Started by Potier, November 12, 2011, 02:11:53 AM

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Those two have been available for a while now - taking the time to advertise them here now.

Potier. - Einsicht In Die Notwendigkeit C20

C-20 Tape
Professionally Duplicated & Imprinted At National Audio Company
Springfield, MO, USA
Edition Of 100
Self-Release 2011

2 Tracks, Recorded & Mixed By Potier.
Mastered By Zach Adams. (seasonalaffect.com)
Artwork Layout By JLIAT. (jliat.com)

6 Dollars US incl. shipping within North America
8 Dollars US incl. shipping rest of world

All available Potier.-Releases can now be purchased here.



Side A
Side B

Potier.//Ocra - Split C30

On Ramshackle Day Parade Records

C-30 Tape
Duplicated by Parker
Artwork by Ocra

2 Tracks

A - Potier - AD-WX515
B - Ocra - Lucifer Sambuca

Edition of 50

Also available in various digital formats on Ocra's Bandcamp.
Listen to the release there as well...

Physical Copies
6 Dollars US incl. shipping within North America
8 Dollars US incl. shipping rest of world

All available Potier.-Releases can now be purchased here.


Anybody interested in distributing those? Please get in touch!

Thanks for your interest.


Reviews for "Einsicht in die Notwendigkeit":

Although I get a credit on this cassette its (only) for the mechanical task of producing the artwork from supplied text and pictures, as such I had no creative input, but was interested to hear what accompanied the pictures of bleak modernist housing estates of European Bauhaus utopias that proved to be such a social disaster to the extent that the date of the beginning of post-modernism was that of similar buildings being blown up on 3 PM on March 16, 1972. Michael T–pfer's tape is well with the aesthetic of a failed mechanical solution - to any problem - here music or sound- as the mechanics are is diss-array, the tape is saturated mechanics of failure and destruction, Heidegger's critique of the technical and the technology of science as the lack of the depth of the hidden, the all too over exposure of the openness and earthlessness of modernity. Perhaps in lots of things he was wrong, very wrong, but in a vision of the inhumane which technology has given birth to he was sadly on the nail. A cassette which is a sound track to this technology, to urban failure and a cancer of body and soul. (jliat) - VITAL WEEKLY

Canada's Michael Toepfer presents his latest self-release as Potier., entitled 'Einsicht In Die Notwendigkeit' for his at least momentary interest in the mass-housing of the Plattenbau in the former GDR. "An insight into need", the C20 is heavy on the cynicism, meeting austere black and white photos of brutalist housing with a snippet of propaganda and two side-long tracks of classic, self-loathing Noise. "Deutsch/Weiss/Heterosexuell/Reproduktionsbereit" (German/ white/ heterosexual/ ready for reproduction) fills the first with two channels of sharp feedback tones, one reverberating in metallic shades and the other sustained like the sharp whisp of a tea kettle, the careening effect disorienting and bluntly terrifying. The natural stutter of this high-energy music makes the whole musical structure groan. This subject is then defended with the assertive "Politisch Unauffaellig/Produktiv Arbeitend" (politically unassuming/efficient), a turgid wall of unbroken, full-spectrum jabber following the pattern of a rapid speech (act), constructed from peeling tones of feedback streaking what few divots remain. 100 copies on pro-press tapes and glossy j-cards. - ANIMAL PSI


The Potier.//Ocra Split Tape is now also available at Absurd Exposition out of Chilliwack, BC, Canada.


Memory Wave Transmission had the following things to say about EINSICHT IN DIE NOTWENDIGKEIT:

Potier. is Michael Toepfer, a harsh noise act that seems to center around the industrialism of cities and the ugliness of said economic expansion. Potier.'s website states that the act is "Oil City HN"; I'm not sure what exactly that means, but based on the artistry of this cassette and the fact that JLIAT did the layout, I can only imagine that Potier. partakes in grandiose philosophical themes and establishes them in his noise – especially since the title seems derived from a book about German cities by Frank Betker. Einsicht In Die Notwendigkeit is almost all in German, from the title to the track listing to the j-card's printed message, which I cannot read but which seems an important part of this cassette.

Two side-long tracks make up this cassette, first with the lengthy title "Deutsch/Weiss/Heterosexuell/Reproduktionsbereit". Despite the slashes between names, this is one full track that often develops wall-like tendencies throughout. Unlike a wall, however, the noise often builds upon itself; what first begins as a harsh and loud display of despondent subway systems and cluttered, dark alleys amplifies and coalesces, definitively bleak and oppressive. There's an interesting texturing here of decaying electronics, often whirring and spiraling out of control while a pitchy feedback wail impersonates that of a train running off the rails. It's hypnotic because of the jarring nature of the feedback, but it's all grimy enough to work as an ironic depiction of life before (the cover) and after (the noise) within the expansion of civilization.

"Politisch Unauffaellig/Produktiv Arbeitend" is a little more straight-forward in its harsh noise, with crumbling walls of static that often accelerate, decelerate, amplify and crunch. It still retains that idea of the harsh noise wall, something that feels unchanging, but in this case, Potier. truly is slightly altering the texturing of this static. It feels like windburn, but in a good way, although not as intensely engaging as "Deutsch/Weiss/Heterosexuell/Reproduktionsbereit" can be.

But even with an underwhelming B-side, Einsicht In Die Notwendigkeit is a very rewarding listen for fans of harsh noise and walls. Potier. documents the collapse of urban societies within his noise, and his texturing ensures that even if there's not an answer to societal decay, it's at least enjoyable to listen to.

Thanks to Ryne Barber for the review.
Both tapes from the OP are still available.


Vital Weekly reviewed the Split tape with Ocra - thanks to JLIAT!

POTIER / OCRA - SPLIT (C30 by Ramshackle Day Parade Records)

The Potier track superficially could be described as sounding like a faulty air conditioning unit or industrial filtration unit, long clunky drones, these appear however to pan from channel to channel giving movement to what would otherwise be a dull monotonous sound wall.  This might be a good or bad thing depending on your taste, or depending on some other aesthetic. The piece is thus located between noise, what could almost be a field recording, and the industrial genre. The Ocra track is very different, layered mechanical drones, slow oscillator sweeps which slowly evolve, again a mechanistic sound field but here it lies in heavy reverb pushing the sound from the banality of the industrial real into the fantasy fictions of science fiction. Its evolution of layers building before dying away giving it a symphonic form, the old male orgasm played out this time in a hyper-real space. I prefer the Potier realism, if anything is now real, and anyway the structure of evolution despite all its Darwinian credentials whilst not falling back into some fundamentalist / creationist Yahweh ejaculation symphonic / musical dissemination, of some 6,000 years ago, is faced with numerous problematics,  "evolution by jerks",  bags and bulks. Its not so much the nihilism of the extractor fan but the banality and mechanistic repetition which even challenges the creativity of Deleuze's infinite speeds and planes, or Derrida's impossible events. Like a factory replacement unit the Poiter work appears to be moving into some world of infinite warehouses, I think a step into mono might be fruitful here because just as binocular vision gives an animal perspective to the world a monaural cosmos has no perspective, no reverberation, and so is effectively infinite, like an airless planet lacking a sense of distance and scale, and sound, and so impossible for both territorialization and or de-territorialization of the peeing wolf. (jliat)

(I did some corrections with the spelling of the project-name & the label-name.)


Auxiliary Out has now also reviewed the solo-tape. Thanks for listening, Drew!

Alright so bear with me, this project is from western Canada, has a French moniker and writes its titles in German. Maybe that person who first theorized about globalization is onto something after all.
This tape is harsh harsh harsh and if it was any longer than 20 minutes some serious damage might be done by these aural icicles. The first side "Deutsch/Weiss/Heterosexuell/Reproduktionsbereit" is seriously prickly. There's not much low-end just a rage of metallic daggers. This might be the ethereal version of harsh noise as it seems to float, untethered. It's a poisonous cloud. It shimmers while it thrashes. It tickles as it stings. This is the midpoint between peeling an onion with a cheese grater and exfoliating with a cheese grater. This is acupuncture with rusty nails. Well, you're probably getting the idea. I particularly like the end of the track where the reins are pulled a back a bit and the momentary relief makes the affair all the more unsettling.
The second side "Politisch Unauffaellig/Produktiv Arbeitend" is more forceful. It's actually trying to clean your clock instead of tease and torture you. Ear-splittingly and unapologetically rough, the track could probably cut you up a few different ways but it prefers just the one. It can cut deeper if it keeps stabbing the same wound. Total sonic wreck. Positively murderous.
I appreciate the no-holds-barred/no-fuckin'-around attitude of this tape. If you're in the mood for punishment, it's happy to oblige. And really, all self-respecting listeners out there enjoy getting the shit beat out of them sometimes. This is one of those times.
The tape is self-released and pro-dubbed chrome so its spikes are extra sharp.


"Einsicht In Die Notwendigkeit" is now available in Europe through Sincope.


I just contributed a track to the Second Bi​-​Annual Report-Compilation over at Absurd Exposition's Bandcamp. Free Download - go get it!

Thanks for bringing me in on this one!

Get some more good stuff @ the AE-Distro Page!

Also running extremely low on the Split with Ocra. Once it's gone, it will be available on Ocra's Bandcamp. More info soon.


Another Compilation with a Potier.-Track - now available through Ramshackle Day Parade Records!

Various Artists 2012 - Edmonton Noise, Drone, Ambient, Experimental - Get a good insight into a growing scene. Available in digital formats or CDr.

Thanks to Parker for all the work that went into this one!

Also listen to tracks by TAIWAN, Scott Smallwood, Mugbait, E.Q. Tweaker, Will Scott, Vipers Without Vapours, Ocra, Lakes, Meatforce, Collic, Zebra Pulse, SkruntSkrunt, Bong Sample, Pigeon Breeders & Wind Rose!


Available now from myself and from Ramshackle Day Parade Records:

Potier. - Ductile

C16 Chrome Tape
Dubbed In Real-Time - 1 by 1
Limited Edition Of 50
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered By Potier.
Artwork Layout by Myles Bartel.

6 Dollars US incl. shipping within North America
8 Dollars US incl. shipping Rest Of The World

All available Potier.-Releases can now be purchased here.

Samples are up on Soundcloud as usual.

Trades are very welcome.


Animal Psi just reviewed "Ductile":

Nearly a year between appearances, Edmonton's Michael Toepfer returns with another Potier. tape.  Titled 'Ductile', this relatively-brief cassette demonstrates well the live performance of Noise, not only through the intense energy peaks of Toepfer's last endeavor, but with the additional dynamics of practice – the setup, the fondling, the ambiguity; here complimented by additional materials like wood and metals sniffed-out by contact mics.  The punchy angles are still there, repeating the arrhythmic outburst of frustration which is the driving force of Harsh Noise, but the finer-tunings around the edges have allowed in a more qualified contrast across each side (the "duct" of the title: pores, vents and gills), no matter the levels, indicating a more meditative and efficient performance overall.


Another review for "Ductile" - thanks to JLIAT for Vital Weekly:

A C16 of found instruments? And electronics which shows a possible critique of "history" in HN which prompted the following idea... The kind of improvisation that Derek Bailey, AMM and many other musicians from the last century undertook could be in the face of the digital catastrophe of via individualizing networked humanity into a substratum of technology was an attempt to regain that moment when some predecessor – homo- erectus first made sound via improvisation. A yearning for the womb or the very un creation, precisely the sentiments of Joni Mitchell's 'back to the garden'. Whether it be guilt, loss or fear without purpose or God, this intellectualism masks a very childish (not child like) reaction to loss, or foundness, Heideggerean "throwness". Making enemies here – but wasn't National socialism extremely childish, and the image of the overweight philosophy in Nazi uniform laughable? Still he opposed democracy and so is still philosophically loved. A many faceted loss of the individual and fear of technology, cybernetics and such, but not a return to some Arcadia or one that can even stop at synthesis of DNA or any "2 bit Universe". This might be precisely why at times in this seeming naïve exploration, of sound and devices for making sound, there is always an element of violence and anger which is again a Freudian hatred of the rejection of the womb, improvisation is not the sterile digital chatter, or as Hollywood portrays the unblinking cyborg. We have only to ask what companies like Apple and Microsoft are making, no weeping Mary's are to be found in any Apple Store, or any improvisation that isn't already pre-programmed. However improvisation is to be regarded like much else of music its a failure, hence Potier's anger and tape is apt? (jliat)


Taking time to advertise a new effort that's already been announced back in November by Nate Tandy over at Foxhole Atheism Tapes, Dayton, OH.

I am really happy with the way the tape & the packaging came out. Do yourselves a favor & check out the label!
Nate has put out great tapes by Hostage Pageant, Dr. Rhomboid Goatcabin & others. Also: Diaphragmatic!

Anyway - here it is:

Potier. - Apparatus/Styrene Migration

C30 Tape
Harsh Noise
Packaged in modified cassette mailer and painted jewel case.

Wanna buy the tape from me? Look here.

PM or check my blog for contact info.
Thanks for looking.


This has been out for a while now - thanks to Joel Walter's criminally overlooked Jungle Crunk!

Potier. - Misleading Those Lost

Harsh Noise
Edition of 84

8 cuts, recorded last summer
Contact Microphones, small motors & parts, magnets, junk metal, needles, pins, marbles, fx pedals.


Support the label or get it directly from me.
Trades welcome!
