delivering 10 minutes of blackened void worship. Hell Garbage, Florida's howling mad man, deviates from his usual vocal spewage to deliver a shifting HNW track.
FEB-044/Vol.4: Dead Body Collection/Faggot Front {split} CD-rDisc 4 of the series brings us Serbia's dark HNW master Dead Body Collection and NY's harsh noise monger Faggot Front. DBC needs no introduction, being one of the most prolific figures in the HNW subculture. Dr. Alex once again delivers some crust of the earth statics harsh noise. Faggot Front, is the project of Dom Colucci as is exploring some new territory with his track. Orginally starting out as a posi queer HNW project, FF has summoned some dark powers for this outing. Crafting a harsh noish piece punctuated by bleak synth sounds to interplay with his static crunch.
FEB-044/Vol.5: Hatred/xFucking Go! And Then Go Fucking Die!x {split} CD-rHatred is the vegan scum electronics project of Sisto Rossi (Wallkeeper, Houses in Texas, Forecast). On this outing we get two negative tracks, one being a Left for Dead cover. xFxGxAxTxGxFxDx is a new straightedge power electronics project from anywhere U.S.A. 10 minutes of Judge worship channeled through broken down electronics, contact mic'ed metal abuse, and reverbed out vocals. It sounds terrible, but it's actually much worse.
FEB-044/Vol.6: Raven/Vasectomy Party {split} CD-rTo close out the series is a pairing between Serbia's anarcho noise terrorist Raven and Florida's Vasectomy Party. Raven, one of Serbia's most prolific noise mongers, delivers 10 minutes of droning harsh noise. Vasectomy Party delivers 10 minutes of wobbly oscillators layered with plenty of static crunch.
All CD-rs are hand-stamped, come with an insert and cover, and heavy vinyl sleeve.
$4 a piece or $20 for a set of all 6. Contact me directly boredomrecs (AT) gmail (dot) com for the 6 disc deal to calculate shipping or use the links bellow for ordering individul discs.
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